Healthcare and wellness

The Hearty Women is an initiative by the Heartfulness Institute.


A practical guide to living a more peaceful and fulfilling life:

1. Let go of the past and the future. Live in the present moment and focus on what you can control.

2. Don't compare yourself to others. Everyone is on their own unique journey. Focus on your own goals and progress.

3. Be grateful for what you have. Take the time to appreciate the good things in your life, big or small.

4. Be kind to yourself and others. Treat yourself and others with compassion and understanding.

5. Find your purpose in life. What are you passionate about? What do you want to achieve with your life? Find your purpose and live in alignment with it.

6. Meditate regularly. Meditation is a powerful tool for calming the mind and reducing stress.

7. Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to the present moment without judgment.

8. Let go of attachments. Attachments to people, places, and things can lead to suffering. Learn to let go of attachments and live a more carefree life.

9. Live simply. Don't chase after material possessions and external validation. Focus on what is truly important to you and live a simple life.

10. Forgive yourself and others. Forgiveness is essential for healing and moving on from the past. Forgive yourself and others for their mistakes.

Is something holding you back?
Click for an instant⚡️online or in-clinic appointment with an expert.


1. Realise that other people's rudeness is not about you. When someone is rude, it's likely to reflect their own issues.

2. Ask yourself what else the comment or behaviour might mean. For example, if someone doesn't smile or say hello, they might be shy.

3. constructively take comments or criticism. Ask yourself if there's any truth and what you can learn.

4. Take a different perspective. Ask yourself how an unbiased outsider would see the situation.

5. Realise that you can't please everyone.

6. Know that your mistakes or criticism does not define you.

7. Realise that your self-worth depends on you. It does not depend on what others say about you.

Is something holding you back?
Click for an instant⚡️online or in-clinic appointment with an expert.

Our Marriage Counsellors Share 5 Truths About Love - Hope Trust 10/10/2023

Our Marriage Counsellors Share 5 Truths About Love - Hope Trust We have helped many couples work on their relationships as professionalrelationship counsellors. They are in it for the long haul and want to learn to connect, communicate, and recognise each other better.


This is a tribute to a man who showed his loyalty and committment to Hope Trust. Dr Ankineedu Prasad Valluru . Joined us in 2004. Left this world on October 1, 2023.

Been part of our struggles and achievements. We remember his stubborness in using tough love with addiction cases. but also saw a loving brother, fatherly figure with patients and an extremely generous team member. An untimely departure for the realms unknown.

How can we imagine Hope without you!! Everyone has something to share and cherish about you.

Staff and many colleagues - sharing shock and disbelief.

At a personal level, we are shattered. Prasad - you will be badly missed.

Stay at peace. Rest in peace🙏


If you lack self-confidence, read this

1️⃣ Understand Everyone is Human:

Realise everyone, even the 'cool' ones, has their struggles and insecurities. Acknowledge that you are not alone in your feelings of self-doubt.

2️⃣ Give Yourself Some Credit:

Regularly reflect on your accomplishments and progress. Validate your achievements and use them to foster a positive self-view and, more vital, self-belief.

3️⃣ Step Out of Your Comfort Zone:

Seek growth by embracing new and uncomfortable situations. Explore, learn, and gain confidence through diverse experiences and environments.

4️⃣ Enhance Your Appearance:

Cultivate a personal style that makes you feel good inside and out. A polished appearance can boost your self-esteem and the way others perceive you.

5️⃣ Learn from Your Mistakes:

View every mistake as a learning opportunity. Accept them, extract the lessons, and move forward with enriched knowledge and perspective.

6️⃣ Prioritize Action over Overthinking:

Curtail excessive planning and act more. Each action, regardless of the outcome, is a step towards building a more confident you.

7️⃣ Develop a Positive Self-Dialogue:
Reiterate positive affirmations and beliefs about yourself daily. Reinforce your subconscious with positive thoughts and witness the growth in your self-confidence.

