Freedom Fitness-Personal Training Studio

Freedom Fitness Personal Training, LLC has a mission to teach men and women the power of living in freedom from fear of food and exercise.

Our vision is to teach clients to live in fullness in all aspects of life.

Why The Healthy Teacher 12/14/2023

Hey new friends! 👋 Together with Lauren Ross, we've channeled our passion into a mission: helping educators break free from negative mindsets, thought patterns, and daily habits. 🧠💪

the_healthy_teacher_ has been our platform to elevate this passion 🍎📚

Check out this short clip to see the heart of our work and why we're so passionate about it. 🌈✨

Why The Healthy Teacher The Healthy Teacher includes:One calendar year in our one-stop online platform where your staff will have access to:-time-efficient (30-35 min) workouts that...


Should Freedom Fitness-Personal Training run a “Black Friday” sale?
Your opinion will definitely help. Thanks in advance, fam!


Well fam, it's that time of year again…Where the average person gains 8-12 pounds in a few months. If you want to avoid or minimize Holiday fat gain, this is for you.
The goal of the Holiday Nutrition Coaching is to help you not stress about Holiday events and meals. I’ll teach you how to work your calories and macros into big meals or parties you have throughout the next few months. In the last 11 years, I've worked with a lot of clients who have so much anxiety around the holidays…some of it coming from life experiences but a decent portion stemming from the fear of foods. One of the ways I've been able to aid in reducing anxiety is by helping them not worry about weight gain or nutrition during this time.
If you don't stress during the Holidays, that's awesome and I hope you enjoy every second of them! But if you're someone who tend to stress about gaining weight during the Holidays, I want to help you enjoy them a little more! Whether it‘s with me or not, you deserve to have Holidays that make you feel at peace! Shoot me a DM or email [email protected].
Happy Monday friends!

Photos from Freedom Fitness-Personal Training Studio's post 10/02/2023

We believe 3 things will come as a by-product of MET.
Metanoía is the 2nd we want to introduce. Metanoía is the change of one’s mind, way of thinking and/or perspective.
We teach researched truth that changes the way our clients view food, health, fitness, muscle, the scale and fat loss.
We hope you have already began to experience Metanoía through our post and/or our relationship.
Have you experienced this? Do you hope to gain a new perspective?

Photos from Freedom Fitness-Personal Training Studio's post 10/01/2023

We believe 3 things will come as a by-product of MET.
Metanoía is the 2nd we want to introduce. Metanoía is the change of one’s mind, way of thinking and/or perspective.
We teach researched truth that changes the way our clients view food, health, fitness, muscle, the scale and fat loss.
We hope you have already began to experience Metanoía through our post and/or our relationship.
Have you experienced this? Do you hope to gain a new perspective?

Time to become a METoholic! 09/29/2023

Time to become a METoholic! -

Time to become a METoholic! MET is an online fitness group designed to help individuals grow in their understanding of proper health. We focus on the physical and mental aspects of fitness, aiming to build a community of encouragement.

Photos from Freedom Fitness-Personal Training Studio's post 09/29/2023

We believe 3 things will come as a by-product of MET.
Metamorphosis is the 1st we want to introduce. Metamorphosis is the change of shape or form of something.
From our nutrition guidance and workout regimes, clients begin to see metamorphosis happening right before their eyes.
We hope you have already began to experience metamorphosis from our programs. Many of you have lost several inches and even pounds of stress just from us living out our purpose.
Do you have a personal experience where you have seen your body change and your body image become more healthy?


😎 MET IS BACK! Become a Met-ohiloc and join the MET funhouse community!

What you will get: 🎉

-4 workouts/week
-Personalized Nutrition 🌮
-Weekly MET-ings to grow in health knowledge
-Recipes 👩🏾‍🍳
-The MET funhouse community
-Affirmation Cards
-24-hour access to coaches 📲
-Exercise video demos

- - - -

📧-> Drop your email to receive more info!


