UNESCO Chair in Interculturality, Good Governance & Sustainable Development

Catedra UNESCO este o structură academică internațională rezultată urmare acordului încheiat ?

Catedra UNESCO este o structură academică internațională rezultată urmare acordului încheiat între UNESCO Paris și Universitatea din București în 1999. În parteneriat cu instituții de prestigiu din Elveția, Franța și din Germania organizează 3 programe interdisciplinare de master cu predare în limba engleză:
- Comunicare și studii interculturale
- Management intercultural
- Administrarea afacerilor (MBA)


📢 Reminder: Master's Program Enrollment Open! 📢

Don't miss the opportunity to apply for our prestigious master's programs! Until July 23rd, 2024, we are accepting applications for:

🎓 Communication and Intercultural Studies (CIS)
Develop advanced skills in communication and explore the complexities of intercultural interactions.

🎓 Intercultural Management (IM)
Prepare for leadership roles in global environments by mastering the principles of managing diverse teams and organizations.

🎓 Business Administration (MBA)
Gain comprehensive business knowledge and enhance your strategic thinking to excel in various business sectors.

🔗 For detailed information on the number of available spots, required documents, and the admission schedule, please visit: https://filosofie.unibuc.ro/admitere-master/

If you encounter any difficulties or have questions regarding the application process, our team is here to assist you. Reach out to us at [email protected]

Secure your future with a master's degree from our esteemed programs. Apply now!

Lecția lui Diogene pentru orice conducător de stat: „Nu-mi lua ceea ce nu-mi poți da!” 15/07/2024

Rareori în istorie politicienii au ascultat de filosofi. De altfel, nici nu aveau cm să o facă de vreme ce singurul lor obiectiv vital era dobândirea puterii, nu a înțelepciunii. Și totuși, Antichitatea greacă are în istoria ei episoade când împărați mari, a căror stăpânire nu era limitată nici de timp și nici chiar de spațiu geografic, ci doar de moarte, au frecventat filosofi pentru a afla la aceștia lumina înțelegerii vieții. Alexandru cel Mare, împărat peste un imperiu care se întindea pe mai multe continente, cel care avusese ca institutor pe Aristotel, îl cercetează pe Diogene și... Dacă sunteți curioși, citiți interviul de mai jos realizat cu doamna Oana Camelia Șerban, lector dr. la Facultatea de Filosofie a Universității București. Aici veți mai afla de ce Atena și nu Sparta a rezistat în istorie, de ce nu războiul reprezintă rezolvarea unei situații fără ieșire, ci pacea și acceptarea negocierilor, de ce răutatea oamenilor e semn nu de înțelep­ciune, ci de prostie.

Lecția lui Diogene pentru orice conducător de stat: „Nu-mi lua ceea ce nu-mi poți da!” Citeste despre ➜ Lecția lui Diogene pentru orice conducător de stat: „Nu-mi lua ceea ce nu-mi poți da!” in Ziarullumina.ro ✅ Afla cele mai noi informatii din sfera Interviu

The Economists’ Philosophy Day – A Journal of Philosophical Economics celebration of philosophical reflection in economic science | UNESCO Chair in Interculturality, Good Governance and Sustainable Development 13/07/2024

In deference to the work of all inquisitive minds, past and present, who have embraced philosophical reflection to understand the consequential events for people’s wellbeing, the Journal of Philosophical Economics announces this call for the third edition of the Symposium on the Economists’ Philosophy Day, 21 Nov. 2024.

Proposals of approx. 500 words are expected by September 27, 2024. After acceptance, authors are invited to submit the full version of their study for peer-review. Proposals will be sent to [email protected].


The Economists’ Philosophy Day – A Journal of Philosophical Economics celebration of philosophical reflection in economic science | UNESCO Chair in Interculturality, Good Governance and Sustainable Development The Economists’ Philosophy Day – A Journal of Philosophical Economics celebration of philosophical reflection in economic science de admin | iul. 12, 2024 In deference to the work of all inquisitive minds, past and present, who have embraced philosophical reflection to understand the consequenti...


