Simply Love Pilates West Yorkshire

Hello and welcome to my Simply Love Pilates page and community! My name is Katie and I LOVE all thi And not forgetting it's FUN too!

Pilates classes are great for people who want to build core strength; the deep abdominal muscles also including the pelvic floor and the muscles supporting the spine, improve postural and musculature imbalances, gain greater body awareness and flexibility. Pilates is a low impact and extremely versatile form of exercise. Not only will it improve core strength but also improve your overall well bei


*new* beginners classes summer 2023:

-3 person mini classes for a more tailored session, personal attention and for faster progression and therefore benefit!

-classes are Pilates on a traditional mat using small equipment, including a barrel, magic circle and handheld weights.

-Morning and evening availability

-in person assessment prior to first class included

STARTING week beginning 24th July
Please contact me- Katie- to book.
WhatsApp on: 07894907313
Email: [email protected]

Over the summer I also have availability to take on 2 more private lessons weekly either 1-1 or a shared duet class. Please ask if you’re interested in grabbing any of these. X


Had a lovely Christmas morning workout yesterday! Set me up for a day of SOOO much yummy food. I hope you’re all having a lovely Christmas so far 🙏🏼❤️


Hi all I’ve mentioned to a lot of you about doing a December stretch/relax mind and body class (I’ve so missed them!)

It will include some Yoga/stretching/breathing exercises and relaxation with lavender bags, blankets, pillows, props etc and candles. I usually do these for 1.5 hours.

I’m just trying to gauge numbers so I know what size room to hire (I’ll keep it as local as possible) so if you’re definitely interested let me know and also let me know what dates you can/can’t do I’m thinking it’ll be in the week before Christmas so anytime from the 15th to the 22nd - I can do evenings including the Friday and anytime that weekend if we all need a Sat/Sunday chill session I don’t mind at all. If you can let me know in the next few days I can get a venue booked in.

Enjoy your Sunday night xx


I have 1-1 and duet availability next week for those wanting them, wanting extra, missing group classes during the summer and the 1-1’s are ESPECIALLY good for those who want to start with me in September to get a good idea of what we do in class and for us to get to know each other first: just gives you a really strong place to jump off from come September.

I have a few options/packages for new starters that is available so if you’re interested in that drop me a message and let’s get you started! 👍🏼💪🏼

Monday morning 8am/9/10
Wednesday lunchtime
Thursday morning

For other times please enquire 07894907313



👋🏼 Hi all just sat doing my final planning for the autumn and winter terms (how is it that time already?!!) and I’d love a quick show of hand re the group timetable please 🙏🏼

👍🏼 Mondays at 2-3pm will stay as it’s doing well

👍🏼 Wednesday night 6.10-7.10 is planned to stay too

❓I have availability with myself and at the hall for either a Thursday or Friday morning 9.15 ish group class and Thursday at 6pm.

😳 Someone else does want the hall at some of those times so I have to decide asap - so I’d love some feedback on if any of these times are suitable and if so I need to take names now!

📧 Please leave a message here, PM me or email me at [email protected] to add yourself to one of those times. Remember I only take 6-8 people so places will be limited. But I need min of 4 to run it.

🗓 September term starts from 19th September for 5 weeks

🙏🏼 as usual thanks so much # # #


☀️ This week:

☀️ Monday - studio is CLOSED due to my ridiculously large birthday and my special day out to celebrate/commiserate/escape 😂

☀️ Tuesday morning - private lessons are available to book

☀️ Wednesday 2-3pm group class (changed from Monday) this will be outside again if the weather is nice might as well make the most of it! (If you don’t want to go outside you can come to the studio at another time in place of that class just let me know)

☀️ Thursday morning - some availability for private and 1-1 lessons left

☀️ Zoom class 6.15 Thursday (all welcome and this one is currently pregnancy friendly!)

☺️Also the studio is a naturally cool room and I have fans so I’m confident that the temperature is absolutely fine for exercise 👍🏼 however if you’re suffering and don’t want to exercise please let me know as soon possible.

☀️Perhaps bring a small towel and a bottle of water 💦 feel free to wear shorts just as usual please no zips or jewellery

☀️Enjoy the rest of your weekend and this beautiful sunny weather 🥰 I’m in my summer heaven ☀️

Any questions whatsoever WhatsApp me


Pilates will be outside this afternoon! 🥵 by request of the class (clearly mad!) they want that sunshine 🌞 😂 if you’re mad like that too feel free to come and join us at 2-3 in my front garden 🤣 bring ya suncream! X


The big purple Pilates high Mat is out of storage and in the studio 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 💜 of course now I HAVE to do a quick tower Mat workout to celebrate 🎉 😂

I’m having a big ‘I love the tower’ phase at the moment and I think the feeling amongst my students is mutual too 🤞🏼😳 it really kicks my 🍑 every time 😂😂
Have you used one before? Love it or hate it? What’s your favourite thing to do?
Never tried it but want to give it a go?
Message me!
(And watch 👀 out for my 6 weeks of summer ☀️ intro to studio Pilates offers 🫶🏼)


⭐️ New block starting next week at St Luke’s church hall - Monday at 2-3pm and Wednesday 6.15-7.15pm

⭐️Please contact me at [email protected] or on WhatsApp 07894907313 if you’re interested in joining one of these small group classes.

