Louise - Holistic Health Psychotherapist

[email protected] • Holistic Healthcare • Energy Healing Classes Hello, my name is Louise and thank you for visiting my page.

I offer the restorative therapy EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique (sometimes referred to as Tapping) on a 1:1 basis and group settings. EFT is classed as Energy Psychology as it combines 'tapping' the energy meridians in the body along with using powerful wording which results in a positive, soothed and calm outcome. I also offer holistic focused guidance, coaching and mentoring. My passion is to


When I was first introduced to chanting I didn't have a clue what to do or expect from it, but I was open to trying new things.

From the first time doing it, it unlocked something inside me. There was an energetic shift, a remembering.

The vibrational frequency and resonance created within us whilst chanting reminds the body of its connection to its internal energy flow and its connection to universal source energy.

Sound. Frequency. Vibration. Energy.

✨ Chanting and Energy classes available ✨


My apologies, it's been a while since I've been on my page. I've been deciding on what direction my work is leading me into.

My business and my healing journey have been through several incarnations since I started in 2020, and I love that. Being open and able to follow where my heart wants to go.

I will always be a psychotherapist to my core, however, I've been taking the time and opportunity to work with my own auric/energy field and now extend that out to others via my own OmTap classes.

Energy healing is the way forward. Come and try it!

Energy, frequency and vibration.

The classes are truly amazing and the feedback has been awesome!

I see the stress literally melt off people's bodies and they leave the sessions incredibly relaxed, calm and happy.

The OmTap classes create a little pocket of time where I guide you through your own energy field using Tibetan Ohm'ing, Qigong, and Tapping.

No experience is necessary as I guide you, and it takes place either seated or standing.

So, watch this space for classes heading your way in Suffolk and Norfolk ✨

Much love... Lou, 🤍


We are all Divine Beings. We just happen to be in a human form this time around.

We get so caught up with being human that we forget we are this magnificent majestic energetic being contained within this human form.

Our true essence of who we are is limitless, and once we tap into that, it frees us from the constraints.

The journey to this realisation is a continuation of my research into sound, frequency, vibration and energetics of the human form.

After some really successful classes, I'm opening it up to those who would like to come and join me for some beautiful classes of Tibetan Aum/Ohm Chanting and the gentle movement of your own energy field to bring about the feeling of peace and relaxation.

No experience necessary, as I'll guide you through it.

Any questions please drop me a DM.

Much love, Lou 💕


I am the wilderness 💗


Repeat these daily 💗

Much love,
Lou, 🌸


The ancient practice of sungazing 🌞

*** Safety Warning ***
It is only safe to look directly at the sun for between 5-8 mins maximum at sunrise or 5-10 mins at sunset, outside of these times it becomes dangerous, as the UV percentage and brightness becomes too high.

During the 5-10 minutes at sunrise and sunset there is zero UV light in the sun rays as it's filtered horizontally through earth's atmosphere, and so it's safe to look directly at the sun during this time.

The ancient Egyptians knew how incredibly important this was/is for our health and wellbeing. The sun carries important light codes for our bodies and especially the cascade effect on the neurons in our brain (FYI: the eyes are the only external part of our brain!).

See Andrew Huberman latest research on how the body needs 'safe' sunlight exposure (non-nano mineral sunscreen), specifically through the eyes.

So get out there and SAFELY sun gaze and watch how your mental health and sense of well being starts to change for the better! ☀️🤍✨


This International Women's Day, may you look in the mirror and see the strength it took to get to this day.

Look to yourself to see the beauty and wonder that you are.

The delicate and magnificent life force that you carry.

Look within and nurture all the variations that you had to become to arrive here today.

You are worthy.

You are always enough.

You are loved even on the days you feel unlovable.

You are the result of a lineage of thousands of women who are all cheering you on.


Never, ever forget how powerful you are.

Lou, 🤍


How are y'all doing? I mean REALLY how are you all doing?

January always feels like 12mths in one doesn't it!?

This is just a reminder to say... remember we are still in winter.

The time to withdraw and recover, just like nature does.

To nurture ourselves and slow down just like nature does.

Despite what society tells us, we are creatures of nature, and when we live in sync with it we generally tend to fare better.

We all have this wonderful life force that we carry around daily, I think we forget about that and we become so separate from it.

Separate from ourselves.

Then wonder why we feel disconnected, disassociated and overwhelmed with life.

Myself included, sometimes.

So please... do whatever you need to do to bring yourself back to who you are.

If you're struggling, reach out, there is always help available here 🤍


EFT Tapping really does make a huge difference, when added into your healing journey 🌸

Time stands still and something from a long time ago can seem like it was yesterday.

Tapping can help 💞


Clinical EFT shown to be a safe, rapid, reliable and effective therapy suitable for primary care settings 🌸

Today I proofed the next paper we have coming out - Clinical EFT as an Evidence-Based Practice for the Treatment of Psychological and Physiological Conditions. It will be out soon!

