Danny Pickup Online Coaching

We empower women to develop unstoppable confidence by education and guiding them to look and perform

Photos from Danny Pickup Online Coaching's post 17/07/2024

Day 17 (since documenting on here)

Small changes but consistent efforts are getting out in 🤝🏼✅

Photos from Danny Pickup Online Coaching's post 10/07/2024

5 tips to manage your hunger when dieting 🤝🏼

Photos from Danny Pickup Online Coaching's post 05/07/2024

Day 4/49

Few weeks and the changes will really show 🤝🏼

Photos from Danny Pickup Online Coaching's post 03/07/2024

Day 2 check in

Slight drop in weight, feeling fu***ng good.

Road to my best - physically & mentally 🤝🏼


If you’re on your fat loss journey and it’s new to you and you are training, changing nutrition habits, changing lifestyle habits and you feel like you are failing sometimes…

Good! It isn’t straight forward and you can’t just expect to be an expert at it and have green lights all the time

You need to fail and come across red and yellow lights along the way to learn and become more educated on these areas, it’s all part of the process

Just like when you first jump in a car, you can’t drive it straight away you have to learn the fundamentals and no doubt you’ll fail a few times first

Take your time, learn from the ‘bad’ days, take advantage of the good days

The journey towards the goal and learning something new is the best part

Enjoy the process 🤝🏼


Around 13kg difference here, less body hair, a tan and a not very photogenic face 😂

To lose fat you need to put consistent effort in, you don’t need to be perfect everyday but you do need to be consistent

The way you look now is a reflection of your average habits

I hear and speak to people all the time about how they want to look, what sort of shape they want to be in

But a lot of the time people aren’t willing to compromise and their daily habits and actions don’t align with their goals

A fat loss phase you could achieve in a pretty short timeframe ends up taking a year or you don’t achieve it at all because you let short term pleasure derail you from your goal and then hit the f**k it button

Then you feel like you’re constantly starting over

To achieve your fat loss goals, yes you can enjoy yourself and attend social events, have meals out etc

But there needs to be some compromise and you need to do the work

And if you want to maintain results you need to keep daily actions and habits in place to maintain results

You can’t get in shape and stay in shape with no effort, just like you can’t brush your teeth incessantly and expect them to stay clean forever

Do the work, and have something in place that’s realistic and sustainable for you. But when you are deciding your goals make sure its something that aligns with your values so that it’s actually achievable

If you want helping fat and having habits and actions in place to make it sustainable, DM me ‘Results’ 🤝🏼

Photos from Danny Pickup Online Coaching's post 24/05/2024

I have 5 COACHING SLOTS for those that want to achieve their own body transformation.

If you’ve seen my recent posts, you’d have noticed the quality of results with recent clients

I have 5 spaces for NEW clients who want to lose weight, improve body confidence, and feel amazing in their own skin.

This isn’t your typical weight loss programme, where you’ll be told to ban certain foods and then be told you’re “allowed” others.

I’m going to work closely alongside you, educating you, and guiding you to achieve life changing results, that you can KEEP for life, through tailored coaching phases around nutrition, and exercise.

We’ll perform an initial diet audit, to help establish what needs to be changed, and what areas of the diet need to be fixed - we can then create and deliver a nutrition approach that is designed around YOU, your lifestyle, work, preference, enjoyment, and what you can stick to long term, without feeling constant restriction or craving certain foods.

I have 5 slots for people wanting to:
-Lose between 1-4 stone in the next 3-6 months
-Become more body confident
-Learn how to manage social occasions while still losing weight
-Be held accountable daily, so you can’t fail

However, this is NOT for those:
-Wanting a quick fix
-Not happy to follow daily tasks
-Don’t want to take their own results seriously

However, if you are finally ready to make the commitment, and invest into achieving the results you’ve always wanted, and make the rest of 2024 about YOU becoming the most confident, fulfilled, motivated, and energised version of yourself, it seems now is a good time to get involved.


Interested about finding out more?

