Center for Computer Games Research

Information about events and research at the Center for Computer Games Research at the IT University of Copenhagen.

The Center for Games Research was formally established in 2003, building on ongoing work in the area at the IT University since its founding in 1999. The center houses a multi-disciplinary research group with backgrounds in the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and Computer Science. The group performs basic and applied research, approaching games from a variety of perspectives including theoretica

2: Creepypasta Games, Empathy by ITU Playcast • A podcast on Anchor 22/04/2021

🎤 We have a new podcast episode out now! This time, we talk about creepypastas and games, and what empathy means for games and why it's important.

Apple Podcasts:

Other platforms:

2: Creepypasta Games, Empathy by ITU Playcast • A podcast on Anchor We discuss creepypastas in, about and as games, and what empathy means, how it relates to and works within games, and why it's important to think about. Hosted by Dom Ford, who is joined by Nina Patricia Houe and Miruna Vozaru. This is the second episode of ITU Playcast, a podcast by the Center for....

ITU Playcast 29/03/2021

We've started a podcast! Every episode, a few of us will get together and talk about games and our research.

Listen now on Spotify (we're working on other platforms such as Apple Music).

ITU Playcast Listen to ITU Playcast on Spotify. Each episode, a few researchers from the Center for Computer Games Research at the IT University of Copenhagen get together to chat about topics within the world of games as well as what they've been working on in their research.

Gaming Circles, Women's Leisure and Lulzing Medusa: Shira Chess interviewed by Torill Mortensen 23/02/2021

Why Medusa would be a reluctant Twitter user, how gendered ideas of leisure affect the relationship between women and games, and the playfulness in feminist protest.

Listen to the Center's Torill Mortensen interview Shira Chess, associate professor at the University of Georgia.

Chess' new book, Play Like a Feminist., argues for why feminism needs games and play and vice versa. In this interview, Mortensen digs into these topics and many more, drawing on her research in areas like transgression.

Gaming Circles, Women's Leisure and Lulzing Medusa: Shira Chess interviewed by Torill Mortensen Torill Mortensen interviews Shira Chess about her latest book, Play Like a Feminist. Their wide-ranging discussion takes us through the core themes of the bo...

Roundtable Discussion - What's the point of game studies? 06/12/2020

What is game studies? What is it for? Why do we study games? How does our research help us to better understand games, particularly in these strange times?

We got together online and had an interesting, wide-ranging discussion on these questions and more.

Watch it here:

Roundtable Discussion - What's the point of game studies? Why do we study games? What is the field of 'game studies'? How does research into games help us better understand the changing nature of games in times of c...

Philosophy of Computer Games 13/08/2018

ITU hosts the Philosophy of Computer Games Conference... Follow it live here:

Philosophy of Computer Games

Tactile Video Game Thesis Prize 2018 24/05/2018

Recently graduated a games program or are going to in the near future? Submit your thesis and get the chance to win a prize!

Calling recent and upcoming master graduates in games! Here's a chance to make an impact with your thesis and win a little cash.
Tactile Games is sponsoring a prize for the best master thesis in games; if you have submitted or will be submitting your thesis between 1st September 2017 and 30th June 2018, go to to read more about Tactile's Video Games Thesis Prize.

Tactile Video Game Thesis Prize 2018 Denmark is a country of many small and mid-sized game development studios, and many game educations. With this prize, we wish to shine a light on the great work that students are doing in their master thesis projects, and thereby show both how industry and game educations work closer together, and t...


Today, Tuesday 03.04.2018, at 4 pm in Auditorium 4, the Center for Computer Games Research is proud to present two talks:

Jan-Noël Thon - Analyzing Indie Aesthetics: A Mixed-Methods Approach to Narrative Complexity in Independent Video Games

Peter Nelson - Production and Consumption: The Significance of Garry's Mod as a Contemporary Landscape


IEEE Computational Inteligence in Games 2016 | IEEE CIG Conference 2016, Santorini Greece Computational Intelligence and Games Conference in Santorini Greece by the Athens NTUA University


Registration now open:

"Concerns About Video Games and the Video Games of Concern"

Copenhagen, January 20-22, 2016.

