D-Lab Berkeley

D-Lab Berkeley


🚨 Calling all graduate students! The deadline is approaching for UC Berkeley's D-Lab Berkeley and UC Berkeley Graduate Division's and summer workshop.

Learn more about the online program, and apply by April 15: https://grad.berkeley.edu/graduate-diversity/current-grad-students/data-science-social-justice-workshop/

ONLINE: Join us for the 2021 Digital Humanities Fair! πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’»

Learn how the digital humanities can help:

βœ… Analyze K-pop dances
βœ… Develop choreography
βœ… Further social justice

πŸ—“ 1-4 p.m., Wednesday, April 21
πŸ”— ucberk.li/dhfair

(s/o UC Berkeley, Digital Humanities at Berkeley, Stanford Libraries, Townsend Center for the Humanities, Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies at UC Berkeley, D-Lab Berkeley, Department of Scandinavian UC Berkeley)

ONLINE: Join us for the 2021 Digital Humanities Fair! πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’»

Topics include how the digital humanities can help:

βœ… Analyze K-pop dances
βœ… Develop choreography
βœ… Further social justice

πŸ—“ 1-4 p.m., Wednesday, April 21
πŸ”— ucberk.li/dhfair

(s/o UC Berkeley, Digital Humanities at Berkeley, Stanford Libraries, Townsend Center for the Humanities, Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies at UC Berkeley, D-Lab Berkeley)
Join us for the UC Berkeley Digital Humanities Fair!

DH Fair 2021
Wednesday, April 21st, 2021

The DH Fair is an annual event that offers the UC Berkeley community the opportunity to share projects at various stages of development, receive invaluable feedback from peers, and reflect on the field more broadly. This year's events include a keynote speech from Roopika Risam on Digital Humanities for Social Justice, a panel discussion with Tim Tangherlini and Lisa Wymore on computation for analyzing and choreographing dance in the K-pop and folk music genres, and lightning talks.

DH Fair Registration

More Information

Propose a Lightning Talk

1pm: Keynote: Roopika Risam
Digital Humanities for Social Justice
Roopika Risam, Chair of Secondary and Higher Education and Associate Professor of Education and English at Salem State University

In this talk, Professor Roopika Risam will discuss trends in approaches to digital humanities that foreground social justice. She will consider the practices that are critical to using digital humanities to intervene in the gaps and omissions of the digital cultural archive born from the history of colonialism. Additionally, she will discuss the project Torn Apart/Separados as an example of what digital humanities makes possible for social justice.

Dr. Roopika Risam is Chair of Secondary and Higher Education and Associate Professor of English and Education at Salem State University. She is the author of New Digital Worlds: Postcolonial Digital Humanities in Theory, Praxis, and Pedagogy (Northwestern UP, 2018) and co-editor of Intersectionality in Digital Humanities (Arc Humanities Press, 2019), South Asian Digital Humanities (Routledge, 2020), and The Digital Black Atlantic (Debates in the Digital Humanities series, University of Minnesota Press, 2021).

2pm: Lighting Talks
Learn about current work in digital humanities at UC Berkeley.

3pm: Panel: Dancing with Computers: Layerings of Collective Embodied Knowing within our Machines
A panel discussion with Timothy R. Tangherlini and Lisa Wymore, moderated by Claudia von Vacano

Dancing in the Fire: Toward a Choreographic Search Engine
Timothy R. Tangherlini, Professor, Department. of Scandinavian, University of California, Berkeley
Collaborative work with Peter M. Broadwell (Stanford Library)

