Coach Infinity

When you change a period to a question mark, it changes EVERYTHING.



Video: Real kids talk about coping with anxiety 05/28/2024

This inspiring video from Kids Help Phone sheds light on children's experiences with anxiety and how they navigate through it. Adequate and timely support, coupled with healthy lifestyles, foster happiness and resilience in kids. In my children life coaching, I focus on instilling 7 key ingredients for setting healthy routines. These steps empower children to lead an inspired and ZEAL-filled life.

hashtag hashtag

Video: Real kids talk about coping with anxiety Kids Help Phone interviewed real kids about their experiences coping with anxiety.

Photos from Coach Infinity's post 05/06/2024

I had the privilege of participating as a volunteer in the fundraising event for youth's mental health organized by Kids Help Phone yesterday. It was heartening to see so many like-minded and caring adults come together to physically and financially support our children's well-being.

As a children's life coach for ages 5-16, I am committed to doing everything in my power to help our youth. That's why I have decided to enroll in the intensive training for Crisis Responders with this meaningful organization. I believe that providing tangible support to our youth is the need of the hour.

If you're looking for support for your children to become the leader of their own lives, please visit my website ( At Flow Infinity, your children can always ride with the flow and rise above the challenges.

Let's all come together and create a brighter future for our youth.

Overcoming from ACEs 04/13/2024

Check out my blog post

Overcoming from ACEs Another coaching success story! During a recent session, a client described my style as "direct and deep". She opened up about feeling overreactive to criticism from her boss, describing him as "dominating" and "narcissistic". It was then that I pointed out the similarities she saw in her father. Th...


One of the most fulfilling moments in my work is making an impact on my people's lives. Having the opportunity to be a thought partner and sounding board for passionate and dedicated leaders like Justin Molavi is truly an honor.

If you're interested in transforming your life through coaching, check out my website ( for more information. You can also watch an inspiring video testimonial from Justin, showcasing the transformative power of coaching (

Kids Life Coach in the Spotlight - Shirley Dai Mai Ng from Alberta, Canada 03/15/2024

星期二 (Mar 12) 戰戰戰兢兢地完成了 Kids Life Studio Coach Academy 創辦人 Zelna Lauwrens 的訪問。雖然以前有幸接受加拿大中文電視台 (Fairchild Radio Calgary FM 94.7) 的 Terry Chan 訪問,包括「職場多面體系列」 及 「COVID-19 新冠病毒 抗疫專題之職場疫境增值」(內容重溫: )。但今次人物特寫 (Spotlight Interview) 是英文呀,我是孩童人生教練的新手咋,無預設題目做準備,簡直大汗疊細汗! 16分鐘的訪問好似成個世紀咁長! 點都好,現在差不多萬事俱備,計劃一大蘿,家長們不要錯過呀!

Spotlight Interview:

Kids Life Coach in the Spotlight - Shirley Dai Mai Ng from Alberta, Canada Founder of The Kids Life Studio®, Zelna speaks to newly certified Kids Life Studio® Coach, Shirley from Alberta, Canada about why she started coaching child...

Kids Life Coach in the Spotlight - Shirley Dai Mai Ng from Alberta, Canada 03/15/2024

It's an absolute honor to have been interviewed by Zelna Lauwrens, a passionate and purpose-driven leader in kids' life coaching. As a caring adult and a kids life coach, I empower children to embrace their true selves and make the right choices. I'm excited to share more about the benefits of kids' life coaching on my website ( and LinkedIn page ( Join me on this lifelong journey of educating, motivating, and inspiring our children.

Pls click here for the video:

Kids Life Coach in the Spotlight - Shirley Dai Mai Ng from Alberta, Canada Founder of The Kids Life Studio®, Zelna speaks to newly certified Kids Life Studio® Coach, Shirley from Alberta, Canada about why she started coaching child...


Coaching children can be a fun and eye-opening experience! Using the Past-Present-Future coaching model with a handful of tools can help to see the unseen and hear the unheard with them. To demonstrate its powerful impact, I picked 3 items at home and coached myself with the model. In the past decades, I tried very hard to stay afloat for survival. Now, I embrace vulnerability so that I can be the lighthouse in someone's storm. My purpose is to empower children to be the leaders of their own lives through play-based coaching. Are you ready to see the unseen and hear the unheard with the children in your life?


This video ( reminded me of my true calling - developing children. As Steve Jobs once said, "you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future". For me, that meant expanding my coaching practices to include children and founding Flow Infinity ( With play-based coaching, I create a fun and interactive learning environment that equips children with the tools they need to become leaders of their own lives.

Let's empower our children to become the best version of themselves. Join me in being a change maker for the next generation. Together, we can make a difference in their lives and pave the way for a brighter future.


