Konise Strength NZ
Health is for everyone - Its time to start showing up for yourself, and I'm gonna show you how.
For the brothers.
Over time it's been hammered into us that we are weak if we are sad. That we are weak if we show emotion, and somehow it is funny or irregular if you see a man cry.
I personally have been told by people that because I look the way I do, I need to act a certain way. And for a long time I believed that. I really did.
So today. As the man I am now. I share with you my outlook on the matter now.
Real weakness and irregularity is not allowing yourself to feel.
Real weakness is seeing weakness as a problem. Not as an opportunity for growth.
We are not robots. We cry.
We are not stone. We hurt.
We are not machines. We bleed.
And we are not anything less because we feel.
It doesn't matter how long you've been that way. You can change it. It will take time. And you will hate it at first. But through vulnerability and weakness, you can truly gain a more clear understanding of who you are. And give yourself the space to become more then what you thought possible.
Love to the brothers ❤️ 💙
Here's a reminder of what you can do when you respect yourself enough to do it.
Here's a reminder of what all those small wins amount to over time.
Here's a reminder of what is achieved when you fall in love with your health.
Here's a reminder of what ONE decision can turn into.
Here's a reminder that YOUR actions are the only difference between the left and the right.
So, who are you gonna be?
Me and my brothers ❤️❤️
This has been MY journey so far.
I've been there. I've been to the worst parts of physical and mental health. To the high blood pressure, the high cholesterol, the love booze, pies, and ci******es. And the worst part? Not realizing I was unhealthy.
To where I am now.
Shining a light for others to walk by in their own journey.
I dont regret any of it, though. Because through my path, I've had to endure hellish difficulties, bullying, loneliness, and being the "funny fat guy" for most of my adult life.
And because of that, I've always had a very clear image of what I want to move away from. I've had to grow and fight and control every urge and want that the old me tried to hand me. As a result, I've landed where I am today.
Over 20kg lighter, happier, healthier, faster - but the main thing I feel is a sense of love for myself and the understanding that no matter what happens I will show up for myself and keep my vision clear.
Now, I can help others with my qualifications and life experience. Which, for me, is the most beautiful part of all of this. Being able to be for others what I wish I had.
Today, I post this to show you where you can be. To show people that even if it's slow, the darkness will go.
Have the best weekend. Treat yourself well, and stay focused.
Love and light ✨️
- Coach Mike
🔥🔥10-week challenge with a $500 prize! 🔥🔥
Hey, team! You may have seen on my story I put the feelers out for people who want to do a 10-week challenge to improve their health and to increase the presence of healthy habits in their lives.
I've had an overwhelming response, so I am doing this post to explain how things will work!
➡️ The challenge is all run on an app on your phone.
➡️ The challenge is based on tasks that are set for you week to week.
➡️ The tasks can range from an amount of steps in the day to eating a certain amount of protein a day.
➡️ Full home or gym workouts will be included and customized to you and your personal ability.
➡️ $500 cash prize for the person who ticks the most of their challenges off!
➡️ $25.00 per week.
Entries will be closed on the 30th of August 2023. The challenge will commence on the 4th of September 2023.
Get in quick! Literally, all of my slots got picked up within 15 minutes of my story post last time, so I am opening a further 15 slots from now!
Coach Mike 👌
Winning your day may seem like a real hard thing to fathom. Especially when you're trying to eat well, perform well at work, maintain a social life, get fit, spend time with your family, and so on.
But here's the honest truth about having a day that you win COMPLETELY. It's not about the day - it's about the individual battles throughout.
Come on in, sit down, and let Uncle Mike teach you some s%.
There's a chessy saying "small wins amount to big ones" or something like that. And it's true. The small battles of the day are constantly thrown at us.
The snacks at the office morning tea, the socializing with people who drain your energy, skipping out on your lunch time walk, spending money on buying lunch when you know you've made a healthy nutrient dense low cost one, drinking every night with dinner, smoking, va**ng, being a lazy f #$k etc etc.
But, if in these moments (battles), you take those precious 10 seconds to stop, ask yourself how this aligns with the person that you want to be? And then answer truthfully. You will start to slowly but surely win.