8️⃣ Take Calculated Risks:

Break your fears into smaller, more manageable steps and face them. Conquering your fears, bit by bit fortifies your self-confidence and resilience.

Is something holding you back?
Click for an instant⚡️online or in-clinic appointment with an expert.

Does Online Mental Health Therapy Work for You? - Hope Trust 27/09/2023

Does Online Mental Health Therapy Work for You? - Hope Trust While telehealth has been around for some time, it wasn't until the COVID-19 pandemic overturned our lives that online therapy sessions entered the mainstream.


1️⃣ Self-respect comes from self-control. You'll never respect yourself if you're a slave to people-pleasing and external validation.

2️⃣ Just because a relationship has lasted a long time doesn't mean it's working.

3️⃣ Imagine playing Monopoly and never buying any assets or investments that generate income. Imagine you just went around collecting Rs. 10,000, giving your money to the rich, and trying to stay out of jail. This is how most people live their lives.

4️⃣ Social media is designed to make you think: "Maybe I should be somewhere else, doing something else, with someone else." But if you always think your happiness is elsewhere, it'll never be where you are.

5️⃣ Your time and energy are leaking from three cracks:

* Social media
* Overthinking
* Meaningless relationships

Instead of productivity hacks, fix these cracks first.

6️⃣ If someone can't tell what their flaws are, they have the most dangerous flaw of them all: a lack of self-awareness.

7️⃣ Someone's ability to resist material things says more about their character than their ability to obtain them.

8️⃣ Success is 5% brains & 95% consistency.

Is something holding you back?
Click for an instant⚡️online or in-clinic appointment with an expert.


Compatibility is how well you get along with your partner.

You may be compatible when you relate to someone, like their company, and share essential ideals.

You and your spouse may not share all the same hobbies, interests, and beliefs, but you have much in common and can communicate well to resolve differences.

If you and your partner are incompatible, you may have different opinions and ideas, making communication difficult and conflict frequent.

10 signs of compatibility:

👉Positive Interactions
Positive relationship interactions should exceed arguments and unpleasant experiences.

This suggests that you and your partner immediately click and feel drawn to each other. Your interactions show respect and active participation.

After spending time together, you relate to them and want to learn more about them while sharing more of yourself. You trust and get along with each other.

👉Similar Values
Shared values in areas like:
Personal life: family, work, lifestyle, finances
Social life
World views

Research reveals that comparable attitudes towards your partner increase relationship satisfaction, whereas opposite perspectives increase stress and conflict.

👉Shared Long-Term Goals
Compatibility also means seeking the same things in life.

If you and your partner have different preferences, you may argue, which could generate tension and end your relationship.

👉Physical Attraction
Instant physical attraction ("love at first sight") can bring people together and inspire them to spend time together and get to know each other.

👉Emotional Balance
Being attuned to each other's feelings and on the same emotional wavelength helps you form a profound emotional bond. This leads to trust and intimacy.

👉A similar sense of humour
Similar senses of humour and joy in one another's presence help compatibility. Playfulness and laughter improve relationships.

Being honest about your feelings, hopes, and dreams without judgment shows compatibility.

👉Support Each Other
Compatibility doesn't require you and your partner to share the same tastes, hobbies, and interests.

Compatible people support and encourage each other's hobbies and passions. This includes respecting and accepting their preferences, even if they differ from yours.

👉Communicating Well
Understanding and speaking each other's love language helps you give and receive love generously.

True compatibility implies acknowledging and accepting each other's defects and weaknesses as long as no one is harmed.

👉Compatibility Over Time
Compatibility changes over time.

Your compatibility rises if you and your partner share thoughts and personalities. However, your compatibility may suffer if your emotional baggage clashes with your partner's unresolved concerns.

If you have a relationship issue, click for an online appointment with a therapist.


If you're still single, please read this:

1. Be single until you attract the right person ready to love you unconditionally.

2. Take yourself out on dates, buy gifts for yourself, and take care of yourself. You don't need to be in a relationship to enjoy your life.

