five doors health + wellness

five doors health + wellness

A small wellness shop in Central Square offering small group and semi-private yoga, as well as body work, energy healing, acupuncture and more.


🚨 New class alert! Join Jenny on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. ET for our first zoom meditation offering. This 30-minute weekly class will begin with some brief instructions and be followed by a 15-20 minute guided meditation—and conclude with reflection and discussion. You are welcome to sit or lie down during this session. Never meditated? Perfect time to start. Meditate daily? Join us. Somewhere in between? Lovely, please pop in. All welcome. Hope to see you on Thursday evening.


Yesterday I reached the point of my integrated nutrition program where I can officially start coaching. I thought it was going to happen at the end of the week and was caught off guard—and I was surprisingly emotional. I almost didn’t share the photo (hence the delay) but realized there should be more photos in our feeds of unshowered humans with tears in their eyes (and chia seeds in their teeth). I am not taking clients yet but will continue to weave theories into private and public yoga classes. More to come on health coaching at 5D but for now, still soaking in the milestone—and lots more to learn (another test next week!). Thanks for all of your support on this journey.

Photos from five doors health + wellness's post 01/01/2024

I know a few of you were surprised to learn there was a 9 a.m. class today (+ thanks for reaching out to confirm…it takes a village) but I am at the point in my healing journey where sticking to my sleep, yoga + meal schedule is the best gift I can give myself. I am so grateful for this community. Thank you for your support in 2023 as I battled Long Covid + made a challenging decision about our space. I look forward to many more laughs, shared moments + stories in 2024. Here are some shots from my quiet holiday—a bit of coloring, a puzzle, some delicious Indian food + a brisk, post-practice walk. Wishing you a healthy + peaceful New Year. ❤️

Photos from five doors health + wellness's post 10/27/2023

What. A. Week. Thank you for all your kind words on zoom + in person. I am sad to say goodbye to 763 Mass but thankful for the memories going all the way back to 2015 when I met so many of you. It is not goodbye. We created something extra special (+ totally unexpected) these past few years online + we will continue to meet there as I play with new ideas to connect in person. Sophia + G (aka the moving crew)—my back + I sincerely thank you. It was also so nice to also visit with Ray, Daniele (+ hubby!), Jenny + Polly as we packed up (+ took much-needed breaks). One more stop + then returning the U-Haul. So ready for dinner + bed (yes it is only 3:42). So many memories of the last 5.5 years dancing in my head…thank you for all of your support. See you on zoom!

Photos from five doors health + wellness's post 10/09/2023

Any Instant Pot fans out there? I don’t like kitchen gadgets but with my new nutrition/healing protocol the “nom nom” cookbooks have really helped me re-think life without (or limiting greatly) pasta and rice and we finally took the plunge. Of course I read both manuals front to back (so many safety warnings!) and am happy to say I didn’t break a window or any bones. And as if one new gadget wasn’t enough, nom nom wore me down and I bought a spiralizer. Gasp. It was so fun to turn zucchini into noodles and I really didn’t miss my gluten-free (and yummy) Jovial pasta. No photo of the final dish—it was bolognese—but a few shots of the process. Always nice to step outside my comfort zone.


Mailing our fifth loan payment—three more to go—and thinking about how grateful I am for all the support we received from the City of Cambridge, as well as from the state and federal agencies. I had to make the gut-wrenching decision to let go of our beloved space but staying open to what comes next. Until we find a new way to connect in-person, we really, really hope you will continue to zoom with us. I think we have proven connection + support can happen via screen. Excited about this next chapter. If you have ideas, send them my way. It takes a village. Thank you for zooming since March 2020. I can’t imagine the last 41 months without you.

Photos from five doors health + wellness's post 08/29/2023

I felt all kinds of emotions this morning as G helped me with my reflector vest and I set off for our final dock class of the season. I made sure I left a little early so I could soak it all in. Here are a few shots from the bike ride over—and some moments from the dock. What a run. In 2015 a friend asked if I could sub a class and the rest is history. I love this spot. Thanks to everyone who came out for Season Nine and stay tuned to see if we do it all again in 2024.

Photos from five doors health + wellness's post 08/01/2023

Another delightful Tuesday morning spent on the lawn at Cambridge City Hall. I love this class + little community that gathers weekly under the tree. Here are some shots as I looked up at the sky, as well as two of Jenny as she led us through a lovely sequence. The last shot is of Jenny on the Mass Ave Bridge—we unexpectedly pedaled back to the South End together + continued our chat (+ adventure). We hope to see you for this free class—Tuesdays @ 10 next to the shop. And thanks to The City of Cambridge for including us in their Cambridge Plays initiative. (Come play!)

