The Legend of the Beast (Mr. Beastly)

Spreading joy and laughter through my big head, silly grin, and happy stories of special dogs that have been saved, just like me! My name is Mr. Beastly. YAY!

Yes, I was named in fun- I am anything but a beast! I am handsome, very, very sweet, loyal, I love people and other dogs, I make cute piggy snorting noises when I get hugs, and I have an unlimited supply of kisses - everything you could want in a big-headed pittie. And, boy do I have a big head- everyone that meets me says it is the biggest they have ever seen! I am so happy to have you as a frien

Photos from Athens Canine Rescue's post 11/02/2022

FRIENDS! Atlanta is a MESS!!! There is cold, white stuff EVERYWHERE! My brother and sister are having fun playing in it, but I am less than impressed. I tried to take care of it by eating it all, but more just kept falling. I am happy, though, that Mommy and Daddy made it home safely and are staying home with me today! I guess snow days are pretty cool as long as you stay inside. All of you (especially in the south who just don't do snow like me) stay warm and safe, and use today to slip in an extra nap!


HELLO FRIENDS!!!'s cold out there, even in Georgia! Sure glad I got new jammies for Christmas. It is so cold, I may even let Mommy and Daddy use some of the covers in bed tonight. Make sure you bring all your babies inside and snuggle them up warm!


The Legend of the Beast (Mr. Beastly)'s cover photo


Merry Christmas Friends!!!

11/06/2013 you think Santa Claus will bring me this bed from Frontgate? I've been a very good boy, and I promise I won't let the landshark get near it...


HI FRIENDS! It's one of my favorite days of the year- we get an extra hour do sleep!!! It makes me very excited....can't you tell? Hope you all took advantage of fall back this morning, and maybe squeezed a nap in too!!!


Happy Halloween Friends! How are y'all doing? Hopefully better than my sister, who is not very happy about dressing up and having her picture taken!


Here is another picture of handsome Uriel!

This is Uriel headed to the vet this morning for his leg amputation and neuter. So far with our online fundraiser and cash donations we have raised $1,080 for his vet bills. We need $1,200....we're only $120 short! We can do this..please donate here: Thank you for your support!


Hi Friends! I wanted to share with you the story of another very special pup in need. The Angel who rescued me from Animal Control found this sweet guy named Uriel in the same shelter a few weeks ago. He was in rough shape, and couldn't use his back leg. She sprung him from doggie jail and took him to a vet immediately. Turns out, his leg could not be fixed by surgery, so they had to do something called amputate. It sounds horrible, but Mommy said that his leg hurt so much that this is the only way to make it better. Turns out this poor guy is about 8 yrs old, has heartworms, a bump on his head that has to be removed, a skin infection, ear infection and very bad teeth that need to be pulled. Whew- that's a lot. But through it all, he is still a sweet, happy boy, just like MMMMEEEE!!!!
Uriel had his leg surgery last week, and he has had a really hard time recovering. He had to have a blood transfusion (Mommy said that I could go donate blood if I wasn't such a scaredy cat at the vet) and he could not use his legs and stand up. They are trying hard to figure out what is wrong with him, so I thought that maybe if my wonderful friend follow his story and offer him support and well wishes, then he will get all better just like I did! If you click on the picture, and then visit the Shelter Angels page, you can see updates on Uriel and his recovery. Also, if you have a couple of pennies laying around, maybe you can offer them to my Angel, as well- she is trying so hard to help this poor guy recover, but all his medical expenses keep adding up and up. The donation info is available on the Shelter Angels page.

Just came back from visiting Uriel at the vet. He's not doing well. He's having a hard time recovering, and they may need to do a blood transfusion. Please send prayers, love & healing energy to him. If you can spare it please donate towards his vet bills, they are higher than we anticipated. Thank you for your support.


Here is a video of Boss Mama...Mommy says that she Truffle Shuffles and wiggles just like me. I like a girl with some curves- how about you?


Hi Friends! Mommy doesn't usually use this page in her rescue efforts, but in this case she had to ask...does anyone want their very own MRS. Beastly? This very pretty (and chunky monkey) girl is available right now in Atlanta. If interested in adopting or rescuing, contact my angels at the shelter today and tell them you you saw my doppelganger online and are coming for her!


Hi Friends! My Mommy met the couple that found this sweet guy who looks just like my brother Linus! He was separated from his family and found in Atlanta's Chamblee area. If you recognize him, please let me know and we can put you in touch with the people who are trying to get him home. And please share with your Atlanta friends! Here is his story:
Found dog alert ! Super nice male neutered guy was found by a nice family in the Chamblee area by the Chinatown market. They can not keep him but are trying to avoid turning him into animal control. He is micro chipped but his humans never registered the chip.


