St. Elmo SDA Church

The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a mainstream Protestant church with approximately 20 million mem


Simple yet infinite, well known yet a mystery.
Thoughts never cease around it, and it is never enough.
The Gospel.

Brother Johnny Henderson will guide us in the deepest part of the everlasting Gospel!

Join us tomorrow at 10 am via Zoom!

We will start at 10 am with our Sabbath School (10:40 am Kids spotlight time), followed by our guest speaker.

(Limited for up to 100 people)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 853 6776 8072
Passcode: 1vh3W7


For ages, civilization has developed itself by breaking the world's hardest rocks and building the most amazing cities. And so will be with the Kingdom of God!

Pr. Jacob Moreno will reveal the Biblical process of God's rock breaking!

Join us tomorrow at 10 am via Zoom!

We will start at 10 am with our Sabbath School (10:40 am Kids spotlight time), followed by our guest speaker.

(Limited for up to 100 people)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 892 3187 3817
Passcode: 8SEcfM


By comparing the world events in the last 100 years, with the Bible prophecies, many Christians confirm that we live in the times of the end described in the Scriptures.

Are you ready for such a time like this? Do you know what the Bible advises us regarding the preparation needed for these final events?

Ismael Facio (Wildwood Health Institute Online/School Director) will share a series of messages based on three parables that Jesus gave us for such a time like this!

Join us tomorrow at 10 am via Zoom!

We will start at 10 am with our Sabbath School (10:40 am Kids spotlight time), followed by our guest speaker.

(Limited for up to 100 people)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 810 5205 2564
Passcode: 3MipDC


Not So Eternal Lie (Part II)

As we studied, Satan's first lie was to assure that humans will never die, arousing a conflict, registered in history, between God's word and Christian traditions.

But, how does this lie reach the non-christian world, and has changed our understanding of death? How our societies had embraced the old lie, conditioning our minds against God?

Pr. Jacob Moreno will share the truth about death and the extent of today's spiritism from the Bible.

Join us tomorrow at 10 am via Zoom!

We will start at 10 am with our Sabbath School (10:40 am Kids spotlight time), followed by our guest speaker.

(Limited for up to 100 people)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 832 4506 9455
Passcode: 0NewFC


Not So Eternal Lie

The oldest lie seems to hold the most comforting message ever told to humanity.
Defeating it is one of the most heartbreaking experiences, but Biblical truth contains amazing eternal consequences.

Pr. Jacob Moreno will share from the Bible the shaking truth of life after death.

Join us tomorrow at 10 am via Zoom!

We will start at 10 am with our Sabbath School (10:40 am Kids spotlight time), followed by our guest speaker.

(Limited for up to 100 people)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 880 7115 7208
Passcode: 9caUsj


Point your life to Jesus Christ as the only One who can meet the soul's needs. The One who directs the feet of the doubting and halting to the pathway of peace. The One who leads the seeker after righteousness and wholeness of character, step by step, to that experience where you can know the fullness of the blessing, found in the complete surrender of self.

Mr. Esteban Beckford (CEO of Beckfords Ministry) will share from the Bible how to follow Jesus!

Join us tomorrow at 10 am via Zoom!

We will start at 10 am with our Sabbath School (10:40 am Kids spotlight time), followed by our guest speaker.

(Limited for up to 100 people)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 843 6490 6834
Passcode: 1R8DnA


"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God."

Our salvation involves the highest amount of risks & movements Jesus ever did!
If so, what type of faith are we given by God, to hold on that salvation?
What would this faith move us to do?

Pastor Jacob Moreno will reflect on the Biblical gift of faith God is giving us for such a time like this!

Join us tomorrow at 10 am via Zoom!

We will start at 10 am with our Sabbath School (10:40 am Kids spotlight time), followed by our guest speaker.

(Limited for up to 100 people)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 878 1079 2401
Passcode: 9DttzK


A challenge is to talk about Spiritual Judgments in times when the things that do not fit us are considered as "intolerance," and when we take everything as an "attack," neglecting reason and arguments, how can we talk about judgment?

Chaplain Robert Johnson (Wildwood Health Institute's Chaplain)will share from Jesus perspective, the right amount of judgment we need today!

