Galerie Thomas Bernard - Cortex Athletico

Contemporary art gallery based in Paris, France. 13 rue des Arquebusiers
F-75003 Paris
Tel : +33(0)9 87 77 09 69
[email protected]


Nous sommes heureux de vous inviter au vernissage de l’exposition Jusqu’à l’aube avec les œuvres de .leo & .emine ce jeudi 9 décembre de 18h à 21h ✨

Commissariat : Maxime Bourron & Miléna Chevillard

L’exposition est visible du mercredi au dimanche de 12h à 19h jusqu’au 24 décembre et sur rendez-vous (contacter ou )


Happy Birthday Benjamin Sabatier! 🎉

© Galerie Bertrand Grimont


[Current Exhibition]

The group show DESPERANTO with Anita Molinero and Prosper Legault is on view until October 17 at Zebra3 in Bordeaux!

This proposal, which unfolds in the public space, aims to question our ability to project ourselves as a social group and construct scenarios mixing personal visions and collective mythologies.

© Benoît Cary



[Upcoming exhibition] 

At the occasion of the Nuit Blanche in Paris, the Musée d’Art et d’Histoire du Judaïsme inaugurates Rainier Lericolais' exhibition, "Leah'le, la voix du Dibbouk", based on the famous play by the writer, journalist and ethnographer Shalom An-sky! 

Opening, Saturday, October 2 from 7pm to midnight



Only one week left to enjoy Benjamin Sabatier's "Home Work" exhibition!

Tuesday to Saturday - 12:00-19:00, until October 2nd

The gallery will be exceptionally closed this afternoon.

Benjamin Sabatier
Home Work
Galerie Thomas Bernard, Paris
© Rebecca Fanuele


Happy Birthday Olivier Masmonteil! 🎉

Olivier Masmonteil
Sans titre, 2021
Oil on canvas
160 x 130 cm



This drawing by Rainier Lericolais is available at the gallery!

"Somewhere between a fascination with the aesthetics of the 20th century avant-garde and the offbeat humor of 1980s technology, he produces negative prints and fossilized traces that are, seemingly, mostly sound abstractions." Thibault de Ruyter

Rainier Lericolais
Sans titre, 2020
Drawing on paper
35 x 28 cm
© Rebecca Fanuele



Benjamin Sabatier presents his new series "Home Work" currently at the gallery.
Through a new introspection, he offers us a response to the situation of the artist and his relationship to work during the particular period that was the confinement.
By re-interrogating himself on what is for him the sculpture, Benjamin Sabatier proposes us a travel in time by confronting us, by the forms and the colors, to a whole period of the modern sculpture.

Tuesday to Saturday - 12:00-19:00, until October 2nd
The gallery will be exceptionally closed tomorrow.

Benjamin Sabatier
Home Work (yellow Peske), 2021
Reinforced concrete, acrylic, varnish
70 x 52 x 16 cm
© Rebecca Fanuele



[Current exhibition]

Only one week left to enjoy the group show "Daily Cat Essen" curated by Antwan Horfee, with Prosper Legault !

Tuesday - Saturday 11am-7pm and Sunday 2pm-6pm

Sculpture de « RÊVE », 2021
Acier, bois, pvc, tissus, tirages photos, peinture acrylique, néons, LED
180 x 140 x 32 cm


New artwork by Gorka Mohamed!

Gorka Mohamed
Sans titre, 2021
Pencil drawing on fabriano paper
30 x 23 cm

Photos from Galerie Thomas Bernard - Cortex Athletico's post 15/09/2021

[Current exhibition]

The group show " ZWISCHEN DEN DINGEN " with Andreas Fogarasi at the volkskunde museum in Vienne is visible until November 21 !

Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and Thursday from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm

"Ideas about the relationship between objects and people vary according to time and place. The current rediscovery of things as vehicles of action focuses on their materiality and how this is not only the result of human intention but also guides human action. The exhibition "Zwischen den Dingen " (Between Things) brings together artworks that focus on ordinary, discrete or obsolete everyday objects. Placed in space by artists, these things lose their univocity and raise questions : What do objects mean to us ? How do they shape our daily lives ? And above all, what connects us to them? What separates us ?"

Text from the volkskundemuseum website

Andreas Fogarasi
Nine Buildings, Stripped (Rinterzelt), 2019
Aluminum, Steel
236 x 156 x 15 cm

Nine Buildings, Stripped (Ghegaplatz), 2020
Stone, Steel
50 x 40 x 6 cm



[Opening exhibition]

The exhibition "Rêvons à des jours meilleurs !" with Olivier Masmonteil at the Caring Gallery in Paris opens tomorrow until September 26 !

It is a proposal that invites us to get out of the current crisis by drawing on our human resources: to heal, to question, to connect with nature, to choose, to denounce, to give meaning and to look towards the future.

Olivier Masmonteil
Sans titre, 2021
Oil on canvas
160 x 180 cm


Home Work, Benjamin Sabatier, Galerie Thomas Bernard until October 2nd !

