The Centre For Mind, Body & Birth

The Centre For Mind, Body & Birth

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Triple 3x Coca Tea
Triple 3x Coca Tea

Book in for our many holistic/therapeutic services or attend a workshop. We also have rooms to rent.


Calling all therapists, facilitators, workshop providers and work-from-home specialists. We know that sometimes you may want to bring clients to an office or a clinic environment.

Here at The Centre we have a four different types of spaces available to rent which will give you a more professional feel to your services.

There's plenty of off-street parking. We have wheelchair/ pushchair access. It's a fun and friendly space with a beautiful feel and beautiful energy.

These rooms are rented on a casual basis.

Right now we're taking bookings for August. All info is on the website


Fb friends.
I’m transitioning away from fb to instagram for both business and personal.
And yes I know they’re owned by the same….

For work connections:

And for personal:

Hit me up so I can keep in contact with you all over there 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

Photos from The Centre For Mind, Body & Birth's post 15/06/2023

A sneak peek at The Centre For Mind, Body & Birth

The Centre For Mind, Body and Birth | Hypnotherapy | 24B Dick Street, Cambridge, New Zealand 15/06/2023

Our hypnotherapist is here to support you on your healing journey.

Hypnotherapy is an incredible holistic therapeutic modality that is both effective and fast.

Whatever your concern, go over to our website and book in a free call with Karina to discuss whether hypnotherapy is right for you.

The Centre For Mind, Body and Birth | Hypnotherapy | 24B Dick Street, Cambridge, New Zealand Welcome to the Centre For Mind, Body and Birth. Here you'll find details and bookings for our services. Hypnotherapy, Meditation, Breathwork, Massage, Hypnobirthing and more.

Stop Smoking Now | mindbodyandbirth 30/05/2023

Karina Jarnell

Stop Smoking Now | mindbodyandbirth It's time to break free from the harmful habit and embrace a smoke-free future with our revolutionary Comprehensive Stop Smoking Hypnosis Programme.

Stop Smoking Now | mindbodyandbirth 30/05/2023

Stop Smoking Now | mindbodyandbirth It's time to break free from the harmful habit and embrace a smoke-free future with our revolutionary Comprehensive Stop Smoking Hypnosis Programme.

Stop Smoking Now | mindbodyandbirth 30/05/2023

Mamas and Papas who smoke ci******es.... The time has come to stop.

I was asked by my office neighbours - A dentist - to create an affordable stop smoking programme that they could encourage their patients to use at home and in their own time.
(Apparently you can't get certain dental procedures if you're a smoker!)

Et Voila.

Here it is. I'm super proud of it and I know it works! I've used this programme with clients in-clinic and we've had so many positive results.
(the trick is to listen to the transformational recording EVERY day for at least 28 days!).
You must commit. You must do the work.

I'm reducing the price from $149 to just $49 to get it out there and help as many as I can to quit.

Share share share. It's time to quit.

Stop Smoking Now | mindbodyandbirth It's time to break free from the harmful habit and embrace a smoke-free future with our revolutionary Comprehensive Stop Smoking Hypnosis Programme.


The two minds are the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious mind contains wishes and desires and operates about 5% of the time. That means that 95% of our lives are from the programs, which have been downloaded into the subconscious mind.

Most of these programs are negative, disempowering, and self- sabotaging. While our conscious minds are busy thinking during the day, our subconscious programming self-sabotages. We externalize our struggles because we don’t see that we’re sabotaging ourselves; we only recognize that life isn’t working.

Knowing all of this, how do we achieve ultimate happiness and heaven-on-earth? Stay mindful, stay present (Resource List at If you stay in the present moment, the conscious mind is the pilot and your hands are on the wheel.


What is Conscious Parenting?

Our pre- and perinatal experiences form a biological template, which colors subsequent feelings and attitudes about ourselves, our relationships and our connection to Earth and Spirit. Awareness of this important programming mechanism can be used to prevent further harm, as well as heal the places in our hearts and minds where we ourselves have acquired limiting programs.

