The Royal Yorkshire Regiment

The Royal Yorkshire Regiment

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We are The Royal Yorkshire Regiment. Brave and Decisive, with a Relentless Will to Succeed

Our full title is "The Yorkshire Regiment (14th/15th, 19th and 33rd/76th Foot)", shortened to "The Yorkshire Regiment" and is abbreviated as "YORKS" [note full capital letters] and individual battalions as "1 YORKS", "2 YORKS" and "4 YORKS".

Photos from The Royal Yorkshire Regiment's post 21/08/2024

Col Matt Palmer welcomed two new officers who were commissioned earlier in the month - 2Lts Alex Bennett and Ben Kebbell. They are both joining the 1st Battalion. Welcome to the Regiment!

Also seen here with the RMAS Commandant and Colonel of the Regiment and R YORKS instructors at the end of Ex DYNAMIC VICTORY. FFTB.


Before setting off on a well-earned Summer leave, our battalions provided their latest news for inclusion in our Summer 2024 Newsletter. You can read it on the YorksNet at


Happy Yorkshire Day from all those who attended the Civic Day in York and the Royal Yorkshire Regimental Family!

Fortune Favours The Brave!

Photos from The Royal Yorkshire Regiment's post 10/07/2024

The Royal Yorkshire has had a busy start to the Summer.

Whether it is our 1st Battalion putting training in Oman into practice during Ex WESSEX STORM (of course finding time to watch the Euros). Our 2nd Battalion driving the Regimental activity during the Normandy 80 commemorations. Our 4th Battalion leading the way on Ex RHINO HEART, or an R YORKS RSM HOTO at the Infantry Training Centre Catterick. We remain your County Regiment. County Proud. Combat Ready.

We look forward to keeping you regularly updated.

British Army 4th Battalion The Royal Yorkshire Regiment 1 UK Division The Desert Rats - 7th Light Mechanised Brigade


Today the Royal Yorkshire Regimental Family not only has the privilege of remembering the huge undertaking 80 years ago today. But we also proudly remember heroes such as Stan Hollis, who was the only service person awarded a VC due to actions on D-Day. Stan Hollis was from the Green Howard's, who are one of our Antecedent Regiments.

He is memorialised excellently in this post.

We will remember them.

Fortune Favours The Brave.

Middlesbrough's Stan Hollis was the only man to be awarded the Victoria Cross for his courageous actions on D-Day.

Here's the full extract from the regimental handbook of the Yorkshire Regiment, which documents his incredible bravery and heroics.

Ahead of the 80th anniversary of D-Day, take a moment to read it ⬇️

On D-Day during an assault on the Mont Fleury battery, CSM Hollis’s Company Commander noticed that two of the pill boxes had been by-passed and tasked his CSM to ensure they were cleared.

At short range the pillbox machine gun opened fire. CSM Hollis instantly rushed the box, firing his Sten gun. He jumped on top of the pill box, recharged the magazine, threw a gr***de in through the door, fired his Sten gun into the box – killing two German soldiers and making the remainder prisoners. He then cleared several German soldiers from a neighbouring trench.

By this action he undoubtedly saved his Company from being fired on heavily from the rear and enabled them to open the main beach exit.

Later, in Crepon, the Company encountered a field gun and machine gun. CSM Hollis was put in command of a party to cover an attack on the gun. Hollis pushed forward to engage with a PIAT.

He was observed by a sniper who fired and grazed his right cheek and at the same moment the gun swung round and fired at point blank range at the assault party. CSM Hollis moved his party to an alternative position, by which two of the enemy gun crew had been killed and the gun destroyed.

He later found that two of his men had stayed behind and immediately volunteered to get them out. In full view of the enemy, who were continually firing at him, he went forward alone using a Bren gun to distract their attention from the stranded men. Under cover of his diversion, the two men were able to get back.

Wherever the fighting was heaviest, CSM Hollis appeared, and in the course of a magnificent day’s work he displayed the utmost gallantry and on two separate occasions his courage and initiative prevented the enemy from holding up the advance at critical stages.


Congratulations from everyone in the regimental family to the members of Yorkshire's Infantry on their promotion to CSgt.

Photos from The Royal Yorkshire Regiment's post 22/05/2024

Our Regular and Reserve Battalions have been busy marching on the parade square as well as in some of Yorkshire's great towns and cities. Colours are carried on all ceremonial parades and are seen as the spiritual heart of a Line Infantry Battalion.

Here you can see the Colour Party of our 2nd Battalion formed up front and centre of the Battalion. The Sovereign's Colour, carried on the right, holds 43 selected Battle Honours from the World Wars. The Regimental Colour, carried on the left, holds 42 non-World War Battle Honours. Our Honorary Colours are also carried by the 2nd Battalion here.