To register for free send an email to: [email protected] with your name and affiliation.

More info at:

Concerns about Video Games and the Video Games of Concern - Center for Computer Games Research Place The conference takes place at the IT University of Copenhagen, Rued Langgaardsvej 7, Copenhagen, Denmark. It is hosted by the Center for Computer Games Research .


Unfortunately Ashley Brown had to cancel her guest lecture on November 6th - hopefully we'll reschedule soon to either December or January - more info to come.


Hi all,
The NUCL conference (previously knows as AIGameDev) is happening this year in July in Vienna and it is a great opportunity to hear about interesting hot topics in games and game productions from leaders in the industry and academia (and there is a discount for students :-)) Conference, 20-22 July 2015, Vienna/Austria. The largest worldwide conference about Artificial Intelligence applications in interactive media, training & simulations, and digital entertainment.

Game Lecture: Game studies in academia - Center for Computer Games Research 07/04/2015

A pair of game lectures this Friday, April 10, by Frans Mäyrä and Günseli Bayraktutan

Game Lecture: Game studies in academia - Center for Computer Games Research Frans Mäyrä — Diversifying Game Studies: From Studies of Games to Research of Services and Society / Günseli Bayraktutan — Digital Games Within Academia: The Case of the IT University

Game Lecture: Analyzing the Great Void – Co-Creative Practices in Gaming Cultures - Center for... 03/12/2014

Come to an open game lecture this Friday at 12.00 by Benjamin Beil (Cologne University), talking about how to approach "editor games" like Minecraft (2011), LittleBigPlanet (2008), and Disney’s Infinity (2013) as game-studies research objects.

Game Lecture: Analyzing the Great Void – Co-Creative Practices in Gaming Cultures - Center for... Computer games can be described as socio-technological assemblages (Taylor 2009) whose affordances establish certain scripts (Akrich 1992) which set the scene for user practices. The scripts define the degree of freedom provided by the overall gameplay, which also includes the constraints and possib…


Talks on the future of procedural content generation in games, this coming Monday (November 10), in ITU auditorium 1. No registration needed, just come!

Talk schedule | Symposium: What's next for procedural content? A day of public talks on the future of procedural content generation in games, held November 10, 2014 at the IT University of Copenhagen. All talks are in Auditorium 1, located on the ground floor.


Gamification talk by Jane McGonigal at ITU on November 22nd


The interactive documentary about the Nordic Game Jam has been released!
Look for your face, in background somewhere or in the confession room...

48 Hour Games :: 48 Hour Games

CPH:DOX 2012: 48 Hour Games: interaktiv premiere + Press Play on Tape & Akiri (live) 15/10/2012

Premiere of the interactive documentary "48 Hour Games" filmed in ITU during the Nordic Game Jam 2011. Includes concert with Akiri and Press Play On Tape.

CPH:DOX 2012: 48 Hour Games: interaktiv premiere + Press Play on Tape & Akiri (live) Hvert år i november fylder CPH:DOX de københavnske biografer med mere end 200 dokumentarfilm fra hele verden. Filmene fordeler sig på seks faste konkurrenceprogrammer med internationale juryer og en række tematiske serier, der sætter fokus på aktuelle politiske og æstetiske problemstillinger. CPH:DO...


Do you play Minecraft? Do you have a personality? If you answered yes to at least one of the two questions, please help us by participating in our new study!

Personality and in-game behaviour relationship: Minecraft Thank you very much for willing to help in this Research that will last for 5 minutes. My name is Josep. I am a student from ITU Copenhagen in Denmark. This survey is part of my thesis research on how players personal motivation affects their in-game behaviour on games with open environments. The c...

