Family Matters Chiropractic

Family Matters Chiropractic is here to help your family reach optimal health through chiropractic!


Hello everyone! The moment we’ve been eagerly waiting for has finally arrived! I’m thrilled to share with you some exciting news: I, Dr. Nicole, have passed the torch and sold the practice! 🎉

Dr. Allison is stepping up as the new owner, and she’s bringing her own magic to the mix by rebranding the clinic to Fair Family Chiropractic.

I can’t begin to express my gratitude to each and every one of you for your incredible support, trust, and loyalty over the years. It’s been an absolute privilege to be part of your health journey, and the relationships we’ve formed mean the world to me.

Deciding to sell wasn’t easy, but after many conversations with those closest to me, it was obvious that I wanted to spend more time with my family. The next chapter of my life will be as a stay at home mom, and I couldn’t be more excited.

While saying goodbye to this chapter is bittersweet, I’m very excited for the future of the clinic. Dr. Allison is amazing and deeply dedicated to providing top-notch care. With her expertise in caring for pregnant women and children, I know she’ll continue the legacy of excellence that Family Matters Chiropractic is known for.

Thank you from the depths of my heart for allowing me to be part of your health journey. The memories we’ve made together will forever hold a special place in my heart. Remember, both Dr. Allison and I are here for you during this transition, so don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. Here’s to new beginnings and endless possibilities! 🎉


When it comes to healing, consistency in care is key. 🔑

Your nervous system is the powerhouse of your overall health, and staying consistent with chiropractic care is the ultimate way to keep it thriving!

By committing to regular chiropractic appointments, your body is able to stay on track for optimal results!

You can think of chiropractic care as not only enhancing nervous system function day in and day out, but allowing for a stronger foundation to adapt to any external stressors we cannot control!

By being consistent with chiropractic care, you'll experience reduced pain, improved emotional regulation, improved adaptability to life's stressors, stronger gut-immune function, and a renewed sense of vitality that will leave you feeling and functioning your best!

Let's start off the new year in a state of E A S E!


Christmas is only 4 days away!! 😃 We will be having some different hours due to the holidays and reduced childcare hours for Dr. Nicole. We will resume regular hours on January 2nd. Thanks for understanding and we hope you all enjoy the holidays with loved ones! ❤️

Photos from Family Matters Chiropractic's post 11/09/2023

Are you struggling with any of the symptoms listed in the second slide?

If so, your nervous system may be under stress!

When we encounter a stressful situation, our body's natural response is to activate the "fight or flight" response. This response is designed to help us respond quickly to perceived threats by increasing heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate. However, prolonged chronic stress can lead to the continuous activation of the fight or flight response, causing stress to present itself in the body as seen above.

Chiropractic care helps our body achieve the rest and digest state within our nervous system, promoting rest and relaxation. This response also allows our body to focus on restorative processes such as digestion, immune function, energy and growth and development.

If you are experiencing symptoms of stress, such as physical tension, headaches, digestive issues, anxiety, depression, reoccurring illnesses, disrupted sleep, or feel depleted through the day, it is important to take steps to manage your stress levels now! Chiropractic care can improve your central nervous system function which can improve overall adaptability to stress, achieving optimal well-being.

Call our office at 515-630-0158 to schedule an appointment today!


Here at Family Matters Chiropractic, we encourage intentional movement and staying active during all phases of pregnancy.

It is important stay active during pregnancy as it helps:
-decrease stress
-boost mood
-improve sleep
-increase energy
-core and pelvic floor support
-decrease discomforts
-stronger connection with baby and self
-prepares physically for labor

The intention behind movement during pregnancy is quality over quantity. The goal is to always feel good and listen to your body. We encourage every movement to not only be intentional movement, but focusing on breath as well!

Did you stay active during pregnancy? Drop your favorite prenatal movements below!

Photos from Family Matters Chiropractic's post 10/05/2023

Lets talk about the three T's of chiropractic!

The majority of spinal subluxation causes can typically fall into three categories, known as the three Ts: thoughts, traumas, and toxins.
Thankfully, each of these things can be alleviated through chiropractic care!

No matter what specific area of concern you may be dealing with, whether it be trauma, toxins, or thoughts, Dr. Nicole is highly trained to find specific spinal subluxations, correct them with gentle adjustments resulting in proper function of the central nervous system.

