Woods of Wisdom Hypnosis

♡ QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) - Level 2
♡ BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) - Coming Soon!


Come see me on Aug 17! Amazing show specials and prize draws 💜


New business re-branding! So much has happened since I created Moon Love QHHT, it's time for a little change. 💜🧚‍♀️

Introducing Woods of Wisdom Hypnosis 🌳


😍** NEW Session Story ** 👇

✨️The Keeper and Collector of Knowledge ✨️

Privacy and confidentiality are so important to me, I’m very protective of my clients. Therefore, I have changed names, and have taken out some details that may be private or personal. To read the whole past life, please visit www.moonloveqhht.com! This personality that I was talking with was absolutely incredible and I would have loved to ask even more questions but we only have so much time. Maybe one day we will reconnect and visit this life again.

When Melinda entered into her past life she found herself standing in an open field. It was night time with a black sky with bright white stars. She is standing in grass and could see mountains off in the distance. When she stared off into space, she could see what first looked like two moons but they were actually two suns that were in front of each other in the night sky. Remember, we don’t always have past lives that are on Earth. This was obviously a different location completely, and was the first indication that she is seeing an Extraterrestrial past life.

“S” is myself – Siobhann, and “M” is Melinda.

S - And are you standing in the grass? (Yes). And when you look down at your feet, what do you see?

M - I'm barefoot, and the grass is kind of like a neon in color and it's like it almost has its own life. It just moves however it wants to move like it… (Like it has its own consciousness)? Yeah, yeah. And it just kind of goes, so it's kind of like tickling my feet in a sense. Like the top of my feet. And then there's the mushroom, the red mushroom, not too far from my foot, and then...

S - Do you feel like the mushrooms have consciousness as well?

M - No. I think it's... And then, um, yeah, it's just like a wide, wide open field full of conscious grass. Not very many mushrooms. Maybe... no it's just the one that's right by me and then way off in the distance is the mountains, the very snowy mountains but it's not cold like it's almost like a 20’s. (So, it’s comfortable)? Yeah and there's no animals. It's just me.

S – And when you look at your body, what do you look like? What are you wearing?

M - I'm green.

S - You're green, ok.

M - I'm not really wearing, like I'm tall. Not really wearing, like clothes, like it's almost like I have a cloth type thing covering my private areas. Yeah, my whole body is green. I'm very tall. My eyes are like bigger cat eyes. My hair is almost in like dreadlocks but it's not… my strands of hair are as thick as two dreadlocks. So kind of like two strands of hair. One strand of hair is the thickness of like two dreads on a human.

S - And do you feel male or female or neither?

M - Neither.

S - Neither, ok. And does your body feel healthy? (Yes). And do you feel young or old?

M – I feel old. Like I’ve been through a lot and I know a lot but I’m quiet about it. I’m holding a brown walking stick. I don’t have teeth. My lips are very full but normal for who I am.

S – How do you feel standing in the grass and looking around?

M – I feel worried. Like I feel content but I feel like something is going to happen. It’s just a matter of when it’s going to happen, or what’s going to happen.

S – Let’s go to your house or home or where you sleep/live.

M – No sleep. Don’t have a home, there are no homes or anything.
Just field. You just… (just live in nature kind of thing)? Yes.

S – How do you spend your day? Is there a type of job you do?

M – I don’t know if there’s a job. Jobs don’t exist. It’s just knowledge.

S – Are you collecting knowledge?

M – Yeah? Hmm… (trying to find a way to explain it)

S – Or are you the knowledge?

M – Yeah! I am the knowledge. Because I know everything but I can’t say where I’m getting it from.

S – So almost like you’re absorbing knowledge? (Yeah). What are you meant to do with this absorbed knowledge?

M – Spread it. Spread the knowledge but the knowledge I’m supposed to spread people don’t believe it and won’t believe it. So that’s why I stay quiet most of the time. I don’t talk a lot. I only talk to the people I know will get the knowledge and will keep spreading the knowledge. So, it’s almost like where I am, I am waiting to pass the knowledge on to some-being or somebody. Because something is going to happen but I don’t have anyone to spread it too.