The Colour Party's core purpose is to provide the security of the colours, and to ensure that they are appropriately looked after in the build up to, whilst on parade, and then following the parade. Fortune Favours The Brave.

Thanks to for such high quality media.

4th Battalion The Royal Yorkshire Regiment Chester Zoo The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst

Photos from The Royal Yorkshire Regiment's post 22/05/2024

On 19th May 2024, Pte Yabaki from our 2nd Battalion proudly attended the Battle of Monte Cassino 80th Anniversary commemorations in Italy.

Pte Yabaki was there as part of the community representing Regiments that were involved or have antecedent ties to those involved in the campaign 80 years ago.

Commonwealth War Graves Commission

Photos from The Royal Yorkshire Regiment's post 21/05/2024

Our Regular and Reserve Battalions have been busy marching on the parade square as well as in some of Yorkshire's great towns and Cities. Central to the success of any parade is the Regimental Sergeant Major. He is the most senior and experienced soldier within the Line Infantry Battalion.

Here you see WO1 RSM 'Paddy' Dyson ensuring that our 2nd Battalion parade in Chester ran smoothly with all Soldiers and Officers in the highest possible turn out.

Fortune Favours The Brave.

Thanks to for such high quality media.

4th Battalion The Royal Yorkshire Regiment The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst


Our 2nd Battalion has recently returned from several overseas experimentation and trials exercises.

A formal parade was held in Chester to mark the Battalion being back in one place after a busy two years in Chester, the Regiment receiving its Royal Status, and to say farewell to Chester as they look ahead to moving to Warminster.

Here you see the Colour Party in front of the 2nd Battalion. Fortune Favours The Brave.

Image courtesy of the excellent work of Victor Papa Photography.


Welcome to the Spring 2024 edition of the Royal Yorkshire Regiment Journal.

You can read it free and online here:

Photos from The Royal Yorkshire Regiment's post 04/05/2024

Today is the biggest day of the year for Army Rugby. The effort, commitment and sacrifice Maj Cross and LCpl Nayagi has put in to get to this point is huge.

The Regimental Family are proud to see them both on to the pitch. Good luck to them and rest of the Army Team today! Fortune Favours The Brave.

Army Sport The Desert Rats - 7th Light Mechanised Brigade 1 UK Division

Photos from The Royal Yorkshire Regiment's post 03/05/2024

Last night was our first Gala event as the Royal Yorkshire Regiment with attendance from across the Regimental family, the wider Yorkshire and UK Community, and representatives from our Affiliated Regiments and Bonds of Friendship.

We hosted our Gala event to celebrate our first year of holding Royal status. We would like to thank the Mansion House and Guildhall who provided the perfect venue at the heart York for our evening. We would also like to thank our whole Yorkshire Family and Community, who's support is vital in making the Royal Yorkshire Regiment what it is. We are County-Proud. Fortune Favours The Brave.

York Mansion House The Royal Montreal Regiment Hans Majestet Kongens Garde The Lord-Lieutenant of North Yorkshire Royal Navy The Desert Rats - 7th Light Mechanised Brigade 1 UK Division

Photos from The Royal Yorkshire Regiment's post 30/04/2024

Last week was a humbling sporting week for the Royal Yorkshire Regiment. In two rounds of the 'War of the Roses', on the Rugby Pitch and in the boxing ring, our friends from the Duke of Lancaster's Regiment won two nil. To close the week our Regimental Secretary had the privilege of presenting the Regimental Rugby Union Trophy.

You can see here the two sides post match. In the first round of the 'War of the Roses' the 1 LANCS RFC defeated our 2nd Battalion team in the Inter Unit NAV 9s 18-12.

In round two the 1 LANCS boxing team defeated our 1st Battalion Team 7 - 2 in the final of the Army Boxing Championships. Well done to everyone who got into the ring and the excellent teams that have supported getting them to such a significant boxing final.

Finally, you can see our Regt Sec presenting the Regt Rugby Union Trophy to The captain of Leeds Tykes, Adam Brown, at Headingly on Saturday. This trophy is competed for by the Yorkshire teams in National League 2 North. This in the same week that Leeds Utd won the football equivalent for those teams in the Championship. That trophy will be presented at the start of next season.

Well done to the Lions of England and thank you to our friends for such excellent sporting competition. Fortune Favours the Brave.

Thank you to Media for the excellent boxing coverage.