🎓✨ Congratulations to the new MBA graduates of the UNESCO Chair within the University of Bucharest! 🎓✨
Today marks a significant milestone as you have successfully defended your MA Theses, showcasing your dedication, hard work, and innovative thinking. We are incredibly proud of your achievements and the insightful contributions you have made to the field of business and beyond.
Your research topics reflect the pressing issues and transformative trends in today's world:
- Implementation of Remote Work Policies and Their Impact on Employee Productivity and Organizational Culture
- Navigating Change and Team Transformation: A Business Model Approach
- The Ethics of Disruption: Evaluating the Impact of AI and Automation on Employment in the Retail Industry
- Satisfaction and Loyalty of Employees: The Case of Michelin Romania
- The Coordinates of the Pre-University Romanian Educational System in Regards to Ethics, AI, Digitalization, and Critical Thinking: A Business Perspective
- Process Optimization and Improvement Following a Reverse Acquisition
Exploring Managerial Dilemmas in Cloud Adoption: Harmonizing Standardized Solutions with Adaptive Flexibility
- The Role of Strategic Planning in Shaping Organizational Culture and Leadership in the Digital Era
- Training Company Personnel for Promotion to Managerial Positions: Career Opportunities
- The Impact of Lean Supply Chain Guidelines on Sustainable Food Security and Environmental Protection
- Game Theory Applications in Strategic Management for SMEs and Strategic Business Units of Larger Corporations
- The Digital Transformation Bottleneck for SMEs

These theses not only demonstrate your academic excellence but also your commitment to addressing real-world challenges with innovative solutions.

A special thank you to the esteemed coordinators of the MA Theses: Professors Nadine Reichenthal, Ileana Dascălu, Mihai Korka, Thomas Fischer, Thomas Straub, Philipp Schürle, Ulrich Wagner, and Costin Lianu. Your guidance and support have been instrumental in shaping these brilliant minds.

To the graduates: Your journey is just beginning. We are excited to see how you will continue to drive change and lead with integrity in your future endeavors. 🌟

Warmest congratulations once again, and best wishes for your future successes!


🎓✨ Congratulations to the new graduates of the Intercultural Management Master Program organized by the UNESCO Chair within the University of Bucharest! 🎓✨

On June 28, 2024, you successfully defended your MA Theses, demonstrating exceptional dedication, hard work, and innovative thinking. We are incredibly proud of your achievements and the insightful contributions you have made to the field of intercultural management and beyond.

Your research topics reflect the pressing issues and transformative trends in today's intercultural business environment:
- Workplace Stress Management and the Transformative Role of Performance: An Intercultural Analysis
- Brief Analysis of the Differences in Business Interactions and Business Culture Background Between Chinese-Indonesians and Native Indonesians
- Applicability of Religious Principles in Today’s Corporate Environment: A Particular Regard to Young Generation in Romanian Post-Communism
- Spiritual Foundations in Legal Management in Romania
- Obstacles and Success Factors of Women in the German Public Sector in the Context of the Glass Ceiling
- Germany’s Foreign Cultural Relations: A Cultural-Diplomatic Analysis on the Example of the Goethe-Institut in Bucharest
- Measuring the Social Impact of Non-Governmental Organizations in Romania

These theses not only demonstrate your academic excellence but also your commitment to addressing real-world challenges with innovative solutions.

A special thank you to the esteemed coordinators of the MA Theses: Professors Miriam Pânzaru, Mugurel Păvălucă, Ileana Dascălu, Daniela Zaharia, and Irma Rybnikova. Your guidance and support have been instrumental in shaping these brilliant minds.

To the graduates: Your journey is just beginning. We are excited to see how you will continue to drive change and lead with integrity in your future endeavors. 🌟

Warmest congratulations once again, and best wishes for your future successes!