S - So it’s like you’re waiting for someone to come so you can pass the knowledge on to before you can move on? (Yes). Do you feel like that somebody is coming?

M – They’re coming. They will come. I just don’t know when they are going to come. But when it comes it’s going to be explosive, like in a good way. Mind blowing.

S – Like the knowledge that you’re going to share with them? (Yeah). How do you pass on the knowledge?

M – It’s going to be psychically. I don’t speak Earth words. It’s a whole other language. I think it’s going to be psychically or telepathically.

S – Is that the main language? All through feeling or telepathic?

M – Yeah but I can’t find others like me where I am.

S – So people there don’t look like you?

M- There isn’t other people around. Looking everywhere, it’s just open field. There are no other people around here.

S – Where you are now, the people that you’ve ran into before when you’re trying to share this knowledge, do those people look like you or do they look different?

M – They look different from me. I don’t stay where I am. I go to other places.

S – To share the knowledge? (Yes). Do people see you in the form you’re in now?

M – I change forms.

S – Why do you do that?

M – So they aren’t scared.

S – So you kind of match what they look like?

M – I blend in to what they look like. Research, study. I very much keep to myself until I can find the one person or people who understand. It’s hard because it doesn’t happen often.

S – How do you know if they are the one?

M – By looking at them. I can look at them and it’s feeling. It’s comfortable when I look at this person. So when I get the feeling, comfort, love, knowing, I will kind of stalk them without them knowing. Not in a harmful way. To study them. When I do this and I feel they are ready then I will befriend them and it won’t happen right away. I will talk to them and become friends. As time goes on, I will start planting stuff, like telling them things little by little by little. Eventually it gets to the point where knowledge gets passed on. Once I pass it all on, I leave and am done with them.

S – Do you pass on everything or bits and pieces?

M – Just bits and pieces. Just things I know they can pass on to other people. But I feel like whatever knowledge is going to come this next time or next couple of times is going to be huge. It’s not just going to be given a little bit, just enough so they know what’s going on. It’s going to be everything.

S – Why is that? Why this time?

M – Cause I think it’s time for me to go away.

S – So you’re ready to move on? (Yeah). So you’re going to pass on everything you know? (Yeah). What is the purpose to giving this knowledge? What is the ultimate goal?

M – To help people love. Things that are going to be coming up in life, in the world, that are going to happen with future events that people need to know about. Not to scare them. It might scare some of them but it’s not meant to scare anybody. It’s meant to open their eyes on where we are heading if we keep doing what we’re doing.

S – So it’s to help us grow and move forward, and not repeat past… (Yes). So this grass that you’re standing in, is this where you’re from, your home? Or are you waiting on a planet to transfer knowledge?

M – This is my home.

S – So the person coming, are they going to come to this planet that you’re on now?

M – No, I will go to them.

S – Ok, so you’re waiting for when you know you can go. (Yes). Do
you know where you’ll be going?

M – No, it’s not… no.

S – So you won’t know until it happens.

M – I pretty much just stand and wait until I get the calling that I need to go somewhere. So it’s lonely until I’m called. And how I’m called is birth. I know when somebody’s been born and they are attached to me in some way, like energetically. I just know. Once they get a little older that’s when I will go to them.

S – So you will go to the planet that they are on? (Yes). And then you will learn them, befriend them? (Yes). So you kind of input yourself into their life? (Yes, all with love). So when you become friends with them, does the transfer of the knowledge naturally happen energetically or do you have to consciously transfer it to them?

M – Consciously.

S – Do they know what you’re doing?

M – Some do, some don’t. Depends on who it is, person, species, who they are. I approach it how it needs to be approached. For humans, I will talk to them, get into their head by talking to them. Whatever language it is, I can form into anything I need to be. I will talk and get to their Subconscious without them knowing that I’ve been there. With other species, like the blue planet, with all the blue, um species on it, they don’t talk. They see through jelly. I talk to them telepathically. That’s how I plant things there.

S – What about those beings? Do they have a name?

