Wag Physiotherapy

Wag Physiotherapy treats people of all ages and conditions. Lisa Wilson is a registered Physiotherapist with 30 years experience.

Photos from Wag Physiotherapy's post 08/09/2024

This is why I need structure!
Having a marathon on my radar makes me set a plan, set my goals and keep me on task! You cannot run a marathon without preparation, doing the miles and doing the physio/stretching/strengthening/nutrition plan!
August always signifies the start of the plan to build the base miles, rest, eat right and get regular with my core/glute routine!
DO IT NOW… OR DON’T commit to a fall marathon!
Since 1999, my first marathon, it is just what you do- RIGHT?
I am not ready to stop this routine!
There are more marathons to be run!

So my procrastination is tempered with determination, effort and perseverance!

I love the training process with its ebbs and flows! I am a planner… my fall marathon plans are always geared to an 18 month plan for a qualification! So here is to a plan to qualify for Boston 2026 and lead to a Boston 2025 finish.

Photos from Wag Physiotherapy's post 04/27/2024

RECOVERY after a Marathon and a 16 week Training Plan!
I took 10 Days off from running to recover, recharge, regroup and relax.
Marathon Training requires dedication, discipline and focus. There are a lot of days in the week that require a set amount and quantity of running….and maintenance work!
So the last 10 days were a treat- no “MUST DO STUFF” only days to do what I want and feel! Well except for work! And I love my job! ♥️
Today was a “let’s ease back” into running without pressure on distance or pace!
10 days off and there is really no big fitness loss! I did play Pickleball and walk to keep up my ACTIVE RECOVERY! And of course my specific PHYSIO/YOGA routine to keep my body in check!
Keep moving- onwards and upwards! 🏃🏻‍♀️


WE won “The Dalhousie Impact Award” for most IMPACTFUL Competitive Sports Club!
I am so PROUND of our Club
We truly do make an IMPACT!
We are a diverse, multicultural, multidisciplinary FAMILY!

Not only do we INCLUDE the PLAYERS but we include;
🔹Student Trainers from many disciplines
🔹Medical Team Specialists from the Medial Community
🔹Student Executive from many disciplines
🔹Game Day Operations from many disciplines
🔹Founders Club Members- past Alumni
🔹Parent Volunteers
🔹Equipment Personnel
🔹Fans far and wide
🔹Jim Wilson- our fearless, passionate leader! ❤️

We all make an IMPACT and could not exist without the other- BETTER TOGETHER!
We are truly a TEAM! We have made bonds, connections and influences on many young men and women for life!
THANK YOU all for your time, energy and effort! 🙏🏈

Photos from Wag Physiotherapy's post 12/06/2023


After a race or a particularly hard workout, it is most important to get the blood flowing through the tissues.
Active recovery is key!!
Are all great examples!
Small effortless movements are great examples of activities that improve circulation.
After these activities do some light stretching or flow type movements.
Key muscles that need attention are
Low Back
Perform 2 of each and hold for 20-30s.
Your legs will love you for it!

Photos from Wag Physiotherapy's post 12/04/2023


Well… that was the case today! No ITBand pain just “MARATHON PAIN”, and that was earned!
I am over the moon happy with my 77th marathon completion today
My goal today was to get a BQ for Boston 2025! It will be my 25th Boston Marathon in 2025 if I complete my 2024 Boston Marathon. 🤞💪
Now off to Sonoma with Jim and some friends!!
A well earned break!!