DM the word “RESULTS” and I’ll be in touch 🤝🏼

Photos from Danny Pickup Online Coaching's post 22/05/2024

5 month fat loss transformation from Sara 👏🏼

12kg / 26.4lbs down in weight and 10cm pulled off her waist while still enjoying multiple holidays and social events

She had a clear goal in mind about wanting to decrease her body fat and she ensured her actions align with her goal.

Because of Sara’s past bad relationship with food from previous diets we took a approach to pull the weight off over a longer period of time allowing a more flexible approach around nutrition so that she could enjoy more social events and holidays.

We prioritised daily actions, habits and keeping her performance in a good place so that all her focus wasn’t purely fixated on over restricting food like she had done in the past

Results like this come from staying consistent and aiming to show up at your best day to day and not letting little slips ups impact the end goal

Smashed it 👏🏼👏🏼

Photos from Danny Pickup Online Coaching's post 18/05/2024

12 weeks progress from

Before Hannah came to me she was already showing up to the gym doing a mixture of sessions including classes and her own workouts. She’d been training 6 years but not really seen massive progress

She wanted my help to lose body fat and make sure she was training hard over the 12 weeks to get her feeling confident for her sisters wedding

I set Hannah up with a plan and she’s made so much progress!

11lbs down in bodyweight and gained so much strength in the gym 👏🏼

“ Over the last 12 weeks I feel like my confidence has really grown not only in how I train but also in how I feel in myself. My goal was to train hard each session and now I feel stronger than ever. Overall I’m so much more comfortable and happier with how my body looks and how my clothes now fit (even if some are now too big)”

Well done Hannah, looking amazing 🤩 👏🏼

Photos from Danny Pickup Online Coaching's post 16/05/2024

Well done and congratulations 🤩

When Brooke started with me her initial goal was fat loss and she definitely achieved that in the first 6 weeks losing 13lbs and seeing big changes in her photos!

Then her goals changed once she found out the good news that she was expecting her first child! We shifted the focus from fat loss to prioritising her overall health through pregnancy while managing energy best we could!

“Started training with Danny in September when I fell out of love with the gym. My goal was weight loss and wanting to enjoy training again and after working with Danny for 6 weeks I did just that! Loosing 13lbs in the first 6 weeks and I loved training again! My goal changed when I found out I was expecting a baby in June 2024! Although my goals changed, I still wanted to continue in the gym and Danny adjusted my plan to suit. Continued working with Danny until 30 weeks pregnant and felt amazing! Can’t thank Danny enough for his supporting during my initial goals and changes during pregnancy! (He put up with my mood swings very well too😝)”

Congratulations and I wish you all the best! ☺️

Photos from Danny Pickup Online Coaching's post 14/03/2024

The way change is perceived is commonly looked at like a negative

In reality we are in control of the way we react to these changes & how we lean into it and get clarity from it.

Change happens daily, embracing it and being productive about it will change everything.

Stop looking for the negatives, look for the positives

Photos from Danny Pickup Online Coaching's post 06/03/2024

Ever feel mentally and physically burnt out?

I did over the last few days

This is something I wrote a while back

Just a reminder to myself

Photos from Danny Pickup Online Coaching's post 29/02/2024

Your days won’t always go exactly how you planned

Like mine today, but rather than hitting the f**k it button there’s ways around it

Here are 2x ideas for when you’re on the go 🤝🏼

Photos from Danny Pickup Online Coaching's post 23/02/2024

5 things that could be holding you back on your weight loss journey

Photos from Danny Pickup Online Coaching's post 19/02/2024

The number one reason you’re not losing weight is that you’re eating too much

You’re either
1. Tracking inaccurately
2. Not accounting for everything
3. Your inconsistent

If you are struggling to lose weight DM me ‘1’ and we can figure out where your focus needs to be 🤝🏼

Photos from Danny Pickup Online Coaching's post 16/02/2024

There is nothing magic about all these different dieting methods you see and hear about

The principle of all of them is to put you into a calorie deficit

For long term change it’s important you find a method thats sustainable for you rather than just going with one because you see other people doing it

