Mercies of GOD Association

The Mercies of God is a Not for Profit Ministry reaching the world through the Gospel Message We area Christian radio ministry now in our 58th year.

We are on radio and internet in the USA and on . We are also partnered with Nancy Whytock who is working with a Women's Ministry in South Africa. Fundamental in Doctrine, believing in the divine authority and verbal inspiration of the Bible, and the great fundamental doctrines of grace it contains. The Scriptures alone are the supreme authority in matters of faith and practice.


The primary business I must attend to every day is to fellowship with the Lord. The first concern is not how much I might serve the Lord, but how my inner man might be nourished. I may share the truth with the unconverted; I may try to encourage believers; I may relieve the distressed; or I may, in other ways, seek to behave as a child of God; yet, not being happy in the Lord and not being nourished and strengthened in my inner man day by day, may result in this work being done in a wrong spirit.
~George Muller


"Don’t ever be afraid to give your testimony. The Lord God of heaven thought enough of the testimony of the apostle Paul to put it down three times in Scripture. Three times he gave his personal testimony; once before the crowd that nailed him in the temple, once also here before Felix and then again before King Agrippa. And each time when his testimony was recorded by the Word of God. Now if God didn’t think it was important, he wouldn’t put it in there. But what a lesson
for us. "
~From The Folly of Procrastination! ~
A timely message to be shared with lost loved ones and friends. It can be listened to online,. emailed,..dowloaded and copied or printed and handed out.


Of all things, guard against neglecting God in the secret place of prayer.
~ William Wilberforce

Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.~ Jeremiah 33:3


“The Christian must treat his enemy as a brother, and requite his hostility with love. His behavior must be determined not by the way others treat him, but by the treatment he himself receives from Jesus; it has only one source, and that is the will of Jesus.”
― Dietrich Bonhoeffer


There is no room in the congregation for cliques.. and if someone tries to start one we will deal with them!.
~ Peter Nortier


Take every opportunity which your nearness provides to be speaking seriously to each other about the matters of God, and your salvation. Discussing those things of this world no more than required. And then talk together of the state and duty of your souls towards God, and of your hopes of heaven, as those that take these for their greatest business. And don’t speak lightly, or unreverently, or in a rude and disputing manner; but with gravity and sobriety, as those that are discussing the most important things in the whole world.
~Richard Baxter


Calvary is a blot upon the character of Deity if salvation by self is possible.
~ Spurgeon


Fellow-pilgrim, expect trouble — but also expect mercy to help you in time of need! Expect to feel your circumstances to be trying — but also expect your Savior's strength to be perfected in your weakness! You will soon end your tedious, tiresome journey — and enter into the joy of your Lord!
~ James Smith


You cannot break men’s hearts by jesting with them, or telling them a smooth tale, or pronouncing a gaudy oration. Men will not cast away their dearest pleasures at the drowsy request of one that seems not to mean as he speaks, or to care much whether his request be granted or not. If you say that the work is God’s, and He may do it by the weakest means, I answer, It is true, He may do so; but yet His ordinary way is to work by means, and to make not only the matter that is preached, but also the manner of preaching instrumental to the work.
~Richard Baxter


Listen brethren,.. We must be aware and on our guard that we be not caught in the current of world,.. Which will cause our minds to drift away and depart from the truths of Christ and forget the things which we have heard and read.
~ James Downing Sr.


Are you overcoming the world — or are you overcome by it? Do you know what it is to come out from the world and be separate, or are you yet entangled by it, and conformed to it? ..................Yet a little while, and there will be no more worldly occupations and worldly amusements — no more getting money and spending money — no more eating, and drinking, and feasting, and dressing, and ball-going, and theaters, and races, and cards, and gambling. What will you do when all these things have passed away forever? How can you possibly be happy in an eternal Heaven — where holiness is all in all, and worldliness has no place? Oh consider these things, and be wise! Awake, and break the chains which the world has thrown around you! Awake, and flee from the wrath to come!~
J.C. Ryle


We should not join in friendship and acquaintance with wicked men and unbelievers. Though we cannot wholly avoid seeing and hearing, and being with such, yet we should never choose them for friends. We must not defile ourselves by converse with those who defile themselves with sin. Come out from the workers of iniquity, and separate from their vain and sinful pleasures and pursuits; from all conformity to the corruptions of this present evil world. If it be an envied privilege to be the son or daughter of an earthly prince, who can express the dignity and happiness of being sons and daughters of the Almighty?
~ M. Henry

Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,: ~ 2 Corinthians 6:17


Tell Jesus you are poor and needy. Spread your needs before Him. Take your emptiness to His fullness. There is an infinite supply in Him for everything you need.
~Robert Murray M'Cheyne

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.~1 Peter 5:7


The Scripture tells us that in hell there are these three things: there is darkness, there is fire, and there are chains.~


"To love the world and its sensual pleasures is to give it the first place in our hearts, to idolize it, to make everything else subordinate to the acquisition and enjoyments of it, and to despise whatever comes into competition with it. It is to make its vanities the chief objects of our pursuits, to share its friendships, to court its smiles, to conform to its ways, and to find our happiness in what it yields in its pleasures. You see, when the world is loved, it possesses and governs the soul, overcoming the conscience and the principles of holiness and the Word of God, for its influence is subtle, powerful, perilous, and leads to damnation and hell!"—L. R. Shelton, Jr.