Because the brain and spine are the center of the central nervous system, ensuring they are in proper balance means that our body can be properly balanced to handle whatever comes our way, whether it be stress on the body, stress in our thinking, or stress on our system from unwanted toxins.

Give us a call at 515-630-0158 to see for yourself how chiropractic care can enhance overall healing and help you feel and function as best as you can!

Photos from Family Matters Chiropractic's post 09/25/2023

Just as a river flows effortlessly when unobstructed, chiropractic care aims to remove the barriers that impede the natural flow of information within the nervous system.
This is similar to how stress affects our body on a day-to-day basis.

If we are constantly stressed out, our body is functioning in that "fight or flight mode". This makes it hard for all systems in our body to function at their highest.

Chiropractic works to remove any interference within your nervous system caused by stress so that all systems can communicate properly + function optimally!


As the leaves change, let's ensure your family's health stays a priority throughout the fall season! 🍁

Here are four ways to stay well amid busy schedules, the school year, sports, and the upcoming holiday season are:

Chiropractic Care: Make chiropractic care an essential part of your fall wellness. With busy days and new routines, chiropractic adjustments ensure optimal nervous system function. This not only helps everyone handle stress better but also enhances the body's ability to heal and stay well.

Nourishing your body through the changing of seasons: Amid school and sports activities, fuel your family with immune-boosting foods. Load up on healthy fats, fruits and veggies, and nutrient dense foods. Even better if your family chooses to eat "what's in season" as that's as fresh as you can get. A nourished body is a resilient one!

Prioritize routines including sleep: With schedules filling up, ensure everyone gets sufficient rest. A well-rested family is better equipped to tackle challenges and enjoy quality time together.

Stay active together: Fall is perfect for family outdoor adventures. Plan hikes, bike rides, or simply enjoy a nature walk. Active bodies stay strong and stress-free.

As you embrace fall's beauty, let's keep your family's health shining bright! 🍂💚 How are you prioritizing your health this fall? Let us know below!


From Day One of Life: Chiropractic Care for Well-Being!

Wondering why chiropractic care from the start of life is so essential? It allows for incredible benefits to the brain and body, that pave the way for generations to come! ✨

Chiropractic care from birth allows for:
-Regulated Immunity: Chiropractic care supports your little one's immune system, helping them build resilience against illnesses. By optimizing nervous system function, chiropractic adjustments regulate their immune response to keep them healthy and strong.

Ease of Milestones & Transitions: From crawling to walking and beyond, chiropractic care aids in the natural milestones your child achieves. It eases their transitions by ensuring their nervous system is balanced and ready for every step they take.

Optimal Digestion: Whether it's battling reflux or constipation, chiropractic care can improve the gut function. By enhancing nervous system communication, it supports optimal digestion, providing relief and comfort for your little one.

Improved Behavior & Emotions: Chiropractic care isn't just physical – it extends to emotional well-being too. By promoting a balanced nervous system function, it can contribute to improved behavior and emotional regulation through all stages of life!

Set the foundation for a life filled with vitality and balance by getting your little one checked by a pediatric and wellness focused chiropractor. We would love to serve you and your family!


Are you spending hours at a desk and feeling the toll it takes on your body?
Let's talk about those physical stressors and how you can find relief! 🧘‍♀️✨

Sitting for prolonged periods of time can wreak havoc on your posture, causing discomfort in your neck, back, and shoulders.

Our six tips to improve posture during work or school are:

1. Ergonomic Setup: Adjust your desk, chair, and computer screen to promote proper posture. Your screen should be at eye level, and your feet should be flat on the ground with knees at a 90-degree angle. Even better, get a stand up desk!

2. Regular breaks: Take short breaks every 30 minutes to stand up, stretch, and move around. Gently stretch your neck, shoulders, back, and hips to release tension and improve circulation.

3. Posture Awareness: Be mindful of your posture throughout the day. Imagine a string pulling you up from the top of your head, aligning your spine and keeping your shoulders relaxed.

4. Strengthen Core Muscles: A strong core provides support for your spine and helps maintain good posture. Incorporate exercises like planks, bridges, and yoga poses that engage your core muscles. Check out BIRTHFIT Basics for intentional core movements as well that are great for every human!

