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Dr. Robert Selig designs 100% natural therapeutic regimens customized around a patient's specific biochemistry.

Dr. Robert Selig, DC - Functional Medicine Practitioner and hair tissue mineral analysis expert - offers customized care plan packages to address chronic health issues affecting most of the population like mineral deficiency, fatigue, and copper toxicity. Blood tests do not provide enough information to properly address chronic health problems because they do not accurately measure deficiencies an


Ceruloplasmin is a copper-carrying protein produced primarily in the liver.

It plays a crucial role in iron metabolism, acting as an antioxidant, and is essential for various enzymatic reactions in the body.

In terms of adrenal function, ceruloplasmin is necessary for the proper regulation of copper, which in turn supports adrenal health and overall stress response.

To produce ceruloplasmin, the adrenals and brain must produce DHEA, often referred to as the longevity hormone.

This hormone sends signals to the liver to initiate the production of ceruloplasmin.

If the pathway for producing DHEA is compromised due to factors such as xenoestrogens, nutrient deficiencies, channelopathies, cation dysfunction, genetics, poor digestion and assimilation, and other issues, the adrenals may not produce enough DHEA to generate ceruloplasmin.

Traditional Chinese Medicine recognized the adrenals as a vital treasure, referred to as the Jing, over 5,000 years ago.

In my practice, I base my holistic strategies on the interpretation of a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), specifically the sodium (Na) and potassium (K) levels and their ratios, to determine adrenal function.

At the same time, my primary focus is on addressing the factors that hinder DHEA production, as mentioned earlier.

Each case requires a different approach to address the reasons why the adrenals and brain may not be producing DHEA.

This is why there is no one-size-fits-all protocol; a careful analysis of the patient’s biochemistry, psychology, and constitution is essential.

I typically run hormone panels, GI panels, and food sensitivity tests, and I pay close attention to markers of inflammation.

However, I do not rely on RBC or ceruloplasmin testing in my practice.

The foundation of my programs is an HTMA and a thorough case history.

It is important to know what medications patients are taking, as these can influence lab tests, including HTMA.

This can lead to misleading results on the first test, which is why a good medical history is crucial.

HTMA follow-ups every three months are necessary to make adjustments and evaluate progress.

As a side note, I find the Magnesium RBC test to be less informative, given that in a healthy individual, there is a 700:1 ratio of magnesium ions in the cell to those in the blood.

Most magnesium is located in the mitochondria, and since RBCs do not have mitochondria, the RBC test may not accurately reflect magnesium status.

However, gathering as much information as possible is still valuable, as every test has its strengths and weaknesses.

I am also not a fan of blood donations but support bleeding the Jing well points with acupuncture, drawing only a drop of blood from the digits.

While I can't argue with the success of various methods, I prefer to focus on liver detoxification, including coffee enemas, progressing to gallbladder flushes, and incorporating cation mud therapy and PEMF.

PEMF is particularly effective, especially for the prostate.

Dr. Robert Selig


When initiating metal detoxification, it is critical to use binders such as PectaSol, zeolite, activated charcoal, and chlorella.

As metals begin to mobilize within the body, they still retain a charge that can facilitate reabsorption, posing health risks.

Binders ensure these metals are effectively captured and removed from the body, preventing their re-entry into the system.

Having utilized binders for over twenty years in mineral balancing, I stress their importance in ensuring a safe and effective detox process during active phases of metal removal.

Dr. Robert Selig

[Listen to the full interview with Dr. Robert Selig on the Integrative Thoughts podcast with Matt Coffman, episode "HTMA is the Most Powerful Diagnostic Tool Available: Lithium Dosing, The War on Zinc, and Cosmic Connections with Minerals" -]


In the vast landscape of biological elements, zinc stands out as a crucial moderator of essential metabolic and structural functions.

This element aids significantly in the stabilization of other vital metals such as copper, iron, and manganese, facilitating crucial electron transfer processes that enhance both catalytic and structural functions at the cellular level.

Zinc’s influence permeates through critical areas of health, significantly impacting immune defense mechanisms and cognitive functions.

The growing depletion of zinc in our soils underscores the urgency of addressing this deficiency, which can severely compromise health and disease resistance.

Carbonic anhydrase, a zinc-dependent enzyme, exemplifies zinc’s vital role.

This enzyme is essential for converting carbon dioxide into carbonic acid, a crucial process for managing CO2 levels in the bloodstream to prevent lethal pH imbalances.

