Total Wellbeing Therapy

Wellbeing Therapies+ healing & Coaching for the Body, Mind & Soul. Total Wellbeing provides a complete wellbeing service for the body and mind.

improve health, mindset, relationships & live a life you'll love - Hypnotherapy, Stress Management, Reflexology, Massage, Heal family patterns / habits/ fears/ traumas/ weight/smoking ... After discovering the benefits of Complimentary therapies to help improve my sleep, reduce stress and anxiety, ease pain and also increase energy levels I wanted to learn more. After exploring how our minds, thou

Photos from Total Wellbeing Therapy's post 02/08/2024

Let selfcare have priority sometimes!

Sometimes a little selfcare is the first step in new progress, future success or posetive change. Those most successful in their lives know its importance and would never omit it.

It is your chance to just be and finally let go and to pour out some of whatever has been keeping your glass full or overflowing. It allows the space for new ideas and inspirations to come in. In fact without it we may miss many great ideas or just be too bogged down to receive them let alone have the energy to implement them. For others it's the difference between managing and thriving in all areas of life. Yet selfcare is often dropped to the bottom of our to do list

Many of my clients had quite a long break from their usual selfcare therapies during and after lockdown, and some even dismissed it as a luxury and health declined.

Yet on returning and re-remembering, just how much it helped them and their bodies to let go of whatever laid heavy on their minds that week or even continued day in day out, or after a challenging project or life event.

Life is so busy, stress has become a norm in todays world, and sometimes we need to step off the treadmill. That everlasting merry go round.

Scrolling on our phones, shopping, va**ng, ci******es, excess junk food, booze or hours of TV gives us temporay relief and it distraction but it's not always enough to replenish our energy levels or much of a reward for our hard labour.

Selfcare on the other hand is relieving, restorative and replenishing. It make a difference in our focus, outlook, energy, motivation and even the mental space to be inspired and take on new tasks.

If you feel like a holiday but one isn't in sight, selfcare will really help you carry on and stay well, it will help you be your best

When you can't relax, a massage, some Reflexology, and Indian head massage, talking about what's impacting you or resolving an issue keeping you stuck really can enhance your life and is a clear message from you to you that you matter, and you care about you as well as others and everything else ....



So many clients are coming to me right now with anxiety and stress and are being triggered. When things happen in our past that may be confusing or upsetting or didn't go how we wanted or planned, these difficult memories get buried until later, they are shelved because they were unsolved.

If you know someone who keeps getting triggered, they may keep getting angry, easily upset, panic , worry, or feel anxious, or they may just freeze or not try, just blame themselves and not try.

Everyone has difficult times in life. Sometimes, we can get a little stuck. If you know someone who is struggling alone, encourage them to reach out and receive ghe help and support to help them move forward again


One of the charities close to my heart, that I'm happy to support when I can.

Photos from Total Wellbeing Therapy's post 04/05/2024

Iam loving the beautiful wisteria, and the lovely sunshine, here in full bloom, the peaceful sound of running water, enjoying my day here in Harold Wood 😍


Celebrating 20 years today and this month!! WOW, where did all the years go! Feeling so very blessed to be doing the work that I do. I thank each and every client that Ive served over the years, so many have stayed with me and I've got to know your families and see your children grow.

I enjoy helping to make a difference, and am so glad I set off on this path to find natural health solutions and therapies and get to share it all and change other lives too. Selfcare is so needed, and so is the deeper work for healing and positive change. Nothing more rewarding than freeing others from stress, anxiety and emotional pain. I hope to see many of you again over this next month and coming months. Thank you all, including those who have stayed with me, since those early days in 2004, wishing you all a healthy, happy May 2024

Photos from Total Wellbeing Therapy's post 17/04/2024

Always feel blessed when asked to provide some much needed therapy. This week i requested 2 beds to work on at the Parkinsons charity Activity Day. This allowed those having a massage or reflexology, some extra time, to take their time getting dressed again afterwards with the help of their carer, and there would be no rush afterwards. A lovely day was had by all, lots of fun and smiling faces.

