Discovering Balance

Discovering Balance is a counseling center that is dedicated to helping you utilize your personal strengths to promote life balance.

We provide individual, family and group therapy.


🌟 Fixed vs. Growth Mindset: Which One Do You Have? 🌟

Have you ever found yourself thinking, "I’m just not good at this," or "I’ll never be able to improve"? This is the hallmark of a fixed mindsetβ€”the belief that you’re born with a set amount of intelligence and ability, and that there’s little to no room for growth. In a fixed mindset, failure feels like the end of the road, as if it defines you. 🚫

But what if we flipped that thinking?

With a growth mindset, you believe that your intelligence and abilities can be improved through effort, learning, and hard work. You understand that failure isn’t a reflection of your limitationsβ€”it’s an opportunity to learn and grow. 🌱

This mindset embraces challenges, sees effort as the pathway to mastery, and views setbacks as part of the journey toward success. It's not about being born with all the answers, but about having the courage to evolve and keep striving for more.

Let’s remember: we’re not defined by our starting point, but by how willing we are to push beyond it. πŸ’ͺ✨

Which mindset are you choosing today?


🌟 Tips for Coping with Social Anxiety 🌟

Social anxiety can be challenging, but with the right strategies, you can navigate social situations with more confidence and ease. Here are some helpful tips:

Seek Understanding and Support: Talk to trusted friends, family members, or a therapist about your feelings. Having a support system can make a big difference.

Develop Coping Strategies: Practice deep breathing, mindfulness, or other relaxation techniques. Preparing for social situations by role-playing or writing down your thoughts can also help.

Communicate Your Needs: Let others know what you need to feel comfortable. Whether it's taking a break or having a friend by your side, clear communication can alleviate anxiety.

Establish Boundaries: It's okay to set limits on social activities. Prioritize your well-being and only participate in events that feel manageable for you.

Remember, it's important to be kind to yourself and take things one step at a time. With patience and practice, you can build confidence and enjoy social interactions more fully.


🌟 Embrace Your Authentic Self 🌟

In a world that often tries to shape us into something we're not, remember the power of being yourself. You don't need to apologize for your quirks, your faults, or the unique traits that make you who you are.

Accepting yourself, flaws and all, is the first step towards true happiness. Love your sarcasm, your awkwardness, your weirdness, and all the little things that make you, YOU. It's these qualities that set you apart and make you special.

Life becomes so much easier and more fulfilling when you embrace your authentic self. So, be fearless in your self-expression and let your true colors shine! 🌈


I'm thrilled to announce that Discovering Balance now offers specialized couples counseling services! πŸ’‘ Whether you're looking to improve communication, resolve conflicts, or strengthen your bond, Jennifer Szopinski, LMSW, is here to help you and your partner navigate your journey together.

Let's work towards a healthier, happier relationship. Reach out today to schedule an appointment and take the first step towards a stronger connection. ❀️


Struggling with a difficult moment? It's important to pause and reflect. Asking yourself the right questions can help you navigate through tough times and gain clarity. Remember, self-awareness is the first step toward growth and healing. 🌱


What’s Happening: We are collecting donations at our office. Please send a message if you would like to donate.

Erie Path | Mental Health 03/25/2024

Hey everyone! πŸ‘‹ Are you a parent or caregiver looking for valuable resources to support the children and adolescents in your life? Well, look no further! πŸš€

I'm thrilled to share an incredible resource that provides a one-stop destination for finding available programs and services tailored for children and adolescents. Whether you're seeking after-school programs, mental health services, or recreational activities, this platform has got you covered! πŸŽ‰

But that's not all! 🌈 You'll also have access to comprehensive information that helps you understand the unique challenges and experiences your children may face as they navigate through their formative years. From developmental milestones to common struggles, you'll find insightful resources to guide you every step of the way. πŸ“š

And the best part? You'll discover practical strategies and tips to empower you in supporting the well-being and growth of the young minds in your care. From fostering healthy habits to managing emotions, these resources are designed to equip you with the tools you need to thrive as a caregiver. πŸ’ͺ

Erie Path | Mental Health Erie Path is Erie County's new smartphone app that helps parents and caregivers address the mental and behavioral health challenges faced by children and adolescents. Find available programs and services for children and adolescents Access information that explains what their children and adolescent...