Photos from Wag Physiotherapy's post 12/02/2023

ready or not we are all set for the marathon tomorrow
Weather looks great - no rain and favorable temps!
Good Luck to all the runners tomorrow whatever your goal!
Marathons are not easy- it is long way from start line to finish line-
26.2 miles or 42 Km.
If it were easy, everyone would be out there. It takes hard work, discipline and GRIT!
There is no better feeling than crossing that FINISH-LINE! ♥️🏃🏻‍♀️


At the age of 7, I broke my tibia and fibula. I was in a non-weight-bearing cast for 2 months…the whole entire summer! Lots of new casts as I loved the beach! I did it biking with my dad!
So, since then I have struggled with shin splints, lateral hip pain, lateral knee pain and plantar fasciitis on that right side!
As a physiotherapist, I began to understand the mechanics involved with this tibial torsion/excessive pronation/posterior tibial weakness. I have an inability to maintain a neutral foot….. I pronate like crazy on that side.
So I am constantly aware of my alignment!
My treatment:
- custom orthotics
- loads of weight bearing and non weight bearing glute medius and tib post strengthening!
- core strengthening
- stretching routine
I love to run and want to keep doing it so I MUST do the work!!
So keep your eyes peeled for more glute exercises to come!



New research states that: RUNNING….adds 12 YEARS TO YOUR LIFE according to new study in the
International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health reported by Runner’s World Magazine.
They say that jogging/running for 75 minutes/week results in adding 12 years to your life! This is all happening at the cellular level by lengthening your chromosomes!
You don’t have to run a marathon to get these results! It is only 75 minutes/week and it does not have to be fast!
- cardiovascular health
- social
- endorphin release
- mental health benefits
- 35 minutes of running lowers Blood Pressure for 24 hours
- detoxification
- circulation
- bone building
- muscle building
- weight control
- fun


Last long run before
Some runs just feel like this! 😧
Set out to do 13 miles but had enough torture at 12 miles so called it a day!!
Now to truly TAPER!
Here are some things I have learned over the last several years….sometimes the hard way!
- stick to your plan… but if you need more rest …. TAKE IT!
- you have done all the important stuff, so don’t fret!
- hydrate
- continue to eat well
- continue your strengthening for your various weaknesses
- continue to do your yoga/stretching routine
- continue your core exercises
- continue your sleep routine
- think about your race plan and race pacing plan

- don’t try to make up for some insufficient training by doing aggressive speed work
- don’t overeat crap food as your milage is decreasing and so is your calorie burn
- don’t try a new sport- don’t want to get injured
- don’t add extra miles… stick to the plan
- don’t overdo yard work, housework etc because you have extra time snd energy!

You GOT this!


Photos from Wag Physiotherapy's post 11/05/2023

Marathon Training
~Marathon Pace Run~
I had a lower distance Long Run this weekend- a step back in distance: 12 miles.
Next week is my peak Long Run distance of 20 miles in my 16 week training plan. I am 4 weeks out from !
So I decided to do my 10 mile Marathon Pace Run as my long run. Give HER text run!
What I learned!!!👍
- I have to work on sticking to the marathon pace that I have chosen, and not run faster!!!
- I need to work on my glutes medius and tibialis posterior muscles on the right side! 😛otherwise it is not going to be pretty!
- I am super happy with my speed work and fitness to date✅
- I am happy with my Running Form Cues to recruit what I need to stay the course✅
- I need to REST HER MORE!!!💤

1️⃣SIDE PLANK from the KNEES
Do 5x/wk 2 sets of 20 reps hold 5s



Nothing is guaranteed when we enter an endeavor, whether it be sport, marriage, competition or just life!
We make the decision to compete or take on a challenge. We work hard to achieve it, but there is no sure thing!
In my opinion, if we are brave enough to take the challenge, then we have to expect and accept the possibility of defeat!
We can hold our heads high if we are defeated! We were brave to take the plunge!
Learn from our experiences-get back up and work harder, make the necessary adjustments and go at it again stronger and smarter!
NEVER QUIT OR GIVE UP! Try, try again!!
Let’s GO!