M – I don’t know what their name is. But they are beautiful. They are like blue jelly fish, translucent. They aren’t the smartest species but they are beautiful. They can spread knowledge. They do it but I don’t know how. I don’t ask them. I send it telepathically and they spread it how they do it. Then we have a purple planet, these people speak like a really different language, trying to mimic it is like *blowing air out sounding like “po, po, po”* it’s not words, it’s sounds. They will go and transfer knowledge that I have given them. They will go down to Earth and transfer it to humans. They put themselves in human form to do this. So, it’s just a matter of planet hopping where I need to go to give the knowledge so it can be spread.

S – So it’s like a great big web, like weaving, and to transfer as much knowledge to beings as possible. (Yes). Is it getting easier to find people to transfer it to or harder?

M – It’s getting easier to transfer to species but harder to transfer to humans. That’s why these other species will go and do it too.

S – Almost like the humans need more species here trying to do it? (Yes). Why is that?

M – Because the Earth is sick. It’s very sick. And it’s sick because of the humans, the humans are making the Earth sick with what they are doing. And there’s not many humans now adays that are willing to listen.

S – Is it the way they are making it sick energetically or pollution?

M – Pollution. They don’t care. They don’t have any respect, a lot of them. But a lot of them do. But the ones that do, they have the respect, they aren’t willing to take in the knowledge that needs to be given.

S – Why is that?

M – selfishness. A lot of people on earth are selfish.

S – So they put their own agendas before the earth? (yes). A lot of
humans have become out of touch with nature. It’s even the way they are being raised as babies.

M – Yep, so spreading the knowledge to other species who can also come down to try and spread to humans kind of helps but we still live in a very selfish society and life.

S – Is it a human that you will be transferring all this massive knowledge to?

M – I feel like it could be human, I don’t get a sense on species, but it could be human. They are just not Earth bound yet.

S – Ok so they are still waiting to be born. What do you do while you wait?

M – Just stand here on my empty planet and wait.

S – Why aren’t there any other beings there with you or like you? Are they off doing what you’re doing?

M – No, it’s only me.

S – Are you the only one? (Yes). So the whole planet is yours? (Yes). And you said the grass has consciousness, are you able to communicate with it?

M – It just is. I can communicate with it but not like telepathically. I can just feel how it feels.

S – In a way does that give you comfort that you aren’t completely alone?

M – Yes, that’s why I like it on my feet.

S – Just so you know something is there with you?

M – Yes, even though I’m alone up there, I’m not lonely. I am happy.

S – Do you enjoy doing this job? (Yes). How long have you been doing it?

M – Thousands of years.

S – So you’re very old in this knowledge. Why do you think it’s time for this knowledge to be passed down? Do you feel like you’re just ready to move on?

M – I need to move up.

S – Ok, so you will be advancing? (Yes). And who gives you the feeling? You said it’s just a feeling when they’ve been born or something lets you know. Where does that come from?

M – It comes from my mind. It’s like a psychic intuition. Then when they go down, I do all this studying to make sure… but I know as soon as they are born, I find them right away, that’s why I study so I know it’s the person who needs this knowledge. There have been times when I’ve been wrong and I’ve done it and it wasn’t supposed to be at all. So, I’m not right all the time in who is to be chosen.

S – Is it because it can change based off that person, or is it just the feelings are off?

M – Sometimes the feelings can be off. There are lots of babies that are switched at birth.

S – On purpose?

M – I don’t know purposely or not, but I know the feeling I get and I go down to where they are. Then I get the feeling that they aren’t there anymore. Babies are being switched.

S – I always felt that happened a lot.

M – Because the connection is more with the mother at first but then when the child is born, it goes to the child. So, I can feel the mother and when she goes into labour I know the baby is being born and it gets transferred to the baby.

S – Babies can be swapped. So, when you’re following that mother and baby around, it may not be the correct baby. So, I can see how it can get lost.

M – That’s why I think babies get swapped.

S – Well that’s very interesting. In order to accumulate all this knowledge, is it just from going to different parts of the universe, or where do you get this knowledge?

M – Yes, other places in the universe. There’s a lot of universes. The grass from my planet too, it transfers knowledge.

S – To each other or to you?

M – To me.

S – Where do they gather their knowledge from?

M – I’m not sure if it’s… I’m not sure.