3. Choose to marry a teammate, not a soulmate. Love is never enough to have longer and more committed relationships.

4. Don't date if your life is chaotic. First, build yourself physically, mentally and financially.

5. The worst thing in life is ending up with the wrong partner and not being alone. So, choose who will complement your life.

6. Build strong connections with people before you settle to marry.

7. Learn how to deal with your emotions and heal your childhood traumas before you make someone's life miserable.

8. Date and get heartbroken. You'll learn how to deal with losses and identify the right people.

9. Invest in a good wardrobe and always mind your appearance because you'll always attract someone of your level.

10. Never marry your age, mate. Find someone who has experienced much about life more than you do.

11. Single doesn't mean you're lonely. Single means "I'm resting my heart until it's ready to love again".

12. Self-love is the best relationship. Love and appreciate yourself because no one else will do it for you.

Is something holding you back?
Click for an instant⚡️online or in-clinic appointment with an expert.


Hope Trust Welcome to the page of HOPE TRUST. Simply click 'Like' and get daily dose of inspiration & updates from India’s leading psychological wellness and addiction treatment facility!


We’re here to support you for a more fulfilling life!

Click or call 9000850001 for an instant⚡️online or in-clinic appointment with an expert.



Alcoholism and addiction: Whenever we use or pick up a drink, we play Russian Roulette.

In Russian Roulette, participants load a bullet into a revolver, spin the cylinder, place the gun to their head, and pull the trigger.

The outcome is uncertain and potentially deadly. Similarly, individuals struggling with alcoholism and addiction often engage in behaviour that carries significant risks, both to their physical and mental health, as well as their overall well-being.

Just as Russian Roulette can have dire consequences if the trigger is pulled and the bullet fires, addiction and alcoholism can lead to severe and sometimes life-threatening consequences. These include health problems, damaged relationships, financial ruin, and legal troubles.

In both cases, there's an element of chance involved. Some people may experiment with substances or alcohol recreationally and never become addicted, while others can become dependent on them after just a few uses. Likewise, not everyone who plays Russian Roulette will face the worst outcome, but the risks are substantial.

Those trapped in the cycle of addiction often struggle to control their substance use, just as someone who pulls the trigger in Russian Roulette has limited control over the outcome. The urge to continue using or drinking can overpower an individual's rational judgment. Russian Roulette is a dangerous game, and each trigger pull restarts the risk cycle. Similarly, addiction can create a destructive cycle where individuals may repeatedly engage in risky behaviour despite adverse consequences, perpetuating the danger to their health and well-being.

It's important to note that while the metaphor helps emphasise the dangers of addiction and alcoholism, these conditions are not solely a matter of chance. They involve complex factors such as genetics, environment, psychological factors, and personal choices. Treatment and support can play a crucial role in helping individuals break free from the cycle of addiction, reducing the element of chance involved in their recovery.

With every drink and drug an addict takes, they are gambling with their life.

If you or a loved one is struggling with an add, Book an⚡️instant online or in-clinic appointment by calling 9000850001 or visiting the website:


Registrations Open!

Psychology Internships for Intermediate, UG, PG & Post PG Students!

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Su***de prevention requires collective efforts, strategies, and practices to reduce the incidence of su***de.

Hope Trust™️ is actively working towards su***de prevention through:

1. Public Awareness and Education: Increasing public understanding about the signs and symptoms of mental health disorders and when and how to seek help.

2. Mental Health Services: Ensuring accessible, affordable, and effective mental health care.

3. Training: Special training for professionals and community members to identify and help those at risk.

4. School-Based Interventions: Programs that focus on life skills, emotional regulation, and promoting resilience among students.

5. Support After Su***de Attempts: Ensuring those who have attempted su***de receive adequate follow-up care, as they are at higher risk of another attempt.

6. Community Engagement: Encouraging open conversations about mental health and su***de to reduce stigma.

If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, it's crucial to seek professional help immediately.

Call 9000850001 or click for an instant⚡️online or in-clinic appointment with an expert.



