Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation-Namibia

The foundation and guide for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the Constitution, which defines all aspects of state power in Namibia.

Article 96 of the Constitution stipulates five general guidelines which underpin the Government's commitment to actively promote friendly and beneficial relations and co-operation with other nations, and also to foster, in concert with them, the maintenance of the rule of law, peace, security, social justice and economic welfare. The five guidelines which are contained in the Constitution are:

Photos from Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation-Namibia's post 04/09/2024

On the margins of the 2nd Indonesia Africa Forum, Hon. Jenelly Matundu, Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation paid a courtesy call on H.E. Mr. Pahala Mansury, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.
The two Ministers discussed areas of mutual concern, such as South-South cooperation, green hydrogen, mining and capacity development.

Photos from Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation-Namibia's post 04/09/2024

The 2nd Indonesia-Africa Forum under the auspices of H.E. Joko Widodo, President of Indonesia has concluded on 3rd September 2024 in Bali, Indonesia. The conference themed "Bandung Spirit for Africa's Agenda 2063",
served as a platform for an interactive and multi-stakeholder discussion on key aspects of the African Agenda 2063. H.E. Dr. Nangolo Mbumba, President of the Republic of Namibia, was represented by Hon. Pohamba Shifeta, who delivered a statement at the High Level Seminar reaffirming Namibia’s commitment to the strategic partnership between Africa and Indonesia within the spirit of the Bandung Conference.

At the same conference Hon. Jenelly Matundu, Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, participated in a Panel Discussion, entitled: ‘Development Cooperation: True Partnership for Mutual Progress: Strengthening Collaboration among Indonesia, Africa, and Global Stakeholders’. The discussion was aimed at exploring opportunities and challenges while fostering potential partnerships through bilateral and triangular cooperation between Indonesia and Africa, identifying synergies that can advance economic development in both regions.

Photos from Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation-Namibia's post 04/09/2024

Hon. Jenelly Matundu, Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, headed the delegation and participated in the Preparatory Conference of the Sixth Region (Diaspora) of the African Union which took place from 29 to 31 August 2024, under the theme “Memory, Restitution, Reparation and Reconstruction” held in Salvador de Bahia, Federative Republic of Brazil, home to the largest population of Afro-descendants.

The Conference is part of a series of regional conferences that are being held to prepare for the 9th Pan-African Congress, to be convened in Lome, Togo, from 29 October 2024 to 2 November 2024, under the theme “Renewal of Pan-Africanism and Africa's Place in Global Governance: Mobilising Resources and Reinventing for Action.”

The just concluded Regional Preparatory Conference aimed at bringing the African Diaspora and Afro-Descendants together to address crucial issues of reparations, restitution and reconstruction, in order to harmonise strategies and standardize processes for regaining Africa’s sovereignty over those critical areas.

The Conference also aimed to strengthen links and exchanges, particularly economic and commercial, between Africans on the continent, those in the Diaspora, and those part of Afro-Descendant communities in the world.

The Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation participated in this Regional Conference, in its capacity as a Member of the AU High-Level Committee on African Roots and Diaspora, which is overseeing the implementation of the African Decade on African Roots and Diaspora (2021-2031), adopted by the African Union (AU) Assembly in February 2021. Togo is the Chair of the High-Level Committee. The Committee Members are Ministers of International Relations and Cooperation from the following countries: Algeria, Cameroon, Gambia, Ghana, Morocco, Namibia, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Togo, and Tunisia.

The Head of the delegation reiterated Namibia’s unwavering commitments towards the implementation of the African Decade on African Roots and Diaspora 2021-2031. The Deputy Minister also emphasised the importance of Namibia Disapora's contribution to national development objectives.

The outcomes of the Preparatory Conference will enrich the Lome 9th Pan-African Congress which is scheduled for next month, October 2024.

Photos from Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation-Namibia's post 04/09/2024


No Namibian can dispute the fact that if it was not for our 3rd President HE Dr. Hage Geingob we would not be hosting this important meeting because he passionately drove this initiative of Green Hydrogen and Green Industrialization.

Indeed Namibia is honoured to have been chosen to host the Global African Hydrogen Summit. I have been informed that over 1000 delegates from all corners ofthe globe are expected to attend. Allow me therefore toon behalf of the President of the Republic of Namibia H.E. Nangolo Mbumba to welcome you to Namibia. Please be assured that it is our distinct pleasure to haveyou here and we hope that you get to enjoy the best Namibian open space and the warm hearts of ourpeople.