Photos from Wag Physiotherapy's post 10/21/2023

We did a physio/yoga/education session today with
Stretch it out- some pics of great
Stretcher did today!
Big game tomorrow on the road in Fredericton against UNB Fredericton
We gotta come out swinging!!
Pregame nutrition
- hydrate today and tomorrow: make your body a sponge!
- carbo load tonight for dinner: increase your glycogen stores for tomorrows game day!
- rest:to bed early as we leave at 6:00am!!!!
- game day pre game breakfast:carbs and hydration
- 30 minutes pre game hydration and some caffeine!!
- game day:hydration and carbs replacement!
- Stretch and loosen up the muscle
That is where

Has your back!
Stretch and workout the tight areas with some physio/yoga from
We are ready and able- LETS DO THIS!!

Photos from Wag Physiotherapy's post 10/14/2023

Marathon Training….
Sometimes you just need to get it done! Another long run done in my training for December 3/23!
17 miler done- including 6.5 times around our awesome Point Pleasant Park!
WHY you might ask???
- it was sheltered from the north wind
- soft surface, easy on my tired body
- no stop lights or busy streets to deal with
- easy access to hydration- corner store close by
- good up/downhill sections to work on strength and form needed for 26.2 miles!
-CIM marathon has a net downhill course and I found last year in the last two miles when I thought I could just “giver” to the finish- my quads were toast! Not like Boston but still, there was nothing left in the legs!!!
- lastly, I did not have to think about the route- I could just focus on my form, pace and alignment!
…. And the views were spectacular!


Another season of Club football has begun
We, The Medical Training Staff are so happy to support our Team!
This is our 13th season! I have been here since the very start of our program, and I can say we just keep getting better and better!
Our volunteers include:
- me-Head Sports Physiotherapist
- student volunteers from Kinesiology, Pharmacy, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Medical School and potential Physiotherapy School
This year we have a team Nutritionist, super happy to have her join.
We have the Riddell Speedflex Impact Helmets that we purchased in 2019. These smart helmets have sensors that detect impacts that we trainers monitor from the sidelines. We have a medical team that deals directly with concussion management. We also have a research study on concussions and are partnered with the Department of Neurology at the QEll.
We have also stepped up our concussion management by purchasing Guardian Caps this season! These over the helmet caps help mitigate repetitive and accumulative blows to the head. They are worn in practice.
Lastly, we have an incredible team of doctors specializing in orthopedics, plastics, sports medicine and concussion management.
I am very proud of our medical team, our boys are well taken care of from head to toe!

Photos from Wag Physiotherapy's post 08/15/2023

16 weeks to The California International Marathon 2023!
I started my 16 week training program today. This was after having a good, not great, base of 20 miles/week of running for 7 weeks.
I am banking on experience and the last 25 years of training for a Fall marathon! 💪

I run 4x/week, one hard, one long, one recovery and one medium! I add physio exercises and my personal yoga strengthening/ stretching routine 5x/week. I also cross train with other sports.
Todays workout was;
5 Hill Repeats
- yes do them
- do them early on in the training block
- build strength in quads, glutes and hamstrings
- adds some variety
- counts as 20% hard days
- builds confidence
- I start at 5 and add 1 more each week to get to 10 HILL REPEATS

Photos from Wag Physiotherapy's post 07/16/2023

35th Physiotherapy Reunion…how time flies!
So grateful for this amazing group of women and men!
A great Reunion of catching up sharing meals, boat rides, dancing til the wee hours and a yoga session in Point Pleasant lead by one of our own!
I am incredibly proud of my profession and so grateful to be as excited about it as I was the day I received my acceptance into the program at The Dalhousie University School of Physiotherapy.
Some of my classmates are or have just retired after 35 years in this incredibly diverse profession! Me… not even close to thinking about that! I have a great work-life balance and am able to incorporate my job into my lifestyle!
My job keeps me fit, active, informed and enables me to help many live their best life! I love helping and informing others how to help themselves!
Thanks class of 1988 for a fun weekend!

