Crescent School

The Crescent School is an Independent Preparatory Co-educational Day School for pupils aged 4 – 11

The Crescent is a thriving co-educational independent day school for around 160 children aged 4 to 11 years, based in Bilton, Rugby. Tailoring learning to individual needs, we support all our pupils to achieve great things in a happy and caring environment. A little school with big ambitions, our dedicated staff pride themselves on really knowing our pupils well and bringing out the very best in a


Class of 2017, hoping your results allow you to take your next steps. 💚

Photos from Old Princethorpians's post 10/08/2024

Jim is an old Crescentian and Mrs Webb’s lad. A super cause.


🌟 Crescent School’s Reception and Year 3 Open Evening! 🌟
📅 Date: Tuesday, 1 October 2024 ⏰ Time: 6.00pm - 7.00pm

We are thrilled to invite prospective families to Crescent School’s special Open Evening for Reception and Year 3. It’s the perfect opportunity to explore the potential of Crescent School for your child’s education journey.

Highlights of the Evening:
🔸 Tour our wonderful facilities and experience the nurturing environment of Crescent School.
🔸 Engage with our passionate teachers and hear about our tailored learning approach.
🔸 Get detailed insights into our admissions process for September 2025.

Our Open Evening is a great chance for you to meet key members of staff, including our Headmaster, Joe Thackway, who will be delighted to answer any questions you may have.

To book your place visit

Photos from Crescent School's post 10/07/2024

📣 Don't miss the latest job opportunities to join our Estates department across the Foundation!

Following a restructure of the Foundation Estates Department there are several new opportunities to join the friendly and professional team.

➡️ Head of Estates and Sustainability - Closing 15 July
➡️ Estates Operative - Crescent School - Closing 15 July
➡️ Site Supervisor - Crackley Hall School - Closing 17 July
➡️ Estates Operative - Princethorpe College - Closing 17 July

Please visit our Join Us pages to find out more and to apply.

Photos from Crescent School's post 05/07/2024

Wednesday 3 July was an emotional day for us, as we waved Year 6 off on their next stage of life. It was lovely to be able to celebrate their achievements and to send them on their way with many magical memories of their time here at Crescent School. After the more formal Leavers' Assembly in the morning, pupils enjoyed one final Top Table celebration at lunch. Then in the afternoon we welcomed the children’s families into school for our Leavers’ Service. Year 6 were presented with a commemorative book and their Leaver’s Yearbook and Grace was presented with the Promise Cup, awarded by the children to the pupil who best embodies the School Promise. We wish Year 6 the very best of luck as they head off to their new secondary schools, and just look at the amazing cake created by Mrs Panchal for Year 6’s post school party. Good luck Year 6 and don’t forget to stay in touch!


Today we said farewell to our wonderful Year 6. They have been amazing pupils and we are incredibly proud of them all.

We started the day with the Leavers' Assembly where pupils were presented with trophies, prizes, awards and certificates.

In the afternoon we welcomed the children’s families into school for the Leavers’ Service. The Reception children were delighted to form a guard of honour to welcome Year 6 to their final Leavers' event. Our celebrations moved many to tears as we enjoyed affecting musical performances, heartfelt speeches and poignant prayers; it was lovely to be able to celebrate these pupils’ remarkable achievements with them all.

We wish Year 6 the very best of luck as they head off to their new secondary schools and their next stage in life.


This is an extra special end of the school year for Headmaster, Mr Thackway, as he is saying goodbye to his first ever Crescent Reception class. Our Year 6 Leavers started at the Crescent at the same time as Mr Thackway took over the headship of the school back in September 2017. They were the new kids together and he has enjoyed following their exciting adventures as they have moved through the school. It's time for Year 6 to move on to new schools now and a new Headteacher so to mark the end of their school journey together we took one last group photo.

Photos from Crescent School's post 02/07/2024

It was wonderful to be able to celebrate the musical talents of our younger children in our Pre-Prep Summer Concert.

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 took turns to perform for their parents and families, enthusiastically singing their songs superbly and performing their poems proudly. There was even an amazing recording of Mini Brass our very youngest brass players, who blew their very hardest to entertain everyone.