For me personally, I ask myself:
" Is this the behavior of someone I DO or DO NOT want to be? "
Deciding to do the right thing when the opportunity arises isn't just a way to win. It's a way of building that all important self confidence and love for yourself. Because if you know that you've got you - no matter what happens, how amazing will that feel?
Imagine knowing that no matter what happens today, I will not lead myself into any losses. I won't allow my mind, body, or spirit to be rocked by whatever may come because my journey of self-love and respect means that much to me.
All this takes is individual, honest, decisions.
So, what will you decide next when the opportunity comes to choose?
Have a safe weekend - spread love, not germs, hug your homies and WIN.
One day - all the work that you've done will show itself to you. It'll hit you when you least expect it, and you will realize that it was all for something.
All the sweating and grinding, brick by brick sometimes grain of sand by grain of sand.
Because even when you couldn't see it then, you stayed focused. Even when the scales went up and down and up and down, you did the work.
Even when life got hard, and you got sick and work got busy - you did everything that was possible to stay on the track you were making.
Even when people told you that the way you were being was over the top, or "restrictive" or made jokes about the food you were eating; you dug your spoon into that food and you got it down.
The harsh reality of this is that people expect to see change before they've even established the habit. Because the world now is at our fingertips - instant gratification is all anyone wants.
So, a vast majority of people quit. They stop because it's not "working."
Newsflash. If you've been holding onto excess fat for 10 years, it's not coming off in 10 days.
If you've been smoking and drinking for 40 years, 40 minutes of cardio isn't gonna fix that.
Realize EARLY that health is a journey. And for those who respect it and are patient with it. Your journey will be filled with light and progress.
Happy Monday, you beautiful amazing mother flippers!
Win the day.
One day, you'll look back and see it was all meant to be the way that it was in order to get you to where you are now.
And if that day hasn't come for you yet. It just means your lesson isn't finished.
So whatever you do - Keep moving through.
- Coach Mike
There are a few things to consider before you jump into paying a coach weekly to help you. And so today, I'm going to list off 5 really important considerations when choosing one! In no particular order, from and experienced qualified coach:
1. Qualifications and experience.
Right off the bat you should ask upfront what qualifications your perspective coach holds, along with the experience they have working with someone who has YOUR needs and wants. This isn't rude. This is your right to know. Make sure they have the walk to match the talk. And if they dont? Tell them that it's not going to work for you and move to the next.
2. Look at their social media.
In this day and age, most businesses will have social media ( coaches included ).
Have a look at their content and how they promote themselves. What is their training message? How do they speak about their training and clients? Does their content match your values and what you need from a coach?
3. Watch them with their current clients.
Get a preview by watching how they interact and guide their current clients. Does it look intense? Fun? Quiet? Do they pay attention when their clients are performing movements? Or do they disengage? Seeing them in action can be a really good way to get an idea of how they are with different people and how much they put into each session.
4. Are they a generalist or a specialist.
Some coaches are better suited to specific types of training due to their experience being in that protocol. Where as others are more broad and general in their approach. They can cover most things moderately well. Figuring out if you have specialist needs or more generic ones is a great way to know what kind of person to start looking for.
5. What has their own fitness journey been like.
Plain and simple. Where have they been to get to where they are now. Have they done a few squats and decided they wanna be a trainer? Or have they lost a ton of weight, turned their lives around with fitness,and are now helping people do the same? Knowing this will give you a good indication of the substance of your coach. Someone who knows the way is better than someone who doesn't am I right?
-Coach M
Hey you beautiful bi***es.
Here are 3 reminders from your friendly neighborhood silverback.
1. It's not realistic, or even possible to have a good day every single day. And the people posting on social media like they are...
Are professional bulls**tters ✅️
Constantly we are swamped with people's highlighted, copy and pasted, look at me look at me posts about how everyday is bliss, and if you're not happy every day then there's something wrong with you.
Well, ya big mate Mike is here to say..
Hey, if you're having a s**t day, then THAT is one of the most normal things next to the sun being above the sea.
