Praying for Renewal in the Christian Reformed Church

Join this grass roots movement where members of the Christian Reformed Church can join together and pray for the spiritual renewal of her congregations.


Have you stopped praying because you are facing an “impossible” situation? Have you lowered the expectations of your prayers because what you’re hoping for is “impossible?” Are you praying less because He didn’t answer one of your requests? Remember that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH OUR GOD so let’s bombard His throne in confidence and faith with our most “impossible” requests for our church and for the lost!!! If you want your church prayed for…post below…and PRAY!!! 🙏🙏🙏


ONE OF MY FAVORITE POSTS - to simplify our faith and relationship with Jesus- it all comes down to LOVE. ❤️As we reflect on what makes our earthly relationships special this Valentines Day, let’s begin by thinking about what makes our spiritual relationships special- God’s love for us in Jesus Christ- and our response of offering Him our heart and love!!! Praying this renews and recharges us in our walk with Him!!! 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️


“REVIVE US AGAIN!!!” “The local blacksmith prayed for almost a half hour, 'because in revival time doesn't matter,' and then drew his prayer to a close with a bold challenge: 'God do you not know that your honor is at stake? You promised to pour floods on dry ground and you are not doing it.' Duncan Campbell recalls: 'the whole granite house shook like a leaf, like of an earth tremor. Duncan was reminded of Acts 4:31, 'After they prayed the place where they were meeting was shaken.' It was 2:00 am and they went outside and found the whole village alive, ablaze with God. Men and women were carrying chairs and asking if there was room in church for them!" Pray that God will shake up our churches in response to our prayers for revival!!! If you want your church prayed for... list below.


“THIS LOOKS LIKE SLOW WORK,” we remarked to D. L. Moody, in the little prayer room of Calvary Chapel, Brooklyn, during the winter of 1872. "Yes," responded the modest evangelist, “it is slow, and it looks like a small work. But if you must kindle a fire, collect a handful of sticks, light then with a match and keep blowing until they begin to blaze. I am working here with a handful of Christians, endeavoring to get them to consecrate themselves fully to Jesus; and if they get well warmed with divine love, I have no fear but that a genuine revival will begin and sinners will be converted."...Two months later, over 100 souls were converted and received into the fellowship of the church....Do you feel alone? Are you discouraged? God can use your prayers to be the spark...that starts renewal in your church!!! If you want your church prayed below…and PRAY!!!!


Many of us have suffered hardships in our lives, but they’ve only been setbacks, if we’ve given up. The person who is strong in prayer, realizes that hardships strengthen our dependence upon Him and makes us more determined to pray through those struggles. Claim this verse: “PRAISE BE TO THE LORD, TO GOD OUR SAVIOR, WHO DAILY BEARS OUR BURDENS.” (Psalm 68:19). If you want your church prayed for…post below…and PRAY!! 🙏🙏🙏


“AND THAT IS WHY I AM URGING YOU TO PRAY FOR REVIVAL. That is what we need, my friends. We must look to Him! God sends revivals in order to give us encouragement. To show us that He is among us. I say, 'Forget everything else.' Forget EVERYTHING else! We need to realize the presence of the living God amongst us! Let everything else be silent. We all need to know the touch of the power of the living God." (M. Lloyd Jones). Forget everything else... and pray for the His touch upon your church!!! If you want your church prayed for...list below....and PRAY!!!!


A MOST POWERFUL CHALLENGE FOR INTERCESSORS!!! “I have posted watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest, and give Him no rest till He establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth." (Isaiah 62: 6, 7). May we accept the challenge of being those watchmen who are interceding for renewal in our churches and let's not give Him any rest till we see Him bring new life into them!!! 🙏🙏🙏


REVIVE US AGAIN- “Revive us again- fill each heart with your love; May each soul be rekindled with fire from above! Hallelujah, thine the glory, Hallelujah Amen, Hallelujah, thine the glory, Revive us again.”
Make this your song and prayer!!! If you want your church prayed for…post below…and PRAY!!! 🙏🙏🙏