We had a few sound issues but the children and Mrs Barnes persevered and it was so rewarding to see them all enjoying themselves so much. Well done everyone, you were incredible!

Photos from Crescent School's post 01/07/2024

Crescent School's Summer Concert took place this afternoon and it was well attended, with the school hall packed with parents and family members eager to enjoy the end of term celebration of music and song.
Rock Ensemble opened the show and they were followed by the first of many instrumental solos. Orchestra, Brass Group, Wacky Music, Flute Group and Choir all gave rousing performances. It was a fabulous afternoon of music and song.
Our enormous thanks and congratulations go to all Crescent School's accomplished performers who took to the stage in front of their proud parents, and of course to all their teachers and, Director of Music, Julie Barnes who have helped them achieve so much.

Photos from Crescent School's post 01/07/2024

Our marvellous Reception children have been exploring the topic of ‘Growing and Changing’. Everyone has had great fun playing 'Guess who?' with our baby photos and we have also studied the lifecycle of butterflies. Last week, the children visited Stratford Butterfly Farm, seeing the most amazing butterflies first-hand and learning more about the life cycle stages of the butterfly. We have been following that life cycle back in our own classroom and today we released all our lovely butterflies into the flowers at the front of the school. So much fun and such lovely learning. Well done Reception you are all now brilliant lepidopterists!

Photos from Crescent School's post 28/06/2024

Year 6 rounded off Community Week and their final full week at the Crescent with a water fight. After a fabulous day at Draycote Water and plenty of fresh air and fun, this afternoon’s splash battle was an extra special treat for them all. Staff had organised big buckets of water out on the playground and Mrs Webb and Mrs Dewes were first off the mark, although they were paid in full later. There was plenty of friendly laughter as everyone enjoyed getting soaked together. One more special memory to add to the bucket load they have collected during their time at Crescent School.


Year 6 are making the most of their final full week in school and have enjoyed giving back to their community. This morning they have ventured off on a walk to Draycote Water where they are taking part in litter pick. This afternoon they have their much anticipated water-fight - a new-ish tradition here at the Crescent School and a great way to let off steam after an intensive, final junior school year. Watch out for photos later on - if we can keep the camera dry!!!

Photos from Crescent School's post 28/06/2024

As part of Outdoor Learning and Community week, Year 6 put their creative talents to great effect to design and make beautiful plant pots which they delivered to three local care homes within the village. Pupils were split into House groups and each House designed and potted two plant pots.

Pupils have also been involved in litter picking and gardening in the local area and around the Crescent School site as part of their Outdoor Learning Programme working towards their COLA Crescent Outdoor Learning Award.

Photos from Crescent School's post 26/06/2024

Today we had our ‘Move up Morning’ and the children spent time in their new classrooms with their new teachers and teaching assistants. We also welcomed our new Reception children to school so they could meet their teachers and classmates for September. It was lovely to see their faces full of smiles and expectation at the start of their exciting school journey.

Move up morning allows staff to answer questions, allay fears and ease the transition on to the children’s next steps and there is always much excitement for the future bubbling around school.

Those children progressing on to Princethorpe for Year 7, spent the day over there getting to know their new surroundings. While our remaining Year 6s became honorary Year 7s for the morning here at Crescent School.

Photos from Crescent School's post 26/06/2024

As a follow on to their recent visit from Rugby Police, Year 6 welcomed local magistrates to school yesterday for a workshop on the role of a magistrate and the magistrates’ court. They explained their job and how they became magistrates and then shared how to analyse crimes and consider evidence.

After that, Year 6 held a ‘mock trial’ with pupils playing the roles of defendant, victim, witness, police officer, usher, solicitor and magistrate. The case was one of cyber bullying, a subject relatable for the pupils and their recent learning. Year 6 had to weigh up the evidence and decide if they thought the accused was guilty or not. Once they made their decision, the magistrates also had to decide a sentence.

The workshop was incredibly interesting, and pupils learned a lot about the court process. Thank you so much to our magistrates for taking time out to work with Year 6.