5. Mindful Breathing: Take moments throughout the day to practice deep, mindful breathing. As you inhale, envision your breath expanding your chest and lifting your spine. This simple practice can help relax tense muscles, improve oxygen flow, and encourage a more upright posture.

6. Chiropractic Care: Regular chiropractic adjustments can correct imbalances and relieve discomfort. Not only does it improve physical stress response but emotional as well!

Ready to break free from the desk slump? Give us as a call at 515-630-0158 to see how chiropractic care can improve your posture!


Let me reintroduce myself! 😎

Hi, I’m Dr. Nicole, and I am the chiropractor and owner at Family Matters Chiropractic! I grew up in a very small town in Northwest Iowa (hi to my friends and family that follow along 😊). I attended Central College in Pella, Iowa where I majored in Health & Exercise Science and played volleyball (Go Dutch! 🔴⚪️) From there, I went on to get my Doctorate of Chiropractic at Palmer College in Davenport, Iowa.

I love all things related to pregnancy, babies and holistic wellness. The best part of my job is getting to meet the newborn after caring for a momma throughout her entire pregnancy and watching those babies grow! 🤰👶 I also love helping people feel and function their best by removing nervous system interference, decreasing pain and improving range of motion. Chiropractic can help people in so many ways, and that's what I love about it! ✨

When I'm not at FMC caring for others, I love spending time with my family. My husband, Zach, grew up in Ankeny. We got married back in February 2020 (yes, we had great timing), and have a one-and-a-half-year-old son, Beau, and a 3-year-old goldendoodle named Roo! We enjoy spending time outdoors, playing sports (we're pretty competitive around here💪), attending area sporting events and spending the weekend at the lake! ☀️

If you made it this far, I hope you enjoyed getting to know a little more about me! If you have any other questions about me or Family Matters Chiropractic, feel free to comment or message me! 👋


There is a road to wellness and a road to illness.. Which one are you on?

More than ever before, it is SO important to prioritize healing before you are ever even "sick".
We live in a world full of constant toxins and environmental stressors that we are seeing more and more chronic diseases in young people.

There is no better time to take CHARGE of your health by investing in wellness! At FMC, we like to focus on whole body wellness, prioritizing your ability to function at your highest potential. Chiropractic care allows for less stress overall, supporting mental, emotional and physical well being. By removing the interferences within your nervous system, the body can innately heal and function its best!

If you are looking to start prioritizing your overall well being, chiropractic may be your missing puzzle piece! Give our office a call at 515-630-0158 to schedule your first visit today!

Photos from Family Matters Chiropractic's post 08/10/2023

How well are you sleeping?

Getting quality sleep can make such a difference in how we feel on a day to day basis!

We believe keeping a routine schedule for bed time can help your overall quality of sleep and help you function your best!

Swipe for favorite schedule tips to help your sleep improve!


As summertime ends and we transition back into the school year, it can be hard for kiddos to get back into a routine!

It's natural for kids to experience nervousness, after all - they are entering a structured schedule after months of being out of any routines!

If your kiddo is needing a little extra support as we transition back to school, chiropractic care may be able to help! Regular adjustments can help ease emotions by ensuring that the brain and body are communicating correctly!

Get your kiddo scheduled before school starts! Give us a call to schedule at 515-630-0158.

Photos from Family Matters Chiropractic's post 08/01/2023

Child development is a fascinating journey marked by a series of milestones that shape a child's growth and abilities. From the first smile and roll-over to crawling, walking, talking, and beyond, each achievement is a testament to their progress. However, some children may experience developmental delays, where they reach these milestones later than expected or encounter challenges in specific areas of development.

Development is closely intertwined with the nervous system, which acts as the body's information highway, transmitting signals between the brain and various parts of the body. During the early years, the brain undergoes rapid growth and forms countless neural connections that influence a child's learning, motor skills, language, social interaction, and emotional regulation.

When developmental delays occur, it could be due to various factors, such as genetic predisposition, environmental influences, or birth-related issues. Additionally, disruptions in the nervous system's functioning, like subluxations or misalignments in the spine, can affect the communication pathways between the brain and the body, potentially hindering a child's progress.