Flashback to 10 years ago:
I was training for my first bodybuilding competition.
I was spot on with my nutrition.
I worked out 2 times a day for 1.5-2hrs each.
I meal prepped EVERYTHING I ATE.
I got at least 8 hrs of sleep.
I learned posing from the best in the business.
I got advice throughout my whole prep from a former Mr. USA.
I did every single thing I was asked to do, and I did it 100%...BUT I HAD NO BUSINESS TRYING TO LOSE WEIGHT AND I HAD NO BUSINESS COMPETING.
My mind was inside out and upside down. All I thought about was looking shredded. Food and exercise consumed my whole life. I never did anything else, ever. I never went out to eat. I never went out with friends. I never stayed out late (partially because I’d fall asleep at 6pm). My body was so depleted and my mind was even worse.
Prior to this contest prep, I had lost about 40 pounds...but I still wasn’t happy with my body so I figured I would be if I had a competition body.
But the crazy thing was, I didn’t even like how I looked at the show! I spent the entire time comparing my body to other competitors…
Let me rephrase myself, I spent the ENTIRE time thinking I was less than the other competitors.

“Damn, her legs are more cut than mine.”
“She has a 6-pack and I don’t”
“Her shoulders look better than mine.”
“Her last spread is so much better than mine.”
“There’s no way I'll beat her…or her…or her”
I couldn’t celebrate the crazy work I had put in because I was too busy still picking out the things that “still needed work”…
And honestly, The same holds true for some of you. If you’ve been “dieting” and losing weight for a long time, you need a break. Your body needs a break and your mind needs a break.
If you “cant” because you’re scared to gain any weight back, your mindset is unhealthy. I know that’s not fun to hear, but it’s true.
I said all of that to say this: I’ve been there. I’ve been so wrapped up in how my body looks that I couldn’t actually celebrate myself or other people. It really sucks. It’s miserable because it consumes your whole life…
But I’ve also learned how to combat a lot of these thoughts, so if you’re wanting to take a step in the direction of freedom, I’d love to help.
In a few days, I'll be rereleasing MET. It was a course Raegan and I ran 8ish years ago and the focus is on long-term physical and mental health.
If you’ve lived with the fear of gaining weight and have a hard time truly loving who you are, this course is definitely for you! There's more to come but in case your mind is playing tricks on you today, you’re worthy to be celebrated and you're worthy to live in freedom!
Thanks for reading😊

Photos from Freedom Fitness-Personal Training Studio's post 08/09/2021

has challenged us to get 20 participants to compete for a FREE July 4 beach weekend!
You will have the weekend at Mermaid’s Cove all to yourself! BUTT you can invite up to 5 friends if you choose 🥳
Drop your email to be sent the details and TAG YOUR NURSE FRIENDS! Remember, we need 20 people!


Hindsight is not 2020...
Lauren told me of a conversation with a client Monday. Amidst some banter she said, “well hindsight is 2020”.
He stoped and said, “eh, I disagree. Hindsight isn’t 2020, the truth is 2020”.
🤯👈🏽that was Lauren. And this was me when she told me 👉🏼😨
I’ve thought about that for the last two days. Hindsight isn’t 2020, the truth is. Hindsight doesn’t mean a thing if your perspective is still off.
If hindsight was 2020 people wouldn’t make the same mistakes over and over again.
This brings me to fat loss...hindsight is not 2020. If it was, no one would be overweight. Most people “look back” at a time when they lost weight but their perspective is off because they are only seeing a small snapshot.
They look back on the time they lost 20 pounds for a beach trip by cutting out carbs or only eating salads for a month, and they think “I don’t like how I look, I should do that again”.
What they forgot about was how irritable they were, how terrible they felt and how quickly they gained the weight back. What took them a month to lose, they gained it back in a week.
But this is most people’s “hindsight”.
I want to offer you something better...I want to offer you truth.
The truth is: fat loss takes time.
1. You didn’t gain your weight overnight, so you can’t expect to lose it overnight.
2. You’re not going to get everything right. Messing up is how we learn...and that’s okay!
3. Fat loss should be a byproduct of a healthy lifestyle, it shouldn’t be your lifetime goal. Yes, your body fat percentage plays a role in your overall health but if you focus on how you look more than how you feel, your chances of starting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are slim.
If you’re someone who has yo-yo dieted you’re whole life, there’s a better option...but it takes you shifting from “hindsight is 2020” to “truth is 2020”.
Thanks for reading! Love you guys!