Photos from Crescent School's post 25/06/2024

The best of luck and 'break a leg' goes to our Year 6s who take to the stage tonight to perform ‘A Midsummers Night's Dream’. They have been working hard all term with Miss Bowdige and Mrs Barnes and tonight’s performance is going to be a wonderful way to round off their time at Crescent School.
Here's a sneak peek of photos from the dress rehearsal last week when they performed to the children and staff. A huge thank you to all involved in producing the production and to parents for their support in the run up to the performances.
Have a great evening all - we know you'll be amazing!


Super huge good luck to our U9 Cricket team who are taking part in the ISA Midlands Cricket Tournament at Duffield Cricket Club in Derby today. Summer sunshine and cricket - who could ask for more?


Last week, all three Houses met separately, to consider who might be their House Captains for next year. The children in Year 5 delivered speeches explaining why they wanted to be House Captain, before the school voted. A huge well done to everyone who put themselves forward, it takes real courage. Next year’s House Captains were announced in assembly last Friday. Our congratulations go to:
St Andrew’s House: Sophia and Akaal
St George's House: Maya and Patrick
St David's House: Sophie and Toni
Good luck to them all in their new roles, which start officially in the new term in September.

Photos from Crescent School's post 24/06/2024

Year 6 enjoyed a sunny picnic out on the school fields with their Reception buddies today, as we come towards the end of the school year. Year 6 have really enjoyed supporting the Reception class as they transitioned into school. It’s been a great way for them to give back to their school community and Reception have benefitted hugely too.

Photos from Crescent School's post 21/06/2024

Year 4 and Year 5 are taking part in the Rugby Primary School Athletics today at the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Centre, in Rugby. We have had some fantastic results so far - well done everyone and keep it up!

Photos from Crescent School's post 21/06/2024

Much excitement in Year 6 today with a visit to the large pond located in the small woodland, known as Switzerland, at Princethorpe College for the final testing of pupils' latest DT projects. Year 6 have been working hard with Science and DT Teacher, Mrs Johnson, to design and make a vessel to travel on water. It’s been a super challenge, that has allowed them to investigate real problems from today’s world. With the expert help of Mr Knowles the boats were all launched on the lake for a test run. There was great excitement as most of the boats travelled successfully across the lake. Pupils had worked in groups to create unique designs which were powered in different ways. Mrs Johnson was really impressed with the skills, creativity and resilience shown by all. Well done everyone and go team Crescent!

Photos from Crescent School's post 20/06/2024

In celebration of World Yoga Day, which takes place tomorrow, Reception went in search of their inner zen with a visit from the lovely Miss Natalie. She took the pupils on a virtual yoga trip to Africa, channelling monkeys, crocodiles, trees and even lions to do some super yoga moves, before relaxing with some lavender eye masks and peaceful sound bowl meditation! Ohhmmmmm....


Our wonderful FoC helpers have been busy wrapping the prizes for the raffle at the school fete tomorrow. Raffle tickets will be sold on the day.

Please remember to purchase your child's games card by 6pm tonight: #/events/view/1144280870


Tune in tomorrow to hear our fantastic Mr Knowles being interviewed by Dan Sambell for the Star School feature on
BBC Coventry & Warwickshire’s Breakfast Show. Or listen now by following the link below!

STAR SCHOOL: Do you know a staff member who deserves some praise?
Crescent School have nominated site technician Mr Knowles.

Baby girl mauled to death by her Coventry family's pet dog, police say 19/06/2024

Tune in tomorrow to hear our fantastic Mr Knowles being interviewed by Dan Sambell for the Star School feature on BBC Coventry & Warwickshire’s Breakfast Show. Or listen now by following h the link below!

Baby girl mauled to death by her Coventry family's pet dog, police say The seven-month-old was rushed to hospital after the attack on Sunday, but died later, police say.


It's a very exciting day today for our Reception children who are taking part in their first swimming session!
Today's taster is a well structured short course to introduce the children to all aspects of our swimming lessons including the travelling, changing, swimming pool and teachers. Each Reception child has a helper from Year 6 and the older children will sit with the Reception children on the bus and stay with them in the water. Various introductory activities take place and the teachers assess each child ready for next term’s lessons.
We hope they have a lovely time!