In 2013 Dawson Church published a paper defining Clinical EFT and reviewing published research. It has been viewed or downloaded over 36,000 times, indicating widespread interest in this treatment modality. Here we updated the findings based on subsequently published literature, and propose directions for future research.

Retrieval of 4,167 results resulted in the identification of 56 RCTs (N=2,013), 41 of which were published subsequent to the earlier review, as well as eight meta-analyses.

Results: RCTs have found EFT treatment to be effective for (a) psychological conditions such as anxiety, depression, phobias, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD); (b) physiological issues such as pain, insomnia, and autoimmune conditions; (c) professional and sports performance; and (d) biological markers of stress. Meta-analyses evaluating the effect of EFT treatment have found it to be “moderate” to “large.” Next steps include determining its impact on cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and cognitive impairment; analysis of the large-scale datasets made possible by mobile apps; and delivery through channels such as virtual practitioner sessions, online courses, apps and standardized group therapy.

Clinical EFT is an evidence-based stable and mature method and can be used in primary care settings as a safe, rapid, reliable, and effective treatment for both psychological and medical diagnoses continue to grow 💞


Resolving sleep issues using EFT 💤

Sleep studies this week by Dr Peta Stapleton

We are looking at sleep this week!

The late Dr Patricia Carrington shares - this unconventional technique to see how it works for you the next time you are awake in the night or can't fall asleep.

When you want to go to sleep, use imaginal EFT only (i.e. tap in your imagination only at each spot) so that doing EFT will not awaken you as you begin to drift off to sleep.
Use the paradoxical (going opposite) EFT statement, “I can't get to sleep" at each tapping point, using only these words.
Observe what happens…

Report back!


RADICAL self love, self acceptance, self compassion, self forgiveness, self worth ❤️❤️❤️

Positive Morning Affirmations (Self Love, Abundance, Gratitude, Joy) 17/06/2022

Start your day with positive, kind words of affirmations about yourself.

Whether you believe it or not, these words carry a balancing frequency that change how you feel about yourself.

Lou, 🌼🦋🌿

Positive Morning Affirmations (Self Love, Abundance, Gratitude, Joy) Powerful morning affirmations to raise your vibration first thing in the morning so you have an AMAZING day!A carefully crafted sequence of affirmations for ...


People ask me "how come you're so happy and chilled?"

This beautiful soul (Lucy) is a major part of the reason why.

I 'thought' I knew myself really well.

Lucy through her classes introduced me to a whole new level of understanding of who and what I am.

She guides me on a journey of self discovery via my body, breath and mind 🧘🏼‍♀️

Are there any side effects - yes.... Inner peace, calmness and tranquility in your being.

Who doesn't want that!?

Lucy is honestly East Anglia's best kept secret 💛

My word/ theme for June is “returning”
I’m exploring it through yoga - through asana, pranayama, meditation, silence and stillness. Also in the chaos and busyness of life & motherhood.

For me, the feeling of returning is a feeling of remembrance. It’s yoking with truth. It’s something more than this dimension. It’s all pervading peace. It’s an inner knowing. A lifting of the veil. A glimpse of samadhi.

It’s found in stillness, sometimes in chaos.
It’s sublime.

How do you return to yourself? To your truth? To your peace? To these moments that are fleeting?


So this happened last night 🎬🎥.

Thank you to Marc Jeffrey for an awesome live streamed chat on YouTube!

Please go and have a watch of the full episode.

We chat about everything from;
effects of the covid lockdowns
The and world
My thoughts on / case
and many more things...

Here's the link: https://youtu.be/DzSrEfKAEfo


This.. 🧘🏼‍♀️🌿🕉️🦋

I thought I knew what silence was. Turns out I didn't know a thing about it.

Ta**ra Hatha Yoga, Pranayama breathing and meditation has taught me what silence is.

Sitting in silence and stillness is so freeing.

Expansive and otherworldly.

Sitting in silent meditation with others is so incredibly powerful too.

Being in each other's energetic fields whilst your minds are recharging is a whole other experience.

You should try it.

I feel so lucky that I get to have an incredible yoga teacher who teaches all of these experiences.


Lucy's classes are an investment in yourself. Something I realized I needed to do and it's a practice that has changed the understanding of my experience in this lifetime.

It brings peace to my soul.

What an truly beautiful investment 🕊️💛🌸

**rahathayoga **rayoga


EFT vs CBT - (Emotional Freedom Technique vs Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)

EFT was found to be comparable to CBT and in some instances out-performed CBT.

When tested after some time, EFT effects had been maintained, whereas CBT had not.

EFT has been approved for funding by the NICE (National Institute for Health & Care Excellence) in the UK.