FEELING DEFEATED??? “I don't say some of you are defeated- some of you look like you are, but I say faith never is. A person with the Holy Spirit was never defeated. He has stood under hell's artillery, he has gone without a morsel of bread, he has been on the mountain at midnight, he has been on the rough sea, and all but faith has been defeated. I want you to see that when you get that faith, burned in you by the Holy Spirit, you can be a blessing to a lost world." (Stalker) If you have that faith, join together in praying for your church to be a blessing to a lost world!!! If you want your church prayed for...list below and PRAY!!! 🙏🙏🙏


"IS NOT REVIVAL THE SUPREME NEED OF THIS HOUR? Well, if you believe that, pray to God without ceasing. Go on with all your activities, if you wish to do so. No, go on, if you like, doing all that you are doing, but I do say this- make certain that you have time to pray for revival, and see that has more time than everything else. BECAUSE WHEN THE HOLY GHOST COMES IN POWER, MORE WILL HAPPEN IN AN HOUR THAN WILL HAPPEN IN FIFTY OR EVEN A HUNDRED YEARS AS A RESULT OF YOUR EXERTIONS AND MINE." (Lloyd Jones). Reflect on where you spend your time for Him and where He's calling you to spend your time in the new year!!! IF YOU WANT YOUR CHURCH PRAYED FOR….POST BELOW…AND PRAY!!! 🙏🙏🙏


“Oh, for the gift of prayer such as Mary had, Lord. Inspire me as you inspired her, that I may please you, know you and love you as never before. Let others be drawn to holy prayer as well." Jesus responds, "I like the time we spend together, dear one. The only agenda I have for you is loving me. When you love me, you become what I want you to be, a child of God." Prayer: "Let me love and praise you every moment of the day, Lord, and humbly serve you in the poor and weak, whom you love. Amen." (If you want your church prayed for….post below…and PRAY!!! 🙏🙏🙏)


FEELING HOPELESS??? ....for those of you who have resigned yourselves that nothing is going to change....for those of you who pray but have lost any expectation that God is going to show up...remember these words today...for yourself and for your ministry!!! There is nothing that is too difficult for God!!! If you want your church prayed for, post below…and PRAY!!! 🙏🙏🙏


A PRAYER FOR CHRISTMAS/A PRAYER FOR REVIVAL “Is there not an absence of this godly concern, the burden for the souls of the lost? If we had a real burden and concern for souls, we would be praying regularly, in the unspectacular prayer meeting. This is the test. The person who is really feeling the burden is the person who is being pressed by it, and pressed to his knees, and pressed into the presence of God. His supreme activity is prayer." (M. LLoyd Jones- Revival). May we feel that burden for the lost as we pray for revival in our churches!!! If you want your church prayed for…. post below…and PRAY!!! 🙏🙏🙏


PRAYING FOR REVIVAL- Reading some actual newspaper accounts of the noon time prayer meetings - this from the New York Tribune back on March 20, 1858 lights a spark in my spirit that asks, “is God’s heart inclined to respond to our prayers in a similar way if we humble ourselves and seek His face in prayer???” Let’s join together to pray for revival in our lives and our churches!! If you want your church prayed for, post below…and PRAY!!! 🙏🙏🙏


THANKSGIVING 2023!! Join me in thanking God for:
-more than 9000 of you who are sacrificial and
dedicated prayer warriors following the
Praying for Renewal Page
-His indescribable gift of salvation
in Jesus Christ
-the blessings of renewal that He has brought
to His Church and the future blessings of
renewal in response to His people praying!!!
If you want your church prayed for, post below...and PRAY!!! 🙏🙏🙏 🔥 🔥 🔥 (Feel free to share this post for other prayer warriors)


"PRAY THE LARGEST PRAYERS!!! You cannot think a prayer so large that God, in answering it, will not wish you had made it larger. Pray not for crutches but for wings." (Philip Brooks). Pray BIG today!!! If you want your church prayed for….post below…and PRAY!!! 🙏🙏🙏