This enzyme's activity is critical in the kidneys, where it contributes to the bicarbonate buffering system that regulates the body's pH balance.

Zinc's involvement in carbon dioxide management highlights its indispensable role in maintaining respiratory health and overall metabolic stability.

Zinc’s role extends beyond mere participation in biological processes as it is fundamental in ensuring the seamless operation of life’s most essential functions.

Dr. Robert Selig

Listen to the full interview with Dr. Robert Selig on the Integrative Thoughts podcast with Matt Coffman, episode "HTMA is the Most Powerful Diagnostic Tool Available: Lithium Dosing, The War on Zinc, and Cosmic Connections with Minerals" -


If we could magically extract all the mercury (Hg) from your tissues, organs, and glands, and then re-inject that mercury into your body, the outcome would be fatal.

This illustrates that the body, in its wisdom, sequesters mercury in tissues as a defense mechanism, even though it gradually adapts to the toxic burden, manifesting a range of symptoms over time.

One ion of mercury can displace 1,000 ions of zinc (Zn), a fact known from the use of mercurial diuretics once prescribed to manage hypertension.

This displacement occurs because mercury affects the zinc-dependent enzyme, carbonic anhydrase, in the kidney tubules, resulting in a significant loss of zinc.

In the periodic table, zinc shares the same column with heavier metals like cadmium and mercury, which will always displace the lighter, nutrient mineral.

The displacement of zinc is particularly detrimental because it disrupts the function of the P53 gene, known as the "Guardian of the Genome."

This gene requires a zinc molecule to maintain the structural integrity of the P53 protein, allowing it to bind to and repair or eliminate damaged DNA strands.

Hence, mercury is not only inherently antagonistic to zinc but also severely compromises the body’s DNA repair mechanisms when zinc levels are low.

Historically, mercury’s antibacterial properties led to its use in treating diseases like syphilis by allopathic medicine, often with fatal outcomes.

This usage coined the term "quack" from the German term for mercury, "quicksilver," humorously observed as they saw the detrimental effects on patients.

Moreover, the hasty removal of mercury through chelation without addressing underlying infections can exacerbate health issues, as infections can flare up aggressively.

Only when the corresponding nutrient minerals are replenished will toxic metals leave their binding sites in enzymes.

This underscores the critical role of mineral balancing, particularly zinc, in combating the significant exposure to toxic metals such as mercury, cadmium, lead, copper, and aluminum.

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) can be instrumental in assessing the mineral matrix and devising detox strategies that enhance organ function and correct mineral imbalances, ensuring safe removal of toxic metals.

Patience is crucial, as most adults are inefficient at eliminating these metals, but effective detoxification can significantly elevate one's health over time.

Dr. Robert Selig


The day of the week you were born is your constitutional ruling planet, which will be either your gift or your curse.

The mineral system in us captures and encapsulates the seven heavenly bodies within us, which is why hair testing reveals the birth chart in mineral form.

Each mineral corresponds to a planet as the minerals are anthropomorphized into our quantum field, living out the cosmic forces from above in real-time, influencing every aspect of our physical, emotional, and spiritual health, as each mineral tells a story.

Dr. Robert Selig


Silver surpasses copper in conducting electrons, making it an exceptional antibiotic for acute conditions.

It's highly effective for treating infections like sore throats or cuts.

Colloidal silver can be used safely for up to seven days to maximize benefits without accumulating toxic levels.

Moderation and precise timing are crucial to harness its full potential without adverse effects.

Dr. Robert Selig

[Clip from Integrative Thoughts podcast with Matt Coffman, episode "HTMA is the Most Powerful Diagnostic Tool Available: Lithium Dosing, The War on Zinc, and Cosmic Connections with Minerals" -]


The intricate role of homeopathy in facilitating mineral balancing is often overlooked, yet it is crucial to holistic health.

This therapeutic approach addresses both physical and emotional challenges that often emerge during the healing process.

Conditions like dormant skin issues or deep-seated emotional retraces are common and require nuanced treatment strategies.

Homeopathic remedies are instrumental in these scenarios, leveraging the principle of 'like cures like' to find precise, energy-based solutions tailored to individual needs.

This method not only aids in mitigating physical manifestations, such as sudden skin aggravations, but also supports emotional stability during treatment.

Homeopathy also supports organ health, particularly the liver, which can be impacted by dietary excesses or lifestyle factors.