The subject matter of green hydrogen and green industrialization has captivated the minds of many over the past three years. Since independence, Namibia hasmade it a strategic objective at the highest levels ingovernment to industrialize our economies in a sustainable and competitive manner. In fact environmental protection in Namibia is not only anatural responsibility but a constitutional obligation.

This goal has been clearly articulated in our Vision 2030 and strategically reinforced in subsequent National Development Plans since 2004 as well as the Harambee prosperity plan. Importantly, this objective is shared with our continental peers and has been captured inAfrica Agenda 2063, “The Africa We Want”, wheremany African states recognize the interconnected nature of our economic and environmental ecosystems.

The utilization of abundant renewable energy potentialto produce hydrogen, which can be used as afundamental building block for hard to abate sectors, has emerged as a promising means to combat climatechange, while also offering an important developmental pathway. This concept is worthy of detailed study and research and Namibia is investing its fair share of intellectual space towards this pursuit.

According to our recent ly launched Green Industrialization Blueprint, these sustainable newindustrial complexes may offer compellingopportunities to create new jobs, diversify oureconomic output and even augment our electricity andclean water production. However, like all industrial complexes of significant scale, careful attention needs to be paid to their potential footprint on our precious flora and fauna. Namibia is committed to ensure that afair balance is struck between economic developmentand ecological preservation.

It is encouraging for me to witness such a diverse gathering of brilliant minds from around the world thathave convened here to help us curate rich conversations on these vital topics. Namibia offers arich and welcoming environment that is well suited tohost an impactful green industrialization eco-system.

To give you a brief synopsis of why I say so. Namibia has rich deposits of the minerals required to build clean industries, such as critical rare earth elements and lithium. We also help our Zambian neighbours trade their copper, a key ingredient for sustainable industries, with global markets.

We have some of the best wind and solar resources inthe region, close to our well-developed port and rail infrastructure and we have plans to expand thoseinfrastructure to facilitate even broader trade in lowcarbon goods between our regional neighbours and ourglobal customers.

Lastly, we have the space, a progressive immigration system and a young and developing workforce which makes Namibia an ideal location to house some ofthese new and emerging industries. In a nutshell, Namibia is open for business that will make meaningful impact to our development as it benefits the investor.Therefore, you are all welcome to explore all thepossibilities.

While Namibia has a lot to offer, our neighbours fromaround the continent have made remarkable progressin this space as well. I congratulate Egypt’s Fertiglobe which was the first recipient of the H2 Global tender for green ammonia, securing an off-take price of €1,000per ton delivered to the port of Rotterdam.

Mauritania’s Cabinet has just concluded their legislativedraft which has been submitted to their parliament, cementing their efforts to incubate a synthetic fuels industry.

Kenya has made significant progress in their plans to establish a local fertilizer industry using geothermal power as their renewable source of power that will beused to produce green hydrogen. We are thus assured of a rich and engaging dialogue in the days ahead.

Before I conclude, I would like to pause here to thank the organizers, dmg events, vasco dagama energies, our very own Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board and the Namibian Green Hydrogen Programme for their tireless collective efforts to help us deliver what promises to be a fruitful Summit.

I for one am excited for what lays ahead of us. I am particularly looking forward to visiting the innovation centre where I expect to meet some of the 100 youth who have received complimentary passes to this prestigious Summit. The youth are the assets that we have in Namibia and Africa.

I commend the organisers for this well thought idea as the youth are critical enablers of this transformative industry. Without further ado, please allow me to wish you all a very productive Summit and I look forward to receiving a synthesis of the dynamic discussions that you are sure to have over the course of the next two days.

Wishing you a rewarding stay in our country, the Land of the Brave.I thank you.

Photos from Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation-Namibia's post 28/08/2024

Dr. Peya Mushelenga, Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, held a courtesy meeting on 28 August 2024, with H.E. Mr. Sergio Vigoa de la Uz, Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba to Namibia, to exchange information on recent developments that took place within the scope of fruitful bilateral cooperation between the two sister nations.

The Cuban Ambassador also presented a letter from H.E. Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba, addressed to his Namibian counterpart, seeking the support of the Namibian Government, during the upcoming session at the United Nations General Assembly, scheduled from 29-30 October 2024, when the island nation will present for the 32nd time an annual UNGA Resolution calling for the end or lifting of the Economic, Commercial and Financial Embargo unilaterally imposed on Cuba by the Government of the United States of America for more than 60 years now.