Tuesday to Saturday - 12:00-19:00

Benjamin Sabatier
Home Work (red Blazer, red Saint-Emilion & red Naphtol), 2021
Reinforced concrete, acrylic, varnish
100 x 86 x 46 cm
© Rebecca Fanuele

Benjamin Sabatier
Home Work (brillant yellow & green), 2021
Reinforced concrete, acrylic, varnish
190 x 113 x 40 cm
© Rebecca Fanuele



New artwork by Thierry Lagalla !

Thierry Lagalla
Claquette/Chaussette, 2021
Mixed media on paper
29,7 x 21 cm


Photos from Galerie Thomas Bernard - Cortex Athletico's post 09/09/2021

[Opening exhibition]

The exhibition "Circularity" with the artist Kevin Rouillard at the Galerie Bertrand Grimont in Paris opens today during Paris Design Week !

New meeting at the crossroads between art and design: Made In Design, the digital platform is partnering with the Galerie Bertrand Grimont for a new exhibition around the theme of circularity from September 9 to 23, 2021.

Their space is thus transformed into a showcase for designers and emerging artists noted for their innovative, sensitive approach and their concrete actions around circularity and upcycling.

Kevin Rouillard
Sans titre, 2020
184 x 89,5 x 3,5 cm
© Mathieu Zurcher


Upcoming projects


[Current exhibition]

Until October 2nd

Kevin Rouillard, Biennale Internationale Saint-Paul de Vence, 2021

"In 2016, he set up his studio for several months in a closed gallery in Bordeaux where works from the 1960s were stored from the lacerated posters of the New Realism artist Jacques Villéglé. Perhaps by impregnation, the first series of " Tôles/chocs " that he produced there echoed the urban and colourful frontality of the works of the " anonymous lacerator ", but also their dangerous frontality is the result of the violence of a gesture : tearing off on a side, which here becomes hammered. In a system of equivalence of values, the can is worth the canvas, the act of painting the hammering. The artist as worker reproduces the physical, mechanical and repetitive action of a craftsman, to achieve one of the most conceptual forms of 20th century art, monochrome painting."

Text from the exhibition edition

Kevin Rouillard
Jaune, 2021
Container, steel
195 x 305 x 5 cm
Courtesy Biennale Saint-Paul de Vence, © François Fernandez


Only two days left to enjoy the exhibition "Une affaire d'inconnu" organized by the NetGallery with Prosper Legault!

"Prosper Legault works from the forms and relationships between everyday objects. He juxtaposes these objects to test their limits and the possibilities of a second life in a museum. His unusual intuition is employed here with the approach of a "Dadaist" sculptor who does not produce new objects, but constructs an environment of "urban poetry", not only through assemblages of incidental debris and allusive objects, but also by deconstructing written or sung words. During his endless wanderings through Paris, the artist gathers his work material in places that testify to cultural diversity: an Asian caterer with a French baker, a Tunisian creperie, a laundromat, Arab grocery stores or even a funeral home. [Prosper Legault refers us to the socio-political contexts of a cultural crossroads and to the fluctuating economy to finally bring us closer to the experience of a pure life. He is inspired by Duchamp's ready-made, by Dufrene's archi-made, by Restany, Broodthaers, SAEIO or Anita Molinero..."

Text from the website of the Centre tchèque


Only two days left to enjoy the group exhibition "Summer time" with Anita Molinero at the Musée d'Art Moderne et Contemporain in Genève !

" In terms of art, it should be noted that the work, which does not exceed twenty centimeters in height, still has the audacity to claim to be sculpture. We know the good word, attributed according to the versions to Barnett Newman or Ad Reinhardt: " The sculpture, it is what one stumbles on when one steps back to look at a painting ". Molinero has always claimed, if not sought, this specific aggressiveness of the medium. A violence that is found above all in the impure, qualityless materials that make up his work : omnipresent in modern life, they have long remained hidden from the gaze of art. In using them, it is not a matter of the artist transfiguring the wretched, nor of replaying, as in a bad soap opera, the eternal reconciliation of art and life. It is more a question of going to excavate in an aesthetic blind spot to bring back the crudest, but also the most familiar, heaps of reality. Indeed, it is the strength of this assemblage sculpture that it establishes itself in a no man's land between figurative fiction and "readymade". To understand this, one must hear the artist amaze at the Petite danseuse de quatorze ans by Degas as much for its vicious air as for the tulle tutu and silk bustier donned by the bronze statue."

Extract from the press kit of the exhibition Summer time, Musée d'Art Moderne et Contemporain, Genève

Anita Molinero
Sans titre, 2009-2014
Wheelchairs, bicycle parking lot, stainless steel mirror
200 x 90 x 80 cm
Private collection
© André Morin



[Opening - Benjamin Sabatier]

Tuesday to Saturday / 12:00-19:00

We are pleased to announce the extension of the exhibition Home Work !