If you’re doing something you hate it will be short lived

If you are struggling to find an approach that works for you DM me ‘Fat loss’ 🤝🏼

Photos from Danny Pickup Online Coaching's post 13/02/2024

Things aren’t always your fault, but if you’re ignorant to change then it becomes your problem

Photos from Danny Pickup Online Coaching's post 31/01/2024

Exercise and building good habits can literally change your life

It’s not just about losing weight, it’s so much more than that

If you’re struggling now and don’t currently exercise or are inconsistent, make a start it will be one of the best things you do for your mental health

And if you don’t know where to start, DM me ‘😊’ and I can help give you some direction 🤝🏼

Photos from Danny Pickup Online Coaching's post 30/01/2024

If you want to lose weight stop focusing on trying to completely remove foods or find supplements etc to help you lose fat

Focus on the main things that are going to get the biggest return

Track your calories for a few days and include a weekend (all calories count) you don’t need to remove foods just look at where your calories are at and gain more awareness around this

Train 2-3x per week - focus on resistance training. These don’t need to be long they could just be 20-30minutes

Look at your average steps on your watch or phone and focus on increasing these

Focus on increasing food volume and the energy we expend digesting food from increasing your protein and fibre intake. Focus on consuming 80% whole foods and 20% from other food

Nail the above and you’ll start to see and feel some good progress 🤝🏼

Photos from Danny Pickup Online Coaching's post 17/01/2024

This was only 3kg difference here for .mather

Her focus here was to get into the gym 2-3x per week focusing on getting stronger and she definitely did that. 👏🏼

She smashed this 👏🏼👏🏼


If you want to drop 10-30lb WITHOUT spending hours in the gym or kitchen meal prepping - I have a huge opportunity for THREE people until the end of day tomorrow .

Over the past 6 months I’ve been working on a method that Will help you lose fat (consistently), without giving up your life.

I’ve even been testing this process with myself & a few clients and they’ve seen an immediate change in how they look from this alone.

This is by far the best fat loss method to date...

AND because I want to see more people drop unwanted weight I have decided to implement it for my next THREE clients.

I will personally be coaching THREE clients 1-on-1 on how to drop 10-30lbs and utilize this method to improve confidence, lose unwanted weight and keep it off for good

As someone who specializes in fat loss , I can tell you that this has easily been the easiest method I’ve implemented to lose fat and improve energy

The best part?

This is a lifestyle change, once you know how to implement the methods and lose fat you’ve got it for life! And if you use this method and don’t get the results you want i will give you a 100% refund or coach you until you get the results you want!

Even if you don’t have loads of time or if you have no access to a gym, this will work for you.

These two spots will be open until 8pm tomorrow, but likely will go in the next 30-60 min.

First come, first serve.

If this interests you, send me a DM/private message ‘1’ and I’ll run you through the exact process 🤝🏼

Photos from Danny Pickup Online Coaching's post 14/01/2024

Simple changes you can make today to start making progress straight away!

If you are stuck and need help dropping that unwanted weight

DM me ‘results’ or comment ‘1’ and ill message you 🤝🏼

Photos from Danny Pickup Online Coaching's post 28/12/2023

Thoughts from 2023 📝

Photos from Danny Pickup Online Coaching's post 27/12/2023

Client spotlight!

That’s the fat loss phase finished for Sara and she’s smashed it!

I started working with Sara at the start of march, she had already been through a journey of been inconsistent with weights because she didn’t want to be too bulky, she’d dieted but lost too much weight and didn’t have much muscle and left her unhealthily underweight

Luckily when i met her she’d already had a mindset shift and understood to achieve the look she wanted she needed to spend time eating enough food, hitting a protein target and focusing on training harder and getting stronger in the gym

We put a training programme in place and increased calories slightly to fuel the session’s and have a big focus on training intensity and building strength. We’ve seen massive progress in the gym with form and strength across all movements 👏

One thing i love is the mindset she’s had on this journey (so far)

She’s never once complained

She made the promise to herself that she’ll turn up to the gym regardless of how she’s feeling, and she did that!

