Lighthouse for Christ Mission

Healing physical and spiritual blindness on the East Coast of Africa since 1969.


Did you know that praying for a friend is a powerful way to show you care? It gives them hope and strength to face tough times. This is why we're asking for your prayers here at Lighthouse for Christ Mission in Mombasa, Kenya. We are on a mission to bring encouragement and spiritual growth as well as healing physical blindness along the eastern coast of Kenya.

Join us in praying for God's guidance and blessings as we work to heal physical and spiritual blindness. Every prayer makes a difference! The Bible tells us praying with others can be a source of strength. Share this post with two of your friends.

Photos from Lighthouse for Christ Mission's post 05/08/2024

Our students at Lighthouse for Christ Mission Bible School aren’t just studying the Bible and how to share the gospel of Christ to a world in spiritual blindness. They also get hands-on experience every week in the computer lab as well as instruction and practice at the welding workshop! These skills help equip the students for both ministry and life after graduation. The students also learn about the work at the Lighthouse Eye Center adjacent to the Bible school where people are healed from physical blindness.

Would you like to be a part? Your prayers and donations are blessings that help prepare and equip these young future pastors and leaders! Donate today at

Photos from Lighthouse for Christ Mission's post 31/07/2024

Operations at our new satellite eye clinic in Voi got underway in June! The new larger space allows for better serving of eye patients. The satellite clinic also has a fully equipped surgical theatre which helps take care of some surgeries without having to travel into Mombasa. We are grateful for this clinic expansion that helps bring healing of physical blindness in Voi town while it shares the love of Jesus and spreads the gospel in that community.
None of this would be possible without your generous donations! We are grateful to many who donated to provide for the Voi satellite clinic.

For the ongoing work of ending spiritual darkness and healing physical blindness, donate today and make a real difference in someone's life.

Photos from Lighthouse for Christ Mission's post 18/07/2024

This Thursday, we're honoring Dr. Bill Ghrist, the visionary who founded Lighthouse for Christ Mission 56 years ago. His mission to spread light and hope of Jesus continues to inspire us today.

Thanks to You, our supporters, we can keep shining. We're grateful for your continued dedication to helping us heal spiritual blindness. However, we still need your help in order for us to continue healing spiritual and physical blindness. Help us reach even more people! Share this post with two friends and help us to grow. visit to give.

Photos from Lighthouse for Christ Mission's post 12/07/2024

Eight years ago Faith seemed like any other healthy newborn. But, after two weeks of constant crying, her concerned mother took her to a local hospital for evaluation. She was diagnosed with retinoblastoma, a rare form of eye cancer. She needed urgent surgery on one of her eyes in order to save the other. The decision was heartbreaking for Faith’s mother, but her love for her daughter gave her courage to allow the surgery. It was a success after which Faith was fitted with a prosthetic eye. This restored her appearance and built her confidence in looking like other children.

Today, Faith is a happy and thriving young girl. Her mother’s smile has returned and they are both incredibly grateful to the skilled doctors at Lighthouse for Christ Eye Centre for saving Faith’s life through the surgery. You can join us in healing physical blindness and offering hope to the spiritually blind by donating to the work at Lighthouse for Christ. Follow this link for giving

Photos from Lighthouse for Christ Mission's post 02/07/2024

A Testimony From squint to straight!

Born with crossed eyes, 4 years old Mary Kiano, not only faced blurry vision but also social isolation. Her friends both at school and at home often left her out, not understanding her condition and appearance. This led to isolation and low self esteem. Mary also experienced difficulties with her school work because of nearsightedness and not having corrective glasses. Her mother, Gladys sought help from various hospitals with no success leaving her feeling hopeless to help Mary. Then they heard about and visited the new Lighthouse for Christ satellite clinic in Voi where Mary was seen and diagnosed by one of our doctors. He referred them to the Lighthouse For Christ Eye Center, Mombasa, where a volunteer specialist for this condition, known as Squint, was visiting. He was confident that Mary could get help from Dr. Doka. With hope, Mary’s mother, Gladys, traveled the 150-kilometer journey to Mombasa.

