Coached by Sanchia

Get off the dieting carousel šŸŽ  Join my ā€œLife Balance ā€œ program. Drop fat, shape up, be confidentšŸ‘™



As a woman at some point menopausal symptoms will kick in.

This is what Iā€™m dealing with right now -
Low energy
Extremely fatigued
Crazy mood and temper
Brain fog and zero brain power to put together posts daily
Hearing loss/tinitus
Regular migraines
Achy knee and elbow joints
Hair loss (although this has calmed down now)
Occasional hot flush

I eat a high protein balanced diet, walk daily and was training multiple times weekly.I also take zinc, magnesium, ashwaganda and macca.

But all this can only help so much in alleviating perimenopause and menopausal symptoms.

Last week I decided I had had enough of the fatigue, tiredness and lack of brain power šŸ˜‚ so off to the doctors I went even though I hate going, I like to try and cure myself first šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø
She was great though and is getting various blood tests run, scans, you name it to help get to the bottom of what can be done to help.

Its a long process and I wonā€™t have answers next week but I really want to feel like me again.
All I can do now is push a little harder as training does help ease so many symptoms and just listen to my body.

I train multiple women going through this life stage and we are all continuing to keep our nutrition in check, and stay as active and strong as possible as it puts us in a better position when we come out the other side.

Yes its hard but us women are made of tougher stuff thatā€™s why we were given the organs to carry and bear children as Iā€™m pretty sure the guys couldnā€™t handle it šŸ¤£

Anyway Iā€™m still here pushing on and I am here for any women wanting help too menopausal or not. Iā€™m a mum, Iā€™m 43 iā€™ve been overweight and unhealthy iā€™m now just taking on a new challenge!

Photos from Coached by Sanchia's post 20/08/2024

Struggling to get your head back in the game after holiday?

It happens! Iā€™ll be honest Iā€™m struggling myself to actually train even though iā€™ve been into the gym to work multiple times since I came back last week.

I have got my routine in place and Iā€™m back getting up and out with the dogs, my food is also back under control but actually training? Thatā€™s not happenedā€¦ yet!

Iā€™ll be planning in one or 2 sessions in for later this week as I know once itā€™s done iā€™ll feel so much better and my body and mental state will be ready to smash the following week. Normality will be restored!

Its never easy but nothing worth doing is, and when you think back to how good you were feeling before you went away, channel that into being your motivation to get back to that feeling.

Need help? DM ā€œMOJOā€ for details.


Almost the end of my first week back after a lovely 2 week break.

Multiple clients have commented ā€œiā€™m so glad youā€™re backā€ this week which is always nice to hear.

While many have managed well on their own some didnā€™t stay as on top of their game as they would if I saw them week in week out, even though Iā€™ve checked in with clients while away.

This doesnā€™t mean they are failures because to be honest all of them have kept in control of either nutrition and movement or both, itā€™s only been odd workouts missed.

Some clients still arenā€™t confident yet to train alone and some just wonā€™t push as hard šŸ¤£

The main thing is all clients managed to do something, having a PT is like having someone to hold your hand and guide you on your journey.

Its like learning to drive, you know what to do and how to do it but you still need that confidence and guidance until youā€™re at a point where you can fly solo and keep going with results.

Some may always need a PT for support and that push, and thatā€™s ok too as for many our weekly sessions are the one thing they do for themselves to keep them sane, make them feel good and to do something to improve health and longevity.

Anyway itā€™s good to be back ladies , iā€™ve missed all your lovely faces toošŸ˜˜


There is so much more to weight training and eating the right food in the right amount than just gaining muscle.Here are just a few quotes and bits of feedback I get from my clients.What are you waiting for ? No time like the present to make that change. DM me ā€œits timeā€ for more details.

Photos from Coached by Sanchia's post 13/08/2024

A little holiday round up.

So much food and drink consumed but lots of walking done too.

Back to pre holiday weight ish of just over 65kg I was 69kg on Friday morning when we got back šŸ¤£

Donā€™t forget unless you have really gorged on food and alcohol and hardly moved a-lot of the excess weight will be water weight from more carbs, salt, alcohol and flying, it all adds up.

Just get back into a good routine as soon as you get back home, dial in the nutrition, get active and drink plenty of water!

Holidays are meant to be enjoyed and to be honest youā€™ll likely find because you can have it you actually donā€™t want it, I know my clients have more self control than normal since working with me and its not a case of denying themselves its just they actually donā€™t want the extra bread roll or dessert.


How active are you on holiday?

Trip to Alcudia todayšŸ˜Žgetting some walking done after a few lazy days around the pool.