Happy Independance Day Friends!!!!


Hello Friends...with happy news about my leg comes sad news at our home, too. My buddy old man Walter left us on Friday, and went to a place called the "Rainbow Bridge".
If you don't know about Walter, my Mommy and I found him wandering across a busy street in Atlanta a little over a year ago. Of course every time Mom sees a dog wandering without an owner, she HAS to stop and make sure that they make it home. The problem is sometimes that "home" just ends us being ours, and then I have to share all my stuff!
But I digress...Mommy said Walter was special because when she stopped to make sure he got across the street, she realized he was very old, blind, deaf, and had very bad legs like me, but his could not be fixed with surgery because it was due to something called arthritis. She packed him up in our car and brought him home with us. She tried for weeks to find his family with signs, visits to local vets, and talking to neighbors, but no one knew where he came from! It was believed that this poor old man was probably abandoned and left to fend for himself in his final retirement days- that made Mommy very, very sad, so she and Daddy said he could live with us until we found him a brand new home that would give him the love and care he deserved.
At first I wasn't too sure what I thought about Walter. I kept bringing him toys to play, but he would just downright ignore me- how rude! But Mommy explained that he was just an elder dog who's playing days were behind him, and that I should find another way to be his friend. That is when I realized that he was a perfect laying around and napping buddy- He didn't always jump around and egg me on like my brother, Linus. I decided that Walter was a pretty good guy, and we became buds.
We never found Walter another family of his own, so he stayed with us until his final day. He must have lived outside his whole life, because most of the time he preferred to wander our yard and sleep on our porch rather than to come inside. I sure did like him and will miss my friend, but Mommy said that in this "Rainbow Bridge" place, Walter will have lots of yards to roam in, and his legs will not hurt him anymore, and that makes me happy.
Farewell sweet old man...I sure hope that you are able to run free like a puppy again.


MY LEG IS ALL BETTER!!!!! After 6 months of taking medicine, 2 surgeries, laser therapy and many, MANY trips to the surgeon, my Vet says that I am FREEEEEE!!!!! YAY! Mr. Beastly Happy Dance! My Mommy and Daddy are dancing with me because they say that means they don't have to plan their work and sleep schedule around giving me medicine (I HATED being woken up in the middle of the night!) and taking me to the vet. And my brudder and sissy love it because now I can PLAY as much as I want! It is a good day!


HEEEELLLLOOO!!!! My friend Suzie reminded me that I have not posted for awhile, but it was because I was waiting on some big news. Wait for it...wait for it...wait for it...


TODAY IS THE DAY! The only way to make this day successful and enable counties to continue with their no-kill pledge is to help free some of the impounded animals. What are some of the ways you are helping your local animal services?

Today's the day! No animals will be euthanized at the shelter. We need your help to get them out. Can you rescue, adopt, foster, or just share our pets in need?

Or you can donate a cat condo- we're loaning out 2 this week to businesses that have committed to foster kittens:


HELLO MR BEASTLY FRIENDS!!! My name is Mya, and I am Beasty's FAVORITE little sister! Well, I'm actual his only sister, but even if I wasn't, I would still be his favorite- you can count on that! You probably don't know much about me- I just found my family back in January of this year. My Beasty and Linus are still showing me the ropes, and they told me how important it was that I help out with this Facebook thing. I sure don't want to mess this up, especially with my big brother not feeling so good. I'm not sure what to make of him not being here tonight- it has made me very sad. All week long I could tell he wasn't himself- he didn't want to play, or even pretend to lose to me at tug-of-war. All he wanted to do was stay in Mommy and Daddy's bed, so I would go lay with him and give him kisses. But tonight I am a little lost without him.
Mommy said that it might make me feel better to tell all of his friends that his surgery went well. The vet removed a metal plate in his leg, and found all kinds of icky infection in the joint. They cleaned it out so hopefully his body has a chance to catch up and fight any other lingering bacteria. I don't know what any of that is, but if it is attacking my Beasty, I'm fighting it too!
Mommy also said that the Vets and staff were so very nice to my brudder. They scheduled his surgery on a non-surgery day, and stayed late to take care of him. They also let Mommy snuggle with him while they gave him sleepy medicine so he would not be scared. If I were there, I would have snuggled too.
I am going to go to bed because Mommy said that when I wake up, that is the day that Beasty comes home! I think I will be so happy to see him, I might even let him win at tug-of-war! 'Nite 'nite Beasty friends!