How long that will take to filter through to NHS services has not yet been advised.

Currently, within the NHS there is a 3-9 month wait for mental health services. The longer wait time is for trauma based help.

EFT treats everything from everyday stress, anxiety and depression to complex PTSD and other mental health disorders.

It's an amazing therapy and once shown how to do it, you have it to use whenever you need it ✨

Thank you Dr Peta Stapleton for sharing the research 🌸🌿

Head-to-head comparisons with a treatment that has strong empirical support is a way of investigating an emerging therapy. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and its variations are considered the “gold standard” for treating many psychological conditions.

Did you know a total of 10 head-to-head studies have compared CBT to a tapping protocol (e.g. EFT), and in all 10, the acupoint tapping outcomes were approximately equivalent or compared favourably with CBT. In some of them the tapping outperformed CBT, especially in the follow-up periods (e.g. the changes after EFT were maintained and in CBT they were not).


As it's mental health awareness week I thought I'd share a bit about my story and how I came to be a part of the Suffolk Team in The Happiness Foundation

Mental health affects every single one of us and it's absolutely ok to talk about it.

Please reach out to myself or The Happiness Foundation... Let's heal your past and create a bright positive future.

Also, please share this with anyone you know who may be struggling and encourage them to reach out. We don't know you're there unless you reach out.

Doctors and the NHS have up to a 9 month waiting list for mental health services!! Either myself or a member of The Happiness Foundation can see you within a week.

No one should suffer alone.

Much love, Lou 🦋🌿🧡


This is Kathryn Temple of The Happiness Foundation . You'll know I speak about Kath quite often.

✨Please watch this live video and you'll see why I mention her so much✨

Kath via The Happiness Foundation changed my life at a very bleak time. Narcissistic domestic abuse had left me feeling broken and with PTSD.

I needed help, fast.

I didn't want drugs from the GP to make me feel numb.

I already felt numb.

I needed to feel.

I needed to heal.

By using the therapies Kath mentions here in the video, I walked into Kath's home as one person and walked out as someone else, I now found myself at the colourful end of the rainbow.... how cool is that!

I could laugh again and actually 'feel' the excitement! 🙋🏼‍♀️

These amazing therapies had set me free from the mental chains that had bound me.

I was so, so chuffed when Kath asked me if I'd like to be part of the Suffolk Team in The Happiness Foundation. In changing my life, now I get to help others change their lives too.

It's an absolute privilege and honour to share these private moments with people and share these amazingly gentle therapies.

At The Happiness Foundation, we get to heal people's pasts and change their futures.

We also get to teach people how to do this for themselves, their family and friends too.

Please forward this video to your family, friends and colleagues.

You may just change someone's life today.

Much love... Lou, 🦋🌿🧡



Please do all of this as often as you need to.

Give yourself permission to re-set re-adjust and just re-anything you need to.

I'm going through a phase of this currently and the problems I'm having is because I am resisting it.

Everything is always such a damn street fight with myself, I'm too strong for my own good sometimes. I just need to 'go with the flow'.

I know exactly why I struggle with internal shifts, internal ebbs and flows. It's because I hold unnecessarily high standards for myself and I dislike change.

So instead of easing into a new unknown. I'm clinging onto that which doesn't serve me anymore.

So change equals fear and yet every change in my life has always led to something far far greater.

What beautifully wonderful strange creatures we are.

So in my struggle I choose to see the beauty of it, although it feels unsettling and uneasy.

I know I have the mental and therapeutic tools I need - **rahathayoga and .

As the famous quote says "this too shall pass".

Much love, Lou 🦋🌿🧡



The lovely Dr Peta Stapleton - How does EFT Tapping work?

EFT is the new frontier in energy medicine and energy psychology.

Science meeting Holistic Eastern Medicine


We are doing 5 days of - How Does EFT Tapping Work? (according to Dr David Feinstein)

Today - the Harvard study on acupuncture points!

Ref - K.K.-S. Hui, J. Liu, O. Marina, et al. The integrated response of the human cerebro-cerebellar and limbic systems to acupuncture stimulation at ST 36 as evidenced by fMRI I NeuroImage, 27 (2005), pp. 479-496,


🎬 Short clip of the amazing and I talking about how narcissistic domestic abuse affected us.

Have a watch of the full video at https://youtu.be/XnpGfrj0cMM and while you're there please "like & subscribe" 💗

We cover alot of ground and topics, one of which is how EFT works and how it can change your life, during the live streamed podcast.

True to mine and Harmony's personalities, there's depth of character and plenty of laughter and colourful language 😄🙋🏼‍♀️

Much love , Lou 🦋💛🌿


The beautiful Harmony Garcia - The Bliss Broker - asked me to join her for the first episode of Season 4 of her podcast.