Join us tomorrow at 10 am via Zoom!

We will start at 10 am with our Sabbath School (10:40 am Kids spotlight time), followed by our guest speaker.

(Limited for up to 100 people)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 810 7293 7992
Passcode: 6bzZmb


The Sozo

There is a way that will not fail.

As suffering increases exponentially every day, people are in the greatest need of help this world has never witness.

Did Jesus provide us with a powerful way to deal with this tragedy? Would that be the Sozo?

Elder Ismael Facio (Online School Director for Wildwood Health Institute) will reflect on the powerful Biblical concept of the Greek word Sozo!

Join us tomorrow at 10 am via Zoom!

We will start at 10 am with our Sabbath School (10:40 am Kids spotlight time), followed by our guest speaker.

(Limited for up to 100 people)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 837 6541 2292
Password: 5ABWEB


In an era where fast speed is a value for food, health, work, relationships, and pretty much everything else; How do Christians relate with the Bible invitation to be patient?
"You also be patient. Establish your hearts for the coming of the Lord is at hand."

Mr. Shanniel Fisher (Field Director for Outpost Centers international and L.I.G.H.T. Ministry) will share God's invitation to be patients in 2020!

Join us tomorrow at 10 am via Zoom!

We will start at 10 am with our Sabbath School (10:40 am Kids spotlight time), followed by our guest speaker.

(Limited for up to 100 people)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 823 5865 7754
Password: 3nrpny


The world has not stopped pursuing revolution and independence.

On July 4 of 1776, the 13 American colonies severed their political connections to Great Britain, by declaring themselves an independent nation.

But, today's spirit of independence has faded into a moral and spiritual revolution. Can you trace it?

Pr. Jacob Moreno will reflect on the Bible and history of how Jesus invited us to participate in the last independence war!

Join us tomorrow at 10 am via Zoom!

We will start at 10 am with our Sabbath School (10:40 am Kids spotlight time), followed by our guest speaker.

(Limited for up to 100 people)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 868 1755 6390

Password: 5FYcdT


In times of spiritual darkness, where the world's trends make us believe in ourselves as the ultimate resource of truth. How can we trust in God as the only absolute reliable truth?

Mr. Tapiwa Marawanyika (Forensic Biologists / Director of Wildwood Center for Health Evangelism) will share a reflection on trusting in God as the ultimate health remedy for today's needs!

Join us tomorrow at 10 am via Zoom!

We will start at 10 am with our Sabbath School (10:40 am Kids spotlight time), followed by our guest speaker.

(Limited for up to 100 people)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 868 7814 6564

Password: 9LicvN


In a decaying society that asphyxiates its very people. Where racism, hate, pridefulness, lust, and confusion rules over love. How can we provide a fresh breath of life?

Pr. Jacob Moreno will share from the Bible how Jesus breathes with you for a world that is dying from suffocation!

Join us tomorrow at 10 am via Zoom!

We will start at 10 am with our Sabbath School (10:40 am Kids spotlight time), followed by our guest speaker.

(Limited for up to 100 people)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 882 5104 6569

Password: 4EqMz7

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Meeting ID: 882 5104 6569

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George Floyd's death and his last words, "I can't breathe," have shaken the world. A world in which hatred and COVID-19 suffocate thousands more.

And what we Christians do for others with our breathing?

Jesus is breathing for you!!

Pr. Jacob Moreno will share from the Bible how Jesus breathes for a world that is dying from suffocation!

Join us tomorrow at 10 am via Zoom!

We will start at 10 am with our Sabbath School (10:40 am Kids spotlight time), followed by our guest speaker.

(Limited for up to 100 people)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 829 7094 0704

Password: 1SYcdX


The Word of God is the most significant answer for a society hungry for real values. In a world full of relativism, subjective opinions have replaced the authority of God's word.

Mr. Jhonny Henderson (a Literature Evangelist) will share God's relevant and powerful word!

Join us tomorrow at 10 am via Zoom!

We will start at 10 am with our Sabbath School (10:40 am Kids spotlight time), followed by our guest speaker.

