Cry for the Broken

This page sill now be a place of support for reputable peoole to share their hurt as former or current victims of leaders in all denominations.

Advocacy for freedom and for God who leads conflict with goal of peace
Moderaters will call out toxicity! CFTB is a Clear Creek Church of Christ ministry that reaches out to addicted prostitutes in the Chattanooga area.


Failing often is nothing to be titled a failure for, for fools rarely fail because cowards never try. To be brave we must err often and bravery propels us toward the opposite of failure. Everything I “lost” was not a punishment from God but a promotion from my Father. Because that’s how His love works. — Catrina Cabe


I visited here
To plant a small tree
That had outgrown a pot
Too little to see.
And you made me promises
That were all lies.
I thought you were sheep
But you were wolves in disguise.
The tree grew in stature.
It’s limbs held great breadth
And I gave it water
Til no tears were left.
You said that you loved me
And you gave me a job
And my life became
A door with no k**b.
I scraped and I struggled.
I buried my dead.
I asked you for help.
You gave me trouble instead.
I pleaded with God
That His burden be easy
And as it got harder
You did less than pleased me.
Still I broke down barriers.
I crashed through the wall
But you were not watching.
You didn’t see it at all.
I was your project
That you did not build.
What He had established
You tried to kill.
So finally I begged
God give me release.
Unchain this calling.
Cure this disease.
And in all the breaking
The pattern was torn.
Though you took everything
A new life was born.
You threatened with lawyers.
You kept all my things.
But I gave it to God
And now my head rings.
Full of confusion
Because I pray for you.
For vengeance is His
And love is not rude.
I’ve paid my dues
And I’ve made my mistakes
But I look at you
And my heart just breaks.
You never looked past
Who I used to be
So you couldn’t see
What God was doing in me.
So take all the money
Take all the supplies
It’s not like you need it
But it’s no surprise
For it’s your heart that’s broken
Albeit mine black and blue
I’d still rather be me
I will never be you.


I saw her at the meeting and she asked me for a ride up the street. I asked her if she was hungry. She was. We grabbed some burgers out of a long line and we prayed together while we waited. After we were done praying, she kept holding onto my hand, not letting go until we paid for our food. She cried as she told me she was clean from drugs but couldn’t stop drinking because she was so sick without it. She explained that she went to bed in her tent each night with a beer for the morning so she didn’t get the shakes. She talked about how much she missed me at the center and that it just wasn’t the same without me there. That was bittersweet for me because I have moved on from that part of my life and while I miss it, I do not miss the trauma that came with it. Pray that my girls can open up to the people running that place now. They have good intentions. And my babies need all the love they can get. It’s rare that I have these opportunities today but when I do I will share them here. Because I know you will pray for them when I do.


In addition to our Amazon list previously posted, we need Food City gift cards. We take sandwiches and bananas on each outreach. McDonald’s and Little Caesar’s gift cards make a great donation as well. The team we are partnered with has such a huge reach and together, we can work to abolish the poverty that leads to s*xual exploitation.
Please send gift cards to :

Bridge City Community
ATTN: Catrina Cabe (CFTB)
3300 Brannon Ave
Chattanooga Tn 37407

Do you believe God restores?
I do!!!!!

Check out my list on Amazon 10/24/2023

This is what we need to restart. Picking up donations is a bit tricky right now but if you want to donate these things I can tell you where to bring them in Chattanooga or Harrison. Thank you in advance. God wants this thing to keep going. I’m here for it! I was afraid to start over but fear does not come from God!

Check out my list on Amazon




Happy Monday beautiful people! I know this has been an interesting time but I believe the Holy Spirit has released me to share with you that we are still getting to see and serve our girls. Not only our girls, but men, women, children who live in the camps off the side streets and main streets of Chattanooga, Tennessee.
This opportunity was given to us by
We were asked to run
We have come into a deeper meaning of service by partnering with other organizations to meet the basic needs of those we serve. We want to continue serving those we love at an even better capacity by meeting them where they are at.
Plus, the story behind this shower is God weaved through the hearts of the children of Alton Park. It was their idea and they built it. If you come to one of our events you will likely see them joyfully serving and enjoying the fruits of their labor.
I humbly ask that you come along with me on this adventure. Not because of who I am. Because I fall short every single day. But for who Jesus is and for what He is doing in the most needed areas of Chattanooga. Please follow Showered With Hope for further updates, reports, and encouragements.