The Duke Of Lancaster's Regiment Catterick Garrison Army Sport Army Rugby League The Desert Rats - 7th Light Mechanised Brigade


Last week the band of the Royal Yorkshire Regiment performed at St Mary's RC Cathedral in Middlesbrough. The event was free and part of the band's drive to perform across the Royal Yorkshire Regiments home areas. This was done as part of a busy schedule for the band who had been performing in Halifax the week before.

Here you can see members of the band and the Regimental Association at Middlesbrough Cathedral on Saturday. Keep an eye on the Band of the Royal Yorkshire Regiments page to see where they will be performing next.

4th Battalion The Royal Yorkshire Regiment Catterick Garrison The Band of the Royal Yorkshire Regiment


After a busy period of overseas exercises and operational deployments our 1st Battalion has been enjoying getting back into sport.

Congratulations to Cpl Service from our 1st Battalion who completed the London Marathon in an impressive time of 2:58 running as part of the Army team. Fortune Favours The Brave.

The Desert Rats - 7th Light Mechanised Brigade Army Sport Catterick Garrison

Photos from The Royal Yorkshire Regiment's post 26/04/2024

Our 1st Battalion recently returned from overseas training that saw them conducting Live Fire Tactical Training (LFTT) in arduous terrain and with a level of realism, scale, and resourcing that tested even the soldiers of our Yorkshire Infantry. The 1st Battalion was also remaining a step ahead of itself to make sure that the ranges that were being run were safe, challenging, and resourced appropriately.

Here you can see them preparing to launch an attack at dusk to exploit the opportunities that this time-of-day can offer and the weaknesses of our possible adversaries. Then you can see a section commander going through his Quick Battle Orders prior to the assault.

The Desert Rats - 7th Light Mechanised Brigade 4th Battalion The Royal Yorkshire Regiment 1 UK Division Catterick Garrison

LIVE Forces Fight Night Part 2: Army Boxing Finals 2024 25/04/2024

Follow the link below to watch our Yorkshire Infantry soldiers from the 1st Battalion Boxing in a rerun of the War of the Roses!

Good luck the 1st Battalion!

LIVE Forces Fight Night Part 2: Army Boxing Finals 2024 The most prestigious event in Army Boxing takes place in Aldershot as 1 LANCS takes on 1 R YORKS in a 'War of the Roses' clash in the Army Boxing Finals.


Congratulations to WO1 Dyson who takes over as our 2nd Battalions Regimental Sergeant Major from WO1 Greenwood as the Battalion prepares to leave Chester. 2 R YORKS will be moving to their new home in Warminster over the summer. Good luck to WO1 Dyson and all the best to Mr Greenwood as he takes over 2 R YORKS RCMO.


Our 2nd Battalion will be holding a memorial service for Pte Matasere tomorrow, Tuesday 16th April, at 1400hrs in Chester Cathedral.

Follow the link below to watch the livestream of the memorial if you are unable to attend in person. The link will go live at 1400hrs Tuesday 16th April.

The regimental family is sad to announce the passing of Private Josateki Kautani Matasere. Known to his friends and family as ‘Teki’, he joined the British Army in March 2021, serving with Alma Company, 2nd Battalion in Cyprus providing force protection to the Sovereign Base Area strategic sites. In August 2022 he deployed to Germany on Ex CERBERUS and went on to attend the Sniper Operators Cadre in 2023. He was renowned for his infectious smile, fierce sense of humour and an impressive professional and sporting talent. Our thoughts are with his family, colleagues and friends.

“Private Matasere could light up a room and bring warmth to the coldest of exercises with his contagious smile. Further he could electrify a game of rugby with his fast hands and feet. An earnest and endearing young soldier with huge promise. Our thoughts and prayers remain with his wife, daughter, family and friends. Fortune Favours The Brave.” - Commanding Officer 2 R YORKS, Lt Col M Wade-Smith.

Photos from The Royal Yorkshire Regiment's post 13/04/2024

Welcome to Yorkshire's Infantry to two new Officers, commissioned yesterday at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. Seen here with Colonel Nigel Rhodes.

2nd Lieutenant Max House and 2nd Lieutenant Ben Duncalfe.

British Army The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst The Desert Rats - 7th Light Mechanised Brigade


As much of the regiment broke up for Easter leave, our 1st Battalion said goodbye to WO2 Senior who leaves the regular Army after 26 years.

Thank you for a lifetime of service and support to the Regiment. We wish you Rebecca, Kian and Niamh all the very best for future and hope that you stay in touch with your Regimental family as you start the next chapter together. FFTB

The Desert Rats - 7th Light Mechanised Brigade


A huge apology to CSgt McCurdy from 2 R YORKS who has also been selected for promotion to WO2. Congratulations are extended from All Ranks, Officers and members, past and present, of The Royal Yorkshire family. FFTB

The Yorkshire Infantry are proud to announce the following promotions to Warrant Officer Second Class. Gentlemen, congratulations from everyone in the regimental family.


