Mindful buisness

Coaching vil utfordre og støtte et individ eller et team til å utvikle sin tenke-være- og lærem? Cafe Coaching
Hva er Cafe Coaching? Hva er coaching?

Det er en læringsprosess å skaffe ekstraordinære resultater i livet, yrket, bedriften eller virksomheten. Gjennom coachingprosessen utdyper klienten sin kunnskap, øker ytelsen og forbedrer livskvaliteten.


I dag blir Tonje Brenna ny arbeidsminister. Hun trenger å få beskjed om at også trygda, pensjonister og andre på Nav står opp hver morgen, ofte på tross av store smerter.

Følg derfor oppfordringen fra AAP-aksjonen og Mímir Kristjánsson: Del en enkel enkel status på Facebook. Skriv når du sto opp og bruk hashtaggen . Trygda folk trenger ikke ny vekkerklokke, de trenger bedre ytelser!


Jeg vet akkurat hva slags hotell jeg liker☺️
Jeg plukker de ut med lupe, når jeg selv skal ut å reise. Kanskje en spesiell greie for noen, men det er nå min hobby.
Er det et sted jeg skal besøke dette året så er det Concepció by Nobis]] på Palma. Jeg har lenge studert dette hotellet og jeg vet at dette er en perle! Ut i fra hva jeg har lest og studert😉
Hotellet ligger vakkert til i Palma og bygningen er helt tilbake til 1600 tallet og jeg har lest at det tidligere var en såpefabrikk her.
Concepció by Nobis]] har 31 suiter og rom som alle ser helt nydelige ut. Samtidig scorer de meget høyt på service. I tillegg har hotellet en restaurant som heter Xalest som er åpen for gjester og besøkende.
Concepció by Nobis]] 📷
🌴 ❤️

25 Things You Can Do Everyday to Become Your Best Self 06/01/2022

25 Things You Can Do Everyday to Become Your Best Self Each of us want to live a long and happy life. You can achieve general harmony by creating your ideal path step by step.

Most Leaders Are Forgetting The Key Trait to Keep Their Employees from Leaving 05/01/2022

Most Leaders Are Forgetting The Key Trait to Keep Their Employees from Leaving According to a recent study, 90 percent of U.S. workers believe this style of leadership leads to higher job satisfaction.

A Cleansing: The Mind Wash You Didn't Know You Needed 04/01/2022

A Cleansing: The Mind Wash You Didn't Know You Needed I am addicted to success, but my definition of success may be different than most

5 New Habits to Help You Cultivate a Growth Mindset 03/01/2022

5 New Habits to Help You Cultivate a Growth Mindset As we raise children, we often teach them that grit, perseverance, and resilience lead to mastery and success. They do. But what are we teaching them about their intelligence and capacity to learn?

What Everyone Needs to Know About Administrative Skills 02/01/2022

What Everyone Needs to Know About Administrative Skills They’re not just for admin jobs!

INFJ-personligheten, den mest sjeldne personligheten (Ifølge Carl Jung) 16/12/2021

INFJ-personligheten, den mest sjeldne personligheten (Ifølge Carl Jung) INFJ-personligheten, en unik kombinasjon av de psykologiske egenskapene til introversjon, intuisjon, følelse og dømmekraft, representerer - ifølge Carl Jung -...

5 Ways to Change Your Habits and Reach Your Goals 23/11/2021

5 Ways to Change Your Habits and Reach Your Goals Have you ever questioned how you choose to spend those precious 24 hours we receive every day? I bet you have. Most of us flirt with the idea of becoming more productive, satisfied, and successful in our daily activities.


4 Proactive Ways to Get Terrifically Closer to the Success You're Striving For 30/10/2021

4 Proactive Ways to Get Terrifically Closer to the Success You're Striving For Does your story resonate with what follows? You want a successful, non-mediocre life, but even after watching hundreds of motivational videos

16 Everyday Habits to Boost Your Creativity 30/10/2021

16 Everyday Habits to Boost Your Creativity Creativity isn't a black-and-white, "you have it or you don't," trait. Creativity isn't a fixed trait. Sure, some of us are born with a spark, or a drive toward creativity. But that doesn't mean all of us can't stretch our creative muscles

40 Stunning Natural Wonders Everyone Should See In Their Lifetime 30/10/2021

40 Stunning Natural Wonders Everyone Should See In Their Lifetime There may only be seven official natural wonders of the world, but there are plenty more breathtaking natural sights all over the globe worth exploring. Fr

Don't Want To Feel Like A Failure Anymore? Stop Doing These 6 Things 17/10/2021

Don't Want To Feel Like A Failure Anymore? Stop Doing These 6 Things You feel like a failure…it's holding you back and you don't know how to deal with it. Well you could do yourself a favor and start dealing with it by doing these 6 things.

5 Skills You and Your Partner Need to Master to Become an Unstoppable Power Couple 15/10/2021

5 Skills You and Your Partner Need to Master to Become an Unstoppable Power Couple In order for a power couple to truly become successful, they have to embrace these skills to dominate the world together.

5 Reasons Why You're Not Getting Ahead in Life and Work 10/10/2021

5 Reasons Why You're Not Getting Ahead in Life and Work Ever wonder why you're feeling like you're sometimes going nowhere fast? Here are some of the potential reasons why and some advice on how to change it!

Effective Parenting Strategies to Improve Your Child's Behaviors and Skills: Effective Parenting Tips for Raising a Child with ASD E-Learning Series (LESSON 6) 21/04/2020

Effective Parenting Strategies to Improve Your Child's Behaviors and Skills: Effective Parenting Tips for Raising a Child with ASD E-Learning Series (LESSON 6) Do you want to learn more about parenting strategies that are truly effective? This lesson will help you discover a variety of strategies that can help you to better help your child with autism

How to grow your own food in a modern-day victory garden 07/04/2020

How to grow your own food in a modern-day victory garden Amid the coronavirus pandemic, a vegetable garden may also provide one thing we seem to be lacking at the moment: control over our lives.


