Inaflow-Holistic Wellness

A safe, warm and inviting space with a focus on holistic wellness and support. I work alongside you Access Bars Practioner and Facilitator. Abundance Life Coach.

Intuitive, Passionate and slightly crazy in all the best ways. A life long learner, a seeker of what makes life and living fun and joyful
Reiki Master Practioner and Teacher. Access Energetic Facelift Practioner. First Light Flower Essesnces. doTERRA Essential Oils. Breakthrough Life Coach. EFT Level 2 in Training.


Rumi, always has the most well pointed quotes.
All effective change starts with us. 😍


First Light Flower Essence for today is.....
No 33 Rewarewa.
Still in the zodiac sign of Aquarius Rewarewa has a focus on Participation.
So if you are born between 9th to 18th February this one is your KEYNOTE or POWER FLOWER.

I am super excited about this flower essence as it is my KEYNOTE essence.

It is a great support for those who have a tactful reserve, who have an easy manner with others and are approachable and can look at things in a universal way.
It supports when faced with challenges about feeling emotionally isolated and lonely, dealing with social withdrawal, who maybe aloof or a bit of a loner.

Want to know what your KEY NOTE / FLOWER POWER is and means – comment below for me to message you.


So you have heard me mention mindfulness....
Mindful Eating.
It is a technique I learnt about over 18 months of intensive mindfulness training.
Eat with awareness - Simple, wonderful pleasure. Mindful eating aids in weight loss and promotes healthy digestion amongst other benefits.

I just had to share this gem with you from Savannah Meyers of NC Cooperative Extension.
We can practice mindful eating by keeping in mind these tips:
1. Notice how your food looks and smells before tasting.
2. Appreciate your meal.
3. Eat slowly.
4. Bring awareness to your current stress-levels.
5. Don’t deprive yourself of your favorite foods, but pay attention to portion size.
6. Set aside time for meals instead of eating while working or on the go

How mindful are you in your eating?
Love and light


I know today we are taking the day to acknowledge / celebrate the signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and that this means many different things for many different people. I welcome all people in to my room and value working alongside all people following the four guiding principles.

Here is what they mean at Inaflow - Holistic Wellness.
Reciprocity: Yes I am here to support you in the best way possible, I am also a life long learner and a constant work in progress and I know through a reciprocal relationship I will learn and grow from you as well.

Active protection: This is a safe space for everyone involved - myself, you, on an individual basis, family / friend support / classes and group work. Online or in real-time.

Partnership: We work together to support your goals, ideas, and needs.

Equity: We tailor healing opportunities, resources, coaching strategies and all the other great things we have available to make sure you have the best opportunities. We are all different and we value that and you.

This photo is a fantastic representation of my memory of Waitangi Day. What you may not know is I am originally from the Bay of Islands.

So enjoy your day - however you choose to spend it and with what ever meaning is important to you.
Love and light


It can be hard to get our head and hearts out of the past sometimes.
It can be hard to get our heads and worry out of the future too.
Being present, aware and mindful helps to keep us in the here and now. This gives us opportunities to REALLY appreciate what is great in this moment.

Do you find it hard to not reminisce, reflect, regurgitate EVERYTHING that has happened in the past.?
Do you go over and over in your mind replaying scenarios and things that happened?
Are you a "if only... why didn't I?, I should have... person?
Are you so worried about the future... getting it right, getting it wrong, what will people say and think ... person?

Mindfulness is a huge strategy we use here at Inaflow - Holistic Wellness as you work through these things. So many cool mindfulness ideas, tips and tricks, that can actually be a heck of a lot of fun too.

Does this speak to you?
Let me know.... lets chat.
Love and light


First Light Flower Essence for today is.....
No 32 Ice Plant.
Still in the zodiac sign of Aquarius Ice Plant has a focus on Freedom.
So if you are born between 30th January and 8th February this one is your KEYNOTE or POWER FLOWER.

It is a great support for those who are adaptable, open minded, and idealists who respect difference and work in cooperation.
It supports when faced with challenges about being hard on oneself or in self-denial, if you have strict views or are suppressing your inner needs.

Want to know what your KEY NOTE / FLOWER POWER is and means – comment below for me to message you.


Happiness is always an interesting topic when working with clients and when I am working with myself.
What is happy?
What do I have to do to be happy?
Do I have to be happy ALL the time - and then I am happy?

When we do a deep dive into these subjects and feelings, it really is a heck of a ride. We discover some amazing stuff and really have a hard look at what this means for you, in thought, feeling, physical reactions, responses and actions.

Happiness in the past, in our youth, as a child?
Happiness now, right here, in these present moments, in life, work, family, friends, money, hobbies, passions?
Happiness in the future?

I wonder what happiness is for you?


First Light Flower Essence for today is.....
No 31 Native Iris.
Still in the zodiac sign of Aquarius Native Iris has a focus on Individuality.
So if you are born between 20th - 29th January this one is your KEYNOTE or POWER FLOWER.

