InnerDynamics Map

Inner Dynamics is a holistic practice that guides people into their inner landscape, using alternati

Inner Dynamics is a holistic practice that guides people into their inner landscape, using a broad range of alternative therapies, and allows them to map it.


🧨 Anger frequently arises when our needs aren't met—need for boundaries, met expectations, emotional connection, physical safety, and more. It can be easier to express anger than to process and communicate other underlying feelings.

✨ Anger can also be a call-to-action, motivating us to make changes in our lives or in the world around us. It can inspire us to stand up for ourselves and others.

Reflect on this:
🟥 What unmet needs might your anger be advocating for?
🟥 What vulnerability are you afraid of revealing?
🟥 How can you create space to explore and address this emotion?


You sense that something in you is angry. Your muscles tighten, you can feel heat rising, and your jaw may clench.

Find ease by holding your middle finger until you feel a shift. Take your time. You're now self-regulating the meridians of liver and gall bladder.

While practising, see if you can keep this part company.

OPTIONAL reflective question when you feel calmer:
🍂 What boundary has been crossed that caused you anger?
🍂 What needs haven't been met or are challenging to communicate?
🍂 What deeper emotion might your anger be covering?


🙅‍♀️ Feeling tense, stuck, or overstimulated? Let go and let things be with the 4-7-8 breathing technique.

🍃 Know when to step back and pause. Things flow easier when we choose the path of least resistance and that often means mindfully choosing what is worth our inner resources.

🧡 Send this to someone who might need it.


😮‍💨Take a few moments to remember a feeling of ease. This might be having your cup of coffee in the morning, listening to some music, walking in nature... let that feeling of ease come to you.

🍃This breathwork recenters your mind and heart. It's essential to give yourself moments to pause throughout the day. I hope you take this few moments for yourself.

🧡 Follow for more breathwork every Monday throughout this month.


The 5-second Breathing Technique helps with anxiety and stress almost instantly.

Let's pause and take a moment to breath as we wind down for the evening. Save this for whenever you need it.

Photos from InnerDynamics Map's post 25/04/2024

This is such a powerful quote from Alan Watts.

Being a part of life means being subject to the same rules of change that govern all existence. When we try to resist the flow of life, insisting on what we think SHOULD be, that is when we struggle the most.

However, the moment we release our grip on old parts—when we stop clinging to the idea of unchangeable identities—our experience shifts. Acceptance of change does not mean passively going through life. Rather, it is active and harmonious engagement with the present.


🦋 Letting go of past identities might bring clarity as outdated self-conceptions are stripped away, revealing more about our true desires, motivations, and values.

Alternatively, as old layers are shed, one might uncover more complexities within ourselves, such as unresolved emotions, new questions about our direction in life, or emerging aspects of personality that hadn’t been considered before.

I wonder what you've learned in your journey? Do share your insights in the comments.


Major changes and trials in life bring a lot of existential questions about ourselves. This can feel overwhelming and lead to a sense of being lost. Inner Relationship Focusing (IRF) is a gentle practice that involves deep inner work that helps us create new maps to navigate life through uncertainty.

Book a free 30-minute Focusing session here:

Photos from InnerDynamics Map's post 17/04/2024

During a Focusing session, we tune into the body to sense for and articulate what may be unclear about a given situation or the present moment. Often, unexpressed or hidden parts make themselves known in different areas of the body. By tuning in to these sensations along with your present thoughts and feelings, you can get a sense of Self in Presence.

If you'd like to know more about this practice, I offer a FREE 30-minute session so you can see if it's helpful to you:


I saw this trend on social media and thought it was a great way to share invaluable life lessons.

This month's reflection is about shedding old identities which happens whenever we start over. Hearing or reading advice from people who have made it through the other side can bring comfort to those in the middle of uncertainty. I hope this little space can do that. I'm curious to see your comments and looking forward to how this unfolds.


Being open and continuing to listen to what's alive in us is about acknowledging and accepting our feelings, whatever they may be. This approach encourages self-awareness and self-compassion, allowing space for emotions without immediate judgment or solutions. It's a process that can lead to deeper understanding and, ultimately, more effective responses to our own needs and situations.

Learn to intently listen to what's within through Focusing.

Sign up for my Early Bird promo to get SGD50 off when you join my 8-week course, where you'll:

🌼Understand the foundations of Focusing
🌼Learn practical applications of Focusing for emotional resilience
🌼Gain clarity about the source of your anxieties and fears
🌼Practice inner work exercises both independently and with a companion
🌼Shift the way you approach major challenges and roadblocks

Schedule: 8 Thursdays, starting May 2nd, 2023
Time: 7 - 9 PM SGT
Visit for more information. I hope to see you there.


Lasting change happens when we accept ourselves as we are, including our feelings and emotions. In Focusing, you learn to be in the fullness of your inner world without judgment or rushing the need to change things. It's a powerful yet gentle practice for self-regulation, self-inquiry, and growth.

