Denvir Fitness & Nutrition

Denvir Fitness & Nutrition

Let me show you how to conquer midlife through mastery of mindset, nutrition & fitness.


🛑STOP torturing yourself with ineffective weight loss strategies.

Chances are, if you are reading this, you have been through a rollercoaster 🎢 ride of weight loss and weight gain.

You have probably tried a number of different strategies and plans that work on the same principle:

👉Extreme calorie restriction

Here are 3 reasons this doesn’t work.

1️⃣ rapid fat loss requires extreme sacrifice and pain!

This is not sustainable. What happens when you stop and go back to “normal” eating???

You gain all the weight back and more.

You suffer through for as long as you can and eventually you break. This is a normal response to an abnormal situation.

2️⃣ when you lose weight, you lose both fat and lean muscle.

This results in a lower resting metabolic rate. In plain English, this means you burn less calories at rest than you did before.

3️⃣ You are too focused on short term results.

Unless you are a boxer that needs to make weight for a fight or a physique competitor, you should be focusing on the long game.

🤔 Wouldn’t it be nice to find a way to

✅ lose body fat
✅ maintain or even gain muscle
✅ still enjoy the foods you love
✅ have improved energy

❌ without starving yourself
❌ without regaining all the weight
❌ without feeling like torture

My clients are doing just that!!

They are changing their relationship with food and exercise

They are sending me photos of cake they are enjoying

They are sleeping better

They have more energy

And there is no “return to normal” required because we are gradually creating a PAINLESS new kind of normal that they actually enjoy.

That is the key to long term, life changing results.

If you are ready to get off the rollercoaster ride and start making sustainable change now,

Comment CHANGE below 👇

And I will tell you how to do it.


❓Do you see yourself as someone that boys and young men in your family and community can look up to?

With an ever growing number of single parent families, teenagers and young men are feeling more isolated than ever.

This has them turning to horrible role models like Andrew Tate to help them navigate life.

This isn't helped by the societal pressure to demonise any form of masculinity. 👎

Without positive male role models, boys are much more likely to end up involved in crime. In fact a recent survey found that 76% of young men in English and Welsh prisons had absent fathers.

I believe we have a duty, as men in our communities, to be a shining example for boys and young men;

To help them set values
To encourage them
To build their confidence and self worth
To create meaningful friendships
To be strong, yet kind
To be respectful
To pay it forward

How are you showing up?


Tuesday training tip 👇

Don’t be afraid to ask for help in the gym.

You see that massive guy with the huge muscles? 💪

The one that is pushing the equivalent of a small car 🚗 on the leg press?

He is probably one of the nicest people you will meet.

Ask him for advice, tips or to spot you during a lift.

You will be amazed at the support he provides.

Have you ever asked someone for help in the gym?


🤯Opportunity: For Just 5 Men… 🤯

I'm going to take just five men who want to burn 15 lbs or more of fat, increase muscle mass and transform their mind in the next 180 days…
..through my ONE-time Fit Over 40 Revolution Special 👊

I will personally coach you in close capacity to get into the shape of your life…

[without having to do endless hours of boring cardio or give up ANY of your favourite foods, drinks or social events…]

This is NOT for…

❌ people who want a 90 day liquid starvation diet - like the usual January shopping list…

❌ people who want to workout 7x days a week (followed by 11 months of an unused gym membership)

❌ people who want to give up their favourite foods, drinks and social events to get in shape…

This IS for…

✅ someone who's truly ready to take action starting Monday (it’s been put off long enough - March is in full-swing, summer is around the corner and we’re taking action now!)

✅ someone whose goals are to burn 15lb+ of fat (without hours of cardio or a ‘diet’ that removes half of your favourites) and wants those results BEFORE spring/summer…

✅ Someone who also wants to stack some lean muscle onto that new leaner body and build a bulletproof mindset over the next 180 days

✅ someone who wants their results to stick long after you’ve hit your goal weight (Hey, we want banging results - but we’ll get there with a simple system you’ll WANT to continue with after we’re done 👊)

I will choose the five based upon who I believe will get the very best RESULTS and be the most fun to work with across the 180 days!

