Wu Acupuncture and Wellness Clinic

Acupuncture, massage, microdermabrasion facial treatments


Coming soon next month...8 weeks Community Care Acupuncture Course only 160 euro. Places are limited so register your interest now!

Acupuncture treats a variety of medical health conditions both physical (chronic pain, IBS, fibromyalglia, sleep deprivation etc.) and mental conditions (anxiety, depression etc.)

Totally natural and free from harmful side effects of prescription medication.

Please share with anyone that might need treatment.


What a beautiful day! I was just thinking yesterday when I was going for my daily walk in the park, how lucky we are that at least the weather is nice for us to be able to get outside for a bit of exercise in the midst of what is happening right now...imagine how much worse it would have been if we were going through it in the thick of winter...it would be rainy, wet and freezing cold and we'd be stuck indoors day after day with nothing to do, not even exercise!!

Getting fresh air, sunshine and being in nature is very important for our mental well being, not just our physical. Sunshine is needed by the body for vitamin D which helps regulate our moods and boosts our immune system. So make sure you get outside and expose your skin to sunlight for at least 15 mins each day as this is the only way we can absorb it (but be careful don't get burnt!)

See you all on the other side of this pandemic! Stay safe :)

All the Terms You Need to Know Before Your First Acupuncture Appointment 25/04/2020

Every thing you need to know before coming in for your first acupuncture appointment!


All the Terms You Need to Know Before Your First Acupuncture Appointment A handy guide to keep bookmarked on your phone.

Ai Ya, Making Moxa to Cleanse the Air 09/04/2020

Great chinese video with English subtitles on how moxa sticks are made from the dried leaves of medicinal herbs. We use these moxa sticks to kill germs, remove blood stasis, remove pain and heal diseases.


Ai Ya, Making Moxa to Cleanse the Air Here is a short documentary that reveals the traditional process of making an extraordinary strong herb, Ai Ye (Folium Artemisiae Argyi). This herb is known ...

Timeline photos 21/03/2020

Aside from washing your hands frequently, what can you personally do to help fight getting the corona virus? You can give your body the best chance of survival by eating the right nutrients to help boost your immune system.

Acupuncture also helps to boost the immune system but since we are all in isolation at the moment, a visit to the clinic is not an option right now, but eating the right foods is still possible. So give yourself the best fighting chance.

Also keep moving, do exercises to release stagnant emotions (we call this moving your qi), and do deep breathing exercises/meditation to calm the mind. We need to stay calm instead of giving in to fear, which paralyses us and causes panic (the cause of stock piling!).


To the point 16/03/2020

Video produced by the British Acupuncture Council on the growing body of evidence that acupuncture is effective in the treatment of a wide variety of health conditions.


To the point This 30-minute documentary highlights the growing body of scientific evidence that acupuncture is an effective treatment for a variety of health conditions.

Sleep is your superpower 13/03/2020

It's international sleep day so don't feel guilty if you are having a lie in!

Watch this very informative video on how sleep deprivation affects EVERY aspect of our well being and if you need help falling or staying asleep please get in touch. Chinese medecine can really get you back on track and restore your snooze button zzzzz


Sleep is your superpower Sleep is your life-support system and Mother Nature's best effort yet at immortality, says sleep scientist Matt Walker. In this deep dive into the science of slumber, Walker shares the wonderfully good things that happen when you get sleep -- and the alarmingly bad things that happen when you don't,...


Watch this video on sleep deprivation and get in touch if you need help with falling and staying asleep. Phone 085 245 7790.


Acupuncture and cancer care 04/02/2020

For help with alleviating the painful side effects of cancer, please get in touch with us now 085 245 7790.

Watch this short but straight to the point video on acupuncture and cancer care.


Acupuncture and cancer care The British Acupuncture Council has produced this film to mark . Studies have shown acupuncture is effective for a variety of cancer treat...

Acupuncture and cancer care 04/02/2020

It is World Cancer Day 2020 today.

Please see a great video on acupuncture and cancer care made by the British Acupuncture Council.


Acupuncture and cancer care The British Acupuncture Council has produced this film to mark . Studies have shown acupuncture is effective for a variety of cancer treat...


This is really sad. Please read and help spread awareness.

We can help with treating all these symptons naturally and effectively with acupuncture.

Please get in touch if you or anyone you know suffers from anxiety or have suicidal thoughts. Tel. 085 245 7790.



See how acupuncture can help your body and mind and how many sessions you would need.

To book a treatment to see for yourself, the wonders of this amazing natural ancient therapy thats been in use for thousands of years, phone 085 245 7790.