Photos from Total Wellbeing Therapy's post 16/03/2024

All set for today's therapy session. So lovely to see the blosson outside my therapy room. Listening to birds sing and the water fountain, pure relaxation and bliss - happy weekend everyone

Photos from Total Wellbeing Therapy's post 16/06/2023


Photos from Total Wellbeing Therapy's post 20/05/2023

Such a beautiful day, such a lovely garden to enjoy my tea breaks, a day of relaxation and wellbeing, helping clients to make the rest of their lives the best of their lives πŸ’—

Photos from Total Wellbeing Therapy's post 15/04/2023

Enjoying some talking and mindset therapies this morning, to the sound of a water fountain, beautiful sunshine outside, what better way to improve mindset, outlook, focus to improve our day and our life


A day to relax and feel special today.
Looking after our loved ones and also sometimes ourselves, thats what today is all about ..... a day to treat that special someone and if you don't have a valentine why not treat someone you care about, even yourself ......


Wishing you all the very best in health, relationships, business, wealth and in life for 2023 πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰


Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and a fabulous, happy, healthy and successful year ahead in 2023 and beyond ...


Just a little reminder about the range of therapies you can choose from when you come to see me. I do have some availability left this month and some spaces are filling up fast by those of you who know how a relaxing treatment or massage can help you distress and be more present, and enjoy yourself so much more prior to a holiday or some time off or even to get some extra rest when you have been burning the candle at both ends

I look forward to seeing again soon

Don't forget to ask your loved ones for Total Wellbeing Therapy vouchers this Xmas do you can look forward to a relaxing treat after the festive season is through, or perhaps treat yourself first so you feel refreshed and rested, so you can feel great and if need be, get alot more stuff done

Therapies are not just here for when you are in pain again or can't cope or move. They can keep stress at bay, help replenish you, revive you and just let you know that you matter too

Speak soon

Photos from Total Wellbeing Therapy's post 18/07/2022

My therapy room is nice and cool even in this hot weather. All set for another day easing away aches and pains, reducing stress with aromatherapy massages, reflexology, some stress management talking therapies and some hypnotherapy.

Whatever you need to feel better in your body or mind, its always cool to make a positive change



We all want to feel better, yet life & experiences also take their toll.

Sometimes we are accepted or not. Listened to or not. When we questioned things, it was welcomed & considered or not. Somehow we survived it all, yet it felt difficult at times .. especially if others were uncomfortable with our discomfort & to feel better they shut us up? If we shut down important parts of us that needed to feel, express, interact, learn & grow. But hey we survived & are still OK right!

Survival is our highest objective, its inbuilt, it keeps us going no matter what. Yet happiness involves more than surviving ...

But what's the cost of ignoring parts of you? If you dismiss, deny, bury, ignore or delete them to survive? Will these parts seek your attention later as anger, hurt or pain?

Heck Sheila this feels uncomfortable but that's OK, change is always optional, but for some its scarier to stay in pain & unhealed because they know tgey are ready for so much more .. but how?

when you love and acknowledge those hidden parts of you. The parts longing to emerge that express as anger, anxiety , hurt or pain to get your attention... mmm you can't get rid of these parts you see .. but are you ready to love & accept all of you? even if you feel you can't & believe others can't ... especially then.

My client was in so much physical pain, she put others first, could never say no, she hated making eye contact in the mirror... she can now say no to others & not be shamed, even puts herself first, not always, but at times she can now without any guilt ...

You see there is no magic pill to heal all, but many ways to numb out pain! Some medicate with pills, cigarerettes food or alcohol ... I've seen it all .. these temporary fixes only mask symptoms, when what needed is healing ..not avoiding what felt uncomfortable again!
.my client just managed to look at herself in the mirror in the dark, her small healing steps & learning to love, heal & acknowledge these buried parts, that were too afraid to exist, or thought they can't, give me so much joy

Your NEW beginning is posible


With Valentine's day just around the corner, who do you know that could do with the weight of the world being lifted off for a while.

Maybe it's time to treat someone you love, even the one in the mirror

All my treatments are tailored to you, so you are free to talk if you need to or to have a combination of treatments

So many times clients jokingly say I need everything!

Well you just need to make a start and to start The process of self Cate or to show someone how much you care.