Hello Friends! I know it has been a long time and you probably was wondering if I ran away from home or something! Well, I haven't- I haven't been able to run anywhere! Since my leg surgery in January, my leg has been very ouchie. Mommy says it is an antibiotic resistant infection, and has been giving me medicine and taking me to the vet A LOT!!! After 3 1/2 months, the surgeon has decided to take out the plate that they used to stabilize my knee, which means they are cutting me open again. That makes me very unhappy, but Mommy says that after a couple of weeks I will be feeling myself again, and FINALLY able to play. She also said that when we are not spending all our time at the vet, I can probably find more time to talk to my friends on FB. YAY!!! I've missed all of you...I go into surgery tomorrow, but will check-in when I get back home on Thursday. I will see if Linus will stop running in circles long enough to give an update tomorrow, or maybe I will give my new little sister a shot at it. I don't think she has been on FB before, but as long as she doesn't try to eat it (like everything else) she will do just fine.




Happy Valentine's Day Friends!


Shhhhh Friends- I am trying to hide from Mom & Dad so they can't lock me up with the baby gate anymore. Maybe if I do a really good job of being stealthy, I will be able to sneak outside into the backyard to run around and play when they aren't looking...


Sending out an SOS to all my friends! My parents have finally lost it, and are severely mistreating me! They have put me in a playpen and are forcing me to sleep on a bed ON THE FLOOR! Can you believe it?! They won't even let me get up on MY couch where I belong. Everyone said I was going to such a great, loving home- well hhmmmppfff! This is pure torture and abuse- please send help!


Hello Friends...I am back home tonight after my surgery. I'm happy to be here instead of the vet, but I don't feel very well, and my Mom keeps taking my picture :( Thank you for checking on me yesterday while everyone was being mean to me at the vet. Mom said that they were just trying to help me, but I don't believe her. Life is hard..I didn't feel like eating very much, so Mommy made me chicken and rice. And sleeping on one bed gets uncomfortable, so I have to move to one of my others. And I have to look pitifully at Mom & Dad so they will bring me treats and water and blankets. Only my little brother understands- he is staying close to me so that he can protect me if any other dogs come near, and sometimes he kisses my leg so that it feels better. I have to go now- Mom is making me take more medicine. Sigh.....


HELLO BEAST FRIENDS!!! This is little brother Linus, stopping by to give all of you an update on our favorite big headed bully...the surgery went terrrrr-iffff-iccc! The vet said that the ACL had completely ruptured, which is why my brother has been acting kind of pouty lately and not wanting to play, I suppose. But the good news is that they did not have to reconstruct his kneecap like the other leg. So hopefully this means that after this surgery, his legs really will be bionic and never bother him again! I miss him tonight, but Mommy says he only has to stay at the hospital for one night, and I will get to see him tomorrow. I think I might go ahead and go to bed now, so that when I wake up, hopefully I can see my bestest Beast! Good Night Friends, and thank you for all your nice comments! I will make sure that I pass them along to brother!


Hello Friends- I have some not so good news tonight. My other leg has given way, and I will have to have ANOTHER surgery tomorrow morning. It happened very suddenly- Thursday my leg hurt and I couldn't put it down. Mommy gave me some medicine to make it feel better but I still wouldn't use it. Fearing the worst, she made an appointment at my surgeon for today, and even without x-rays he knew it was time for my second surgery :( We knew all along that I would eventually have to have my right leg fixed, but Mommy & Daddy hoped that I would get a few years of playing in before I had to go on cage rest again. I will be stuck resting for 3 whole months, friends! That stinks! I want to play with my brother Linus, and Mommy & Daddy, and go to see my friends at daycare. Phooey! My brother is taking good care of me tonight- he is very sad, too. Right now there is another puppy living at our house that mommy found- more on that sq**rt later- but it is a good thing 'cause my brother will have someone to play with while I am recovering. So please think about me tomorrow while I am in the operating room. I will hand the reigns over to my brother to update you after the surgery, just like last time.
Friends, I just wanted to stop by to give you a quick update- mom is about to make matters worse for me by giving me a bath. She says I am stinky and won't be able to take a bath for weeks after my surgery- don't know for the life of me why she says that like it is a BAD thing. Good night Friends- I will talk to you again in a couple days when I come home from the doggie hospital.


HELLLLOOOO Friends...and Happy New Year! Thought you might want to play a game. Can you spot The Beast????


Happy Holidays Friends..From the Mr. Beastly Family!

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Videos (show all)

Here is a video of Boss Mama...Mommy says that she Truffle Shuffles and wiggles just like me.  I like a girl with some c...
Heeeelllloooo Friends!!!!!I am sad to report that I have been feeling under the weather today, and haven't felt much lik...
A bully lullaby for you...goodnight and slobbery kisses to my friends!



Atlanta, GA

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