今天是Pink Shirt Day 致力提高人們對霸凌行為的認識。 根據 CTV News ,超過十分之七的年輕人遭受網路仇恨和暴力,受害者中有四分之一是 12 至 17 歲的青少年。這些統計數據令人震驚,凸顯了採取行動解決網路霸凌問題的迫切需求。

網路霸凌與童年創傷又是否有正面相關? 3 月 2 日舉行的育兒課程會為你進一步剖析。詳情請參考我們的面書 (。 明天就截止啦!


Are you a parent feeling overwhelmed by the challenges of raising a child in today's world? Supporting your child's wellbeing is more important now than ever before. Learning how to identify child trauma and its impacts on children's wellbeing is a must-have skill for parents.

Join me in this class where I'll share my journey to healing and how we can support our children as parents and coaches. As one of the most vulnerable members of society, it's essential that we ensure our children feel safe, heard, and supported in navigating life's challenges.

Let's equip ourselves with the knowledge and skills we need to help our children thrive. Together, we can make a difference!

Joy Smith Foundation - See The Trafficking Signs 02/22/2024

今天是加拿大 2024 年人口販運宣傳日。根據加拿大統計局的數據,人口販運的受害者中有四分之一是兒童和青少年,其中 24% 的受害者年齡在 18 歲以下。每一公里範圍內,就有一名年輕人正被引誘從事性交易。

在下面的故事,正代表著孩子們渴求被愛、認可和關懷。作為父母的你,每天能花上至少一小時與他們深度交流,讓他們感到「存在」和被愛,保護他們免被外面的獵人吞吃! 請密切留意 FLOW Infinity 三月起推出的 Parenting Workshop Series。

Joy Smith Foundation - See The Trafficking Signs


Are you prepared for unexpected layoffs or job market challenges? As a coach who has helped clients navigate the pandemic's impact on employment, I've seen firsthand the importance of being proactive in developing survival skills. That's why I'm excited to announce my upcoming virtual agile leadership series #1 "Plan Ahead Before It's Too Late," on Feb 23.

Join me to learn essential skills to not only survive but thrive in today's job market. Don't wait until it's too late to start thinking about your career strategy. Reserve your seat now and be prepared for any challenges that may come your way.


上次取得專業認証 (Chartered Professional in Human Resources + Professional Certified Coach) 是在 COVID 期間。疫情後,外在環境仍充滿變數和挑戰⚡️,我必須重新定位⚓️,找到自己的獨特性 (Unique Selling Point)。於是花了六個時間的苦讀和實踐,終於完成了 Kids Life Coaching 啦🥳

以前我是一個「跳槽狂」🏃‍♀️ - 每三年轉去不同的行業,因為在第二份工時已夢想創業✍️,成為 HR Consultant。唯一最長情是「兒童/青少年」工作。一直地做了30多年。原來將自己的少年創傷轉化為其他孩子的強力後盾一直是我潛藏的動力❤️‍🔥。

在上年年尾成立 FLOW Infinity 之自的就是透過有系統的 coaching program (,幫助兒童和青少年人尋找自我,在現今危機處處又滿佈誘惑的社會上,成為更堅毅和勇敢的未來主人🦸‍♀️🦸‍♂️。

二月 "Parenting Workshop" 第一炮將會分享我由 Victim 至 Survivor 的經歷,幫助家長怎樣陪伴孩子走出創傷。請大家密切留意影期呀。


🎉 Exciting news! 🎉
After 6 months of dedicated work, I am proud to share that I am now a formally certified Kids Life Coach with distinction! Thanks Zelna Lauwrens and the Zeal team to support me unconditionally in this learning journey.

As someone who works with children clients, I understand the challenges and rewards that come with it. That's why I am committed to supporting them in riding with the flow and rising above challenges, so they can become leaders in their own lives. This is the purpose of founding "FLOW" infinity. Join me on this journey to empower our future generation. Thank you for your support!


Great news to share with my FB community! In 2024, I received some fantastic news that truly made my day. As we all know, it takes years of coaching practices with passion and purpose to achieve perfection in any field. I am thrilled to be on this journey to perfection and am grateful for the opportunity to share my progress with all of you.

Watch our video: How Children and Adults Can Build Core Capabilities for Life. | Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University posted on the topic | LinkedIn 01/19/2024

Executive functions are very crucial for children to develop their problem-solving skills, focus, planning and multi-tasking skills. Don't miss their golden learning opportunities at ages 11-13.