They arrived when Dr. Doka was conducting a Squint workshop and Mary was able to be seen right away. Dr. Doka's assessment was that Mary's Squint could be corrected and her sight could be improved after the procedure. Gladys's hope for Mary grew and she believed that her prayer was finally being answered. Soon Mary would have surgery to straighten her eyes.

The surgery now complete and without complications, they waited for the moment when the patch was removed. The joy was evident to everyone when Mary saw clearly for the first time in her life! Both Mary and her mother are grateful to Dr. Doka and the ministry of Lighthouse for Christ Mission. Gladys is encouraged that Mary will now be able to join in with her friends and that her school performance will improve. Glady’s words after Mary was released to return home express their joy and appreciation: "May you be blessed for changing my daughter's life! I speak blessings on each and every staff, doctors from Lighthouse, and specifically the visiting doctor who performed the surgery. My daughter's confidence has been over the roof since we left the hospital after the surgery."

Join us in this amazing Christ-centered outreach in East Africa to heal physical blindness and leave more and more positive testimonies like Mary Kiano's. Visit to get involved.


Every day, patients line up at our clinic to get eye care. Before their appointments, one of our pastors has a chance to chat and offer prayer. We believe God brings healing, and we're simply instruments spreading His message. Feel called to help? Join us in sharing the Good News along the coast! Visit our website at Lighthouse for Christ Mission to learn more about our work.


Are you thinking of serving in Mombasa, Kenya 🤔? The advantages of serving in this beautiful place go way beyond the beach and the rich ancient Swahili culture. However, Mombasa offers more than just a vacation vibe. There's still a large population of the unreached both physically and spiritually.

Are you ready to use your gift to serve others? Join our mission and contribute directly to healing spiritual and physical blindness on the East Coast of Africa. Visit to get in touch with us.


This heartwarming moment between a staff member and a patient might just be one of the best pictures of the year! A simple blessing on a random Tuesday reminds us that blessings come in all forms. Here at Lighthouse, we are dedicated to healing spiritual and physical blindness, like restoring sight through our Eye Center and offering spiritual guidance through our Christ centered programs. We are incredibly blessed by acts of kindness like this and by YOU!
You bless us with your time, energy, and resources which allow us to put smiles on faces and continue making a difference in the community.

Join us in making a difference! Visit our website to learn more about volunteering or donating

Photos from Lighthouse for Christ Mission's post 07/06/2024

Last week was such an incredible week at Lighthouse For Christ Mission marriage conference for pastors in Likoni! Huge thanks to our amazing volunteer speakers; The Worthings, The Jones, and Wright, who shared their wisdom, Personal stories, and guidance on building rock-solid marriages. They made a difference in many couple's lives. Head over to to see all the work that we do, and how you too can volunteer to make a difference in someone's life.

Photos from Lighthouse for Christ Mission's post 04/06/2024

We want to express our sincere gratitude to all the volunteer doctors who come to Lighthouse for Christ Eye Centre, Mombasa. Over the past few months, we've hosted various esteemed specialists. Among them are Dr. Brian Bowe, Dr. Kent Crews, Dr. Jimmy Brooks, Dr. Doug Rampona, Dr. David Doka, Dr. Sam Garette, and Dr. Howard Bunting.

These incredible doctors leave a lasting impact on our community, not only to patients but also on the staff at Lighthouse for Christ Mission. They share their expertise and knowledge with our staff and we are humbled by this gesture. We pray that God will continue to use them to restore physical sight through their medical skills, here on the East Coast of Africa.

To our volunteer doctors, who also share our passion for spreading the Good News and healing the spiritually blind, we thank you so much for your love towards Lighthouse For Christ Mission, and for volunteering to come serve and make a difference to the people of Mombasa.

As an Ophthalmologist, are you passionate about spreading the gospel? You can visit to see how you can get involved.

Photos from Lighthouse for Christ Mission's post 29/05/2024

These dedicated individuals serve in the Lighthouse for Christ mission evangelism committee in Mombasa, Kenya. They go above and beyond in ensuring that Lighthouse for Christ Mission keeps on evangelizing. The evangelism committee meets every month to lay structures that help us to continue serving the Lord and enrich His kingdom by spreading the Gospel. They are in charge of organizing prayer and fasting days, follow-up prayers for patients, prison visits, and arranging weekly devotions for the staff at Lighthouse.
The committee also organizes The Jesus Film which is broadcast in the villages as a way of reaching out to the communities. They have demonstrated utmost loyalty to Christ. We appreciate their dedication to mentor and spread the Word!
Take a moment to say a prayer for this committee as they serve Jesus in Mombasa.