The Yorkshire Infantry are proud to announce the following promotions to Warrant Officer Second Class. Gentlemen, congratulations from everyone in the regimental family.

Photos from The Royal Yorkshire Regiment's post 26/03/2024

On 15th March 2024 Corunna Company, from our 1st Battalion, handed over operational responsibilities under the UK Op SHADER commitment to our Union Division friends from 2 SCOTS.

1 R YORKS have maintained their operational outputs from June 2023 to March 2024. With Burma Company deploying first and then handing over to Corunna in September 2023. Their deployment was extended into the New Year during a particularly uncertain and volatile period in the Middle East.

We welcomed everyone home last Wednesday 20th March and hope that they all enjoy some well-earned post operational tour leave and look forward to seeing them all for the 1 R YORKS medals parade later in the year.

The Desert Rats - 7th Light Mechanised Brigade 1 UK Division The Royal Regiment of Scotland

Photos from The Royal Yorkshire Regiment's post 24/03/2024

Our 2nd Battalion has been deployed in the National Training Centre, California. With 34 Battery Royal Artillery, 3 PARA, 2 PARA, Royal Engineers, Royal Marines, and Signallers forming the Battlegroup the battalion has worked alongside NATO allies as part of Pj CONVERGENCE.

With the US Army leading the way, 2 R YORKS stayed in lockstep as part of 1 Deep Recce Strike Brigade Combat Team to understand how we integrate our people and new tech into a multi national kill chain.

Here you see our Yorkshire Infanteers fighting from the 82nd Airbornes Infantry Squad Vehicle (ISV), supported by the weaponised unmanned ground vehicle (UGV), and a UGV being used for rapid casualty extraction.

Royal Artillery Royal Marines Royal Corps of Signals 16 Air Assault Brigade U.S. Army


Great to see our 2nd Battalion currently working alongside Dstl, industry, different British Army cap badges and, NATO allies in California to understand how best to utilise current and future kit.

Royal Marines Royal Artillery Royal Corps of Signals 16 Air Assault Brigade

Fight from the door, then send in the tech! 🎮💥

A soldier from 2YORKS, The Royal Yorkshire Regiment, sends in a remote-controlled dog (Robotic Quadruped) to check for enemy threats.

📍 Project Convergence Capstone 4. California, USA


Our 2nd Battalion is working with the Royal Artillery, Royal Marines , 16 Air Assault Brigade and Dstl to understand, deliver, and optimise how we operate with existing and future kit as part of the British Army contribution in California.

Follow the link below to see on X.

Photos from The Royal Yorkshire Regiment's post 07/03/2024

The 2nd Battalions’ Fire Support Group has been maintaining currency and competence on their heavy weapons ahead of the 2024 experimentation and trials exercises. Currently deployed on the largest multi-national, multi domain experimentation exercises in California and Georgia 2 R YORKS are informing how to exploit the network, to integrate new and existing capabilities to shorten the Sensor, Decider Effector Kill Chain.

An agile, adaptive light Infantry force at the heart of developing, testing and challenging Infantry warfighting concepts and capabilities. The Army’s next generation combat team, the 2nd Battalion is equipped with the latest generation of autonomous platforms, information, communications equipment and night vision systems, working with industry, partners, and allies to win on the battlefields of today and tomorrow. Out-Think. Out-Fight.


As part of a busy forecast of events involving overseas training in Europe and further afield, the 1st Battalion maintains their operational commitments as well. Corunna Company continues to provide high quality force protection as part of NATO operations in the middle east. They work hard to provide a secure environment for coalition advisors alongside our Iraqi, American, Canadian, Estonian, Finnish, and Hungarian Friends.

Ministryofdefence The Desert Rats - 7th Light Mechanised Brigade 1 UK Division

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Videos (show all)

The week of #remembrance 2023 commenced with our annual service at York Minster, attended by two Colonels of the Regt, t...
U.S. Marine Corps assigned to 1st Battalion, 24th Marine Regiment, defend an attack on an urban training area from Briti...
Pre-Deployment Training (PDT) is underway at Otterburn Camp in Northumberland to prepare a combined force of 4th Infantr...
The Band of the Yorkshire Regiment and The Band of the Mercian Regiment are performing together in #Denmark at Sonderber...
Corunna Company conduct urban warfare training in the Corsham Cave Complex
A Christmas Message for the Regimental Family
1 YORKS - Over 20 years experience as Armoured Infantry
“Bearing 2187, Elevation 1103, Call when ready”
1 YORKS Mortar Platoon Log Race


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