Photos from five doors health + wellness's post 08/01/2023

Two of our 5D family were at the dock this morning—one I met back in 2015 during our first season and the other on zoom during the pandemic. It is always a delight to see you in real life—and always a thrill to meet someone outside of our zoom rectangles. I wish I thought to capture some photos of the humans—but here are some from this morning, including a shot my husband took of me and my “cooling system” (yes I need an insulated lunch bag). Four more sessions. Hope to see you on a Tuesday @ 6:30.

Photos from five doors health + wellness's post 07/18/2023

What. A. Morning. So much fun today @ the dock + on the lawn! It felt amazing to be outdoors first by the river + later surrounded by grass….+ how extra special to see familiar faces in both locations. Here is a photo of the tree that kept me shaded at Cambridge City Hall, as well as some shots from the classes. We hope to see you this summer in-person or on zoom. Details @

Photos from five doors health + wellness's post 07/17/2023

I just biked to Community Boating to pick up the key—all ready for tomorrow morning at the dock. Here are some shots from my ride. And yes, I walked my bike over Storrow (it is a rule and even if it wasn’t I still would—no sense landing in traffic). I hope to see some of you tomorrow or this summer along the Charles (every Tuesday @ 6:30 a.m.)—or on the lawn @ Cambridge City Hall (.leopold teaches that class every Tuesday @ 10, but I will be there to cheer her on). Both classes will help you to stay cool. Doesn’t that sound nice?

Photos from five doors health + wellness's post 07/16/2023

Do you live in Boston or Cambridge (or nearby!) + want to practice outside this summer? Well we have two options for you. Starting on Tuesday, join me at 6:30 a.m. on the docks of Community Boating or Jenny at 10 a.m. on the lawn of Cambridge City Hall for a free, one-hour Kripalu Flow class. Please bring your mat—we will only have a few mats on hand. Oh, did I mention these classes are free? Cancelation details on our site. Registration is optional but will allow us to email you in case of rain. Both classes are weekly through August 29th and will offer accessible, cooling and calming shapes + movements. We hope to see you outside this summer (or on zoom or at shop!).


These last 40 months have been a challenge as a small business owner (+ as a human but sticking to one topic). It sickens me to learn people took advantage of relief funding + my heart breaks for all the businesses that closed because they weren’t able to obtain grants that should have been available to them (+ we now know were stolen). In April I applied for this MA grant as a last hope to keep our physical space. Every month since then I have watched my business account drain as I waited to hear—and this email felt like yet another kick in the gut. It doesn’t take a lot of funding to help small businesses like 5D + I can’t imagine I am the only person facing what feels like an impossible decision—again? Still? Stay tuned but just wanted to share this news. Every chapter of the pandemic feels somehow harder than the last. Support local. And thanks for being a part of this community. Our work on the mat (+ in the other rooms at the shop) make the world a better place. Thank you for being you. I won’t stop fighting.


As I continue on my wellness journey I am trying to understand why I always have high glucose fasting numbers—and why most recently I am in the pre-diabetic range for my A1C test. I don’t drink. I eat really healthy. I am fairly active (I need to do more cardio in winter, for sure). It seems my A1C bump could be due to Covid—but as I wait to re-test, I have been playing with the Glucose Goddess hacks in this book. I don’t want to give away all 10 of the hacks, but I have found it easy to switch to savory breakfasts and to change the order of how I eat things during a meal (fiber first—then protein + fat, followed by starches. I am also trying to walk after each meal. Her account (+ hacks) are on Insta and I find her logic + charts easy to follow. Just passing along in case you or anyone in your life wants to lower their glucose levels. Definitely a fascinating read.


Scheduled fire alarm testing at our condo meant teaching the 9 from The Shop. Although there weren’t humans with me, it felt nice to be in the space with those who have practiced in Room 1—and to share it with those who logistically couldn’t make it here otherwise. It was such a delight to hear the church bells during savasana as well. Not an ideal set-up spot but best option for lighting and Wi-Fi. We have a few in-person weekly offerings including Kripalu Flow, Slow Flow and Yin. And perhaps we will see you outside this summer on the lawn of Cambridge City Hall or on the dock at Community Boating (details to follow, classes begin July 11). Grateful for all of your support.

Photos from five doors health + wellness's post 06/13/2023

When I feel I am getting too caught up in my mind (hello Pitta) I turn to my adult coloring book to help me reconnect with my creative side. I find it soothing. And it can be a nice way to meditate, especially if you struggle with the more traditional meditation methods. It is also a nice way for me to let go of perfection—especially when I smudge the page or pick a gel pen that is brighter than I expected (gasp). The season of fire + water is upon us (sounds like Game of Thrones) and I am getting ready to embrace cold drinks (another gasp) while I practice—and as a teacher super excited to slow down the practice. Are you ready for summer? Cooling breath work, spacious poses and slower-paced classes ahead—and perhaps some coloring off the mat?


