Miss Mary's apothecary

Miss Mary’s is a holistic healing hub.

Where I create herbal products and share my healing gifts with those who want support along their journey to joy and happiness in themselves and their life journey


Hello beautiful followers, I just wanted to take a moment to check in with you all. How's summer treating you?
Are you remembering to take time for yourself?
I have been very busy the past 2 weeks spending time with family entertaining little ones and trying to create something special for the future of Miss Mary's. I know I have been quiet here, but I have been focusing on being present with loved ones. It you feel at all overwhelmed at the moment, stop sit down place your hand over your heart and breathe in for the count of 7, hold for 7 and breathe out for 7 do this at least 3 times. Then just notice your heartbeat and give yourself a little love and appreciation πŸ’— πŸ’•
Sending lots of love


Well flying ants are out in force today. While doing my morning rounds I spotted a lady spraying ants with ant killer. As a nature lover please don't do this the flying ants are only swarming today as the weather is just right from them to go create new colonies. They are also a valuable food source for our beautiful flying visitors like the swallow and house Martin. When you spray them with toxic chemicals they then get eaten by a bird or other insect loving animal resulting in the poisoning of those animals and the chain of poisoning will continue right up to predators like foxes, cats etc. Let's try to be more caring and understanding about our world and all that we share it with. πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ™πŸ™πŸ¦


Just a little reminder to do what makes your heart happy.
What lights the fire in your belly?
Who makes you feel good?
Try not to give your energy away to those who only seek to make themselves feel good. Sending happiness and live to you all today πŸ’› ✨️


Today has been a day for lessons.... made me swear 🀬, laugh πŸ˜ƒ and feel like crying 😒. But as I sit and write this, I'm counting my blessings πŸ™Œ.
The thing that made me swear was a sea gull (lesser black back gull) landed on my head while loading my littlest into her carseat to steal her pain au chocolate from her hand. Resulting in my screaming and saying wtf!! This also made me laugh but was a sharp reminder to not let littlest have food in her hands while going to the car. I don't usually, but today I was clearly having a forgetful day.
The feel like crying moment was when both children were screaming and crying and I was struggling to hold it together ❀️ but I did..... I reminded myself that my calm becomes their calm, so focused on breathing, hugged them both, did a little silly dance and little song which restored the calm. So I have taken notice of lessons from today and ready to start again tomorrow.


I have just 2 spaces left to work with me this month 1:1. We dive deep into what has you stuck how to break the blocks and get you moving toward a happier, healthier you! This offer is for 21 days includes consultation, eft, nutritional information and a whole lot of love and is an investment of Β£111 that can be paid in instalments.
πŸ₯° DM to get more information or to start your reconnection journey


Do you ever take a bath infused with flowers or herbs???
Do you know why people add them to the warm bath??
Flowers like roses and herbs that are fragrant like rosemary have been added to warm baths for 1000s of years.. Cleopatra was well known for taking baths with roses... it wasn't just for the nice smell. It was also for their amazing natural healing properties that get realised in the form of oils in warm water. Roses are known for their skin healing, keeping youthfulness and soothing properties, and I think that's why roses petals are as soft as a babies skin. Would you agree??
You don't have to add the healing plants directly into the bath (if you don't like a mess) you can put them I a reusable teabag or sock and hang it under the running tap the water with infuse with all their amazing goodness and you won't have a messy bath to clean after. Once used, you can put the plant pieces into your compost bin, which is way more environmentally friendly than a chemical/ microplastic based bubble bath. Also you skin and body will thank you for not putting harmful chemicals on it πŸ™‚


Do you ever feel like no matter what you try you don't get the results promised??
I don't promise results, I will help you find the blocks and teach you skills to do the work and get the results. Which you can then use over and over anytime you face a block. Take back your power and find your joy!!!!


Half hour till u close the doors on 1 week rnr. Want to join? Dm /comment Reconnect I'll send you the details


Times running out!!!
Where do you want to be in a months time??
What would you like to shift by the summer holidays?
Because by grabbing a space on the 1 week RNR you will make those things happen. This offer is only available until 9pm tonight so grab your spot now. Β£44 to reconnect to yourself and start dancing through life. Click the link


Stop!! Sleepwalking through life!!!
You are soo disconnected from life it's causing pain and your health is suffering. I see this often people unconsciously feeding themselves junk for a quick feel good moment.
But sleepwalking like this keeps you from living the life you want. It keeps you trapped in that cycle of not good enough...
People who are truly happy are awake and connected the the world around them.
They connect and nourish themselves on a daily basis this means they are fully present in each moment and able to enjoy the joy!
You don't want to sleepwalk through life and feel disconnected. You want the dream life fully of love, laughter and moments of pure joy.
If you keep doing what you have always done, you get what you always got. Change is the only certainly in life learn how to embrace it and enjoy it. By reconnecting to yourself you take back the control.
You only have 12 hours to grab this amazing offer of 1 Week RNR!!! At just Β£44


Time to reconnect!!!