I did check out the gym but it consisted of random dumbbells a bench and lots of cardio equipment šŸ¤£

Not feeling guilty about having some downtime though Iā€™m taking 4 flights of steps several times a day, messing in the pool and was fed up of day drinking 2nd day in.
Food wise thereā€™s lots of it as weā€™re all inclusive but its similar day in day out and Iā€™m sick of the sight of it to be honest šŸ¤£

Weather and company wise itā€™s fantastic though!

Boat trip and a day at a big water park still to come, hope England isnā€™t too rainy!

Holidays away are there for relaxing and being a little more relaxed with food and drink, you shouldnā€™t ever feel guilty about a little over consumption for a week or two.

Photos from Coached by Sanchia's post 30/07/2024

Last yearā€™s holiday prep compared to this year for me.

68kg 2023
67kg 10th June 2024 start of cut
65kg today

A year of just working out and maintenance calories not really focusing on scales.

This year better leg and glute development ( could have been better)definitely stronger and pushing more weight.

Walked more and tighter with calorie deficit

Less upper development than I would have liked due to injury.

Overall happy with results this year.

At 43 I can more than comfortably hit the beach in a bikini and feel proud of my body and what Iā€™ve achieved.

Next year will be even better!

Never stop working towards your goals. You donā€™t have to spend your life in a deficit once you find that balance.

Now its time to zip up them cases, get the dogs to the kennels and head to that airport!šŸ˜Ž




Thats me done for 2 weeksšŸ˜œ

Body prepped, clients all prepped to cope for 2 weeks without me šŸ¤£ and holiday head officially on!

Might be some holiday spam coming over next couple of weeks so be warned.



Hard work pays off!!

My client feeling and looking šŸ”„today as she in her words ā€œIā€™m strutting roundā€ at York races today.

Loving that she is not just looking good but feeling it too.ā¤ļø

Yes you can have a social life and lose weight when done right.

Want in? Team spaces available now.


Clients that stay committed and consistent on a weekend especially when they have no plans make the best progress.

Weekends are not time off from your deficit or to move less, you should be as committed and focused as you are throughout the week.

Not only can keeping a good foundation on a weekend improve results its makes Mondayā€™s less difficult to get back into things.

Get more creative in the kitchen, get in more outdoor activities, and enjoy feeling good.


You wonā€™t be perfect every day.

Learn from every mistake or wrong choice.

Its about learning how to treat your body and mind better so you can live a better longer quality of life.


School holidays are here!

If you have goals though these six weeks should not be used as an excuse to sack every thing off.

Stay in control of food, steps, routine.

Plan and prepare to get the best out of each day for you and the kids.

No excuses ladies if anything push harder! You have all absolutely got thisšŸ‘Œ

Photos from Coached by Sanchia's post 18/07/2024


My dynamic duo have totally smashed this year so far!

1st time for Sarah feeling comfortable enough to wear a bikini on holiday in some years and sheā€™s rocking it, impressive back development too.

Becciā€™s overall physique and strength has rocketed !

Both girls have seen a reduction in cellulite too as you can see which is another great win!

Have they been perfect all year? Nope!

Weā€™ve had ups and downs but they have always aimed to hit non negotiable targets set.

They sent me these after pics nearly a week into their holiday after Iā€™m guessing being head deep in tzatziki and alcohol which is even more impressive šŸ¤£

We havenā€™t really focused on scale weight either just on how clothes fit which has resulted in both needing new wardrobes!

So proud of their journey this year and next year we aim to be even better šŸ’Ŗ

Photos from Coached by Sanchia's post 17/07/2024

9 months post c-section, about 5 weeks between pics.

Achieved by -

Improvement in Eating habits, meal planning, tracking loosely and keeping protein and high volume low cal foods in daily.

Gradually we have increased intensity in the gym and this girl is pushing hard in every session, even with little one attending with her.

Increase in daily movement.

Removing temptation at home and finding lower calorie sweet options that fit.

Still enjoying life at events but being more mindful in food choices and not over consuming on alcohol.

Shes now feeling better in her clothes and more confident, shes more than just a mum shes her own person making changes to her lifestyle that benefits not just her but her family in the long run.

Shes made no excuses, recognised where she has been struggling and adjusted, but more importantly she has reached out and asked for help and inspiration when needed and been consistent.

More client success posts are coming!

Want in ?
Message me for more information on how to join my team.


Sunday morning bliss!

