Equilibre Acupuncture

Licenced Acupuncturist & Clinical Herbalist MRCHM MAFPA http://www.equilibreacupuncture.ie Tel: 353852359947 Mon-Fri 11-6

Equilibre Acupuncture - Dublin - situated in the heart of Dublin city centre in Nassau Street. The clinic focus is on improving a range of conditions with natural long proven processes. You don’t need to believe in acupuncture for it to work because there is more and more scientific evidence about its mechanisms and its benefits. Acupuncture is Natural, Simple and Effective. It can benefit many c


One message. So many people to thank.
Where we are at. Where have you been? What's happening ? What what why?


Good Morning and Happy New Year 2021 to you. I've just sent out a notification to all of our valued clients with information about the current restrictions - I have copied the details below for those of you who may not have read their emails but are on social media.

I want to wish you a very Happy New Year 2021

2020 was an incredibly stressful for us all, and i hope that you managed to have a safe and restfull Christmas break.

I also wanted to let you know some updates affecting our ability to provide services.

With the pandemic infection rates spiraling, we all have been in level 5 restrictions since Christmas.

It is with great regret therefore, that until Level 5 restrictions are lifted or case numbers are stabilised such that I feel it would be safe to offer Acupuncture services under our Covid Secure Operational Plan, in person services at Equilibre Acupuncture Clinic will be temporarily suspended until 25th January 2021 when we will re assess.

Obviously this is a disappointment for everyone as we know some of you are mid treatment plan or planning on commencing treatment in the next few days.

In lieu of acupuncture services, i will be offering both my Chinese Herbal Medicine option or my Distant Energy Healing Modalities by online consultation only.

Those of you already on treatment plans, i will reach out to you this week to arrange how we move forward.

After spending a significant amount of time in consultation with our colleagues in China, we also have the ability to deal with the after effects of Covid Infection (Long Covid) using herbal medicine so please let your friends family or neighbours who have issues know we can help recover their health.

These services will also be online only on Wednesdays.

Please reach out via email (livruddyacupuncture (AT) gmail.com or sms 0852359947 to available of these options.

The Distance Healing modality is excellent for stress, anxiety and emotional stuff coming up and i would love you to experience it.

We are restricted but we can still be there for you.

In the mean time, please follow the guidelines and keep yourself and your loved ones safe.

kind regards Liv


Christmas🎅🏽 🎄 is around the corner literally.

Our newsletter will be out this week

**but we only have a few appointments left before we close for isolation**

grab em quick - 0852359947 👋

Dr. Terry Wahls - Minding Your Mitochondria - TED - Documentary, Lecture, Talk NUTRITION 30/10/2020

Microchondrial function is part of slowing down aging, repairing cells and getting energy out of the bodys nutrition. Terry Wahls is well known to all of us in the Multiple Sclerosis world, however it is worth a watch - you have heard me talking about anti inflammation. Terrys protocol is just one of many.

happy watching

Dr. Terry Wahls - Minding Your Mitochondria - TED - Documentary, Lecture, Talk NUTRITION http://www.healthandsuperfoods.com/ http://www.sporf.net/ Minding Your Mitochondria Dr. Terry Wahls - Minding Your Mitochondria - TED - Documentary, Lecture,...


Best News- We are Essential Service and can reopen our doors.

***This means that you can travel beyond the 5km zone to attend our Essential Medical Appointments.***

Taking a few days this and next week to recover from all the chaos and we can see you under the revised practice plan.

Thanks for all the support getting to this point

Best Regards


Level 5 restrictions: Our Professional Association has advised us to suspend practice at level 5 until we have clarification if we are included in the Essential Healthcare Worker classification.

Until we have clarification from the Department of the Taoiseach and Department of Health - which would allow you to attend medical services outside the 5km limit,

We will be suspending ALL practice activities from Wednesday 21st October until we have clarification

I know this is a difficult time as some are mid treatment and others are planning to return. We are working on getting Acupuncturists back to work as soon as possible.

Mean time please follow the guidances, and lets pull together to get through this time.

Best regards Liv


Its looking increasingly likely that we may have to suspend clinic service if Level 4 restrictions come into force in Dublin 😕 and i will update when we know what we can do under level 4.

Meantime while we operate under level 3 we are still open to help you and look forward to seeing you.


📢 Announcement re the Flu Vaccine

If you are planning to get the vaccine, i ask you to either come in just before you go for it or wait 7 days after your vaccination for your next appointment.

I much appreciate that the flu or pneumonia vaccination is your personal choice and fully support you whatever you decide.

However i have good clinical reasons behind asking you to delay after receiving it as outlined below
Thank you all for your support


there is accumulating evidence that flu vaccine increases the risk of infection with other viruses including coronaviruses due to a phenomenon known as 'viral interference.'