Do you ever feel Overwhelmed and disconnected?
When all you want is to actually enjoy spending time with loved ones.
Well let me tell you this, all you desire is possible and reconnecting to yourself because at the moment your health and wellbeing are suffering.
This doesn't have to be your reality any longer. You are ready to restore, nourish and reconnect now you can start making this your reality.
So all you need to do is allow yourself the time to restore calm, nourish your body which will result in whole self reconnection. So you can fully wnjoy your one wild and wonderful life.... 😊
What this means:
Restoration of calm
Nourishment of the body
Realignment of whole self.
Time to say goodbye to frustration, disconnect and overwhelm. So hello to your brighter aligned self.πŸ’–
This is your invitation to make your desires a reality with the 1 week RNR here at this price for just over 24 hours I am going to walk you through the steps you need to take starting 10th June to restore, nourish and reconnect. DM me the word Reconnect and I'll send you the link so you can get started.

Photos from Miss Mary's apothecary's post 04/06/2024

Check this outπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡


Can I share with you why I created RNR?
There was a time when I was in a space of stuckness, disconnected from life and it took for me to see someone else sharing that they were in a similar situation, for me to wake up. I was literally sleepwalking through life.... no connection to anything or anyone. Wouldn't leave the house through anxiety. Emotional eating so became overweight, the weight gain caused pain and I was unfit. Then I saw the post on social media it felt like this person was saying how i felt and my first reaction was i felt I needed to help this person and realised I needed to help myself first. As no-one was coming to save me. I embarked on my journey to realignment. I have done the work and tried things that didn't work. Then I created RNR.
So you can take back your power and get your joy back. I managed to shift pain, lose the excess weight and start living again.
When you join me for a week of RNR you get nutritional suggestions, mind calming techniques all which bring you back to yourself in your power.
DM me Reconnect to find out more.


Restore, Nourish and Reconnect!
The week of RNR you've been waiting for is here!
It's time to say goodbye to the disconnect, anxiety and weight of stress that's frustrating you, and welcome in whole self wellness and a calm mind.
I know you want to enjoy like other seem to do effortlessly.
Now is your time to live, laugh and love like you deserve to.
Let's shift the blocks, nourish and reconnect your mind, body and spirit to find the joy of life.
1 week of R.N.R is a company kick-start to restoration, nourishment and reconnection you need to get you on your journey to alignment.
I am offering you this bundle worth Β£97 for just Β£44 (which is the cost of just a 45 min session with me).
This offer is only available for 72hrs if you jump in you unlock a discount of 15% off working with me 1:1.
Your aligned joyful self awaits! I invite you to take action today!
DM me with the word Reconnect to find out more and secure your spot today!


Hey I want to share a little bit about me.......πŸ™ˆ

There was a period of time where I wouldn't leave the house for days. I would hide in my room scrolling social media. Anxiety was kicking my butt. Just the thought of going outside and possibly bumping into someone or someone talking to me would increase my heart rate and have me freaking out.......... until one day I saw a comment someone shared it felt like I had written it. But instead of just agreeing with the comment, my brain said, "How can I help this person... which was the exact moment I realised I had to help myself first.
Fast forward, I learned amazing skills to calm the chaos in my head, and I learned to nourish my body too. Now, I enjoy sharing my wisdom and experience to help others free themselves from the cage of Anxiety.

If you would like to learn how to take back your power please reach out (I know how hard that first step can be but it is worth it).


hope you are enjoying the Bank Holiday. If you are not or you feel a little overwhelmed, rushing around doing all the things. Give yourself permission to stop for 5 minutes and ground yourself. Bare feet touching grass is a great way to ground or lay on the ground and just take deep nourishing breaths. This helps you reconnect to the earth's frequency and restore balance in your body and mind.


I hope you are enjoying your Bank Holiday weekend. New exciting things I am working on and looking forward to sharing with you. Remember to take time to enjoy yourself sending love to all.


Would you lie to feel more joy? 🫢

Do you dred the thought of food/cooking? πŸ˜”

Want to enjoy eating guilt free? πŸ˜‹

Comment your answer with emojis.


Today I made a conscious effort to continue on my growing back to my roots and fully reconnecting with nature and healing myself through realignment. I will be sharing recipes and rituals that help you to reconnect with your soul. These beauties have been made with sourdough starter discard. So please keep your eyes peeled and let's connect ✨️ πŸ’–


when you miss restful sleep it can start a chain reaction in the body. I create a balm that applied to soles of your feet and temples will help relax and calm the mind helping you have a restful sleep. Also a nice relaxing warm bath will help you sleep so I make lavender bathbombs to add to your bedtime bath.
You can buy a sleep well kit from me. To get yours yoh can message me. πŸ’–πŸ’–

Photos from Miss Mary's apothecary's post 14/02/2024

Today being the day of I wanted to talk to you about acts of love ❀️ for the people we love that we do on a daily basis not just one day a year. Last night I made an oat and camomile bath for my little lady who is currently dealing with chicken pox. A big act of love to soothe her pains/itches.
What acts of love do you perform daily for loved ones?
Sending love to you all today.