S – So you’re almost a sponge for knowledge?

M – Everything happens energetically. The grass, because it has consciousness, it’s absorbing everything energetically and it must get its knowledge that way and builds it up to me.

S – And do you ever know how long you have to wait before the baby is going to be born? (No). So you just wait until you get the feeling? (Yes). And it’s always one being at a time that you transfer the knowledge to? (Yes). Where are you going to go after you transfer the knowledge?

M – It’s almost like bright. I’ve been there before that’s how I know I’m going there, but I have to finish this business before I go there. It’s like this bright, bright, bright white light of a castle almost. It doesn’t have a formation. It doesn’t have a body, it’s just bright and it’s white and everything in it is white. And it’s complete knowledge. Like you go there and as soon as you are in it…

* She had a tough time finding the words to explain what this place actually is and what you do in there. This happens a lot with my clients who have Exterrestrial lives. Our English language just doesn’t hold enough words to fully explain or describe what they are feeling or trying to say. It really shows how expansive other areas of the universe are. *

M - … I don’t… I can’t find the English word for it. As soon as you’re up there in it, this is where all knowing is going to be. This is where big decisions are going to be made for every species. This is where infinite knowledge comes from. This is where people, sorry not people, souls come to get reincarnated down.

S – Is there a name for this place?

M – Source.

S - So it’s kind of like where the main area that souls go to?

M – Yeah but it’s like the souls aren’t there, the souls are everywhere but the souls are told by this place where they are going to… there’s different planets, so the souls are told where they’re going to go.

S – So they are told from this place?

M – From the people… not the people… from the beings that are there. They are like God. It’s the best way to explain it. These people are high up. They are what people of Earth would consider God.

S – What other things are in this place? You said this place holds knowledge…

M – So it’s all white, it has a stand, and the stand has almost like water I guess you could say. When you look into it, you can see everything. Like no matter what you want to see, you just look, and it will show you everything, everyone, everything.

S – Is that what some humans call the Akashic Records?

M – I think that’s a different thing. This is only meant for beings that have done everything they need to do, who have moved up, you can’t just get in there.

S – So it’s like a special level…

M – It’s a council.

S – Ok, and what will you be doing there once your job is finished?

M – I guess I’ll be the one…

Please visit www.moonloveqhht.com to see the rest of the past life session! She talks about different parallel Earth planets, what the people look like, what the Earth looks like, and more.

Thank you to my beautiful client and thanks for reading! 🧚‍♀️💜


I have spent the last couple months listening to the most amazing things my clients Subconscious' have been telling them. I have some incredible session stories coming up soon and will also be posted on my website!

Check back for some beautiful insight 🧚‍♀️💜


QHHT is such a wonderful way to get answers to questions you've had your whole life. With answers comes a lot of healing - bonus! All information comes from your Higher Self (or Subconscious) while in hypnosis.

The process is gentle, relaxing, and so incredible. I love seeing where my clients are going to take me next. It's an adventure for both of us 💜

If you're feeling guided, I would love to meet you! I have a couple June dates still open. Please visit www.moonloveqhht.com for more info or you can message me directly from here. 🔮🩵



QHHT ✨💖✨


Hello QHHT, I've missed you! 🥳💜



☀ Past Life Session Story 🌻

*All past life regression sessions are shared with consent* 🥰

Adventures of a Powerful Forest Spirit 🌳

Reason for session: Why do I have a strong connection to animals and nature? Where does my overprotective behaviour come from?

Past Life Shown: When she looked at her body, she instantly saw that there wasn't one. She described herself as a ball of white energy, looking much like the top of a white dandelion. She was in a lush forest that was filled with trees, animals, and streams running through it. Animals were able to communicate to her telepathically. Her job was to float around the forest and protect it, and ensure it was growing and thriving. She explained herself as being one with the forest, they were all connected (the animals, the trees, all of it). She loved the forest very much, and swore that she wouldn't allow anything to harm it.