The attached paper summarizes the findings of 9 studies, all of which found that the flu vaccine increased risk of infection with coronaviruses.



Steve Jobs died a billionaire, with a fortune of $7 billion, at the age of 56 from pancreatic cancer, and here are some of his last words:

"In other eyes, my life is the essence of success, but aside from work, I have a little joy, and in the end wealth is just a fact of life to which I am accustomed.

At this moment, lying on the bed, sick and remembering all my life, I realize that all my recognition and wealth that I have is meaningless in the face of imminent death.

You can hire someone to drive a car for you, make money for you – but you can not rent someone to carry the disease for you. One can find material things, but there is one thing that can not be found when it is lost – “life”.

Treat yourself well, and cherish others. As we get older we are smarter, and we slowly realize that the watch is worth $30 or $300 – both of which show the same time.

Whether we carry a purse worth $30 or $300 – the amount of money in the wallets are the same. Whether we drive a car worth $150,000, or a car worth $30,000 – the road and distance are the same, we reach the same destination.
If we drink a bottle worth $300 or wine worth $10 – the “stroller” will be the same.

If the house we live in is 300 square meters, or 3000 square meters – the loneliness is the same.
Your true inner happiness does not come from the material things of this world. Whether you’re flying first class, or economy class – if the plane crashes, you crash with it.

So, I hope you understand that when you have friends or someone to talk to – this is true happiness!

Five Undeniable Facts-

1. Do not educate your children to be rich. Educate them to be happy. – So when they grow up they will know the value of things, not the price.

2. Eat your food as medicine, otherwise you will need to eat your medicine as food.

3. Whoever loves you will never leave you, even if he has 100 reasons to give up. He will always find one reason to hold on.

4. There is a big difference between being human and human being.

5. If you want to go fast – go alone! But if you want to go far – go together!

And in conclusion,
The six best doctors in the world.

1. Sunlight
2. Rest
3. Exercise
4. Diet
5. Self-confidence
6. Family/Friends

Keep them in all stages of life and enjoy a healthy life.”


Just a reminder of the changes to protocols during the Covid-19 outbreak. With the increasing cases in Dublin, we are being extra cautious.

COVID-19 Is Transmitted Through Aerosols. We Have Enough Evidence, Now It Is Time to Act. 31/08/2020

If you only learn one thing today its this
Avoid Crowding, Indoors, low Ventilation, Close proximity, long Duration, Unmasked, Talking/singing/Yelling (“A CIViC DUTY”). These are the important factors in mathematical models of aerosol transmission, and can also be simply understood as factors that impact how much “smoke” (aerosol virus) we would inhale.
A CIViC DUTY first suggests that we should do as many activities as possible outdoors


COVID-19 Is Transmitted Through Aerosols. We Have Enough Evidence, Now It Is Time to Act. Aerosols are more important when it comes to transmitting COVID-19 than we thought six months ago—and we need to act accordingly.

The COVID-19 Diary of Barra Fitzgibbon, aged 49 and a bit. - Interestment 31/08/2020

this is a frank covid ICU survival story. Please wear your mask, follow public health guidance and best practices. Lets keep everyone out of ICU. Start boosting your winter immunity,

-> eat a wide variety of fresh vegetables and wholefoods, cook your meals, steam, stir fry and roast. Now as the weather shifts into autumn is not the time for salads and smoothies. Our bodies need warm and hot.
-> get Vitamin D and plenty light and fresh air exercise

-> Take Vitamin C at 2000mg / day, Zinc at 20mg/day, CoEnzyme Q10 at 200mg/day if you are on medication.

-> practice slow nasal in breathing to boost your lung and pharynx functioning
slow nasal breathing will allow your body to regulate the temperature and humidity inside your mask.

-> start and end your day with 5 things, 5 things i can smell, 5 things i can hear, 5 things i can touch, 5 things i can taste. 5 things helps focus our mind and calms anxiety

-> if you have recurrent sinus issues, blocked stuff nose, drippy nose, mucusy nose or sneezing this is your warning sign that your respiratory system is already under stress. Call us to get an individualised herbal formula to restore your system.

-> dont wait for symptoms. Now is the time to head off any issues before cold and flu season starts. We won't be able to see you in clinic if you have symptoms so come now and boost your immunity

-> If you start having symptoms: contact us for herbal support

-> and most important of all, reduce your contacts and wear your masks

in health and wellness


The COVID-19 Diary of Barra Fitzgibbon, aged 49 and a bit. - Interestment Tuesday March 3: I woke up with a cough. Irritating enough but nothing I couldn’t handle. Covid 19 was all over the news but the narrative was very different. “This was a flu not much worse than seasonal flu, affected old people in the main and people with previous medical conditions.” I belie...