Photos from Lighthouse for Christ Mission's post 22/05/2024

Simple joys are often the things we take for granted, but they can truly make a big difference in our overall joy. It's nice to take a moment and appreciate the little things in life, just like our Bible school students did. It was a sun, sand and Christ affair for our Bible school students. They had an excursion at the beach with their teacher, Mrs. Sara Bowe. They took time to appreciate the beauty of God's creation.

Lighthouse for Christ Mission Bible school equips and mentors the youth on being good disciples of Christ. Watching lives get saved and later being transformed to Christ's is such a blessing to us.

You can be part of the journey of transformation through supporting the Bible school in various ways. Visit our website for more details.

Photos from Lighthouse for Christ Mission's post 16/05/2024

Mrs. Sarah Bowe has been a true blessing to our Bible school for the past two months. The students absolutely adore her and strive to emulate her spirit. Sarah went above and beyond, by mentoring the ladies and building personal bonds with them, creating a safe and supportive environment for all.

To Mrs. Bowe, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you! Your time, dedication, and positive influence on our students will have a lasting impact.

Are you saved and are passionate about teaching and serving others? We'd love to have you join our team! Visit our website at to learn more about how you can get involved in making a difference.


Do you ever feel hesitant to share your faith? Maybe you worry about finding the right words or facing rejection. The Holy Spirit truly makes a difference in situations where we may feel hesitant or in situations that seem difficult.

Let's pray together for boldness to spread the gospel and heal spiritual blindness. Remember, Lighthouse for Christ Mission needs your prayers too! Together, let's commit to sharing the light of Christ. May God bless you!

Photos from Lighthouse for Christ Mission's post 06/05/2024

Bricks and Mortar create space, but it's the hope we share that creates a true Church community. A church is a symbol of unity, hope, and a place where all are welcome. It provides a space for worship, fellowship, and spiritual growth. This resonates with our mission of healing spiritual blindness.

The joy we see on the congregant's faces as we put our tools down after successfully building a church usually warms our hearts. We want to thank Trinity Church Virginia for sending in volunteers who helped us in our latest church build project! Their dedication and passion was truly impactful in making a dream become a reality. Thank You! Thank You! Thank you!

You too can join us today by volunteering your time to come build a church and witness God's presence in areas with limited or in some cases, no access to churches. May God bless you as you take this bold step.


One of the most powerful verses in Proverbs speaks to the importance of trusting in God. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight" (Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV). This verse emphasizes the need to surrender our limited understanding and place our faith in a higher power. When we do this, God promises to straighten our paths, even when they seem unclear.

Join us in spreading the good news and healing physical blindness here in the East Coast of Africa. You can help us in various ways including giving your time to come teach at the bible school. Visit to see how you can get involved!

Photos from Lighthouse for Christ Mission's post 24/04/2024

We are incredibly grateful for the dedicated team of visiting doctors who bring their expertise and compassion to our community. These remarkable doctors go above and beyond to provide exceptional and world-class care to our patients at Lighthouse for Christ Eye Center. Their willingness to share their knowledge and skills with our staff also makes a profound impact on our service delivery to our patients.

We want to thank the visiting doctors for their commitment to volunteering their time, willingness to travel to serve our community, and their dedication to providing specialized care which truly warms our hearts. Their presence shines a bright light on the importance of medical missions and exemplifies the true spirit of service.

Your contributions ensure that everyone in our community has access to quality healthcare, and we are truly blessed by your presence.

Dr. David Doka recently had a squint workshop at Lighthouse for Christ Eye Center, Mombasa Kenya for two weeks. He went above and beyond to heal physical blindness. We appreciate his time and dedication. Take some time and say a prayer for all our visiting doctors and dedicate them to the Lord.