Critics have long noted the strong visual aspects of K-pop, with the videos for newly released songs garnering millions of hits in a very short time span. A key feature of many Kpop videos is the dancing. Although many of the official videos are not solely dance focused, incorporating aspects of visual storytelling, nearly all of Kpop videos include some form of dance. In addition to the "main" video for a Kpop release, the release of a dance video, or a dance rehearsal video, focusing exclusively on the dances has become common practice. These videos allow fans to learn and practice the dance, thereby increasing the kinesthetic connection between fans and their idols. At the same time, it affords an opportunity to explore the "dance vocabulary" of Kpop dances. While there are well-known Kpop choreographers who work with the Kpop idols to create their dances, there is little documentation of these dances beyond the dance videos themselves. In our work, we develop a series of methods for (a) identifying dance sequences in Kpop videos, irrespective of whether they are dance videos (b) develop a series of classifiers for the navigation of a large scale Kpop video corpus and (c) apply deep learning methods to identify dancers and their body positions. Taken together, these approaches pave the way for the development of a macroscope for the study of Kpop videos, allowing researchers to identify patterns in the Kpop space, explore dynamic change in features such as color space, or interrogate the differences in visual representations of male and female performers at an aggregate scale. Importantly, as pose estimation has become more accurate, these methods allow us to begin the process of inferring the dance vocabulary of Kpop and start the process of tracing transcultural choreographic flows.

What Do Computers Know about Making Dances?
Lisa Wymore, Professor, Department of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies, University of California, Berkeley

Dance makers can choose to imbue embodied knowledge into our machines through a variety of methods from motion capture, to voice detection, to image recognition, to motion tracking, etc. What happens when we ask our computers to co-create a piece of choreography with this embodied information? Can we find innovative and unexpected modes of expression that would have not otherwise occurred if the computer or the choreographer had worked alone? For this presentation I will be showing examples from my work entitled Endless Gestures of Goodwill (March 2015), which is a dance film derived from a cache of over 250 video files of dance movements and gestures. The gestures were created specifically with a variety of compatible input and output poses. The video files were then coded and run through a random generating algorithm to create an endless dance series that appears seamless without any sudden or jerky transitions. Ideally, the piece can run indefinitely, as if the computer is creating an endless dance. The piece was designed to be viewed within a museum setting, rather than viewed in a theater. To add to the feeling of collaborating with the computer on the dance, a camera hanging from the ceiling of the museum captures the audience members' proximity to the screens. From this data, the film either slows down or speeds up depending on the spatial position of the viewers. This means that the exhibit has a lively interplay between the gestures being projected in the film and the movement of the audience members in real time within the museum space. In thinking about this piece again, I am wondering about the possibility of creating larger caches of recorded gestures utilizing cloud-based technology and using AI deep learning to speed up the detection of compatible dance gestures within very large data sets. When would this data become a dance and would the computer know if it had created one?

The DH Fair is sponsored by the Digital Humanities at Berkeley, Townsend Center for the Humanities, the D-Lab Berkeley, and the UC Berkeley Library.
Undergrad Job Opening with the D-Lab Berkeley!

An opportunity for undergraduate students to help guide a National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded project at the D-Lab for Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE).

This is a PAID part-time position for work-study eligible students for up to 5 hrs per week, with the possibility of continuing for multiple semesters. Undergraduate students will serve on the project’s advisory board and assist with outreach and recruitment activities.

Apply now: https://berkeley.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bxgWFFHiQy7JZRP
The launch of a National Science Foundation (NSF) project, "Undergraduate Data Science at Scale." This is a partnership with Mills College , D-Lab Berkeley, and UMBC to support .

Data-intensive social science for ALL! Do you want to add to your research toolkit? Are you looking to learn without committing yourself to a 15-week course?

D-Lab training offerings come in three formats: courses, working groups, and workshops. D-Lab offers drop-in consulting services on research design, data analysis, data management, and related techniques and technologies. Be sure to check the consulting calendar to get up-to-date scheduling and put in a registration request for a particular session.