If you need more energy, better sleep, to ease tight shoulders or take the weight off tired feet there is something for you

If you are feeling you need to get things off your chest, to let go of old outdated beliefs or to make a more perminant change in here to help

My holistic approach ensures treatments are adjusted to you

Hope to see you again soon or for the first time, you matter and when you look after you first you'll have even more to give do it's selfish not to take care of you


Just sharing a poem I wrote 2 years ago at this time, every word just flowed, as sometimes happens, and I feel it's from the heart and I just have to write it down.

I had a certain someone in mind, and rereading it now as it appeared as a FB memory, I'm sure it may touch more hearts than ever this time.

For all those angels
That have left us
For all those who live on in our hearts and memories forever
This poem is for you

The love weve shared, can never be taken, it's eternal, it's beautiful, it was a blessing and so were you

I will Love you forever and a day

When I miss you, my heart feels warm and i smile within.

Thank you

After Baby Stops Breathing During 2 Hour Car Ride, Mom Urges Parents To Not Make Same Mistake 13/01/2022

I just came across this and feel that parents should be made aware of this

After Baby Stops Breathing During 2 Hour Car Ride, Mom Urges Parents To Not Make Same Mistake This mom wants to make sure no parent ever has to go through this.


A reminder this is about to start at 8pm tonight
Message me if you'd like to watch and you'll receive a free vitamin D suppliment tonight, whilst learning more about staying healthier.


Sending out some love today to any of your hearts that need it right now.

Life isn't always easy, and we can't always see the wood for the trees.

Trust that somehow, some way, you are doing well and you can and will find your way




We've all been couped up alot more these days and vitamin D which we call the sunshine vitamin had been lacking more than usual, in fact around half the people in the UK may be sufficient, especially those with darker skins. We rely on getting our vitamins d from the sun and some from our diet.

So as a thank you for watching some info later explaining how we can all improve our health, you will receive as a gift a FREE vitamin D suppliment

Just PM me and ill share the link, keep your cameras on till the end as there is some great info on there for yours snd your loved ones/fsmilies health

Message me for the link and see you thete at 8pm tonight

Happy Thursday β™‘


Holistic treatments are needed now, even more now than ever, as alot of us have adjusted now to how things are to some extent. Some may be distracting themselves with food, alcohol, shopping online, computer games, tv, anything to give us a boost, an uplift or a distraction. Can we really make how we are feeling now a way to feel? Well if you are feeling stressed, are fighting it or maybe denying it. Chances are the extra stress is having an impact on your health. So building in some new good tools, helpful habits and perhaps a relaxing therapy, or the natural and therapeutic support from plants, could help you form some helpful routines, giving you some choices, which will help to empower you, even if there seems to be much that's not within your control

Our health is so important, and there are many ways to reduce stress, mentally, emotionally, pysically and in our spirit, so we can begin to feel happier, healthier and more posetive again.

The last 2 years+ have taken a toll on us all. On our minds, in our emotions, by our bodies and in our relationships.

Stress has become more common place and as we know many are stressed, it's only too easy to pretend we should just deal with it all.

Long term stress will lead to more aches and pains, if prolonged it can lead to digestive issues and difficulty sleeping or concentrating.

Many haven't had their usual holidays either, also having and less physical contact and social contact with friend, families and many have left us feeling isolated, and for some very alone.

As social beings interaction, close proximity, hugging, shaking hands, just being near someone we love, is all part of how we are wired up to be socially.

Even if we push this awareness aside, a part of us knows there are big chunks missing in our lives. There are also those not able to visit those they love, who have lost loved ones or their livelihoods.

Whether we choose not to look at if all, it's still impacting out lives, even if it's at the subconscious level.

This extra stresses may also have a level of fast food, poor nutrician. Our western diet is also heavy on the omega 6's. This increases inflammation in the body which mag contribute to a worsening of stress related illnesses, and increase of pain ......

Holistic therapies tools for the mind, emotions and body. Each can effect ghe other unless we find a way to cope with it all.

If youd like some stress to start lifting away. To feel nurtured and restored. More rested, which can help you feel cared for and help bring you back into your body and the moment, and out of your head.

