Vanguard University Division of Theology

From Leadership Studies to Theology, these programs offer the opportunity to grow in your knowledge

Vanguard University's Graduate Religion Department provides Masters level education within a covenantal learning community. Characterized by passionate teaching and learning of Scripture, theology, spirituality and leadership, our MALS and MTS degrees equip students for the purpose of transforming individuals, relationships, and communities around the globe.


Congratulations to all graduating lions! We have truly loved having you in our program. We are prayerful that you have a Spirit-filled summer and that you are attune to the voice of God in the next season of your life.


We have a new dean! To celebrate we want to invite you to come to the theology office today between 3:00 and 4:30 to meet Dr. Brathwaite and grab a donut. See you there!


What are core theology classes everyone takes at Vanguard? One is Christian Heritage. Christian Heritage teaches students the history of the Church so they can understand the history of their faith.


Life cannot exist without light, and we have the most sustaining light there is shining on us wherever we go, enlivening and empowering us to love others well.


Dr. Macchia's book on systematic theology has been published! This book will be used as a resource and textbook for courses in the future here at Vanguard! Message us for the link to purchase.

Here is an EXCLUSIVE interview with the author:

1) What is the most important thing the book teaches/discusses?

As a full-blown systematic theology, the book teaches many things! If I were called upon to point to one thing, it would be the God-centeredness of all of life to which theology should point in wonderment and witness. As the title of my book shows, I drew inspiration when writing my book from the fact that the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that gave birth to the church at the Day of Pentecost caused the initial company of Christ’s followers to “declare the wonders of God” through many diverse “tongues of fire” (Acts 2:11). The wonders of God! Those wonders are rooted in what God has revealed in Christ and through the pages of scripture. But those wonders are also context specific and ongoing. Theology in many diverse contexts is caught up in praise and worship but also seeks to guide such expression of faith by drawing out their implications and highlighting their significance. Always seeking to be faithful to what God has revealed, theology is nevertheless aware of its limitations. A particular work in theology never claims to have in its grasp the final word, but always seeks to listen and to learn, especially from voices other than its own.

2) Why did you write the book?

I wrote Tongues of Fire to bring my work as a systematic theologian to a head. Tongues of Fire is a Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith because it seeks to understand the various doctrines of the faith in terms of their unity and coherence. Though there is plenty of creative tension involved in our search for truth, I've assumed also throughout the book that the truths involved in the Christian faith are not fragmented or disconnected but rather form a unity around what God has done and revealed. So, I attempt to grant my readers something of the “big picture” of the major truths of the faith in terms of how they overlap and hang together. But no systematic theology can capture God and God’s works in all of their transcendent and diverse beauty. Each systematic theology thus functions in part like a work of art. Each systematic theology attempts to grant a glimpse of the big picture through a different lens. Each one inspires and informs. No single one can claim ultimate significance. My lens from the start of my writing was Pentecost, more particularly, the gift of the Spirit imparted by the Father through Christ in that event. I wrote Baptized in the Spirit for Zondervan way back in 2006 so as to propose viewing the areas of Christian doctrine through the lens of what happened at Pentecost, or in a way that highlights the gift of the Spirit. I then wrote Justified in the Spirit for Eerdmans in 2010 to discuss the doctrine of salvation through the same pneumatological lens. I wrote, Jesus the Spirit Baptizer for Eerdmans in 2018 to discuss Christology through that same lens. In 2020, I released The Spirit Baptized Church through T & T Clark to view the nature and purpose of the church through the lens of Pentecost as well. With each of these doctrines, I asked the question concerning what difference a heftier attention to

the Spirit might make in each of these areas of theological concern. For example, in Christology, if the Spirit’s overflowing victory in the embodied life of Jesus is the goal of his taking on flesh and going to a cross, how might we in this light then speak more richly of the incarnation and the atonement? Though I had covered a number of topics through the lens of Pentecost, I felt that it would be most beneficial to grant my readers the big picture in one volume and do so in a way that would cover crucial topics that I had not explored in print before, topics like the nature of theology (especially systematic theology), the major schools of thought of systematic theology in the modern era, the doctrine of God (four chapters are devoted to God!), and the topic of eschatology or final purposes. In the process of putting it all together in one volume, I not only included topics that I had not explored in depth before, I re-worked the arguments of my earlier books so as to sharpen and to clarify my vision. I now feel as though I’ve brought my life’s work to a sense of completion. I say a “sense” since there is still more for me to write. But I envision my future writing to be less ambitious and more particularized than my previous work.