Photos from Miss Mary's apothecary's post 07/02/2024

Today, I was overcome with emotion, and it leaked from my eyes in a messy, snotty way. I know that is the suppressed grief from losing my mum/best friend almost 3 years ago now. But I have learned over time that it's not healthy to keep it in (my great nana always said let the tears out because if you don't one day you will pop like a champagne bottle and it will make a big mess) and try to ignore it, so I let it flow. Crying till the tears stopped.
Grief is love with nowhere to go. I know this, so I channelled the love and made my mum's speciality sausage meat, apple, and onion pie. Which filled my heart with love and flooded my mind with joyful childhood memories. I'm looking forward to this for dinner tonight😍
And if you ever become overwhelmed with grief or yourself to feel it and then fill that ache with love by doing something that makes your heart sing.πŸ’–πŸ’–


Today I did a thing and pushed past the doubt demons. I have been wanting to connect back to my roots of everything in our home made from scratch meals, bread etc. But I have been putting it off for some reason. I sat with the demons and asked myself why I allow these feelings to stop me feeling the joy I feel when I do what I love for those that I love. The answer was because its safe..... I know that in reality it's not very safe as we are not in control of the chemicals or process in which convenient foods etc are made.
So today I made start, well a sour dough starter to be exact. The excitement I feel now knowing that in a few days I'll be able to make some nutritious delicious foods for my beautiful family. Nurturing with love ❀️
Do you know the secret ingredient in delicious nutritious food????


Imbolc blessings to all. πŸŒ±πŸ’–
Now is the time we give thanks for the time we have rested and restored. Also begin to see the blessings of spring and lighter days to come. Green shoots and glimmers of colour. Brigid brings hope of fertile times ahead.


This morning, it's a little dull here so wanted to share with you a little underrated flower. The daisy!!
Since becoming a mumma to 2 beautiful little people it is now a regular thing for bumps and bruises. And some bruises can be quite nasty looking. I had friends who would use arnica cream to help with bruising, But did you know that the common daisy is known as the poor man's arnica???
So in spring we go out as a family and collect some daisys then they are steeped in olive oil for a couple of weeks. Strained and add a little beeswax to set and voila! You have bruise balm. I like to add lavender too for a calming affect. If you would like my recipe for this balm comment below or alternatively if you would like to purchase a tin once i have made the next batch this can be arranged too. I currently have 1 tin left in stock.


Before pharmacies, an apothecary was the place to go to get a holistic remedy for an issue you may be having. It wasn't always a physical worry. Often, it was an emotional or spiritual misalignment. Why do we now go to a gp at the first sign of misalignment? So we can take a pill to numb the symptoms, but it doesn't help realign our systems. Here at miss Mary's apothecary we use many different holistic therapies from nutrition, herbal products to Eft, to help find realignment. I like to take loving approach in how I help people heal. The approach I use is empowerment, meaning I empower you with the knowledge and wisdom to heal yourself so that if a similar misalignment happens you will be equipped to deal with it and heal yourself and others in your family.


Hey beautiful ones, I know I have been MIA. Well, I am going to be honest I let the doubt dragons win, and I hid. I was listening to the voices in my head saying things like you are not good enough, no one will work with you, who do you think you are? ........ and on and on it went. Over doing the busy stuff and causing myself to compromise my immune system, meaning I have been quite unwell recently. But I took the sign from the universe, and I began looking after me again, putting myself first using my knowledge and skills to begin to restore the balance in my systems. This year my plan is to begin truly sharing my wisdom and passion for being able to look after yourself and others. Using plants, food and holistic therapies.
🌱 plant power
✨️ Eft and healing
πŸ’– Joyful activities
I had forgotten what the apothecary meant for me. But now I know and I will be sharing the amazing things that light me up and I hope you will be joining me on the wonderful adventures that will be coming this year. 😊


This message came to me.
I like most of you reading this keep myself busy. Often forgetting about myself as being a good mum, partner, daughter, aunt, sister and granddaughter are always my focus. I didn't make any new years resolution this year only a promise to myself to be kinder and make time for me. I have promised to do 1 thing each week just for me, whether it's a indulgent bath, meditation or hair treatment so by the end of this year i will have enjoyed at least 52 delightful things. 😊 This card was a gentle nudge to remember to rest as I have been pushing too hard. I have taken time to rest.
Do you make time for yourself???
What promises have you made yourself this year??


Wishing all our friends, family, followers and customers and happy healthy and joy filled new year. May this year be the your best yet ✨️ πŸ’–


Would like to thank all our customers old and new. Wish everyone a merry Christmas and New year. May the new year be healthy and happy. We look forward to sharing with you our exciting new things in the new year πŸŽ„πŸ’–

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Videos (show all)

Harvested from my plot now drying. Love nature and all it offers
M.I.A ....... I’m back my friends.😊😊😊Some of you may have noticed that I have been very quiet for a while. This is becau...
What better way to relax than a lavender bath bomb. The smell from this beauty helps ease and relax both mind and body. ...
Here is the rose🌹 and lavender bath bomb in action. Something magical ✨about the way the #herbs swirl in the water.



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