Bad days come to remind us of our resilience. Bad days come to show us how much we can withstand and move forward. And the bad days come to make the good days brighter.
2. You don't need a reason, a sickness or an excuse to not wanna be around people that drain your energy. Simple.
If you hang out with people or have a friend that afterward you're grateful to be away from them and during you're excited to leave - then that my dear, is a bad energy exchange.
Be aware enough to recognize and brave enough to step away. Love yourself first 💖
3. You are capable of a s**tload more than you think you are. This is something that I help my clients learn week in and week out.
Your potential is often locked behind massive walls of doubt that life, you, and experiences have bestowed upon you. Sometimes, it takes a coach to help you break through, but more often than not, it takes a slight realignment. A realization that even if you fail trying. You are braver, more resilient, courageous, and straight up bad ass by default.
Love Coach Mike 💙 ❤️
Ps, yes you should get more tattoos
When someone tells you "you can't do that" in regards to something you're passionate about trying to achieve. It's quite hard to hear.
But the truth of the matter is they're actually saying:
"I don't think I could do that, so with my limited thinking and fearful mindset, that would dictate that you also couldn't."
Their answer is actually one that is tailored by their own limited internal wiring. Not by the bearing of your commitment or character.
To often we get weighed down by the limitations of others that come out in comments and conversations. To often we believe people's doubts over our own passions and ideas.
So, I ask you this. Is that the kind of people you want to be around? Ones that push their doubts onto you? Ones that live in a cage of their own ability and anything outside of that is blasphemous?
Or do you want to be around people that hear your passions and become excited? Ones who hear your ideas and add to them respectfully and in line with your vision? People who celebrate your commitment and guts to give it a try.
Wanna know the best way to attract those types of people? Become one yourself. Project that positivity into the world. Get gassed up when you think of your passion, and remember how special it is that you are capable of working towards a dream of your choosing.
F #$k limited - be Limitless.
- Coach Mike ❤️
Today , I had my last EMDR therapy session since my nervous breakdown last year.
This has been the hardest work I've ever done on myself. I've had to strip back alot of layers and dive into alot of places I didn't want to, in order to actually fix the things that were wrong, rather than put a bandaid over it and pretend like that's enough. Because for 31 years, what I've been doing has never been enough.
I'd love to say that each time I had a therapy session,I emerged at the end triumphant in knights armor holding the head of the dragon I slayed. But, most of the time, my sessions resulted in sobbing, laying in the arms of my wife, wondering why the hell that happened to me. I've had to hold a mirror up to myself every week for the past 6 months, when all I wanted to do was obliterate it and lay down.
But, I didn't. I decided each week that I was gonna do this terribly difficult thing, which is 100% going to make me feel afraid, vulnerable, and inadequate.
I'm going to do it, and I'm gonna do it until it doesn't feel that way anymore. I'm going to be honest and stand my ground when I want to concede and run away. I'm going to be strong and calm when my anxious mind tries to poison my mind and reality. And most of all, I'm going to love myself the whole way through, even at the worst moments. I will love myself.
And sure enough, those tears became less frequent. My sobbing soon became clarity and the doors to who I'm supposed to be started to open. Slowly but surely, I got here.
I'm writing this today to remind you of the power you have inside of you. To remind you that you are not a product of your past. And that no matter how dark your past or present may seem. Your future can be filled with radiant light and deep, connected, real love.
To my wife. The woman who drained her own soul to feed mine. Who stayed up all hours of the night with me, wiping my tears and loving me deeply and fiercely through this. Who carried me through fire and rain. Without you, there is no sky, no sun or stars. You are the light in my life ✨️ I love you.
Here's a couple of things to remember at the start of a new week:
➡️ Last week is gone, yesterday is gone and so are the efforts that you put in then. The board is back to zero. Yesterday's efforts do not carry over to today. Today, you must rise again and get your s**t done.
➡️ No one else is responsible for you eating right, training right and living right. That's on you boo boo. It's a solo mission, treat it as such.
➡️ You lose all right to complain if you are sitting around doing nothing. If something sucks, get up and fight to make it better.