3) What did God teach you while writing it?

God has taught me many things during the writing of this book, too many to list here! If I were asked to mention one it would be the responsibility of systematic theology to aid in the praise and witness of the churches. While still conversing with the larger academy, I felt the passion as never before to do systematic theology in a way that inspires and informs preachers and others involved in leading the church’s praise and witness. I also hope that the book will enrich the Christian life and witness of all who read it. I’ve always felt that my writing speaks to me first before it speaks to others. If I feel the witness of these pages deep within, I am, in a sense, content. I have voiced what I have wondered and prayed about, what I have come to understand about the wonders of God. I truly hope that God will use the book to draw others more deeply into their own spiritual and intellectual journeys. Let all things be done unto edification (1 Cor. 14:26)! But I have no control over how God may use what I have written. Once the book is released, the rest is up to God. May God receive the glory.

4) Is there anything the reader should pay special attention to while reading?

Among other things, I want my readers to pay attention to my use of scripture, and not only my use, but that of the many voices from history and church contexts other than my own that I discuss in my quest for truth. I hope that readers will look up key texts and read them while reading my book. I want my theology to draw people to the sacred text to which I have found myself returning again and again with a fresh ear throughout the many contexts of my life. If the readers come to believe that I have missed something (and they most likely will!), they are encouraged to add that to their learning. If I have provoked a reader to listen afresh to the many different texts of scripture that I discuss (and beyond), I’ve accomplished my task.


What are core theology classes everyone takes at Vanguard? One is Christian Worldview. Christian Worldview brings real world circumstances and culture into the classroom so they can be discussed and understood through a lens of faith.


God is sovereign over all. We cannot do anything to mess up His plan for creation. Truth will always win!


n case nobody reminded you of this today, Jesus really love you.


What are core theology classes everyone takes at Vanguard? One is Old Testament Survey. The Old Testament can seem large and daunting, but OT Survey makes it accessible for everyone to understand.


Jesus came to offer new life. To bring salvation. To give everyone access to His presence. Wow.


Miss Dr. Groenbech-Dam's presentation? We have it on our YouTube! Find us at vutheology or dm us and we can send you the link directly!


What are core theology classes everyone takes at Vanguard? One is Foundations of Christian Life (the course equivalent of Intro to Theology for non-theology majors). We believe every Christian should know the basis and basics of their faith!


Passion week is a powerful reminder of all Jesus suffered through so that we might be cleansed of our sins. It's also a powerful reminder of what actually matters. Jesus did not come to rule politically or conquer through military force, but to build a spiritual Kingdom of devoted followers committed to one another in love.


We have a master's degree in women and justice! Our leadership studies graduate program has a women and justice track. Interested? Read the description below!

Women in leadership produce more durable peace agreements, healthier families, and stronger economic communities according to the literature. This concentration prepares leaders to bring redemptive resolutions to current challenges in community life, particularly concerning women and justice issues within the family, church and society. Coursework invites biblical and theological reflection, practical application, and consideration of current cultural and global realities for women, including violence, human trafficking, and marginalization.


What are core theology classes everyone takes at Vanguard? One is New Testament Survey, which provides an overview of the whole New Testament, equipping all students to read the NT well, while making the historical context come alive!


God is so powerful; even His name has strength we can't even comprehend!


Meet DJ and Maya Hernandez! DJ is a Vanguard Alum who majored in business. He and his wife of 7 months have a house church in Newport called Rise, where they meet in their apartment every Friday night at 6:30 PM. Rise came out of the Zeal House Church movement about a year and a half ago, and has made it its mission to leave no place left in orange county unreached. DJ and Maya bonded over their heart for people and their calling to mission work. They want to help equip new and seasoned believers to share the gospel in a simple way. Interested in being part of what they're doing? Feel free to DM us for more information!


