SEG Bucharest Student Chapter

SEG Bucharest Student Chapter It was founded in 1997 and it continues to promote the science of geophysics among students at the University of Bucharest.

Bucharest Student Chapter of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists is affiliated with the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geology and Geophysics. What is SEG? The Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the science of geophysics and the education of exploration geophysicists. The Society fosters the expert and ethical practice of geophys


On 25th of June, members of the SEG Bucharest Student Chapter had the privilege of visiting the Baker Hughes Base in Ploiesti, Romania. During the visit, students learned about the company, assisted presentations from alumni of the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics on various opportunities such as the LEAD, ASPIRE, and Remote Operations programs for fresh graduates, and visited the Remote Operations hub where they were introduced to MWD/LWD, Directional Drilling, SLS and iTrak services.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Baker Hughes for their exceptional hospitality and to all the colleagues and students who contributed to the success of this visit. Special thanks to Andreea Maria Pavel and Rareș Gongu for making this visit possible. We wish everyone the best of luck in their future endeavors!


Every year, students from the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics, University of Bucharest are honored for their exceptional academic and extracurricular achievements with SEG Scholarships.

The SEG Bucharest Student Chapter is excited to share that Daria Elena Măciucă, our former president, and Adrian-Pavel Roşca have been selected to receive the Alexander Mihai and Catherine Ann Popovici Scholarship for the academic year 2024-2025.

We extend our congratulations to the recipients and encourage more students to participate in the coming year’s scholarship program!


SEG Bucharest Student Chapter invites students to join us for an exclusive visit to the Baker Hughes Base in Ariceștii-Rahtivani, Prahova County, Romania, on June 25, 2024. This event provides a unique opportunity to gain firsthand insight into the innovative operations of a leading company in the oil and gas sector.

Participants will have the chance to explore the remote operations hub and the main workshop, immersing themselves in the latest industry technology. Additionally, they will engage in a discussion with the iROC Hub Leader, who will share valuable insights into the current challenges and opportunities within the industry, as well as the career prospects at Baker Hughes.

Please register by completing the form available at this link: The registration deadline is June 9, 2024, and the places are limited to ensure a quality experience for all attendees. Selection for participation will be based on the applicants' previous involvement in SEG Bucharest Student Chapter activities and their academic year.

We look forward to welcoming you to an enriching experience that will enhance your understanding of the oil and gas industry!


We are excited to announce a new specialized workshop on infrasound data analysis, titled “Hands-on Infrasound Data Analysis” taking place on June 6, 2024, from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM, at the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics in Bucharest, Romania.

This workshop offers introductory knowledge on working with NiAB tools (DTK-GPMCC and DTK-DIVA) provided by the CTBTO, aimed at performing infrasound data analysis. The data training session will be coordinated by Dr. Daniela Veronica Ghica, Senior Researcher at the National Institute for Earth Physics and technical expert in Working Group B of the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization.

Participants will gain skills in understanding infrasound sources and basic atmospheric propagation, as well as practical experience in analyzing infrasound data and source localization using NDC-in-a-Box tools.

Attendance is free for all registered participants. The places are limited. You can register until 4th June by accessing this link:

We look forward to welcoming you to this educational journey!


We are excited to invite you to the first major event of our 2024 Field Camp: “Role of Geophysics in Nuclear-Test-Ban and GEOScience for Security” Workshop. This session promises to provide deep insights into contemporary geophysical applications in global security frameworks under the guidance of distinguished speakers from SGAR, Universitatea din București, Institutul Național de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizica Pământului, Geosphere.