Comment the word “INTERESTED” now and I'll send you all the details


🛑 Stop taking shortcuts!

✋ Stop looking for magic solutions!

You didn’t magically wake up today with a belly.

You didn’t suddenly lose your strength, your confidence, and your energy!

It has slowly slipped away through years of taking your eye off the prize. 🏆

You need to accept that it will take time to turn this s**t around.

Set your mind on the long term goals…

…and learn to enjoy the journey 🛣️

That is the key to sustainable results.


This was the laser disc. I remember having one of these in the mid 80s.

It was a 12 inch disc like the CD that came out it nearly 20 years later. We used to go to the public library and borrow discs to watch. (Long before Blockbuster Video).

What extinct tech can you remember from your childhood?

Remember this Ted Nesdole


Happy St David’s day to all my Welsh friends and followers.

St David’s last words still provide wisdom for us today. He encouraged his followers to “do the little things”.

And this still rings true in so many things we do today.

🚶‍♂️if walkimg 10,000 steps per day isn’t feasable right now. Just start by making a small improvement on your current level… and keep improving little by little.

🍔 rather than overhaul your entire diet, you could start by making small improvements to one meal each day.

🍺 cutting back on the drinks might be an easier first step than quitting all together

🏋️‍♂️ not enough time for your workout?? Why not go and do one set of everything. Something is better than nothing.

It is the accumulation of lots of small imperfect actions that will make the difference.

Aim for progress, not perfection.

Do the little things!


📣 It’s finally happening!

So as many of you know, or are about to learn, lol

4 Years ago I decided enough was enough!

And I decided to take control of my chubby dad bod and self destructive behaviour once and for all!

For the past 4 years this has been my complete obsession and slowly become my life’s purpose.

I made the decision during these 4 years to actually start to help other men too.

And along this journey, I have combined my qualifications as a Nutritionist and Personal Trainer with transformational experiences to develop as a coach!

I’ve even decided to invest more into myself and my business in order to develop more sophisticated systems to get my clients the best possible results.

Which is why I am happy to announce that I will be launching my brand new offer very soon!

I decided to expand my impact by creating my online coaching service: Fit Over 40 Revolution

This will be a program for men over 40 that are…

-Stressed out, burnt out, and feel like crap!
-Embarrassed by their body!
-Stuck in a rut of self-destructive behaviour.

I’ve spent considerable time on this, personally and professionally, and left no stone unturned!

More coming on this soon…

Thanks to everyone who has supported me through this journey so far and I look forward to having an impact on the people who are looking to experience this transformation too!


🗡️ There will always be stress and daggers coming at you from the outside.

There are many who want to vilify all men

Stamp out masculinity

These external attacks can drag you down

Make you feel worthless

Make you feel lost in this crazy world 🌍

🛑Stop looking outwards for validation

You have, within you,

⚡️The power to grow
💪 To build a stronger body
🧠 To build a more resilient mind
🔥 To forge a new man, the man you are meant to be

🖕and tell the haters to F*ck off

What are you waiting for!

Join the Fit Over 40 Revolution today

Comment Revolution 👇 to find out more.


Do you ever get to the end of a week and think🤔

‘there must be a better way to live than wishing life away Monday to Friday’?


Are you tired of all the 💩 arguments and confusing information about nutrition?!

I don't blame you.

Social media is full of charlatans preaching garbage about nutrition so they can manipulate you into spending money on their magic solution.

The problem we have is that,

Bullis**t is far more exciting and click worthy than the truth.

So if you are tired of all the nonsense and hype and just want to know what to do,

I have created a free guide that simplifies everything for you.

If you would like a copy,

Comment "guide" below 👇


🤔 Imagine if you could send a message back in time.

You have an opportunity to give the younger version of yourself some advice.

What would you say?


No food is off limits.