Photos from Wag Physiotherapy's post 06/08/2023

Congratulations to two of my Dalhousie Football Student Trainers and to
Dr. Casey Jones who is the lead in our research on concussions and impacts to brain study. We use the data from our special impact sensing helmets. The research just got published in the Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine! This is our work on concussion identification, treatment and potential affects from impacts to the blood brain barrier in the brain. Amazing stuff!
Our student trainers are from many disciplines; kinesiology, school of medicine, physiotherapy and pharmacy.
Our program at Dalhousie Club Football is ALL IN!
As well as the above faculties, our student executive consists of commerce, kinesiology, arts and recreation management students. We recently added to our team, a nutrition student!
Every year we get better and better!
Thank you to all who have shaped and influenced our amazingly talented and hard working volunteer team of students!

Photos from Wag Physiotherapy's post 06/08/2023

From my first marathon in 1999 (Chicago), to my second marathon (Boston 2000), to my latest 76th marathon (Boston 2023) and many in between. I have been blessed to be able to show up at that start line!
Hard work, discipline, dedication, perseverance and determination are some of the qualities required to run!
Running can be done just about anywhere, anytime and in any weather! It is portable and relatively economical!
For me it is a lifestyle that keeps me fit and happy.
Running provides me with endless benefits:
-friendship and comradery
-health, wellness and fitness
-self accomplishment
-discipline and rewards
-ebbs and flows
Whether you run 5km or a marathon, just give it a try, you will be surprised how good you feel when u are done! 😜💪👍🤸🏿‍♀️


CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who participated in the Bluenose Marathon Weekend Races!
I am particularly proud of two of my Dalhousie Football Club trainers who each finished the 21km event! Way to go Will and Neil! 💪
Well done- Angus and I are very proud of you! Also, CONGRATULATIONS to my patients- past and present who ran this past weekend!
20 years since the race’s inception!! Wow how time flies!
I personally did the 1st, 10th and the 13th editions and a couple of half marathons at Bluenose Weekend, and volunteered at many!
Now for you all to rest and recover, and enjoy the Runner’s High!
How to recover??
- hydrate
- rest
- light movement and stretching
- walk or any light exercise to flush the tissues
- and no aggressive foam rolling for at least 3 days!
- eat well!
- sleep!

Photos from Wag Physiotherapy's post 05/14/2023

Relax, Recharge, Read, Reload, and Relearn new and old sports! Isn’t that what vacations are for????
Well, Naples, Florida never disappoints! It is definitely my happy place.. I LOVE my south of the boarder home away from home!
From relaxing on the beach with a book to biking, running-of course, to golf and my new sport PICKLE BALL!! They have 64 outdoor courts here!! Jim and I golfed 10 different courses this visit! This is active healthy living to the fullest! There are not enough hours in the day to do all the things I want to do!! Yes- it was relaxing and recharging! The sunsets are the best too! I believe in living each day to the fullest!
Enjoy your life and have fun along the way!


WHO TO HAVE GUESSED…. That I have been a PHYSIOTHERAPIST for 35 years!!
I should be old, or retired or something after those many years!
No way, I love my chosen profession and have no plans to retire…..Yet!
I chose this profession when I was in grade 11! Thank you Randy Tully!
He was my volleyball and basketball coach in a small town, Sheet Harbour, NS.
He told me then and there- you should be a Physiotherapist and told me to volunteer with his wife at the local hospital! So I did! And I was so hooked! Thanks to Shel MacLean- she was a rockstar!
My profession suits me and my values- active, healthy living, sharing and showing others how they can be in charge of their wellness too!
My profession IS my lifestyle!


Now to RUN for FUN!! 🏃🏻‍♀️
First run since the Boston Marathon, slow and steady!
I need to run for fun and fitness- 3 marathons last fall and CIM was in early December which did not lead to much downtime before Boston Marathon training ramped up!
So now I want to run for fun and have no set workouts planned but maintain my fitness and enjoy the benefits of being super fit- ability to run when and where I want, run up the stairs, play Pickle ball, paddle board, bike- road/trail, trail run etc!!!
BUT, the last few weeks before The Boston Marathon I was wishing that I paid more attention to my general core strength, right hip abductors, left hip extensors, right calf/foot deep arch muscle strength and the elastic recoil of the left foot! I also wish my cadence was closer to 180!
So…. Now is the time to spend quality time on the things I wish were better!!
The next couple of posts will be aimed at this, so keep your eyes peeled for the some good base work! ✅