Event details:
• Date: May 16, 2024
• Time: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
• Location: Faculty of Geology and Geophysics, Bucharest (Onsite)

10:00 - 10:20 AM - Welcoming & 2024 Field Camp 2024 Program Presentation
• Dr. Eng. Florina Mihaela Țuluca
• Daria-Elena Măciucă
• Ana-Elena Suditu
10:20 -10:50 AM - Geophysics for current challenges of the world
• Speaker: Dr. Eng. Florina Mihaela Țuluca - Faculty of Geology and Geophysics, University of Bucharest, President of the Romanian Society of Applied Geophysics and Vice-President of the Balkan Geophysical Society.
10:50 AM – 11:00 PM - Break
11:00 -12:00 AM - Monitoring planet Earth for nuclear explosions using state-of-the-art technologies (seismic, infrasound, hydroacoustic and radionuclide)
• Speaker: Dr. Ulrike Mitterbauer - Senior researcher at GeoSphere Austria (Federal Institute for Geology, Geophysics, Climatology and Meteorology); Manager of the Austrian National Data Centre; Task Leader in Working Group B of the Preparatory Commission for the CTBTO.
12:00 – 12:20 AM - Break
12:20 - 1:20 PM - Infrasound monitoring of natural and anthropogenic hazards
• Speaker: Dr. Daniela Veronica Ghica - Senior Researcher at National Institute for Earth Physics; Head of the Romanian National Data Centre; Technical expert in the Working Group B of the Preparatory Commission for the CTBTO.
1:20 – 1:50 PM - Networking
1:50 – 2:00 PM - Closing remarks
This workshop is an excellent opportunity for students, professionals and enthusiasts to engage with leading experts in the field, explore cutting-edge techniques, and discuss their implications for peace and security worldwide.

Registration information: Please ensure your participation by registering via the following form:

More information:
• You can find more about this project on the webpage:
• For specific information about the workshop, please access:

We look forward to welcoming you to an engaging and informative event that promises to enhance your understanding of geophysics in the context of global security!


The SEG Bucharest Student Chapter has consistently facilitated enriching Field Camp projects over the years, providing students with invaluable hands-on experience in applying geophysical methods across various domains. We are thrilled to announce the commencement of our 2024 initiative: ”Geophysics for Civil Protection and Sustaining Humanitarian Aid Operations” sustained by Society of Exploration Geophysicists, SGAR, Facultatea de Geologie și Geofizică - Universitatea din București and our partners.

Upcoming events open for students:
1. Workshop on the Role of Geophysics in Nuclear-Test-Ban and Geoscience for Security
• Date: May 16, 2024
• Location: Bucharest (Onsite)

2. Hands-On Data Training
• Date: May 23, 2024
• Location: Bucharest (Onsite)
• Note: Limited places available

3. Field Work
• Period: September 2024
• Location: Bucharest/Câmpulung, Romania
• Note: Limited places available

4. Final Gala
• Period: November 2024
• Location: Bucharest, Romania

Registration is now open!
• Join us for a dynamic series of events designed to hone your skills in a variety of ground-based and airborne geophysical investigation techniques applied in a controlled environment for UXO and remnants of war detection, guided by an international group of specialists from SGAR, University of Belgrad, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki INCD GeoEcoMar, Institutul Național de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizica Pământului, Academia Forţelor Aeriene "Henri Coandă" din Braşov. In addition, the project includes a session on the role of geophysics in nuclear tests with special guests of technical experts of The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization Preparatory Commission.

How to apply: Secure your place for the project activities by completing the registration form available here:

Registration deadline for joining the group of participants for the measuring campaign (September): May 28, 2024, 11:59 PM EEST
Limited places available
We welcome both Romanian and international students. International applicants are advised to verify current entry requirements to Romania.

Participant criteria:
• Submission of the narrative CV (max. 500 words, in English)
• Academic specialization and year of studies

We look forward to welcoming you to an enriching experience!


From April 30 to May 2, 2024, the President of the SEG Bucharest Student Chapter, Ana-Elena Suditu, the former President, Daria-Elena Măciucă, and the Secretary, Andreea-Mihaela Răducanu, attended the “Summit on Geophysical Detection of Explosive Remnants of War”. This summit focused on addressing the pressing issues surrounding unexploded ordnance and demining efforts. Their participation underscores our commitment to contributing to global safety and the advancement of geophysical education and practices.