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Admission for Non-EU Citizens - Master 01/06/2024

🌟 Exciting News for Non-EU Citizens! 🌟

We are thrilled to announce that the online application process for the 2024 Admission is now OPEN! 📅✨

Ready to take your education to the next level? Discover our diverse range of English-taught courses designed to broaden your horizons and boost your career:

- Cognitive Science (Mind the Brain!)
- Analytic Philosophy
- Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE)

- Communication and Intercultural Studies
- Intercultural Management

🔹 Business Administration:
- Business Administration (MBA)

🗓️ Application Period: 31 May – 30 June

Don't miss this opportunity to join our vibrant international community!
🌍 Click the link for all the details and start your application today: https://unibuc.ro/international/studenti-internationali/admitere-master/?lang=en

Thank you and we look forward to welcoming you! 🌟

Admission for Non-EU Citizens - Master ADMISSION 2024 IS OPEN https://admission.unibuc.ro/?locale=en Admission Platform 2024 Guide ALL the documents that are accessible on the website are NOT online editable and MUST be downloaded, printed, hand filled and submitted throughout the upload buttons on the Admission Platform. Dear candidates...

Photos from UNESCO Chair in Interculturality, Good Governance & Sustainable Development's post 22/05/2024

🌟 Upcoming Event: "What's Next? Intercultural Careers and Jobs" 🌟

Join us for an enriching evening dedicated to exploring the dynamics of intercultural professions. This event is part of the UNESCO Chair's celebration of 25 years of fostering interculturality, good governance, and sustainable development, as well as part of the activities of UNIHUB, the student entrepreneurial society within the University of Bucharest.

📅 Date: May 28, 2024
⏰ Time: 19:00
📍 Location: Mircea Florian Amphitheater, 204 Splaiul Independenței, Bucharest

Featured Guest Speakers:
1. Nóra Dobre
- Position: Senior People Lead at Temenos, Associate Teacher at UBB
- Nóra brings a wealth of knowledge in HR and education, specializing in intercultural communication and workplace diversity.

2. Islam M. Ennara
- Position: Training Consultant, Talent & Project Manager
- With a vibrant background in project management and talent development, Islam will share insights into building careers that cross cultural boundaries.

Event Highlights:
- Engaging discussions on intercultural career paths.
- Networking opportunities with professionals from diverse industries.
- Insightful talks aimed at equipping you with the knowledge and skills needed for thriving in global job markets.
In order to properly plan the meeting, please confirm your participation by answering this questionnaire (https://lnkd.in/dEZxZcNU) by May 26.
This event promises to be a milestone gathering for those interested in the nuances of intercultural careers. Don’t miss the chance to expand your professional network and gain invaluable insights from leading experts in the field!

UNESCO Chair in Interculturality, Good Governance and Sustainable Development | Knowledge is Power 07/05/2024

🌟 Exciting News from the UNESCO Chair in Interculturality, Good Governance, and Sustainable Development! 🌟

We are thrilled to announce that preregistration is now OPEN for our esteemed Master programs in Communication and Intercultural Studies, Intercultural Management, and MBA! This is your chance to embark on a transformative journey that blends theoretical knowledge with practical, real-world applications, all while connecting with world-class faculty and a diverse cohort of peers.

🚀 Why Pre-Register?
- Secure Your Spot: Limited spaces available!
- Early Bird Perks: Access exclusive content and events.
- Stay Informed: Get the latest updates and information directly to your inbox.

Master of Business Administration (MBA):
Designed for aspiring leaders and innovators, this unique program will propel your career to new heights and empower you to make a significant impact in the business world. Deepen your understanding of global trends while enhancing your leadership skills.
👉 Preregister now: Find out more here https://unesco-chair.unibuc.ro/en/mba/

Intercultural Management:
Bridge cultures, foster understanding, and lead in a globalized world with this comprehensive program. Taught by world-class experts, it equips you with the skills needed to navigate and manage across cultures.
👉 Preregister now: Learn more here https://unesco-chair.unibuc.ro/im/

Communication and Intercultural Studies:
Excel in communication, public relations, and international relations with this interdisciplinary program. Taught entirely in English, it's designed to enhance your communication skills across diverse cultures.
👉 Preregister now: Discover more here https://unesco-chair.unibuc.ro/cis/

Join us and be part of a global community that's shaping the future of business, intercultural communication, and leadership. Don't miss this opportunity to transform your career and make a difference.

UNESCO Chair in Interculturality, Good Governance and Sustainable Development | Knowledge is Power Cunoașterea înseamnă putere... Programe interdisciplinare de master cu predare în limba engleză Cursuri predate de cadre didactice de la universități de prestigiu pe plan internațional NEWS The International Conference – The Future of UNESCO Chapters: Culture, Education and Sustainable Dev...