Game Lecture Series on Vimeo 30/05/2012

Missed a game lecture this semester? No worries, you can watch (or re-watch) the lectures right here:

Game Lecture Series on Vimeo IT University of Copenhagen's Game Lecture Series, featuring various people from the gaming world talking about all aspects of games.

48 HOUR GAMES - Cuban Hat 27/05/2012

The interactive documentary "48 hour games", filmed in ITU during Nordic Game Jam, has been selected for Cuban Hat Wanted! on-line pitching forum. Please vote and spread the word!

48 HOUR GAMES - Cuban Hat The Cuban Hat initiative allows audiences to encourage those filmmakers with the best documentary ideas to get produced.


We have a really interesting Game Lecture coming up on Thursday at 16:00! So mark your calenders and stay tuned for more info!

GLS #17: Our Digital Selves - IT University of Copenhagen 12/12/2011

Waych or re-watch Nick Yee's Game Lecture from Nov. 24 right here:

GLS #17: Our Digital Selves - IT University of Copenhagen Watch the Game Lecture by research scientist Nick Yee from PARC


Time for another strategy/sim/managerial game related survey! This time we would like you to look at some videos reproducing a resource distribution task and answer questions on their various qualities (or lack thereof). Please take 5 minutes and help us with this - especially if you have played any strategy/sim/managerial games!

Game Lecture Series on Vimeo 27/10/2011

And remember that all our previous Game Lectures are available at out vimeo channel:

Game Lecture Series on Vimeo IT University of Copenhagen's Game Lecture Series, featuring various people from the gaming world talking about all aspects of games.

GLS #15: Wordplay - Words, Design, and Play 27/10/2011

Wanna watch or re-watch Christopher Pauls Game Lecture? You can do it right here:

GLS #15: Wordplay - Words, Design, and Play Christopher A- Paul

GLS #14: Music as Gaming 29/09/2011

Missed Ben Light's Game Lecture this Monday? No worries - you can watch it right here:

GLS #14: Music as Gaming Game Lecture by Ben Light about Music as Gaming: An Ethnographic Study of SingStar


Time for another strategy-game related survey! This time we would like you to look at some automatically generated StarCraft maps and answer questions on their various qualities (or lack thereof). Please take a minut or two and help us with this - especially if you have played any strategy games!


You like computer games like Civilization or Starcraft? You also like Science? Then combine these too and take part in our little experiment where we research how human players perceive and play computer strategy games. Instructions, what and how to play are on the website. Thanks for playing!

RockWars - A SGDL Experiment


Please help us playtest Infinite Tower Defense, an AI-based game that adapts to the way you play:


And should you be unable to attend the lecture in person, you can livestream it here:

Game Lectures - Center for Computer Games Research Next Lecture: Home Away From Home: Playing Ethnography Queerly In World Of Warcraft Cultures by Jenny Sundén on the 11th of May. You can follow it online from this page at 15.00 CEST.

GLS #12: "Gulliver's World" by Roland Haring 02/05/2011

Watch or re-watch Roland Harings lecture about Gulliver's World here:

GLS #12: "Gulliver's World" by Roland Haring Vimeo is a respectful community of creative people who are passionate about sharing the videos they make. Use Vimeo if you want the best tools and highest quality video in the universe.


FYI: Due to practical obstacles, the Game Lecture by David Nottingham has been cancelled.


And remember you can watch all the previous Game Lectures at our vimeo channel, featuring Nifflas, Celia Pearce and Chris Bateman among others!

Game Lecture Series on Vimeo IT University of Copenhagen's Game Lecture Series, featuring various people from the gaming world talking about all aspects of games.

GLS #11: "Death in Games" by Julian Dibbell 05/04/2011

Watch the video of Julian Dibbells guest lecture from yesterday here:

GLS #11: "Death in Games" by Julian Dibbell (Missing audio the first 2 minutes - sorry for the inconvenience) Much has been written about violence and video games, but what about death? And more specifically: What about dying? Players do a lot of killing in games, but the truth — and it’s a truth...

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