Marie Berwald - Birth Bliss

Marie Berwald - Birth Bliss

I help expecting moms replace anxiety with CALM CONFIDENCE using proven techniques for a gentle birth Yours in health,

Here you will find information on pregnancy, birth, postpartum, motherhood and holistic living. I hope you find this page inspiring, informative, and engaging.


✨ New Video Alert! ✨

Are you expecting and want to make your labor experience as smooth and positive as possible? In my latest video, I share 5 simple psychological hacks to ease the birthing process. From positive affirmations to hypnobirthing, these mind-focused techniques are game-changers for any mama-to-be. 💪👶

Whether it’s your first time or looking to add new tools to your birth plan, this video has something for you. 🎥

🌟 Click this link - - to watch now and get ready to empower your birth experience!


💁 SO MUCH GOOD happens when you move your body during your pregnancy!
Exercise while pregnant can:
✔️ Reduce backaches⁣
✔️ Reduce constipation, bloating, and swelling⁣
✔️ Improve sleep, mood, and energy⁣
✔️ Promote healthy pregnancy weight gain and post-pregnancy weight loss⁣
✔️ Strengthen heart and blood vessels⁣
✔️ Improve endurance, muscle tone, and overall fitness⁣
✔️ Help you prepare your body for the work of labor..
What are your favorite ways to move your body??
After 20 years of teaching prenatal yoga, I've narrowed down the 5 most important movements to keep your body comfortable during pregnancy. Comment "MOVE" down below, and I'll send them to you.


Today's beautiful and meaningful affirmation to uplift your day.


Instinctual re-positioning during labor is a powerful thing! Often baby’s head needs to be guided by the mother's body, position, and gravity! It’s why lying on your back can sometimes slow the process down.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣
A few great positions to Try…⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣
✨Squatting ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣
✨Walking/curb stepping⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣
✨Hands and knees ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣
✨Sitting/bouncing on a ball ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣
✨Sitting on the toilet ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣
But most important…⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣
💪Trusting your intuition and getting into positions that feel right for your body and baby! Tap into your primal side! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣
📸 and caption• Hanna Hill Photography
Those of you who have had your baby - what was your favorite position in labor? 👇.
However, all the best positioning and movement won't feel great if you are freaking out inside! And it's so easy to get stressed out by labor, especially with all the cultural negativity surrounding birth. .
That's why I teach all my students the calming breath..
This is the foundation piece that triggers the relaxation response in the body. And everything else you do will feel so much better with this breath.
-- Curious to learn it too? Comment "CALM" and I'll invite you to my Love Your Birth Workshop where I'll teach the calming breath!


Studies support the idea that the words we choose matter: A good positive affirmation can help!
Here are a few of my favorites!
✨ I am growing a radiantly healthy baby.
✨ My baby and body work together
✨ Everyday brings you closer to my arms
What is your pregnancy mantra?


A natural and safe option to reduce heartburn!

Fennel seeds are a well-known remedy for acid reflux in Ayurveda.
You can chew on a teaspoon of these seeds after lunch or dinner.
Alternatively, sip a cup of tea prepared by simmering 2-3 teaspoons of crushed fennel seeds in a cup of water for 5-8 minutes or find a herbal fennel tea.


Photo and caption written by Michelle's doula!
"Michelle was such a badass!! She was an incredible advocate for herself and her birth plan - staying hydrated and snacking during labor, staying mobile and walking the halls, utilizing multiple tools during early and active labor for pain relief, taking charge of position changes to help her baby descend and engage in her pelvis, and only consenting to an epidural after SHE was totally ready. I truly hope that all birthing women know they have the ability to take charge of their births the way Michelle did. ⁣
When Michelle was ready to push, she informed her team that she wanted to deliver her baby on hands & knees (yes, even with an epidural!!) and that is precisely what she did. Her epidural was very light and provided a small amount of medication to help alleviate the pain while still allowing her the mobility she needed to flip herself over and safely deliver her baby! It was incredible!⁣
These options exist. Even if you are birthing in a hospital, even if you are birthing with an epidural, always research your options. You are in charge of your body, your birth, and your baby!⁣⁣"
📸 • .
When you are choosing your prenatal class consider what the focus is. Some hospital birth classes focus much more on hospital procedures and how to fit into that system, while others focus more on learning to listen to your innate body wisdom for birth - and that's a skill you can use no matter where you birth. .
Comment "BIRTH" down below for an invite to my Love Your Birth workshop (it's free 🙌)