Photos from Crescent School's post 19/06/2024

Year 6 have been rehearsing non stop for their end of year drama production 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'. Yesterday, they enjoyed their first performance in front of an audience when they held their dress rehearsal in front of the school. The children have been working incredibly hard with Drama teacher, Lizzie Bowdige, and Director of Music, Julie Barnes, to prepare Shakespeare's comedy story of magic and fairy folk and parents you are going to be totally amazed. We thought we would share a few photos to get you excited. A few final tweaks and they will be good to go.


Following on from last week’s ISA Tennis, Mrs McCollin was delighted to receive the news that the U9 Girls team had performed so well that they were awarded the trophy for first placed school. Pictured here are our winning team, Isabella J, Charlotte W, Ella B and Kiran T, many congratulations to them all!


It’s the national finals of the ISA Athletics at the Alexander Stadium in Birmingham today. We can’t wait to see how our Crescent athletes have done!


Last week, Crescent School announced our Head Pupils for the 2024/25 school year. Our congratulations go to Sam and Roisin who have been selected to take on these important roles.

As the most senior pupil positions in the school, Sam and Roisin will be the leaders of our pupil community and will be a key link between the children and staff.

Headmaster, Joe Thackway, said, “It was a difficult decision to make from the many excellent applications. I offer my congratulations to Sam and Roisin and I look forward to working with them next school year.”

Further responsibilities including the House and Team Captains will be confirmed in due course. All of our Year 6 pupils play an ambassadorial role within the school. Working in three house teams, they undertake a wide range of duties and represent Crescent School superbly at public events. Most importantly they act as role models for the wider school community, particularly for the youngest children in our Reception class.

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Our Story

The Crescent School is an Independent Preparatory Co-educational Day School for pupils aged 4 – 11+. It became part of The Princethorpe Foundation September 2016. Originally founded in 1948 (having informally started in 1946) as a school for the children of Rugby School masters, it was housed in Rugby School buildings. Having opened its doors to children living in Rugby and the surrounding district, it outgrew its premises and, in 1988, purchased a purpose built school in Bilton, a leafy, residential suburb approximately 2 miles south of Rugby town centre.

There are currently 138 pupils on role and a further 40 or so younger children in the on-site nursery run by Nature Trails. The headmaster is a member of IAPS and the school is an accredited member of ISC, having undergone ISI and Ofsted inspections.

The main findings of the ISI inspectors in June 2011 confirmed the school’s reputation for high academic achievement in a happy and caring environment:

Pupils achieve well and make good progress in their learning; their knowledge, understanding and skills are developed effectively across a broad curriculum. Their excellent attitudes and exemplary behaviour, together with very positive relationships between pupils themselves and between pupils and staff, make a strong contribution to their achievements.e.’
Whilst inspecting the EYFS they found:-

Teachers provide tasks that are carefully tailored to children’s individual needs, promoting confidence and an eagerness to learn, so that children make good progress and their needs are well met. The caring environment ensures a warm, family atmosphere where all children have a secure start to their education.

Videos (show all)

Year 6 led a Sun Safety Assembly this morning for all the children in school. They reminded everyone why the sun is our ...
Rehearsals are going well for this afternoon's Spring Concert. As well as Choir, the Orchestra, Flute Group, Brass Group...
🚀 Princethorpe College launches 2025 Admissions Cycle with exciting new look and feel! 🎉We have launched our admissions ...
Crescent School welcomed pupils from fellow Foundation Prep school Crackley Hall yesterday for an orchestral workshop. D...
We had an all action assembly this morning when we welcomed four Princethorpe Sixth Formers to kick start our learning f...
1 week until our Spring Open Morning on Saturday 16 March from 10.00am to 12.00pm ❗🔹 Don't miss it and book your place t...
A Mum is forever and not just for Mother’s Day was the theme of our special assembly on Tuesday. Year 6s, Maisie, Grace ...
Rehearsals are well under way for our next school production, Pirates Versus Mermaids. Our Spring performance is traditi...
Join us for our Open Morning on Saturday 16 March from 10.00am to 12.00pm. Find out how children become good learners, g...
Red House enjoyed their playleader-led activities yesterday when they played games with the parachute at break time. It ...
Mini Brass meets on a Wednesday morning, and everyone enjoys making music together. This week they started working on a ...
It’s been another non stop week here at Crescent School with lots of lovely learning going on. Day in day out, the child...



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