🌟 Lansarea seriei de întâlniri "What's next? Intercultural careers and jobs" 🌟
📅 Din 14 mai, Catedra UNESCO pentru Interculturalitate, Bună Guvernanță și Dezvoltare Durabilă lansează seria de întâlniri "What's next? Intercultural careers and jobs".
🎓 Această serie este o oportunitate unică pentru voi, studenții actuali și viitori, de a vă întâlni și de a interacționa direct cu absolvenții programelor noastre. Aceștia vă vor împărtăși experiențele și parcursul lor profesional, oferindu-vă o perspectivă unică asupra diverselor oportunități de carieră în medii interculturale.
🔗 Ce veți descoperi în cadrul acestor întâlniri?
- Povești inspiraționale de succes de la absolvenții noștri
- Sfaturi practice pentru navigarea în cariera interculturală
- Răspunsuri la întrebările voastre despre cm să vă pregătiți pentru piața globală a muncii
📍 Locul și ora: Detalii specifice despre locație și program vor fi anunțate în curând. Urmăriți-ne pentru actualizări!
💡 Nu ratați această ocazie unică de a vă extinde orizonturile și de a vă construi un viitor profesional impresionant!
🔔 Urmăriți-ne pentru mai multe detalii și actualizări!


If you're wondering what the next best career step is, it's this - a program at UNESCO. It equips every professional with tools that are relevant to the job market. That's what it did for me, at least. I was exposed to new frameworks, which helped me develop a growth mindset. I appreciated the foreign professors' teaching style, joined the class debates, shared my views, and applied my newfound knowledge to my work. That's a healthy learning and transformational environment, and more students should join the group. So, what are you waiting for?

Good luck,
Roxana Mircea
People & Culture Consultant for Purpose-Driven Companies

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European Investment Bank Summer School 2024 18/04/2024

Banca Europeană de Investiții (BEI) organizează selecția pentru scoala de vara a BEI ce are loc in format hibrid (1 saptamana online si 1 saptamana la Luxemburg) pentru masteranzii universității. Scoala e interesată să recruteze potențiali viitori angajați, iar obiectivul e acela de a avea participanți cu abilități de gândire logica, nu neapărat specializati in economie sau finanțe.

European Investment Bank Summer School 2024 >> OPORTUNITĂȚI DE FORMARE | TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES


🌍📚 UNESCO Chair in Interculturality, Good Governance, and Sustainable Development - MBA Program Pre-Registration Now Open! 🌍📚
The UNESCO Chair in Interculturality, Good Governance, and Sustainable Development is thrilled to announce the opening of the pre-registration period for admission to our distinguished MBA program. This is your gateway to a world-class education that bridges cultures, disciplines, and theories to prepare leaders for the challenges of sustainable development and good governance.
Curriculum Highlights:
Dive deep into a rich curriculum designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary for a successful career in the global market. From Strategic Management, Finance, and Leadership to Innovation, International Marketing, and Corporate Social Responsibility, our program covers every essential area of modern business management.
Esteemed Faculty:
Learn from the best! Our program boasts an impressive roster of faculty members from renowned universities worldwide, including Thomas Straub (University of Geneva), Patrice Piccardi (Burgundy School of Business), Thomas Steger (University of Regensburg), Ana Gioaba (Kean University) and many more experts who are leaders in their fields.
Career Opportunities:
Graduates can look forward to rewarding careers in Management, Business Analysis, Strategic Planning, Entrepreneurship, and beyond. Whether you aim to excel in business administration, management consulting, or kickstart your startup, our MBA program is your stepping stone to success.
Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your career and impact the world positively. Pre-register today to join a network of leaders shaping the future of sustainable development and good governance.
For more details and to pre-register, visit our website https://unesco-chair.unibuc.ro/admission/
📆 Hurry, the pre-registration period is open for a limited time only!


We are thrilled to announce the opening of the pre-registration period for admission to the Intercultural Management master program organized by the UNESCO Chair in Interculturality, Good Governance, and Sustainable Development at the University of Bucharest.