Tune in to my detailed conversation with holistic healing advocate and fellow mineral balancing practitioner Matt Coffman on his podcast, Integrative Thoughts, as we discuss this topic and much more.

Dr. Robert Selig


The role of copper supplementation in maintaining the sodium/potassium ratio, particularly when it's low, cannot be overstated.

This ratio is not just a crucial aspect of human physiology but is also often referred to as the life-or-death ratio.

When the sodium/potassium ratio is low, it clearly indicates the need for copper supplementation, as copper plays a pivotal role in rectifying this imbalance.

It's crucial to understand that an imbalance in zinc and copper can lead to adverse effects.

While zinc can be extremely beneficial in reducing high sodium levels in tissues, excessive zinc without copper supplementation, especially with a low Na/K ratio, can exacerbate symptoms and tends to make a person feel worse.

This underscores the importance of a balanced approach to mineral supplementation.

Copper's role in the body is truly unique within the mineral matrix.

It not only elevates sodium and calcium levels but also has a synergistic relationship with estrogens.

Estrogens tend to boost the production at the receptor level for aldosterone synthesis, an adrenal hormone that regulates sodium reabsorption in the kidneys.

This intricate interplay underscores the complexity of our body's mineral balancing system.

Meanwhile, we may also see on an HTMA a Na/K inversion when actively dumping copper and other toxic metals, a phenomenon called a 'pseudo inversion.'

This means the K skyrockets, going up 3x or 4x and even higher from test to test.

The biological action of aldosterone is to increase the retention of sodium and water while excreting potassium in the kidneys, which helps to explain this phenomenon.

Sodium is retained as the kidneys reabsorb the Na in the tissues, and potassium is lost in the urine.

Concomitantly, potassium shows up high in the hair, which is why we see potassium going high during the "copper dump."

So we will give copper when we have a low Na/K ratio and usually give zinc to copper at a 20/1 ratio.

With fast oxidizers, we prescribe copper to raise calcium to lower the oxidation rate.

However, we must always keep an eye on the Na/K ratio to maintain the intricate balance of this all-important ratio.

Minerals always have antagonistic and synergistic relationships, which are referred to as a process of ionic and molecular mimicry with other minerals and metals.

Copper, due to its electrical charge, can move electrons like no other metal, affecting the enzyme binding sites and displacing and blocking the other nutrient minerals either at the cell membrane ion channels or in the actual receptor site on the enzyme, which makes excess copper antagonistic to magnesium, zinc, iron, molybdenum, manganese, and specific B vitamins and C, while being synergistic with calcium and sodium.

This is why we don't just willy-nilly take excess amounts of copper, especially when we are in slow oxidation (which is most of the population), as that will increase calcium, eventually resulting in calcium deposition diseases, which is premature aging.

The goal with mineral balancing is to balance the mineral grid in order to slow down premature aging so that calcium, the metal of Saturn, aka Chronos, father time, the grim reaper, does not get us before our time.

Dr. Robert Selig


Let’s delve into the fascinating world of lithium and its role in mineral balancing.

Many of you have asked about its incorporation and my thoughts on this essential element.

Lithium stands as one of the most captivating minerals within the entire mineral matrix.

Originating from the Big Bang, lithium, hydrogen, and helium form the foundational trinity of our universe.

Lithium, being the first solid metal, is crucial for the development of the human brain, making it an indispensable building block.

What sets lithium apart is its unique bidirectional spin, possessing both right-hand and left-hand rotations.

This characteristic plays a pivotal role in connecting the brain's hemispheres, fostering a holistic, holographic function.

Lithium, often referred to as the “God of water," is associated with Neptune, the ruler of emotions and the furthest planet from the sun, embodying higher divination.

Most lithium in the brain is concentrated in the hippocampus, vital for neuroplasticity and overall brain health.

This concentration is essential for the brain's ability to form and expand neural connections, enhancing our sense of well-being.

Interestingly, the name ‘hippocampus' and function tie back to the mythological sea creature ridden by Neptune, reflecting lithium's deep-seated connection to emotion and memory.

Lithium's ability to transmute rapidly into elements like sodium and potassium makes it difficult to measure in the body.

This property aligns with the principles of alchemy, transforming matter into spirit and vice versa, as explored by Professor Louis Kervran in his studies on biological transmutation.

Historically, lithium was even added to the soft drink 7 Up, providing a calming, ethereal effect distinct from the adrenaline-fueled buzz of other sodas.