🌟 Let's Talk About Therapy and Anxiety! 🌟

Hey everyone! πŸ‘‹ Are you feeling overwhelmed by constant worry and stress? You're not alone! Anxiety is a common experience for many of us, but it doesn't have to control your life. πŸ’ͺ That's where therapy comes in!

Therapy isn't just about talkingβ€”it's about finding effective strategies to manage anxiety and reclaim your peace of mind. 🌈 Here's how therapy can help:

1️⃣ Understanding Your Triggers: Therapy provides a safe space to explore the root causes of your anxiety. By understanding what triggers your worries, you can learn how to cope with them more effectively.

2️⃣ Learning Coping Skills: Therapists teach practical techniques to help you cope with anxiety in real-time. From deep breathing exercises to mindfulness practices, these skills empower you to navigate challenging situations with confidence.

3️⃣ Challenging Negative Thoughts: Anxiety often thrives on negative thinking patterns. In therapy, you'll learn to identify and challenge these thoughts, replacing them with more balanced and constructive perspectives.

4️⃣ Building Resilience: Therapy isn't just about managing symptomsβ€”it's about building resilience for the long haul. By cultivating self-awareness and self-care practices, you can strengthen your mental and emotional well-being.

🌟 If anxiety is weighing you down, know that support is available. Reach out to a therapist today and take the first step towards a brighter, anxiety-free future! πŸ’–


Self-care and pets can go hand in hand, as having a pet can provide numerous physical, emotional, and psychological benefits. Here are some ways in which caring for a pet can contribute to your self-care routine:

1. Physical Activity: Pets, especially dogs, require regular exercise. Taking your dog for walks or playing with them in the yard can help you stay active and promote physical health.

2. Emotional Support: Pets are known to offer companionship, unconditional love, and emotional support. Interacting with your pet can release oxytocin (the "love hormone") and reduce stress levels.

3. Stress Reduction: Spending time with your pet, whether it's cuddling, playing, or simply being in their presence, can lower stress levels and promote relaxation.

4. Sense of Purpose: Caring for a pet gives you a sense of responsibility and purpose. Knowing that you are responsible for their well-being can be fulfilling and provide a sense of accomplishment.

5. Unconditional Love: Pets offer unconditional love and acceptance, which can be a powerful source of emotional well-being and self-esteem.

Remember that every pet is unique, and it's important to choose one that aligns with your preferences, lifestyle, and capabilities. Whether it's a dog, cat, bird, or any other type of pet, the bond you form with them can be a significant source of comfort and well-being in your life.


At Discovering Balance, we believe everyone deserves access to quality mental health support. Our subscription service offers quality therapy and affordable care.

🌟 What you get:
βœ… 45 minute or 60 minute therapy sessions
βœ… Expert therapists
βœ… Safe and confidential space
βœ… Affordable monthly subscription
βœ… in person or telehealth options
βœ… no long term commitment required

Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you! πŸ’™ Visit our website for more details.


🌟 Embracing Self-Care: A Gentle Reminder 🌟

Hey wonderful friends! 🌈 Life can be a beautiful whirlwind, but amidst the hustle and bustle, it's crucial to prioritize self-care. 🌺 Here are some friendly reminders for a healthier, happier YOU:

1️⃣ Say 'No' Without Guilt: 🚫 Your time and energy are valuable. Saying 'no' when needed isn't selfish; it's an act of self-love and preservation. Set those boundaries with confidence!