Help me build my list on Amazon 10/08/2023

Tents and winter supplies are needed. You guys really came through last year. Please help us save lives!

Help me build my list on Amazon


The possibility of moving to a different congregation looks bright today. whew! God’s will. Not mine. But He just parted the clouds and made me realize He’s not done yet. We’re about to do it right this time.


So I’ve been informed that Clear Creek is continuing street ministry and that they are having a meeting this Sunday about it. So basically they have taken everything I collected in eight years, refused to let me have it back even though I came in with it and raised money from outside funds. This is me not being excited that they kept my things preventing me from continuing my work. This is the wildest thing I’ve ever experienced. A very financially stable congregation stealing from a trafficking victim to help trafficking victims. Somebody make it make sense. I’m being so very still, God. So very still. Fix it Jesus.


The most affirming thing I’ve heard is from other survivors. Two different ones have said, “You paid your dues. You came back and stayed long enough.”
I am still fighting. Just in a different way.
Let my people go.


I remember in the very beginnings of this ministry God used me to shut down a hotel that for decades, profited off the backs of exploited women. Not a single brick of it is left. And God told me then, “It is finished.”
I got my walking papers. I could have stepped away. But I wanted to show God what I could do.
I was so on fire for this cause and I still am.
When I stepped away to get help recently my biggest fear was that He would make me step away.
Every night I had nightmares. I was on the streets. Wondering how long before my girls found out. I was doing drugs in my dreams. I was getting in and out of cars every night while I slept.
I loved them through it.
I buried so many of my friends, oftentimes officiating roadside funerals because they were worth saying goodbye to. God created them in His image.
I died every day to myself.
Until it almost killed me.
For eight years I have worked, often pleading with Jesus that He said His work would be easy and His burden light.I begged for relief.
I opened the first drop in center for exploited people in the state of Tennessee. Nothing can ever change that. I’ve had thousands of encounters over the years, giving my ladies my full attention.
Other than that, 80% of the time I was disassociated.
I did all that without even being present in my body.
Look out world.
I’m here now and I’m staying.
My girls will continue to be supported through other likeminded ministries. God doesn’t need me to do that. He can use anyone He wants to.
I will still get to see them now and again in my new job but I won’t be exposed to my old life every day. I won’t be on call 24/7.
Please pray for me as I heal and as I step into this new season with Corner Evolution. It’s a mission I believe in and it’s one that God will grow abundantly.
I love you all so very much and your support throughout these years has been priceless.
I have tears streaming down my face as I say farewell.
Never goodbye.
There is no goodbye in eternity.
I will meet you there. Where the streets are gold and the sea is crystal. Where many gather to cast down their crowns.
Please, my darling followers, meet me there. Be sure you do.
I love you. Truly.
Catrina Cabe


What is a survivor’s worth? We, who have been through decades of trauma. We who still got college degrees. We, who, despite being felons, make life work around it? We who work harder to prove our worth. We who smash goals to prove our value. How much are we worth in the fight against s*xual exploitation? Often it’s nothing at all. Often it’s pennies on the dollar compared to what men make who are not survivors in the same industry.
Often our mental health excludes us from serving. Burnout is a real thing. Mental health days are a real thing. Make sure those around you are trauma informed BEFORE signing on to do the work. Because these folks that were born into kingdom work aren’t going to get it.
They will treat you like you are bad for being sick and try to throw charity at you when you’ve put the work in to be paid. They will gaslight you into believing you are worse than you are. They will offer to pay for your therapy “if you finish it”. As if we are doing the therapy for them instead of because of them.
Well, here’s the thing. God has always stood by me. In the presence of my enemies He has prepared a table for me. He KNOWS when my best is my best and He is faithful to recognize and validate me. Through His own voice, through others, and especially the voice of survivors.
They will try to silence you. Take your voice. Because they know it’s inspired by God and their human hands cannot keep up.
I know my hands don’t have to keep up. Because His hand is on me. And my hands are empty to receive His blessings. Today I have full faith in turning my life and my will over to Him. Today I believe in the movement. Today I believe in Jesus!
If this movement goes down, it goes down with the same blood, sweat and tears that I poured into it for eight years.
Strip away pieces of me if you will, but they are not for sale today.


Cry for the Broken is officially on strike until trauma informed classes are taken by it’s umbrella and employment issues are resolved. They believe they can continue the work and they may. But not under this name and not under the calling God gave me. This is my final answer.
I will be hunting for a new home for it. ❤️
And I will be sharing its progress with all of you. You are the church! Lift up your hands in expectation because rivers of goodness are flowing!!