D-Lab Summer Lecture Series: August 13 & 15, 2019 09/04/2019

D-Lab Summer Lecture Series: August 13 & 15, 2019

Crowdsourcing in Research, Digital Archiving for Intangible Arts, and more! - https://mailchi.mp/berkeley/august-2019-summer-series-1054577

D-Lab Summer Lecture Series: August 13 & 15, 2019 Join us to learn how the UC Berkeley Digital Humanities Minor / Certificate Program can help you excel your work as a scholar and as a professional!

D-Lab Summer Lecture Series: August 13 & 15, 2019 08/28/2019

D-Lab Summer Lecture Series: August 13 & 15, 2019

We've got back-to-school trainings ready for you! - https://mailchi.mp/berkeley/august-2019-summer-series-1054573

D-Lab Summer Lecture Series: August 13 & 15, 2019 Join us to learn how the UC Berkeley Digital Humanities Minor / Certificate Program can help you excel your work as a scholar and as a professional!

D-Lab Summer Lecture Series: August 13 & 15, 2019 08/21/2019

D-Lab Summer Lecture Series: August 13 & 15, 2019

R Bootcamp, Geospatial Data in R, Python Fundamentals, and more August Intensives! - https://mailchi.mp/berkeley/august-2019-summer-series-1054569

D-Lab Summer Lecture Series: August 13 & 15, 2019 Join us to learn how the UC Berkeley Digital Humanities Minor / Certificate Program can help you excel your work as a scholar and as a professional!

D-Lab Summer Lecture Series: August 13 & 15, 2019 08/08/2019

D-Lab Summer Lecture Series: August 13 & 15, 2019

Get Ready for August Intensives: Python, R, GIS, MAXQDA, and more! - https://mailchi.mp/berkeley/august-2019-summer-series-1054565

D-Lab Summer Lecture Series: August 13 & 15, 2019 Join us to learn how the UC Berkeley Digital Humanities Minor / Certificate Program can help you excel your work as a scholar and as a professional!

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! 05/15/2019

D-Lab workshops perfect for you!

D-Lab Newsletter will be taking a summer break! - https://mailchi.mp/8d7bd1db7c59/the-rrr-week-schedule-is-set-register-before-workshops-fill-up-1054545

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! The D-Lab offers numerous workshops so you can find the perfect complement to your existing skill set!

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! 05/08/2019

D-Lab workshops perfect for you!

Catch the last few workshops before summer break starts! - https://mailchi.mp/e667de78820b/the-rrr-week-schedule-is-set-register-before-workshops-fill-up-1054541

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! The D-Lab offers numerous workshops so you can find the perfect complement to your existing skill set!

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! 04/24/2019

D-Lab workshops perfect for you!

Get Ready for RRR Week Intensives! - https://mailchi.mp/088d16f5a053/the-rrr-week-schedule-is-set-register-before-workshops-fill-up-1054533

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! The D-Lab offers numerous workshops so you can find the perfect complement to your existing skill set!

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! 04/17/2019

D-Lab workshops perfect for you!

Community-Based Participatory Research, Black Feminist Ethnography, and more! - https://mailchi.mp/cc2cdaa5becc/the-rrr-week-schedule-is-set-register-before-workshops-fill-up-1054529

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! The D-Lab offers numerous workshops so you can find the perfect complement to your existing skill set!

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! 04/10/2019

D-Lab workshops perfect for you!

Digital Imagery, Text Analysis Fundamentals, Research on Data Science Career Paths, and more! - https://mailchi.mp/9123b40b6606/the-rrr-week-schedule-is-set-register-before-workshops-fill-up-1054525

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! The D-Lab offers numerous workshops so you can find the perfect complement to your existing skill set!

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! 04/03/2019

D-Lab workshops perfect for you!

Spring back into Leaflet, Voice Studies, Digital Imagery, and more! - https://mailchi.mp/5f09dc2324a7/the-rrr-week-schedule-is-set-register-before-workshops-fill-up-1054517

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! The D-Lab offers numerous workshops so you can find the perfect complement to your existing skill set!