➡️ Be kind to others, yes. But if they're di*****ds, feel free to ignore them and realize that it's not your job to fix them or be made to feel the effects of their dickheadom. Simply smile, protect your inner peace and walk away.
➡️ You are 100% worthy, loved and enough. But me saying it isn't the important part. You saying it to yourself and believing it IS. You can read all the inspirational quotes on the internet but if you still think you're worthless inside. Then you won't move forward.
Big shameless flex.
Got home from the gym today. Looked in the mirror and said to myself, what the actual hell am I wearing?
A tee that could fit the old me in it was the answer.
So, I pulled out a goal tee of mine that I bought 6 months ago and tried it on.
I am proud of myself.
Success can be measured in many ways. Today, this is how I measure mine.
Work hard, work through, and one day you'll be wearing yours too.
Coach Mike.
The conditions for growth and development will almost certainly never be perfect. There will always be fatigue, soreness, doubt, other commitments, lack of motivation, and so on.
However, people who only perform with purpose when they're motivated will never get anywhere in life.
If the basis of how hard you work is stacked upon a fleeting, inconsistent emotion. Then, your results will fall into those same categories. They will forever evade you.
Take it from me. I've been through it for years now, I've felt every single emotion, feeling, and sickness of the mind you can imagine in this journey from 204kg to where I am now. In my travels, I've found that there are only 2 things that are consistent in a journey of self growth, love, and care.
1. It is YOUR responsibility to execute your tasks. If it doesn't get done, that is 100% on you.
2. True growth doesn't give a f #%k about your feelings.
If you're sad, do it sad.
If you're hungry, do it hungry.
If you're scared, do it scared.
So here's me. 4 hours of sleep last night , only 900 cals, tired, zero motivation, swimming in an ocean of reasons why I shouldn't have trained. But I did it. Because ain't no one coming to do my thing for me, but me.
Is this a flex? Hell yes, it's a flex. Because I'm accountable TO myself, I show up consistently FOR myself, and I get it done. And I'll stand proudly in front of anyone and anything and back the fact that I've got me - no matter how difficult or uncomfortable it is. I've got me. I'm good, let's roll.
Now get your shoes on, get out the door, and whatever you do today - show up for yourself, do the hard thing regardless, and be the champion of your journey.
Love ya, proud of ya, and you're beautiful ❤️
What can start as a thing people giggle at you for as a kid. Can grow into something you're admired for as an adult.
From pak'n'save bags filled with rocks 20 years ago, to pushing for a nz record under my own brand I built from the ground up. All I can say is - Thank God I didn't listen to any of the losers I came across along the way.
Simply put, don't give up. People at first (no doubt) will roll their eyes, and laugh. But those people are trapped behind their own perception and limited mindsets. And they laugh because they themselves don't have the drive or open mind that you do.
But if you stay the course, even when everyone else falls off, or realizes it was just a phase for them. You will start to pull into your own lane of untapped potential where people like you, will find you. And the rest will fall away.
Trust me, take it from a guy that's living it.
First they will laugh, then they'll watch, then they'll listen.
Bench day 🦍
Come on a little journey with me from 100kg - 257.5kg
2 reps all the way up. Then a little bit of cardio with a 180kg for 15 reps.
100kg, 140kg, 180kg, 220kg, 240kg, 257.5, 180kg.
The 257.7 kg, to be honest, shouldn't have been attempted today. But I was feeling good, so I had a crack. My beautiful wife tells me she gave me about 5 - 7% to help me break through the sticking point. However, I still can't claim a bar that someone else has touched.
Sights firmly set on hitting that 265kg in a few weeks.
I'm really happy with how I'm feeling on the bench. But what's more than that happy with where I am mentally. From a full mental breakdown last year where I couldn't work, eat, or even function. To now edging closer and closer to my goal is quite frankly surreal to me.
There's a select few people who knew about this happening to me. But, those people are the only ones I really needed to help me through. I'm here today, a survivor, a happy man, surrounded by a small group that is my chosen family. I am grateful beyond measure. 🙏
beautiful wife that doesn't have instagram
Keep moving. If you can't see the road, just look at your feet and put one a little further ahead then the other. Repeat.