Are you feeling unmotivated? Sluggish? Stuck? Robert is here to help. Join Robert every Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. ET via zoom for a one-hour Kripalu Flow class. These Spring classes will leave you feeling brighter and lighter (less like you are trudging through mud). Ready to feel better? Visit our CLASSES page at to register.

Photos from five doors health + wellness's post 05/20/2023

I didn’t make it over to the Cambridge side, but added a Charles River stretch to my earlier errand. Unexpectedly bought some flowers and it was a bit of a squeeze to get them into my basket (and had to put the items I went to the shop for on my back…in a Baggu not meant to be a back pack!). City life. But thinking of the earth + my health. I am concerned my A1C levels are in the pre-diabetic range and going to do everything I can to get them back to normal (doctor says it is genetic in my case, but we shall see). Wishing you a happy + healthy weekend.


Did you see the advisory from our surgeon general re: loneliness? Dr. Vivek H. Murthy is urging Americans to “strengthen our social fabric and to prioritize meaningful relationships”. Such an important topic and area of focus—more than half of us in the US are lonely. Here are three quick tips from a NYT article about his advisory. Please know talking about being lonely is important whether with a friend, family member or a professional. Our online community helped me tremendously these past three years. And it has been so nice seeing many of you in the human form—I saw and yesterday and it felt so good. Let me know if you ever want to chat before or after a class and as always, feel free to text or email me. And don’t forget our neighbors and those who may be isolated or struggling—a quick interaction could have lasting impact. Our world needs yoga (and the impact of our practice) more than ever.


Daniele is back. And she is going back to her (our!) original format at the shop—in-person only. Join her on Tuesdays night in Room 1 for a screen-free experience (remember those?) as she leads us through a one-hour Yin sequence. Register via Union. No drop-ins please. And we hope to see you in Central Square for what will be a (sweet) restorative practice. Welcome back, Daniele.

Photos from five doors health + wellness's post 04/21/2023

Did you know we offer hourly, half-day and full-day rates for renting one of our four rooms? If you need an office (Room 3) or know of a healer who needs space to perform their magic let me know. We even have the ability to rent a room out monthly. Please keep us in mind and help spread the word. And shout-out to Sophia, Ray, Sahaj, Jen, Krista and all those who help people heal @ five doors. If you need a massage, private yoga session, Reiki or other healing appointments let us know. We aren’t just about yoga (although we love yoga too!). Hoping to add back Ayurveda, life coaching, nutrition and acupuncture—as we had in the pre-pandemic world. Thank you for your support.

Photos from five doors health + wellness's post 02/17/2023

Love *is* such a powerful force. Early morning walk to The Embrace—what a beautiful statement. I have heard from friends outside the city that it has received negative press. Art is personal and I have a hard time describing what makes me feel connected to a piece. But this moved me. And I found seeing it in person really brought out the beauty in the craftsmanship (see, I am not good at this). Definitely worth the walk or bike ride or T ride. ❤️

Photos from five doors health + wellness's post 02/08/2023

Eat less food? Gasp. Let’s hear him out. According to Dr. Lipman, at the age of 45 our body doesn’t need as many calories—we are now in the preservation stage and we simply need less fuel. And as I reflected on this section of the book, I realized this happened organically for me—I no longer devour a huge Italian sub as I once did (for several reasons but let’s stick to one topic!). At some point I stopped overeating—I don’t get to that “I need to lie down” or “unbutton my pants” stage. I know I have yoga to thank for this—for 25 years I have been listening to my body. And at this point in my life (+ in my yoga journey) it simply takes less food to fill me than it did in previous decades—and I am making better choices. Long ago (my 20s) I said goodbye to diet soda—so no cravings and crashes like I once experienced. Off sugar (again!). Eating lots of veggies—currently root vegetables to help me ground. Anyway, always nice to have supporting data—eating less as we age may help us to live longer and avoid age-related diseases. Also thanks to the book I am playing with 16-hour overnight fasting—which has helped me with the “small stresses” (like cold therapy) that stimulate the longevity gene pathways. Both Dr. Lipman and Ayurveda agree lunch should be the biggest meal—and *that* remains a challenge for me. Other suggestions for eating less as we age: use bowls, eat to 80% full, cut out starchy and refined carbs and watch for habits (walking to fridge without noticing if hungry, etc..). I love food + I love to learn. Fun (+ important) stuff.