2️⃣ Take a Break, You Deserve It: 🌿 Pause, breathe, and take a break when things get overwhelming. Even a short walk or a moment of quiet can do wonders for your mental well-being. πŸƒ

3️⃣ Move Your Body, Feel the Energy: πŸ’ͺ Whether it's a workout, a dance session, or a leisurely stroll, get that body moving! Exercise is a powerful tool for both physical and mental health. πŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈ

4️⃣ Ask for Help, You're Not Alone: 🀝 It's okay to lean on others when needed. Asking for help is a strength, not a weakness. Reach out to friends, family, or professionals for support; you're not alone on this journey. 🌟

5️⃣ Prioritize a Good Night's Sleep: 😴 Quality sleep is a game-changer! Create a cozy bedtime routine, limit screen time, and let your body recharge. Sweet dreams await! πŸŒ™βœ¨

6️⃣ Practice Gratitude Daily: πŸ™ Cultivate a grateful heart. Take a moment each day to reflect on the positive aspects of your life. Gratitude can shift your perspective and bring joy to the simplest moments. 🌈

Remember, you are deserving of love, care, and happiness. πŸ’– Take small steps each day to prioritize yourself. Share your favorite self-care tips below and let's inspire each other to live our best lives! 🌟✨

Discovering Balance | counseling | 2372 Sweet Home Road, Buffalo, NY, USA 12/18/2023

✨ ⭐️

Introducing Kathy Fortunato, LCSWR – a valued member of our therapeutic team! 🌈 With a wealth of experience and a compassionate approach, Kathy is dedicated to guiding you on your journey to well-being. 🌟

Discover the support and understanding you deserve. Book a session with Kathy today! πŸ’™

Discovering Balance | counseling | 2372 Sweet Home Road, Buffalo, NY, USA Discovering Balance provides professional counseling services for adults, teens and children. We utilize a individualized approach to change. Helping you utilize the strengths you posses to make progress. We offer in person sessions and teletherapy services.


🌿✨ Finding Inner Peace ✨🌿

🌟 Life can be a rollercoaster, and it's okay to admit when we need a little extra support. If you've been feeling the need for a safe space to explore your thoughts, emotions, and find that inner calm, We are here for you. Let's embark on this journey together and work towards a more centered and joyful life.

πŸ“† Feel free to reach out to me directly to schedule your appointment or if you have any questions. 🌟 Your mental well-being matters, and investing in yourself is a beautiful way to embrace the peace you deserve.


Let's break free from the comparison trap! Your journey is uniquely yours, and there's no such thing as being behind. Embrace your path and appreciate the individuality of your progress. 🌟Contact Discovering Balance for support on your growth journey if you're navigating the challenges of comparisons.


Sending love and strength to those facing challenges during the holidays. Remember, you're not alone, and there's always support and warmth in the midst of difficulties. πŸ’–


Transform your negative thoughts into empowerment: Negative or unhelpful thoughts are often automatic, but they don’t have to take control of you. For our self care Sunday tip today we are sharing Say This, Not That suggestions! A quick list of ways to replace unhelpful thoughts with positive and constructive ones.


Wellness Wednesday

Gratitude is the act of appreciating the good things in our lives. It's a simple practice, but it can have a profound impact on our happiness and well-being.

When we focus on what we're grateful for, we take our minds off of our problems and worries. This can help us to feel more positive and optimistic. Gratitude can also help us to build stronger relationships and connect more deeply with others.


What's Happening


πŸŒŸπŸ“š Explore the Power of Mental Health Apps! πŸ“šπŸŒŸ

Looking to boost your mental well-being and find new ways to enhance your mental health journey? We've got just the thing for you! Check out our latest blog post, "Using Mental Health Apps to Enhance Your Mental Health Journey," where we delve into the world of tech-powered self-care.

Discover the benefits of these incredible apps, from stress relief to better sleep and emotional balance. It's a great read for anyone interested in taking control of their mental health and well-being.

Read the blog here:

Don't forget to like, share, and let us know your thoughts in the comments below! Together, we can support one another on our mental health journeys. πŸ’™

Discovering Balance | counseling | 2372 Sweet Home Road, Buffalo, NY, USA 11/03/2023

🌟 Accepting New Therapy Patients 🌟

I'm thrilled to announce that I am now accepting new therapy patients! If you or someone you know is seeking professional support and a safe space to work through life's challenges, I'm here to help.