⭐️I keep the numbers small so that I can make sure everyone has my eyes 👀 on them 😆 not only for safety but for any corrections or modifications you might personally need, so that you can progress and achieve your goals faster.

👉🏼8 people maximum
👉🏼4 or 6 week booking option
👉🏼£10 per class (payable in advance)

⭐️Any questions or concerns as to weather a group or a private class is more suitable then please ask.

⭐️This is the last group class block before the Autumn term in September - which I am also taking bookings/names for now.

⭐️I’d like to add a Friday morning class around 9.15/30am in September so please let me know if that’s a time you would be interested in.


‘We Welcome All’
The sun is just managing to poke through the rain clouds today in to my little studio and on to my lovely new welcome mat 🙏🏼🌈
I’d been searching for a while for the right one and this is it ♥️
It has just the perfect message. Please know that ALL are welcome here 🥰🌈



**New block of classes starting after half term**

💙 2 spaces left in the Monday 2-3 class

💙 4 in the Wednesday evening 6-7pm class

💙 I’m also currently accepting 5 new regular 1-1 or duet clients if you’d like to have personal training. I don’t take many as I like to give as much time/energy and focus to my clients as possible so I limit the hours I teach.

💪🏼 If you’re interested at all In joining me to increase your strength, flexibility and fitness then please do get in touch and we can have a chat!

📞 07894907313


Hi all I hope you week is going beautifully 🙏🏼
After such a lovely response to the gala event I’m launching 🚀 2 new group classes for June 👏🏻👏🏻 these were the most asked for times (so far! I’ve actually yet to get everyone’s responses back so more classes will be added later I’m sure) I’m so glad that I asked what you all wanted from your local community classes as I would never had thought a 2-3pm would be popular but here we are!
So, new group Pilates Mat classes are:
Monday 2-3pm
Wednesday 6-7pm

If the time you want isn’t there then email me! I’m no mind reader 🔮 😂 - although I can always tell if my husband has smuggled chocolate in to the house 😉 I also really wanted to provide a morning class and a later one so if these suit then shout.

I’m so looking forward to it now what a great summer it’ll be 💙🌞

Email me to book on or visit my website


Check your email if you popped your name down at the gala!!

Hi all - for those who met me at the gala last week (and anyone who is interested in starting up with me) I have sent out an email but I had loads of bounce backs/undelivered noticed and those that did go apparently landed in junk/spam! 🤦🏼‍♀️ typical! SO, if you’re still interested then message me and we’ll try again with the email!! Free tasters are this Wednesday night and this Friday morning I can do more if those times don’t suit. 🙏🏼 💙 you can message here on email me at [email protected]


Hi all - for those who met me at the gala last week (and anyone who is interested in starting up with me) I have sent out an email but I had loads of bounce backs/undelivered noticed and those that did go apparently landed in junk/spam! 🤦🏼‍♀️ typical! SO, if you’re still interested then message me and we’ll try again with the email!! Free tasters are this Wednesday night and this Friday morning I can do more if those times don’t suit. 🙏🏼 💙 you can message here on email me at [email protected]


Cheeky afternoon iced Mocha at OL Horbury 😋☕️ (decaf & oatmilk for me!)

Needed this after a very long but very fun week of teaching and practicing Pilates 😍🙏🏼 so grateful for my lovely clients this week thanks all 🙏🏼


I’ve got a stall at the Middlestown/Overton Gala on Saturday🤞🏼the weather holds🤞🏼

☀️I will be running free short taster sessions

☀️demonstrations with current students throughout the day

☀️There will be some give aways to be won

☀️AND If you’re a local business owner bring a business card along to receive a complimentary studio session - in exchange for advertising within your own business (on social media and/or in house) 👍🏼

I’ll be there to talk all things Pilates for the day, so if you have any questions at all this is your chance to ask!! And a nice chance to meet me if you haven’t already ☺️

Are you planning on being there?! Come and say hi!! 👋🏼

Photos from Simply Love Pilates West Yorkshire's post 19/04/2022

Hi all I hope you had a lovely Easter weekend 🥰

So my next block of in person Pilates classes starts on Thursday April the 28th at 6pm at St Lukes church hall in Overton it’s a 5 week block this time and I’m taking bookings now! 🙌🏼

I’m keeping these in-person classes at just 6 spaces so that you get more personalised attention and can really progress in our classes together.

I’m also taking a list of names of anyone interested in a Monday morning class at the same venue at 9.30am so if you want to register your interest in that one let me know asap 👍🏼

Email me if you’re interested:
[email protected]
I’d love to see you there!