She made the time to plan in her food to ensure she gets the results she wants

She’s busy but made herself a priority because she knows that by doing that and focusing on mental and physical health all areas of her life will improve.

Sara finished her building phase in May at 67.4kg

She’s now

55.8kg ( Lost 11.6kg / 25.5lbs) 🤯
10cm lost off her waist

Maintained and even gained some strength in training while going through this phase,

And she hasn’t over restricted, she’s had 3 holidays in this fat loss phase and still enjoyed food’s she enjoys

When you know where to put your focus, the journey will be more enjoyable and become a lifestyle

Proud of what you’ve achieved so far 👏

Now time to build again and hit some more PB’ 🤝


Sustainable fat loss - Fill the 3 buckets (At the same time)

Bucket 1 - Knowledge (Understanding fundamentals of fat loss and setting expectations)

Bucket 2 - Skill (Starting to implement and develop the skill needed)

Bucket 3 - Resources (A plan, some sort of nutrition and training approach)

You could just go to bucket 3 ⬇️

👉🏻Get a coach that’s going to give you a training plan and a set meal plan telling you what to eat meal for meal.

👉🏻Great short term for quick results.

But what do you do once bucket 3 is taken away from you?

❌You’re left stuck with no knowledge and no skill around fat loss. 

So where do you start? Take messy action and fill the buckets equally. 

👉🏻 Start to fill bucket 1 (Knowledge) reading, listening, watching and starting to understand fat loss.

👉🏻 Start to fill bucket 2 (Skill) and implement what you’ve learnt. Develop that skill

👉🏻 Get a coach that isn’t going to give you a ridgid plan , ask questions be curious and learn from them. Fast track your results and get the knowledge and direction on developing the skill needed.

You can jump straight to bucket 3 but if this doesn’t involve filling buckets 1 and 2 at the same time you’ll eventually be left stuck.

Your knowledge and skill can never be taken away from you - resources can.

Just like ⬇️

You Started to understand the fundamentals of driving

You developed the skill

While having the resources (Driving lessons)

You pass your test, the resources are taken away but the knowledge remains and the skill continues to get developed

Sitting in the passenger seat might get you from A-B but if the drivers taken away, the jobs f**ked.

Photos from Danny Pickup Online Coaching's post 20/08/2023

This is why we need to be carful what approach we take when losing weight

There’s a lot of methods out there to lose weight

But not a lot of methods that are easy to maintain

And that’s exactly why you fall into the trap of losing weight and regaining.

If you struggle with this DM me I’d be happy to help 🤝🏼😊


5 weeks difference 🤯

Crazy what you can do when you commit to making a change.

come to me 5 week ago and she’s consistently ticking off those daily habits.

6lbs difference in these photos

She’s gone from just running to

👉🏻 3x full body resistance sessions per week

👉🏻Increased daily activity with steps

👉🏻Increased daily protein intake

5 weeks and she’s already said she feels so much better in herself, got more energy and feels strong!

Well done 👏🏼👏🏼


The difference in weight here is 0lbs

Michelle is the exact same weight she was when she came to me

But she’s so much stronger, happier and overall more confident in herself

We think that seeing a smaller number on the scale leads to improved confidence and overall happiness and this isn’t true

Confidence and overall happiness comes from a feeling we get and the number on the scale doesn’t dictate that feeling.

Photo 1 : wouldn’t of been confident walking around in a bikini

Photo 2 : “I’d be happy going on holiday now wearing a bikini”

Adding muscle takes time, but putting the time in to add muscle and feel confident in your body is 100% worth it.

Michelle is in a sustainable place now and knows that if she wanted to pull more fat off she could… but she doesn’t need to so the goals to continue to get strong and have good balance in life

She’s happy, confident and enjoying the process and that’s exactly what this is about 🤝🏼


If you want to grow your glutes, spend some time adding muscle

EAT, focus on training hard and get STRONG with the basics.

3 months difference, lower body’s coming on nicely!

Sara works long days but still shows up at the gym and works her arse off 👏🏼

Now we are into a fat loss phase and I can not wait to see the progress over the next couple of months! 🤝🏼

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