Photos from Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation-Namibia's post 27/08/2024

27 August 2024


The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Hon. Dr. Peya Mushelenga on behalf of the Deputy Minister Hon. Jennelly Matundu, MIRCO Management and all Staff, wholeheartedly congratulate Ambassador Selma Ashipala-Musavyi, Ambassador Lineekela J. Mboti and Amb. Claudia G. Uushona on their Conferment of National Honours at State House, on 23 August 2024 by His Excellency Dr Nangolo Mbumba,President of the Republic of Namibia.
Amb. Ashipala-Musavyi was awarded the Most Excellent Order of the Eagle, Second Class, Amb. Mboti was awarded the Most Distinguished Order of Namibia, Second Class, while Amb. Uushona was awarded the Most Excellent Order of the Eagle First Class, all in recognition of their significant contributions to diplomacy.

Amb. Ashipala-Musavyi, former Executive Director at the Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation (MIRCO) was honoured for excelling in promoting Namibia abroad and for World-center-stage achievements. She served in New York and Washington DC as Deputy and Ambassador in Austria and the Permanent Representative to the UN Office in Vienna, High Commissioner to Nigeria, Ghana with numerous concurrent accreditation. She currently serves as High Commissioner of Namibia to Ghana, with concurrent accreditation to Benin, Burkina Faso, Coted’Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Togo. In 2018, she was awarded “The Grand Master of the Order of Civil Merit" by His Royal highness, Fillipe IV, King of Spain in recognition of her outstanding contribution to the UN Women, Peace and Security Agenda.

Former Deputy Executive Director and Head of Multilateral Relations and Cooperation at MIRCO, Amb. Mboti was honoured for excelling a positive act of service and for World-center-stage achievements. He currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer and Focal Point (Deputy Minister level) of the African Peer Review Mechanism in Namibia, since April 2019. He served as Deputy Chief of Protocol, Ambassador to Brazil, Angola with various concurrent accreditation. He also served as Charge d’ Affaires ai to Austria and Acting Resident Representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA), United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, ( UNODC) United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treat Organization (CTBTO) as well as other International Organizations based in Vienna.

Amb. Uushona was honoured for her contribution to the political, cultural, and socio-economic development of the country, innovation and entrepreneurship, transformational leadership, dedication to quality service, distinguished service above the call of duty and World-center-stage achievements. She served as Namibia’s Ambassador to Cuba and Angola with various concurrent accreditation. Amb. Uushona currently serves as the Executive Director in the Office of the President.

The Ambassadors were honoured for displaying positive and exemplary influence to the Namibian society.

The Ministry is proud to have produced such a caliber of diplomats of note who continue to contribute in their specific fields for the benefit of the people of the Republic Namibia. The awards will go a long way in inspiring MIRCO Staff in knowing that their steadfast contribution to the socio-economic development of Namibia have made them an integral component of our country.

Background Information:
By virtue of the powers vested in him by Article 32 (3) (h) of the Constitution of the Republic of Namibia, His Excellency (H.E.) Dr. Nangolo Mbumba, President of the Republic of Namibia, Commander-in-Chief of the Namibian Defence Force and Grand Master of the Namibian National Honours System, conferred honours on 23 August 2024 to personalities who have significantly contributed to the liberation and socio-economic development of Namibia through political, military, diplomatic, humanitarian, education, health and business activities, for the reconstruction and the promotion of peace and justice in Namibia.

Issued by:
Hon. Dr Peya Mushelenga, MP
Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: Launch of the Report of the High-Level Panel of Experts Africa and the reform of the multilateral system: The Summit of the Future and Beyond . After registering, you will receive a confirmation email... 27/08/2024

Please find the link to the open meeting below:

Launch of the Report of the High- Level Panel of Experts Africa and the reform of the multilateral system: The Summit of the Future and Beyond

Date & Time Aug 27, 2024 10:00 AM in Africa/Windhoek

Webinar Registration via link.

Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: Launch of the Report of the High-Level Panel of Experts Africa and the reform of the multilateral system: The Summit of the Future and Beyond . After registering, you will receive a confirmation email... Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: Launch of the Report of the High-Level Panel of Experts Africa and the reform of the multilateral system: The Summit of the Future and Beyond . After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar.