Filming a ball class for the on demand classes today - I’d forgotten how much I LOVE exercising with the Swiss Ball!
Oh my poor stomach already! 🤣🥴 send help!


I’m calling it!!

Its Spring!! 🌸🌺🌷☘️🌱🌞 get the flip flops out! (Thongs to my antipodean friends/family! 🩴) and it’s the first really warm day we’ve had this year which I LOVE 💗

so, after my daily walk (I’m trying so hard to build in some small healthy daily habits and this walk was longer than my usual as I have Friday afternoons off) I accidentally found myself in the summer beer garden at the pub 🥴 which is just a 30 second walk from my house. Life is about balance right?! 😆

I honestly love living in a small rural village, the beer garden is full and humming with the local villagers enjoying the sunshine and chatting with each other so I’m posting the obligatory ‘here’s my wine in the sunshine’ pic to temp you all into finishing work early and start your weekend asap!!

Whatever you do this weekend I hope you have a lovely one - enjoy ♥️😎


Lovely locals- I’m looking at the local gala/fate/shows throughout the spring and summer does anyone know if the following areas have them?

-Emely (not the big one just a village one)
-Grange moor

Also interested in any stalls at local school events/galas etc

I know about horbury show and Overton gala any info and contact info gratefully received 🙏🏼


Did I get an overwhelming urge to Pilates when out on my daily walk today?! Yes. Yes I did. 🤪😆🙈
I’m just so happy that the sun is shining honestly it’s like I’ve popped out of my hibernation cave and am full of the joys of spring when I feel that sunshine.
This is a rocky, dirty field on a slope near my house that I walk through everyday on my lunchtime walk - but I don’t care! Pilates anywhere I say!! 🤣🤣
Does anyone else do a daily walk? I’d love to see where you all go in whatever part of the world you’re in 🙏🏼


My favourite discovery during lockdown zoom Pilates was this little beauty- a tea towel!! Who knew that innocent bit of cloth could be sooo good (cruel!) in a Pilates Mat workout?!! I didn’t and I have to thank (as always she is so gracious with her deep knowledge of Pilates 🙏🏼🙏🏼) for this one.
I still use it a lot in my self practice- I’m hyper mobile (more about that later) so for me I find it so helpful to ‘contain’ my movements, put me in the correct place and therefore deepen the work in my body. It’s a gem for me honestly!
I now have a class dedicated to its wonderfulness in my on-demand library so that I too can pass on it’s brilliance!


Practicing Pilates in a studio means a ZIP FREE ZONE! 🤣 (also jewellery, sharp false nails and buttons) it’s just honestly an upholstery nightmare 🙈

So, there’s been a lot of talk lately (maybe nagging/reminding, from me to my lovely poor regulars) about what leggings to wear to practice in.

Now obviously you should wear what fits and feels fabulous for you but I’m happy to say I’ve found some new favourites; crazy fun bright patterned leggings and they really cheer me up everyday!

Today I wore these with pink flamingos 🦩 and palm trees 🌴 on them 😍 bliss for this summer beach lover! ♥️ I can highly recommend they feel so soft, comfortable and don’t go see through when you bend over 😆 🙌🏼


thanks for the live it was so nice to pop on to my Mat at the end of my day (6pm UK 🇬🇧 time) and move a little 🙏🏼

Photos from Simply Love Pilates West Yorkshire's post 09/03/2022

Next block of in person classes starts tomorrow at 6pm and I have 2 spaces available 🙌🏼 email me if you’re interested: [email protected] I’d love to see you there!
This term is all about the Pilates Barrel 🥰


Hello lovelies- I’m happy to say that I can offer 2 Mat spaces on my next block of classes if anyone locally would like to come and join us? It’s a 5 week course starting THIS Thursday in Overton (near Middlestown) please comment or email me 👍🏼

Happy New Year! 31/12/2021

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL! Are you planning to get your Pilates on in 2022?! Here's a little update xx

Happy New Year! I hope you’re all enjoying your Christmas break and are ready for a New Year’s Eve celebration drink, or two, or three after this year!! I’m typing this with a G&T ready and waiting!


Hi all - soooo, I have the dreaded Covid 😫🤦🏼‍♀️ I’ve managed to avoid it all this time and even though I’ve honestly barely been anywhere or seen anyone I somehow caught it in the last week 🤷🏼‍♀️ so if I don’t respond over the next few days/this week I’m not ignoring you I’m just too busy coughing, sneezing, using all of the tissues up in Yorkshire and sleeping atm!! 🤣

Ive tried to contact everyone but I’m a bit fuzzy headed so apologies if I missed you.

Online class will be back on zoom Thursday 6pm as soon as I’m up to it and then in person will hopefully resume from November - maybe earlier 🤞🏼

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Videos (show all)

2 new courses are coming soon 🙌🏼



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