Onward Frederick

Hurt Less. Get Hurt Less. Onward Frederick Physical Therapy is your comprehensive solution to pain, recovery, and performance in the Frederick, MD Area!


Onward Physical Therapy Blog Post!


Stress fractures in runners occur when bones weaken due to aggressive training or inadequate recovery, often affecting high-risk areas like the hip, lower leg, and foot. Diagnosing stress fractures typically involves MRI as it's more reliable than X-rays. Treatment includes reducing or pausing running, adjusting training to low-impact activities, ensuring proper nutrition, and performing biomechanical assessments. Strength training with heavy loads is crucial for prevention and recovery.


Onward Physical Therapy Blog Post!


Preventing back pain in CrossFit involves addressing common causes such as programming errors, insufficient low back strength, and mobility limitations. Key strategies include varying movement patterns, ensuring adequate rest, incorporating specific low back strengthening exercises like Reverse Hypers, and improving hip and upper back mobility. Monitoring workout frequency and addressing individual weaknesses are crucial for maintaining back health and avoiding injuries.


Onward Physical Therapy Blog Post!


Dry needling is a technique used to treat muscle pain and tension by inserting non-medicated needles into muscles. It's different from acupuncture and can be particularly effective for cervicogenic headaches, TMJ pain, rotator cuff strains, and lower back pain. Onward Physical Therapy employs electro-dry needling, which involves using electrical currents with needles to reduce muscle tension and pain. This method is less painful than traditional trigger point needling and enhances mobility and rehabilitation outcomes.


Onward Physical Therapy Blog Post!


Hip pain in runners can result from improper running technique, muscle imbalances, or bone stress injuries. Effective treatment includes assessing and improving running form, addressing muscle strength and flexibility, and identifying bone stress injuries early. Seeing a physical therapist can help diagnose the root cause and create a tailored recovery and prevention plan.


Onward Physical Therapy Blog Post!


Achilles tendonitis involves pain and inflammation of the Achilles tendon due to overuse or increased training volume. Diagnosis includes pain during activities like running and calf raises, and treatment focuses on strength training and gradual loading rather than stretching. Early intervention, guided by a physical therapist, can expedite recovery and prevent further injury.


Onward Physical Therapy Blog Post!


Manual therapy effectively treats TMJ disorders by alleviating pain and improving jaw function through techniques like soft tissue massage, joint mobilization, and dry needling. These hands-on methods, combined with exercises, address issues like teeth grinding and joint imbalances, enhancing overall quality of life. Personalized treatment plans are crucial for effective relief and long-term improvement.


Onward Physical Therapy Blog Post!


Shin splints encompass several lower leg conditions often resulting from imbalanced training and recovery. Accurate diagnosis is crucial for effective treatment, which may include stretches, strength training, and adjustments in running technique. Preventing shin splints involves proper training plans, good technique, adequate nutrition, and strength training.


Onward Physical Therapy Blog Post!


TMJ disorders can cause pain, headaches, and difficulty with jaw movement due to issues like teeth grinding or misalignment. Physical therapy is an effective, non-invasive treatment that alleviates symptoms and improves quality of life through exercises, patient education, and other therapies. Early intervention is crucial to prevent chronic problems and reduce the risk of associated headaches.




Onward Physical Therapy Blog Post!


Integrating weightlifting into a runner's training routine significantly enhances performance by building muscular endurance, power, and efficiency while reducing injury risk. Strength training 2-3 times per week helps fortify muscles, tendons, and ligaments, contributing to a more resilient body. Exercises like deadlifts, planks, and Paloff press variations address muscular imbalances and improve overall stability and mobility, complementing the benefits of running.


Shoulder Mobility Routine for Gymnasts - If you note restrictions in your gymnasts overhead mobility give this exercise routine a shot to rapidly improve flexibility!


Shoulder Mobility for Gymnasts - Use this screen to assess if your gymnast may benefit from targeted shoulder overhead mobility drills to improve their performance and reduce risk of injury!


Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition where the tissues on the bottom of the foot become irritated with weight bearing activities. The term “plantar fasciitis” is a little less accurate than we once thought as this isn’t purely an inflammatory condition as the “itis” part would imply. Instead, it is a condition that happens when the plantar fascia tissue gets challenged beyond its strength capacity. This overloading causes the tissue to become painful.