The curriculum of our program is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of various aspects of intercultural management. Subjects covered include Theory of Intercultural Management, Contemporary Social Theories, Religion and Culture, Comparative Politics, Cultural Capital and Creative Communication, Cultural Diplomacy, Cultural Difference in the Age of Globalization, Organizations and Organizational Theory, Anthropology of Societies, Cultural Legislation, International Marketing, International Economic Environment, Strategic Management, Intercultural Communication Methods, Management of Human Resources in Multinational Companies, Ethics, Cultures, and Negotiation, Ethics of International Relations, and Knowledge Management.

Our esteemed faculty members bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the program:
- Miriam PÂNZARU, University of Bucharest, ROMANIA
- Franz-Lothar ALTMANN, University of Munchen, GERMANY
- Oana ȘERBAN, University of Bucharest, ROMANIA
- Daniela ZAHARIA, University of Bucharest, ROMANIA
- Ileana DASCĂLU, University of Bucharest, ROMANIA
- Basile ZIMMERMANN, University of Geneva, SWITZERLAND
- Anne FOTA, University of Siegen, GERMANY
- Mihai KORKA, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, ROMANIA
- Thomas STRAUB, University of Geneva, SWITZERLAND
- Thomas STEGER, University of Regensburg, GERMANY
- Cristian IFTODE, University of Bucharest, ROMANIA
- Constantin STOENESCU, University of Bucharest, ROMANIA

Upon completion of the program, graduates will have various career opportunities in fields such as Cultural Management, Artistic and Business Events Management, Human Resource Professionals, Project Management, and Intercultural Management and Business Consulting.

Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your knowledge and skills in intercultural management. Join us in shaping a more interconnected and culturally diverse world.

For more information and to pre-register, please visit our website (https://unesco-chair.unibuc.ro/admission/) or contact us directly.


🎉 Exciting News from the UNESCO Chair in Interculturality, Good Governance, and Sustainable Development! 🌍
We are thrilled to announce the opening of the pre-registration period for our Master's Program in Communication and Intercultural Studies, organized by the UNESCO Chair in Interculturality, Good Governance, and Sustainable Development.
📚 Curriculum Highlights: Dive deep into subjects that matter, from the Phenomenology and Ontology of European Culture to New Media and Intercultural Communication. Explore Contemporary Social Theories, Cultural Diplomacy, the intricacies of Cultural Legislation, and much more. Our comprehensive curriculum is designed to provide a holistic understanding of the complexities of global intercultural communication.
👩‍🏫 Esteemed Faculty: Learn from a diverse and distinguished group of academics and professionals from around the world including Oana Șerban, David Manuel Bozzini, Franz-Lothar Altmann, Constantin Vică, Basile ZImmermann and many others, bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience from institutions such as the University of Bucharest, University of Fribourg, University of Munchen, and University of Geneva.
🌐 Career Opportunities: Prepare for a successful career in Communication, Public Relations, Mass Media, New Media, Cultural Journalism, Cultural Diplomacy, International Relations, Politics, and Cultural Policy Making.
📅 Pre-Registration Period Now Open! Don’t miss this unique opportunity to enhance your skills, expand your knowledge, and connect with a global network of experts. Be part of a program that shapes the future leaders and innovators in interculturality and sustainable development.
🔗 For more information and to pre-register, visit our website https://unesco-chair.unibuc.ro/admission/
🌐 Join us in shaping the future of global communication and cultural understanding. Apply now! 🌐

Photos from UNESCO Chair in Interculturality, Good Governance & Sustainable Development's post 12/03/2024

I wanted to write about my experience with the course I attended New Media & Intercultural Communication;
I had a very nice and positive experience with the course. Since I am studying New Media, I found the course very informative. Mr. Constantin and my colleagues are very nice, and I liked the atmosphere, and the positive vibes from everyone.
My favorite part about the course is at the end of the course we had to present our final statement, in which all of us had to write about our relation with media, and what we learned in the course. I enjoyed mentioning my view on media and about my content page on Instagram, also how I started using electronics, and it was nice to hear from my other colleagues their POVs on media and personal interests on the internet too.
Lastly, I am glad to remember this experience, since I am here for the spring semester I can't wait for another experience with this Faculty. 🙂