A good night’s sleep is so important. This time of year—vata season—can create too much wind + that wind can appear in our minds and disrupt our Zzzzs. Sleep is also important as we age—and a nighttime ritual is especially important (and welcome) this time of year as we battle the winds of vata. Per Dr. Lipman (see previous post) there is no such thing as make-up sleep. Our bodies need daily recovery (Ayurveda also supports this). If you are watching TV or checking your phone in bed, consider keeping the bedroom a screen-free zone (I would add the dining room + kitchen but trying to stick to the topic of sleep!). I have enforced this rule for years + it really helps. Need the noise? Try a white noise machine or music. Thinking too much? Perhaps write down your thoughts. And have an easy read that doesn’t turn on the brain. In Ayurveda we go to bed at the same time every night—one of my teachers suggests doing this 80% of the time so you can still have fun nights with friends, etc… Also, gentle side stretching is beneficial—try child’s pose and walk hands to one side, stay for a dozen slow breaths + then do second side. Wishing you a quiet mind + peaceful rest. Hope these ideas help.

Photos from five doors health + wellness's post 02/01/2023

I just stepped outside without a coat as I continue to incorporate ideas and suggestions from “The New Rules of Aging Well”. I do *not* like extreme temperatures. So you know I am taking my intention to “age gracefully” seriously as I stand here shivering in the cold. But it is actually quite invigorating and I feel better afterwards. And per Dr. Lipman it is important to build resilience as we age. By doing my cold therapy in the morning it also helps me with my sleep and boosts Vitamin D. Yesterday I bravely took his suggestion to turn the shower to cold—those were a long 30 Mississippis (and need to build to 60 of them!). I will share other suggestions that I am incorporating and if you have read the book let me know—I love it and always enjoy a good chat about healthy habits. Need to go inside. Brrrrrr. Yet I feel so energized.


Join Christine on Sunday via zoom for a special 90-minute breath work + Yin practice that will leave your body feeling energized + your mind clear + still. January 1 @ 3 p.m. ET. $25. Register @ All levels welcome but accessibility to the earth + familiarity with pranayama may be beneficial.


I am at my nephew’s hockey game and I went to snap a photo of him warming up and he popped into Cobra (not because he saw me, ha). I love seeing little hints of yoga off the mat…and now effortlessly he did a shape I have been practicing for 25 years.


Early in the pandemic our brother-in-law dropped off a much-needed care package to us in Maine (remember those days?) and it included a knee-pad for gardening. I had no idea people kneeled in the garden. Mind. Blown. So as I do on my yoga mat, I have since switched it up and have tried hero while weeding and planting—but my default is squat. Anyway, this memory popped in my head as I was in our little urban garden and asked G to capture an action shot. A reminder we are always practicing yoga both on and off the mat—and this is one example of how the physical practice shows up for me. P.S. our garden looks like it does in early fall?! 📷

Photos from five doors health + wellness's post 10/17/2022

During Kripalu Flow we try to keep adding tools to our toolkit—things we can practice on our mat that we can take with us out into our days and lives. And depending on the season we need to access different tools. Right now we are trying to ground + warm (+ do other things) as we feel the elements of air + space around us + within us. Sometimes during class I talk about food—I can’t help it! I am *not* an Ayurveda expert, but I love the teachings + oh how I love to learn + dabble. This is *not* an Ayurveda-approved recipe—simply sharing my hot lunch because sweet potatoes + avocados make me feel better (warm + grounded) this time of year. This recipe also has sesame seeds, carrots and salt and all are listed on one of my teacher’s autumn shopping list. Again, I am not an expert. I am sure I am making mistakes (I eat a tomato or two in the summer, I eat pomegranates in the fall—not sure either is OK?). But good to make seasonal changes, learn new things + listen to our bodies. So grateful for yoga + its sister science Ayurveda.


Join me tonight + every Monday night as we play with what it feels like to breathe + move mindfully thru the seasons. Monday nights not your thing? Ana has you covered on Tuesdays and Jenny on Wednesdays. All three classes on zoom @ 5:30 p.m. ET. And Jenny and I have weekday mornings options too. Visit for all EIGHT weekly Kripalu classes.

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five doors health + wellness

We may be small, but we have big plans.

Behind each of the five doors will be a yoga teacher, a wellness practitioner or shelves of resources available to help you feel (+ look?) your best. But it’s not just about us... we hope you feel connected to the community so that as you continue (or begin!) your journey to become the healthiest version of yourself, you never feel alone.

We are quietly launching on May 1, 2018 with yoga. Body work will begin on Saturday, May 5. Acupuncture sessions will be scheduled starting on September 1. So keep checking to learn how you can sign up for a yoga or meditation class or to book an appointment for a massage or acupuncture.

five doors health + wellness
763 Massachusetts Avenue #7
Cambridge, MA 02139
(above Life Alive)

Videos (show all)

Did you see the advisory from our surgeon general re: loneliness? Dr. Vivek H. Murthy is urging Americans to “strengthen...
A good night’s sleep is so important. This time of year—vata season—can create too much wind + that wind can appear in o...
Another hot day here in the northeast and beyond. For those of you who attend Kripalu Flow classes know it is all about ...




763 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA

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