Palmetto Kids FIRST Scholarship Program

Palmetto Kids FIRST Scholarship Program

PALMETTO KIDS FIRST Scholarship Program helps SC taxpayers learn about state income tax credit for fu


We are wishing you all the love and happiness that only Easter can bring. Have a joyous celebration with your family!

South Carolina Senate Gets Serious About School Choice - FITSNews 02/07/2023

“My approach avoids that problem because the $100 million in the first year of the PACE program doesn’t rely upon money coming out of the general fund,” Davis said. “It allows for the creation of so-called scholarship funding organizations. These are private organizations and groups that would solicit donations from big corporations. The pitch would be, ‘Hey, if you give money for these special needs scholarships or exceptional needs scholarships or whatever it is, you get to write that off your state taxes dollar for dollar. So, it doesn’t cost you anything.’”

South Carolina Senate Gets Serious About School Choice - FITSNews Will the House follow suit?

Follow The “School Choice” Money!!! ESA Vote Today, from 01/31/2023

The “School Choice” Money!!! ESA Vote Today - This legislative corruption is pervasive in South Carolina “politics” … and MUST STOP!!!

Follow The “School Choice” Money!!! ESA Vote Today, from Today we are expecting a VOTE on the ESA

School Choice On The Cusp In South Carolina Senate - FITSNews 01/21/2023

SC GOP lawmakers take first steps toward market-driven academic system pushing significant expansion of fledgling school choice program with an amended bill poised to clear the GOP controlled chamber next week.

School Choice On The Cusp In South Carolina Senate - FITSNews GOP lawmakers take first steps toward a more market-driven academic system ...

“Transformational Change” with PACE Scholarship, from 01/20/2023

Say what??? What happened in that "recess"??? We don't know ... but ultimately Senators have committed to passing the $100 Million PACE Scholarship Amendment next TUESDAY.

“Transformational Change” with PACE Scholarship, from At mySCGOP. com we are about EDUCATION. Education about how to get involved with the mechanics of the bi-annual Precinct ReOrg

Photos from Palmetto Kids FIRST Scholarship Program's post 01/03/2023

We have updated the PACE vs. ESA Comparison Chart for this years bills. Like last year, HANDS DOWN the PACE Scholarship Bill wins!!!

Any questions / edits on the comparison chart, let us know at [email protected].


Happy New Year to all!

May the 2023 New Year bring joy, peace, and happiness to you and your entire family.


From our family to yours, we hope you all have a wonderful Christmas with the kids and family💙⭐️🎄

Merry Christmas 2022!!!


Well, the P.A.C.E. Scholarship Bill have been pre-filed now in both the SC Senate & SC House.

What is next? And we know this is "old", but time to call your legislator and ask them to co-sponsor the bill. OR more importantly get the bill a COMMITTEE HEARING!!!

This year will be particularly interesting. School Choice is a huge issue ... yes, the $$$$ is still apparently pushing the ESA 100% government run agenda, but there are a TON of people that now know the PACE vs. ESA situation it is going to be hard to ignore ... especially with another ESA being found UNCONSTITUTIONAL the same day PACE was filed here in South Carolina.

We also have more people and organizations reaching out to us than ever on PACE and wanting to support it.

Call your legislator and see where they stand ... this year ... and let us know what they say. The PACE Scholarship Bill will be a LITMUS TEST for Republicans ... and those that choose the ESA are not going to be on the good side.

This year they must PICK ... ESA or PACE ... not both as an "excuse" to confuse parents.


From our family to yours - Happy Thanksgiving 🇺🇸🧡🇺🇸



Seriously, will House Leadership ever learn?? It is never a surprise, always a battle with these people, and once again they are going to try to ramrod ESAs down everyone's throat.

Well, the difference today is SCHOOL CHOICE is top of mind now that Ellen Weaver has been elected to be Superintendent of Education. We have been talking with A LOT of people about the difference in the ESA and P.A.C.E. ... and frankly NO ONE gets why the "Republicans" would want 100% Government Control.

It is going to be interesting this coming legislative session. No one wants 100% Government Control of the purse strings of our private schools.


2023 P.A.C.E. Scholarship Bill Modifications: We previously reported one modification, but after speaking with advocates across SC we expect a second adjustment to the 2023 P.A.C.E. Scholarship Bill that we think you will like.

Modification #1: As previously reported, we will limit the size of the Non-Profit Scholarship Funding Organizations (SFOs) to no larger than 10% of the entire program. That ends the "rumor" spread by the opposition that Palmetto Kid FIRST wants to control the entire program. That is silly, but that was the rumor legislators like House Rep. Jason Elliot (R - Greenville) were spreading to create some sort of fear. Know that PKF wants a robust SFO network with A LOT of advocates and non-profit SFOs out there pushing for the program. Why would we want all the "heat" by being the only or biggest SFO??? lol [INTERESTED IN STARTING ONE OF THESE SFOs? CONTACT US, WE WILL HELP YOU.]