Peace, love and chicken breast ❤️
The journey to improve your mental health can become a long and lonely one.
One that can make you realize alot of things about ways you have been living, people you've been close with and habits you've picked up along the way that have been woven into your now adult behaviors.
It can start to feel like you finally putting work into yourself is an inconvenience to others due to you being more withdrawn and less likely to do the things you used to.
It can also make you seem like you're being unreasonable to others. Suddenly, you're not replying to messages, party invites, or even just take a bit longer to get back to people about things. Because you're dealing with more important, deeply embedded issues.
Being someone who is on this kind of journey right now. Here's what I'm learning as I develop and move through my weekly EMDR sessions with my therapist;
1. You are responsible for a few simple things in life. Other people's feelings and responses are not included in that list.
2. Your recovery and development is on you. It isn't your fault what happened to you, but it is certainly your responsibility to heal from it and move forward.
3. The length of time in which you've known someone does not equate to how good a person they are.
4. Peace isn't a prize. It's a right.
5. Violence belongs in the ring. Not in the family. Doesn't matter what you did as a kid - violence was never the answer.
Stay the course. Be unapologetic in your healing and recovery. And beyond all else, remember how courageously, insanely brave you are. To willingly face down the demons of your past and become the champion of your mind.
If no one's told you this lately. I'm proud of you, I have love for you, and you are going to make it ❤️
Love - Coach Mike.
I've just opened 10 slots for my new 16 week online coaching program "Max Strength".
Focusing on getting the most out of your lifts at the gym!
If you want to:
➡️ Bench, Squat or Deadlift more.
➡️ Grow dense powerful muscle.
➡️ Learn how to lift safely and injury free.
➡️ Create excellent lifting habits.
This program can cater to everyone from beginner - advanced experienced lifters. So don't be shy no matter where you are in your lifting journey!
Comment below to secure your spot!
DM us directly or Email us at [email protected]
Team Konise Strength NZ is looking for 10 men and 10 women who want to begin their health journey. ❤️
We are offering a 12-week beginner program tailored to you and where you are in life. This program is made for real people with real jobs and real lives to live who want to get started on a plan that can fit into your life to create positive change.
What you can expect when you sign up for our 12-week beginner program:
1. Access to our exclusive training app.
2. Real-time support from your coach.
3. Nutritional advice and planning
4. Full workouts with video explanations updated week to week.
5. Healthy habits are set to create an environment for success. All based on you and your life.
6. Complete guidance through a crucial time in your journey - The beginning.
This 12-week beginner program is designed to create confidence, not dependency. Our vision is that by the end of it, you will understand yourself mentally physically and emotionally like never before. And be ready to push into your next phase of growth on your own.
If you're ready to start:
DM us here
Email us here [email protected]
Much love
Team Konise Strength NZ.
Hey my friends. This is my first post of the year. And with that, I wanted to make sure I said something that will hopefully resonate with people starting their journeys to a happier, healthier more self loving version of themselves.
Please 🙏 do not discredit your effort based on the results of others and their perceptions of hard work vs yours. Every day social media feeds you pictures of people who have been in the game a long long time. Who have flexibility in their days, knowledge of nutrition and exercise, and have familiarized themselves with the rituals that work for them after YEARS of trial and error.
Whilst for some this can inspire, there are some of you who may look at these pictures, and realize that you are far from that shape, or condition. You may think that because you're not there - the effort your putting in "isn't enough". This thinking can cause people to create an unhealthy relationship with food and exercise, formulating habits based on starving yourself, and punishing yourself with exercise. It can also lead to people heading further in the other direction - because the effort of others seems so unachievable right now that they give up before they've even started.
Well let me put my arm around you and tell you something I want you to remember as you move through the year.
Maximal effort = maximal effort no matter your experience, who you are or your genetics. Your maximal effort, is the same as an All blacks, a triathletes or a professional boxer. Because it's all subject to where YOU are in YOUR journey.
If your maximal effort for the day was that you only had time for a 10 minute walk because you were wrestling with 3 kids helping them do their homework, shower and cooking them dinner. Then props to you, that was the BEST you could do with where you are right now.