DVD at


“Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” When dyslexics find their unique abilities, they become unstoppable, and can even swim upstream! More on this on my blog:

How to raise emotionally intelligent kids 02/05/2023

How to raise emotionally intelligent kids We need to teach children about the importance of connection, heart and compassionate listening and put these things at the center of all our relationships, says author, educator and consultant Lae…


Watch this to see the C-section 😮 really interesting if you didn’t know.


A grown man looms behind my three-year-old daughter. Occasionally he will poke or tickle her and she responds by shrinking. Smaller and smaller with each unwanted advance. I imagine her trying to become slight enough to slip out of her booster seat and slide under the table.

When my mother views this scene, she sees playful taunting. A grandfather engaging with his granddaughter.

“Mae.” My tone cuts through the din of a familiar family gathering together. She does not look at me.

“Mae.” I start again. “You can tell him no Mae. If this isn’t okay you could say something like, Papa, please back up—I would like some space for my body.”

As I say the words, my step-father, the bulldog, leans in a little closer, hovering just above her head. His tenebrous grin taunts me as my daughter accordions her 30-pound frame hoping to escape his tickles and hot breath.

I repeat myself with a little more force. She finally peeks up at me.

“Mama . . . can you say it?”

Surprise. A three-year-old-girl doesn’t feel comfortable defending herself against a grown man. A man that has stated he loves and cares for her over and over again, and yet, stands here showing zero concern for her wishes about her own body. I ready myself for battle.

“Papa! Please back up! Mae would like some space for her body.”

My voice is firm but cheerful. He does not move.

“Papa. I should not have to ask you twice. Please back up. Mae is uncomfortable.”

“Oh, relax,” he says, ruffling her wispy blonde hair.
The patriarchy stands, patronizing me in my own damn kitchen. “We’re just playin’.” His southern drawl does not charm me.

“No. You were playing. She was not. She’s made it clear that she would like some space, now please back up.”

“I can play how I want with her.” He says, straightening his posture.

My chest tightens. The sun-bleached hairs on my arms stand at attention as this man, who has been my father figure for more than three decades, enters the battle ring.

“No. No, you cannot play however you want with her. It’s not okay to ‘have fun’ with someone who does not want to play.”

He opens his mouth to respond but my rage is palpable through my measured response. I wonder if my daughter can feel it. I hope she can.

He retreats to the living room and my daughter stares up at me. Her eyes, a starburst of blue and hazel, shine with admiration for her mama. The dragon has been slayed (for now). My own mother is silent. She refuses to make eye contact with me.

This is the same woman who shut me down when I told her about a sexual assault I had recently come to acknowledge.

This is the same woman who was abducted by a carful of strangers as she walked home one night. She fought and screamed until they kicked her out. Speeding away, they ran over her ankle and left her with a lifetime of physical and emotional pain.

This is the same woman who said nothing, who could say nothing as her boss and his friends sexually harassed her for years.

This is the same woman who married one of those friends.

When my mother views this scene, she sees her daughter overreacting. She sees me ‘making a big deal out of nothing.’ Her concerns lie more in maintaining the status quo and cradling my step-dad’s toxic ego than in protecting the shrinking three-year-old in front of her.

When I view this scene, I am both bolstered and dismayed. My own strength and refusal to keep quiet is the result of hundreds, probably thousands of years of women being mistreated, and their protests ignored. It is the result of watching my own mother suffer quietly at the hands of too many men. It is the result of my own mistreatment and my solemn vow to be part of ending this cycle.

It would be so easy to see a little girl being taught that her wishes don’t matter. That her body is not her own. That even people she loves will mistreat and ignore her. And that all of this is “okay” in the name of other people, men, having fun.

But. What I see instead is a little girl watching her mama. I see a little girl learning that her voice matters. That her wishes matter. I see a little girl learning that she is allowed and expected to say no. I see her learning that this is not okay.

I hope my mom is learning something, too.

Fighting the patriarchy one grandpa at a time.

~ By Lisa Norgren

Photo: TheGuardian


Reading this with a focus on pregnancy and birth.