The clinic is based in the city near the Four Courts in Stoney Batter, dublin 7. Free car parking.

Photos from Wu Acupuncture and Wellness Clinic's post 20/01/2020

The clinic...


True story. A man came into the clinic 3 weeks ago complaining of a very bad neck and upper back pain (8 out of 10 on a scale of 1 to 10 and 10 being the highest).

During the consultation, it was established that he has had this condition for the past two years and the acute pain was constant. The shooting pain went up his back and all the way to his head.

There was no logical explanation for the pain as he had not been injured in an accident or anything. It just appeared one day out of no where.

In TCM (Traditional Chinese Medecine) we explain the cause as being blockage in the vessels of the back and neck due to stress or emotional disorders.

The treatment principle is to remove the blockage and move fresh blood to the area to reduce the pain, as blood is very healing since it contains a lot of nutrients. Acupuncture works by stimulating the nerves which sends signals along the neural pathway up to the brain, triggering the release of feel good chemicals called endorphins, which are the body's natural painkillers.

Amazingly after the first treatment the patient reported that the pain had completely gone away! It has been over two weeks now and he is still pain free. This is a great result since normally the pain does come back within a few days but with less intensity and the patient is required to have some more treatments in order to bring the intensity down each time until it goes down to zero pain.

In this case even though the pain hasn't returned, the patient is still attending regular treatments every week. Why? you may ask...well in TCM we don't only treat the symptons (ie. the pain), we also identify the root cause of the pain (what made it happen in the first place) and we treat that too so that it doesn't happen again. This is the difference between TCM and western medicine which just prescribes pills to deal with the pain but does not address the underlying root cause. Also as well as just masking the symptons, the problem with taking medecine is the dangerous side effects of the drugs on the brain and the psychological impact. Acupuncture on the other hand is a natural treatment, free from any risky side effects. It removes blockages and promotes balance in the mind and body. When they are in complete balance then there should be no physical or mental symptons.

I hope I have managed to give you all a better understanding of acupuncture and how we acupuncturists approach things. If you think we can help you then please do get in touch by calling 085 245 7790.


Proud to share with you lovely pics of the clinic and waiting room!

Healing through energy work | Energy Therapy 14/01/2020

If you want to understand how acupuncture and other energy healing works, then read this...


Healing through energy work | Energy Therapy The body is energetic in nature - thousands of years of yoga have proved this beyond all doubt. Ancient maps of the body's highly advanced 'energy system' were drawn out in great detail and the yogis/rishis were able to bring about great healings - and even miraculous cures - in those who sought the...

The medications that change who we are 13/01/2020

Great article on the effect of taking medication on the brain and psychological side effects.

Acupuncture offers a natural treatment without all the risky side effects of drugs. Get in touch if you think we can help.


The medications that change who we are They’ve been linked to road rage, pathological gambling, and complicated acts of fraud. It turns out many ordinary medications don’t just affect our bodies – they affect our brains.

Healthy Sleep and Insomnia: A TCM Point of View 20/11/2019

Great article on insomnia. If you can identify with it and think we can help, call 085 2457790.


Healthy Sleep and Insomnia: A TCM Point of View By Andrea Rivera ​ I'm going to talk about sleep and insomnia from the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) point of view. I’m using what I’ve learned from a very successful sleep...

13 Habits of People With Concealed Depression 19/11/2019

In our modern society, increasingly more and more people are feeling isolated and disconnected from each other and from themselves.

The sense of belonging to a caring community where everyone looks out for each other is sadly gone. In its place is a fear of survival, being all alone and that no one cares. Everyone else is happy and fulfilled in their life purpose except them. They are lost...

Here are the tell tale signs of concealed depression to watch out for...if you see someone displaying them then please take a moment to reach out and help them to find help. There are lots of therapies available nowadays to deal with mental health, one of them is with acupuncture which can help to restore balance to the mind and alleviate moods, promoting a sense of overall well being.

Please get in touch and ring 085 245 7790 if you or someone you know shows any of these signs of depression...


13 Habits of People With Concealed Depression Depression can take many forms, but those with concealed depression can be especially hard to spot. These are common signs of depression to watch for.

The 'Emotion Chart' My Therapist Gave Me That I Didn't Know I Needed 16/11/2019

Our emotions, wether we feel them or suppress them...always end up affecting our physical and mental wellbeing. Depression, anxiety, headaches, or digestive disorders are just a few of the many symptons that can result from repressed emotions over time.

