First Eat Right

We provide world class Nutrition & Dietetics services for Medical conditions,Weight loss & Weight gain.

After detailed analysis of Indian Fitness & Slimming centres, our team of U.K. , U.S.A. , & Canada along with Indian experts came to a conclusion that 70% of the business in India in these sectors is because of the customer / patient's ignorance and the well known business houses in fitness & slimming centres are making money by fooling the customers by providing absolutely unscientific and illog

Fine-tuning Meditation Duration In The Name of Precision Sounds Bizarre 18/11/2022

Meditation is a universal practice that purely follows mindfulness techniques to relieve stress. When that’s the case, we are not bound to customize meditation timings, change the timings depending on precision values, or ensure precision in meditation duration depending on the individual. Just sit back, relax, meditate, and reap the benefits of this glorious technique that’s replete with benefits for the mind and the body.

Fine-tuning Meditation Duration In The Name of Precision Sounds Bizarre Diabetes is a physical disorder but it does have a vast impact on the emotional, psychological, and mental state of mind of individuals. Treatment for type 2 diabetes, until now, has been...

Is There Any Harm in Consuming Palm Sugar? 17/11/2022

White sugar is a killer and we all know about it. Frankly, no sweetening agent is 100% good for health nor recommended for inclusion. Each sweetener has got its list of pros and cons which puts us in greater trouble—it’s entirely up to the individuals to choose an agent that satisfies their taste buds and prevents guilt from creeping up. How does palm sugar fare in this sweet test?

Is There Any Harm in Consuming Palm Sugar? White sugar is a killer and we all know about it. Not only diabetics but even all other individuals are recommended to stay away from white sugar for its list of ill effects on health. When such is...

Sleep Well to Keep Blood Glucose Levels Controlled 16/11/2022

Did you get the beauty sleep last night? If not, then there are higher chances of being victimized by Type 2 Diabetes. Sleep and diabetes are intangible. We are aware that overweight/obesity issues and a sedentary lifestyle can trigger diabetes but sleep is yet another important factor that has a powerful impact on sugar levels.

Sleep Well to Keep Blood Glucose Levels Controlled Did you get the beauty sleep last night? If not, then there are higher chances of being victimized by Type 2 Diabetes (T2D). Recommending individuals to sleep sufficiently to stay healthy and fit is...

Ride Your Life in Style, Avoid Sedentary Lifestyle To Improve Sleep Quality 15/11/2022

Worldwide, more than 50% of the population complains about not sleeping well. It might seem like you are simply losing out on an hour of sleep everyday, but this accumulation can have the exactly same impact as going without sleep for an entire day. While most prominent reasons for sleeplessness are self-induced, sedentary lifestyle is one of the prominent reasons that impairs sleep quality.

Ride Your Life in Style, Avoid Sedentary Lifestyle To Improve Sleep Quality Sleep hasn’t always been on our priority list, at least for the present generation. A good night’s sleep helps us successfully pull through a busy day. But, the advent of the Internet, social...

Fluctuations in Blood Glucose Levels Lead to Fluctuations in Our Mind & Mood 14/11/2022

There are times when each of the organs do their function, still the individual feels sick. That’s mainly because our body’s health is dependent on a multitude of factors including thoughts, attitude, feelings, and beliefs. The world is presently witnessing a sharp increase in depression rates and the hard fact is that people with diabetes are 2-3 times likelier to have depression compared to others.

Fluctuations in Blood Glucose Levels Lead to Fluctuations in Our Mind & Mood Individuals are comfort-seekers who love to indulge in the small pleasures of life and find happiness in the little things they do. We don’t feel good when our day-to-day routine is interrupted or...

World Diabetes Day: Helps in Taking a Step Every Day Toward Better Diabetes Care 14/11/2022

Insulin is the cornerstone for diabetes care especially for people with type 1 diabetes. But sadly, insulin which was discovered and patented for just one dollar has become a billion dollar business. Besides diagnosing and enabling diabetes care including insulin availability at economic prices, the world must focus on reducing the risk of the disease.

World Diabetes Day: Helps in Taking a Step Every Day Toward Better Diabetes Care Diabetes mellitus thrives as one of the deleterious disease worldwide but a majority of the world’s population don’t have accessibility to diabetes care including the basic need of insulin as...