WOW-how time flies!
So proud of the thoughtful, kind, compassionate and of course beautiful person you have become! The sky is the limit with your work ethic, enthusiasm and determination! I cannot wait to see you grow over the next 30 years! Love you so much- your mom!💜

Photos from Wag Physiotherapy's post 04/24/2023

It has been a week since The Boston Marathon- no matter a PB or a BQ or a solid finish without injury or most importantly a Boston Marathon COMPLETION, you did it!!! 🤸🏿‍♀️🤸🏿‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️
Having the privilege to run the Boston Marathon is an accomplishment in itself- whether you had a qualifying race or were a fund raiser👍

Now rest on your laurels, enjoy the accomplishment and plan your next race to get there and do another Boston or something else on your Bucket List!
Reverse taper is how to get back into the running game!
Congratulations to Medal Monday Medalers!


If so, I think I can help! Been there and got the medal-23x!
As a physiotherapist, I can assess your alignment, overall strength- core, glutes etc, Gait Analysis and shoe evaluation!
As an athlete and runner of 76 marathons and 23 Bostons, I can help with your training plan or make you a plan for your goals, advise along the journey, recommend marathons to qualify and help with race day logistics!
And as a positive person, I can help as your motivator and cheerleader!
Let me know if I can help you get to this SUPER BOWL of running! It is truly an amazing feeling running down Boylston Street to the finish!

Photos from Wag Physiotherapy's post 04/18/2023

~GOT THE MEDAL ( #23 ) and the T-SHIRT! 🏅

The Boston Marathon never gets old! As always, I had a great weekend in Boston, I love the city and the people!
This is the “Super Bowl” of distance running. I have been hooked since my first time running it in 2000- my second marathon! I don’t always train and prepare the same way for it, nor do I run it for the same reasons or goals! Every time is different! There are many factors that can influence the process; weather, and that is a big one here in Boston! Other factors may be life and situational, age, injury, sickness and for me this year, I had a BQ for 2024 so I wanted to run easier and enjoy the race and hope for no ITBand pain!
Mission accomplished, I ran my goal time of 4:15 and no ITBand pain!! 🤸🏿‍♀️🤸🏿‍♀️🤸🏿‍♀️🤸🏿‍♀️🤸🏿‍♀️🤸🏿‍♀️🤸🏿‍♀️🤸🏿‍♀️
Now to rest and recovery- a reverse taper process!! Then spend time on Pickleball, hiking with friends, biking with Jim and of course golf!!! It is going to be a great summer!
Nothing without effort!
💙💛 #

Photos from Wag Physiotherapy's post 04/16/2023

Normatec 3 is the latest technology using dynamic air compression! This pulseing technology aides in muscle recovery and wellness, increases recovery, revives muscles and reduces swelling!
I have tried these beauties after the Edmonton Marathon, after 12 hours of air travel and after the CIM Marathon and have loved the results!
I loved the results so much I bought some! I believe they will be a great addition to my physiotherapy practice. Need some post race recovery or pre race muscle preparation? Text me and give them a try!!!

Photos from Wag Physiotherapy's post 04/10/2023


Spring in Boston is always so welcoming! Marathon Weekend is a privilege, and I am so grateful to be going there again!
# 23 Boston coming up!
I have had all sorts or weather- cold, wet, windy,hail and of course two super hot ones! I had Covid last year and did not know it until the halfway point- had nothing left in my energy tank! But I finished!
This year I am hoping for a nice easy, comfortable, no ITBand pain finish! 👍
My son wrote this poem for my birthday last week- I cannot read it without a tear in my eye! It really does sum up The Boston Marathon for me. Let’s Go!!!!

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6435 Coburg Road
Halifax, NS

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