What Can Be Done to Help Reduce Plantar Fasciitis Pain?
From a treatment perspective, At Onward we place treatments into two categories: things that temporarily calm plantar fasciitis symptoms down, and things that create long-term improvements.

The “calm symptoms down” treatments are great because of how irritating this pain can be. You have to walk to function in daily life. And that makes avoiding this painful condition so challenging. So we utilize tools like soft tissue mobilization, myofascial decompression, stretches, taping, and dry needling to relieve the pain, even if that is just temporary. Combining that with longer term solutions is the best recipe!

Learn more by clicking the link in our story.

1️⃣ Put The Fire Out 🔥⁠
2️⃣ No Guess Work - Find The True Cause 🧐⁠
3️⃣ The Long Term Fix 💪🏻⁠


Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Americans should be meeting weekly guidelines for physical activity to achieve substantial health benefits - did you know that fewer than 28% of adults meet these guidelines? Lack of exercise is highly correlated to greater risk of chronic disease and increase in healthcare spending. ⁠

- Move more, sit less⁠
- Some is better than none⁠
- More is better (there are additional health benefits to exceeding 300 minutes of exercise!)⁠

Is pain or injury stopping you from moving? Let us help! ⁠

1. Put the fire out⁠
2. No guess work - find the true cause⁠
3. The long-term fix⁠


Tennis elbow is a painful condition where the tendon on the outside of the forearm becomes overloaded and painful. The term “tennis elbow” came to be because this injury is common in tennis players but, at Onward, we see this in weightlifters, CrossFit athletes, golfers, and more.

Click the link in our story to learn more about the condition and our favorite way to help athletes return to their peak performance.


1️⃣ Put The Fire Out 🔥⁠
2️⃣ No Guess Work - Find The True Cause 🧐⁠
3️⃣ The Long Term Fix 💪🏻⁠

Photos from Onward Frederick's post 04/24/2023

Pain keeping you out of the game? We know “just rest” isn’t the answer. We often say “let’s use the medicine inside our bodies instead”. And this post explains why.

Looking to maximize performance while minimizing pain?

Send us a DM today to get started.

1️⃣ Put The Fire Out 🔥⁠
2️⃣ No Guess Work - Find The True Cause 🧐⁠
3️⃣ The Long Term Fix 💪


The Achilles tendon is the longest and strongest tendon in the body. It is directly attached to both the gastroc and soleus muscles aka “the powerhouse muscles of distance running. The achilles job is to literally create tension in the foot and knee to propel us forward when running and walking. Because of this, it’s commonly subjected to irritation and inflammation when we ramp up training volume or when we are not recovering optimally. When this happens, the tendon reacts by swelling up and progressively degenerating if it’s not rehabbed correctly, progressing from tendonitis to a tendinopathy. Research shows that full resolution of symptoms and return to sport takes anywhere between six weeks up to a year depending on how irritable the injury is, the overall health of the tendon, and the quality of rehab provided during the recovery process.

Learn more about Achilles Tendinopathy and exercises to get you back on track. (Link in story)


1️⃣ Put The Fire Out 🔥⁠
2️⃣ No Guess Work - Find The True Cause 🧐⁠
3️⃣ The Long Term Fix 💪🏻⁠

Photos from Onward Frederick's post 04/17/2023

We use thrust mobilization for our athletes to leverage the immediate neurophysiological benefits of the quick stretch to the spine. Significant changes in pain, range of motion, and muscle activation are just the few benefits seen right after treatment. Our exercise prescription is then more beneficial with the body moving better and feeling better in the clinic. This leads to more comfort and accelerated results to getting back to doing what you love.

Interesting in trying it out? Send us a DM or check the link in our bio for scheduling!