Acupuncture can help to release trapped emotions such as anger, frustration, sadness, grief, fear etc. The result is a healthier body and balanced mind. Get in touch for help in dealing with emotions or physical/mental symptons. Tel. 085 245 7790.


The 'Emotion Chart' My Therapist Gave Me That I Didn't Know I Needed "I hope it's a tool that can help you too."

How Deep Sleep May Help The Brain Clear Alzheimer's Toxins 01/11/2019

Achieving deep sleep is necessary for brain health and to remove alzeimers toxins...scientists have discovered.

So you can imagine how frustrated I have been recently waking up every night in the middle of the night and unable to fall back asleep! Argghhhh!!!

Thank goodness for acupuncture which has helped me to sleep for longer and get closer to my 8 hours needed!! I am now able to function more like a human being again and not walking around like a zombie. If it had not been for acupuncture (combined with a new healthy diet), I dread to think what would happen in the future if the condition became chronic...after years of sleep deprivation, the risk of get neuro degenerative diseases such as dementia and alzeimers, would be a higher certainty...


How Deep Sleep May Help The Brain Clear Alzheimer's Toxins A study of 11 sleeping brains sheds some light on the mysterious link between sleep problems and Alzheimer's disease. The flow of cerebrospinal fluid through the brain appears to be the key.


Live simply...downsize if possible and consume less material things. Less is more! Focus on what's really important, which is your health and mental wellbeing being. Take time out to relax and do all the things you love to do...we call this nourishing your yin :)enjoy your day and do something you love today!

If you need help with nourishing your yin (sense of well being), and reduce stress then please get in touch.

Register now for a FREE place on one of our limited community acupuncture sessions (first one is on Friday 1 November) to try acupuncture and see if it can help you. Messages only, no calls please!


Live simply...downsize and consume less material things. Focus on what's really important, which is your health and mental wellbeing. Take time out to relax and do all the things you love to do...we call this nourishing your yin :) enjoy your sunday and do something you love today!

Could artificial s***m mean the end of men? 26/08/2019

Interesting article on fertility in both men and women and the advances in science. Shockingly the s***m count in men have dropped by 50% since 1970! Not to mention the reduced quality of s***m due to sedentary lifestyle and obesity...so clearly infertility is not solely due to women as it has largely been made out to be.

But the good news is that the quality of s***m DNA can be reversed in just 3 months by changes in lifestyle, stopping smoking, drinking alcohol and a better diet.

So the biological clock is ticking for men too.

Whether you are male or female, if you want help to get healthier, so that you stand a better chance at getting pregnant, we can help. Email us at [email protected] or send us a text to 085 2457790.


Could artificial s***m mean the end of men? Ovarian freezing to gene editing: Babies could be made very differently in 21st century

Science Finally Proves Meridians Exist | Energy Therapy 20/08/2019

Scientific proof that meridians exist...something that the East has known for thousands of years and the West is only now discovering!


Science Finally Proves Meridians Exist | Energy Therapy “In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.” – Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Biochemist and Nobel Prize Winner.For centuries the ancient wisdom keepers and healers in several traditions had a keen understanding of the energetic body. The hea...

A Close-up Look at Acupuncture for Pain 18/08/2019

I can honestly say that personally I would be lost without acupuncture as I have treated myself for quite a few very painful conditions, the latest being pain in my left shoulder rotator cuff muscles that made it even difficult for me to get dressed! Thankfully it's now almost back to normal because of acupuncture and I just wished more people could benefit from this amazing and natural ancient Chinese medicine therapy. Acupuncture effectively treats ANY type of pain...headaches, pre menstrual pain, arthritis, fibromyalglia, knee, hip pain etc. come and try it out! pain is my most favourite treatment to give as I have so much personal experience from it and know how awfully debilitating it can be. Also being a bit on the lazy side, I love just sitting back and relaxing whilst the needles perform their magic and the instant pain relief I get from the moment they are inserted and the many days after. If you don't believe me then there's only one way to find out! See you in my clinic soon :) for those of you interested in reading an article endorsed by the World Health Organisation on using acupuncture for pain relief, click here: https://abcnews.go.com/Health/close-acupuncture-pain/story?id=23411898&cid=share_facebook_widget

A Close-up Look at Acupuncture for Pain A close up look at acupuncture for relief of chronic pain.

Timeline photos 04/08/2019
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Videos (show all)

Proud to share with you lovely pics of the clinic and waiting room!
Live simply...downsize if possible and consume less material things. Less is more! Focus on what's really important, whi...
Live simply...downsize and consume less material things. Focus on what's really important, which is your health and ment...




The Medical Centre @ Park Shopping Centre, Prussia Street, Dublin 7

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