If your maximal effort was that you got out of bed today for long enough to drink a glass of water, eat a meal, and do 3 squats that weren't all the way to depth, then I think you're amazing.
Keep on keeping on my friend.
Coach Mike.
Behind every strong man is an even stronger woman.
Strength in weakness.
Weakness is often seen as a negative. Weakness physically, mentally, or emotionally. Or however it confronts you.
Personally, I think that weakness holds more opportunistic value than a lot of people realize - realize being the key word.
If you realize that weakness is an opportunity to grow and find peace , then that is where the strength and opportunities lie - IF you're willing to put in the effort, honesty, and self-love.
If you only see weakness as an ailment, that is where the strength evades you. And your opportunity fades away. You will be creating an environment where your weakness can flourish in a negative way.
My wife always says, "You've got no right to complain if you're not doing anything about it."
That sexy bitch is right as hell
See weakness as an opportunity. View it with the want to improve and fortify it. See it for what it can lead you to if you're honest with yourself. You deserve it.
Peace, love, and chicken breast ♥️
Mad love ❤️
🔥🔥 Client Spotlight 🔥🔥
(Dj Khaled voice) Another one!
This is .duncan or as I like to call her, the tank.
I've been working with Lauree online for a few months now. She came to me because she wanted to expand her gym game and get a bit more out of her training.
On my online coaching app, I can see when people get personal bests in their sessions. With Lauree I've literally lost count. Even when she rates her session 8, 9 or 10/10 for difficulty, she's still blasting personal bests left right and up the guts.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. This is the result of ex*****on with integrity and taking full responsibility for your training and activity.
Thank you for being another amazing client, for always giving it your all and for helping me live out my dream as a Coach! Appreciate you my friend!
Swipe ➡️ to see a road map on her back.
250kg / 551lbs new PB.
Massive shout out to for the motivation and the support brother.
Shoutout to the sensei someone who I look up to immensely in this industry and sport.
Shoutout to my wife for the camera work ❤️
I went into this lift doubting myself like a motherf #%. I even missed my first attempt due to hitting the smallest lip on the way up. And I knew the 2nd try after a fail is always the hardest. But I went in and said to myself "That wasn't good enough, you know that, now chalk up and go again".
Surely enough I blew that bar up like a firework.
Hungry doesn't even begin to explain how I feel, I'm coming for those records. Current record holders - your days are numbered
🔥🔥 Client Spotlight 🔥🔥
This is .kiraa
I've been working with her for a little over a year now, working on some athletic conditioning for her to make it into the police force and help keep our streets safe 👮♀️
Once again, another example of trusting in her coach and absolutely demolishing everything I put in front of her. This chick does the work, and asks for more - does all the extras, communicates clearly, and understands fully that she's the one who's building, I'm just the one giving the tools
Sometimes, in the fitness 5 get clients who don't take responsibility for their own muck ups and seek to blame us coaches for them not putting in the work. Needless to say, this has never been an issue with this girl. She hits the target every single week with a ferocious attitude and ruthless intent!
Well done, you absolute beast. You're a pleasure to work with and are really a dream client.
Swipe ➡️ to see the gains 🔥🔥
240kg / 530lbs x2
All the inspiration I needed.
My wife: "Remember who the f**k you are".
You can't beat someone who won't stop trying. And that's exactly what the f**k I'm doing.
So many times the mind of the guy on the left has crept in and told me I didn't need to eat my meals, or that I'm to tired to train, to sore to go, to hungry not to stick to the plan.
But time and time again, I've said no. I've put my shoes and socks on, and I've gotten my ass out the door.
There's really nothing else to it. Your thoughts need to be stronger then your feelings to succeed at anything in this life. This is no different.
What sets the successful apart from the others is the ability to relentlessly choose to do the right thing. Regardless of how you're feeling, regardless of what's happening. You simply decide, then follow through.
It's an emotionless act to say "This is happening". You don't even explain to yourself why it's better you train or eat the right thing. You just say. This is going to happen - then make it.
One day soon. The right side of this photo, will be the new left side. And to all the challenges that I'll meet from now till then, I'm ready.
Decide - do - succeed.
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