Bowen Therapy Ottawa-Gatineau Region

Find a qualified Bowenwork practitioner in the Ottawa-Gatineau region, Canada in the pinned post. More moves in a session are not better.

Bowen Therapy originated in Australia Learn it at Find practitioners across Canada at . A Bowen Therapy session consists of a series of precise moves over muscles and connective tissue. Signals through the nerves stimulate the body's tissues, musculoskeletal framework and organs to heal, realign, and balance. Clients experience rapid and l


Huge congratulations to those who took my "no-talk" Trauma Release workshop last Friday in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario. These women are going to help so many clients "release the issues in their tissues."

My heartfelt thanks to Vicky Mattucci-Ganski for hosting the workshop and me in her beautiful home. Without her offer to host, this day would not have happened.

Feedback on Trauma Release: "Madeline provided tools to help release stored emotional trauma & a mind-blowing experience to witness & be able to hold space for healing."

"Changes take place in the most gentle and healing way."

"This is going to be such a helpful technique to allow clients to accelerate their healing journey."

Check Madeline's schedule for dates of upcoming workshops. Any adult can attend.


Due to a cancellation I have one space available in the Sunday April 28th 3 hour workshop. Ottawa Carlingwood area.

No prerequisites. Any adult can attend.

Cost: Discounted to $50 to fill the space.
Value: Priceless.

Details here:


HORMONE RELEASE THE BOWEN WAY: this is the only HRBW workshop in Ontario in 2024.

The Niagara HRBW workshop for certified Bowen therapists still has space. As well, the Early Bird deadline applies for the new Iliopsoas Damage and Trauma Release Workshops on Friday, May 3, open to any manual therapist.

Details & Register:

Happy St. Patrick's Day!


Congratulations to 5 local Bowen practitioners who completed two half-day workshops Madeline McBride taught last Sunday. Thanks go to these experienced practitioners who helped Madeline fine-tune her brand new Iliopsoas Damage Workshop.

The Trauma Release procedure can be taught to the general public. This fast, simple approach to releasing trauma from our physical and energetic bodies originated in the Netherlands. You will be hearing more about this because it is such an awesome, effective game-changer and spreading fast. Read more at


PRACTITIONERS "MEET & EAT" Saturday Nov 11 at 5 p.m.

Let's catch up! Bowen practitioners and students, join us at Chances R restaurant at College Square (1365 Woodroffe Ave) on Saturday, November 11 at 5 p.m.. If you have not already responded to Francine Ryan, comment below and we will reserve a chair for you!

ILIOPSOAS DAMAGE — McBride Pain Clinic 10/16/2023

STRUGGLING WITH HOW TO RESOLVE ILIOPSOAS TIGHTNESS and DAMAGE? Special $50 price (regularly $100) for this inaugural 2 - hour workshop on the topic of iliopsoas Damage. Open to massage therapists as well as Bowen Therapists.

Date: November 13, 7-9 p.m.

1 space left! Register by emailing [email protected]

ILIOPSOAS DAMAGE — McBride Pain Clinic Snowshoveling. Lifting a baby out of a crib. Raising or lowering a heavy box while twisting the torso. Filling sandbags and throwing them onto a pile. Weeding the garden…

Knee Pain — McBride Pain Clinic 09/10/2023

I have had several senior clients lately suffering from knee pain. Some thought they needed a knee replacement. No, not yet! My latest blog post explains the cause of their pain and how I treated it.

Knee Pain — McBride Pain Clinic When knee pain is attributed to Osteoarthritis, tight leg muscles may be the cause. Learn how physical therapy can help release muscle tension and restore leg bone alignment.

Doc for a Day- CPD | Faculty of Medicine 08/25/2023

Doctor for a Day event - Ottawa Hospital, Civic Campus, Tuesday, October 17.

Our “Doc for a Day” event will allow you to experience firsthand the thrill of practicing medicine. Open to the public!

Location: Ottawa Skills and Simulation Centre
(725 Parkdale Avenue, 1st Floor)

Cost: COST: $175.00 + HST per participant
(Only 36 spots available)*
Registration includes a free uOSSC / uOttawa scrub top!