Photos from SEG Bucharest Student Chapter's post 30/04/2024

Geofizica este o disciplină esențială pentru dezvoltarea durabilă și sustenabilă a zonelor urbane, iar recenta situație de la Slănic Prahova relevă importanța crucială a studiilor geofizice în prevenirea cazurilor de subsidență accentuată a terenului. Astfel de studii sunt vitale nu doar în diagnosticarea problemelor, ci și în sprijinirea eforturilor de elaborare a soluțiilor tehnice adecvate pentru remedierea și prevenirea lor.

Acesta este spiritul cu care SEG Bucharest Student Chapter, afliliat Facultǎții de Geologie şi Geofizicǎ din cadrul Universității din București, în parteneriat cu Societatea Română de Geofizică Aplicată (SGAR) și GEOTESTING C.I, a organizat workshop-ul „Urban Geophysics”, sub coordonarea doamnei profesor Lector Dr. Ing. Florina Mihaela Țuluca.

În decursul a trei zile, participanții au explorat potențialul de utilitate al geofizicii în peisajul urban al Bucureștiului. Workshop-ul a debutat cu o discuție privind imperativele siguranței în muncă și aplicabilitatea acestora în contextul urban actual, pregătind participanții pentru provocările de pe teren.

În ziua dedicată activităților pe teren, participanții au realizat profile de tomografie de rezistivitate electrică (ERT) de rezoluție ridicată.

Finalul atelierului a adus cu sine procesul de analiză şi interpretare a datelor în laboratoarele Facultății de Geologie și Geofizicǎ de la Universitatea din București.

Prin intermediul acestui workshop, am reafirmat angajamentul nostru pentru educație continuă, precum și contribuția la dezvoltarea durabilă a mediului urban bucureștean. Ne bucurăm sǎ fim parte a unei comunități care îmbrățișează provocările moderne cu entuziasm științific.

În viitor ne propunem să continuǎm sǎ derulăm astfel de acțiuni în cadrul proiectului „Urban Geophysics II”, unde vom aborda problema intens dezbătută de mass-media națională a localității Slănic Prahova.

Geophysics is an essential discipline for the sustainable development of urban areas, and the recent situation in Slănic Prahova highlights the crucial importance of geophysical studies in preventing cases of severe land subsidence. Such studies are vital not only for diagnosing problems but also for supporting efforts to develop appropriate technical solutions to remedy and prevent them.

This is the spirit with which the SEG Bucharest Student Chapter, affiliated with the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics at the University of Bucharest, in partnership with the Romanian Society of Applied Geophysics (SGAR) and GEOTESTING C.I, organized the ‘Urban Geophysics’ workshop, under the coordination of Lecturer Dr. Eng. Florina Mihaela Țuluca.

Over the course of three days, participants explored the utility potential of geophysics in the urban landscape of Bucharest. The workshop began with a discussion on the imperatives of workplace safety and their applicability in the current urban context, preparing participants for field challenges.

On the day dedicated to field activities, participants conducted high-resolution electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) profiles.

The workshop concluded with the process of data analysis and interpretation in the laboratories of the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics at the University of Bucharest.

Through this workshop, we reaffirmed our commitment to continuous education, as well as contributing to the sustainable development of the urban environment in Bucharest. We are pleased to be part of a community that embraces modern challenges with scientific enthusiasm.

In the future, we plan to continue these actions within the ‘Urban Geophysics II’ project, where we will address the intensively debated issue by the national media of Slănic Prahova.

Photos from SEG Bucharest Student Chapter's post 23/03/2024

Pe data de 22 martie 2024, SEG Bucharest Student Chapter în colaborare cu Institutul Național de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizica Pământului a organizat o vizită în cadrul bazei de cercetare de la Măgurele. Studenții de la Facultatea de Geologie și Geofizică au avut ocazia să exploreze echipamente și tehnologii de ultimă generație utilizate în studiul geofizicii, precum drone, seismografe, gravimetre, magnetometre și alte dispozitive avansate folosite pentru monitorizarea fenomenelor geologice. Această experiență ne-a oferit o perspectivă amplă asupra cercetărilor din domeniul fizicii Pământului și a impactului lor asupra societății.

