SimplyIslam Weekend Islamic School

SimplyIslam Weekend Islamic School offers Islamic studies classes during the weekends for children and youths between the ages of 5 to 21 years.

At this day and age, we simply cannot overemphasise the need for our children to be imbued with the necessary moral and religious foundations based upon sound Islamic teachings. We offer Islamic studies classes during the weekends for children and youths between the ages of 5 to 21 (preschool to tertiary), tailored for students who are attending academic schools, institutes, polytechnics and unive


Abd' Allah ibn Abbas was among the closest companions of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and a great mufassir of the Qur'an. He narrated the following:

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) was the most generous of all the people, and he used to reach the peak in generosity in the month of Ramadan when Gabriel met him. Gabriel used to meet him every night of Ramadan to teach him the Qur'an. Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) was the most generous person, even more generous than the strong uncontrollable wind (in readiness and haste to do charitable deeds).
[Sahih Al-Bukhari]

Timeline photos 20/03/2022

Our teachers are all madrasah graduates and have been accredited by Singapore’s Asatizah Recognition Board (ARB), and are certified to teach Islamic Studies. ARB is an independent committee formed by the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS) to oversee the professional conduct and educational standards of all Islamic religious teachers in Singapore.
Rest assured your child is in good hands here at SimplyIslam Weekend Islamic School 🙂
Registration for SimplyIslam Weekend Islamic School 2022 is now open! Find our more about our English-led Weekend Madrasah at: or register your child for a regular, guided and professional Islamic programmes here:

Timeline photos 19/03/2022

SimplyIslam is one of the pioneers of English-led Islamic Education in Singapore. We’ve been delivering Islamic Education programmes since 2007. Our curriculum is exciting, holistic and relevant, and we now serve over 900 students across three centres – Still Road (Eunos), Jurong and Woodlands.
Find out more about us, our Islamic education classes, and the teachers and students who teach and learn here:
Register Online NOW at:

Timeline photos 18/03/2022

No uniforms! That’s right, we do not require our students to wear a uniform. We welcome the diversity of fashion that our students use to express themselves, and it’s a good learning experience for students to learn about the acceptable styles of dressing. We are committed to standards of simplicity, neatness, cleanliness, attractiveness, modesty and good taste.
Find out more about our Weekend Madrasah at
Register your child for a holistic education in Islam here:

Timeline photos 17/03/2022

As a parent I may not have 100% knowledge or correct information to help my boys, but knowing that the things they've learnt in class like the values and basics of Islam, the five prayers, our Prophet (s) and Quran, it makes me feel so proud and grateful. Throughout their school week, they will be able to keep in mind the teachings from Simplylslam madrasah over the weekend and it's really a blessing.
I will not hesitate to recommend other parents to SimplyIslam Weekend Islamic School.” - Madam Atiqah Ang.
Registration for SimplyIslam Weekend Islamic School is now open online here: Or visit to learn more about our established Weekend Islamic School.

Timeline photos 16/03/2022

Weekend Islamic School @ Still Road (Eunos), Jurong East and Woodlands.
Our Weekend Islamic School Madrasah is conducted on either Saturdays or Sunday from 9am to 1pm. We have three centres - Still Road (Eunos), Jurong East (next to JCube) and Woodlands (Near Admiralty MRT). We accept students from 5 years old to 16 years old (K1 to Sec 4). Tertiary Level Students can move on to our Al-Mishkat Certificate in Islamic Studies -
K1 to Sec 4 Online Registrations:
Call us, email us, or chat with us on our website NOW Tel: 6547 4407, Email: [email protected]

Timeline photos 15/03/2022

In this day and age, we simply cannot overemphasize the need for our children to be imbued with the necessary moral and religious foundations, based upon sound Islamic teachings. We offer Islamic classes during the weekends tailored for children and youths between the ages of 5 to 16 (Kindergarten 1 to Secondary 4),who are attending academic schools, during the weekdays. Tertiary Level Students can move on to our Al-Mishkat Certificate in Islamic Studies -
At our weekend Islamic school, your child attends a weekly session of religious classes. They will be exposed to an interesting package of learning initiatives that is not only unique, but also innovative. Our classes are based on academic levels (e.g. Primary 1, Primary 2, etc) which enable our students to mingle and develop social groups among peers of their age - developing social circles with can provide positive reinforcement for your child.
Registration for SimplyIslam Weekend Islamic School is now open online here: . Or visit to learn more about our Islamic education classes, and the teachers and students who teach and learn here at our established Weekend Islamic School.