🌻 What you see on mainstream TV, in the media and in the movies… isn’t the truth.

🌻 It isn’t nature or natural.

🌻 You can choose not to make other people’s stories your truth.

🌻 Hypnobirthing and hypnotherapy is more accurately un-hypno-birthing and un-hypno-therapy.

🌻 To un-hypnotise you to reveal your truth.

🌻 Balance, nature, love, compassion, confidence, support and community.


👏 Too well writen not to share....

PROOF….of the human mind manipulation and narrative control.

I find it so interesting as I’m sure most do who are awake to see how deeply rooted the mind manipulation of humans has gotten.

I share this with all of you today in hopes that some will “see” this manipulation from a different point of view and pull free from the hypnotized state they have been participating in.

Humans have been steathfully and slowly manipulated over time to voluntarily harm themselves and others without seeing it..

*****The boiling Frog 🐸 *****

They have been convinced that hierarchy exists and that people in power, who have money, who “look” like a million dollars who make “big” decisions deserve to be envied.

To be in awe of…

To look up to ..

To be separate from the rest of us peasants…

Listen to them, believe in them and trust that they have your best interest at heart.

A celebrity’s drinks Gatorade so humans go out and buy it..🤦‍♀️

We want to to “associated” with the untouchables in any way to FEEL worthy.

We buy their clothes, even when we don’t have the money..

It’s like the wizard behind the curtain in Oz.

They are behind the mainstream curtain and directing humanity.

They control your mind..

They tell you how to live.

Where to work.

How much money to earn.

When to retire.

Where to travel.

And through this hypnotized state most follow..

But the biggest reason for this message today is pertaining not to materialism.. or 3D ego values.

But to the most important piece that has been undervalued, ignored and mistreated..

YOU… the spiritual you and the physical you.

Most don’t put themselves first or even second for that matter.

We eat what we’re purposely programmed to eat, we buy things that do not add to our evolution or well being and we are distracted like never before with low frequency technology..

Netflix, movies, videos games, tv and social media bring ritualistic, killings, fear based wars and apocalyptic narratives at every turn.


****most humans minds are no longer theirs.***

They are the “programmers.”👽👈

They believe every story (lie) they hear.

The end of times are coming because the Bible predicts it.
(they wrote it) **FEAR**

Global Warming is upon us because of “our” abuse to the planet.
(no they made that up) **FEAR**

We need everyone to drive electric cars for “our” environment.
(no they can control where we go and turn them on or off when they choose) 💣💥

But the biggest one is a human will not invest in themselves to be healthy..

Health and well-being is NOT part of the programming.

It doesn’t fit the narrative.

This is how we KNOW we have lost our autonomy.. to think.


Humans will abuse themselves through negative thoughts, emotions, behaviors, alcohol, drugs, Big PHARma meds, radiation, have jobs they hate and settle in pretty much everything in their life.

Why would any species do this on purpose?

You know why .. 😉

When the opportunity presents itself to heal themselves, to live healthier and happier lives to create a life of abundance and well being humans say two things.

1. How much does this cost?
2. How long do I have to do this?


This is truly insane..

We would rather abuse our bodies and our minds and stay unhealthy than free ourself from mediocracy..


Wake up… you’ve been programmed to harm YOU without you even knowing it…

Unplug and think.💖💖💖

Credit Kimberly Atkinson


4 Ways to Change Your Thoughts

How do we change our programs into our wishes and desires?

1. Hypnosis

This is the way we learned our programs in the first 7 years of life. During this time the mind is operating in a low vibrational frequency like hypnosis. The theta state is very receptive and we do this two time every day before falling asleep and just before waking up.

2. Repetition

Through repetition and the creation of “habits,” the primary way we acquire subconscious programs after age 7. This can’t just be sticky notes on the mirror. This must be felt and experienced. This can be difficult if we are experiencing great contrast to the thing we want. Remember habits are by repeating something over and over and over again. Practicing, repeating, practicing!

3. Energy Psychology (aka super learning)

New belief modification programs that engage the brain’s super-learning processes, allowing programs to be changed within minutes. We’ve compiled relevant resources.