Mulțumim echipei Institutului pentru profesionalismul și expertiza lor, iar participanților pentru interesul și entuziasmul arătat în explorarea acestui domeniu fascinant al științei!

On March 22, 2024, the SEG Bucharest Student Chapter, in collaboration with the National Institute for Research and Development in Physics of the Earth, organized a visit to the research base in Măgurele. Students from the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics had the opportunity to explore state-of-the-art equipment and technologies used in the study of geophysics, such as drones, seismographs, gravimeters, magnetometers, and other advanced devices used for monitoring geological phenomena. This experience provided the participants with a comprehensive perspective on research in the field of Earth physics and its impact on society.

We thank Institute team for their professionalism and expertise and the participants for their interest and enthusiasm shown in exploring this fascinating field of geoscience!


Dragi colegi,

Vă anunțăm că pe data de 22 martie 2024 vom organiza o vizită la Institutul Național de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizica Pământului.

Plecarea va avea loc la ora 13:00, din fața Institutului Naţional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Protecţia Muncii “Alexandru Darabont”, situat pe bulevardul Ghencea, nr. 35A. Ne vom deplasa la destinație cu autobuzul nr. 428.

Participanții sunt rugați să aibă la ei buletinul și legitimația de student pentru acces. Înscrierile se pot face până luni, 18 martie 2024, accesând linkul următor:

Așteptăm cu entuziasm o zi plină de explorare și învățare!


🌐 SEG Bucharest Student Chapter Outreach Project🎓

Our journey commenced with a series of visits to high schools, where our mission was to promote geophysics and ignite curiosity among students. The resounding success of these endeavors became the driving force behind the extraordinary event that unfolded at the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics on December 16. Motivated by the enthusiasm and engagement witnessed during our high school visits, SEG Bucharest Student Chapter orchestrated a compelling initiative to introduce students to the fascinating world of geophysics and shed light on the diverse career paths within this field.

We were honored to have Assoc. PhD. Eng. Bogdan-Mihai Niculescu join us. Through captivating visuals and insights into our past projects, the profesor provided a deeper understanding of the dynamic world of geophysics.

After a refreshing break, we dove into a hands-on workshop focused on magnetometry surveys. Witnessing the students' enthusiasm as they conducted their first geophysical measurements coordinated by Assoc. PhD. Eng. Bogdan-Mihai Niculescu and PhD. Mǎdǎlina-Maria Bucur was truly rewarding. The ability to visualize and interpret the obtained data added a practical dimension to their learning.

To add an extra layer of excitement to the day, students had the opportunity to explore the impressive rocks and fossils collection at the faculty. It was a hands-on encounter with Earth’s history that complemented their geophysics education.

This year's Outreach project was a resounding success, with students actively engaging and showing genuine enthusiasm at every stage. We take pride in fostering curiosity and passion for geophysics among the next generation.

A heartfelt thank you to all participants, volunteers, and especially Assoc. PhD. Eng. Bogdan-Mihai Niculescu for contributing to the success of this event. Together, we are shaping the future of geophysics!


Hello, everyone!

We are thrilled to announce the new board that will lead our chapter through another year of exciting activities and growth. The individuals selected have shown exceptional dedication, passion, and a commitment to advancing the field of geophysics.

President: Ana-Elena Suditu
Vice-President: Robert-Alexandru Birta
Secretary: Andreea-Mihaela Răducanu
Treasurer: Eduard Dragnea
Graphic Designer: Vlad Catarig-Iancu

Congratulations and good luck to the new board!


Salutare tuturor!

SEG Bucharest Student Chapter anunță organizarea alegerilor pentru boardul responsabil de activitățile care se vor desfășura în anul universitar 2023-2024! Dacă vrei să te implici în organizarea practicilor și proiectelor naționale și internaționale, workshop-uri, vizite la companiile de top din domeniu, etc., atunci te așteptăm cu un discurs prin care să îți exprimi dorința de a face parte din echipa noastră!