Timeline photos 14/03/2022

Weekend Islamic School @ Woodlands - Slots still available at Woodlands. LImited availability at Still Road and Jurong.
Our Woodlands Branch will now extend Islamic Education in the West to students from Primary 1 to Primary 6.
Our Woodlands Branch is at: 21 Woodlands Close, Primz Bizhub, #06-15, Singapore, 737854 (About 1 bus stop away from Admiralty MRT Station).
Join us now to experience a holistic Islamic learning experience that will elevate your child not just in terms of their Islamic knowledge, but also in terms of their spiritual growth, Insha'Allah.
Our Weekend Islamic School has been delivering cutting-edge Islamic education in English to kids aged 5 to 16 since 2007, across a diverse range of programmes. We now count over 900 students studying in 3 centres across Singapore - Still Road (Eunos), Jurong East and Woodlands. Join us and be part of this growing Islamic community! Visit and learn more about us.
Registration for SimplyIslam Weekend Islamic School 2022 is now OPEN. Register online NOW at: or give us a call at 6547 4407 to chat with one of our representatives.

Timeline photos 03/03/2022

Weekend Islamic School @ Still Road (Eunos), Jurong and Woodlands.
Our Weekend Islamic School Madrasah is conducted on either Saturdays or Sunday from 9am to 1pm. We have three centres - Still Road (Eunos), Jurong East (next to JCube) and Woodlands (Near Admiralty MRT). We accept students from 5 years old to 16 years old (K1 to Sec 4). Tertiary Level Students can move on to our Al-Mishkat Certificate in Islamic Studies -
Online Registration for SimplyIslam Weekend Islamic School 2022:
Call us, email us, or chat with us on our website NOW Tel: 6547 4407, Email: [email protected]

Timeline photos 02/03/2022

Little Sa'im is a one-day experiential retreat to gear kids up for the integrals of fasting and the etiquettes of the holy month of Ramadhan.
The Camp Objectives are:
• To inculcate children with the knowledge and practices of Ramadan
• To encourage children to fast and develop a love for fasting!
• To guide participants toward the memorisation of the intention of fasting, the du'a before pre-dawn meal and other selected surahs from Juz Amma
• To learn the steps and practical application and observances of Tarawih and Eidi-al fitr Prayers
• To learn about the origin and significance of the momentous nights of Nuzul al-Qur'an and Lailatul Qadr.
Register NOW:

Timeline photos 01/03/2022

SimplyIslam’s Little Saim retreat is a one-day non-residential retreat specially developed for Primary School kids to gear up for fasting. It will be conducted during the one-week March School Holidays and will bring together like-minded Muslim kids under one roof for a day of fun-filled experiential Islamic learning.
Learn more or Register here:

Timeline photos 28/02/2022

A one-day experiential retreat to gear kids up for the integrals of fasting and the etiquettes of the holy month of Ramadhan.
Register NOW:

Registration fee for Mendaki's tuition scheme cut from $210 to $10 07/02/2022

Registration fee for Mendaki's tuition scheme cut from $210 to $10
Malay/Muslim students applying for the Mendaki Tuition Scheme (MTS) need to pay an annual registration fee of only $10 from this year - a sharp drop from the previous $210.

Self-help group Yayasan Mendaki hopes that this will make quality and affordable tuition more accessible to lower-income families.

Mendaki deputy chairman Zaqy Mohamad said he hopes that this will encourage more individuals to enrol in and benefit from MTS.

"We want to streamline the registration fee so every child is given the opportunity for education and does not have to worry about affordability."

The scheme offers English, maths and science tuition to students in Primary 1 to Secondary 5.

As at Saturday (Feb 5), 6,591 students have enrolled in the scheme.

Mr Zaqy, who is also Senior Minister of State for Manpower and Defence, said: "We are moving into Stem (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) sectors, and strengths in science, mathematics and technology have to be much stronger."

Among these students, more than 2,600 of them have registered for lessons in virtual centres, where lessons are conducted over the Zoom platform. The centres, which were launched just this year, aim to reach out to those who have challenges attending physical cases due reasons such as the Covid-19 pandemic, said Mr Zaqy.

MTS currently has 1,152 tutors, consisting of undergraduates, working professionals and retirees.

Class sizes are kept small, with no more than 15 students each - a factor that students interviewed said has helped improve their learning and grades.

Muhammmad Aniq Farhan Anel, a Secondary 3 student at Marsiling Secondary School, said that his maths results have improved greatly since he enrolled into the tuition scheme at the start of last year.

The 15-year-old Normal (Academic) student, who has three siblings who are also enrolled in the tuition scheme, said: "In school, a teacher has to teach a class of 30 students. Here in MTS, tutors can focus on one student if we don't understand a concept."

His schoolmate Niqi Nurfalisha Norazmi, 16, first joined the scheme when she was a Secondary 1 student. She said that the scheme greatly improved her grades in English and maths.