4. High Impact Events

An individual may rapidly rewrite programs after an overwhelming or psychologically-traumatizing life experience (e.g., being diagnosed with a terminal illness)

Links and resources at

Photos from The Lamaze Doula's post 03/04/2023

I am not brave for planning a homebirth
I am capable.
(Every low-risk mama is.❤)

I am not afraid of "what if's"
I am well informed and do not make
health decisions based on fear. 🧘‍♀️

I have no clue if I am dilated
It means nothing.
(The cervix is not a crystal ball.🔮)

I am not huge.
My body is perfect.👌

My baby is not going to be too big.
She will be the perfect size. 💯

I don't know how much I weigh.
I do not care.🙌

I will not be induced.
Babe will come when she is ready.
(I do not believe my body is broken.🙏)

I assure you, my body knows exactly what to do- as does yours! Trust it 💞



Most twins do not need to be born via cesarean section. Period. You have choices and deserve explanations when those choices are resisted.

We need to normalize photos like this and take fear out of twin birth!

Link in bio for one of my blogs about a birth center twin birth.


Gorgeous home birthing video's ready to watch now. Click through to my website.


This baby was born breech. En caul. In the water. At home. I've never seen anything like it...and I've seen my share of breech births. It was peaceful, calm, quiet, and exactly what my client wanted for the birth of her baby.

All mothers deserve more choices, more informed consent, more options, and more respect.

Your choice may not be the same choice as your friend or client. That's more than okay. We need to give pregnant moms options and autonomy and respect. Because at the end of the day, I always believe the person birthing the baby knows best.


Karina Jarnell - Specialising in the mind-body connection for understanding and healing from unexplained infertility, fears and phobia, birth trauma, birth post traumatic stress disorder and Tokophobia. Karina Jarnell, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Holistic Counsellor & Hypnobirthing Practitioner.

Subcribe Audio Recordings | Hypnobirthing 28/03/2023

Live now on my website: An Audio Recording Talk and Practice of Up Breathing.
Up Breathing is the 2nd style of breathing we teach here at Karina Jarnell Hypnobirthing Class.
Up Breathing is the breathing style we teach our mamas and papas to use during Stage 1 of Labour when experiencing surges.
This breathing style is paramount to Hypnobirthing.
I hope you listen, enjoy and feel free to share this post.

Subcribe Audio Recordings | Hypnobirthing Subscribe and download all my beautifully recorded hypnotic meditations for anyone on their parenting pathway. Fertility, pregnancy, birth, post-natal and beyond.


In a mother’s womb were two babies. One asked the other: “Do you believe in life after delivery?”The other replied, “Why, of course. There has to be something after delivery. Maybe we are here to prepare ourselves for what we will be later.”
“Nonsense,” said the first. “There is no life after delivery. What kind of life would that be?”
The second said, “I don’t know, but there will be more light than here. Maybe we will walk with our legs and eat with our mouths. Maybe we will have other senses that we can’t understand now.”
The first replied, “That is absurd. Walking is impossible. And eating with our mouths? Ridiculous! The umbilical cord supplies nutrition and everything we need. But the umbilical cord is so short. Life after delivery is to be logically excluded.”
The second insisted, “Well I think there is something and maybe it’s different than it is here. Maybe we won’t need this physical cord anymore.”
The first replied, “Nonsense. And moreover, if there is life, then why has no one ever come back from there? Delivery is the end of life, and in the after-delivery, there is nothing but darkness and silence and oblivion. It takes us nowhere.”
“Well, I don’t know,” said the second, “but certainly we will meet Mother and she will take care of us.”
The first replied “Mother? You actually believe in Mother? That’s laughable. If Mother exists then where is She now?”
The second said, “She is all around us. We are surrounded by her. We are of Her. It is in Her that we live. Without Her, this world would not and could not exist.”
Said the first: “Well I don’t see Her, so it is only logical that She doesn’t exist.”
To which the second replied, “Sometimes, when you’re in silence and you focus and listen, you can perceive Her presence, and you can hear Her loving voice, calling down from above.”
Maybe this was one of the best explanations of the concept of GOD.
– this lovely parable is from Your Sacred Self by Dr. Wayne Dyer

Post Natal Depression | Hypnotherapy | Cambridge 22/03/2023

Post Natal Depression | Hypnotherapy | Cambridge Post natal depression can be incredibly difficult to deal with on your own. Some people feel sad about everything. Some people find it difficult to get out of bed, and some feel detached from their baby. There are many symptoms and each one of them is valid.