This is where chiropractic care can play a valuable role in helping kids get back on track with their developmental milestones. Chiropractors are trained to assess the spine and nervous system and make gentle adjustments to correct any subluxations that may be present. By restoring proper balance and connection between the brain and the body, chiropractic care aims to optimize nerve function and enhance communication within the nervous system.

When the nervous system functions optimally, it can have a positive impact on various aspects of development. For instance, improved nerve function may enhance a child's ability to process sensory information, leading to better coordination and sensory integration. It may also support language development and cognitive skills by aiding the brain's processing capabilities.


With RAGBRAI coming through Ankeny on Wednesday, July 26th, we will be closed due to multiple road closures near the office. We will resume regular hours on Thursday!


🌸✨ Optimal Pelvic Balance: Empowering Pregnancy and Post-Birth Wellness! 💪🤰

Attention all moms-to-be and new mothers! Let's dive into the incredible benefits of maintaining pelvic balance through chiropractic care during pregnancy and post-birth. Discover how a balanced pelvis sets the stage for a more comfortable, empowered, and joyful journey into motherhood! 🌟🤱

Pregnancy brings beautiful changes, but it can also place unique stresses on the body, particularly the pelvis. Chiropractic adjustments offer a gentle, non-invasive approach to ensure pelvic balance throughout this transformative time. By making sure the pelvis is balanced, we enhance the body's ability to adapt, optimize baby's positioning, and promote a more comfortable pregnancy experience.

After birth, your body continues to undergo a major transition in which chiropractic care can support your recovery and enhancing overall well-being. By addressing any imbalances that may have occurred during childbirth, the adjustments restore balance and facilitate the healing process.


Do you constantly find yourself...
feeling fatigued?
trouble dealing with emotions?
having digestion issues?
dealing with anxiety/depression?
having irregular menstrual cycles?

These can all be signs that your body is functioning in a state of "fight or flight" or surviving in the sympathetic side of your nervous system. Whenever our body is in this state, it can be difficult for our bodies to heal and function how it is designed to do. This leaves us feeling drained of energy and hinders us from functioning at our highest potential!

Chiropractic adjustments help promote the "rest and digest" state by freeing the stress off of the nervous system, allowing the brain to communicate with ease. In doing this, the nervous system is able to better adapt to the daily stresses of everyday life allowing you to truly L I V E!!


If a fish in a tank was sick because of the environment, would you medicate the fish or choose to clean out the tank?
Inevitably, if the tank doesn't get cleaned, the fish will continue to get sick a repeated number of times.

You can't heal 100% in the same environment that has made you sick, stressed, or hurt.

Although our body's natural state is to be HEALTHY and it is fully designed to heal itself, sometimes our environment hinders us from healing to our fullest potential.

Our world is filled with toxic chemicals polluting our air, soil, and water. The modern world puts us in chairs for hours on end, shut off from the sun, staring at screens. All of this poses a threat to our environment, and in turn, our health!

Here at Family Matters Chiropractic, we primarily focus on the root cause of your symptoms rather than covering them up with a band aid. When we look at healing the body fully by cleaning up the environment around us and eliminating potential causes of dysfunction from the start, we see an increase in overall wellness + body functions!

If you are looking for a holistic option for healing, chiropractic may be your missing puzzle piece! Our nervous system controls every system within our body + chiropractic works DIRECTLY with the nervous system to remove interference allowing your body to function and heal the way it was designed to do!
Give us a call at 515-630-0158 to start your journey to wellness today!

Photos from Family Matters Chiropractic's post 07/10/2023

The Connection Between a Mom and Her Unborn Baby! 🤰

Did you know that a pregnant mom's emotional and physical well-being directly impacts her unborn child? It's a profound bond where what the mom feels, the baby feels too. There is a direct influence of emotional, physical, and chemical stress on both mom and baby, highlighting the importance of nurturing well-being for the sake of their shared journey.