"The strongest evidence that you have been born again is the fruit of a changed life that only God can produce." ~
Steve Lawson

Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Matthew 7:16-18


Let your reading be always select; and whatever you read, begin with seeking God’s blessing on it. But see that your relish for the Bible be above every other enjoyment, and the moment you begin to feel greater relish for any other book, lay it down until you have sought deliverance from such a snare and obtained from the Holy Spirit an intenser relish, a keener appetite for the Word of God (Jer. 15:16; Psm. 19:7-10).
~Horatius Bonar


God is the fountain of all divine knowledge. Therefore, seek God to direct you and bless you in the pursuit of this knowledge. Be aware of your own blindness and ignorance, and your need of God's help, lest you be led into error.
~Jonathan Edwards

- The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge; and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge.~Proverbs 18:15

- The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.~Proverbs 1:7


"Holy spirit conviction at this hour is unknown, un-preached, unwanted, and it been relegated to the ash heaps of religious opinion and people today are told to "walk the aisle" and "make a commitment" and " give their heart to Jesus" and take His hand and so-on and they call that salvation ......
That's Not Redemption" ~Peter Nortier


Our WARFARE. It is "a good warfare," or more exactly, "a glorious warfare." It is against enemies within, around, beneath; self, the flesh, the world, but specially, the principalities and powers of evil. "Fight the good fight of faith." It is our battle. It is God's battle. It is the church's battle; for we are but one of a mighty army of warriors. It is a warfare from which we cannot escape, except by deserting Christ's ranks; for there is no discharge in this war. It is a constant warfare. It is a lifelong warfare. It is earnest and formidable; no child's play; no mere sound or name; but an intense reality.
~ Horatius Bonar


As government expands, liberty contracts

Ronald Reagan


And the children of Israel remembered not the LORD their God, who had delivered them out of the hands of all their enemies on every side:
~Judges 8:34


A snapshot of left coast principles.

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After many years of seeing, listening, learning and doing I have come to know that faith does not require what I can do. It does not "need" me in battles brought upon this world, for they are spiritual battles first and foremost. God may use me in the physical battles but He has already covered the believer in the spiritual ones.

Charles Spurgeon once said, "Grace is the powerful engine, and faith is the chain by which the carriage of the soul is attached to the great motive power.”

When we understand what true faith is, when we take ourselves out of it to the point where we need to simply rely on it, instead of our attempt to use it, we see it for it's true purpose.

I once read that, "It’s not our faith that manufactures the victory, but faith is the means by which that victory comes. Faith is the conduit down which grace flows."

There is that river again. It has always been part of my new life, our new life. All of what God has given unto us, all of it, flows through us constantly, without end, as His Word does, like that never-ending river. And the gift of grace that has woken us to this new life, a life in which we have a Lord and Saviour in Jesus Christ alone, flows through us, like a never-ending river. And faith is the conduit.

God has placed His Word in our hearts and minds to give us a great understanding and a blessed discernment of this precious gift of faith. He has given unto us a life that has no promise of great pleasures and comfort, and because of this, we can see how true faith overcomes the world, for our comfort is in Him, through His Son Jesus Christ alone. Nothing of this world can ever be greater! Praise God!

In my early walk in this new life, I understood faith the wrong way. I spent much time trying to change hearts without realizing my place in this great spiritual work of God. The believer's work is to preach the gospel, to be planters of seeds. God provides the water of life in which they grow.

The same is for our spiritual battles. Faith is not taking that upon ourselves so that we can beat the adversary, true faith is knowing that God is in control and the adversary has already lost the battle at the cross!

"Unbelief says we must engage the enemy and fight for the victory, but faith declares that Jesus has already won. Unbelief cowers before the name of the adversary, whether it’s disease, debt, or depression. But faith exalts the Name that is above every name."

Faith shows us this truth clearly. That beautiful conduit of grace continues to flow through us in every situation. We are in awe of what God has done in our new life in Christ. All of His gifts, all His promises, all of grace, all discernment and all of our love, flows through us like a never ending river as we seek the knowledge of these things and more, given unto us in His Holy Word. Faith is a glorious thing when one comes to realize its awesome power!

“For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.”

Praise God!!

~Richard Patrick

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Our Story

We area Christian radio ministry now in our 56th year. We are on radio weekly in the USA and on . We are also partnered with Nancy Whytock who is working with a Women's Ministry in South Africa. Fundamental in Doctrine, believing in the divine authority and verbal inspiration of the Bible, and the great fundamental doctrines of grace it contains. The Scriptures alone are the supreme authority in matters of faith and practice. Pastor Nortier used the Authorized Version (KJV) of the Bible.
Separatist in Practice, believing and practicing the doctrine of Biblical separatism.

Videos (show all)

It is better to go to the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting: for that is the end of all men; and the...
This was the gift dad got from Berean Baptist Church and I believe one from Winfield, LA Church. This was on August 9th,...



1553 Knapp Street NE
Grand Rapids, MI

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