Hon. Dr. Peya Mushelenga, Minister of International Relations and Cooperation of the Republic of Namibia participated in the opening ceremony of the Ministerial Meeting of the Ninth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD), in Tokyo, Japan, on 24 August 2024.

The Theme of the Meeting is, "*Co-create innovative solutions with Africa*".

Hon. Dr. Peya Mushelenga, who is accompanied by H.E. Morven M. Luswenyo, Namibia’s Ambassador to Japan and Other Government Officials, addressed the First Plenary Session on “*Realising a Sustainable Future*”.

He highlighted, amongst others, the importance of the upcoming Summit of the Future in September 2024, and how TICAD can contribute towards the Pact of the Future.

TICAD is a multilateral partnership between the African Union, the Government of Japan, the UN, and the World Bank, to promote Africa's development.

The 9th Ministerial Meeting is being held in preparation for the TICAD-9 Summit, to take place in August 2025, in Yokohama, Japan.

The Ministerial Meeting, which will end on 25 August 2024, is expected to adopt a Ministerial Outcome Document that will highlight the main points of discussion on the three main pillars, namely, Society, Peace and Stability, and Economy.

Photos from Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation-Namibia's post 23/08/2024

OATF 2024 | Visit the Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation (MIRCO) Exhibition Stand at Ongwediva Annual Trade Fairs, taking place from 23rd –31st August 2024 in Ongwediva.

Come and learn more about the Mandate of the Ministry, Employment opportunities
in Regional and International Organizations and so much more and you can walk away with awesome gifts. See you....


Investiture Ceremony, 23 August 2024, State House

Photos from Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation-Namibia's post 21/08/2024

On Monday, 19 August 2024, The African Centre for Governance Election Team paid a courtesy call on Amb. Penda Naanda, Executive Director (MIRCO). The team is in the country for a pre-election assessment visit.

The African Centre for Governance is a Pan-African Focused Strategy, Governance and Advisory Services Firm.

Their focus is on democratic governance and strategic thinking. They provide advisory services to African governments with a pan- African mind to ensure that they balance their domestic governance interests as well as their international/global interests.


SADC DAY - The Government and the people of the Republic of Namibia join the SADC community in celebrating Southern African Development Community (SADC) Day.

Photos from NBC Digital News's post 17/08/2024

16 August 2024


The Government of the Republic of Namibia is deeply concerned and disappointed by the recent decision made by the French government endorsing Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara. This decision constitutes a blatant disregard of the principles of international law particularly the right to self-determination, a longstanding aspiration of the Sahrawi people. Namibia hereby wishes to condemn in the strongest term the ongoing occupation of Western Sahara by Morocco. The question of Western Sahara remains a decolonization issue, and cannot be subjected to a bilateral deal side-stepping the United Nations processes.

Namibia asserts that the position taken by the current French government undermines the decades-long efforts of the United Nations to find a sustainable, peaceful and just solution to the question of Western Sahara. By adopting Morocco’s position of full autonomy over Western Sahara, the French Government has become complicit in the ongoing occupation and human rights abuses of the Sahrawi people. As a permanent member of the United Nation Security Council tasked with the onerous responsibility of the maintenance of international peace and security, the French decision is highly regrettable and goes against the principles enshrined in the UN charter. France has lost its credibility.

The Government of Namibia remains resolute and steadfast in its unwavering support for the legitimate right to self-determination and independence for the people of Western Sahara and cautions that this type of action by a powerful member of the UN Security Council that is motivated by its narrow national interest, can never legitimize foreign occupation. We remain committed to the UN-led peace processes, and will continue to work towards a just and lasting solution to the question of Western Sahara.




BEST WISHES - The Government of the Republic of Namibia and the entire nation, wish our President, H.E. DR NANGOLO MBUMBA, a Happy 83rd BIRTHDAY.

Photos from Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation-Namibia's post 13/08/2024

H.E. Mr. Abdelkrim Diaf, Ambassador of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria paid a courtesy call on Hon. Jenelly Matundu, Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, on 12 August 2024.

The Ambassador conveyed the Algerian Government’s steadfast support for Namibia in light of the recently declared State of Emergency due to the ongoing national drought crisis, as announced by H.E. President Nangolo Mbumba.

Additionally, he highlighted new scholarship opportunities for Namibians wishing to pursue their studies in Algeria.