THANKING GOD FOR HIS BLESSINGS ON THE GREAT LAKES PRAYER SUMMIT!!! God showed up and we were blessed by our time together as prayer leaders! Very thankful for Jon Hoekema’s leadership as the Prayer Shepherd of the denomination! Also very encouraging to hang out with other passionate and dedicated intercessors!!! It was a great time of seeking His face and being renewed!! Trying to discern how He wants us to build on this!! 🙏🙏🙏


THIS IS REVIVAL: “Duncan Campbell turned to the local blacksmith, who had been silent so far, and said, ‘I feel the time has come when you ought to pray.’ The man prayed for a half hour, ‘because in revival time doesn’t matter,’ and then drew his prayer to a close with a bold challenge: God, do you not k ow that your honor is at stake? You promised to pour floods on dry ground, and you are not doing it.’ He pauses for a while and then concluded: God, your honor is at stake and I challenge you to keep your covenant engagements.’ At that moment Duncan Campbell recalls, ‘That whole granite house shook like a leaf. Campbell was reminded of Acts 4:32- After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken.’ The group was dismissed and they went outside. It was two o’clock in the morning and they found the whole village alive, ablaze with God.’ Men and women carrying chairs and asking if there was room in church for them!” Can you imagine a scene like that for your church? Will you pray to God for Him to “shake your place of worship?” If you want your church prayed below...and PRAY!!!


AN EXTRA HOUR!!! For many of extra do what? To sleep? To watch television? Or maybe to PRAY!!! What would happen in our churches if Christians used that extra time to pray...for our pastors....our worship services...our youth....the lost....and the renewal of the CHURCH!!! Spend even an extra 15 minutes praying...and see what God does!!!! If you want your church prayed for….post below…and PRAY!!! 🙏🙏🙏


WHERE DO WE FOCUS??? As we reflect on the divisive arguments in our society and pray for the renewal of our churches, remember “our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Eph. 6:12). Pray claiming the victory that we have in Jesus Christ for the demolishing of strongholds that will bring healing in our nation and new life in our churches. If you want your church prayed for, post below...and PRAY!!!


PRAY TIL THE SPIRIT SHAKES UP YOUR CHURCH: When the early church was facing opposition, they knew their best response was to pray: “ 29 Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. 30 Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.31 After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.” (Acts 4: 29-31). LET’S PRAY BOLDLY FOR THE LORD TO ANSWER OUR PRAYERS BY SHAKING OUR CHURCHES AND FILLING THEM WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT!!! 🔥 🔥 🔥 If you want your church prayed below...and PRAY!!! 🙏🙏🙏


INTERCESSORS ARE THE LONELIEST AND MOST CHALLENGING ROLES IN THE CHURCH….BUT ONE OF THE MOST VITAL!! Some of you are tired and exhausted; and you’re wondering whether your prayers make a difference and you’re thinking of giving up. Reflect on this- GOD CAN USE YOU AS A PRAYER LEADER WHERE YOU ARE….TO SPARK A REVIVAL!!! KEEP ON PRAYING and reflect on these words: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9). May God use those words to encourage you to keep on praying!! IF YOU WANT YOUR CHURCH PRAYED FOR…POST BELOW…AND PRAY!!! 🙏🙏🙏


PRAY FOR YOUR PASTOR!!! Pray a prayer of thanksgiving and appreciation for your pastor and all the ways your pastor serves your church!! Ask God to give your pastor a spirit of encouragement as this is a stressful and challenging time to pastor.Offer up a prayer for God’s blessings upon your pastor’s family and a hedge of protection around them all!!! Finally, pray an authoritative prayer for the Spirit to give a special anointing so your pastor will help your church grow in prayer and revival!!! If you want your pastor and church prayed for….post below…and PRAY!!! 🙏🙏🙏


