UBC Cantonese 卑詩大學粵語

The Department of Asian Studies at UBC currently offers a comprehensive university credit Cantonese

[26分鐘見證實錄] 7月12日「文彊學校」 07/17/2024

【Learn Canto】Fairchild Television program featuring Mon Keang Chinese School in Vancouver Chinatown.
【學粵語】 新時代電視 Fairchild Television 介紹華埠「文彊學校」。
Wongs' Benevolent Association of Canada 加拿大黄氏宗親總會
Youth Collaborative for Chinatown - 青心在唐人街

[26分鐘見證實錄] 7月12日「文彊學校」 新時代電視1台 | 26分鐘見證實錄 | 星期五 9:50pmwww.fairchildtv.com客觀報道, 深入探討。 曾經多次獲得Jack Webster大獎的 「26分鐘見證實錄」 ,專門透視社會的種種弊端,找尋事實真相, 了解時事背後的原因,探討最新的醫學新知。__...

Photos from UBC Cantonese 卑詩大學粵語's post 07/13/2024

【UBC】Awesome sharing and interactions.
Thank you TypeDuck Visual Fonts 是像字體 #粵語 #廣東話

Photos from UBC Cantonese 卑詩大學粵語's post 07/12/2024

【UBC】Prepping for the workshop tomorrow!
Ting1 jat6 gung1 zok3 fong1 zeon2 bei6 zung1!

New Cantonese Input & Output Tools 粵語好打得


Visual Fonts 是像字體


【UBC】Register now as most 2024-25 Winter sections are already full! A few seats left in CNTO 301/303/401/403/451. 2024_25 冬季大部份課程已額滿,CNTO 301/303/401/403/451 尚餘小量名額,註冊從速。

[Courses] Check out these Hong Kong–related courses offered in the upcoming 2024/25 Winter term. . . .
UBC Asian Studies
UBC Department of History
UBC Cantonese 卑詩大學粵語

Photos from UBC Cantonese 卑詩大學粵語's post 07/04/2024

【UBC】New Cantonese Input & Output Tools 粵語好打得
Cantonese Teaching Workshop #4 粵語教學工作坊 #4

Guest Speaker: Dr. Jon Chui and Dr. Chaak Ming Lau
嘉賓講者: 徐家宏博士及劉擇明博士

Date: July 12, 2024 Vancouver Time
日期:溫哥華時間 2024 年 7 月 12 日

Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Vancouver Time
時間:溫哥華時間晚上 6 點至 8 點

Location: Room 604, Asian Centre, 1871 West Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
地點:卑詩大學亞洲中心 604 室

Hybrid/Online and In-Person

Program in Cantonese 粵語講座

Broadcast on Zoom only for the first hour. (6:00 – 7:00pm PDT)
首小時網上直播 (晚上 6 點至 7 點)

Registration 登記:https://cantonese.arts.ubc.ca/events/event/new-cantonese-input-tools/

Join us for an immersive and dynamic Cantonese teaching workshop if you are interested and passionate about Cantonese teaching. Teachers of all experience levels from seasoned educators to novice instructors are welcomed. Led by Dr. Jon Chui & Dr. Chaak Ming Lau, the workshop delves into the latest Cantonese input and output technologies and tools such as Cantonese Fonts and Typeduck. Participants will have the opportunity to collaborate with fellow educators, exchange ideas, and leave with a toolkit of some teaching resources. Light refreshments and certificate of attendance will be provided to in-person participants.



【Conference】Lecturer Raymond Pai will be featured at the upcoming Twenty-fourth Workshop on Cantonese (WOC-24) co-organized by LSHK 香港語言學學會 The Linguistic Society of Hong Kong and the Division of Languages and Communication, CPCE, PolyU July 5 (Vancouver time) / July 6 (Hong Kong time) at the PolyU Hung Hom Bay Campus.
【會議】講師白文杰將於本週溫哥華時間 7 月 5 號 / 香港時間 7 月 6 號於香港語言學學會第二十四屆粵語討論會作特邀演講。

We are pleased to announce that the Twenty-fourth Workshop on Cantonese (WOC-24) is co-organized by The Linguistic Society of Hong Kong (LSHK) and the Division of Languages and Communication, CPCE, PolyU. The workshop will be held physically on Saturday, July 6, 2024, at the PolyU Hung Hom Bay Campus.


【UBC】BREAKING: NEW ONLINE Basic Cantonese sections in 2024 Winter Term 1 (September to December 2024) and Winter Term 2 (January to April 2025) are open to registration.

ALL interested non-heritage students are welcomed!