I’m not concerned about protein, fat or carbs in this treat.

For me, this doughnut falls into the 4th macro category.


It’s more about how it makes me feel right now than anything else.

Obviously, I couldn’t have these all the time or it would become a problem.

But learning to indulge mindfully is key to happiness and health.

What’s your soul food?


🛑 Stop seeking validation from people who are unhappy with their own lives.

FYI, that’s most of them. 😱

Misery loves company. 😫😫

Your progress is a reminder to them of the shortfalls they know exist in their own lives.



You are much more resilient than you think. 🧠💪

The problem is that you are spending too much time sitting inside your comfort zone.

The anxiety you feel about doing that uncomfortable thing is based on a limiting self belief that you will fail.

Maybe that thing is:

Going to the gym
Having a cold shower
Going for a run
Talking to people
Public speaking
Having that difficult conversation

Whatever your thing is:

Do it anyway!

There is no failure, only feedback.

Every bump in the road is an opportunity to learn and grow.

You need to accumulate evidence for yourself that you CAN do it.

Believe it or not, I used to be quite shy and avoided striking up conversations with strangers 🙈

I challenged myself to seek out opportunities to start conversations with at least 3 people per day for 2 weeks.

I was terrified 😱, but I did it anyway.

And I survived! I didn't make a complete tit of myself!!

This was a massive boost in confidence and has completely transformed my interactions with the world.

What things are you avoiding right now? Share in the comments 👇


🛑 Blaming bread 🍞 and other carbs for your weight gain.

Bread and other carbs have a place in a balanced diet.

But everything in life is a trade off.

🙅‍♀️ You can’t eat a s**t ton of the stuff and expect miracles.

The same way that when you are trying to balance your finances,

It doesn’t matter if you spend £100 on food or co***ne!

Your are spending the money 💰

You need to consider what you need most.

You have a budget of calories per week.

Use them wisely 👍


When I am choosing a bread, I look for one that provides as many benefits as possible such as:

✅Good protein quantity

✅High fibre

In the UK 🇬🇧, Warburtons make one called Protein Power and I love e it!

8g of protein & 3.5g of fibre per slice


🌎🤪 The world has gone mad!

I am always amazed when people suggest that I am extreme because I,

Nourish my body 🥗

Go to the gym regularley 🏋️‍♂️

And choose not to drink alcohol 🚫🍺

For me, this ensures I will remain healthy and strong for years to come,

So I can play with my grandchildren for a long time.

🫵You need need to find your reason why.

And set in place the systems that will make you successful.

Some people around you will not like the change in you.

You will lose some people along your journey.

And that’s OK.

Accept that these may not be your people anymore and continue to improve.

Surround yourself with people that have similar values.


As I approach 50, the evidence of aging is seems to be everywhere.

I have watched as friends and colleagues struggle to cope with a parent that needs care. 😢

The care system is a mess, so many of them drop everything to care for a parent at home for challenges such as:

▶️ Inability to get on and get off the toilet

➡️ Unable to use the stairs

➡️ Unable to walk

➡️ Serious illness

This has a life changing impact on both parent and child and is heartbreaking to see.

✅ We can do things now to postpone that day as long as possible.

👉 Stay active. Your body is made to move.

👉 Maintain strength and mobility

👉 Keep your mind active.

👉 Nourish your body well

Start doing the work now, so that your kids and you can thrive for as long as possible.

Photos from Denvir Fitness & Nutrition's post 20/12/2023

The path of self-improvement is lined with people that are wishing for your failure.

It might be little comments like:

“Don’t lose any more weight”

“You can have one drink”

“Don’t you think that’s a bit extreme?”

And a lot more behind your back 🤫

Some of these will be people who actually cheered you on at first.

A shift happens when

Your progress reminds them of their own shortcomings 💡

These are not your people anymore

Keep doing what you’re doing. You are on the right path.