Funcții disponibile:
• Președinte
• Vice-Președinte
• Secretar
• Trezorier
• Graphic Designer

Criterii de eligibilitate:

• cunoștințe avansate de limba engleză
• fără restanțe
• pot candida doar studenții care nu fac parte din boardul unui alt chapter din cadrul Facultății de Geologie și Geofizică

Candidații sunt rugați să completeze formularul:, ulterior fiind contactați de un membru actual al boardului.

Alegerile vor avea loc pe data de 5 decembrie 2023, începând cu ora 18:00, în sala BSC din sediul facultății din Bd. Nicolae Bălcescu nr.1. Pentru membrii chapterului care nu pot participa fizic la desfășurarea alegerilor, se va distribui un link pentru o întâlnire online. Pentru validarea alegerilor, rugăm membrii să își exercite responsabil dreptul de vot.

Vă așteptăm!


Sezonul sărbătorilor bate la ușă, iar odată cu el vine și inițiativa deosebită din partea studenților Facultății de Geologie și Geofizică, reprezentați de Asociația Studenților Geologi și Geofizicieni - ASGG & SPE University of Bucharest Student Chapter, SEG Bucharest Student Chapter și AAPG Bucharest Student Chapter, care și-au propus să facă o schimbare în bine.

În mod similar cu anii anteriori, misiunea noastră este să ne mobilizăm pentru o campanie de donații menită să aducă bucurie liceenilor nevoiași din Buftea. Strângerea donațiilor se va realiza la facultate (Clădirea Nicolae Bălcescu nr.1), astfel vă rugăm să ne contactați pentru oferirea acestora până luni, 18 decembrie.

Acceptăm cu brațele deschise orice considerați că ar fi util, de la haine, alimente neperisabile, produse de igienă personală, până la rechizite, electrocasnice de primă necesitate etc.

Donațiile pot fi adunate inclusiv la Casa Universitarilor în data de 18 decembrie, unde vă invităm cu drag să veniți la evenimentul nostru dedicat acestei campanii, Petrecerea de Crăciun, începând cu ora 18:00. Participarea la eveniment se realizează sub forma unei contribuții monetare de minim 25 de lei.

Fiecare gest contează, iar împreună putem face diferența în viețile celor care au nevoie de sprijin.

Persoane de contact:
Bunea Denisa – 0730367009;
Malaicu Alexandra – 0724387378;
Măciucă Daria – 0738183613;
Șcheaua Andreea – 0728860698


Hello everyone!

On the 25th of November 2023, SEG Bucharest Student Chapter will organize the Data Processing Workshop of the 2023 SEG Field Camp Project. Together with our project manager, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Bogdan Mihai Niculescu, we will process and interpret the geophysical data acquired during the ‘Geophysical investigation of karst systems and thermo-mineral springs in Southern Dobrogea, Romania’ SEG Field Camp which took place in Mangalia, Constanta County, Romania, from the 27th of August to the 3rd of September 2023.

All geology and geophysics students are invited to join us. We encourage international students to apply as well.

Registration is free and there is no limit to the number of participants.

To sign up for the workshop please complete and submit the following form:

Date: 25th November 2023
Hour: 12:00 PM EET
Language: English
Platform: Skype
Deadline: 24th November 2023, 23:59 PM EET

We are looking forward to meeting you all!

Photos from SEG Bucharest Student Chapter's post 13/11/2023

On the 10th of November 2023, members of the SEG Bucharest Student Chapter presented their research 'The impact of student-led geophysical projects on the continuous development of aspiring geoscientists' during the poster section of the 8th edition of the Geoscience International Symposium.

The poster highlighted some of the recent activities our chapter has conducted, including SEG Field Camps, Outreach Projects, visits at global technology companies and collaborations with research institutes, as well as the significant increase in student involvement over the past few years.