Dr. Bowe together with his wife, Sara Bowe, have been a great addition to Lighthouse for Christ Eye Center, Mombasa for the past two months. Dr. Bowe has been actively teaching, treating, and advising, and his efforts have not gone unnoticed. His expertise has helped the patients immensely, and our staff has grown tremendously under his leadership. We are truly grateful for his contributions.

Dr. Bowe's commitment has motivated all of us to work hard to achieve our goals and continue healing spiritual and physical blindness. We appreciate his willingness to share his expertise and experience, which fosters a spirit of learning and progress at Lighthouse for Christ Eye Center.

We would like to express our gratitude to Dr. Bowe for being an invaluable member of our team, and we eagerly anticipate his continued efforts to provide the gift of sight to our community!


Dr. Bowe together with his wife, Sara Bowe, have been a great addition to Lighthouse for Christ Eye Center, Mombasa for the past two months. Dr. Bowe has been actively teaching, treating, and advising, and his efforts have not gone unnoticed. His expertise has helped the patients immensely, and our staff has grown tremendously under his leadership. We are truly grateful for his contributions.

Dr. Bowe's commitment has motivated all of us to work hard to achieve our goals and continue healing spiritual and physical blindness. We appreciate his willingness to share his expertise and experience, which fosters a spirit of learning and progress at Lighthouse for Christ Eye Center.

We would like to express our gratitude to Dr. Bowe for being an invaluable member of our team, and we eagerly anticipate his continued efforts to provide the gift of sight to our community!


Our Staff at Lighthouse for Christ Eye Center believe in teamwork. The best teamwork comes from praying together. We also understand and believe that healing goes beyond the physical state. Every Tuesday, We start our day seeking guidance and compassion as we serve our patients, knowing that our work serves a higher purpose. We find strength in our diversity and shared belief in the power of Jesus, healing, and serving our community.

Wherever you are, you can commit the staff at Lighthouse For Christ Eye Center to Christ and pray for them to continue serving and bringing hope to the community.


Meet Daniel Ndolo, He is on a journey of faith and knowledge at Lighthouse for Christ Mission Bible Institute by diving deep into the word of God. Join him and other young and vibrant bible school students on their incredible journey of becoming disciples of Christ. You can support those eager to learn the Word of God with your donations through

Together let's spread love and share the gift of understanding. If you are passionate and interested in teaching the word, You can also support the bible school by giving your time and visiting to teach at Lighthouse for Christ Mission Bible School. Your prayers and support mean so much to us! God bless you as you support us.


Matthew 5:16 NIV "In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."

Do you want to get involved in making a difference in someone's Life? Lighthouse for Christ Mission is on a crucial mission to glorify Jesus by healing physical and spiritual blindness on the East Coast of Africa.

We not only strive to heal individuals but to also create a ripple effect of hope and transformation that empowers them to lead fulfilling lives and contribute meaningfully to their communities.


Here at Lighthouse For Christ Eye Center, we're passionate about making a difference in the lives of those we serve. Seeing relief and appreciation on the faces of our patients regardless of their ages truly fills our hearts with joy.

It's these moments of connection and positive impact that make our work so rewarding. We're grateful for the opportunity to be a beacon of hope and support for our community.

If you're interested in learning more about Lighthouse and how you can get involved, visit our website or send us a message via our Instagram/Facebook.


Proverbs 17:22 NIV " A cheerful heart is good medicine but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Visit to see how you can bring beautiful smiles here at Lighthouse for Christ Mission.


Lighthouse for Christ Mission is blessed to have the unwavering leadership and compassionate hearts of Josh and Maggie Ghrist. Together, they embody what it means to live a life dedicated to serving others. We want to say a big Thank you for your incredible dedication and selfless service. We are truly grateful for your leadership and the positive impact you have on the world, especially on the East Coast of Africa, Mombasa.
Take a moment and say a prayer for Josh and Maggie, that God may replenish and give them strength, new ideas, and wisdom as they continue to steward Lighthouse for Christ Mission.
You can also visit to support them and see the work that they are doing in Mombasa, Kenya.

Hebrews 13:16 NKJV "But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased."