Equilibre will remain open as much as possible during the new restrictions, we are here to deal with any kind of pain, joint restrictions, anxiety or depression.
As a medical acupuncture specialist pain service we are committed to staying open to prevent conditions worsening while waiting for the HSE to get back to full service

With less than 12 weeks to cold and flu season its NOW to sort out recurrent sinus, nasal drip, stuffy nose, recurrent flu like symptoms.

We have herbal recommendations to support you for winter immunity no matter what age from months to 90s.

Dont wait for the season, get your prevention on NOW. Contact via messanger to get started

HSE Ireland on Twitter 18/08/2020

HSE guidance from this morning.

You should wear a cloth face covering:

✔️when staying 2 metres apart from people is difficult
✔️in shops
✔️on public transport
✔️when visiting anyone who is more at risk from
✔️in any healthcare setting
✔️in an enclosed indoor space with other people

HSE Ireland on Twitter “You should wear a cloth face covering: ✔️when staying 2 metres apart from people is difficult ✔️in shops ✔️on public transport ✔️when visiting anyone who is more at risk from ✔️in any healthcare setting ✔️in an enclosed indoor space with other people https://t...


Do you know someone who relies on lipreading to communicate effectively? This app will help. I know mask wearing is sometimes a struggle.

Timeline photos 17/07/2020

We have been open now for a couple of weeks doing our urgent care clients who had their treatment plans disrupted by the lockdown. This is how we have been protecting your health during your session.

Ready to welcome you back now for your post lockdown anxiety, body aches, pain and mental health. Acupuncture is one of the few medicine systems that can address anxiety worry low mood and generally not feeling good about life without medication or therapy. We would love to help you get your Zest for Living back.

Find us here or call us to get back to living well.


This is why. Your mask protects me and others.
My mask protects you.

Protect each other. Wear a face covering whenever you’re on public transport or in an enclosed space.


I really want you all to be safe out any time you need respiratory protection so I've made a quick tutorial how to put on and take off a medical mask. Its not rocket science and easy if you know how. Let me know if I can help you further. Please share if it's useful to anyone out there


Welcome Tour & what to expect. Let me know what you think.

Photos from Equilibre Acupuncture's post 22/06/2020

There are a lot of unknowns in the world right now. But one thing is certain —
Equilibre Acupuncture is ready to reopen June 29th 2020

😷We have just published Our Reopening Manifesto

😷it is now heading for all our subscribers inboxes.

😷 Everything you need to know about our 12 step plan to make our world safe is in there

😷haven't got yours? drop me a comment below and we will send it out to you.


How to wear your face covering 🙂


Our regulatory guidelines from our professional association have just been published to guide us on a Safe Return to Work.

These are in parallel with the official mandated regulations issued by the government for all businesses.

So there will be necessary changes to the way the clinic operates for the remainder of the year to primarily ensure we do every thing we can to keep YOU safe while we work together.

There is no definite return to work date yet. Currently in light of government advisories,
I encourage you to
keep healthy,
eat really well,
take exercise and keep your stress low as your best defence.
Vitamin C, D and Elderberry are great immune modulators while you feel good.

There has been a great opportunity to revaluate your life and figure how and what changes you want to keep when we move forward from Phase 1.

Life Post Covid is different and is a great opportunity to live the life you dream of.

My best while we enjoy the rest of the confinement, as soon it will be behind us,


Photos from Equilibre Acupuncture's post 09/05/2020

Equilibre has been quiet, and we haven't actually disappeared off the map.

In the last couple of weeks, business planning activities have been at the forefront. At this moment (Sat 9 May) there is no definite date set for reopening the physical clinic.

Telehealth has been an option we have considered and are bringing that onstream but its not as simple as jumping on zoom. The priority list for online consulations is open - just drop a message/email or comment to get yourself on it.

There are a lot of changes in procedures, but everything that gets implemented is to ensure that there is a consistency and safe Covid risk free environment at all times.

Now that the official guidelines have been published, we are deep down in discussion between our professional association, our insurers, the government and our peers about what the road map looks like for us.

I will update as soon as this plan looks clear.

Meantime, mental health is a concern we are all strained with the distancing and physical isolation. Don't hesitate to reach out for support, i trust you are ok but if not get in touch.

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Videos (show all)

One message. So many people to thank. Where we are at. Where have you been? What's happening ? What what why?
Equilibre Acupuncture During Covid -19 A summary
How to put on a medical mask quick tutorial
Welcome Tour & what to expect.  Let me know what you think.
RSI repetitive strain, any action we take over and over can become #RSI here weakness of flexor pollicis Longus through ...
Thank you @acupunctuurschijndel , being the neck model i dont get to video myself. Im so delighted to have refined head ...
Emergency self treatment morning: had cramp and contraction pain in my big toe  this morning, while the pain pattern wou...



Equilibre Acupuncture 3 Morrison Chambers, 32 Nassau Street

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