We would like to thank the Romanian Society of Applied Geophysics for the opportunity to expose our poster at Geoscience International Symposium 2023, all our professors and trainers who have coordinated us over the years and all the students who have been part of our projects


Bună tuturor!

În data de 16 decembrie 2023, echipa SEG Bucharest Student Chapter are onoarea de a invita tinerii elevi de liceu să se alăture unei noi ediții a proiectului nostru de Outreach intitulat "Promoting Geophysics în High Schools".

Ce vă așteaptă?
I. Workshop introductiv - O incursiune captivantă în lumea geofizicii, care include o prezentare a metodelor sale și domeniile în care se aplică.

II. O aventură pe teren - Aici, în inima Bucureștiului, în cadrul Facultății de Geologie și Geofizică, vom pătrunde în tainele măsurătorilor geofizice utilizând aparatură specifică.

III. Procesarea și interpretarea datelor - La Facultatea de Geologie și Geofizică, veți învăța cm să procesați și interpretați datele geofizice, transformând informația brută preluată din teren în cunoștințe valoroase.

Nu se percepe nicio taxă de participare, iar mâncarea va fi asigurată de către organizatori.

Pentru a vă înregistra, vă rugăm să completați formularul până la data de 8 decembrie 2023 ora 23:59. Confirmarea participării voastre va avea loc pe data de 9 decembrie 2023 prin intermediul unui apel telefonic și a unui email.

Pentru mai multe detalii și orice întrebări suplimentare, suntem la dispoziția voastră:

Facebook: SEG Bucharest Student Chapter
Instagram: .bucharest
Email: [email protected]

Așteptăm cu nerăbdare să vă întâlnim!


Salutare tuturor!

SEG Bucharest Student Chapter dă startul sesiunii de înscriere în chapter în perioada 23-30 octombrie 2023.

Câteva dintre avantajele de care beneficiază studenții prin intermediul membership-ul SEG sunt:

- prioritate în cadrul viitoarelor practici SEG naționale și internaționale
- oportunitatea de a aplica pentru bursele SEG și de a beneficia de grant-uri pentru participarea la conferințe internaționale
- accesul la librăria SEG și la articole științifice și reviste de specialitate
- participarea la workshop-uri susținute de către specialiști din domeniu recunoscuți la nivel mondial
- posibilitatea de a participa la schimburi de experiență cu studenții din alte chaptere SEG din lume
- participarea la concursul anual SEG Challenge Bowl
- accesarea datelor geofizice și geologice oferite de către SEG

Taxa de înscriere este de 26$.

Dacă vrei să te alături chapterului nostru, te așteptăm să completezi formularul: Un membru al boardului nostru te va contacta ulterior pentru a te asista în procesul de obținere a unui membership.

Vă așteptăm în număr cât mai mare!


Dragi colegi entuziaști,

Pentru cei dintre voi care începeți anul I și sunteți plini de curiozitate în ceea ce privește lumea geoștiințelor, suntem aici să vă ghidăm! Vrem să vă ajutăm să transformați acești ani de studenție într-o experiență cu adevărat memorabilă și plină de oportunități.

Vă invităm la evenimentul de neratat al începutului de an universitar din Facultatea de Geologie și Geofizică, ICEBREAKER 2023. Alături de noi, veți putea descoperi oportunități incredibile: voluntariat, workshop-uri, concursuri, burse, premii, vizite la instituții și centre de cercetare, practici atât în țară, cât și în străinătate.

Dacă încă nu sunteți convinși, atunci vă așteptăm cu brațele deschise pe 10 octombrie, începând cu ora 18:00, în Amfiteatrul Ludovic Mrazec – sala PA (Clădirea Nicolae Bălcescu nr. 1, Parter).

Nu uitați, suntem nerăbdători să vă cunoaștem și să împărtășim această călătorie academică cu voi!