"Before the scheme, I had many 'U' grades. But now, I am starting to get C5s."

MTS is also taking on a more holistic approach, with enrichment programmes for students at the upper secondary level. For instance, the mentorship programme aims to guide Secondary 3 and 4 students on their options in higher learning once they complete their O or N levels.

Undergraduates and young adults aged 18 to 35 years old are trained as mentors and matched with a maximum of three students under the nine-month programme.

Mr Mirza Nabil Putra Azhar, 22, has been a mentor since last April. The nursing undergraduate from National University of Singapore said that he provides his mentees with guidance on study tips and course choices and industry insights. "We're like big brothers and sisters," he said

Mr Zaqy said that he hopes the programmes provided by Mendaki will help and inspire students to do well in school.

"We want everyone to have a tertiary education, because in this day and age, in this modern world, you need a certain level of competency to be able to succeed."
Read more:

Registration fee for Mendaki's tuition scheme cut from $210 to $10 Mendaki hopes that this will make quality and affordable tuition more accessible to lower-income families. . Read more at

Timeline photos 04/02/2022

The best of stories that a believer should emulate and follow is the stories of the Prophets that have been told to us in the Quran. These stories are filled with guidance and good morals that we should strive to emulate in our lives.

The title of the sermon today is instilling gratitude. Hence, let us reflect and take lessons from the story of Prophet Sulaiman (a.s.), a Prophet of Allah who was granted a glorious kingdom to rule.

Allah (s.w.t.) says in surah Al-Naml, verse 15:
“And indeed We had certainly given to David and Solomon knowledge, and they said, "Praise [is due] to Allah, who has favoured us over many of His faithful servants."

Amongst the reasons why Prophet Sulaiman (a.s.) was described in the Quran as knowledgeable and wise is because he knew the reality of the favours that Allah has given him and used them in the right and appropriate situations. When someone realizes that the favours granted by Allah is merely a loan, he will definitely channel them in a way that pleases Allah (s.w.t.). That is the reality of true gratitude. Thankfulness is not just expressed with our tongues by reciting “Alhamdulillah”. But thankfulness is to use the favours accordingly so that we may attain the pleasure of Allah (s.w.t.). What benefit would it be to someone who has a lot of wealth if he chooses to ignore other people’s needs and rights? Such an attitude will only be a trial for him in this world, and an evidence against him in the Hereafter.

Who amongst us do not wish to be constantly bestowed with His favours? Let us remember that the key to that is to be grateful to Allah (s.w.t.) by using these favours according to what is pleasing to Him (s.w.t.). What a waste it would be if these favours were to be used in disobedience of Allah (s.w.t.).

This is one of the meanings mentioned in Surah Ibrahim verse 7:
“And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, 'If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favour]; but if you deny, indeed, My punishment is severe.'

The favours that Allah (s.w.t.) grants us is not limited to material wealth or high status. However, there are things that we often overlooked or take for granted such as the peace and harmony that we enjoy in Singapore, or our health – all these are blessings that we should treasure and be thankful for.

Moreover, the Prophet (s.a.w.) taught us to avoid comparing ourselves with others, in regard to Allah’s favours. This is to avoid us from feeling inadequate or unhappy with what Allah (s.w.t.) has granted to us. The Prophet (s.a.w.) said: “Look at those who are beneath you and do not look at those who are above you. While doing so, you will not belittle the favours that Allah (s.w.t.) has granted to you.” (Hadis narrated by al-Tirmizi)

The Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) taught us to always appreciate the favours that Allah (s.w.t.) has granted us rather than focusing on what we lack and comparing ourselves to those who have more. This is to instill in us a sense of gratitude with what He has bestowed upon us.

Before we end, let us reflect and recite the doa taught by Prophet Sulaiman (a.s.) where he asked to always be in a state of gratitude towards the favours of Allah (s.w.t.) and utilize them in His obedience:

“Oh my Lord, bestow upon me guidance to always be grateful for Your Favours that you have granted me and to my parents, and (guidance) for me to do righteous deeds that are pleasing to You, and place me with Your Mercy with Your righteous servants”

May Allah (s.w.t.) grant us guidance to always show our gratitude for His favours and place us amongst His righteous servants who are always grateful. Amin. Ya Rabbal ‘Alamin.
Read more:

Timeline photos 28/01/2022

Weekend Islamic School @ Woodlands
Our Woodlands Branch will now extend Islamic Education in the West to students from Primary 1 to Secondary 4 in 2022 - Primary 1 to Primary 6 classes will be conducted on Sunday Mornings, from 9am to 1pm, whilst Secondary 1 to Secondary 4 classes will be conducted on Sunday Mornings, from 9am to 1pm.
Our Woodlands Branch is at: 21 Woodlands Close, Primz Bizhub, #06-15, Singapore, 737854 (About 1 bus stop away from Admiralty MRT Station).
Join us now to experience a holistic Islamic learning experience that will elevate your child not just in terms of their Islamic knowledge, but also in terms of their spiritual growth, Insha'Allah.
Our Weekend Islamic School has been delivering cutting-edge Islamic education in English to kids aged 5 to 16 since 2007, across a diverse range of programmes. We now count over 900 students studying in 3 centres across Singapore - Still Road (Eunos), Jurong East and Woodlands. Join us and be part of this growing Islamic community! Visit and learn more about us.
Registration for SimplyIslam Weekend Islamic School 2022 is now OPEN. Register online NOW at: or give us a call at 6547 4407 to chat with one of our representatives.

Timeline photos 24/01/2022

Journey with Imam Ghazzali is an advanced level in-depth study and analysis of the Theological-Philosophical thoughts and works of Imām Al-Ghazzālī. This 30-week course will be led by two of Imam Ghazzali's books:
1) Al-Qawā’id Al-‘Aqā’id (The Principles of the Creed)
2) Al-Iqtiṣāḍ fī al-I’tiqād (The Moderation of Belief)
The lessons and discussions centered on these books will ignite discussions on the orthodox belief of Muslims - Principles of Creed and Moderation of Belief - beginning with a summary of the essence of creed before delving deeper with expositions of the topic and an insight into the relationship between Iman and Islam. Culminating into the fundamental understanding of how faith has been systematised into a logical argument. This will then be further expanded with new and more complex syllogistic arguments to posit the creed of orthodoxy between two extremes: excess and deficiency on relying on the intellect-reason.
The lessons that will be learnt during this course will provide a clear example to contemporary readers on the application of the principle of wasatiyyah to revelation and ‘aql in matters involving the creed._
Journey with Imam Al-Ghazzali 2022 will commence on the 9th of February, 2022. Registration is now open. Find out more about this course here:

Timeline photos 24/01/2022

Learn the foundational 40 Hadiths integral to our faith, collated by Imam Nawawi, a religious reformer who redefined and revived the Sunnah. Ustadh Muhammad Salleh, will read and analyse Imam Nawawi's time-tested 40 Hadiths, and share practical applications of it within our modern lifestyles. Register NOW at:

Timeline photos 24/01/2022

It was so long ago that we learnt the basics of Islam. Are our practices and prayers 100% perfect?
Join our Essentials of Islam Course and learn about:
▪ Divine Oneness, Attributes, and Revelation
▪ Sins and Disbelief
▪ The ranks of Prophets, Messengers and Companion
▪ Ablution
▪ Menstruation, post natal bleeding and dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
▪ The Obligatory and Sunna Prayers
▪ The Integrals of Prayer
▪ Shortening or joining prayers for travel or rain
▪ The intentions, conditions and Sunnas of fasting
▪ Zakah, and many more!
Register now at:

Timeline photos 24/01/2022

Arabic is a fascinating language. It is deep and powerful as depicted in Quranic texts, but in everyday conversational use, it is delicate and respectful, with textual differentiation for different genders. Our Conversational Arabic course, led by a native Arabic-speaker will touch the surface of this compelling language and empower attendees with the necessary nuances of the language. Learn more about our Conversational Arabic Course here:

Timeline photos 24/01/2022

Understand the Verses of the Qur'an in Greater Depth in this FREE Tafsir Course.
The Qur'an Club is designed to bring like-minded students of the Holy Qur'an together to learn, discuss and understand the details, intricacies and knowledge which resides within its pages.
The Qur'an Club is an ongoing class conducted every Tuesday evening at SimplyIslam. New registrants are welcomed. Register NOW:

Timeline photos 24/01/2022

Learn the Secrets of Prophetic Remedies!
SimplyIslam will be conducting another run of the popular Prophetic Healing Course 18th of February 2022, where the merits, applications and benefits of Honey, Apple Cider Vinegar, Olive Oil, Habbatus-sauda, and many other Sunnah Foods and Practices will be discussed in detail.
Hurry, don’t miss the chance to learn more about natural, Prophetic Healing techniques and medicines passed down from Prophet Muhammad, Allah's Peace & Blessings be upon him.
Register NOW:

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Videos (show all)

Mohsen Take 1
Mohsen Video 3
Mohsen Take 1
Mohsen Video 3
Mohsen Video 3
Mohsen Take 1
Mohsen Video 3
Mohsen Take 1
Al Firdaus Ensemble Eid Concert
Chef Mel Dean - 14th Ramadan Charity Basket 2021
What is Zakat al-Fitr?
The Night of Power (Laylatul Qadr)



152 Still Road

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 13:00
Sunday 09:00 - 13:00

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