Let me tell you about Miss Maggie. Of course, that’s not her real name but she’s God’s daughter just like you and He knows who she is.
We took her to rehab many many years ago where she got sober. When she came home she found her sister. They got a little house and lived there happily for several years. The sister’s husband got out of prison and he drank a lot. This was the beginning of problems for Miss Maggie. The landlord then sold the house which left Miss Maggie homeless again.
I didn’t know until she rolled up on me with all her belongings with other girls to meet. She’s caring for an 18 year old girl. She’s showing her the ropes and keeping her out of harm’s way. This girl is hugely at risk for trafficking so Miss Maggie brought her to us. We are cheering her on as she completes her final steps before leaving for the army.
Let Miss Maggie be an inspiration to you today. No matter where you are or what your circumstances are, you can serve Jesus. She sits in a park somewhere with all her little disciples under her wing.
Where do you sit with yours?


And that’s on period.


4/22/23 Five of us went on Outreach: Kathy, Beverly, Linda, Jamie, and Kris. Beverly led us in prayer and notified the police of our mission & whereabouts. We drove down 19th Street and saw Fiona, Peg,and Lola. They were with 2 men, but left them standing on the corner to come give us smiles & hugs and tell us they love us. Lola told Linda how much it has meant to her to receive the cards she writes, with messages of love and encouragement. when Jamie remarked on how good she smelled, Lola took out her bottle of Lancôme perfume and offered to share it. We gave them hygiene bags, sandwiches, bananas & water, and prayed with them. Fiona told us her father died a couple weeks ago. We drove on to Hunan, where we saw Sisi and Shonda. we gave them bags, food, and prayed with them. After that, we drove to Pamela’s camp. Beverly got out to make sure she was there, and when she came back to the car, Pamela, Sheena,and a pretty young girl named Leela came behind her. Also a couple of men, who were grateful to receive food. Pamela had several small dogs with her. She said they had been told they have to move. We gave them bags & food; also cards for the drop-in center, and encouraged them to visit us there. Leela said “Miss Joy” had talked to her about the drop-in center. Beverly told her Joy had brought some of the flowers growing nearby to the drop in center, and they are blooming now. We all loved Joy. After praying with them, we got on the road but stopped when we saw a couple pushing a shopping cart. The woman’s name was Lika. We gave her a bag, and gave both of them food. Lika tried to give Beverly money for a donation, but she didn’t take it, of course. At 20th and Willow we saw Sallie. She accepted a bag, but waved off the offer of prayer. We didn’t have a peanut-free sandwich, but we gave her a banana and water. As we drove down the Street, we spotted a girl sitting on the steps of a house doing her nails. Just as we slowed to a stop, a man pulled up, looking at us all suspicious-like. The girl came over to us and was really friendly. She was glad to receive a bag, food and water. The man was waiting for her when we left. We still had a few sandwiches left, so we found Fiona again and gave them to her, asking her to give them to anyone who needed them. We all agreed it had been a positive Outreach, and that we had served many of the women we see on a regular basis, showing them God’s love. ❤️


I lived in a trailer in a horseshoe shaped trailer park when I was 16 with a grown man. I assigned meaning to the giant lunar moth that landed on the bedroom window way back then. Now I get to reassign that power. Illumination. That’s what they are. That’s what they stand for.




This is what freedom looks like.


As promised for our new followers today, I present to you the chart we have up at Sexual Exploitation Advocacy and Resource Center of Hamilton County. I found this chart in the internet. Feel free to write each item down to on a notecard and make it a puzzle game with a friend to learn more about those warm fuzzy feelings we get when we hit puberty. I did!


Always meet your sheros.


“The worlds oldest profession” is a dangerous one. No holidays. No paid vacation. No FMLA. No 401K. No health insurance and no time clock because you’re always clocked in.
Here’s a sample of what our girls have carried to protect themselves. There are people who come out to pick them up with the sole purpose of harming them. This is what they gathered to defend themselves.
What do you take with you to work every day?


Happy Valentine’s Day from all of us at CFTB!!