Yesterday I asked about protein distribution. Here is the answer:
Research has shown that a balanced protein distribution is most important in terms of muscle gain.
The goal is to intake enough protein in each meal to stimulate anabolism. Stimulating this multiple times a day will be more beneficial in the long run.
This chart shows the comparison of a balanced protein distribution pattern vs. an unbalanced protein distribution pattern.
When eating in accordance to the left side, a group gained more muscle size than a group who ate in accordance to the right.
As for now, focus on getting that protein in, and if you can, it’s best to try and balance your protein within meals.
Diagram/Chart from “The Complete Contest Prep Guide” .


*NOTE: BY THE END OF THE DAY, BOTH OPTIONS EQUAL THE SAME AMOUNT OF PROTEIN! This question is regarding protein distribution.
Did you know that protein helps build muscle? It does this through a process called, protein synthesis.
To initiate protein synthesis, one has to eat a certain amount of protein in one sitting.
The question here today is: is it best to ignite protein synthesis multiple times a day with smaller amounts of protein or hit it hard with one large protein meal?
Drop your guesses below!


Isn’t it interesting that we think losing 1 pound a week is bad?!
🙋🏽‍♀️I hear clients say “I only lost 1 pound this week” with disappointment in their voice, while that 1 pound loss should be celebrated!
👏🏽It takes a lot for your body to lose a pound!
🌀But because of comparison, we end up being sad about this instead of excited.
🙅🏽‍♀️There are tv shows, products and procedures that make the world believe that you should only be proud of yourself if you’ve lost 5-10 pounds a week. This is not true and that sort of progress (most of the time) will NOT last and can’t be sustained.
✅True, lasting progress can look many different ways:
👉🏽 Are you getting stronger?
👉🏽 Are you sleeping better?
👉🏽 Are your clothes fitting different?
👉🏽 Is your quality of life better?
👉🏽 Are you losing body fat?
💯Remember, longevity should be your focus, not weight. If your focus is longevity, you will lose weight in the process. If your focus is weight, you’ll probably miss longevity.
How long did it take me to be this size, you ask? -Well, it took me 3 years of getting a better understanding of food and calories AND 3 years of building muscle and a healthy mindset. It was definitely a lifestyle change. BUT, now, I can live freely without the fear of gaining weight on vacation and the fears of not being able to use self control to lose the weight I gained.
☺️Change your mind and you will change your fitness journey! I promise it’s for the better!
Tag a friend who would benefit from this 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽


It doesn’t matter!
How you chose to distribute your carb intake doesn’t impact body composition. However, research has shown that consuming both protein and carbs in the same sitting/meal has a better impact on the body’s anabolic response.
Ending comments:
1. Carbs are not the Devil.
2. It doesn’t matter how you distribute them. The body is competent and will draw from your carb sources as it needs throughout the day/within your workout.
3. Pairing carbs with protein is wise, BUT not at the expense of going over your calories.


Which is best?
Drop your answers below 👇🏼


My ring won’t even fit!
Have you experienced weight gain during vacation? Have your shorts felt tight? Have your rings not been able to slide on? Your face get a little more pudgy?
Many of the times, while on vacation, we tend to not pay as close attention to our food. We eat things we don’t usually eat while back home and we allow ourselves to get a little slack with extra snacking and bigger meals.
Nothing is wrong with enjoying yourself on vacay. What tends to happen is vacation foods are higher in sodium. Sodium can affect your weight and your size, but it does not mean you have actually gained FAT.
Don’t be upset that you are swollen or have gained some weight on the scale from vacation. Drink lots of water and keep smiling!
What tends to happen is we blame ourselves for eating too much or cast our blame onto carbs. I am willing to bet this has been you?
Trust this: Everything will equal back out after vacation when you return to your normal schedule. Allow yourself to enjoy the food on vacation (still being in control of your emotions and portions).
Honestly, my ring wouldn’t fit when I woke up but just 2 hours later, it went right on. Get up, move, drink water, p*e it out and keep on going.
Enjoy yourself!!