Sugar Alcohols: Don’t Be Misled By their Name! 11/11/2022

Don’t be swayed away by the term ‘sugar alcohols,’ as these are nothing but sweeteners that resemble the structure of sugar molecules and alcohol molecules. Commonly used as sugar substitutes, they have become very popular among not only those with diabetes but also other individuals wanting to lose weight. But, it is always better to consult an expert to understand whether or not it is safe for use.

Sugar Alcohols: Don’t Be Misled By their Name! Don’t be swayed away by the term ‘sugar alcohols,’ as these are nothing but sweeteners that resemble the structure of sugar molecules and alcohol molecules. Also known as ‘polyols,’ sugar...

Setting Diabetes Right Even With Normal Weight 11/11/2022

Weight loss has always been the mantra for treating type 2 diabetes. But what about people in normal weight ranges? Firstly, are they victimized by diabetes and secondly, if the answer is yes, would we suggest the same weight loss treatment method for such people to achieve diabetes remission or control? Let’s unravel the mystery.

Setting Diabetes Right Even With Normal Weight Weight loss has always been the mantra for treating type 2 diabetes and this treatment protocol has worked magically. But what about people in normal weight ranges? Firstly, are they victimized by...

If Eating Healthy is Special, then Of Course, Diabetes/Diabetes Reversal Needs a Special Diet 10/11/2022

Never go near sweets, avoid eating those starchy potatoes, stay away from white rice—these are some of the commonest phrases we have heard from people around us in connection with diabetes and diet. Individuals advice out of goodwill but don’t you think that food-related suggestions and diet alterations are a doctor’s department? Why play the doc and block out an individual’s choices? In reality, “there is no special diet for people with diabetes or those aiming for diabetes reversal.”

If Eating Healthy is Special, then Of Course, Diabetes/Diabetes Reversal Needs a Special Diet Never go near sweets, avoid eating those starchy potatoes, stay away from white rice—these are some of the commonest phrases we have heard from people around us in connection with diabetes and...

System & Method to Monitor and Assist Individual’s Sleep 10/11/2022

All of us sleep but the sleep quality differs tremendously. There is so much happening in our body while we sleep but all that we remember is going to bed, experiencing few dreams rarely and waking up in the morning. There exists a need to come up with a user-friendly, simple but thorough sleep assist system that promises good-quality sleep.

System & Method to Monitor and Assist Individual’s Sleep Sleep is integral for a good quality of life despite which many of us ignore it prioritizing all other things in life. It is a universal phenomenon that helps a person get back his/her energy stores,...

Patent: Methods and Systems for Treating Cancer & Other Age-related Diseases by Extending the Healthspan of a Human 09/11/2022

We have always thought of procedures and treatments for inhibiting ageing in individuals which in turn helps to minimize the occurrence of diseases such as cancer. The invention patented here is of utmost use in each of our lives as it provides a method and system for extending healthspan and lifespan of humans as well as for preventing the onset of diseases such as cancer.

Patent: Methods and Systems for Treating Cancer & Other Age-related Diseases by Extending the Healthspan of a Human Ageing is inevitable and remains the most familiar aspect of human biology. Almost 1/5th of the human population would be individuals aged above 60 by 2050 as the average life expectancy has...

Surprise Package: Big Data & healthcare 09/11/2022

Reputed organizations are trying to gain access and pledge ownership to huge treasures of medical data to come up with innovative ways to reduce a person’s risk of developing or dying from stroke or heart disease. A photo of your retina or the smartphone in your hand might be capable of determining your risk of heart attack and stroke in some years.

Surprise Package: Big Data & healthcare One fine day you sit down to browse and surprisingly all the ads that pop up interest you-the all-new handbag collection, latest range of athleisure stuffs or interesting travel options. You are both...

When to Cut the Umbilical Cord in Babies? 08/11/2022

Cutting off the cord from the placenta and from the baby’s belly (after leaving some 3-4 cms) within 10-15 seconds has been in practice since ages unknown. Why don’t we give the mom and baby some more time before cutting the cord when it’s going to be a better choice in terms of health for the little one?

When to Cut the Umbilical Cord in Babies? Wow! The baby’s out after hours and hours of labor. Umbilical cord-the magical connection between you and your baby that served as the primary means for exchange of nutrients and oxygen-rich blood...

Hanging on to the Internet to Improve Children’s Nutrition Consumption 07/11/2022

Health programs that are conducted for children take place in various settings and such programs are crucial as they form the foundation for strong eating habits as adults. The latest trend is Social Marketing and web-based interventions seem to be effective in changing behavior.