Cu cele mai bune gânduri,
Asociațiile Studențești din cadrul FGG 2023

P.S. Vă puteți înscrie la acest eveniment accesând link-ul:

Photos from SEG Bucharest Student Chapter's post 21/09/2023

🌍 Exploring the Hidden Treasures Beneath Mangalia: A Geophysical Adventure 🌋

From August 27th to September 4th, an intrepid team of geophysics enthusiasts embarked on a thrilling journey in the vicinity of Mangalia, a historic port city on the Romanian coast. Organized by the SEG Bucharest Student Chapter in collaboration with the Geological Institute of Romania and the Romanian Society of Geophysics, this field camp was a quest to unveil the secrets hidden beneath the earth's surface.

🧭 Geophysical Exploration in Mangalia 🧭

Using geophysical methods such as Vertical Electrical Sondage (VES), Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and Magnetometry, we discovered the thermo-mineral springs of the aquifer complex from Mangalia which emerge both inland and also along the coast, between Saturn, Venus and Jupiter seaside resorts.

🔍 Understanding the Aquifer Complex 🔍

Through Vertical Electrical Sondage (VES), we gained insights into the subsurface's electrical properties, allowing us to map the aquifer complex with unprecedented accuracy. Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) helped us create detailed cross-sectional images of the underground structures, while Magnetometry revealed subtle magnetic anomalies.

🌊 A Coastal Revelation 🌊

One of the most astonishing findings was that these thermo-mineral springs didn't remain confined to the inland areas. They also emerged along the coastlines of Saturn, Venus, and Jupiter seaside resorts. This discovery not only adds to the geological significance of the region but also presents exciting opportunities for sustainable tourism and resource management.

👣 A Journey of Collaboration and Discovery 👣

The success of this field camp was a testament to the power of collaboration. The combined efforts of the SEG Bucharest Student Chapter, the Geological Institute of Romania, and the Romanian Society of Geophysics transformed an ordinary field trip into a remarkable scientific expedition.

🌟 Unveiling Nature's Secrets: What's Next? 🌟

Our work has only just begun. The discoveries made during this field camp open doors to further research, preservation, and sustainable utilization of Mangalia's valuable geothermal resources. As we return from this adventure, we carry not just data but a sense of wonder and a deeper connection to the Earth's mysteries.

🏆 A Special Thanks to Our Valued Partner 🏆

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Society of Exploration Geophysics for their unwavering support and generous sponsorship, which made this remarkable journey of discovery in Mangalia possible.

Photos from SEG Bucharest Student Chapter's post 08/09/2023

Hello everyone!

SEG Bucharest Student Chapter is delighted to announce that President Daria Elena Măciucă represented our chapter at SEG&AAPG IMAGE 2023, which took place in Houston, Texas, USA, from 28th August to 1st September 2023.

Daria was selected to take part in the SEG/Chevron Student Leadership Symposium where she presented the most recent activities of the SEG Bucharest Student Chapter and had the opportunity to engage in interactive workshops and network with students and professionals from all over the world.

We are proud to see our chapter continue to be highly active and represented at an international level and we thank everyone involved in the organization of such an amazing event for giving students the opportunity to be a part of it!

Follow us on our official social media accounts to find out more about our chapter's latest activities!

Instagram: .bucharest
LinkedIn: SEG Bucharest Student Chapter
Facebook: SEG Bucharest Student Chapter


Hello everyone!

The registration deadline for our 2023 Field Camp has been extended until the 9th of July 2023.

The link to sign up for the field camp is: .

See you in August!


Annually, students from the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics, University of Bucharest, have been rewarded for their outstanding academic and extracurricular performance through the SEG Scholarships, which range from 500$ to 10000$ per year.

SEG Bucharest Student Chapter is delighted to announce that our president, Daria Elena Măciucă , has been chosen as the recipient of the SEG Foundation/Chevron & SEG/Barbara McBride Memorial Scholarships, our former president, Andreea Maria Pavel, has been awarded with the Alexander Mihai and Catherine Ann Popovici Scholarship and member Adrian Roșca is the recipient of the SEG/Schlumberger scholarship, all for the 2023-2024 academic year.

Congratulations to all awardees and we encourage more students to apply next year as well!

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Strada Traian Vuia, No. 6

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