When you don't have time, that's the perfect time because these are not usual times, they are not usual stresses, and you deserve to be there for you too so you can have more energy to bring into everything you do.

I have some new tests that will help you to find out the health of your cells do we can increase energy, immunity, sports performance and recovery as reduce inflamation.

We can do everything but we can do something posetive to feel more empowered and we can start to feed the posetive thoughts and progress which will help lift us out of our rut.


Why not add an extra 30 min taster sessions onto your treatments to help you anx youd body cope with this extra stress, and start looking after you .... just imagine you might never leave yourself off youd own list again ...

Give something back to your relationship with yourself so children, youd friends and family as well as your future self will thank you for


Happy New Year everyone


Wishing you all a very healthy, happy and prosperous New year. May it bring families and friends closer and may 2022 be a good year for us all, filled with love, promise, oppertunity, and good cheer


Sending love to all this Christmas
Including those who are finding it a difficult time or are not able to be with their loved ones for whatever reason.

Love makes this world go round and we all fondly remember those we lost along life's way. But all the love you have ever felt, is still living there in your heart.
and you'll feel it ....

Have the best day

Official NORAD Santa Tracker 24/12/2021

Not sure if you've been naughty or good, remember to leave out a carrot with the mince pies or cookies. I wonder if you leave out milk or a hot cup/flask of Rosie lea ....

You can find out where want a is now with this tracker

Official NORAD Santa Tracker Follow Santa Claus as he makes his magical journey around the world!


It's starting to feel alot like Christmas .....
And I'd love to wish you all a very healthy, happy & prosperous Christmas time.

It's a time to remember what and who is important in your life, and to let loved ones know how much we all care.

Also time to evaluate, to look ahead to 2022, for better health, and life and business goals, im happy to be here for anyone else, also wanting to do that.

Lets all enjoy the festive season, remember loved ones passed and what they showed us tgat has touched our lives, and let's all stay as positive as we all can.

If you know someone whose on there own, check I'm with them, it could make a very big difference.

To stay positive, focus on what we can do

Don't forget to smile. Not only does it take less muscles and energy, if helps you release posetive feel good hormones, and do you know what it's pretty contagious......

Spread a little kindness if you can, when we lift others it really makes a big difference to everything

Wishing you all much love and love shared, some fun times, some laughter, we all could do with some of that ....

Stay safe, stay warm and always keep the faith, because you are cared about, and you are loved, always ....

Lets all share more love this Christmas x

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Our Story

Total Wellbeing provides a complete wellbeing service for the body and mind.

After discovering the benefits of Complimentary therapies to help improve my sleep, reduce stress and anxiety, ease pain and also increase energy levels I wanted to learn more. After exploring how our minds, thoughts and experiences, not only impact our health, and our ability to feel good or cope with what life throws at us. I wanted to provide a whole person approach, to improving health, lifestyle and change.

Holistic therapy treatments include the Following Complimentary Therapies, Reflexology, Aromatherapy Massage, Hot Stone Massages, Healing, to help with body relaxation and to help with aches and pains. As our minds are also key in improving our health, and to help us to cope better with lifes challenges or if we are stuck in habits or feeling stuck. Mind therapies are also available. These include Hypnotherapy, NLP, Thought Field Therapy, Parts Therapy and all treatments are tailored to each individual, are solution focused, and results orientated.

I really love to see real progress and how natural therapies, whether its for selfcare, relaxation and to be pampered, to reduce pain or anxiety or to tackle an issue, my aim is to enhance the quality of your health and your life to ....

Videos (show all)

FREE GIVE AWAY #totalwellbeingtherapy
Selfcare and a holistic approach to healthy living
Cat Daddy Issues at the beach
I hope you all had a great fathers day
How to feel calmer in Stressful times
Sheila Ross Stocker Selfcare Intro Total Wellbeing 03.02.21
When life is torn apart connect to your heart
Happy New Years Day 2021 from Total Wellbeing



2 The Drive
Harold Wood

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 8pm
Tuesday 8:08am - 8pm
Wednesday 10am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 8pm
Friday 9am - 8pm
Saturday 8am - 8pm
Sunday 8am - 1pm

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