Going live on YouTube no less! I haven't been live on camera for nearly 2 years, but I thoroughly enjoyed this magical moment in time ✨🦋🙋🏼‍♀️

Go take a peek at the episode on YouTube - https://youtu.be/XnpGfrj0cMM

I'll be sharing some more clips... 🎬


🌿 Strokes • EFT and Gayatri Mantra has been proven to benefit a person's quality of life after a Stroke

Dr Peta Stapleton bringing the research 🦋🧡🌿

The quality of life in stroke patients is vital for survival. Nowadays, studies that show a decrease in quality of life in post-stroke patients are increasing. Various non-pharmacological modalities were explored in the past to improve rehabilitation. However, the study about the effects of religious mantra and its combination with the modern technique was lacking. Therefore, this study aimed to analyse the effects of Gayatri Mantra and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) on quality of life (QOL) of post-stroke patients.

A quasi-experimental with pretest and posttest with the control group design was conducted. Forty-six post-stroke subjects with reduced quality of life based on Stroke Specific Quality of Life were consecutively recruited and divided into controls and intervention groups. The intervention group received additional treatment with Gayatri Mantra and EFT. In contrast, the control group attends and adheres only to the standard hospital rehabilitation program.

All indicators and the overall score of QOL in the intervention group showed significant improvement after treatment (p


If you are struggling...

I am here.

Louise, x 🦋🧡🌿


EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique - also referred to as 'Tapping'... So, what is it?

Energy Psychology - Energy Medicine - Evidence based method and validated in more that 100 clinical trials - Somatic and Psychological Therapy

• Hormonal shifts have been identified, including reductions in the stress hormone cortisol production by up to 43% in one hour.

• Changes in blood flow patterns within the brain have been identified in pre- and post-treatment fMRI readings.

• Epigenetic effects of EFT treatment have found regulation of a range of genes related to health and mental health.

• One-hour EFT psychotherapy session found that EFT was associated with the regulation of 72 genes, including those involved in learning and memory, regeneration of neural white matter, enhanced synaptic connectivity, neuronal survival after DNA damage, tumor suppression, insulin regulation, heightened immunity, inflammation, and antiviral activity.

* ( taken from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6316206/ )

• EFT is gentle, effective and safe.

• It can be used on adults, children, babies and animals.

I absolutely love it. I use it on myself, I've used it on my son and daughter, they've spread it out to their friends. I use it with clients either in person or over zoom.

It works, it's gentle, calming, relaxing, tranquil and peaceful.

If you're suffering with - anxiety - overwhelm - stress - fear - worry - sadness - anger, EFT deals with all of these and more.

Do it for yourself, your family or friend. I have experience in managing all of these and you are in safe hands and a safe space with me 🤗

Contact me today,

Much love, Louise, x 🦋💛🌿uk


Come and join in on Wednesday evenings on Zoom with my amazing Mentor Happiness Events - Kath Temple ... I'll be there too 🙋🏼‍♀️

Energy medicine is the new frontier! Open the door to the healing super-highway. Accredited EFT Level 1, 2, and 3 training starts online this coming Wednesday 20th April 6-9pm UK time. EFT is the emotional freedom technique - powerful for both physical and emotional problems. Brilliant for anxiety, panic attacks, fears, phobias, depression, PTSD, trauma, stress, pain, fibromyalgia and more. Reconnect your pathways to peace. This is such a powerful tool for your change-agents tool-kit. I couldn't be without it in my work. Come join me! Message me to book your place! Grab one of the last remaining places while you can. See you soon!

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Videos (show all)

When I was first introduced to chanting I didn't have a clue what to do or expect from it, but I was open to trying new ...
My apologies, it's been a while since I've been on my page.  I've been deciding on what direction my work is leading me ...
We are all Divine Beings.  We just happen to be in a human form this time around.  We get so caught up with being human ...
I am the wilderness 💗 #soareyou #neverforget #brenebrownquotes
Repeat these daily 💗Much love,Lou, 🌸#selflove #selfcare #peacefulmind #soulful #heartbasedliving
The ancient practice of sungazing 🌞 *** Safety Warning *** It is only safe to look directly at the sun for between 5-8 m...
RADICAL self love, self acceptance, self compassion, self forgiveness, self worth ❤️❤️❤️ #radicalselflove #radicalaccept...
So this happened last night 🎬🎥. Thank you to Marc Jeffrey for an awesome live streamed chat on YouTube!Please go and hav...
As it's mental health awareness week I thought I'd share a bit about my story and how I came to be a part of the Suffolk...
🎬 Short clip of the amazing @theblissbroker  and I talking about how narcissistic domestic abuse affected us.Have a watc...
The beautiful Harmony Garcia - The Bliss Broker - asked me to join her for the first episode of Season 4 of her podcast....
✨ Introducing.. the SoulBloom Family I wouldn't be were I am today without the  love and support from this wonderfully u...



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