After Hardwork and Formwork this exhibition is the plastic continuity through which Benjamin Sabatier doesn't cease to reinterrogate the relationship to work and in particular here, that of the artist in a situation of recent confinement. Through these joyful and timeless volumes, the artist brings into play the fundamental principles of sculpture through forms that are both obvious and ambiguous, leading us to think of abstract sculpture as a modern epic.

Home Work, Benjamin Sabatier, Galerie Thomas Bernard, 2021


Associated with the International Art Book and Film Festival, the Contemporary Art Center "À Cent Mètres du Centre du Monde" in Perpignan welcomes you during the summer with its exhibition "Les apparences" which brings together 50 contemporary painters of the French scene!

/ Until September 12  /

/ From Tuesday to Sunday, 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm /

Olivier Masmonteil
Paysage des Pyrénées, 2019
Oil painting on canvas
200 x 250 cm



Artworks by Anitra Molinero can be seen in the group show "Summer 2021" at the Musée d’Art Moderne et Contemporain of Genève.

The museum welcomes you during the summer period from Tuesday to Friday from 12pm to 6pm and on Saturday and Sunday from 11am to 6pm !

/ July 8 - September 5 /

Anita Molinero
Sans titre, 2014
Series : Les petits bétons de la petite ceinture
Renforced concrete, McDonald boxes
42 x 32 x 38 cm



« Les Palmiers de Tokyo » by Prosper Legault is available at the gallery.

Prosper Legault
Les Palmiers de Tokyo, 2020
Neons and mixed techniques
61 x 49 x 10 cm

© Rebecca Fanuele


Photos from Galerie Thomas Bernard - Cortex Athletico's post 31/07/2021

The gallery is closing today for summer break, we will please to welcome you again september 11 for the group show "Sunglasses after dark".

Exhibited at the gallery this year :

Boris Aronson, Rainier Lericolais
28.11.2020 - 13.02.2021

Anita Molinero, Richard Baquié, Kevin Rouillard
10.10.2020 - 08.11.2020

Constat d'échec : réflexions pour une situation
Richard Baquié
05.09.2020 - 01.10.2020

Chaval, Léa Le Bricomte, Pierre Molinier, Présence Panchounette
06.03.2021 - 29.05.2021

Sans titre, techniques mixtes, dimensions variables
Prosper Legault
06.03.2021 - 31.07.2021

Home Work
Benjamin Sabatier
05.06.2021 - 31.07.2021


Only two days left to enjoy Benjamin Sabatier's solo exhibition "Home Work" at the gallery !

/ Summer break from July 31 to September 10 included /

"Thereby, this series seems to be a new phase in which Benjamin Sabatier aggregates several elements: his technical ability when using concrete, his precise knowledge of abstract sculpture from the ‘70s onward, his vision of lockdown, and his frugal nature that makes recycling an obvious choice. Furthermore, these panel sculptures borrow both from the Structural Works series -with concrete and burnt wood- in their architectural presence as well as from the painting-collages series -with washed out colors resulting from dripping paint. In that sense they can be considered as a synthesis, a new phase opening to new perspectives in his work.”

Extract from the text written by Thomas Bernard


Photos from Galerie Thomas Bernard - Cortex Athletico's post 28/07/2021

[Summer break]

The Galerie Thomas Bernard space will be closed from this Saturday.  If you have any questions, we invite you to contact [email protected].

So only a few days left to see the exhibitions "Home Work" by Benjamin Sabatier and "Sans titre, techniques mixtes, dimensions variables" by Prosper Legault !

Galerie Thomas Bernard, Paris



Happy birthday Thomas ! 🎉🥳⠀



"Boneless character in a mute blue" by Gorka Mohamed is available at the gallery!

Gorka Mohamed
Boneless Character in a Mute Blue, 2010
Arylic painting on canvas
110 x 81,40 cm


[Current exhibition]

The summer exhibition 2021, with Olivier Masmonteil at the Centre d’Art Contemporain, Meymac.

"Summer is a time for vacation. It's a time for going out, walking in nature, swimming in the sea. It's a time to pick fruit, to cultivate your garden, to be with your family and friends, to meet new people. It's camping, swimming, sunbathing on the beach, sailing, surfing, paragliding, discovering new places, traveling. Because of the pandemic we might forget it. Through their works, their installations, the invited artists reactivate the actuality, revive the emotions."

Views of the summer exhibition 2021, Centre d’Art Contemporain, Meymac.

Olivier Masmonteil
Paysage, 2019
Oil on canvas
65 x 80 cm

Olivier Masmonteil
Paysage basque #2, 2019
Oil on canvas
200 x 250 cm

© AurelienMole



"Talisman" by Franck Eon is available at the gallery.

"I’ve a lot of ideas about painting, I think they are all good but there is no one that dominates. I like them to blend together so that their meaning is lost."

Franck Eon
Talisman 14, 2017
Oil painting on canvas


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13 Rue Des Arquebusiers

Heures d'ouverture

Jeudi 12:00 - 19:00
Vendredi 12:00 - 20:30
Samedi 12:00 - 20:30
Dimanche 12:00 - 19:00

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