Pharmaceutical uses of lithium are widespread, particularly in managing bipolar disorder and depression, by stabilizing the hippocampus and limbic system.

Lithium’s influence extends beyond health, playing a crucial role in technology, from pacemakers to batteries, due to its lightweight and efficient electron movement.

NASA and other space missions utilize lithium hydroxide to manage CO2 levels, a testament to its versatility and importance.

The yogis' understanding of breathwork and its impact on consciousness further highlights lithium's profound connection to spirituality and mental clarity.

Incorporating nutritional lithium, whether through dietary supplements or homeopathic remedies, can significantly enhance brain health and emotional stability.

By understanding lithium's interactions with sodium and potassium, we can better manage its use in supporting mental well-being and preventing the pitfalls of modern allopathic treatments.

In summary, lithium is a remarkable element with profound implications for both physical health and spiritual connection.

Harnessing its potential with intelligence and care can lead to a balanced, harmonious life.

Dr. Robert Selig


It is going to get heated as Mars, the planet of war, enters Aries, the cosmic ruler of Mars, increasing the fire intensity of Mars, which will heat up incrementally from June 1 to July 12 from a Vedic astrology perspective.

Mars Day is Tuesday, named after the Roman God of War.

What do we do on Tuesdays in popular culture?

We vote on Tuesdays, presidential speeches, declarations of war, and, of course, the infamous 9/ 11 was on a Tuesday.

Mars rules emergencies and wars, and since the alarm bell rang on 9/ 11, we have been at endless wars.

The alchemical metal of Mars is iron, which makes the planet red and is what makes your blood red, as Mars rules the blood.

As above, so below—from the 7 Hermetic principles, we will see the iron effect in us.

When the friction of iron increases, it will boil our blood with anger, belligerence, aggressivity, road rage, temper tantrums, and fights.

In an iron overload, when the iron gets mobilized into the limbic aspects of our emotions, then we see the hardened criminality with the r*pes, m*rder, and w*rs, and this is the fallen side of Mars.

Zinc is the higher octave and the higher superlative of iron in which iron fights the physical battles, but zinc, the co-ruler of Mars, fights the spiritual wars as zinc will always sacrifice itself for the greater good.

The whole building of civilization during the Iron Age, culminating with the Industrial Revolution, is all Mars energy, as we forged the iron from the earth's crust into steel to make the g*ns, tanks, planes, trains, b*mbs, and swords with that masculine patriarchal energy of war in this Yuga cycle.

However, when the spiritual warrior of zinc becomes depleted in us, then we see the fallen aspect of iron, which is all the inner demons and battles of our unresolved internal wars and conflicts.

After all, to protect the iron from oxidation, it is galvanized with that zinc coat to protect the iron/steel.

As we see, zinc is always the spiritual warrior, sacrificing itself for the greater good to add wisdom to that fighting spirit of Mars.

So iron, when balanced, will give us courage and willpower and fuel our passion.

The opposite pole to the over-aggressive side of Mars is when you become anemic, becoming the doormat getting walked upon because you lack that Mars courage to fight and stand for your truth to fight the good fight.

So be the warrior, stand up for your beliefs as the spiritual soldier, and have the Mars energy to fuel your passion.

Mineral balancing is an art and a science, and alchemy gives us a window into the cosmic forces of the minerals and that Mars iron energy in us so that we can be the heroes we were meant to be.

Dr. Robert Selig

[Stay tuned for the Mars presentation in my Science & Alchemy of Mineral Balancing series — COMING SOON!]


Xenoestrogens, the hormone imposters, smell like estrogen, look like estrogen, and taste like estrogen, but behave like toxic estrogen, as excess estrogens promote growth such as acne growth, fat growth, fibroid and cyst growth, and cancer growth.

A xenoestrogen can potentially exert its effect on any normal cells with estrogen receptors, causing an aberration of cell metabolism, turning into abnormal growth, including cancer.

Now, the newly emerging class of xenoestrogens are the metalloestrogens such as aluminum, antimony, arsenite, barium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, selenite, tin, and vanadate.

Yet, the worst of the metalloestrogens is copper.

Yes, copper, that innocent, beautiful metal of Venus, has everything to do with estrogens; just as copper, since the beginning of time, has always been the metal of Venus, encapsulating the energy of Venus in mineral form, making copper the most feminine metal in us just as estrogen is the most feminine hormone in us.