Photos from Denvir Fitness & Nutrition's post 11/12/2023

⁉️Have you ever been working your butt off to lose weight and then for some reason you start to gain weight?⁉️

This can be incredibly frustrating

And causes many to give up 😢

You need to remember that your weight loss journey does not follow a straight line 📈

There are a number of things that can cause a little bump along the road 🚧

It is during these moments that it is incredibly valuable to have someone working with you to help you:

✅ understand what is happening
✅ see the bigger picture
✅ remain calm
✅ remain consistent
✅ keep motivated

This is what happens with on my weekly 1:1 coaching calls with every single client.

Together we discover:

👉What makes YOU tick.

👉How YOUR body is responding.

👉What works best for YOU

This individualised support and learning that results from the process is the key to long term success.

Are you feeling stuck?

Do you feel like you have tried everything?

Do you need help making sense of it all?

Comment HELP below 👇

Or send me a DM


I was speaking to a friend last week and she said,

“I need to lose 15 pounds so I’m going to go do Slimming World again because it worked for me last year.”

Sound familiar?

This is what I think about that:

It obviously didn’t work if you are needing to go back

This cycle of yo-yo dieting that you have been in is going to continue to get worse.

You will put on more weight with each rebound.

And you will find it harder and harder to lose the weight each time.

You don’t need a diet.

You need a lifestyle reboot.

One that goes beyond what food you place in your mouth and focusing on the scales ⚖️

If you want sustainable results you need to change your relationship with:

Food 🍱
Exercise 🏃‍♀️
Your body 🧘‍♀️
Your mind 🧠
Rest and recovery 😴
Social events 🥳

🛑Stop trying to lose weight
✅ start focusing on improving all aspects your life

And the weight will follow

Are you sick of doing the same thing over and over?

Are you getting heavier and heavier with each rebound?

Does it feel like you metabolism is broken?

If you would like an escape plan

Comment ESCAPE below 👇
Or send me a DM


Use this tool to sniff out bull$!it from fitness influencers! 👇👇

If you hear 👂🏾 someone say:

“Everything you have been told about nutrition is wrong and here’s why”

This should be an alarm 🚨 that everything this person is about to say is WRONG.

When you look around the world at adherence to dietary guidelines,

People that adhere to the guidelines have reduced risk of disease and death.

Those guidelines are based upon everything you have been told about nutrition.

Anyone suggesting the dietary guidelines are the problem is coming from one of two places:

1️⃣ Lack of knowledge: this is where many influencers fall as they simply share garbage information without having the capacity or time to understand the science

2️⃣ Intentional deception: this is usually to get you to buy their magic solution. Many of these people abuse the title Doctor when they have a very poor knowledge level in nutrition science.

Regardless of their intent, you need to steer clear of these people.

If you are interested in listening to some credible sources of information, here are a few of my favourites:

Alan Flanagan- the nutritional advocate
Danny Lennon - Sigma Nutrition
Layne Norton
Matthew Nagra
Simon Hill - The Proof podcast
Alan Aragon
Spencer Nadolsky

Who have I missed?


🚨massive opportunity🚨 for just 4 women over 35 that want to break away from diet prison!

And want to learn how to

🍎nourish your body without guilt
🤗Changing your relationship with food and your body
🤸‍♀️ Finding exercise you enjoy
🧘‍♀️ learning to manage stress
🧠 Learning what makes you tick
💤 Sleeping better
⚡️ Increasing energy
😃 and feeling good again

In the next 3 months!

I am offering spaces for 4 women over 35 to get access to my highest level of support and accountability.

Together we will build a custom and structured plan that fits your lifestyle so you can

⚡️Lose weight, get stronger and feel better

❌Without giving up the food and drink you love like chocolate and wine
❌ or setting foot in a gym

✅ and still be able to enjoy nights out

Sounds crazy, but it works!!

This will finally teach you a sustainable way to lose weight and keep it off! 🎉🥳

I am so confident in this system, that I am guaranteeing that you will reach that goal!