Photos from Freedom Fitness-Personal Training Studio's post 07/26/2021

August 1st will begin our 8-week program exclusively for Nurses. If you know a Nurse tag them below! We’d love to have them join us! 👨🏽‍⚕️🧑🏻‍⚕️👩🏼‍⚕️🧑🏾‍⚕️

Photos from Freedom Fitness-Personal Training Studio's post 07/23/2021

Most will answer “I have no clue!” 🤷🏾‍♀️🤦🏻‍♂️

Well, you are in luck because we have an easy tip to tell!

Simply check your p*e color!


If that is your response, don’t worry. It requires only observation.. 😂

Think of your hydration level as a color scale. The darker the yellow, the less hydrated you are. Keep it slightly yellow, and you are a good fellow. 😏

IMPORTANT NOTE: 💧You don’t want your p*e to be completely clear. Translucent urine is a sign of getting too much water.

Your challenge: Aim to reach the perfect p*e color 3 out of the 7 days of the week. This will help you learn how much water is right for you!


Your health will suffer or strengthen with the relationships you surround yourself with.
Here are 4 signs you have healthy friends:
1- They can take compliments well. This shows strength in identity and self-worth.
2-They do not run from confrontation. This shows they see you as a person and not as your actions or beliefs.
3-They encourage others. A person who encourages believes in community and knows that two heads are better than one.
4- They laugh more than they complain. These people are life-giving and will only add to your health!
Tag your person who portrays 1-4!

Photos from Freedom Fitness-Personal Training Studio's post 06/21/2021

Just because your friend lifts, that weight doesn’t mean it’s what you should lift.
Too often, people injure themselves in the gym. Lifting too much weight is one variable that can cause pulls and tears in the muscles or ligaments.
I tell my clients to start lighter than they think and use an RPE scale to know if they should move up or not.
The fact is, you and your friend are built differently, have different life experiences, and most likely do not have the same muscle composition. Keep in mind that your muscle doesn’t know how much weight it is lifting; it just knows when it is working. Therefore, it doesn’t matter how much weight you lift, as long as it works the muscle well.
Swipe for our RPE scale.


I’m going to be doing a few posts on the fitness industry, in order to break down some common lies you may not know about.
🏃🏾‍♂️First up, fitness models.
🙋🏽‍♀️Just like the disclaimer in the infograph, this doesn’t pertain to every single fitness model, however, it does describe a lot of them.
💰Fitness models are typically paid a sum of money to promote a specific brand or product. They receive this offer because of A) They have a huge social media following. B) They have won a fitness competition of some sort. C) They are super shredded. .
💡Here are some things you need to know:
1. Even if they post tons of crazy meals on their social media, that’s not how they eat 99% of the time. For the most part, their meals are pretty boring...some form of lean protein and veggies will monopolize the majority of their food intake.
2. The pictures they post have some form of photoshop to them. Even pictures they post that haven’t been professionally taken will have a filter or touch-ups added. We can all thank technology and the bizillion apps at our disposal for quick pic photoshops. .
3. This is the one that irritates me the most. Some advertise products that they’ve never used and would never use. So if someone is promoting a “fat burner” pill, you can bet it’s a load of crap and, more than likely, the model has never used it. .
🏋🏽‍♀️Let me end by saying this: I personally know men and women who are extremely genuine and honest when it comes to their social media influence. They don’t promote anything they don’t actually use...some are just freaks of nature and can stay super lean all year long. Hahaha
⭐️Find those kinds of people and follow them! They have posts geared towards encouraging and helping you! .
Any questions, leave them below 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽


When you and your best friend accidentally match 🤣
We can’t help it. Like their protein, they are just the best.
If you haven’t tried ’s coffee protein powder yet, you are missing out.
🔹20g of protein
🔸120 calories, 4g carbs, 2.5G fat
🔹 No artificial flavors, No added sugar, Gluten free
Use our code at check out for 10% off! Our favorite is the OG💫


Having the awareness and discipline to be present changes the game when it comes to winning at life.
🤷🏽‍♀️Most people tend to live from their past. They dwell on past decisions, situations, conversations and circumstances so much that they miss what’s going on right in front of them.
😳We even dwell on other people’s past. Think about for a second.
📱We scroll through, look at pictures other people have posted and we dwell on their past...because ever picture you see is a picture of someone’s past.
🙅🏻‍♂️This is where comparison and jealousy can set in. Once those two things take root in you, it’s a difficult task to uproot them.
👍🏽Disclaimer: I’m not saying that scrolling through IG is bad. But if it takes up the majority of your day, you may want to ask yourself why you spend so much time living in someone else’s past instead of going after your present...
Just some thoughts.
Be well friend!