(Limited for up to 100 people)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 826 6460 5514
Password: 7mxUHb


Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!

Pr. Ismael Facio (Professor at the Center for Health Evangelism) will share God's most significant promise for us!

Join us tomorrow at 10 am via Zoom!

We will start at 10 am with our Sabbath School (10:40 am Kids spotlight time), followed by our guest speaker.

(Limited for up to 100 people)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 584 486 0079
Password: 702325


Is the Sabbath still relevant? What is its value in today's critical times?

Come and Rest!

Jacob Moreno (Pastor of the St. Elmo SDA church ) will share God's practical plan of "RESTauration" for us today!

Join us tomorrow at 10 am via Zoom!

We will start at 10 am with our Sabbath School (10:40 am Kids spotlight time), followed by our speaker.

(Limited for up to 100 people)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 814 8125 8551

Password: 8yPtpe


Life experiences are one of the best sources of wisdom and education, much better if they come from Abraham!

Let us reflect on the "Faith, Works, and Failures" of the spiritual father of our faith!

James Hartley (President of Lay Institute for Global Health Training - LIGHT) will share God's word from a practical and personal perspective!

Join us tomorrow at 10 am via Zoom!

We will start at 10 am with our Sabbath School (10:40 am Kids spotlight time), followed by our guest speaker.

(Limited for up to 100 people)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 825 3546 3245
Password: 094365


How well do you rely on God? What about when suffering strikes you?

Amid the economic, health, and social chaos Covid-19 has brought to our lives, there is a path!

Michelle Doucoumes (a missionary and a professor in the School of Bussines of Southern Adventist University) will share God's provided way to us for such times like this!.

Join us tomorrow at 10 am via Zoom!

We will start at 10 am with our Sabbath School (10:40 am Kids spotlight time), followed by our guest speaker.

(Limited for up to 100 people)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 891 0374 5743

Password: 005996


Do you understand what a holy person is?
Do you consider your self holy?
Pr. Jacob Moreno, will share Biblical principles that explain the true meaning of Holiness in 2020.

Join us tomorrow at 10 am via Zoom!

We will start at 10 am with our Sabbath School (10:40 am Kids spotlight time), followed by our guest speaker.

(Limited for up to 100 people)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 850 6589 9529
Password: 014129


Do you trust God, even when the good you are doing is not working so well?

Dr. Esteban Arévalo, a physician in the front line of work against COVID-19, will share his testimony and the principles that would help us trust in God during our worst nightmares.

Join us tomorrow at 10 am via Zoom!

We will start at 10 am with our Sabbath School (10:40 am Kids spotlight time), followed by our guest speaker.

(Limited for up to 100 people)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 584 486 0079
Password: 702325


As social distance takes place in today's society, would you use a digital approach to preach the gospel?
Mr. Esteban Beckford, founder of the youtube channel Beckfords Ministry, will share his testimony in how God lead him into the preaching of the gospel in times of viruses and anxieties.

Join us tomorrow at 10 am via Zoom!

We will start at 10 am with our Sabbath School (10:40 am Kids spotlight time), followed by our guest speaker.
(Limited for up to 100 people)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 979 9126 4361
Password: 082815


Have you wondered how ready you are for a significant change?

Mr. Vaughan Sparrow, president of Wildwood Health Institute, will share a needed Biblical message for times of trouble!

Join us tomorrow at 10 am via Zoom!

We will start at 10 am with our Sabbath School (10:40 am Kids spotlight time), followed by our guest speaker.
(Limited for up to 100 people)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 414 518 995
Password: 080187


How to deal with anxiety from a biblical perspective?
Dr. Andres Sequera will share a beautiful message of hope in times of trouble.
Join us tomorrow at 10 am via Zoom!
We will start at 10 am with our Sabbath School, followed by our guest speaker.
(Limited for up to 100 people)


Hello family and friends!
Thank you for joining us as we share our blessings through the Facebook community.
We will be sharing useful and relevant information about our church activities, resources, and more!
Please like it and share it with others!

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4200 St Elmo Avenue
Chattanooga, TN

Opening Hours

Tuesday 2pm - 4pm
Saturday 10am - 1pm

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