After an early walk with the dogs, I decided to knock a task off my list for tomorrow which was to fuel the car, a job I hate doing šŸ¤£

Finally a trip to ā€œlittle tescosā€ bakery for a fresh croissant which I have just enjoyed with a coffee in absolute peace as boys still kicking out šŸ’¤ and its not quite 8am on a Sunday šŸ¤£

Lying about in bed all morning on a weekend is all well and good but I get anxious thinking about what I need to do so find it easier to get up and be active.

This not only increases my energy expenditure but lowers my anxiety and makes me have a more productive day.

Will I have a nap this afternoon? Sure but by then iā€™ll have accomplished everything I wanted to today so I can relax for the rest of the day in peace āœŒļø

Procrastinate less and be more Productive this will keep you less stressed which helps with weight loss and more active which also helps with weight loss.

Small changes bigger results over time.

Have an awesome Sunday and make sure to plan your week ahead to get the best out of yourself and your progress šŸ˜˜

Photos from Coached by Sanchia's post 12/07/2024

5 weeks progress in preparation for holiday in a few weeks!

Only about 1.5kg down in between pics ( i know angles arenā€™t consistent šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø) but happy with how itā€™s going so far considering the amount of setbacks.

Keeping consistent and in control of the basics throughout has meant I have still made progress.

Have a great weekend everyone! Enjoy the football āš½ļø if youā€™re watching itšŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁄󠁮󠁧ó æ


Client spaces available now!

If youā€™re sick of trying everything and the weight keeps coming back work with me to lose body fat and transform your body the right way, learning techniques to keep your new physique for life joining my team is the route for you.

Youā€™ll still be able to eat foods you love
Youā€™ll still be able to have a social life
Youā€™ll learn to look at food, exercise, and day to day aspects of life differently to keep you consistent and make progress where you have previously failed or given in.

Iā€™m based at Trident Fitness, Morley (opposite Asda)

Sound good? Drop me a message or comment ā€œmy timeā€ for more information.





We need to get out of the mind set that if we donā€™t have a perfect day / week we should just give up and try again on a new week or try an ā€œeasier ā€œoption.

Whether itā€™s nutrition, exercise or steps you are highly unlikely to get everything bang on week in week out for life unless you donā€™t want one as it would be mentally and physically exhausting.

As long as you aim to be as consistent as possible with all aspects you can expect to see changes, we all have s**t weeks but you should always be able to get 1 or 2 of the necessary basics in daily so you are still making progress.

Stop beating yourself up over one missed workout or one bad meal.

Learn where you can improve and stop the same thing happening again instead of quitting as this is where you will yo yo up and down, likely more downs than ups.

Be adults get your s**t together, learn from mistakes, plan better, learn to say no to things you know will make you feel like s**t and over time youā€™ll be more balanced in life and you will have the body and mindset you desire šŸ˜˜



Why when you make a meal do you opt for 150g of chicken breast rather than 200g especially when you have the calories availabile to use?

We are all guilty of this and then find ourselves not being satiated and hungry in a few hours resulting in having a snack that would be less protein and more calories than if we had just increased our protein source that meal!

Try making sure you always get 30+g of protein in each meal so youā€™re less likely to snack and have better energy levels and results when strength training.

Your protein source will always likely be less calories and more protein than a say a protein bar.

In principle thinking this way will see you hitting your protein goal and still having calories left at the end of the day for treat if you fancy it.

Change the way you look at and prepare food!


Worried that you wonā€™t lose the weight you want if you take a week or 2 off to let the injury heal?

As long as you continue to eat in a deficit while still getting a good protein intake and your steps in daily you should be fine and continue to drop body fat.

While strength training and training in general is essential for overall health, increasing energy burn, and much more. its far more important that rather than giving up completely you continue to eat in a deficit and get those steps in.

This will tide you over nicely until youā€™re able to train again and when you do, ease back into weights to prevent a reoccurrence!

Photos from Coached by Sanchia's post 26/06/2024

I donā€™t do meal plans, heres whyā€¦.

As a PT we are not technically qualified to set out meal plans we can only offer nutritional guidance and advice.

Even though I took an extra course and Iā€™m also a Level 4 Nutrition and Weight management coach, this also doesnā€™t qualify me to provide meal plans, registered dietitianā€™s can.

Even if I were qualified to produce you a meal plan I wouldnā€™t.

They can be restrictive, by this I mean if I set you a meal and you didnā€™t have the ingredients in to make, you would likely panic and go for a less nutritious higher calorie option or binge as you wouldnā€™t have the knowledge to think on the fly and make something that would be reflective to your calories, macros and goals.

All the meals above are what my clients have created by themselves.

They have had to read labels, weigh and log ingredients and through doing this now know the nutritional content of a multitude of foods, so they can easily throw meals together as they know how much protein and how many calories are in a chicken breast or a jacket potato and build out their meals to whatever they fancy to eat that meal.