“HERE IS THE VITAL QUESTION- HAVE YOU EVER SEEN THE DESPERATE NEED OF PRAYER, THE PRAYER OF THE WHOLE CHURCH???” Martyn Lloyd-Jones writes, “I see no hope until individual members of the Church are praying for revival, perhaps meeting in one another's homes, meeting in groups among friends, meeting together in churches, and praying with urgency and concentration for a shedding forth of the power of God. There is no hope until we do." This is what we need to pray for, with others, before we see God bring renewal in our churches!!! If you want your church prayed for…post below…and PRAY!!! 🙏🙏🙏


D. L. Moody writes, “If we preached down ourselves and exalted Christ, the world would soon be reached. The world today is perishing for the want of Christ. The church could do without our theories and pet views, but not without Christ; and when her ministers get behind the cross, so that Christ is held up, the people will come flocking to hear the gospel.
Selfishness is one of the greatest hindrances to the cause of Christ. Everyone wants the chief seat in the synagogue. One prides himself that he is the pastor of this church, and another of that. Would to God we could get all this out of the way and say, ‘He must increase, but I must decrease.’ We cannot do it, however, except we get down at the foot of the cross.”
Reflect in these words as you for the renewal of your church! If you want your church prayed for, post below..and PRAY!!!


FOR THOSE WHO NEED A GLIMPSE OF WHAT WE’RE PRAYING FOR- HERE’S AN ENCOURAGING DESCRIPTION OF RENEWAL FROM 1905-“What can I report about our Prayer Meetings? They used to begin at 7:00 on Sunday mornings, but that was felt to be far too late in the day for the great business that had to be transacted before the Throne of the Heavenly Grace! The meetings now begin at 6:00 am and go on for almost 7 days a week, with occasional intervals to attend to business, household duties and bodily sustenance! Some of you who are strangers may smile- many of us did- but we don't now. It is that continuous, persevering, God-honoring weekly campaign of prayer that has moved God to pour upon His favored people the blessings of His grace in such rich abundance." COULD WE EXPERIENCE THIS? IF YOU WANT YOUR CHURCH PRAYED FOR POST BELOW...AND PRAY!!! 🙏🙏🙏


RETURN TO CHURCH SUNDAY!!!! Many of our churches have members who have been drifting away and dropping out. Now is a great time to pray that God will give them a hunger for Him and the “fellowship of the saints!!!” Pray that God will bring them back to our churches!!! (And if God puts it on your heart, message them with an invite!!!). If you want your church prayed for…post below… and PRAY!!! 🙏🙏🙏


FOR THOSE OF US FEELING OVERWHELMED AND DISCOURAGED, let’s be reminded that He promises He will never leave or forsake us!!! (Heb. 13:5) Let’s claim His presence thru His Spirit to give each one of us the encouragement and strength we need for ourselves and our churches!!! If you want your church prayed for, post below…and PRAY 🙏🙏🙏😇❤️


REVELATION NOT EDUCATION- Charles Stalker (1919) preached during the Holiness movement about the need for the Spirit-"You cannot get it by education, but by revelation. One person came to the altar and told me the number of books he had read. A number of people want the filling without the killing. I have heard them say, 'Fill me now,' they should sing, 'Kill me now.' Killing is the first thing, you must be dead to everything, dead to friends, dead to foes, dead to the future, dead to your own plans, and then He will fill you. You will be filled with the fullness of God. It is one of the most staggering things that Divinity ever offered to humanity!" Reflect on these words and pray for more of the Spirit's presence in our lives and our churches!!! If you want your church prayed for…post below..and PRAY!!! 🙏🙏🙏


REFLECTIVE WORDS- “The word of the Lord came to me, 'Son of man, if a country sins against me by being unfaithful and I stretch out my hand against it to cut off its food supply and send famine upon it and kill it's men and animals, even if these three men-Noah, Daniel and Job- were in it, they could only save themselves by their righteousness,' declares the Lord." (Ezekiel 14:12, 13). Sobering verses about God's judgement, the responsibility of being an intercessor and part of the remnant, and the limited window of opportunity for repentance and renewal. Pray today with a new sense of urgency for God to bring renewal to our churches and nation. If you want your church prayed for- post below…and PRAY!!! 🙏🙏🙏

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