5 Powerful💪 Secrets of Success😎😎

1️⃣ The Power of Positive Thinking

Our thoughts have a powerful impact on our emotions, behaviours, and, ultimately, our reality. When we focus on positive thoughts, we create a more positive outlook on life, which can lead to greater happiness, success, and resilience.

2️⃣ Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

We all have limiting beliefs that hold us back from achieving our goals. These beliefs are often based on past experiences or negative thoughts about ourselves. However, we can overcome these beliefs by challenging them and replacing them with more positive and empowering beliefs.

3️⃣ Mastering Self-Discipline

Self-discipline is the ability to control our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours to achieve our goals. It is essential for success in any area of life. We can develop self-discipline by setting goals, making a plan, and taking action consistently.

4️⃣ Building Resilience

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks and challenges. It is essential for dealing with the inevitable ups and downs of life. We can build resilience by learning from our mistakes, accepting responsibility for our actions, and staying positive in the face of adversity.

5️⃣ Creating a Mindful Life

Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to the present moment without judgment. It is a powerful tool for reducing stress, increasing self-awareness, and cultivating inner peace. We can cultivate mindfulness through meditation, yoga, and other practices.

Applying these lessons, you can create a more positive, fulfilling, and successful life.

Is something holding you back?
Book an⚡️instant online or in-clinic appointment by calling 9000850001 or visiting the website:


You have the power to shape your life by consciously choosing what you feed your mind. By incorporating positive affirmations, cherishing positive memories, setting and working toward goals, and surrounding yourself with uplifting influences, you can foster personal growth and cultivate a more fulfilling and optimistic future. Your mind is your greatest asset; nourish it wisely, and watch yourself flourish.

Book an⚡️instant online or in-clinic appointment by calling 9000850001 or visiting the website:


Cockroach Theory

The cockroach theory for self-development

At a restaurant, a cockroach suddenly flew from somewhere and sat on a lady.

She started screaming out of fear.

With a panic-stricken face and trembling voice, she started jumping, with both her hands desperately trying to get rid of the cockroach.

Her reaction was contagious, as everyone in her group also got panicky.

The lady finally managed to push the cockroach away, but it landed on another lady in the group.

Now, it was the turn of the other lady in the group to continue the drama.

The waiter rushed forward to their rescue.

In the relay of throwing, the cockroach next fell upon the waiter.

The waiter stood firm, composed himself and observed the behaviour of the cockroach on his shirt.

When he was confident, he grabbed it with his fingers and threw it out of the restaurant.

Sipping my coffee and watching the amusement, the antenna of my mind picked up a few thoughts and started wondering, was the cockroach responsible for their histrionic behaviour?

If so, then why was the waiter not disturbed?

He handled it near to perfection, without any chaos.

It is not the cockroach but the inability of those people to handle the disturbance caused by the cockroach that disturbed the ladies.

I realised that it is not the shouting of my father, my boss, or my wife that disturbs me, but I cannot handle the disturbances caused by their shouting that bothers me.

It's not the traffic jams on the road that disturb me, but my inability to handle the disturbance caused by the traffic jam bothers me.

More than the problem, it's my reaction to the problem that creates chaos in my life.

Lessons learnt from the story:

We should not react in life.

We should always respond.

The women reacted, whereas the waiter responded.

Reactions are always instinctive, whereas responses are always well thought out.

The HAPPY person is not because Everything is RIGHT in their Life.

They are HAPPY because their Attitude towards Everything in their Life is Right!

Is something bothering you?
Click for an instant⚡️online or in-clinic appointment with an expert.


August is about to end.

The year has only four months left and It’s a sign for us that everything is fleeting. Some of your plans may not turn out to be the ones that you profoundly expected. Some unplanned things happen unexpectedly.

And Change is the only constant thing that you would get throughout your journey. Some people we met are only seasonal and some of us think that there are opportunities that doesn’t last a lifetime.

You see everything is happened for certain reasons.