1️⃣ Put The Fire Out 🔥
2️⃣ No Guess Work - Find The True Cause 🔍
3️⃣ The Long Term Fix 💪🏼


Behind low back pain and neck pain, jaw pain is the third most common muscuoloskeletal pain presentation in the United States. An estimated 75% of the U.S. population has experienced one or more signs of TMJ Disorder. Despite these stats, pain from TMJ is rarely treated conservatively despite there being very effective interventions to reduce both clicking and jaw pain (dry needling, spinal manipulation, intra-oral massage). More times than not, temporomandibular joint pain (TMJ) is also directly correlated with having neck pain and/or headaches which can also be very well managed in physical therapy. In this article, we’ll share five of our favorite TMJ exercises for pain relief.

TMJ issues affecting your ability to fulfill your life? Book a phone consult today to see if we may be a good fit for helping you to a pain free life. Link in Bio


1️⃣ Put The Fire Out 🔥⁠
2️⃣ No Guess Work - Find The True Cause 🧐⁠
3️⃣ The Long Term Fix 💪🏻⁠

Photos from Onward Frederick's post 04/10/2023

Ever since Michael Phelps showed up to the Olympics with purple circles on his back people have been talking about cupping.

But cupping is not new. People have been using negative pressure to mobilize tissues for hundreds of years.

More and more evidence is starting to prove why this technique can be very useful as part of a complete treatment plan for the management of pain and mobility issues in athletes.

If you want help getting to the bottom of your injury and figuring out a long term solution give us a call. We would love to help!

Special thanks to from sharing this info on the PTonIce Podcast and for leading the charge with research/training in this area!

1️⃣ Put The Fire Out 🔥⁠
2️⃣ No Guess Work - Find The True Cause 🧐⁠
3️⃣ The Long Term Fix 💪

Photos from Onward Frederick's post 04/03/2023

Dry Needling is a tool we love

🤔Why? It has immediate effects on pain and range of motion and has amazing athletic recovery benefits!

💪🏼The result? Less pain and improved mobility, which means better overall movement and performance!

Interested in trying it out? Send us a DM or hit up the link in our bio for scheduling!

1️⃣ Put The Fire Out 🔥⁠
2️⃣ No Guess Work - Find The True Cause 🧐⁠
3️⃣ The Long Term Fix 💪


Pain with an activity? At Onward you can be certain we’re going to watch you perform it in order to have the Best necessary information required to understand the origin of your problem. In fact, we’ll likely capture it on video so we can examine it together! ⁠

We’re constantly surprised how many runners tell us they saw a physio or physician for knee pain during their stride and yet... their running form was never evaluated. Or how many crossfitters have pain with specific positions in their lifts, yet again never have their technique broken down as a part of the troubleshooting process. ⁠

Maybe it’s a lack of time or perhaps a lack of knowhow. At Onward, we’ve got both and we can’t wait for the opportunity to put your specific problem in the crosshairs and get it solved! ⁠Shoot us a DM to talk about how we can help you out!⁠

1️⃣ Put The Fire Out 🔥⁠
2️⃣ No Guess Work - Find The True Cause 🧐⁠
3️⃣ The Long Term Fix 💪🏻⁠


Many athletes struggle with knee pain during lunges. If you’re tired of having to skip or scale workouts because lunges hurt, we’ve got you covered with the 3 common lunge form corrections that will stress your knees less!



1️⃣ Put The Fire Out 🔥⁠
2️⃣ No Guess Work - Find The True Cause 🧐⁠
3️⃣ The Long Term Fix 💪🏻⁠


7 out of 10 people aren't dying from mechanical shoulder pain, they're dying from chronic disease. Let's celebrate that people are enjoying human movement and are actively fighting against the larger health problems that come from a lack of movement and poor diet. ⁠

It’s time you have a healthcare team focused on more than just your symptoms. Shoot us a DM to get started!⁠

1️⃣ Put The Fire Out 🔥⁠
2️⃣ No Guess Work - Find The True Cause 🧐⁠
3️⃣ The Long Term Fix 💪🏻⁠


Over the years, there has been a lot of fear around the deadlift. However, picking things off the ground is one of the most fundamental human movements. Picking children off the ground, grabbing a laundry basket, and lifting the couch to vacuum all require a loaded hip hinge. Furthermore, despite fear of injury from deadlifts, a properly performed and progressively loaded deadlift can protect from low back injuries. This article reviews are the most common form issues we see with the deadlift and our favorite cues to correct.