Sign up for my Early Bird promo to get SGD50 off when you join my 8-week course, where you'll:
Understand the foundations of Focusing
Learn practical applications of Focusing for emotional resilience
Gain clarity about the source of your anxieties and fears
Practice inner work exercises both independently and with a companion
Shift the way you approach major challenges and roadblocks

Schedule: 8 Thursdays, starting May 2nd, 2023
Time: 7 - 9 PM SGT
Visit the link in my bio for more information. I hope to see you there.

Photos from InnerDynamics Map's post 08/04/2024

The next run for The Art of Being with Yourself is May 2nd, 2024.

In this 8-week course, you'll:
Understand the foundations of Focusing
Learn practical applications of Focusing for emotional resilience
Gain clarity about the source of your anxieties and fears
Practice inner work exercises both independently and with a companion
Shift the way you approach major challenges and roadblocks

Visit for the Early Bird promo. This offer ends on April 15th 2024.


What identity have you been keeping for far too long?
What would happen if you let go of it?
What could emerge once you set that part free?

Peeling away attachments to outworn identities involves a process of introspection, acceptance, and action. It's about recognizing the parts of your identity that no longer serve you and allowing yourself to let them go in favor of growth and new possibilities.


Tara Brach's book is a highly recommended reading for anyone going through big shifts in their life. The perspective she shared encourages us to embrace experiences without resistance or denial. It's acknowledging that our struggles, pain, and challenges do not signify that something is inherently wrong with us or our lives. Instead, these experiences are part of the human condition—unavoidable and often beyond our control.

It's a powerful invitation to break the cycle of endless dissatisfaction and self-criticism by accepting that "real life" is always changing and that there's profound strength and wisdom in embracing the present moment as it is, not as we wish it to be.

Share other book recommendations in the comments.

Photos from InnerDynamics Map's post 25/03/2024

Self-inquiry can lead to a state of inner peace. By accepting and sitting with what is here right now, you can gain a sense of harmony and contentment. This acceptance lessens internal conflict and promotes a peaceful mind, contributing to overall well-being. I encourage you to include this practice in your self-care routine.

Inner Relationship Focusing is a wonderful practice for beginners or self-work veterans. It can also be done individually or with a Focusing partner.

I'm offering an 8-week course starting on May 2nd, 2024. You can get SG$50 Off when you sign up for my waitlist. (link in bio)

You may also book a FREE 30-minute session to get a feel of what Focusing with a companion is like:

Photos from InnerDynamics Map's post 22/03/2024

Engaging in self-inquiry helps you recognize and understand your emotional responses to different situations. By exploring the roots of these emotions, you can identify patterns in your reactions and learn to manage them more effectively. This process is essential to emotional regulation, reducing impulsivity, and enhancing resilience in the face of stress or adversity.

Inner Relationship Focusing (IRF) is a powerful practice that supports curiosity about your beliefs, patterns, and feelings. In doing so, you continuously realign with your values and desires, leading you to a more fulfilling life.


This is a commonly used chant for healing by invoking the blessings of the Medicine Buddha, known as Bhaisajyaguru. Beyond sickness, it is also chanted as a way to dissolve the root of suffering, which goes beyond the mental and physical.

What the mantra means:
May the many sentient beings who are sick be quickly freed from sickness.
And may all the sicknesses of beings Never arise again.

Take care of yourself.


Developing equanimity is a journey that often involves various practices and principles in mindfulness, meditation, and stoic philosophy. These practices help cultivate a balanced mind, one that is neither overly reactive to external events nor indifferent but maintains a serene engagement with life. It's about finding a middle ground where one can acknowledge one's emotions and the reality of situations without being overwhelmed.

The benefits of equanimity are profound. It allows for a greater resilience to stress, enhances decision-making abilities, and fosters a sense of peace and well-being, even in the face of adversity.

If you'd like to explore Focusing as a means to achieve this state, I invite you to book a free 30-minute consultation to experience it for yourself: (link in bio)

Photos from InnerDynamics Map's post 02/03/2024

Understanding life "on its terms" is a beautiful practice of acceptance. It involves recognizing and accepting the reality of our circumstances without judgment or resistance.

This doesn't mean passive resignation but rather an active engagement with life as it is, not as we wish it to be.

When we stop fighting reality, we free up energy and resources to respond to our circumstances more effectively and innovatively.

Would you like to nurture your practice of acceptance? If yes, then consider Focusing. It's a gentle way of being with the body and the self, especially during challenging times in life. Book a free 30-min session to see what's possible: (link in bio)

Photos from InnerDynamics Map's post 27/02/2024

Ignoring or suppressing anxious parts might seem like a short-term solution to discomfort, yet, it leads to greater internal conflict and stress in the long run.

Facing and integrating these overlooked parts can lead to meaningful insights about our needs, boundaries, and values. It's through understanding and working with our inner experiences, including anxiety, that we grow and develop as individuals.


Anxiety often carries important messages about our needs, boundaries, or unresolved issues. Spending time with the anxious part allows us to understand what it is trying to communicate, which can be critical for our personal growth and addressing underlying concerns.

By spending time with anxious parts and listening to them, we build trust within ourselves. Parts that feel neglected or pushed away can create more noise to be heard, but those that are listened to tend to soften and integrate more fully into our being, enhancing overall self-trust and coherence.