Hanging on to the Internet to Improve Children’s Nutrition Consumption Who is ready for a pizza party at home? Irrespective of age (be it a toddler or an elderly person, adolescent or a middle-aged man) almost all of us raise our hands. Sophistication, advancement and...

Patent: Use of a composition comprising fish oil and juice for the treatment of inflammation 03/11/2022

Inflammation is a necessary evil that has consequences depending on the type of inflammation that happens in every individual. A composition of fish oil and juice is a good cure against this problem.

Patent: Use of a composition comprising fish oil and juice for the treatment of inflammation Inflammation is not bad all the time! Think of those times when you have a cut in your finger or bang your elbows against a door and the surrounding area is inflamed-its acute inflammation and this...

Patent: Portable Fitness Device 03/11/2022

There are some others who exercise regularly at home but find it impractical to workout at their place of travel. The invention patented here is a portable fitness device that includes deployment methods for use and also methods to disassemble the invention to enable transportation.

Patent: Portable Fitness Device Fitness is a part of our everyday life irrespective of our place, nature of stay or time. A critical business meeting cannot make you forego your morning walk or a sought-after holiday trip should...

Patent: Method for Preparing a Customized Exercise Strategy 02/11/2022

It seems like we have forgotten to pamper our health! Time is precious and we are running behind money and other materialistic pleasures in life forgetting the fact that all these can exist only if we remain healthy. The invention patented here solves all the insufficiencies/drawbacks of the traditional methods and improves exercise prescription methods thereby preparing and monitoring an exercise strategy and prescription.

Patent: Method for Preparing a Customized Exercise Strategy It seems like we have forgotten to pamper our health! Time is precious and we are running behind money and other materialistic pleasures in life forgetting the fact that all these can exist only if...

Infertility Treatments Increase Risks during Pregnancies 02/11/2022

Though using IVF/IUI methods for conception have become extremely common these days the associated risks in some cases are undeniable. Remember, IVF/IUI methods are absolutely unnecessary unless there is an underlying fertility problem that cannot be reversed. Else, natural conception is guaranteed by implementing lifestyle changes and being active.

Infertility Treatments Increase Risks during Pregnancies Opting for infertility treatments exists as the last option for couples who are unable to conceive due to various reasons right from obesity problems, sperm/ovary-related problems and many others....

Haphazard Distribution of Gut Bacteria in the Intestine Linked to Restless Leg Syndrome 01/11/2022

While microorganisms are present all over the body it’s those that exist in the gut that have a bigger share on our health and wellness. Sometimes, overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine is predominantly present in those with restless leg syndrome.

Haphazard Distribution of Gut Bacteria in the Intestine Linked to Restless Leg Syndrome The gut bacteria in your stomach has the power to influence your mood, affect your immune system and alter your metabolism. In short, it has the reigns over you and your life. There are millions of...

Pursue Certain Exercises to Dethrone Obesity Gene’s Effect on Weight Gain 31/10/2022

Nowadays, we have innumerable exercise trends hovering over us every single day of life-HIIT, burpees, power yoga, boot camps and so on. Given here are the best exercise routines that shower maximum benefits on those predisposed to the obesity gene.

Pursue Certain Exercises to Dethrone Obesity Gene’s Effect on Weight Gain Man can mimic God by cloning or by even making test tube babies but altering gene sequences and recreating genetic codes haven’t been successful until now. Maybe that’s why though we have been...

Dads Take Pleasure in Performing Childcare Activities 31/10/2022

The idea of a ‘good father’ has seen a stupendous change over the decades and dads these days are supported for being sensitive, caring and attached. Its time to look into the role played by a dad in his child’s life and how he can contribute towards well-being of the kid.

Dads Take Pleasure in Performing Childcare Activities ​50% of parents are dads but still 99% of research on parenting focuses solely on the mothers! This is indeed frustrating and depressing for the dads who are trying to engage themselves in as much...

Healthy Older Adults: Save on Calories & Spend on Nutrition 28/10/2022

It’s not surprising to see elderly people live well into their 80s and 90s these days, following an active lifestyle and brimming full of energy. While younger years are built upon the energy provided by the food we eat, our food choices become drastically important in defining our health as we grow older.

Healthy Older Adults: Save on Calories & Spend on Nutrition It’s not surprising to see elderly people live well into their 80s and 90s these days, following an active lifestyle and brimming full of energy. Though not something new, various studies keep...