Copper is a nutrient mineral, but when in excess overload, copper is the worst of the metalloestrogens because of its intimate relationship with the estrogens, which influence the signaling of estrogen receptors because nothing moves electrons like copper.

Excess toxic metalloestrogens, through molecular mimicry and ionic mimicry during pregnancy, can get into the fetus's developing brain while in the uterus, turning boys into girls.

Hence, the emasculation of the male species.

The s***m count is on a precipitous nose dive into oblivion as excess copper destroys zinc, making men zinc-deficient and infertile.

The s***m are loaded with zinc, as even science coined the phrase "the zinc spark of life" when the zinc-loaded s***m hits the egg, creating the spark of life.

However, men are now shooting blanks due to excess copper as well as all the other chemicals and metals blocking zinc.

Now, we are facing an epidemic of infertility that is only worsening.

Dr. Robert Selig


It's the Age of Toxicity, the Age of Awakening, and the Age of Revealing—but our deceivers are hard at work so you go back to sleep.

As most will continue to follow the path of deception, listen to their masters, take the knee and add more Pharma-sanctioned poisonous drugs to add to the cesspool of toxicity, we wonder why we are all gravely sick as we witness firsthand cancer skyrocketing.

The toxic metals are the worst offenders of human health.

Metals last longer than 'forever chemicals,' and that's a long time.

That's why we name the great cycles of time after the metals, hence, the golden age, the silver age, the bronze age (copper), and the iron age (iron overload).

Minerals are a cosmic force that will create life and health, but when toxic metals bioaccumulate, they destroy life.

Dr. Robert Selig


Copper is crucial for health, yet it can become toxic if not properly bound.

This critical balance hinges on copper’s state within the body.

In a situation of copper overload, excess copper is unbound and acts like a free radical, causing damage.

This unbound copper cannot be used by the body, leading to a paradoxical deficiency despite its abundance.

Thus unfolds the Copper Paradox: a surplus of copper that simultaneously triggers a deficiency, underscoring the importance of maintaining strict control over this essential nutrient mineral.

This dual nature of copper highlights the essential balance required in its management for optimal health benefits.

Dr. Robert Selig

-Watch this reel from Dr. Robert Selig

—From the podcast “The Hormone Solution with Karen Martel: The Detrimental Effects of Mineral Deficiency and Toxic Effects of Heavy Metals with Dr. Robert Selig” - Listen here


The World Health Organization has stated that one-third of the world's population is severely deficient in zinc.

I assert that 98% of people globally suffer from a marginal, subtle zinc deficiency, which standard lab tests today fail to detect.

However, through serial hair tissue mineral analysis, we can uncover this zinc deficiency over time, particularly in adults.

Adults, often poor eliminators, struggle to remove toxic metals from their bodies, taking anywhere from one to seven years to effectively mobilize these metals.

As mercury and other toxic metals are expelled, the zinc levels in hair tests, typically appearing within optimal ranges and providing a false sense of security, will start to reflect the real deficiency.

Once these toxic metals are removed, zinc reclaims its crucial role in enzyme binding sites, confirming my initial claim of widespread, subtle zinc deficiencies among the population.

Dr. Robert Selig

Watch this reel to learn more:

For more insights, listen to the full discussion on Mitolife Radio with Matt Blackburn:


Does molybdenum deplete zinc?

This question arises as mineral interaction charts often show varying relationships between these two elements.

Zinc and molybdenum both play a critical role in regulating copper levels in the body, operating synergistically within the mineral matrix.

Unlike some relationships where one mineral may deplete another, zinc does not reduce molybdenum levels; instead, they work together to maintain balance.

In the body's process of metabolizing alcohol, the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) in the cytosol requires zinc as a cofactor to convert alcohol into an aldehyde.

Following this, in the mitochondria, the molybdenum-dependent enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) converts this aldehyde into acetate, a less harmful compound, illustrating their collaborative effect.

The question of why one might supplement with high doses of molybdenum is linked to its significant role in the copper-zinc balance, crucial for controlling histamine release and breakdown.

Molybdenum also serves as an antioxidant and is essential in defending against cancers, particularly those related to the gastrointestinal tract and associated with nitrates and nitrosamines.

Additionally, it aids in iron storage and is necessary for fat metabolism.

It's important to note that a deficiency in molybdenum is commonly indicated by hair tissue mineral analysis in most, if not all, of my patients.