Non-UBC students can first apply for unclassified student status before July 15, 2024.

Please refer to https://students.ubc.ca/enrolment/courses/non-degree-studies/non-degree-studies-unclassified for details.

Space is limited. Email: [email protected]

UBC Asian Studies
UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative
UBC Language Sciences

#粵語 #廣東話


【UBC】We are hiring for the Teaching Assistant (TA) and Work Learn (WL) positions for Winter Terms 2024-25 (UBC full-time undergraduate students only).
卑詩大學粵語課程現招聘 2024-25 年度冬季學期教學及課程助理(只限全日制本科生)。

Details are available on our program website at https://cantonese.arts.ubc.ca/job-postings/

Please email your CV and class schedule or any inquiries to [email protected] as soon as possible if interested.
Deadline: July 15, 2024, 11:59pm PDT

UBC Faculty of Arts
UBC Asian Studies
Asian Canadian & Asian Migration Studies UBC UBC Chinese Language Program
UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative
UBC Hong Kong YOURS Association
UBC Language Sciences
University of British Columbia

Photos from UBC Cantonese 卑詩大學粵語's post 06/22/2024

【UBC】We are half-way into summer but are already wrapping up Summer Term 1 2024 with over 100 students taking basic and intermediate courses in hybrid and mixed modes. Thank you all for a great school term! We wish everyone the best of luck on the upcoming final exams! 💪🫶🧑‍🏫

Tung4 hok6 haau2 si3 gaa1 jau2 aa3!

Registration for Winter Term courses starting in September is ongoing in phases. Please refer to
for information.

UBC Asian Studies
UBC Chinese Language Program
UBC Faculty of Arts
UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative
UBC Language Sciences
University of British Columbia
#粵語 #廣東話


【Media】The popular US TV game show "Jeopardy!" episode aired on June 20, 2024 featured a clue they previously consulted with us! Did you get the answer? 📺

【媒體】著名美國電視遊戲節目《危險邊緣》2024 年 6 月 20 日一集內容包括一條早前曾諮詢本課程意見嘅問題!你識唔識答?🙋


【Media】The popular US TV gameshow "Jeopardy!" has informed us today's episode (June 20, 2024) will feature a clue they previously consulted with us! 📺
ABC Network, check local listings.
ABC 頻道,請查閲當地播放時間。

Photos from 迴響-粵語文化期刊-'s post 06/09/2024

【Learn Canto】Canto Fonts featured by Resonate magazine and also soon at our next Cantonese Teaching Workshop!

New Cantonese Input Tools 粵語好打得

Photos from 迴響-粵語文化期刊-'s post 06/09/2024

【Learn Canto】TypeDuck Cantonese input featured by Resonate magazine and also soon at our next Cantonese Teaching Workshop!
【學粵語】 迴響-粵語文化期刊-及下場粵語教學工作坊都介紹「打得」粵拼輸入法!

New Cantonese Input Tools 粵語好打得


【Conference 】TCCSL International Conference 2024 by Chinese Language Centre, HKPolyU
【會議】香港理工大學中國語文教學中心主辦 2024 對外標準漢語和粵語教與學 (TCCSL) 國際學術研討會

Registration site 報名網站:

Registration deadline 報名截止:

Conference Website 大會網頁:https://events.polyu.edu.hk/tccsl2024/
Email 電郵:[email protected]


LAST CALL: We are thrilled to collaborate with CHIME Canada and UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative for a special online talk event on May 26 6pm Pacific Time to Interact with Director Norris Wong 黃綺琳導演 about her new award winning Hong Kong film 填詞L The Lyricist Wannabe, which is currently screening across North America.

50 seats are reserved for current and former UBC Cantonese and Hong Kong studies related course students, who can register on our program website at https://cantonese.arts.ubc.ca/events/event/norris-wong/.

Another 50 seats is open to the general public for Cineplex ticket holders. Registration: https://www.thechime.ca/the-lyricist-wannabe-may26-registration

See you then! 到時見!

#廣東歌 #廣東話 #粵語 #香港電影


【UBC】Summer Term 2024 starts today! Our teaching team with the great student Teaching Assistants are all ready for another exciting school term. Only a very few seats left for the Basic Cantonese for Mandarin Speakers and Intermediate Cantonese courses. 🧑🏻‍💻 我哋新嘅學生助理同教學團隊準備好迎接 2024 暑期粵語課程!華語初班及中班均將近額滿,報讀從速!
#粵語 #廣東話


【UBC】Last call for Cantonese Teaching Workshop this weekend! 本週末粵語教學工作坊最後召集!