AZIZ Alıyah Iman
Erasmus student from Medipol University, Istanbul, Turkiye
Studiyng Advertising & Digital Communication MA

Heritage and Innovation: Art Nouveau, past, present and future challenges 05/02/2024

Heritage and Innovation: Art Nouveau, past, present and future challenges Explore the relation between heritage and innovation through the lens of Art Nouveau

Săptămâna sustenabilității la Universitatea din București: 6-10 noiembrie 2023 - Facultatea de Filosofie 24/10/2023

Săptămâna sustenabilității la Universitatea din București: 6-10 noiembrie 2023 - Facultatea de Filosofie Săptămâna sustenabilității la Universitatea din București: 6-10 noiembrie 2023 de admin | oct. 24, 2023 | Actualitate, Anunturi În perioada 6-10 noiembrie 2023, Universitatea din București organizează prima ediție a evenimentului Săptămâna sustenabilității și invită membrii comunit....

„Gândire și antreprenoriat pentru dezvoltare sustenabilă”, tema ediției din 2023 a sesiunii de comunicări științifice studențești pe teme de antreprenoriat la UB 17/10/2023

Studenții Facultății de Filosofie sunt invitați să participe la o nouă activitate organizată de Societatea Antreprenorială Studențească (UNIHUB): sesiunea de comunicări științifice „Gândire și antreprenoriat pentru dezvoltare sustenabilă”, tema ediției din 2023 a conferințelor dedicate temelor de antreprenoriat în UB.

„Gândire și antreprenoriat pentru dezvoltare sustenabilă”, tema ediției din 2023 a sesiunii de comunicări științifice studențești pe teme de antreprenoriat la UB Postări asemănătoare: Cea de-a XVIII-a ediție a Sesiunii de Comunicări Științifice Studențești (SCSS 2023), organizată de ASC-UB și Facultatea de Chimie a UB Cea de-a XIII-a ediţie a Sesiunii de Comunicări Ştiinţifice Studenţeşti la Facultatea de Chimie Cercetarea nu intră în izol...

Studenții Facultății de Filosofie sunt invitați să aplice pentru Programul BIP CIVIS „Philosophy and the Culture of Space”: 5.02 - 17.05.2024 - Facultatea de Filosofie 09/10/2023

Studenții Facultății de Filosofie sunt invitați să aplice pentru Programul BIP CIVIS „Philosophy and the Culture of Space”, care se va desfășura în perioada 5 februarie – 17 mai 2024.
Mai multe detalii se găsesc la link-ul: https://civis.eu/en/civis-courses/philosophy-and-cultural-space
Deadline-ul pentru aplicație este 31 octombrie 2023.


Studenții Facultății de Filosofie sunt invitați să aplice pentru Programul BIP CIVIS „Philosophy and the Culture of Space”: 5.02 - 17.05.2024 - Facultatea de Filosofie Studenții Facultății de Filosofie sunt invitați să aplice pentru Programul BIP CIVIS „Philosophy and the Culture of Space”: 5.02 – 17.05.2024 de admin | oct. 9, 2023 | Actualitate, Anunturi, Avizier studenti Studenții Facultății de Filosofie sunt invitați să aplice pentru Programul B...

Conf. dr. Constantin VICĂ invitat al emisiunii „Izvoare de filosofie” din 6 octombrie 2023 - Facultatea de Filosofie 05/10/2023

Conf. dr. Constantin VICĂ invitat al emisiunii „Izvoare de filosofie” din 6 octombrie 2023 - Facultatea de Filosofie Conf. dr. Constantin VICĂ invitat al emisiunii „Izvoare de filosofie” din 6 octombrie 2023 de admin | oct. 5, 2023 | Actualitate, Anunturi, Avizier studenti, Interacțiune cu societatea, mass-media Ediția din 6 octombrie, ora 21.10Viața în lumea digitală. Reflecții filosofice asupra civili...


The International Conference The Future of UNESCO Chapters: Culture, Education and Sustainable Development. "Culture as a Global Public Good" will be hosted by the Faculty of Philosophy on the first day of the academic year. On October 2, we will have a full day of lectures and discussions with guests from France, Greece, Germany, Marocco, Moldova, Portugal, and Romania. On-site and online panels will offer you a glimpse on how our experts explore the philosophical approaches related to cultural sustainability, cultural heritage and sustainable development.