Folic Acid, also known as vitamin B9 and folate, is a water-soluble vitamin that has many important functions in your body.
In particular, it supports healthy cell division and promotes proper fetal growth and development to reduce the risk of birth defects (1Trusted Source).
Vitamin B9 is found naturally in many foods:
👉🏼Spinach: One cup (30 grams) of raw spinach provides 58.2 mcg, or 15% of the DV.
👉🏼Lentils one cup (198 grams) of cooked lentils contains 358 mcg of folate, which is 90% of the DV.
👉🏼Asparagus: Half-cup (90-gram) serving of cooked asparagus contains about 134 mcg of folate, or 34% of the DV.


"So I was told there would be glowing" 🤷‍♀️ For most of us that first trimester isn't quite rainbows and sunshine. 🌈 ☀️
For me, and many others it's ROUGH!
I'd heard about morning sickness - but I was shocked all how debilitating all-day nausea could be. And the fatigue was off the charts. I felt like I wasn't doing anything but I was still exhausted..
And I sort of thought that was just how it had to be. That you just had to suffer through those first 12 weeks... but then my sister got pregnant and she was SO SICK she basically stopped wanting to even be pregnant. .
I was desperate to help her, and after weeks of searching, I found a method that addresses the root cause of pregnancy nausea.
This energy-release method helped her get out of bed again and feel like a REAL person once more.
If you are struggling with morning sickness, I'd love to share what I learned. Just comment "SICK" down below and I'll send you the info.


Do you know about the toe pop? It's something that often happens during the intensity of transition.
Actually, it can feel good to stretch out your legs in this way. Sometimes it's a response to the surges (aka contractions) ⁣
Lowering your heels and putting gentle pressure on your feet to ground them is another great way to remind yourself that you are safe.
At my birth workshop, I also teach a wonderful acupressure point for grounding the energy down during this part of labor.
Want to join my free Love Your Birth WORKSHOP - just comment "WORKSHOP" and I'll send you an invite.

PS. Did you also notice the birth stool in the corner of the shower! I love that!

📸 •


For couples expecting a baby, it is normal to have feelings of uncertainty and some anxiety - especially when it comes to the birth!
Often your concerns may be slightly different..
Fear is uncomfortable, so it may be tempting to avoid it. BUT it is so good to talk through your concerns together and have both of you talk about how you feel. This can actually help to release many of the problems. Sometimes a fear simply needs to be expressed to be released..
In fact, this is an integral part of the birth preparation in my Better Birth course.
And it's one of the aspects of the course, that couples come back and tell me was SO BENEFICIAL and often overlooked in other prenatal classes.


At around 18 weeks of pregnancy, your unborn baby will start being able to hear sounds in your body like your heartbeat.
At 27 to 29 weeks (6 to 7 months), they can hear some sounds outside your body too, like your voice.
The voices, tunes and noises the babies hear in utero do, in fact, help them get used to the environment they'll enter once they are born..
Talking to your baby in utero is a great way to connect and get them used to the sound of your voice! .
Want more baby bonding tips? Comment BOND and I'll send you by 10 fun and easy way to connect with your baby prenatally.


There is no better place for baby than on your skin (assuming baby doesn’t need emergency care.)
🌟 Your body warms their body. ⁣
🌟 Your body calms their body. ⁣
🌟 Your soul welcomes their soul. ⁣
⁣THIS NEEDS TO BE THE NORM IN HOSPITALS (rather than the exception!). During your pregnancy make sure you talk to your medical team about this if the need for a c-section arises!!