Wanting to dive deeper into your faith? Vanguard's General Christian Studies major enables you to find what path God is putting you on in life while exploring the foundations of the Christian faith. The interest form link is in our bio!


This week is St. Patrick's Day! St. Patrick is an incredible example of one who brought the Gospel and declared God's glory to those backgrounds different than his own. Let us follow in his example and share the wonder of the Lord with others who have yet to hear it!


You're invited to join us on campus for a presentation on "Jesus: the Just and Merciful New David." Dr. Marc Groenbech-Dam will be sharing snippets from his dissertation wherein he draws connections between the Old Testament and New Testament with special attention on David and Jesus. You will learn how Matthew's portrayal of Jesus as the new David reverses the acts of the old kingdom and promotes a new rule of justice and mercy. Questions will be welcome and highly encouraged following the presentation.

All are welcome to come. The Division of Theology will provide light snacks and refreshments.


Feel called to youth ministry? Vanguard's Youth Leadership program provides practical teaching so that you can help love and lead the next generation of disciples. The interest form link is in our bio!


When we think of the most defining characteristics of who God is, we cannot neglect that He is RIGHTEOUS. He is JUST. He is LOVING. He is FAITHFUL.


Good news Theology Majors and Minors, we have an event for YOU! Details below:
-Wednesday, March 15 @ 6:00pm-8:00pm
-Location: Heath Great Commission Hall/Division of Theology Office
-Mini snacks provided


Hoping to learn how to discipleship well? Vanguard's Christian Formation & Discipleship program empowers and equips you to partner with God in making disciples. The interest form link is in our bio!


We have a yearning for eternity in our heart, but we do not have the capacity to understand all that God has planned for eternity. He is THAT great. Not only that, but He has woven beauty into every seem of His plan.


If you haven't read Dr. Westbrook's book, Because You Are With Me, add it to your list. This is a must read! Here's what Dr. Westbrook had to say about this powerful perspective on Psalm 23:

1. What is the book about?
This book is about how we can get more insight into the meaning of the 23rd Psalm if we understand it as the poem that it is. When we do this, it becomes very clear that the entire Psalm is centered on the main idea that the Lord is with us—He is present in the midst of all we experience. Really knowing this singular fact can change our entire lives, no matter what our circumstances may be at any given time.
2. Why did you write the book?
The Lord led me to this text when I was speaking at a retreat, and as I began to dig deeply into this Psalm, I knew there was a book to be written. Then my dear friend got cancer, and as I walked with her through treatment, her death and transition from this life to the next, and the process of grief and loss with shared friends, the writing of this book was part of all these experiences as they happened.
3. What did God teach you while writing it?
Many things! One of the most important is that our identity and security as human beings does not depend at all on the things that happen to us. At the core, we are who our Creator Redeemer makes us to be in relationship with Him. This reality is not changed by our circumstances, or even by how well we perform in responding to those circumstances. However, our genuine awareness of how and why our Lord is with us in it all—the wonderful things and the indescribably difficult things—will dramatically change the way we experience life.
4. Is there anything the reader should pay special attention to while reading?
Put aside the many distractions surrounding you and listen for what the Lord will speak to you through His word.


Want to study the most interesting and important book in history? Vanguard's Biblical Studies program empowers and equips you to study and understand the Bible better than you ever could before. The interest form link is in our bio!


He is with you. Meditate on that. In the dark, when you feel lost, His guiding and corrective hands hold yours.


Hoping to go into mission work or just learn how to interact with other cultures lovingly? Vanguard Theology has got you covered! The interest form link is in our bio!


Our justification is not evident through the traditions we hold, but through the faith we have that is made obvious in our love for one another.


Interested in becoming a pastor or learning good leadership and soul care skills? We have just the program for you! The interest form link is in our bio!