Școlaritate - Facultatea de Filosofie 28/09/2023


Program înscrieri: 03 – 31 octombrie 2023, de luni până joi între orele 12.00-16.00.

Carnetele și legitimațiile de student se vor viza la depunerea documentelor de înscriere anuală.

Înscrierea este obligatorie pentru toți studenții și se face numai personal.

Școlaritate - Facultatea de Filosofie Program înscrieri: 03 – 31 octombrie 2023, de luni până joi între orele 12.00-16.00. Carnetele și legitimațiile de student se vor viza la depunerea documentelor de înscriere anuală. Înscrierea este obligatorie pentru toți studenții și se face numai personal. ÎNSCRIEREA ÎN ANUL UNIVER...

The International Conference – The Future of UNESCO Chapters: Culture, Education and Sustainable Development. The first edition: Culture as a Global Public Good | UNESCO Chair in Interculturality, Good Governance and Sustainable Development 22/09/2023

The UNESCO Chair in Interculturality, Good Governance and Sustainable Development of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Bucharest is pleased to announce the first edition of theInternational Conference The Future of UNESCO Chapters: Culture, Education and Sustainable Development: “Culture as a Global Public Good”.
The detailed conference programme is now available here

The International Conference – The Future of UNESCO Chapters: Culture, Education and Sustainable Development. The first edition: Culture as a Global Public Good | UNESCO Chair in Interculturality, Good Governance and Sustainable Development The International Conference – The Future of UNESCO Chapters: Culture, Education and Sustainable Development. The first edition: Culture as a Global Public Good de admin | apr. 10, 2023 The UNESCO Chair in Interculturality, Good Governance and Sustainable Development of the Faculty of Philosophy o...

Studenții Universității din București, invitați să devină ambasadori ai Alianței CIVIS. 6 octombrie 2023, termenul limită pentru depunerea candidaturilor - Facultatea de Filosofie 13/09/2023

Universitatea din București anunță deschiderea unui nou apel la candidaturi pentru Ambasadori CIVIS, în cadrul căruia vor fi selectați trei studenți (câte unul pentru fiecare ciclu de studiu) care vor ajuta la promovarea misiunii și obiectivelor Alianței CIVIS în cadrul UB.

Concurența pentru aceste posturi este una serioasă, având în vedere avantajele unui astfel de rol.

Pentru detalii accesați

Studenții Universității din București, invitați să devină ambasadori ai Alianței CIVIS. 6 octombrie 2023, termenul limită pentru depunerea candidaturilor - Facultatea de Filosofie Studenții Universității din București, invitați să devină ambasadori ai Alianței CIVIS. 6 octombrie 2023, termenul limită pentru depunerea candidaturilor de admin | sept. 13, 2023 | Actualitate, Anunturi, Avizier studenti, CIVIS Universitatea din București anunță deschiderea unui nou ape...

ADMISsion | UNESCO Chair in Interculturality, Good Governance and Sustainable Development 01/09/2023

ADMISsion | UNESCO Chair in Interculturality, Good Governance and Sustainable Development ADMISsion 2023 Thank you for your interest in applying for Master’s studies at the UNESCO Chair in Interculturality, Good Governance and Sustainable Development. Here you will find out about the various deadlines and specific rules for the application process. September Session 2023 Important date...

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Our Story

În parteneriat cu instituții de prestigiu din Elvetia, Franta și din Germania organizează 3 programe interdisciplinare de master cu predare in limba engleză:
- Comunicare și Studii Interculturale, fără întrerupere din 2002
- Management Intercultural, fără întrerupere din 2005
- Administrarea Afacerilor (MBA), fără întrerupere din 2008

Videos (show all)

孙若一 (SUN RUOYI) MA Candidate in Intercultural Communication Chinese Teacher at the Confucius Institute, University of Bu...
Diana KHACHIKYAN (Armenia)
Elia-Cristiana VASILE


204 Splaiul Independentei

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 14:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 14:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 14:00
Thursday 09:00 - 14:00
Friday 09:00 - 14:00

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