My commitment is to provide compassionate, non-judgmental counseling tailored to your unique needs. Together, we can explore your journey towards well-being and personal growth.
Please go to the Discovering Balance website and fill out a intake form if you are interested in scheduling an appointment

Discovering Balance | counseling | 2372 Sweet Home Road, Buffalo, NY, USA Discovering Balance provides professional counseling services for adults, teens and children. We utilize a individualized approach to change. Helping you utilize the strengths you posses to make progress. We offer in person sessions and teletherapy services.


Being trauma-informed means recognizing the widespread impact of trauma and understanding how to support individuals who have experienced it. It's about creating an environment that fosters safety, trust, and healing. Here are ways to be trauma-informed in daily life:

1. Educate Yourself: Learn about the effects of trauma on mental and physical health. Understanding the science and psychology of trauma can help you approach situations with empathy and compassion.

2. Avoid Making Assumptions: Don't assume you know someone's history or experiences based on appearances or limited information. Treat everyone with respect and let them share what they are comfortable sharing.

3. Use Inclusive Language: Be sensitive to the language you use. Avoid making assumptions or asking intrusive questions about a person's history or experiences.

4. Practice Active Listening: Give your full attention when someone is speaking. Show empathy and avoid interrupting or offering unsolicited advice. This helps the person feel heard and validated.

5. Create a Safe Environment: Ensure that the physical space around you feels safe and welcoming. This includes maintaining cleanliness and order, as well as minimizing potential stressors.

Remember, being trauma-informed is an ongoing process that requires sensitivity, empathy, and a commitment to creating a safe and supportive environment for everyone. Additionally, seeking professional guidance or attending workshops on trauma-informed care can be valuable in deepening your understanding and skills in this area.

Discovering Balance | counseling | 2372 Sweet Home Road, Buffalo, NY, USA 11/01/2023

Discovering Balance | counseling | 2372 Sweet Home Road, Buffalo, NY, USA Discovering Balance provides professional counseling services for adults, teens and children. We utilize a individualized approach to change. Helping you utilize the strengths you posses to make progress. We offer in person sessions and teletherapy services.


🌟 Challenge Your Inner Critic 🌟

Ready to take on those negative thoughts? Explore these empowering questions to conquer self-doubt and negativity! πŸ’ͺ✨


Life has a way of sending us the same lessons until we finally embrace the wisdom and grow. 🌱✨


What's Happening

FREE ONLINE COMMUNITY EVENT Join us for Reclaiming our Mental Health by Embodied Black Girl as we mark World Mental Health Day! Join us as we explore what it means to embody and reclaim wellness for ourselves and our communities. It’s online + free to attend!


Wellness Wednesday: Tips to manage mental health


Self-care Sunday: Your weekly reminder to prioritize yourself and your well being this week!!


🌼 Self-Care Sunday 🌼

In a world that constantly tugs us in a million different directions, it's vital to keep in mind that our own well-being should always be a top priority. Self-love isn't a selfish act; it's an absolute necessity for our mental, emotional, and physical health.

Today, let's consciously choose to embrace self-compassion, to attentively listen to our individual needs, and to foster a loving relationship with ourselves. 🌟

Consider this your daily mantra: Prioritize yourself, celebrate your uniqueness, and love every facet of your incredible being, completely and unconditionally. πŸ’–

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Videos (show all)

🌟 Wellness Wednesday: Tips to Managing Anxiety🌟In our fast-paced world, it's essential to find moments of calm and relie...
✨ Daily Reminders for the Hard Times ✨🌟: Embrace the power of journaling to calm overthinking, and remember that rest is...
"Embrace the journey of self-discovery and growth. 🌱 Therapy is your trusted guide on the path to becoming the best vers...
Self Care Sunday: Have you ever wondered why people tell you to exercise when you are feeling down? Exercise significant...
Self-care Sunday: Setting healthy boundaries is an essential life skill. Boundaries help protect our physical, emotional...
Food and Mood



2360 Sweet Home Road Suite 5
Amherst, NY

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 8pm
Tuesday 8am - 8pm
Wednesday 8am - 8pm
Thursday 8am - 8pm
Friday 8am - 8pm
Saturday 8am - 8pm

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