David Santana Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine

Hello community!, here you'll find what TCM is all about, you'll learn some basics self care tools t


“My music is the spiritual expression of what I am — my faith, my knowledge, my being... When you begin to see the possibilities of music, you desire to do something really good for people, to help humanity free itself from its hang-ups... I want to speak to their souls.” I love this quote by Coltrane, it shows the depths he was navigating with his music, and the tremendous power he was realizing through it, the power of connection, self inquiry and knowledge, and the transcendental experience that can be achieved with music. I know my soul, music and medicine are connected for eternity so might as well enjoy the ride 🤟🏾✨🎸 come on out and listen us playing Trane’s powerful music this Thursday 7pm get the last tickets at:


Hello healing comunity! Tonight is the night! Come get some high caliber music medicine at 7pm see you there! We'll be playing Wayne Shorter epic tunes! Get your tickets here:


It's going to be an amazing night together.



Happening tonight! I'll be embodying the medicine in its sound form 🙏🏽 see you all soon 🎸🤘🏾🦅

Get ready for a sensational night at Hermann's Jazz Club this Saturday, November 18th! Join us for an incredible evening of soulful Jazz. Get your tickets here: http://hermannsjazz.com//show/595855/view 🎶✨


Hi everyone! for those who know me, music is one of my deepest medicine, and I love to share it! come join me on Saturday Novemeber 18 for a tribute to the soulful and legendary guitarist Kenny Burrell, which is sure to touch your hearts.

Get your tickets here:

David Santana: Sonny Rollins Tribute Concert @ Hermann's Jazz Club - Sep 02, 2023 - Victoria BC 09/02/2023

Hi everyone, I'm playing tomorrow night September 2nd, Come join me for your jazz medicine 🦅⭐️🐍

David Santana: Sonny Rollins Tribute Concert @ Hermann's Jazz Club - Sep 02, 2023 - Victoria BC 🎺 Hey there, all you jazz cats. Brace yourselves for an amazing tribute concert that you'll never forget! We're paying homage to the one and only Sonny Rollins, it's gonna be a fabulous night. We've got David Santana coming back from the peruvian jungle ready to swing back at hermann's, and a cre...

Photos from David Santana Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine's post 06/03/2023

One of my last pilgrimages to the sacred mountains in Peru, this is called the 7 color mountain right next to one of the guardian spirit mountain of Cuzco, the Ausangate 🙏🏽🦅🌞


Learing to draw this beings as well, its lots of fun🌞, what a powerful creatures they are!
Thx to the cosmic mother for bringing so many new friends into my life 🙏🏽🐲🐉.



Photos from David Santana Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine's post 05/17/2023

Its been a bit less than a week since I finish my last dieta in the jungle. Its true that words cannot describe some experiences, and thats when art its the only way. But I can say a few things. That Im so forever grateful, first of all, for the cosmic mother to be so kind to me, to have called me through my dreams and life events, and showed me that now was the right time for me. To all the plantas maestras and maestros for their compassion and willingness to share with all of them who sincerely want to listen and see. To Papa Gilberto, for receiving me, and trusting me, teaching me far beyond I could have imagined I could learn before I went there. For all my friends I met there who specially on my first diet were so supported and loving to me, when I most needed.
I pray and I'll do my best effort, so I might be able to share any and all of the beauty and power I have experienced, whatever wisdom and healing energies I have received, may I be able to share it with all of you, may I be an empty vessel for all that is good in this amazing universe 🦅.
I share here some art I made during this last retreat, they are inspired from the visions and experiences in the realms.
Love you all, thx so much for all the love I feel from all of you 🙏🏽❤️.