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! 03/20/2019

D-Lab workshops perfect for you!

Register for post-Spring Break workshops before they're full! - https://mailchi.mp/03eacaf8b25a/the-rrr-week-schedule-is-set-register-before-workshops-fill-up-1054509

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! The D-Lab offers numerous workshops so you can find the perfect complement to your existing skill set!


Please support D-Lab by participating in the ! Donations close at 9PM tonight-- if you've been a member of the D-Lab space, we'd love and appreciate your support! :)

To donate, check out this link here: https://give.berkeley.edu/browse/?u=430

To learn more about the BigGive, check out this link here: https://biggive.berkeley.edu/

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! 03/14/2019

D-Lab workshops perfect for you!

Support D-Lab in the Big Give! - https://mailchi.mp/2e7dcbd6440a/the-rrr-week-schedule-is-set-register-before-workshops-fill-up-1054505

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! The D-Lab offers numerous workshops so you can find the perfect complement to your existing skill set!

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! 03/13/2019

D-Lab workshops perfect for you!

Dr. Marla Stuart on Machine Learning with R, Geospatial Data in R, Intro to NIH Grants, and more! - https://mailchi.mp/db42d8033477/the-rrr-week-schedule-is-set-register-before-workshops-fill-up-1054497

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! The D-Lab offers numerous workshops so you can find the perfect complement to your existing skill set!

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! 03/06/2019

D-Lab workshops perfect for you!

Data & Tech For All Week - https://mailchi.mp/6e742ffc6f98/the-rrr-week-schedule-is-set-register-before-workshops-fill-up-1054493

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! The D-Lab offers numerous workshops so you can find the perfect complement to your existing skill set!

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! 02/27/2019

D-Lab workshops perfect for you!

D-Lab Data & Tech For All Open House - https://mailchi.mp/572f9785394a/the-rrr-week-schedule-is-set-register-before-workshops-fill-up-1054485

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! The D-Lab offers numerous workshops so you can find the perfect complement to your existing skill set!

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! 02/20/2019

D-Lab workshops perfect for you!

Coming up: Basics of Excel, Weighting Data, and ArcGIS Online - https://mailchi.mp/551d9ed2d864/the-rrr-week-schedule-is-set-register-before-workshops-fill-up-1054481

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! The D-Lab offers numerous workshops so you can find the perfect complement to your existing skill set!

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! 02/13/2019

D-Lab workshops perfect for you!

It's Love Data Week! - https://mailchi.mp/e73eb16c0ba4/the-rrr-week-schedule-is-set-register-before-workshops-fill-up-1054469

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! The D-Lab offers numerous workshops so you can find the perfect complement to your existing skill set!

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! 02/13/2019

D-Lab workshops perfect for you!

It's Love Data Week! - https://mailchi.mp/berkeley/the-rrr-week-schedule-is-set-register-before-workshops-fill-up-1054477

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! The D-Lab offers numerous workshops so you can find the perfect complement to your existing skill set!

BIDS Diversity Event 02/07/2019

BIDS Diversity Event

Berkeley Institute for Data Science - BIDS is looking for data scientists to chat with students at the upcoming initiation of a workshop/dinner series designed to foster diverse and inclusive data science at Berkeley:

BIDS Diversity Event An event for underrepresented undergraduate students in Data Science Connect underrepresented students with: role models and mentors working in data science, other underrepresented students to share their experiences with, methods to better handle failures and setbacks, tools to identify and proacti...

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! 02/06/2019

D-Lab workshops perfect for you!

Get Ready for Love Data Week! - https://mailchi.mp/544407a4a707/the-rrr-week-schedule-is-set-register-before-workshops-fill-up-1054465

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! The D-Lab offers numerous workshops so you can find the perfect complement to your existing skill set!

BIDS Diversity Event 02/04/2019

BIDS Diversity Event

is offering an event for under-represented undergrad students in data science this Spring. Follow the link for more information!