The dreaded morning sickness! 🤢
Pregnant? You probably know what I'm talking about... the unexpected dry heaving, the all-day (not-just-in-the-morning) nausea, sips of ginger ale, and everyone asking if you have tried crackers beside your bed..
One thing that's true... everyone and their mom will try to give you advice when you are expecting. And it can get super confusing on what actually works and what's just an old wives tale..
If you are currently in the throes of morning sickness and unsure how to get relief, I got you. I've spent the last year researching what actually helps based on science + energy medicine.
Comment "LEARN" down below and I'll share my unique holistic approach to reducing morning sickness.


Relaxation is like planting seeds; seeds of peace, seeds of contentment, seeds of trust in your body. These resources help you more calmly meet the challenges of everyday life.

Listening to a guided meditation is hands down the easiest way to practice relaxation. Want to try it out with me? Comment "RELAX" down below and I'll send you the deep relaxation meditation that is my prenatal yoga students' absolute favorite.



AHHH the magic of water in labour!!!
Who is planning to birth in hospital? Here are some important considerations!

✨What tools do they have available to me? Ie. birth stools, tubs, showers, birth balls?⁣

✨How large are the rooms? Can I see them beforehand? How much space do they have for movement?⁣ Is movement encouraged?

✨What types of medication do they have available for me if I choose it?⁣ (the mom in this image is using gas & air aka laughing gas)

✨Is the staff (especially the nurses) familiar and comfortable with normal, physiological birth? ⁣

✨What is the hospital c-section rate? (this can vary between 7 to 70% rates)
⁣This list isn't exhaustive - but it's a good start!

📸 • .birthphotography


How do you see your va**na? What feelings come up for you?
Some of us may have heard messages that this part of us was unclean.

Since birth and postpartum get pretty intimate with your va**na - it's good to explore your relationship with your yoni during your pregnancy.

And if there has been trauma (abuse or r**e) then pregnancy offers an important opportunity to heal.

Birth requires a feeling of safety and loving acceptance in the va**na - for baby to emerge most easily.

When we start to bring awareness to these sacred spaces in our body, healing happens! And even creativity and inspiration can unfold more easily.
We store emotions within the walls of our wombs and yoni’s that they are not even aware of until we place our attention within.

If you've experienced trauma or are curious about supporting or healing in this area, I do energy healing sessions. Just send me a DM and I'll tell you more about it.


What was the glucose tolerance test like for you?
GTT (or the glucose tolerance test) is a common test for potential gestational diabetes given between 24-28 weeks pregnant.
How to Prepare for a GTT and What to Expect?
Often you will do the test in the morning, before eating breakfast.
You will be asked to drink a liquid that contains glucose (between 75-100 g). It often tastes like Orange Crush soda.
You will have blood drawn before you drink the liquid and again 2-3 more times every 60 minutes after drinking it..
The threshold for the first 60 minute test is low enough so that they catch anyone who could be having an issue, just in case. So it can be fairly common to "fail" that one. The levels on the three-hour test are much more reasonable and easier to meet..
While this test is generally not mandatory - it is helpful.
During pregnancy, your placenta makes hormones that cause glucose to build up in your blood. Usually, your pancreas can send out enough insulin to handle it. But if your body can't make enough insulin or stops using insulin as it should, your blood sugar levels rise, and you get gestational diabetes - that can create additional risk factors for you and baby..
However, you should also know that you can decline this. There are alternative methods to test for Gestational Diabetes.