Sacred plant medicine, "the encounter with the snake teacher"


I just finished the hike!! What an amazing journey 🌞 thx everyone for the love and good vibe you sent me, I feel so grateful for it 🙏🏽. Ill be sharing more pics and stories soon but for now the closing picture, 2 mins from the end of the trail there is this awesome coffee shop.
Much love to everyone 🙏🏽🌞🦅❤️


Its been a looong cycle that I've been through, so many people I need to thank, so many experiences I had to process, changes, seemingly different directions, lots of resistance and physical and emotional suffering, as well as sublime and beautiful moments. But some how I went through it all, and rather than feel jinxed, I feel more gratitude and reverence to the forces that give and transform our lifes. At this point Im so grateful that I have the awareness that a big cycle has come to an end in my life and another one is just opening up. Im so grateful to everyone that loves me and also those of you that might not, you all are teaching me valuable lessons that help me to get to know my self deeper, getting closer to my essence, which is life itself.
I left Canada at a time where every thing I came to do to in this awesome country was blooming: my acupuncture practice was fully booked, my music expression reach high moments playing with musicians that I absolutely admire and respect and I got to feel the love and appreciation of the music community. Yet at this time, I felt the call of the unknown to follow its subtle whispers, to make a change and take a big brake to come south to visit my family, the bigger mirror that is, and then eventually continue my journey back to the Amazon and the magic realms.
I feel very privileged and grateful for all the opportunities I have had in my life, but also very proud of the hard work I have done so far.
I pray this day, that my journey might be fruitful, that I may accomplish what my soul has guide me to do, that every little thing I might learn and develop can be in service of the whole.
May we all grow in love, wisdom and understanding.
Let this new cycle rolllllll🙏🏽❤️🌞🦀 🦁🦅


I did this drawing a long time ago, when I rediscover some of my roots, thx to a vision while meditating. At that time, everything I thought I was, was crumbling down, and this experience gave me the inner knowing and courage to do what I knew needed to be done, no matter how painful I knew it was going to be.
I'm forever grateful to the wisdom of the sweetest grandma I met that day, and the eagle medicine in our world🦅 ❤️🦅❤️🦅. May we all have the courage to follow our heart, moment to moment no matter what 🙏🏽.


Nothing better than a swim in the ocean before going to the clinic 🌞. Got to be here for myself fill ma cup full so then I can be there for others and spread d love. Looking forward to work and heal together with all my patients today 🙏🏽❤️🧙🏽‍♂️


From yesterday Harmonize event, I feel so grateful to be able to offer music medicine and acupuncture along with my sweet friends at .ca stay tune for the one next month!


The more I practice and explore into the depths of chinese medicine, the more I realize that some of the most powerful medicine are very simple, fresh air, nature, good friends, and very important, gratitude. Im so grateful to have this beautiful humans as my roommates and live in one of the most beautiful place on earth 🙏🏽❤️🌞.


Went for a walk to say hi to the ocean in this beautiful new moon, new year eve and there was a fire burning, I couldn't resist the invitation so I ended up going for a night swim and warming myself by the fire learning new constellations! That is good medicine for me, feels my heart with gratitude and owe to the mystery and beauty of life.
What is good medicine for you?
Happy new beginnings everyone 🙏🏽❤️🧜‍♂️🌞


Grateful to be able to offer care for those in need. I'm here for all your acupuncture, cupping and herbal needs 🙏


Last night I was blessed with a dream in which I was healing my inner child, seeing images of times I was hurt as a kid, and in the dream, I was able to contain and hold this child, myself, in my own arms as an adult, and I was telling him that I was there, that I loved him, and that he was safe.
I believe that inner child healing is quintessential to develop into a well-rounded human. There is a place in each one of us which is so open, so vulnerable, so full of love and genuine. It is our gift and birthright to have this be part of us, but many times due to life events or circumstances we disconnect from this inner place, afraid of the pain and the fear of been hurt once again, afraid of our own emotions.
I want to share this awesome video I found about this subject, she is great! Full of concise knowledge and practical advice to start healing your inner child or continuing caring for it if you already have started this journey.
I wish everyone can have a playful, spontaneous, and joyful relationship with their inner child is like having sunshine pouring right from within.
Love to you all!

here is the link:


Welcome Everyone to Yoga in Spanish and live music 🎶
This class will be led by David Santana .Enjoy a Hatha yoga practice accompanied by live music with songs in Spanish and an awesome community.
Whether or not you speak Spanish, are learning, or you just want to come and enjoy, ALL are welcome.
March 20 at 1:30 pm
By Donation
Click here to sign up
Hola a todas y a todos
Queremos invitarte a una clase de yoga en español. Esta clase estará dirigida por David Santana. Será una práctica al estilo de Hatha Yoga, Acompañado de música en vivo y mucha buena onda.
Si sabes español o estás aprendiendo o simplemente quieres disfrutar de la clase, todos son bienvenidos.
Es el 20 de Marzo a las 130pm
El valor $ es por donación
Reserva tu cupo con anticipación


Who am I?