BIDS Diversity Event An event for underrepresented undergraduate students in Data Science Connect underrepresented students with: role models and mentors working in data science, other underrepresented students to share their experiences with, methods to better handle failures and setbacks, tools to identify and proacti...

Timeline photos 01/30/2019

The Berkeley Social Science Matrix has a ton of valuable resources for the social sciences and does a lot of really cool research. Check out just one of their many research streams https://buff.ly/2UrfMVf

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! 01/30/2019

D-Lab workshops perfect for you!

ATLAS.ti, Geospatial Data in R, Text Analysis Fundamentals, and more! - https://mailchi.mp/00f87b1b2fee/the-rrr-week-schedule-is-set-register-before-workshops-fill-up-1054453

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! The D-Lab offers numerous workshops so you can find the perfect complement to your existing skill set!

Researchers receive grant to study the invisible work of maintaining open-source software 01/25/2019

Researchers receive grant to study the invisible work of maintaining open-source software

Great post by on what it takes to maintain open-source software

Researchers receive grant to study the invisible work of maintaining open-source software Researchers at the UC Berkeley Institute for Data Science (BIDS), the University of California, San Diego, and the University of Connecticut have been awarded a grant of $138,055 from the Sloan Foundation and the Ford Foundation as part of a broad initiative to investigate the sustainability of digi...

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! 01/23/2019

D-Lab workshops perfect for you!

Job Opportunities Galore! - https://mailchi.mp/0b54267a38ea/the-rrr-week-schedule-is-set-register-before-workshops-fill-up-1054449

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! The D-Lab offers numerous workshops so you can find the perfect complement to your existing skill set!

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! 01/16/2019

D-Lab workshops perfect for you!

Introduction to Qualitative Research Coding, MaxQDA, and ATLAS.ti -

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! The D-Lab offers numerous workshops so you can find the perfect complement to your existing skill set!

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! 01/09/2019

D-Lab workshops perfect for you!

Register for R and Python Fundamentals before they're full! -

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! The D-Lab offers numerous workshops so you can find the perfect complement to your existing skill set!

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! 01/03/2019

D-Lab workshops perfect for you!

R Bootcamp is open for registration! -

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! The D-Lab offers numerous workshops so you can find the perfect complement to your existing skill set!

Two Brains Are Better Than One: AI and Humans Work to Fight Hate 12/12/2018

Two Brains Are Better Than One: AI and Humans Work to Fight Hate

Two Brains Are Better Than One: AI and Humans Work to Fight Hate It started with a conversation. About two years ago, Claudia von Vacano, executive director of UC Berkeley’s social science D-Lab, had a chat with Brittan Heller, the then-director of technology and society for the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). The topic: the harassment of Jewish journalists on Tw...

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! 12/12/2018

D-Lab workshops perfect for you!

Finals Week and Beyond! -

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! The D-Lab offers numerous workshops so you can find the perfect complement to your existing skill set!

Celebration 12/10/2018



Announcement: Division of Data Science and Information | Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

Introducing the new Division of Data Science and Information! A new interdisciplinary division that will be the centerpiece of a novel, dynamic, and adaptable organizational structure that will enable Berkeley faculty and students to work together across boundaries to better explore the foundations, applications, and implications of data science and information. Read more here!

Announcement: Division of Data Science and Information | Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost November 1, 2018Email to Campus Community from Carol Christ, Chancellor, and Paul Alivisatos, Executive Vice Chancellor and ProvostData science is transforming society and the academy at an ever-accelerating pace. These transformations demand a response, for which Berkeley is uniquely suited as a un...

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! 12/05/2018

D-Lab workshops perfect for you!

RRR + Finals Week Workshops -

D-Lab workshops perfect for you! The D-Lab offers numerous workshops so you can find the perfect complement to your existing skill set!

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356 Social Sciences Building
Berkeley, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 4pm

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