ALL the feels right here!! 💕✨Repost 🎥 ⁣
These words are written by the VBAC mama⁣✨💙✨⁣
⁣My experience has become the norm for so many mothers now that we live in the labour bypass era but the sad thing is that many feel that they can’t do anything about it or are too scared or worse yet, left feeling that it’s normal.
Birth trauma is a by-product of Obstetric violence, interventions, a distrust in birth, deception, manipulation of authority, uninformed consent and or non-consent. And because this behaviour has long been normalised (“you have a healthy baby, you should be grateful”) it’s no surprise that 1 in 3 women are left traumatised by their own babies births.
VBAC is not just about va**nal birth vs Caesarian outcome. It was about giving myself and my baby the opportunity for natural labor to occur and taking back control in the system that does not always allow women to birth on their own terms.I don’t consider myself to be a radical person but after I had my first baby, I made a vow to myself to live my life in truth. I vowed to choose my intuition instead of conditioning and I vowed to stop betraying myself to fit into society.
I did a lot of work and educated myself physically, emotionally and spiritually to switch that mentality that has been fed to society and has overshadowed our true human potential and power in birthing.⁣⁣FBAC (free birth after caesarean) was my choice. ⁣This rite of passage, this sacred ceremony of birth was my own rebirth. ⁣⁣It was my proclamation that I chose to birth in sovereign power and trust that my body was created to do this. Trust in my baby’s wisdom to guide me to him, and trust the inner wisdom that my body holds.⁣I trusted in my body to birth my son the way my ancestors did.⁣This is a story of a woman that chose to change her narrative, re-right her story and recreate herself. A reclamation of what already existed within me but laid dormant for many years. A remembrance. A deceleration that I choose to take back responsibility over my body and my baby.⁣Second time around I was in full power and it was magic. ✨✨✨⁣My son's birth was not a medical event, it was a spiritual event


Time for an Introduction Post! Hey there I'm Marie! I love all things pregnancy, birth, postpartum, natural living and holistic wellness!
I believe in reconnecting women with their innate body wisdom. Too often our culture teaches us to live in our heads. And while our heads are well and fine, there is so much more available to us when we slip down into our bodies.
Embodied awareness helps us tune into our natural instincts, for birth, for mothering, for life!
And that's me!


Remember, you have choices.
Sometimes in the medicalization of fertility, pregnancy, and birth - we forget that we have options! And if you never find out what those options are, then you end up not having any!


✨ As your baby emerges you might feel an urge to reach down and touch baby. DO IT! There’s nothing like being the first person to feel your baby ✨ PLUS it makes it real on a whole other level! And I've had so many pregnant women think that it would be weird or even gross, but after birth, they tell me stuff like this...
"I thought that would gross me out, but it was so cool to do and actually feeling the progress I was making encouraged me."
Want more birth inspiration - comment "BIRTH" down below and I'll send you my guide to a Happier, Healthier, and Easier Birth!

Photo credit


Prenatal yoga is a great way to support your pregnancy and make the most of this journey!

If you are in my local area, Regina, SK, message me for an invite to a compliment class. If you live elsewhere, comment "YOGA" and I'll send you my 5 Top Movements to Make Your Pregnancy Easier!


It's not JUST ... women's health in general, and morning sickness in particular isn't taken as seriously as it should be.
Even if you aren't in the category of women for whom morning sickness poses serious health concerns, the emotional toll of feeling nausea all day is HUGE..
And morning sickness still isn't completely understood by science.
Why do some women have none and others suffer so bad?.
The latest research on morning sickness tells us that it is all about how your body adapts to the increased levels of pregnancy hormones HCG and GDF15..
And the level of nausea you experience is determined by your body’s sensitivity to those hormones..
Yet Morning sickness is not a requirement for a healthy pregnancy!
Typically about 10-15% of the population experience zero nausea during pregnancy..

Energy healing can be a way to adjust your body's tolerance to those pregnancy hormones and create a more harmonious connection between your body and your baby.

If you are curious, comment "LEARN" down below and I'll DM you all the deets about how this works!


Sometimes we forget that birth is as heart-opening for men as it is for women!
Watch this brand new dad meeting his baby boy ❤️


Did you wait until the end of the first trimester or announce your pregnancy sooner?
Ultimately, the “right” time to announce your pregnancy is whenever you feel comfortable.
Though if you are keeping it a secret in the first trimester, I recommend telling at least one close friend, so that you don't have to keep hiding what you are going through from everyone! Having an extra person to confide in and share all the ups and downs can really help you through the tough bits of that first trimester!
So when did you announce your pregnancy? Did you confide in anyone extra?