This question is at the root of our healing journey, and although Chinese medicine doesn't provide the answer for us, it teaches us a way of seeing, it gives us different lenses that we can use to examine and explore our world and ourselves in a deeper way.
Let's take the five elements as an example. If we dig deep within ourselves using this five element theory, and we let it guide our perceptions, we start exploring and asking questions like; Is there a fundamental element in me that yearns to be expressed but I'm afraid of? what is my relationship with the earth element, with my body, with the material and practical aspects in life, with food? what would be a healthy expression of the wood element in me?...
Deep within this medicine, is the understanding that the healing journey requires a continuous self-exploration, and for that purpose, it empowers each one of us to play a leading role in our health, by giving us tools to explore and seek understanding of ourselves so we can time and time again we can dare to ask "who am I".
It's a blessing for me, to be able to empower people in their healing journey with this beautiful and profound medicine 🙏.

Camera Monika Zaborowski :)


Fatty Liver

My patient was diagnosed with Fatty liver four months ago, the Doctor said that there was nothing he could do until it gets worst, then they can start using different drugs to mask the symptoms and make it easier to live with.
So after this appointment, he came to visit me at my clinic with his blood test results, his cholesterol levels were higher than normal and the liver enzyme Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) were also elevated (this enzyme get elevated when the liver is damaged).
we begin treatment (acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine) for six weeks straight, we also developed a meal plan with the help of my nutritionist friend .velez_nutrition, the main focus was to lower his cholesterol levels but more urgently restore the health of the liver. From a TCM perspective, we cleared heat and dampness from the Liver.
After this period we started to spread the appointments, he would come every three to four weeks, but he will continue to take the herbs I gave him.
Now four months have passed and he came back with his blood test, so far very positive results. His cholesterol has drop-down, but it still above the normal range, so there is more work to be done in that area. The liver enzymes, on the other hand, have come down to the normal range.
I really hope this can reach people who might be in a similar situation as my patient. There is so much we can do to help to bring the body back to balance before it develops into much more serious and hard to treat conditions.



Its an honor for me, and a great privilege to be living in this beautiful Lkwungen territory, to have been invited by the magic of this land through a dream to find such beautiful home steps by my beloved ocean.
I wanted to share this Mantra passed down by my teacher Jose, the green Tara mantra, a healing mantra for those who sign it and those who listen to it, we are all healing and growing together.
🙏 Blessings everyone 🦅


is part of
is part of
is part of . . .

I wish I could have change the font to make it smaller and smaller each sentence... but here the idea I wanted to convey is the interrelationship between everything & everyone with everything & everyone.
Chinese medicine has been for a long time observing and analyzing our relationship with the whole of the universe, and it does so inquiring in our relationship to the cosmos and the stars, then like a fractal keeps zooming in! What's our relationship to the earth, to our body, the tissues, and substance that form our body, our emotions, our thoughts, and beliefs?
By studying any of these layers in relation to us, we begin to discover a lot about ourselves and the world around us.
Reading the tongue shape and color & feeling the pulse to understand the health of the internal organs is the same as looking at the stars and the position of the planets to understand more about ourselves. Chinese medicine offers us a lens, a way of looking at the universe that at its depth teaches us about interconectedness, collaboration, care for each other, and oneness.
I feel very fortunate to be able to offer this medicine in this beautiful and powerful Lekwungen and W̱SÁNEĆ nations.
To book an appointment call or text: 819 230 2991 or email me at [email protected]



So grateful to have the opportunity to merge 2 of my deepest loves, music and chinese medicine 🌞. Yesterday we did the first restorative / music/ acupuncture session at the studio and was a sold out event! Now we are getting ready for the next one in new year's eve! Book it before we are sold out again, only few spots left.