Health is more precious than your unnecessary thoughts. Parents always became the priority over anything. We argue with our life battles but still we are blessed for the things that we have. Healthy life and a happy disposition is what we should asking for. You have to focus on your progress and not by your downfalls.

You see life is uncertain and unpredictable. But whats more important is how we able to enjoy it by not having any regrets and disappointments.

We can all change for the better and to tell you. —IT IS NOT TOO LATE!

You will have your time. Just trust the process. Have faith, and have Hope.

Is something holding you back?
Click for an instant⚡️online or in-clinic appointment with an expert.


Dear Clients, Team Members, and Well-Wishers,

As we celebrate the 21st anniversary of Hope Trust, we are filled with immense gratitude and pride. Your unwavering support, trust, and dedication have been the cornerstone of our journey, a journey marked by commitment, ethics, and innovation.

Over the past two decades, we have faced numerous challenges, ups and downs. Still, our resolve to provide exceptional mental health care has never wavered. We have emerged stronger with each obstacle, adapting and innovating to continue serving those in need.

To our clients, thank you for entrusting us with your care. Your courage and resilience inspire us every day.

To our employees, your dedication and professionalism are the heartbeat of our facility. Your tireless efforts have shaped us into a beacon of hope and healing.

To our well-wishers, your faith and encouragement have been our guiding light, propelling us forward.

Together, we have built a legacy of compassion, excellence, and integrity. As we look to the future, we are excited to continue this journey with you, embracing new opportunities and reaching new heights.

Thank you for being a part of our story. Here's to many more years of making a difference in the lives of those we serve.

How Compromise Helps Your Relationship, According to Therapists - Hope Trust 09/08/2023

How Compromise Helps Your Relationship, According to Therapists - Hope Trust Compromise is an essential skill in relationships. It can help you and your partner find a middle ground and resolve conflicts. Why is compromise important, and should you or shouldn’t you compromise? What Is Compromise? When you are in a relationship, chances are you and your partner will have di...


"The greater the doubt, the greater the awakening." ~ Albert Einstein

Here are some ways that we can apply this quote to our own lives:

• Be open to doubt. We should be open to doubt and not just accept things because people in authority say them.

• Question our assumptions. We should question our beliefs and not just take things for granted.

• Be willing to see the world in new ways. We should be willing to see the world in new ways and challenge our beliefs.

• Be patient. It takes time and effort to overcome doubt. We should be patient with ourselves and not give up.

Something bothers you?
Book an⚡️instant online or in-clinic appointment by calling 9000850001 or visiting the website:

How Being Constantly Busy Affects Your Well-Being - Hope Trust 04/08/2023

How Being Constantly Busy Affects Your Well-Being - Hope Trust Being busy is frequently regarded as a badge of honour and a measure of self-worth, with a lack of free time considered a clear indicator of social rank.


Promise Yourself…

To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.

To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.

To make all your friends feel that there is something in them

To look at the sunny side of everything
and make your optimism come true.

To think only the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best.

To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.

To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.

To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile.

To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.

To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud words but great deeds.

To live in faith that the whole world is on your side so long as you are true to the best that is in you.

Is something holding you back?
Click for an instant⚡️online or in-clinic appointment with an expert.


Your most important life decision is who you have kids with.

Here’s how to find the right person:

1. Don’t try to find the right woman.

Attract her by becoming the right person.

2. Men want respect and to feel useful.

Women want appreciation and to feel loved.

3. Women prove loyalty by staying with you when you’re broke.

Men prove loyalty by staying with you when you’re sick.

Trust and loyalty are the glue of any serious relationship.

4. Don’t seek approval.

It’s not her job to make you happy. That’s your responsibility.

He should boost your happiness, not be the source.

No need to put unnecessary pressure on each other.

5. Be decisive - Know what you want.

A woman is attracted to a man with a strong sense of purpose and leadership.

In a world where people can’t choose which restaurant to visit, stand out by making quick, adaptable decisions.

6. Women want to be heard

Sometimes the best form of communication is to listen.