Photos from Lighthouse for Christ Mission's post 29/02/2024

On November 28th, 2023, Hamis Fujo's world was plunged into darkness due to cataracts. This meant that even the simplest task would be a struggle for him to do. Guided by his loving brothers and son, he sought solace at Lighthouse for Christ Eye Center, Mombasa, where He was examined and booked for surgery. He was worried before the surgery because of His age but this worry was replaced by hope because he was prayed for by the team that would be performing the surgery.

After the surgery, as the patches were being removed, Hamis's eyes fluttered open, His face lit with joy, revealing a very big smile! He could see the familiar faces of his loved ones. His son became emotional in the exam room because He couldn't believe that His dad could see again.

Hamis's story is a beacon of hope, a testament to the transformative power of modern medicine, and the unwavering support of family. However, not everyone is as fortunate as Hamis. Many individuals in our community are unable to afford the cost of cataract surgery, leaving them trapped in a world of darkness, and that is why we are calling upon volunteers to join us in extending a helping hand to those in need. Your Prayers and generous contributions will enable the Lighthouse for Christ Eye Center to continue providing life-changing cataract surgeries to those who cannot afford them.

The First Picture is Hamis before his scheduled surgery, being escorted by one of our clinicians because He couldn't see and his son following closely behind. The second picture is the smile of Hamis after the surgery! His smile tells it all.

Together, we can illuminate the lives of many more individuals like Hamis, restoring their sight and empowering them to live life to the fullest. Please take a moment to pray for the Mission and our team of clinicians together with those who work behind the scenes to ensure many lives are touched in the community.


Let's take a moment to appreciate Mrs. Bowe for her dedication, time, and expertise in discipling and mentoring the young generation at Lighthouse for Christ Mission Bible School. She is a natural Bible teacher, both in and out of class work. Recently, she spent some time discipling the Bible school ladies, and also learning more about the Kenyan culture, as well as teaching them how to cook some American food.

We are really grateful for Mrs. Bowe's contribution in shaping the future and discipling the young ladies of our Bible school. Take some time to say a prayer for Dr. Bowe and Mrs. Bowe as they serve Christ in Mombasa, Kenya for two months. If you're also interested in supporting this incredible mission, please follow this link to see how you can help!

Photos from Lighthouse for Christ Mission's post 19/02/2024

Bible school is back! Join us in welcoming this new cohort of young men and women who want to become disciples of Christ. We are excited to begin this new journey with our new students! Please join us in praying for them as they embark on this important step in their faith journey. We are confident that this program will have a profound impact on their Lives. We are excited to see them grow in their knowledge, faith, and love for Christ.

Matthew 28:19-20 "Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”


David tells his story!

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Videos (show all)

Last week was such an incredible week at Lighthouse For Christ Mission marriage conference for pastors in Likoni! Huge t...
Dr. Bowe together with his wife, Sara Bowe, have been a great addition to Lighthouse for Christ Eye Center, Mombasa for ...
Let's take a moment to appreciate Mrs. Bowe for her dedication, time, and expertise in discipling and mentoring the youn...
David tells his story! #missions #kenyanonprofit #partnerwithus #onmissionwithgod #godisgreat #eastafrica
Said's Story;Said was involved in a tragic accident that blinded Him in both eyes. He underwent a successful surgery at ...
Today we get to hear from Pastor James on how he came to know Jesus, how he came to Lighthouse and what his role is here...
“The Lord hears the needy and does not despise his captive people” Psalm 69:33. In this video, we see Bibles being distr...
From living as a street boy to now pastoring a church here in Mombasa, we get to hear from Pastor Duncan how God transfo...
With June 8th being Ocean Day, we can’t help but post something about it! 🌊🏖 This footage was taken at one of our youth ...
Here in Kenya, community is everything, but what’s community without a little food? No matter the event, no matter the p...
Happy Madaraka Day! Enjoy this day of celebrating freedom with friends and family. Psalm 118:24, “This is the day that t...
Another one of our big projects in 2023 has been our new optical shop space!This project has been moving at full speed. ...


PO Box 81465

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 16:30
Tuesday 08:00 - 16:30
Wednesday 08:00 - 16:30
Thursday 08:00 - 16:30
Friday 08:00 - 16:30

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