Photos from UBC Cantonese 卑詩大學粵語's post 04/13/2024

【UBC】Last day of Winter school term today! Thank you for your hard work and best of luck with the final exams! 又一個冬季學期嘅終結喇!
各位同學加油,祝考試勁過! 💪🫶👩‍🏫
#粵語 #廣東話

Photos from UBC Cantonese 卑詩大學粵語's post 03/30/2024

【UBC】Our Advanced Cantonese Through Popular Culture students are blessed with an artist visit and the first ever in-class music performance by Hong Kong singer 龍小菌 蔡紫晴 ChoicHing!🎶

Photos from UBC Cantonese 卑詩大學粵語's post 03/29/2024

【UBC】In one week! Register NOW! 下個禮拜!登記從速!

Cantonese Culture Masterclass: Cantonese Literature from the late 19th to the 20th century

Speakers: Professor F***y Li Yuen Mei of The Education University of Hong Kong & Professor Chris Song of University of Toronto
講者: 香港教育大學李婉薇教授及多倫多大學宋子江教授

Date: April 4, 2024
日期:2024 年 4 月 4 日

Time: 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM Vancouver Time
時間:溫哥華時間晚上 6 點至 7 點半

Online Program in Cantonese via Zoom
Zoom 線上講座粵語節目

RSVP Link 登記: https://cantonese.arts.ubc.ca/events/event/cantonese-literature/

About the Speakers 嘉賓介紹:

F***y Li Yuen Mei 李婉薇

F***y Li is an Associate Professor in Department of Literature and Cultural Studies at The Education University of Hong Kong. The revised version of her monograph, Cantonese Writing in Late Qing and Early Republic, was published in 2017 and reprinted in 2021 by Joint Publishing (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. She was specially appointed by The University of Tokyo as Associate Professor in winter 2018 and summer 2023. She was conferred the “Early Career Award” in 2014 by Research Grant Committee of Hong Kong. She teaches Hong Kong literature, modern Chinese literature and Media literacy.

Chris Song 宋子江

Chris Song is an Assistant Professor in English and Chinese Translation at the University of Toronto. He teaches Hong Kong Literature and Hong Kong Cinema and Adaptation at the graduate level, as well as various translation-related courses at the undergraduate level. His research falls at the intersection of translation studies, modern literature in Chinese, and Hong Kong culture, with a focus on Chinese anthologies of American poetry. Song is appointed by the International Federation of Translators as the managing editor of Babel: R***e internationale de la traduction / International Journal of Translation (John Benjamins). His co-edited volume, The Bloomsbury Handbook of Modern Chinese Literature in Translation, has been published in 2024. Song is active in Hong Kong literary scene and has published many volumes of poetry and literary translation. He won the “Extraordinary Mention” of the 2013 Nosside International Poetry Prize in Italy and the Award for Young Arti

Poster: Bevery Yuen


【Food】A book fair and guest talks on Hong Kong food culture organized by Vancouver Hong Kong Forum Society.

Vancouver Hong Kong Forum Society 溫哥華香港協進會成立於1991年,設對話平台討論加港大事。30年,海外離散港人在保存身份及文化方面,可能正發揮前所未有的作用。本會將竭力在加國一隅保育香港文化傳統、推動對話。

Photos from UBC Cantonese 卑詩大學粵語's post 03/17/2024

【UBC】We thoroughly enjoyed the amazing sharing of all things anime and comics by Herman and Ishi Ishinosuke 🥷🦸‍♀️🎮🎨 聽咗兩位嘉賓黃瑋中 Herman Wong 同伊死接近兩個鐘嘅動漫歷史文化分享,仍然意猶未盡呀!
CMYKi 漫不良

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Videos (show all)

【Media】The popular US TV game show "Jeopardy!" episode aired on June 20, 2024 featured a clue they previously consulted ...
【UBC】We celebrated the great work of our teaching team at the end of the winter term. 👩‍🏫👏🥂 冬季學期末教學團隊慶功宴。
The 2nd UBC Cantonese Singing Contest All Stars
The 2nd UBC Cantonese Singing Contest - Corinna Chamberlain
The 2nd UBC Cantonese Singing Contest - Mandy Jackson
The 2nd UBC Cantonese Singing Contest - Soko Izumi
The 2nd UBC Cantonese Singing Contest - Vivek Mahbubani
第二屆卑詩大學粵語歌唱比賽初賽 - 王貽興
The 2nd UBC Cantonese Singing Contest - Karen So
The 2nd UBC Cantonese Singing Contest - Chapman To
CNTO 311 God of Lemon Tea《凍檸茶之神》



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Vancouver, BC

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