It is a great support for those who are a torchbearer, the activist, and creators of change. For those at ease with uniqueness, who have firm principles and looks past outdated things.
It supports when faced with challenges when faced with inflexibility, being overbearing, overanxious and high strung.

Want to know what your KEY NOTE / FLOWER POWER is and means – comment below for me to message you.

Photos from Inaflow-Holistic Wellness's post 18/01/2024

Live for the moments, you can't put into words.

What feeds your soul, your heart, your spirit?
We have many different aspects of ourselves to love, nurture and grow if we want to have holistic flow.
Here is one of mine....


A great reminder that if we do one thing today, then that is one step closer to where you want to be.

My one thing today is: Do some hand sewing on some bandanas for my other business in between client appointments. Who says we only have to have one passion !!!! Right?

What is your one thing?
Or do you find it hard to work out what the next step is, or are you working too many steps, or are you not even sure if you should step??????
I can help with that.
Comment HELP if you need help and I will contact you.
I can't wait to hear your next step....

Love and light



*Do you have product for sale?
YES we do! Diffusers, Crystals, doTERRA Essential Oils, and First Light Natural Health of New Zealand premade essences.

*Where do I find the products?
Right here at Inaflow-Holistic Wellness, also products are being loaded into the page right here. Bear with me as I add it all to the PHOTO ALBUM section of the page.

*Do you ship products out?
Yes I can do at your cost, through out New Zealand.

*Are your services only available in Cambridge or Waikato or can I access them online?
Great question - some modalities must be done in person such as Access Bars, Access Facelift and Sound Healing. Other modalities can be done via zoom such as Flower Essences consultations, EFT and Coaching. Reiki can be done in person or via a distance healing.

Photos from Inaflow-Holistic Wellness's post 15/01/2024

Welcome back to 2024 from Inaflow - Holistic Wellness. I am back in the office / room today and I am taking my time to settle in, refresh and ground myself and the space as i get ready to welcome you all back.

I hope you remember to slow down as you head back to work, study, family life and all that involves. We only have this moment, right here, right now.... and while we plan and organise ourselves, everyone else and our environment to be ready for what is ahead try and keep one foot or even better both feet here.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon
Love and light

Photos from Inaflow-Holistic Wellness's post 01/01/2024

I recently came across a quote from an author that I found super interesting and encouraging.

Her name is Emily Nagoski, and she writes about what she calls the “Stress Cycle.” Here’s a piece of her writing that really stood out to me, that I thought you might like to hear:
“The good news is that stress is not the problem… To be ‘well’ is not to live in a state of perpetual safety and calm, but to move fluidly from a state of adversity, risk, adventure, or excitement, back to safety and calm, and out again. Stress is not bad for you; being stuck is bad for you.”

Nick Ortner from The Tapping Solution follows on with:
"I found the concept she wrote about to be really helpful. It reminded me that stress is normal, and that moving in and out of stress is a normal, human experience. I don’t have to expect myself to never experience stress ever again. Or to feel absolutely at peace all of the time."

"What I can do is learn how to move more freely, and with more ease, back into a state of calm whenever I do find myself challenged, facing adversity, facing risk, feeling anxious"...

How does this idea about the stress cycle influence how you move about your day today?

Photos from Inaflow-Holistic Wellness's post 29/12/2023

Reminders for Trying Something Differently:

Instead of giving up, try looking at the problem from a new angle.

Instead of holding on, try letting go.

Instead of wishing things were different, try taking action to make a difference.

Instead of resisting, try accepting.

Instead of worrying about what could go wrong, wonder about what could go right.

Instead of speeding up, try slowing down.

Instead of complaining, try practicing gratitude and saying thank you.

Instead of pulling away, try leaning in.

Instead of being hard on yourself, try being gentle with yourself.

Love and light

Photos from Inaflow-Holistic Wellness's post 26/12/2023

"Trauma and drama melt away when you are willing to be the energy of relaxation" Brendon Watt.

So how do you relax?


We wish you all a Christmas full of love, laughter, lightness, with those who are important to you. ❤️🌲❤️

Thank you for all your support over this last year. I'll be adding some posts over the holiday time, but we will be back properly from the 8th January 2024.


A great quote that really gets to the point of the quality of questions we ask ourselves and the universe, defines the quality of our lives.

How are your questions? Deep? Surface level?
Do you already know the answers?
Are you able to ask the question and leave it to the universe?
Are the questions you ask yourself honest ones or are they the sort of questions that reinforce history, behaviour and expectations?

Why we all need to practice emotional first aid 19/12/2023

Nearly 3 years ago I was sent a You Tube link to watch and I have just come across it again. Well worth a 17 min watch over a cup of coffee or tea.

Dr Guy Winch talks about the importance of emotional first aid and self care. He covers things like loneliness, failure, stopping emotional bleeding, protecting your self esteem, and battling negative thinking.

Some really great points and things to reflet on.
How is your emotional hygiene and first aid?

Why we all need to practice emotional first aid We'll go to the doctor when we feel flu-ish or a nagging pain. So why don't we see a health professional when we feel emotional pain: guilt, loss, loneliness? Too many of us deal with common psychological-health issues on our own, says Guy Winch. But we don't have to. He makes a compelling case to p...