Have you done this? I love acupuncture for pregnancy and induction. It stimulates blood flow to the reproductive organs and releases toxins, congestion, and inflammation.
The result is hormonal regulation and balance while stimulating the release of oxytocin and helping oxygenate the uterus in preparation for birth.

Who here has used acupuncture in pregnancy? Or for a natural induction? What was your experience like?


“Home Birth: Cord Burning Ceremony - I chose to have this ceremony as a tribute to my ancestors, to reestablish the traditions of the granny midwives, to seal the power intimacy and magic from the labor and delivery with all of the energy from everyone present while protected by all of our ancestors. Traditionally as a people we burn 🔥 not cut the umbilical cord as it is less traumatic spiritual when disconnecting baby and the placenta. The ceremony also slows things down in after birthing space to create a deeper intimacy with everyone present. Each person holding candles set intentions for the baby and mother. With this being my last pregnancy I want to also seal this chapter of my life with love and gratitude. I am so grateful to my midwife for supporting me with wanting to do this ceremony. I am grateful to for capturing these pure moments. It is so important for black birth and traditions to be archived and shared. There is so much beauty and knowledge that has yet to be seen. I want my fellow Queen Sisters/Mothers to know that they can birth the way they want, they have the power to birth safely and to advocate for themselves by listening to their inner voice and trust their bodies. Please consider getting a Doula and look at all of your birthing space options.”
Repost from 📸


Pregnancy isn't for the faint of heart! It can definitely be a challenging journey! What's been your biggest challenges so far? Comment down below and let us know.
I'm all about honoring how hard pregnancy can be while finding you hacks to make the journey easier. My newest one is a 5-minute morning self-love routine to start your day. If you want me to send it to you comment "MORNING" down below.


Post-Birth Tip: Focus on the Cord, Not the Clock! Look for the White Change!

Does your birth plan include the instruction to wait for one minute or to wait until the umbilical cord stops pulsing before cutting it? Delayed cord clamping has many benefits, but detecting the subtle pulse can be challenging.

There's a clearer indicator: when the cord transitions from a full, rich color to white, it's a sign that blood transfer to the baby has ceased.

Hospitals often wait until the one-minute mark, as by then, about 70% of cord blood has already moved to the baby, but individual circumstances vary.

After about 5-10 minutes, the Wharton's jelly in the cord begins to liquefy, initiating natural cord clamping. The cord becomes flat and limp, and its color shifts to white or silvery-white.

This process ensures that the remaining one-third of the baby's blood in the placenta and cord can be transferred when needed most ❤️

Want to learn more about delayed cord clamping and why it helps your newborn - just comment "CORD" down below and I'll send you a link to my longer video all about why it matters!

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Videos (show all)

Did you know music can influence your unborn baby? Studies show they might remember the music after birth! Just play you...
Wondering how to reduce stretch marks during pregnancy? While genetics play a big role, you can support your skin by eat...
Did you know your baby can hear you from around 18 weeks? Your voice is already making a big difference!Watch for more t...
Noticed a dark line on your belly during pregnancy? It's called Linea Nigra! Learn why it appears and when it fades.Watc...
Noticing changes in your hair and nails during pregnancy? Hormones can make them grow faster and stronger, or sometimes ...
Your baby can sense your emotions! when you're happy and relaxed, they feel it too. 😊Want to boost those feel-good hormo...
Here's the hack! Gentle movements can be soothing for your little one. It's like a natural lullaby that can calm them do...
Did you know your baby can feel your touch through your belly? 🤰💖 This is a beautiful bond that many expectant moms inst...
Dealing with nosebleeds during pregnancy? Here's a quick tutorial video how lavender oil can stop nosebleeds. 💙Watch now...
🤰 We experience these weird changes during pregnancy, one of which is a heightened sense of smell. This is due to hormon...
Relaxation is  like a seed
SKIN-TO-SKIN AFTER CESAREAN ⁣There is no better place for baby than on your skin (assuming baby doesn’t need emergency c...



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