When you try to fix all her problems, she thinks you’re not listening to her.

Women need to acknowledge and appreciate men trying to fix problems but over-communicate when he needs to listen.

7. Any problems you don’t address in a relationship will return after marriage, and it won’t be pretty.

Don’t pretend to be perfect.

Do what is difficult now when the problem is minor.

Vulnerability is essential for mutual growth.

Are you having relationship issues? Click for an instant online or in-person appointment with a couples counsellor.


Post-Covid, tele-therapy has become popular with more and more people preferring online counselling.

Online therapy is:



✔️Saves time and money

Hope Trust™️ has over 25 psychologists and psychiatrists for all your emotional, psychological, relationship, parenting issues.

Click for an instant⚡️online or in-clinic appointment with an expert.


IWN Southern Region "Say Yes" Leadership Series invites you to a Zoom webinar

Jul 27, 2023 03:00 PM -5.30 IST

Topic: Burn Out

Zoom Link:
Passcode: 361804


1. "Yesterday I was clever so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise so I am changing myself."

2. "The quieter you become the more you are able to hear."

3. "The art of knowing is knowing what to ignore. Ignore those that make you fearful and sad, that degrade you back towards disease and death."

4. "It's your road, and yours alone, others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you."

5. "The wound is the place where the Light enters you."

6. "Excuses are fabricated illusions we create to rationalize our behaviors when we're too afraid to go after what we really want."

7. "Inside you there's an artist you don't know about."

8. "As you start to walk on the way, the way appears."

9. "Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."

10. "The garden of the world has no limits, except in your mind."

11. "Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life."

12. "When you let go of who you are, you become who you might be."

Is something holding you back?
Click for an instant⚡️online or in-clinic appointment with an expert.


Alcohol has been giving people psychoactive vibes for centuries! 🍸💫

If you've ever indulged in a delightful alcoholic beverage, you're probably well acquainted with these oh-so-relatable effects. 💃🍹

A few drinks now and then, or even making it a regular thing, can seriously impact your overall well-being.

Stay mindful of that! 💪🏼🍹

Short- and Long-Term Effects of Alcohol Consumption

People have been drinking alcohol for its psychoactive effects for centuries. If you’ve ever had an alcoholic drink, you’re probably familiar with some of these effects.

However, it’s important to note that drinking alcohol, whether occasionally or frequently, can take a major toll on your health.

The WHO also notes that globally, alcohol consumption plays a role in over 3 million deaths per year.

Drinking alcohol can be harmful not only to your health but also to your work, studies, relationships, and community.

Short-Term Risks and Effects

· Alcohol poisoning, which is a medical emergency situation
· Violence, including domestic abuse, s*xual assault, su***de, and homicide
· Unprotected s*x, which can cause s*xually transmitted infections
· Injuries such as falls, burns, drownings, and road accidents
· Fetal harm, in the case of pregnant people, miscarriage, or stillbirth

Long-Term Risks

Alcohol affects many of the organ systems in your body and leads to several different health conditions, such as:

⚠️Brain Damage
· Impaired ability to focus, which may lead to learning difficulties and memory problems
· Difficulty with balance, coordination, and movements
· Changes in mood and behaviour can lead to mental health issues

· High blood pressure
· Arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats)
· Heart disease
· Stroke
· Liver Diseases
· Reduced Immunity
· Cancer
· Diabetes

😨Alcohol Use Disorder

Drinking alcohol can cause you to become dependent on it and develop a substance use disorder known as alcoholism. You will experience intense cravings for alcohol and need to drink more and more each time. When the effects of the alcohol wear off, you experience withdrawal symptoms such as sweating and shaking.

⚠️Other Risks of Alcohol Consumption

· Work-related problems
· Relationship problems
· Social problems (reputation)

Alcohol use can be harmful to you in many different ways. While the risks increase with long-term use, it’s important to note that even a single occasion of alcohol use can lead to negative consequences.

If you think you or a loved one is having an issue with drinking, click for an instant⚡ online appointment with a specialist.

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