Pacing Ahead Towards the Cancer Finish Race: Obesity Vs Smoking 28/10/2022

Maybe it’s time now to change our warning messages before movie screening from showing the harsh effects of smoking to the devastating consequences of obesity in our lives. While thinking about their consequences seem dangerous to be frank, its effects are now visible in real life.

Pacing Ahead Towards the Cancer Finish Race: Obesity Vs Smoking Maybe its time now to change our warning messages before movie screening from showing the harsh effects of smoking to the devastating consequences of obesity in our lives. All the while there has...

Ensuring that Mankind’s Gift, Emotion, Remains Intact 27/10/2022

Understanding people and judging their emotions is an art that not everybody excels at. Intelligence can be acquired but emotions must be fairly natural to the individual. You might give yourself a distinction in intelligence quotient (IQ) but where exactly do you stand in terms of emotional intelligence?

Ensuring that Mankind’s Gift, Emotion, Remains Intact Understanding people and judging their emotions is an art that not everybody excels at. Intelligence can be acquired but emotions must be fairly natural to the individual. Many might post an...

Smitten by Intermittent Fasting? 27/10/2022

If delaying your meal by an hour or so is sure to make you hangry (hunger anger) then intermittent fasting is not your cup of tea. But, even if delaying your meal or skipping food altogether doesn’t bother you, is intermittent fasting (IF) a heathy approach to weight loss or even good health?

Smitten by Intermittent Fasting? If delaying your meal by an hour or so is sure to make you hangry (hunger anger) then intermittent fasting is not your cup of tea. But, even if delaying your meal or skipping food altogether...

Gestational Intake Affects Neonatal Adiposity & Other Important Outcomes 25/10/2022

Women in reproductive age worldwide suffer from obesity/overweight and so do younger adults, adolescents and kids. Such high prevalence of obesity during early years has been attributed to several risk factors including having a serious effect on the infant size at birth and obesity risk later during life.

Gestational Intake Affects Neonatal Adiposity & Other Important Outcomes Children are replicas of their moms and dads mostly with some of them not bearing any attributes of their parents which is rare. Personality and characteristic trait are genetically transferred which...

A Busy Person’s Guide to Weight Loss 25/10/2022

Life is a crazy wheel that spins incessantly until your death. Whether you are busy at work or occupied with household chores, it can be mind-boggling to fit exercise routines in between over-packed responsibilities but as a matter of fact, exercise can be a stress-buster. There are a few adept ways in which you can skillfully balance exercise routines and other commitments.

A Busy Person’s Guide to Weight Loss The universe is filled with people busy doing nothing or doing many things simultaneously. If you are one of those juggling frenzy work schedules (working around 14 hours every day), focusing on...

A Word of Caution on the Exercise Action Needed for What You Eat Reduces Intake 21/10/2022

The advent of weight issues led to the birth of healthier versions of different dishes, salads and more whose recipes often contain calorie specification. Maybe labelling processed food and drinks with the amount of exercise needed to burn off the calories present in them could invoke our curiosity and repel us away from them!

A Word of Caution on the Exercise Action Needed for What You Eat Reduces Intake We believe what we see and trust our eyes utmost. A kind gesture by someone right in front of our eyes moves us and we form a positive picture about the individual involved in the act. Hearing...

Food: Beyond Nutrition, a Source of Gratification 21/10/2022

‘Eat to live’ holds good no more. More than a means of survival, food is considered to be a source of satisfaction, a reward for some achievement or a means to drown away your sorrows. This is one of the main reasons why no kind of a diet plan works successfully in the long run mainly because these plans don’t bring in alterations in your existing meal menus but introduce something very new that’s hard to follow practically in the long run.

Food: Beyond Nutrition, a Source of Gratification In theory weight loss looks extremely simple-burn more calories than you consume but in practice it needs greater willpower and patience. Maybe if people are challenged or guaranteed a reward for...

Flinching Away from Binge-watching 20/10/2022

People have started calling in sick to work, college and schools just to complete the entire season at one go! Streaming networks have completely transformed our viewing routines. What started as a weekly series in our televisions decades back are fed into our smartphones altogether in a jiffy. Such streaming services have in fact taken away the surprise elements offered to us. In fact, research even shows that binge watching episodes decreases satisfaction levels compared to viewing them at a normal pace!

Flinching Away from Binge-watching When was the last time you were glued to your television screen, laptop or mobile binge-watching your favourite series online? Today, yesterday or last week? Most of our answers would be within these...

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