✨Restorative Sound Healing Massage and Acupuncture Event✨

Bring in the New Year harmonized in mind, body, and spirit. Join us for an evening of restorative yoga, acupuncture, reflexology massage and sound therapy. This potent mix of body work, intentional relaxation and sound/music hold the participant in the most beautiful way.

Our musicians 🎤 🎸 ✨

Chantelle Mussel
Tara Heal
Katyanna Ryan
David Santana

Our Acupuncturists

Katyanna Ryan R.ac
David Santana TCMP

Our Refloxolgist 💆

Carley de Goede

This offering will begin with some gentle restorative yoga led by Chantelle Mussel as you are gently serenaded by our musicians.

Our vocalists will be contained within the room in an enclosed sound pod so the sound can drift through and we can maintain safety during these times.

Our reflexologist will be moving through to massage bodies while in posture.

Towards the end of the practice our acupuncturists will move through to apply acupuncture during the final savasana and gong bath.

Live music and sound therapy will be sustained through the entire practice.

December 31

6 pm-7:30 pm

All COVID protocols will be followed.

Medical grade masks are required to be worn at all times during practice by both participants and practitioners, with the exception of vocalists within their pod.

If you don't have a medical grade mask, ones will be provided for you.

Do not miss this incredible event.

Spaces are limited.

Sign up today 👇🏼


📷 by


I want to invite you to my clinic, located at 539 herald street, in the heart of Chinatown, at Ma yoga studio, so you can experience all the benefits chinese medicine has for you to offer. Whether if is for a particular health concern of yours, or if you are curious about how chinese medicine can be used as a preventive therapy, feel free to reach out! I'll be happy to connect with all of you.
To book an appointment: 819 230 2991
or send me a message here


One of the key diagnostics tools in chinese medicine is the careful examination of the pulse. There are 3 different possitions, that we feel with our index, middle and ring finger accordingly, and within each possition there are different depths that we explore. We train ourselves to be very sensitive to the the touch of our patient pulse against the pads of our fingers, and then we get to categorize the quality of the touch we received. To give you a couple of examples: a "wiry" pulse feels like a tight violin string, its usually associated to liver pathologies, a "slippery" pulse feels like beads rolling on a plate, often associated with digestive problems related to the Spleen.
What's truly unique about this assesment is that we get to see very reliably where in the body there might be something out of balance, much earlier than a full disease state manifest, which then we can correct before it takes a deeper hold in our bodies.

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Chinese medicine Victoria

Hello dear community, I’m here to help you in any part of your journey into health and happiness.

Chinese medicine is a natural form of medicine that sees human beings as a whole. Therefore on assessment, I routinely examine the state of your physical, emotional and mental health. From that place I can help you to regain balance on a much deeper level and also bring to your awareness what are the contributing factors to your health concerns.

I use acupuncture, moxabustion, cupping, tuina & herbal medicine as needed.

Book a free 15 minutes online consult, message me to schedule the appointment.

Videos (show all)

Emotions I believe, are the current growth edge for us humans. We are addicted to them and terrified of them. The higher...
It's an honor to be practicing chinese medicine helping people to connect with themselves and find greater ease within t...
I wanted to leave you with a lil christmas present before I go to Vipassana. I've been learning this ancient instrument ...
I walked up to 5500 mts at the top of Jampa mountain in Peru, from where you can see the mighty Ausangate mountain. I di...
Im about to go on my first solo adventure of this journey. It is a very special thing, to go into the wilderness, up a m...
From yesterday Harmonize event, I feel so grateful to be able to offer music medicine and acupuncture along with my swee...
A new fire
Acupuncture Rock's!
Welcome Everyone to Yoga in Spanish and live music 🎶 This class will be led by David Santana @medicinedao .Enjoy a Hatha...
Who am I?This question is at the root of our healing journey, and although Chinese medicine doesn't provide the answer f...
Green Tara Mantra
Immune support with Chinese medicine


539 Herald Street
Victoria, BC

Opening Hours

Monday 2pm - 8pm
Tuesday 2pm - 8pm
Wednesday 2pm - 8pm
Thursday 2pm - 8pm

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