After getting back into the gym, Lauren and I have been reminded just how dangerous the gym could be for those who do not understand form.
I cannot count how many people I have seen on the leg press with form that can cause severe lower back pain.
The biggest mistake men and women make is to allow their hips and butt to lift off the seat during the extension. This puts a large amount of pressure on your disks and over time can cause a herniation or a bulging disk‼️⚠️
Ouch! Keep that butt down, weight distributed evenly through your feet, squeeze the butt and drive through your heels.
*If you can’t keep your hips and butt down, you are trying to lift too much weight. Slow and steady growth wins the race, my friend.


Want to know one of the reasons why we love health?
Because there’s no quick fix, and no one else can do it for you. You have to choose to embrace the process of learning, screwing up, and growing.
Every person I’ve ever spoken with, who has been duped into quick fixes, regrets it. Crash diets, pills, wraps, and other forms of “fast progress” don’t last and put your mind and body in a worse state than you were in to begin with.
Choose to embrace the process...because choosing health means you have to choose the long game. It may be hard at first, but you’ll learn so many skills (mentally, emotionally, and physically) that will carry you through the rest of your life!
You’re worth living healthy...your worth going through the process.


I’m on a mission to let nothing steal my peace.
🤷🏽‍♀️Without peace, I lose sight of all the things I should be thankful for, and I only focus on, most of the time, one thing that is not going how I planned.
😳Worrying and constantly dwelling on anything that I can’t control steals my peace...and it’s not worth it.
🦄Over the next few days, some of you will have to see your families, and that may be hard.
🦖Some people have deep hurts, and you either need healing or are in the process of healing. And it makes the holidays a lot easier when you let go of trying to control the things you can’t control.
✅At times, you can’t control the healing process or have to be around certain family members, but you can choose to try and shift your thoughts so that you dwell on all the things you’re thankful for. I’m not saying it is an easy thing to do, but it is a beneficial thing to try.👍🏽
💯I know that may sound cliche, but it does work.
🔥Remember: if it cost you your peace, the cost is too high.
🙏🏽If any of you guys need prayer for the next few days, shoot us a DM to pray you up! Love you guys!!!

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Our Story

After years of dieting and cutting all the carby fun out of life, Lauren and Raegan were finally tired of it. They knew there must be another way to lose weight without restraining certain food groups from the body. Each had tried several different diets but making them an enjoyable lifestyle was the downfall.

Freedom Fitness was created to bring freedom back into fitness and nutrition. Based on personal experience and hundreds of observations, Lauren and Raegan believe that anything without freedom is destined to fail.

“Restraining foods from the body can have crazy effects on our minds. As soon as we tell ourselves that a food is out of the picture, our minds continuously taunt us with that very food. We find ourselves craving it so badly that we finally give in and eat it. This tends to lead to self-condemnation and shame… AKA guilt.

For some, the feeling of guilt leads to depression that causes binge eating and gaining excess weight back.

Videos (show all)

😎 MET IS BACK! Become a Met-ohiloc and join the MET funhouse community! What you will get: 🎉-4 workouts/week-Personalize...
After getting back into the gym, Lauren and I have been reminded just how dangerous the gym could be for those who do no...
#BalancedEating done #right. #fatloss #caloriecounting #thehealthyteacher #iteach #tiktokteachers #teachersoftiktok #nut...
I’ll just drop this here.
Drop your questions in the comments🥳
Yup. #Goals
❤️ Who wants part 2?....#freedomfitness #teachersofiG #fitness #fitfam #nutrition #caloriecounting #caloriecountingdiet ...
Can you keep up?!? It’s worth your time!...#mentalheath #focus #positiveoutlook #teachersofIG #fitness #fitandfocued #he...
Honesty creates space for love. Love that can be trusted and deeply rooted. .What are your thoughts?
What are your thoughts??




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