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Alginate impression material mixing machine ( 170000 kyats)
Brand: Hangzhou Run
1. Trial range:
This machine is used to reconcile the alginate and gypsum dentures when modeling dental impression material used.
2. The overall performance indicators:
① Power: AC220V ± 10%, 50Hz ± 1Hz
② speed: Low speed: 120 r / min, speed: 250 r / min
③ time alarm: equipped with working time of 20 seconds, 20 seconds after the start of work warning lights flashing, beeps to alert the user the impression material as quickly as possible, so as not to dry up condensation.
④ overload stop: Ambassador external motor overload, automatically stops after 3 seconds, press the start button again begins to turn.
⑤ Machine weight: 2.0 Kg
⑥ Dimensions: 280 * 230 * 230 mm
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Apex Locator (China)
( 110000 kyats)
1, the high-temperature sterilization endodontic file holder, safety and health.
2, the LCD display hows the current battery status, measured when the root is not used, it will automatically turn off after 20 minutes. The new alkaline dry battery long life, can be used continuously for 100 hours.
3, three different tones, easy to adjust the volume, free conversion mode.
4, color LCD screen in the form of bar will endodontic file location visualization, enabling you to work at a glance, the ease.
1, a test line
2, the hook 5
3, line 2 hooks
carton packaging: 215 × 160 × 180mm
Gross Weight: 0.7KG technical parameters: 1, Voltage: DC7.5V (XDC 15V AA alkaline batteries) 2 power consumption: less than AC80mV 3, the test voltage: less than AC80mV 3, current: less than 10uA
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NSK 45* Pana Max Handpiece (70000 Kyats)
Brand: NSK
Function: The special tooth impacted tooth.
Movement: press movement, low noise, fast speed and low vibration, long service life.
Water way: a single point of water, accurately and effectively provide cooling for the bur cooling, with excellent results.
Working pressure: 0.25-0.27Mpa (four holes), 0.2-0.22Mpa (two holes).
Speed: not less than 32000rpm.
Bur Specifications: Diameter 1.59mm-1.6mm * 21mm-23mm (standard bur).
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NSK handpiece (4 holes)
(30000 kyats)
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Intraoral Camera (45000 kyats)
Computer နဲ႔ တြဲသုုံးလို႔ရပါသည္။ window ေကာ mac ပါ သုုံးလိုု႔ရပါသည္။ andriod ဖုန္း နဲ႔ လဲ သုံးလို႔ရပါသည္။
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Spittoon filter (3500 kyats)
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Burs and files holder
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Universal Dental Light Cure guide rod tip replacement
(12000 kyats)
ေနာက္ဆုုံးပုုံ က အတိုုင္းနမူနာပုုံပါ။
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Light Cure (40000 kyats)
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Light Cure Unit (55000 Kyats)
Functions and features:
1. bright plastic housing
2.5W power the LED
3. To high permeation rate of glass fiber
4. glare mode
5. automatic standby, automatic shutdown
6. Battery Warning
7. large capacity lithium battery, long standby time more than 90 days
8. suitable for any brand of resin material
9. The working time can be adjusted (5 seconds, 10 seconds, 15 seconds, 20 seconds, 25 seconds, 30 seconds, 35 seconds and 40 seconds )
10. Charging time, press work for 10 seconds every time, can be used continuously for more than 500 times
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Tooth Whitening Unit ( 150000 kyats)
1.430nm-490nm (main light) & 395nm ~ 415nm (auxiliary lamp)
2. Light source: blue LED cold light source
3. Time Setting: 1 to 59 minutes
4. Weight: 3 kg
5. Input power: the AC 100-240V, 50 / 60Hz
6. The Power Output: 12V DC, 2.2A Features: - in line with human nature and having curved teeth whitening special optical design - durable and flexible gooseneck extension to facilitate curing different angles - function selection easy operation - LED indication with digitized sound effects, so doctors are more convenient to use - quiet and efficient fan, achieve cooling effect - fine, lightweight, lightweight design, with beautiful clinic space - full mouth whitening light when the fever and the average
7.Application: - exogenous pigment dye stick (smoke stains, coffee, cola, etc.) - endogenous pigmentation (mild tetracycline stained teeth, etc.) - fluoro Spain - congenital uneven color - for my unknown causes tooth surface caused by black and yellow variants
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Dental Handpiece with LED (4 Holes)
(45000 Kyats)
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