Dr. Robert Selig


Zinc has everything to do with transcription factors for gene expression, but zinc is being antagonized at an alarming rate by mercury, cadmium, lead, and aluminum.

Additionally, numerous chemicals, phytates, and oxalates can all displace zinc.

The two all-star minerals, magnesium and zinc, form your DNA auditing system, which is under attack as we witness the explosion of cancer diagnoses in our population—where one in two adults will receive a cancer diagnosis.

Dr. Robert Selig


Magnesium is the ambassador of the Sun, bridging the plants and the Sun to birth the entire food chain for life on planet Earth through photosynthesis.

Magnesium encapsulates the Magnetic, Majestic, Magdelene, Mysterious, and Magical energies of the Sun.

As the Sun journeys through the 12 houses of the zodiac, it is no coincidence that Magnesium is #12 on the table of elements.

The magnetism of Magnesium brings life to our 12 meridians to emanate the 12 cranial nerves and radiate the 12 organ systems to bring life to every cell in us.

Dr. Robert Selig


The Moon's biophotonic luminescence reflects sunlight, influencing fertility and menstruation through its electromagnetic impact on the Pineal gland and the posterior pituitary, both governed by the Moon.

The "Wounded Witch" miasm scars us physically, emotionally, and spiritually, deep within the sacred vaults of our brain chemistry.

It has plunged this planet into its darkest epochs.

Historically, witches represented the archetypical feminine energy that balances the fiery masculine energy of the Sun.

The oldest tale known to humanity is that of light versus darkness, Sun versus Moon.

Witches were the herbalists, the 'witch doctors' who supported pregnant mothers, whether through midwifery, treating lactation issues like mastitis, or aiding with labor pains, umbilical problems, or postpartum depression, harnessing thousands of years of sublime, divine matriarchal wisdom.

These mother moon magnetic witch doctors have traditionally guided the birthing process as nature intended.

Witches also aided young women in understanding their divine feminine power during their rites of passage.

They assisted the dying in their transition to other realms.

As masters of plant medicine, wise women aligned their knowledge with the Moon’s cycles of fertility, sexuality, vegetation, and animal migration.

They served as caretakers of the garden and guardians of Mother Earth.

To dominate the planet, one had to control the Mother Magnetic Magdalene Moon energy, transforming hormones into 'whoremones.'

This control system starts in the womb, as most births today occur in hospitals.

Typically, labor is induced with Pitocin, a synthetic form of Oxytocin, governed by the Moon, while the anterior pituitary, influenced by the Sun, is disregarded.

The administration of Pitocin leads to severe contractions because the drug prompts the release of calcium.

In astrological symbolism, calcium is linked to Saturn, known as 'Father Time,' which governs themes of restriction and limitation, mirroring the intense contractions that restrict and shape the birth process.

These intense contractions often necessitate an epidural to manage the pain.

The use of synthetic Oxytocin, meant to foster bonds of love and trust, becomes corrupted, impacting not just the mother's Pineal and posterior pituitary glands but also the baby, distorting foundational aspects of human consciousness.

Thus, what should be a natural process of life is overshadowed by powerful drugs, setting the stage for absolute control and perpetuating the enslavement of souls through occult black magic rituals.

As long as this wounded witch phenomenon persists, it will continue to haunt us until the Sun and Moon regain equilibrium.

Dr. Robert Selig

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Videos (show all)

Binders and Mobilizing Toxic Metals
In the vast landscape of biological elements, zinc stands out as a crucial moderator of essential metabolic and structur...
Colloidal Silver & Acute Infections
Mineral Balancing & Homeopathic Remedies | Dr. Robert Selig
The Profound Role of Lithium in Human Health | Dr. Robert Selig D.C. - Back To Natural Health
The Copper Paradox: Copper Overload & Copper Deficiency
Zinc Deficiency: 98% Of The World Silently Afflicted
The Moon - The Mother Principle and Nutrition - Pt. 1 - The Science and Alchemy of Mineral Balancing
🔬 Zinc fingers make up 10% of all proteins in your body. 🧬
The War On Zinc & The Enemies Of Zinc | The Zinc Crisis (A World Without Zinc Pt. 2) Dr. Robert Selig
Understanding The Role Of Calcium In The Body
The Zinc Crisis: Why Everyone Is Deficient in Zinc | A World Without Zinc - Dr. Robert Selig DC



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