An important day came by, and three deer came running towards her. They told her through feeling that something was wrong. She followed them, and they lead her to the edge of the forest, where a fire that was sweeping through a field, it was about to hit the forest. She immediately acted and flew around and around the fire. She said she was suffocating it to put it out. She was able to stop the fire and save her forest. Another important day came by. She was quite concerned. She saw a spaceship arriving. She went to the edge of the forest and waited for the beings to step out so she could ask them what they wanted. After asking, they replied that they want the forest. She gave them a firm, "NO". They asked again, but got the same answer. She said they were planning on doing experiments on the forest and the animals within. She then told me how powerful she really is. She flexed her power to the beings and they slowly backed away and got back into their ship. She would have destroyed them if they tried to take the forest, and they knew this, which is why they chose to leave. She then expanded herself into a massive dome made of light that surrounded her forest. She said she could better see the forest and protect it from the high up view. She was this dome for a very, very long time. Many beings approached, in attempts to take the forest and to harvest the magic within. Nobody was able to get through her protection, and she kept the forest safe.

On the last day of her life, she decided it was time for her to leave. Her job was complete. Her forest had grown to the point where it was self sufficient. She left the dome of protection around it, and exploded out of existence. The point of the life was to show her how protective her spirit is. She will always protect what she loves, and will always feel the need to protect nature and animals. In between her incarnations, she is a spirit ball of energy that finds animals in need of help and protection. She carries these protective qualities, and love for nature and animals into each of her lives. Her subconscious wanted to remind her how powerful she really is, especially with her mind. She was encouraged to develop her telepathic abilities, and to spread love to as many beings as possible.


From the beautiful Dolores Cannon herself 🌅⭐



What is QHHT? Hear it from Dolores Cannon herself 👇🌅


◼️ Session Share Saturday ◼️

⚔️ The Respected, Angry Knight ⚔️

*** Pieces from sessions are only shared with permission from the client, and are always kept anonymous***

➡️Client's Question: Why can't I have deep sleeps? Why am I such a light sleeper?

➡️Past Life Shown: He was shown a past life where he was a well respected knight. He was high up in the ranks, and lived in a room in the castle of the king that he protected. He wore heavy metal armor, a helmet, and carried around a large sword. His job was to protect, and he was well respected by the king, the other guards, and the townspeople. One day, he found a wife, married, and had children. He had left the kings guard to settle down, and live a quiet life with his family in the forest. Life was going really well. He hunted for food, loved his wife, and loved his family very much.

Fast forward to an important day. There is a new king. This king loses control of the people. He isn't a very good king, and the people don't respect him. In a rebellious rage, the townspeople went around causing havoc. One night when the knight should have been sleeping, he was awake. That night, the townspeople set fire to his house in the forest with his wife and children sleeping in their beds. He was able to get them out of the house in time for nobody to get hurt. As his wife wept beside him, and his children wrapped around their legs, they watched their home burn to the ground, not being able to do anything about it. The anger he felt inside of him took over. He went to the king, hand on his sword, ready to draw and fight. The king scolded him for his behavior, and the knight was thrown into the dungeon for a few days. He was later let out. He took his family, and moved away to find a new home.

➡️The Subconscious: When the subconscious was called forward, I asked why it chose to show my client that specific past life. It said that because the knight in that life wasn't sleeping when the townspeople set fire to his home, he was able to get his family out in time. He saved them. He now carries this into this life because he feels a strong need to protect his family. The need comes from a deeper place, stemming from the past life. I asked the subconscious if this could be healed and let go. It responded with no. Only the client can decide that, as he is choosing this. He wants this. He is choosing to not sleep at night in an attempt to keep his family safe.

🌈This is a great example of sometimes not receiving healing from the subconscious because we are "choosing" what we are experiencing. It will only be released when we choose to let it go.

📅If you would like to book a session, please comment below, or send me a message. Sessions are now full until new dates open in December 2021. 🌻💛




Hey guys!! 💛

I went a little M.I.A. with summer. I hope you all had a wonderful one! 🌻

I have also been busy taking a new course: Dolores Cannon's Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). It has been a life changer.