Yes I will provide meal ideas, recipe inspirations and my clients share ideas within our private group

My style of coaching will lead you to a place where no foods are off limits and you make better choices that will stick with you for life. So if youā€™re ever at a point where you gain a few lbs youā€™ll know what changes to make to your diet to loose the weight!

Want to join my team? DM or comment ā€œfoodieā€ and weā€™ll chat!


DONā€™T BE FEELING BAD ABOUT YOUR BODY THIS SUMMER, get proactive about it now.

Will you drop 3 stone and gain a sculpted physique in a few months ready for your holiday?
Absolutely not.

Losing body fat and building muscle to give your body the shape you want takes time.

You need to learn how to incorporate the right balance of foods into your daily life so it becomes second nature, this takes time, trial and error, consistency and commitment.

You need to understand that daily steps and actions are fundamental to fat-loss, heart and lung function. This takes a change in routine and habits, consistency and commitment.

You need to understand that building muscle takes time, a long time and needs to be programmed and carried out correctly weekly to get that ā€œtonedā€ look.
This takes a good coach to keep pushing you (like mešŸ¤£) commitment and consistency.

You also need to understand that things like sleep, stress, water intake, hormones can affect progress and output.

It sounds like a lot and it is and this is why people fail because they do all this too hard too fast and expect quick results for their short lived efforts.

I didnā€™t get my body in shape in a few weeks or months its been years of ups and downs. Tweaking things here and there and putting time and effort in when I didnā€™t want to.
The people you see on socials didnā€™t either they either photoshopped, paid for it or put in the graft too but donā€™t tell you how hard it was.

For a no B SHšŸ’©T approach to getting you in the best shape of your life for life. DM or comment ā€œchangeā€ and join my team today.

Photos from Coached by Sanchia's post 21/06/2024


My favourite lunch option at the moment!

Turkey BLT bagel and Strawberry protein yogurt topped with 45g of fresh cherries šŸ’

465kcals and 46g of protein.
Satisfied my love for carbs and something sweetā€¦. win win!

Simple lunch meals like this can be prepped and taken into the office or will take you 10 mins to make at home.

It takes minimal thinking and preparation, I could have nipped to a fast food joint on my way home earlier but I know as good as it may have tasted it would not have been as fresh, nutritious and high in protein as this and would have definitely been more calories.

Keep simple quality breakfast and lunch options similar and go full Gordon Ramsey for your evening meal.

Prioritise high volume low calorie foods and protein source and build your meal out from there.

Iā€™m currently back tracking foods to drop a few lbs for my holiday in July but it doesnā€™t mean they have to be bland and boring!

Eat clean and well this weekend ladies!



Being a mum is a daily workout in itself most days.

Bending, twisting and reaching to pick up your baby, clothes, toys, looking after any other children, house work, school runs, preparing meals and planning, the list is endless.

Getting an hour or 2 out of the house each week to spend sometime doing something for your self that improves your health such as strength training should be a priority.

It not only helps your body recover after childbirth when programmed correctly but also helps stimulate the brain, decrease stress and anxiety, improves bone density and muscle tissue to help regain your shape faster, plus improves energy levels (believe it or not! )

If you have a supportive friend and family network donā€™t feel guilty about reaching out and asking them to babysit for an hour or so, so you can get out and work on your self.

Being a mum is hard enough and even harder when you donā€™t feel great in your body.

While youā€™re healing bring your nutrition back under control especially if youā€™re still in the habit of eating certain foods that arenā€™t great but you craved in pregnancy.

One thing you shouldnā€™t do as a new mum is compare yourself to how quickly others may ā€œbounce backā€ your body has just created a new life and it takes it out of you.
Ease yourself back into lifting like my client here who after giving herself time to heal after her 3rd child and c-section.

If youā€™re lucky enough to train with me at trident where we are family friendly, babies and well behaved youngsters are welcome throughout the day if needed.

Be kind to yourself and get yourself back into shape right.
Coaching spaces now available. DM for more details or to book!

Photos from Coached by Sanchia's post 15/06/2024

Weekend downtime with friends.

Beautiful food, cocktails and company !

You can have the best of both worlds, lose weight and still have a social life.

So nice to get out of gym clothes and made up a bitā¤ļø

Message me to find out morešŸ˜˜

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Shift away from eating to lose weightā€¦
Never give up
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NOT ABLE TO HIT THE GYM DUE TO INJURY?Worried that you wonā€™t lose the weight you want if you take a week or 2 off to let...
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