UPDATE: Due to an overwhelming response, we have not managed to provide the PDF to everyone who requested one. However, you can now download it from here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fq7iku6k98xx36a/AAC7vSE4n0iwgXiGGJF0gg36a?dl=0

WHAT IF home quarantine was a BLESSING???
Most of us will inevitably find ourselves stuck in home quarantine soon. This experience will fall along a spectrum of inconvenient to catastrophic, depending on our individual circumstances.

What if, instead of making it even worse by lamenting the hardship and boredom of this weird time in history. instead, we assumed it is a blessing in disguise? What if we could use this unexpected gift of time to rejuvenate our lives, discover new passions and do those things you never have time for?

Here's is a list of ideas. PM us your email address if you'd like the PDF version with embedded links.

TICK the ideas you’re willing to try and SHARE this list.

3 ways to be your best self in your relationship 16/03/2020

3 ways to be your best self in your relationship “Resentment is a relationship killer,” says psychotherapist and couples counselor Susan Adler. If we want happier relationships, we need to drop the blame, own our mistakes, and act in ways that increase connection, not conflict.

Video: Dr. Weil's Breathing Exercises: 4-7-8 Breath 13/03/2020

Video: Dr. Weil's Breathing Exercises: 4-7-8 Breath This Video from Dr. Weil focuses on the 4-7-8 Breath (also known as the Relaxing Breath), as it puts the practitioner in a relaxed state almost immediately.

Selectionism in ABA (FK-02): Phylogenic, Ontogenic, & Cultural Selection or How Individuals and Groups Change Over Time 09/03/2020

Selectionism in ABA (FK-02): Phylogenic, Ontogenic, & Cultural Selection or How Individuals and Groups Change Over Time Selection, Darwinism, & B.F. Skinner Selection is found in both Darwin's explanation of the origin and the extinction of species as well as in behavior analysis. The idea of selection, or

Is Your Guilt Blocking You From Healing Your Childhood Emotional Neglect? 05/03/2020

Is Your Guilt Blocking You From Healing Your Childhood Emotional Neglect? Amy is exhausted. She works 60 hours a week because her boss keeps giving her more responsibilities and more people to manage. She finds herself running errands for her mom during her lunch hour, and was elected president of the local neighborhood association...

3 Things to Do Before Bed That Will Energize You the Next Day 24/02/2020

3 Things to Do Before Bed That Will Energize You the Next Day Try doing these three things before you go to bed every night. You'll notice a difference in your energy the following day.



How you can offer emotional support to someone who is experiencing a mental health problem

Turbocharge Your Brain 19/02/2020

Turbocharge Your Brain Life sure does require a lot of thinking. The heavy lifting includes solving problems, charting the right path to our goals, and making important decisions. Each requires us to rev up our thinking

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Andre Rådgiving og mental helse i Oslo (vis alle)
Mentro.no Mentro.no
Oslo Hospital, Ekebergveien 1
Oslo, 0192

Klinisk Hypnose & EMDR- psyk. traumebehandl. Sertifisert fra Norge, US og UK. Godkj Helsedirektoratet

Røaterapeutene Røaterapeutene
Tore Hals Mejdells Vei 8
Oslo, 0751

Røaterapeutene tilbyr gestaltterapi, gestaltcoaching, parterapi, grupper, kurs og yoga.

InnsiktPsykolog.no InnsiktPsykolog.no
Griniveien 10
Oslo, 0756

Vi har fire kontorer vegg-i-vegg med Klinikk For Alle på Røa i Oslo. Ledige timer og enkel bestilling

Prestasjonspsykologi Prestasjonspsykologi

Med din egen bevisst valgte retning på tanke og handling i tillegg til et mindre anstrengt forhold til hemmende følelser vil du enklere få til ønskede endringer!

Recoverysenteret i Nordre Aker Recoverysenteret i Nordre Aker
Vinkelveien 7C
Oslo, 0877

Recoverysenteret er et lavterskel psykisk helsetilbud for bydelens innbyggere.

Rask Psykisk Helsehjelp, Bydel Nordstrand Rask Psykisk Helsehjelp, Bydel Nordstrand
Marmorveien 2B
Oslo, 1154

Rask psykisk helsehjelp er et helsetilbud for deg som bor i bydelen, er over 16 år og strever med m

Garn med Mening Garn med Mening

Psykisk helse og mental velvære gjennom håndarbeid og fargevalg

Artfulness - art meets mindfulness Artfulness - art meets mindfulness

Art Therapy workshops to disconnect for a while from our everyday life and connect more with our inne

Selfawarenessmethod Selfawarenessmethod

Helping women raise their self-awareness so they can become the best versions of themselves!

Henriette Cohen Simonsen   Psykoterapi / Gestaltterapi Henriette Cohen Simonsen Psykoterapi / Gestaltterapi

Trenger du noen å snakke med? Jeg tilbyr samtaleterapi sentralt i Oslo. Jeg er gestaltterapeut MNGF

Kognitiv Terapeut NFKT Else Helset Antvort Kognitiv Terapeut NFKT Else Helset Antvort
Oslo, 0954

Relasjonslaboratoriet Relasjonslaboratoriet
Nobelsgate 16A
Oslo, 0268

Relasjonslaboratoriet tilbyr kurs og tjenester til deg som ønsker å få til bedre kommunikasjon og ste