In response, Hon. Matundu expressed Namibia’s deep gratitude for Algeria's continued support and underscored the importance of the growing bilateral relations between the two countries.

Photos from SADC's post 13/08/2024
Photos from Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation-Namibia's post 13/08/2024

The Security Council, under the auspices of its President for the Month, the Republic of Sierra Leone, convened a high-level debate titled “Addressing the historical injustice and enhancing Africa’s effective representation in the UN Security Council” on 12 August 2024, in New York. While several debates on this topic have been held, this particular debate was unique in that it brought into focus Africa’s priorities for Security Council reform with a particular emphasis on treating Africa as a special case.

Namibia, in her capacity as a member of the C-10 on UN Reform was invited to participate in the meeting by the Sierra Leonean President H.E Julius Maada Bio. The briefers for the meeting included Secretary-General António Guterres; H.E Dennis Francis, the President of the UN General Assembly; and Dr. Sithembile Mbete, a senior lecturer from the University of Pretoria.

Speaking in his maiden address to the Security Council, Minister Mushelenga emphasized Africa’s appreciation for the growing support for the Common African Position on Security Council reform as encapsulated in the Ezullwini Consensus and the Site Declaration. Minister Mushelenga further lamented that the historical injustice suffered by Africa must be corrected. “Equitable representation is a longstanding principle affirmed by the United Nations”, he stated, adding that “Africa cannot be rendered to the periphery of global decision-making.

In addition to Namibia, Japan, Uganda, Algeria and the United Kingdom were among specially invited guests represented by Ministers or special envoys dealing with security council reform.

Withing the United Nations the issue of reform is considered under five main clusters namely the categories of membership (permanent and non-permanent, the question of the veto, regional representation, the size of the enlarged council and the relationship between the General Assembly and the Council.

Minister Mushelenga used the opportunity of his presence in New York seek an audience with Secretary General António Guterres, on issues including the upcoming Summit of the Future where Namibia has played an instrumental role as the co-facilitator of the intergovernmental negotiation process.

Minister Mushelenga also had the opportunity to pay a courtesy call on H.E Denis Francis, President of the General Assembly. President Francis will round up his tenure in three weeks and is expected to hand over the reigns to H.E Philemon Yang, from Cameroon who will lead the work of the Assembly in its 79th Session on behalf of the African Group.

Photo credit: UN Photos/ Manuel Elias

Photos from Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation-Namibia's post 13/08/2024

The courtesy call between H.E. Mr. Wisnu Edi Pratignyo, Ambassador of Indonesia, and Hon. Jenelly Matundu, Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, on 12 August 2024, marked a significant step in strengthening bilateral relations.

During their discussions, both officials highlighted the importance of the upcoming Indonesia-Africa Forum as a platform to enhance cooperation across various sectors.

They emphasised the potential for collaboration in agriculture, recognizing its crucial role in both nations' economies and food security endeavors.

The dialogue also touched upon the prospects of diplomatic and political discussions, with an eye towards fostering a more comprehensive partnership in the future.

This meeting not only underscores the commitment of both nations to work together but also sets the stage for continued dialogue on a range of shared interests.

UN to Convene Summit of the Future | nbc 12/08/2024

UN to Convene Summit of the Future | nbc The United Nations is set to convene the Summit of the Future, a high-level event bringing world leaders together to forge a more appropriate consensus on global cooperation. As facilitators of the upcoming summit, Namibia's Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Peya Mushelenga and Ger...




The Government and people of Namibia wish to condemn in the strongest terms the barbaric act perpetrated by the Israeli government against civilians sheltering at Al-Tabin School, which is home to displaced Palestinians in Gaza.

The international community, particularly those who have condoned the Israeli government’s atrocities, bears responsibility for the failure to protect innocent civilians, especially women and children. The international community cannot claim to uphold international law while standing idly by as Palestinian women and children are systematically slaughtered by the Israeli government.

It is saddening to learn that over 100 people were killed and many others injured when Israeli aircraft targeted Palestinians performing Fajr (dawn) prayers at Al-Tabin School in Al-Daraj neighbourhood. These are human beings who simply want to live their lives but have unfortunately been subjected to cruelty and perpetual occupation.

The Government of Namibia calls on the international community to exercise its responsibilities, and in particular the United Nations Security Council to take immediate action to end the aggression against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and ensure adequate protection of civilians.