⭐ What is it? ⭐

It's just like a self guided meditation. I guide you to a very relaxed state, and we explore 1-4 of your past lives. Your Subconscious will show you the most appropriate past life to help you deal with what is going on in this life. Issues like, health, career, relationships, understanding, phobias, etc. Anything and everything can be explained. After viewing your past life, we call your Subconscious through. That's when the magic happens! The SC is this wonderful, absolute power. It holds all the answers to all of your questions. Think of it as your own personal Google. I record your entire session, so you can listen to it over and over again.

I am currently a Level 1 intern, and the clients I have done so far have been absolutely incredible! We have visited the Akashic Records, past lives as forest spirits, knights, and more. The adventures have been amazing.

✨🔮 If this is something that you may be interested in, I would love to conduct your session! While I am an intern, there is absolutely no cost. I just appreciate your trust in letting me guide you to find healing and answers.

My September and October dates are booked. I will be opening Novemeber dates soon. Please let me know if you're interested!

Much love to you all! ✨💛

Timeline photos 04/30/2021




When you go to the crystal store to pick up some Carnelian but end up coming home with a big 'ol chunk of Amethyst 😁🔮

This had my entire body vibrating in the store! Can't wait to see what adventures it takes me on in meditation! 👽🥳💜

Do you have any favourite crystals?? ✨🤩


Happy Wednesday!

Photos from Moon Love QHHT's post 04/13/2021

Gemstone Bracelets 💎🔮
(All infused with healing reiki energy)

$14.00 💙

The one you're drawn to could be the one you need most in your life right now 🧚‍♀️ Comment below or on the photo, and I'll provide the meta physical properties for you 🌙💜

If you have specific things you want help with, send me a message and I'll personalize your very own gemstone bracelet ☀️🌈🥰

These things could be:
▪️intuition enhancement
▪️emotional control
▪️negative energy repelling
▪️awaken your psychic abilities
▪️you name it, I have a crystal bead for it! 😊

Photos from Moon Love QHHT's post 04/11/2021

❤🚨 New Product 🚨❤

Safety keychains 🚶‍♀️🧟‍♂️

These are amazing to have for:
➡️ walking alone
➡️ feeling safe
➡️ keep others you love safe (kids & adults)

Each keychain includes:
▪️Hand sanitizer bottle (fill with your fav.) or lip chap holder
▪️LED flashlight
▪️Alarm (to draw attention)
▪️Selenite (increases intuition and attracts positive energy)
▪️Pom pom
▪️Matching scrunchie 😁

All are customizable! I've attached photos of some options you can choose from 🌙💜


***Thank you everyone who commented and messaged, I love tapping into your energies and sharing messages for you! 🌙💜 It was a great night! ***

Hello everyone! 💜🌈

Ill be doing animal spirit guide readings tonight. Short and sweet 😁

Please send me a private message or comment below if you would like to know which animal is helping you on your path right now (and what they are helping you with)🌙💜


Photos from Rainbow Farm Reiki and Readings's post 04/06/2021



Happy Easter! 🐣🐇🌈🌞

Free oracle card readings tonight 💜🧚‍♀️

Comment below (or private msg me) the deck number that calls to you and I'll send you the message that your spirit guide or guardian angels are trying to get to you 😊🌙

** Closed - Thank you everyone for sharing your energy with me!**

Photos from Moon Love QHHT's post 04/02/2021

"Micro Homes" for the signs ☀️

Mines ♑ Capricorn, I'll take it! 😏🥰📚

♓ Pisces, ♋ Cancer, ♊ Gemini... your homes have me dying 😂

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918 Albert Street
Regina, S4P1Y6

An alternative wellness center offering Reiki, Access Bars,Shadow Work,Past Life Regressions & more!

Ariadne's Thread SK Ariadne's Thread SK

Ariadne’s Thread refers to the ancient story of the Labyrinth and the Minotaur, Theseus and Ariadne. Like Ariadne, it is my goal as a medium to help my guests understand and find ...

Readings with Elita Readings with Elita

I'm here to share messages for your highest good; providing your life with more focus, and calm ✌️

Innate Body Therapies Innate Body Therapies
2340 Lorne Street
Regina, S4P2M9

Registered Osteopathic & Massage Therapy Services

Diem Hypnosis Diem Hypnosis

Karen is excited to share her knowledge of hypnosis to offer heart-centred professional services tha