Info and registration link:

University of Ottawa Skills and Simulation Centre (uOSSC) is a state-of-the-art training facility for healthcare professionals. Specializing in both technical skills training and learning how to manage medical emergencies through theatre-based simulation, the uOSSC is helping the health professionals of today and tomorrow provide world-class quality care to the patients of Ottawa. But why should the docs and nurses have all the fun practicing? Everyone has sat at home watching ER or Gray’s Anatomy and thought, “I can do that!”

Doc for a Day- CPD | Faculty of Medicine Our “Doc for a Day” event will allow you to experience firsthand the thrill of practicing medicine.


Congratulations to three experienced, talented Bowen Therapy practitioners from New Brunswick and Newfoundland, Canada who now have the advanced hormone-balancing training.

If you know someone in Florenceville, NB, the Moncton area, and/or St. John's NL who might benefit from NO-medication techniques for period pain, endometriosis, PMS, menopause, infertility, bladder issues and more, message and I will provide referral info. 😁


RARE OPPORTUNITY to take the Hormone Release the Bowen Way workshop in Moncton, NB.

Change your clients' lives!

You will learn advanced nerve stimulation procedures to balance hormones and address period pain, PMS, endometriosis, menopause symptoms. infertility, low libido, bladder and prostate issues, and more...

Practitioners with Module 7 and Anatomy are eligible, because this workshop will not be offered again in Moncton due to low registration.

Please share with Bowen practitioners in Atlantic Canada who may be interested.

Details and registration link


Awakening truth about meditation 🧘‍♀️

Те не многие, кто действительно интересуется медитацией, видят в ней прежде всего средство, через которое они надеются что-то приобрести. Кто здоровье, кто стройную фигуру, кто спокойствие, кто просветление, — и тогда, для всех для них, медитация становится препятствием. Если же медитация жжёт изнутри, в хорошем смысле этого слова, тогда она превращается в пламя трансформации. Многие последователи медитации говорят о своей любви к ней, но никакой трансформации с ними не происходит, — а почему? Потому, что они обманывают себя. Так как в глубине себя у них есть идея, как всё должно быть. Для них, медитация, это только асаны.
Внутри человеческого эго всегда присутствует страх перед изменениями, который подобен страху смерти. Ведь трансформация, отчасти, и есть смерть. Ибо старое уходит на волне рождения нового. Гусеница должна уметь, чтобы новая она смогла летать. Гусеницы не будет, когда появится нечто неизвестное ей, мотылёк, с чем раньше та не сталкивалась. Если ты не готов умереть, то твой интерес к медитации, это просто имитация, фитнес. Всё новое приходит тогда, когда старое уступает ему своё место. Между старым и новым — всегда смерть, что и провоцирует страх. Человек хочет расти, но при этом он хочет оставаться прежним. В этом и заключается самообман.
На самом деле, через медитацию преобразились немногие, в первую очередь потому, что они ничего от неё не ждали. Если в медитации с тобой ничего не происходит, ни каких цветных пятен, никакого голоса, — ничего, ты начинаешь думать, что медитация тебе не подходит. Ведь столько статей, где люди описывают оргазмические переживания. Но истинное, — достигается не достигая. Если пламя твоего намерения наполнено решимостью, то никто не собьёт тебя с Пути. Нет препятствий, кроме самообмана. Только искренность ведёт к трансформации, которая случается тогда, когда вовлечено всё естество, без остатка. Ведь главное не средства и методы, а пламя твоего намерения.

Event Info Site 06/01/2023

Neurology for Non-neurologists: U of Ottawa continuing education workshop open to all health care professionals. One day on-line workshop. If you are interested in Bowen Therapy for concussion, don't miss this!

Event Info Site You are participating in an event during which the University of Ottawa will be taking photographs, recording video or making audio recordings. The photographs, videos and audio recordings will be used for University activities, at its events and in promotional material, in both print and electronic...


Heading East this summer? If you have Bowtech Mod 7, Madeline McBride is teaching Hormone Release the Bowen Way in New Brunswick. Details and registration link at


Taking good care of your body after Bowen can help to maximise its effects. Are you drinking enough water? Allowing time between sessions for your body to integrate? Not sitting for long periods of time (especially if your back is an issue)? Moving around regularly? Stretching?

What you do after your Bowen session can matter. Make the most of your session after you leave the table with solid self-care.