Post Natal Depression | Hypnotherapy | Cambridge 22/03/2023

I've been working with an incredibly strong and beautiful soul the last few months. I'm thrilled to offer her testimonial here for you to read.
Post Natal Depression is an important topic which needs more and more open and non-judgemental conversation.

1 in 10, yes 1 in 10 women suffer with severe PND. That figure is probably much more given women tend to dig deep and get on with it rather than complain, especially when they're new mums when they must put on a brave face - to their midwife, their plunket nurse, their partner, their children, their mother's and mother's-in-law... you get it.

In my work, I hold space for PND sufferers and their partners. I use the tools and techniques I have been trained in to free them of their worries, concerns, feelings of shame and guilt and ultimately free them of post-natal depression.

"Working with Karina was an entirely life changing experience.
Karina's methods even brought out events that I hadn’t registered had consciously caused me trauma; I suppose once you are hurting so much that you no longer feel pain, or indeed any feelings either given or received, you stop acknowledging new wounds. Through hypnotherapy and unconditional support, Karina gave me the tools to delicately unwind the metaphorical, failing dressings covering my wounds and heal them completely rather than just covering them up again.
Karina enabled me to open myself up to feeling loved and give love to my baby girl, my boys and my husband and to trust again. I can now sleep peacefully, switching off to all the noise of everyday life. I can confidently stand tall and walk into buildings that once left me a quivering, sobbing wreck.
While I know the journey was mine alone to make, it was my choosing to put these events to rest and my knowing that the time was right for me to accept these changes, I couldn’t have made that journey without Karina's unfailing guidance every step of the way, to see the journey to its conclusion. Karina really has a gift for instilling trust, a feeling of safety and calmness in her little sanctuary. Karina has given me my life back, given my husband back his wife and soul mate and my children their loving mother, for that we are all eternally grateful.”

Post Natal Depression | Hypnotherapy | Cambridge Post natal depression can be incredibly difficult to deal with on your own. Some people feel sad about everything. Some people find it difficult to get out of bed, and some feel detached from their baby. There are many symptoms and each one of them is valid.


Within a baby's umbilical cord are 2 arteries and 1 vein (unless you're part of the approx. 1% who had a single artery cord).
The arteries remove waste and deoxygenated blood away from the baby and back through the placenta so it can be excreted through the maternal body system.
When pregnancy begins there are 2 veins, but by around 4 weeks gestation the right vein begins to close up and stop functioning. Around 7 weeks gestation it will have disappeared completely. The remaining vein continues to carry oxygenated blood and nutrients from the placenta to the baby.
In a full term baby the cord is usually approx.20 inches long and about 0.75 inches in diameter. The blood flow through the cord is approx. 35 ml / min at 20 weeks and 240 ml / min at 40 weeks of gestation.

📷: on IG


Cluster feeding is often described as frequent feeding for a period of a few hours. What often isn’t mentioned is that babies can be really, really annoyed during cluster feeding! It’s so common for mums to worry about their milk supply in the early to late evening, when baby is asking to feed, latching, pulling off the breast, screaming, asking to feed again on a seemingly endless loop. Throw in soft breasts and difficulties expressing anything, and you have a recipe for low milk supply fears! Next time you or a loved one finds yourself in this position, it might help to remember the information below:

If baby is producing plenty of wet and dirty nappies, and gaining weight according to guidelines, then they are getting enough milk from you.

If this period of screamy, wriggly fussiness is happening for a period of time each day, but most of the rest of the time, they are happy to feed, and are equally as happy (or asleep!) after feeding, then you are fairly unlikely to be dealing with a feeding problem.