We call for appropriate measures to be taken against those responsible for these atrocities and for them to be brought to justice in order to deter and prevent further crimes. Namibia further calls on the United Nations Security Council to implement its resolutions and compel Israel, the illegal occupying power, to respect international law and United Nations resolutions.

The Government and people of Namibia will continue to support the oppressed people of Palestine until they are able to exercise their inalienable right to self-determination.


Photos from Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation-Namibia's post 09/08/2024

Hon. Dr. Peya Mushelenga, Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, on 9 August 2024, paid a surprise visit to the Namibia School of Diplomatic Studies (NSDS), to assess the progress made since the commencement of the lectures.

The Namibia School of Diplomatic Studies had its maiden intake in three (3) short courses training namely; International Relations, Namibia International Relations and Cooperation Policy and Management of International Relations and Cooperation. The training started in May 2024 and will end in August 2024. The three courses will be repeated and the School is also developing additional short courses in other areas such Economic Diplomatic and Protocol and Etiquette.

Mr. Phanuel Kaapama, the Interim Head of the School, welcomed the Hon. Minister, and briefed him of the strides the NSDS has made in a very short period of time. This he said is being exemplified by the high and wide subscription to it's Short Courses.
Furthermore, he also expressed deep appreciation for the UNAM - MIRCO partnership, especially regarding the co - teaching of the Short Course, which enables the delivery of practice oriented training in diplomacy.

The evolving dynamics of International Relations requires that people continue to be equipped in skills, hence the tailor-made programmes at the Namibia School of Diplomatic Studies, so that they are able to meet the demands of the time. The aim is to build a skilled Foreign Service contingency, fostering research and innovation.

The NSDS is a brainchild of and fully funded by the Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation (MIRCO), as encapsulated in a Memorandum of Understanding signed with UNAM, to cooperate in the field of education, training and research in international relations and diplomacy.

The MoU signed of April 12, 2022 opened doors for collaboration in the academic training and research fields to enhance the professional skills of foreign practitioners in the field of foreign policy, economic diplomacy and political analysis to geo-political situation, international law and consensus building.

Photos from Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation-Namibia's post 08/08/2024

Hon. Dr. Peya Mushelenga, Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, hosted on 8 August 2024, a key stakeholders' engagement meeting, bringing together government officials, members of the diplomatic corps, academia, and youth leaders to raise awareness on the upcoming 'Summit of the Future'.

The summit, which is co-facilitated by Namibia and Germany, is set for 22-23 September 2024 at the UN in New York and aims to accelerate the UN Agenda 2030, while addressing global risks and challenges.

Hon. Dr. Mushelenga emphasized the summit's importance, noting, that the Summit and the opportunity it brings for current and future generations. He called for collective global action, saying, 'Without trust and solidarity, we cannot expect to move together towards the Future We Want.'

H.E. Dr. Thorsten Hutter, Ambassador of Germany to Namibia highlighted that the Summit will be the central event of the upcoming UNGA High-Level Week, serving as a lode star for future multilateral cooperation.

On her part, Ms. Alka Bhatia, Acting UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Country Representative noted that, the Summit of the Future will build on the 2023 SDG Summit. Agreements to improve global cooperation arrangements will in turn, enable the international community to deliver on the existing commitments and turbo-charge the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs.

The engagement meeting is part of the awareness raising activities being held in order to sensitise the public on the process leading up to the Summit of the Future, as well as on the envisaged outcome of the Summit.

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Hon. Dr. Peya Mushelenga, Minister of International Relations and Cooperation of the Republic of Namibia participated in...
Investiture Ceremony, 23 August 2024, State House
Hon. Dr. Peya Mushelenga, Minister of International Relations and Cooperation and Hon. Dr. Lemogang Kwape, Minister of F...
Visit the Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation (MIRCO) Exhibition Stand at the Ehao Cultural Expo taking ...
The 20th Session of the Dr. Theo-Ben Gurirab Lecture Series
Interview | Hon. Dr. Peya Mushelanga, Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, interview ahead of the inaugu...
Commemoration of the 61st Anniversary of the African Union Theme: “The Year of Education - Educate an African fit for th...
Hon. Anna Shiweda, attended a side-event on 7 May 2024, during the Africa Fertiliser and Soil Health Summit in Nairobi, ...



Robert Mugabe Avenue, Parliament Gardens, Theo-Ben Gurirab Building

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00

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