Pelvis Rotations and Upslips — McBride Pain Clinic 03/31/2023

Everyone falls! Pelvic rotations are a common cause of chronic back pain. In this blog post I describe the types of rotations and upslips.

Bowenworkers, please note that Madeline McBride learned to assess for and fix rotations in John Garfield's Pelvis and Lumbar Spine Workshop. He's returning to Toronto, Canada in October 2023 to teach it! Space is limited.

Pelvis Rotations and Upslips — McBride Pain Clinic Everyone falls…eventually. A bad fall can knock the pelvis bones out of alignment, and the result can be sciatica and unrelenting back pain.


Energetic Assessment for the Bowen Practitioner is being offered at on September 8-10th. Go completely off grid for two nights and days while you learn this innovative approach to Bowen. Go to the flyer at for more information or email me at [email protected] Deadline for application is June 1, 2023. Course fee is $475.00. Join me as we connect with nature, walk the labyrinth and eat incredible food in a setting that will deepen your experience of yourself and the work you do.


Have a healthy, happy 2023!


GIFT CERTIFICATES available from Madeline McBride, Certified Bowenwork Practitioner, in the amounts of $80 including HST for adults, or $70 for seniors 70 or over, students and concussion clients. Contact Madeline at


The next Hormonal Release the Bowen Way workshop for Bowen therapists is in Ottawa, Canada. Registration is limited to 8. See details at

Bowen Therapy for Long COVID Symptoms — McBride Pain Clinic 09/08/2022

I (Madeline McBride) had a client yesterday who complained about insomnia. I asked when it started, and it turned out that onset of insomnia coincided with when he had a very mild case of COVID last winter. (He is fully vaccinated.)

There are over 200 documented symptoms associated with Long COVID - some mild, some severe. People may not realize that symptoms they are having may be related to having had COVID months or even years before. Symptoms can come and go. Download a symptom chart from this blog post I wrote a year ago. The post describes how Bowen Therapy can help some of those symptoms.

Bowen Therapy for Long COVID Symptoms — McBride Pain Clinic Researchers estimate that more than five million people worldwide continue to suffer from debilitating symptoms months after contracting COVID-19. Many “long-haulers” are too ill to work. Many will have to wait months for their appointments with medical professionals. Can Bowen Therapy help them...

Bowenwork Eases Trauma 07/12/2022

Bowen Therapy helped this US vet.

Bowenwork Eases Trauma With Mind-Body Healing at Minneapolis VAHS


Hormonal Release the Bowen Way: There is still time to register for Newmarket Thurs-Friday Aug 11-12! More info at


Certified Bowen practitioners: Hormonal Release - The Bowen Way, a two-day workshop, is an advanced training for addressing PMS & menopause symptoms, bladder issues, promoting fertility, and more. Learn more at

Bowen Therapy Explained! How it achieves great health results (Fascia & the nervous system) 04/06/2022

Some of the top Bowen instructors share how Bowen moves effect change.

Bowen Therapy Explained! How it achieves great health results (Fascia & the nervous system) This video explains how Bowen Therapy works. If you are a Bowen Therapist please JOIN US at this special event Bowen & Beyond to celebrate and view the full ...

The ultimate guide to reusing and buying N95 masks 01/10/2022

This info is very timely. The article also describes how to identify counterfeit masks. that do not meet the standards. The surgical masks are not as protective as N95 masks. The seal around the mask is insufficient.

Practitioners, there is advice on how to rotate N95 masks so you can reuse them after any viruses die off.

The ultimate guide to reusing and buying N95 masks If you want to upgrade to an N95 you’ve sure wondered about what to look for in a good one and whether you can reuse it. We have answers.

Rotator Cuff Tear | Etiology, Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Treatment and Clinical Exam 12/16/2021

Bowen Therapists, here's a good tutorial on rotator cuff tears. He describes a) the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and subscapularis, and b) how to assess which of those muscle(s) are compromised. This is very useful info.

When it comes to resolving the issue, we know that the stretching he mentions is contraindicated. It will tear the muscle fibers and cause more inflammation. Bowen moves will help the body heal the muscle.

Rotator Cuff Tear | Etiology, Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Treatment and Clinical Exam Official Ninja Nerd Website: https://ninjanerd.orgYou can find the NOTES and ILLUSTRATIONS for this lecture on our website at:

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HRBW 2022 Workshops


Ottawa, ON

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