Emotional stress during pregnancy can affect the baby's developing nervous system and emotional health. When mom experiences stress, the body releases stress hormones that can cross the placenta, impacting the baby's environment. That's why it's crucial for moms to prioritize self-care, practice relaxation techniques, and seek emotional support to cultivate a calm and positive emotional state. 💕

Physical stress, such as poor posture or misalignments, can also affect both mom and baby. These stresses can lead to discomfort, altered pelvic alignment, and potential nerve interference, which may impact the baby's positioning and growth. Seeking chiropractic care during pregnancy can help maintain optimal pelvic balance, supporting a healthy nervous system, and promoting overall well-being for both mom and baby. 💪

Furthermore, chemical stressors, including toxins and certain medications, can have an impact. In previous research studies, they found over 200 "forever chemicals" found in umbilical cords of newborn babies based on what mom was exposed to and consuming. It's important for moms to be mindful of their environment, nutrition, and any substances they expose themselves to, ensuring a healthy and toxin-free space for their growing baby. 🌿

By nurturing both emotional and physical well-being, moms can create a loving, harmonious environment for their unborn child. Prioritizing self-care, seeking chiropractic care, and making conscious choices can positively influence the shared journey of pregnancy, fostering a strong foundation for the well-being of both mom and baby. 🤍



While there are many individual reasons why people seek out chiropractic care, at Family Matters Chiropractic we believe that chiropractic care should become apart of your health routine!

Not only does regular chiropractic care allow the body to function optimally, here are 4 Reasons to embrace lifelong chiropractic care:

1. Improved vitality: nurture your body's master controller—the nervous system. Chiropractic care optimizes nerve flow, promoting communication between the brain and body. This allows you to experience improved overall well-being and unleash your body's innate healing and adaptive abilities!💡

2. Overall wellness: Chiropractic care enhances immune function, promotes natural healing, improves sleep quality, and boosts energy levels. Embrace chiropractic as a key component of your wellness routine and experience a vibrant, balanced life. 🌟💫

3. Prevention care: stay one step ahead when it comes to your health! Proactive chiropractic care detects and addresses potential imbalances before they escalate. By preventing future health issues, you can enjoy a higher quality of life and embrace a thriving future. ✨

4. Maintain physical and emotional well-being: while chiropractic care maintains proper spinal alignment, reduces nerve interference, and enhances overall nervous system function, it also supports emotional well-being by reducing stress on the nervous system and promoting relaxation.💚✨

Join us at FMC as we empower you to thrive through lifelong chiropractic care. Are you ready to discover the transformative benefits of embracing chiropractic as a lifelong companion? Message us to get started on your wellness journey!


Happy Father's Day to all of our Dads at Family Matters Chiropractic! 🎉

We appreciate all that you do. Wishing you a day filled with relaxation and rejuvenation!

Love, FMC 🤍


Heads up! The corner of Ash and NW 18th street is closed. This may affect your travel to the office. Please plan accordingly!

The existing closure of NW 18th Street will expand to the west to include the NW 18th Street and NW Ash Drive intersection and to the east to N Ankeny Boulevard on Thursday, June 1. This will also close the NW 18th Street and NW Briargate Drive intersection. These additional closures are expected to last until Aug. 21. The posted detour will be N Ankeny Boulevard, NW 36th Street, and NW State Street. This closure is necessary to complete the NW 18th Street Reconstruction project, this is phase two of three phases, additional closures will occur as the project progresses. The project is expected to be completed in October 2023.

View detour map:

​The NW 18th Reconstruction project will include:

🚧Reconstructing NW 18th Street from a 2-lane urban roadway to a 2-lane urban roadway with a median and designated left and right turn lanes from just west of NW Ash Drive to North Ankeny Boulevard.
🚧Reconstructing NW Ash Drive with designated left and right turn lanes from just south of NW 18th Street to just north of NW 18th Street.
🚧Replacing the traffic signal at the NW 18th Street and NW Ash Drive intersection.
🚧Installing a traffic signal at the NW 18th Street and NW Briargate Drive intersection.

The NW 18th Street Reconstruction Project is part of the City of Ankeny Capital Improvement Program, a five-year plan for scheduling capital projects and long-term debt. Visit for more information including maps, timelines and more.


Heads up! We will be closed all of next week while Dr. Nicole is on vacation! We will resume regular hours on June 19th. Be sure to get your appointment scheduled for this week by calling us at 515-630-0158 or scheduling online!


Did you know that its not normal to feel:
stressed out... 😬
have low energy... 😴
be sick all the time... 🤧
in physical pain... 😫
always anxious or depressed... 😥
painful menstrual cycles... 😫
constant allergy symptoms... 🤧

When there is an interference in the nervous system, this creates stress and tension within the spine, creating an imbalance that can produce the symptoms listed above.