All of our decisions should be made from our fear of God, understanding His infinite wisdom from our relationship with Him. He knows how to live full life, and He wants to invite us into that through our understanding of Him, which then guides how we walk through life.


Just in case you forgot, we have some pretty cool theology majors. We are so proud of each student that comes through our program. Not only are they devoted to a faithful study of God's word, but they are just amazing individuals to do life with!


And this could be you!


Dr. Estrada has released another book! Here's what he had to say about it!

What is the most important thing the book teaches/discusses?
This book provides a Latino reading of John’s prologue with special attention to how the themes of race, kinship, and the empire are woven throughout the gospel. By drawing from the insights of Latino texts and theology, this book reveals how the prologue provides a lens to read the entire gospel with a keen awareness of Jesus’s engagement with people groups―from his own family to the Roman authorities. As I believe, the prologue shapes the reader’s imagination even before a person enters the narrative. By understanding the function of the prologue, we have a better sense on how we are to understand Jesus’s identity.

Why did you write the book?
I wrote this book because I was very frustrated with the lack of attention to the role of race, kinship, and the empire in studies that focus on the prologue. Many interpretations of the prologue are very theological and do not touch with the real flesh-and-blood realities of life and people groups in the ancient world. So this book, was in some sense, a way of tamping down the overtly theological interpretations of these passages that fail to miss the real implications that this language has for people. But I did not want to write another book on the prologue of John. So instead, I wanted to interact with Latino theologians and scholars. For this reason, I purposefully engaged with Latino theologians, history, and culture in each of these main themes of race, kinship, and the empire.

What did God teach you while writing it?
What I learned through this process was simply to be thankful for my cultural experiences and identity. As a Latino biblical scholar, we are taught to denounce our identity and try to read the Bible from an “objective” perspective. But this never felt right because many of my thoughts, questions, and concerns come from my cultural identity and heritage. How was I supposed to ignore these experiences that God had granted me? I could not. Instead, through this process I learned to embrace and be thankful for my cultural identity. This is why I dedicate this book to my grandmother who taught me the language of my culture and values of my faith. I bring to the forefront my cultural identity that has always been there, but now fully participating in the interpretive process. We all do this, in some way or another. I just wanted to make my cultural identity explicit instead of pretending that it is not there.

Is there anything the reader should pay special attention to while reading?
This is a very scholarly book, but it also engages Latino theology, culture, and history. So you will certainly learn some Latino history, key ideologies, and cultural values. If you are interested in reading a distinct Latino perspective on the gospel, this one provides a great opportunity.


Morning and night, let His praise be on our lips! Coast to coast let His worship be be given by all!


Join us in Seymour on February 23rd at 6:00 PM for this powerful documentary of "life on the ground" in Israel-Palestine today (followed by a Q&A with Director Todd Morehead), as we join the film makers on their journey of gaining God's heart for both Jews and Palestinians, learning to love one's enemies, and offering hope for reconciliation.


"I have found myself wondering, lately, whether my heart reflects the heart of God - especially as it comes to the fate of the “wicked.” As it turns out, almost every time I have a particular someone or group of someones I can identify as evil or wicked or, even, bad, the first thing that comes to mind is not “Lord, have mercy,” much less, “Father, forgive them.” While I am deeply grateful that mercy has been extended to me, I am not so quick to wish it extended to “them.” To be sure, there are evil deeds needing to be punished - justice, both retributive and restorative, needing to be done. There is judgement for those who would not let love transform them; to allow for rejection is love’s weeping way. But the more I learn the way of Jesus, the more I discover mercy and grace beyond my imagination. Perhaps the reason return feels so long delayed is not just for the “thems,” but for people like me who have a ways to go before the heart of the Father formed in me."
-Dr. Bill Dogterom-

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Videos (show all)

🚨ATTENTION ALL THEOLOGY MAJORS AND MINORS🚨We have a special contest just for you! We want to hear why you came to Vangua...
Follower of Christ: “Do I need to take the devil seriously?” Dr. Tyra: “Yes.” Follower of Christ: “Why?” Dr. Tyra:“Becau...





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