But this is only for you if:

✅ you want to lose more than 10 lbs in the next 90 days
✅ you are ready to be coached and follow a plan
✅ you are ready to make your health a priority


✅ you are happy for me to use your amazing results as a powerful Case Study of what is possible in 90 days to inspire other women just like you to break away from diet culture.

I will be choosing the 4 women based on who I believe is ready to get results and have some fun over the next 90 days!

If you feel like this opportunity was made for you, then it absolutely was!!

Message me the word INTERESTED to see if this could be a good fit.


Wouldn't it be nice if you experienced something different this Christmas?

Imagine you spent the next 12 weeks:

🍎learning how to nourish your body without guilt
🤗Changing your relationship with food and your body
🤸‍♀️ Finding exercise you enjoy
🧘‍♀️ learning to manage stress
🧠 Learning what makes you tick
💤 Sleeping better
⚡️ Increasing energy
😃 and feeling good again

And learning how to do all of that through any occasion, including Christmas 😲

For the first time, you could emerge from the holiday season feeling smug about how great you feel and not being depressed about joining another horrible post holiday diet!!


Well, next Monday is my birthday 🎂🎂

and it is also 12 weeks from Christmas 🎁

Which is the perfect time to join my Midlife Revolution program so you can get off the annual hamster wheel of diet hell.

Between now and next Monday, I am opening the doors for you to join the program.

If you are ready to seize this opportunity, comment Crimbo below 👇👇👇👇👇👇

or send me a private message



Next up….

DENVIR FITNESS & NUTRITION proud sponsors of Paige Smyth!

GRMA for your support to Paige and the Down Ladies ❤️🖤


You know the old saying:

“you can’t outrun a bad diet” 🏃‍♀️🍰

It’s so TRUE!

Exercise is only a small part of a healthy lifestyle.

❌ it will NOT make up for poor eating habits
❌ it will NOT make up for poor sleep
❌ it will NOT erase the damage caused by excess alcohol

If you really want to get the most from exercise and honour your body,

✅ eat more health promoting foods
✅ manage stress and recovery better
✅ limit alcohol

There are 24 hours in the day ⏱️

What you do for the other 23 hours matters more.


Would you like a free home workout program with guidance videos?

Everything can be done at home 🏠

The only equipment you need is a set of resistance bands

If you would like a free copy,

Drop a 💪 in the comments


Great weekend at Vegan Campout finished off by the hilarious !

Photos from Denvir Fitness & Nutrition's post 26/07/2023

🛑STOP wasting your money on BS detox diets and products

They have no reliable evidence to support their claims.

Yet the industry I making a fortune 💰💰💰

Your body does just fine detoxifying itself.

Here is a great way to help!

Stop eating and drinking so much 💩💩💩

Work with your body instead of against it.

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

🧠Try this powerful mindset exercise!Get ready to change your life!
As you get older,You need to start prioritising maintenance of lean muscle 💪 Muscle is the engine that drives your metab...
🤔There are thousands of videos online telling you which exercises are best to do in the gym. 🤷🏻‍♂️And this often leaves ...
Trying to lose fat or gain muscle without knowing your daily calorie targets is like driving without a speedometer. You ...
🥶Ice Baths are horrible!!!But that is the point. Because when you are in that cold water,You aren’t worried about🤬The ar...
There are plenty of things and people to make us angry these days. 😡 someone cuts you off in traffic 😡 someone gives you...
✋Not all processed foods are bad!In fact, many are incredibly health promoting but, by definition, fall into one of the ...
This is how I went from beingOverweightDeteriorating healthPoor mental healthAnd a lack of purposeTo being in the best s...
There are much better reasons to be exercising than simply losing weight or trying to shrink your belly. Exercise and st...
Sundays are NOT what they used to be. Today we spent the day in beautiful Chipping Campden in the Cotswolds. Sundays use...
💩 Be careful you don’t step in it!!There is a lot of shockingly bad tactics being used to make you waste your money on👎 ...
😎Finally! An easy way to understand Macronutrients!Here in Part 1, I show you a simple way to understand why protein is ...




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