Watch our video: How Children and Adults Can Build Core Capabilities for Life. | Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University posted on the topic | LinkedIn Check out this clip of our video: How Children and Adults Can Build Core Capabilities for Life. We explore the development and use of core capabilities — also…

Photos from Coach Infinity's post 12/30/2023

2023年其中最難忘和感恩的事,就是完成了維期近五個月的兒童生命教練的文憑課程。我的第一個客人 Kason 只得11歲,希望成為一個開心又有信心的年青人。他努力地改善了睡眠、飲食和做運動。經過四堂基礎課程,結果非常鼓舞。一月初會再舉辦分享會,家長們請不要錯過呀!

One of the most unforgettable and grateful things in 2023 is to complete the 5-month diploma program of Children Life Coaching. My first 11-year-old client aims to be a happy and confident person when he decided to join the program. He is very committed to improving his healthy lifestyle. After the completion of foundation program, he showed significant improvement in almost every area. I will organize another introductory session in early Jan, pls stay tuned.

Photos from Coach Infinity's post 10/31/2023

登登登!! 我的 Flow Infinity 出世啦!!
話說由五月開始報讀了Kids Life Studio 的兒童生命的啟導課程,由大腦構造,做理倫研究,交功課,至現在的實踐,簡直充滿挑戰又富有意義。原來啟導孩童(5-13歲)建立正向又積極的價值觀和健康的生活習慣,使他們成為自己人生的領袖,是一生的裨益。
11月10日晚8時 (MST)會為家長設有網上簡介會。由11月至1月期間,報名的孩童會有兩個月體驗,他們會在課程前和後就填寫 Life Style Assessment。每一分的進步,家長就奉獻CDN$5予「卡城聖公會牧愛堂」的宣教工作。詳情請參考以下海報,或參加我的簡介會。


Oct 10 is World Mental Health Day. It is time to create awareness with your body and mind. As young children are more vulnerable, it is important to help children build this awareness. For further details, pls check this out (

Coaching children to become the leaders of their own lives is always my passion ( Please visit my corporate facebook for other tips too.

Coach Infinity When you change a period to a question mark, it changes EVERYTHING.


This is the magical corner I created to celebrate the 100th anniversary for Disney. Working at was one of the happiest and most magical memories in my work history. This was where I created fun and inspiring learning journey for my Cast Members and myself. This was also how we met our throughout the process. This reinforces my purpose and passion about learning Kids Life Coaching because every child deserves a fun and happy childhood.


According Children First Canada’s Raising Canada Report in 2021 (, bullying is the #9 threat to childhood in Canada. More importantly, childhood bullying is strongly associated with mental health (the #2 threat), i.e. suicidal ideation, depression, internalizing or externalizing disorders, and self-harm. I once supported a teenager who was the victim of school bullying but the school principal and school personnel poorly handled our complaint. "Saying NO to Bullying" is not a slogan but a series of effective tactics for every caretaker to ensure a safe environment for children at school and home.

If you want to protect your children, please read this research paper for more details:

View of Inside the Mind of Children: The Relationship between Child Bullying and Mental Health Disorders

Photos from Coach Infinity's post 07/25/2023

Here are the 7 things that you need to know about the teen brain ( It explains the reasons that we need to give our teens the right support to fight against mental health.

Six Thinking Hats – De Bono Group 07/24/2023

I use 6-thinking hats to facilitate meeting with a slightly different approach:
1. Blue hat for meeting agenda and purpose
2. White hat to present facts and figures
3. Green hat to brainstorm ideas
4. Yellow hat to share benefits of the idea
5. Black hat to share doubts and risks of the idea
6. Red hat to confirm the commitment with feelings and emotions after making a decision.

For further details, pls refer here

Six Thinking Hats – De Bono Group Used with well-defined and explicit Return On Investment success in corporations worldwide, Six Thinking Hats is a simple, effective parallel thinking process that helps people be more productive, focused, and mindfully involved. A powerful tool set, which once learned can be applied immediately!

How Brains are Built: The Core Story of Brain Development 07/20/2023

It takes a village to raise a child and this can be a challenging but rewarding journey for every parent and caretaker. Here's a very insightful illustration how you can be part of it.

How Brains are Built: The Core Story of Brain Development The AFWI developed the video with considerable input from our partners at the Harvard Center on the Developing Child and the FrameWorks Institute. Using meta...


Enabling our children to choose their labels ( is what we do as a Kids Life Coach. Please join me to be the Change Maker so that they can be the leaders of their own lives.


I have started my Level 2 of the Kids Life Studio last week and am very excited to start this journey with all Change Makers I met in the Kids Life Academy. The more I learn, the more I am fulfilled with all insights and inspirations in the program. I wish to tell everyone around me that this is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling journeys I have ever had in my life.

I commit to be the World Class Kid Life Coach who strives for the best, keeps inspiring others so that they can witness my personal & professional growth. They will become the Change Makers with me for the children's better future.

Please click here ( to learn more about who we are and what we do.

Photos from Coach Infinity's post 04/23/2023
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