If things are getting too much, and latching just isn’t happening, I often find it helpful to suggest handing baby over to your partner or whoever is able to come and support you, while you go and take a short shower before trying to feed again. This seems to work for a few reasons:

It gives you a few minutes to exhale, regulate, and get ready for more feeding

Babies often calm down in someone else’s arms when they can’t smell your milk.

The warm water can help milk to flow

The sound of the shower means you can’t hear you baby crying (Remember they are safe with someone else, and this is only for a few minutes.)

Of course, if feeding is generally not going well, if baby is unhappy most of the time, or there are other problems, then it’s really important to get good support because very intense cluster feeding can be a sign that baby is struggling if it’s happening WITH other concerns.


Sharing : This is important information to know so you can make an informed choice x

Repost from

Extensive research in recent years has revealed that the practice of immediate clamping of the umbilical cord can be detrimental to babies. DCC is now supported by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), the Royal College of Midwives (RCM), as well as the World Health Organisation (WHO) and National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) in the UK. ⁠
DCC is when there is a delay before clamping a baby’s cord after they are born, however every baby is unique and some babies take longer than others to transfer blood volume therefore, if possible, ask for the cord not to be clamped or cut until it has stopped pulsating, has turned whiter in colour or until the placenta has been birthed.⁠
So why is DCC/OCC important for your baby?⁠
• Up to 1/3 of your baby’s circulating blood volume is still in the placenta and cord at birth, so if clamped immediately your baby could have around 300mls less blood than they were intended to have.⁠
• If your baby does not breathe straight away after the birth, the unclamped umbilical cord will continue to supply them with oxygen rich blood and nutrients, until they take their first breath. ⁠
• Babies who had DCC showed improved iron stores at 4-6 months of age which protects against anaemia.⁠
• Premature babies may benefit even more than full term babies, as receiving a higher blood volume can protect their organs and brains.⁠
• If you need some help to birth your baby, such as forceps, ventouse or C-section, DCC should still be possible, so ask your doctor or midwife at the time.⁠
If you want your baby to have DCC or OCC put this in your birth plan and remind your doctor or midwife caring for you during the birth too.⁠

Found this useful? Remember, you can hit save to relook at the post later. ⁠

Photo credit - .foto


Being upright and mobile during birth has a number of benefits for both mother and baby. It can reduce the duration of labour, the chance of a c-section and the need for an epidural. It can also reduce pain and ensure a more positive birth experience.

Upright positions include standing, squatting and kneeling. These positions enable optimal fetal and pelvic positioning. They also allow gravity to lend a helping hand!

So with all this research and all these benefits, why are so many women and birthing people still giving birth on a bed?

Firstly, almost every representation of birth on TV and in films includes a woman lying on her back on a bed. This can mean that giving birth in the position is what women feel is 'expected' of them. In addition, the biomedical model of birth has played its part; supine positions are known to be favoured by birth practitioners as they allow for ‘easier’ monitoring and examinations.

Also, what’s traditionally in the middle of a birthing/hospital room? A bed! This alone can have a huge psychological impact.

Midwives play a vital role in promoting and supporting upright birthing positions, but only if the birthing person wants it. You can...

🗣 Share the knowledge! Antenatal education is vital. Explain the benefits of mobility and upright positioning, helping women to make an informed decision and feel supported in their choice.

💫 Create a birth environment which supports physiology! Move the bed. Get creative with the equipment and furniture on hand.

🤰🏽Trust the birth journey! Help the person giving birth to move freely and support them in finding positions that feel instinctive and comfortable.

Original and full post from the practicing midwife journal.
Amazing 📸 💗


There are many labour & birthing positions.
Practice all of them to see how each feels and resonates with you. 💕


Family centered birth. This is what the standard of birth should be. Calm. Patient. Undisturbed.

Mama: Dayna Jangles
📷: Andie and Ollie Photography


Remember how magnificent you are 🤩



24b Dick Street

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 15:30
Tuesday 09:00 - 15:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 03:30
Thursday 09:00 - 15:30