1️⃣ Put The Fire Out 🔥⁠
2️⃣ No Guess Work - Find The True Cause 🧐⁠
3️⃣ The Long Term Fix 💪🏻⁠


Tired of dealing with the same nagging injury over and over? Frustrated with mobility limitations restricting your performance? ⁠

Shoot us a DM and let’s talk about how our approach is drastically different.⁠

1️⃣ Put The Fire Out 🔥⁠
2️⃣ No Guess Work - Find The True Cause 🧐⁠
3️⃣ The Long Term Fix 💪🏻⁠


It can happen to anyone: beginner to advanced athletes will all agree that a tweaked muscle, especially in your back, is inevitable on your fitness journey. So now what? You may get a slew of recommendations on how to fix your low back pain, but how do you know which is best and will allow you to continue doing what you love? Here are 5 of Onward Physical Therapy's favorite recommendations for a low back pain fix.


1️⃣ Put The Fire Out 🔥⁠
2️⃣ No Guess Work - Find The True Cause 🧐⁠
3️⃣ The Long Term Fix 💪🏻⁠


It's really the only reason why we are in business.

Other rehab companies may tell you to stop doing what you love. They may tell you our spine is out of alignment. They may even tell you that in order to ""get better..."" whatever that means, that you'll have to see them 2-3x/week indefinitely .

At Onward we let our results and transparency speak for themselves. We don't fear monger, we don't sell or pitch ridiculous treatment packages and we certainly will never tell you to stop doing the sport that you love.

We are a fitness company that specializes in improving your performance with or without pain.

1. Put the Fire Out 🔥
2. No Guess Work - Find the True Cause 🧐
3. The Long Term Fix 💪🏽


Low back pain is the number one reason for disability worldwide and is the most common musculoskeletal disorder physical therapist treat. Unfortunately, much of the information about low back pain circulated is out of date and incorrect. This misinformation sadly causes many people to suffer too long. We hope this article will help clear the air and get you back to the golf course, slopes, or gym.


1️⃣ Put The Fire Out 🔥⁠
2️⃣ No Guess Work - Find The True Cause 🧐⁠
3️⃣ The Long Term Fix 💪🏻⁠


A common misconception about what we offer is that it's exclusively reserved for when you’re injured. At Onward, this couldn’t be further from the truth. ⁠

▪️ Trouble with your overhead position? ⁠
▫️ Trying to be more efficient with your olympic lifts?⁠
▪️ Want to run faster?⁠
▪️ Need help with your squat or deadlift form?⁠
▫️ Trying to dial in your recovery work?⁠

Whatever it is, we’ve got you. Sure, if you’re working through an injury, getting you out of pain is priority...but that's the easy part, and we don't just stop there. It’s never just about pain. It’s about helping you become a better version of you-- whatever that looks like for your situation-- so you can feel as badass as possible in the fitness or life goals you’re trying to pursue.⁠

Whatever your performance goals are, we can help get you there. Shoot us a DM and let’s start talking about how!⁠

1️⃣ Put The Fire Out 🔥⁠
2️⃣ No Guess Work - Find The True Cause 🧐⁠
3️⃣ The Long Term Fix 💪🏻⁠

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Videos (show all)

Shoulder Mobility Routine for Gymnasts - If you note restrictions in your gymnasts overhead mobility give this exercise ...
Shoulder Mobility for Gymnasts - Use this screen to assess if your gymnast may benefit from targeted shoulder overhead m...
We Manage Symptoms to Maximize Fitness
We know you have goals and your goals don't just stop because you're working through an injury.⁠⁠At Onward, don't expect...
Back pain can be debilitating. It’s all too common, and it can really put a stop to your life. We understand that, but w...
If you are trying to push your performance to the next level then you’ve got to do two things:First, you have to put in ...
Is your running form holding you back??⁠⁠Despite the countless technicalities of running, isn’t it interesting that we n...
As you try to push your mileage up and increase your speed it is important to dial in your form for maximal efficiency. ...



1828 Rosemont Avenue Suite C
Frederick, MD

Opening Hours

Monday 6am - 8pm
Tuesday 6am - 8pm
Wednesday 6am - 8pm
Thursday 6am - 8pm
Friday 6am - 8pm
Saturday 6am - 12pm

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