The stories we'll tell ourselves and self talk we have is SOOOO powerful. It can have positive impacts and negatives impacts.

Quite often the stories and self talk we carry... we have had for a LONG time. These may have come from ourselves, from our experiences or may actually have come from some one else.... and we'll hello they aren't even our words but we have taken them as a truth for a lifetime.

You have to be willing to challenge those stories... are they actually true.... is actually what YOU think or know. Deep right.. 🙏

It can also be less deep too. Always a good place to start if you find challenging these stories hard.

Okay I hear you say... where has this all come from?
A HAT.... yip a hat.

For YEARS my story has been "I am NOT a hat person"...

Firstly what the f**k is a "hat person" anyway?🤷‍♀️
I've always had to wear them for work... role modeling to children... and boy did I moan and groan. Yup I hated every minute of it... for YEARS.

The interesting thing about challenging stories is you have to be open... you have to be brave... you have to be vulnerable and step out of your comfort zone. Listen to your intuition, your gut, your actual truth rather than the loop on repeat in our head.
That is how challenge stories and find our truth...

A hat 👍

What The Bleep Is An Infinite Being? 06/12/2023

Have a listen to Dr Dain Heer talk about being an Infinite Being.....

What the BLEEP is an "Infinite Being"? And, why does it even matter? In the classes I facilitate we often ask people to acknowledge that they are an infinite being...but what does that actually mean for your life?

Infinite means.....everything! The whole universe!
I know, it's not a concept that we can actually totally comprehend, but the willingness to engage with this possibility can contribute so much.

So, how do we use it?

Acknowledging that you are, indeed, an infinite being will start to expose the places where you are limiting your choices and what you can create in your life.

An infinite being:
- wouldn't come to conclusion
- wouldn't limit the possibilities available
- wouldn't be limited to just the size of your body
- has the ability to be in communion with every molecule of the universe

What if oneness could be a living, waking, breathing experience of the world?

If we're going to be the infinite beings we truly are, it opens the door for us to live beyond the necessity of judgment, of right and wrong, beyond the necessity of need or separation.

Functioning more and more as an infinite being gives us access to a space of being live that includes miraculousness. In this space we don't exclude possibilities based on our conclusions and points of view.

How does that sound?

Here's a great question you can start to play with right away in any situation where you're wondering what else could be possible:
"Would an infinite being choose this?"

If the answer is "no", then you've exposed a place where you're choosing based on a conclusion or point of view - how cool is that?!

This journey of consciousness is non-stop! Keep exploring and keep playing!

What The Bleep Is An Infinite Being? What the BLEEP is an "Infinite Being"? And, why does it even matter? In the classes I facilitate we often ask people to acknowledge that they are an infinite...


Gratitude is something we can all hold and carry with us at all times. No matter what is going on, how crazy, how sad, how dark.... there is always the smallest thing to be grateful for.

That gratitude, no matter how small can help you shift and traverse your way through whatever you are going through.

How do you use or acknowledge gratitude?


Intentional Living is a term that often gets brought up in discussions about life, living and daily stress. I think everyone desires to live an intentional life, but it doesn’t look the same for every life stage and lifestyle.

Living an intentional life, at its core, is just the process of being mindful of your end goal.
Where are your priorities?
What are you headed toward?
And what can you do today to take just one step toward the life you desire to live?

My encouragement for today is to live intentionally, being thoughtful of your future self, and celebrating the things that bring less stress and more peace into your life and home. That will look different for every individual, and that's part of what makes us all wonderfully unique!

I wonder what this is or means to you?

Photos from Inaflow-Holistic Wellness's post 23/11/2023


Sound healing and crystal singing bowls on The Voice!!!!!


CROWN CHAKRA Crystal Singing Bowl...


THIRD EYE CHAKRA Crystal Singing Bowls.


THROAT CHAKRA Crystal Singing Bowl.


HEART CHAKRA Crystal Singing Bowl.


SOLAR PLEXUS Crystal Singing Bowl.


SACRAL CHAKRA Crystal Singing Bowl.

Want your business to be the top-listed Health & Beauty Business in Cambridge?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

CROWN CHAKRA Crystal Singing Bowl...
THIRD EYE CHAKRA Crystal Singing Bowls.
THROAT CHAKRA  Crystal Singing Bowl.
HEART CHAKRA Crystal Singing Bowl.
SOLAR PLEXUS Crystal Singing Bowl.
SACRAL CHAKRA Crystal Singing Bowl.
BASE / ROOT CHAKRA Crystal Singing Bowl.
Meet the Crystal Singing Bowls.
Ohhhh something has arrived here at Inaflow- Holistic Wellness.... so excited....




61 Byron Street Leamington

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 7pm
Tuesday 9am - 7pm
Wednesday 9am - 7pm
Thursday 9am - 7pm
Friday 9am - 7pm
Saturday 10am - 5pm
Sunday 10am - 5pm

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