Making choices from a place of consciousness can transform not only your life but also the world around you. Conscious choices contribute to a more peaceful and compassionate world because they arise from a place of love and connection rather than fear and separation.

It involves stepping out of the stream of compulsive thinking and ego-driven desires to connect with the deeper self that resides in the present moment.

Book a free 30-minute session to see what's possible for you:


That's the beauty of the unknown. There lie possibilities that we could have never imagined in the first place.

Life-changing decisions often lead us to the edge of our comfort zone, where the choice between staying put or leaping into the unknown defines the trajectory of our lives. It's in the in-between of knowing and not knowing that we discover our true strength and the capacity for transformation that lies within us.

Happy Monday, everyone.


Making life-changing decisions is as much about knowing ourselves as it is about the choices we make. It's finding the harmony between gut and reason. The hope is that each step is guided by our instinctual understanding and reasoned judgment.

Whether we lean more towards intuition or rationalism, the key is to embrace the process with self-awareness, openness, and the courage to accept that, sometimes, the best decisions come from a place where the heart and the mind meet.

Focusing is such a reliable resource to have during these moments. Approaching a decision the focusing way helps gain a deeper understanding of unconscious concerns and needs. Only when we have a better idea what parts want to protect us from or want for us, can we come to decision that "feels right". Focusing also encourages us to be 'self in presence', which means being able to stay present with anything that arises without getting lost in it.

Are you stuck in a decision-making process? Book a FREE 30-min call to explore together how I can help you move forward: (link in bio)

Photos from InnerDynamics Map's post 13/02/2024

What was your answer?

Whichever it is, it shows us the complexity of the human experience and our intrinsic desire to understand the forces that shape our lives.

This presents not only as a reflection of our individual perspectives but also as a reminder of the beauty in our shared human journey. It encourages us to embrace the ambiguity of life with open hearts and senses, recognizing that perhaps, the most compelling stories are those where all elements are present.

The Burden of Choice: Navigating Life’s Toughest Decisions — InnerDynamics Map 06/02/2024

Facing choices at every turn, we often find ourselves at a crossroads, stuck in indecision despite our best efforts to weigh the pros and cons.

Many clients share their struggles between two appealing paths, searching for the "right" one. Some studies have shown that an abundance of options can actually fuel our unhappiness, making us prisoners of the quest for 'the best'.

I share possible solutions for navigating challenging life decisions in my latest blog.

The Burden of Choice: Navigating Life’s Toughest Decisions — InnerDynamics Map Believing that there is only one right choice is a mental trap. The reality is that we have to continue to make choices again and again, and life is a path of all the choices.


It's easy to fall back into comfortable patterns when we're in the middle of a life transition.

A change can be something minor like adjusting to a new work schedule. Yet, why do we often end up distracting ourselves with something else to avoid the feelings that come with the change?

When it's a major life transition, then the urge to self-soothe with old patterns is naturally greater—even if we know that it's unhealthy for us.

Staying present with uncomfortable feelings like being overwhelmed or sad is not easy. It's natural to want to insulate ourselves. Yet, if we remove judgment towards those emotions and become the observer, our innermost needs can begin to reveal themselves.

Focusing is a wonderful tool to help you be with challenging emotions. If you're curious, book a free 30-min session with me to see if it can work for you:


As you accept accountability, be mindful of taking on the responsibility for other people's happiness. Self-blame is unhealthy and will burn you out.

While processing your situation, check in on yourself and ask:
Is this something that I had control over?
Did I act on someone else's expectations?
Does the other person recognize their responsibility?

Balance is key and practicing accountability is a lifelong process. Be firm yet compassionate with yourself through it all.

Photos from InnerDynamics Map's post 23/01/2024

Looking for something or someone to blame for your circumstances is disempowering. Yes, there are external factors that are beyond our control and it's also important to recognize when that is the case.

Ask yourself:

🟠 Am I showing a pattern of not taking any responsibility for my circumstances?
🟠 What am I trying to avoid by not accepting accountability?
🟠 What would my life look like if I took this on?

If you need support in navigating your inner world, I encourage you to book a FREE 30-min session with me to see if I can help:

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Videos (show all)

🧨 Anger frequently arises when our needs aren't met—need for boundaries, met expectations, emotional connection, physica...
Finger Hold to Ease Anger
The words "Something in me feels..." are a great start when you want to become an observer of your emotions instead of b...
It's 06.06. May this manifestation make you feel unburdened.
It's okay for parts of yourself to want different things. And that's the thing...the heart and the head are parts of you...
No matter how stormy life may seem, your inner strength is a constant source of calm and resilience. Trust in your abili...
A mental time warp refers to a psychological state where an individual becomes fixated on past events, particularly conv...
🧡 A reminder for anyone who feels they aren't good enough...
4-7-8 Breathing Technique for Anxiety
The fear of being unlovable can have a significant impact on how we judge others and vice versa. This fear often stems f...
😮‍💨Take a few moments to remember a feeling of ease. This might be having your cup of coffee in the morning, listening t...
The 5-second Breathing Technique helps with anxiety and stress almost instantly. Let's pause and take a moment to breath...


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Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00

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