2-11-23 - Beverly, Charlotte, Laura and Kathy - Beverly prayed over us before we went out. We started out at the on the mission grounds and we did not see anyone in that area and we continued to the area where we thought Kelli was staying, and it was destroyed. However, we were happy to find her further down the road. Fiona was with her, and we gave them both bags and prayed over them, and there was a man there as well that we gave food. We went to Pattys camp and also saw Becki, Bea, Desi, and Jo. We gave them all bags and and we also saw three men there that we gave food. We prayed over all the girls and they were thankful for the special Valentines present as well as the gloves. We were not seeing any ladies on the boulevard or anywhere else on the street so we drove over to the dock and saw anne and another lady, and gave them both bags and gloves. We also saw Rick and another man and gave them food. We drove around again and did not see anyone else out so we went over to 11th St. to distribute the rest of the food where we saw Jean and 7 other girls and gave out the remainder of the Valentines bag. There was a new girl that got a bag and wanted to be sure she had 2 cards so that she could call the drop in center. Several man came up, and we gave them food and gloves. We could not get everyone’s names due to the number of people coming up and asking for food and gloves. It was a wonderful way to end the evening and our hearts were full. Charlotte prayed over us when we got back to the center before we left for home.


Right off the bat we met up with Sally and Lola and both were overjoyed to see Karen. We prayed with them both and gave them hygiene bags.
Next we met up with a new girl, Nina who was with a man named Ken. We gave Nina a hygiene bag and also food for Ken. After we prayed, Ken wanted to pray as well and he prayed a strong prayer over us and the ministry.
We then met Fiona and Kelli (another girl new to us.) They were both given bags and prayer. In addition we told Kelli about SEARCH and she seemed very interested. It did not seem as though she had been on the streets for very long.
Next was Kat and Kallie. Both got bags and prayer.
We then found a sweet young man named Wes who just looked beaten down. We gave him food and prayed and he immediately went behind a building and started eating. He was very thin. Toward the end of the evening we passed him again and gave him more food. He touched all of our hearts.
We then met up with Patti. We hadn't seen here for quite some time so we were happy to see her. She seemed very interested in returning to SEARCH.
Next we met up with Shay who was with 2 men...Jesse and Daniel. We prayed for Shay, gave her a hygiene bag and also food to the men.
While there a young woman named Cay came with a picture of her brother asking if any of us had seen him as he was missing and in a bad way. One of the men there said he had seen him in E. Brainard. We prayed for her and her brother before she left.
We ran into Pam by Family Dollar and gave her a bag and prayers.
Toward the end of the evening we saw Fiona talking to Ken ( the man who had prayed for us earlier). She got into his car and we all assumed he was a john and Karen was set to investigate. Well after 1/2 block Fiona got out of the car and went on her way. (Drug deal??)
We last found a homeless couple and gave them food and prayer.
All in all a very productive evening


I want to thank whoever sent chapstick, hygiene items, and other things to the church for us. May He bless you beyond measure!

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Our Story

CFTB is a Clear Creek Church of Christ ministry that reaches out to addicted prostitutes in the Chattanooga area. We build personal relationships with the ladies we serve by meeting their basic needs, such as hygiene products, food, water, and love. We also transition these ladies into sobriety based living when they express that they are ready. Not only does this help the ladies we serve, but it helps those who are serving by opening their eyes to an issue that many did not formerly know existed in Chattanooga.

CFTB was founded by Catrina Cabe, a former survivor of survival s*x, strip clubs, po*******hy, trafficking, and prostitution. It is her calling to see that women who want a way out have that opportunity.

CFTB’s co-founder, Karen Brown, is a tough love mama with a heart of gold and an unmatched gift for sass and s***k. She trains ladies on outreach missions and does a fine job of keeping Catrina in line.

CFTB’s volunteer coordinator, Wendy Mitchell has a gift of organization and encouragement. She is quick to send out letters and cards of encouragement to the ladies who have chosen a different life. Ladies on the street call her often just to talk. Contact Wendy if you would like to participate in our efforts.

Videos (show all)

What were you doing in tbe dark of night? I was doing my favorite thing. Seeing a soul off to go far far away to freedom...
Stripping is NOT empowering
Christmas Outreach number one here we come!!!!
Christmas bags!
Trigger warning
#redsandproject #chattanoogapd #clayandbillingsley #areyouawake #thankyouwillowbendfarms
She said, “I don’t like white shoes.” We said, “Hold up girl. We got you.” And just like that she’s off to safety far aw...
Shine a light on slavery day
This is what victory sounds like!! She left this morning on her way to a new life!!!!!




5612 Hixson Pike
Chattanooga, TN

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