The purpose of chiropractic care is to remove interferences to the nervous system to restore the body's natural ability to heal itself and live symptom free!

If you are looking to improve your overall health and well being, chiropractic may be the answer! We'd love to support you on your journey to true FREEDOM! 🥳


Did you know that utilizing Breath Work can tap right into our nervous system? 🤯

When we use our full diaphragm to breathe, it activates our Vagus Nerve. Our Vagus Nerve is a powerful cranial nerve that triggers our parasympathetic nervous system allowing our body to relax.

If our body is constantly in a state of sympathetic overdrive (this is called fight or flight), our physical and emotional states are under stress and imbalanced.

By breathing deeply with a slow and steady inhalation to exhalation ratio-- our breath can signal our parasympathetic nervous system to calm the body down and get out of a state of "stress".

Try taking 5 to 10 minutes out of your day to breathe intentionally and let us know how you feel below!

Photos from Family Matters Chiropractic's post 05/18/2023

Did you know that you have THREE floors of digestion that all work separately in function, but also together in unison?

The upper floor includes the esophagus and is located in the upper back/thoracic region. This area of the nervous system controls reflux, heartburn, and indigestion.

The middle floor includes the stomach and pancreas, which controls our major digestive system.

Then the lower floor includes the small and large intestine which controls absorption, elimination, and gut motility.

While each "floor" has a different function, if one area of digestion isn't functioning properly-- it can affect the other areas of digestion.

With Chiropractic care, it allows for the brain to communicate down into the nervous system with ease. By making sure that each digestive "floor" is clear of any interference, the digestive systems that are correlated are able to function optimally and properly like they were made to do separately and together!

Photos from Family Matters Chiropractic's post 05/16/2023

Are you tired of living your entire life in pain or discomfort? 🤕

Pain is one of the most important signals that tells our body, "something is not functioning optimally within the nervous system". It gives us an understanding of what is happening between the brain and body.

Every sensation of pain or discomfort we experience, whether from an illness, injury, or environmental stimuli, is relayed by the brain and the entire nervous system, to the physical body. Any dysfunctions or stressors within these neural pathways result in a symptom such as physical pain.

Chiropractic adjustments allow for the brain to communicate FREELY to the entire nervous system allowing for a reduction in inflammation, decreased discomfort, and improved vitality overall!


Happy Mother's Day from Family Matters Chiropractic 🤍

Photos from Family Matters Chiropractic's post 05/11/2023

Summer is coming and we cannot wait! ☀️

Transitioning from school to summer can be a challenging time for many kids, as it can bring about significant changes in their routine and social interactions.

Here are F O U R ways to ease this transition and support kids' emotional well-being:
1. Gradual Schedule Adjustments: Start adjusting the child's sleep and wake times 1-2 weeks before school ends. This will help ease the transition and ensure they are well-rested and energized for summer activities. 😴

2. Encourage Physical Activity: Regular exercise is important for physical and mental health, and it can be especially helpful during the transition from school to summer. 🏃‍♀️

3. Maintain social connections: organizing playdates with friends, joining summer camps or clubs, or participating in community events can help the child stay connected to their social network and build new friendships, which can help improve their emotional well-being. 👫

4. Chiropractic care: allows for an adaptive nervous system, allowing the brain to integrate changes in the environment. Continuing or starting chiropractic care can provide better neurological, emotional, and physical well-being. 🤩

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Videos (show all)

While there are many individual reasons why people seek out chiropractic care, at Family Matters Chiropractic we believe...
Do you or does your child have difficulties with their pelvic floor? Listen to hear how Dr. Nicole and Dr. Sarah can hel...
Dr. Sarah of Cultivate Physical Therapy and Dr. Nicole of Family Matters Chiropractic are teaming up to bring you and yo...
Benefits of chiropractic during pregnancy
Take care of your nervous system, and it will take care of you! 😁Let’s level-up your health! Schedule an appointment to ...





1210 NW 18th Street
Ankeny, IA

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 12pm
3pm - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 12pm
3pm - 5pm
Wednesday 1pm - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 12pm
3pm - 5pm
Friday 8am - 12pm

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