Modification #2: Raise the income qualifications for the $25 Million Disadvantaged Bucket from 185% of poverty to 400% of poverty. Advocates across the state felt like 185% (a number used in the past with other low income programs) was to low at this time due to inflation and other factors out there in the economy. We think that is a good and timely adjustment and we are excited to support it.

TRAINING EVENTS: Now that we are past the elections, it is all about spreading the good word about P.A.C.E. and getting people involved in the process. That includes the 2023 ReOrg Process. We will need your help!!!

We have a training event scheduled this week. It's going to be fun!!! - Find Your Voting PRECINCT Name, Sample Ballot & Voter ID Number on 11/07/2022

Know who you are voting on before you walk into the voting booth ... and review your ballot with your kids. Teach them now!!!

Watch the 2min video below on how to access YOUR sample ballot on - Find Your Voting PRECINCT Name, Sample Ballot & Voter ID Number on Join the TUSK Club and FUND Liberty @ in an IRS Approved 501(c)(3) and all donations are tax deductible to the extent allow...


Stay safe Trick or Tricking tonight 🎃🦇👻


Only $836,755 raised out of the entire $12 MILLION tax credit cap. They only reported the updated total because as we reported last week we filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the SC Department of Revenue on 9/1/2022. Otherwise they are silent about their failures.

We also reported to you previously that the 30 +/- Independent Non-Profits in Georgia raised their entire $100 MILLION cap of educational tax credits as of April 27th, 2022.

(not so) Exceptional SC is a major FAILURE ... it almost seems like they are trying to FAIL ON PURPOSE!!! Perhaps so they can push ESAs that line their own pockets and those of their MONIED SPECIAL INTEREST BACKERS???


Applications Open Until September 15th: We are at the DEADLINE ... DO NOT DELAY!!!

The Secret Curriculum 09/09/2022

The Secret Curriculum School is starting, but don't count on getting answers about what your child is being taught. School administrators commonly lie or give parents the runaround. That explains the fireworks over Jeremy Boland, a Greenwich, Connecticut, elementary school assistant principal, bragging about how the s


🇺🇸️Happy Labor Day to our Palmetto Kids FIRST families!!!🇺🇸

Nearly 2 million fewer students have enrolled in public school 08/17/2022

“Nearly 2 million fewer students have enrolled in public school”

Now let’s bring the SC Tax Credit Scholarships back so our most vulnerable students can have access to the education they desperately need!

Nearly 2 million fewer students have enrolled in public school Story at a glance A new poll from Education Next, an education policy publication, found that enrollment in public schools has dropped by 4 percent over the last two years. That 4 percent decline…

SC has among worst school systems in US, new ranking shows. Here’s why and what’s being done 08/05/2022

South Carolina has the sixth worst school system in the United States, a new report shows.

Read more at:

SC has among worst school systems in US, new ranking shows. Here’s why and what’s being done South Carolina’s school system falls below many states in several key metrics, from testing to dropout rate, the report shows.

4 Things That Would Happen if We Eliminated Compulsory Schooling Laws | Kerry McDonald 08/02/2022

“Compulsory Schooling Laws: What if We Didn't Have Them?”

4 Things That Would Happen if We Eliminated Compulsory Schooling Laws | Kerry McDonald Stripping the state of its power to define, control, and monitor something as beautifully broad as education would have a large and lasting impact on re-empowering families, encouraging educational entrepreneurs, and creating more choice and opportunity for all learners.


Applications Open Until September 15th: Well, the (not so) Exceptional SC application portal is open now (as of yesterday) ... and will be open until SEPTEMBER 15TH.

*** Scholarships are awarded based on available funds from tax-credit donations with preference given to incumbents. Awards are not on a first-come, first-serve basis. ***

You have plenty of time this year ... and it is FREE again ... we have fought those two battles for parents and families ... and won thankfully ... so take your time ... no rush.

The big problem however ... NO FUNDING given only $644,128 raised by the (not so) Exceptional SC board FAILURES ... AGAIN!!!


Happy 4th of July 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Best Teacher Could Be Your Parent, 'Homeschool Awakening' Film Says 07/03/2022

“Actor Kirk Cameron’s new documentary “The Homeschool Awakening” features 14 homeschooling families. Those families, failed by the public education system, have embarked on a homeschooling journey, and they share how the decision has changed their lives.”

Best Teacher Could Be Your Parent, 'Homeschool Awakening' Film Says Actor Kirk Cameron has produced a new documentary, "The Homeschool Awakening." He and his wife homeschooled their own six children.


There is a HUGE runoff election on Tuesday in the Republican Primary for SC Superintendent of Education ... especially for "real" School Choice.

The two candidates are Kathy Maness who supports the P.A.C.E. Scholarship Bill ... and Ellen Weaver who pushes the 100% government run ESAs. We are advocating for CHILDREN here ... so don't be silent ... get out and VOTE on June 28th!!! This is HUGE ... !!!


In memory of many, in honor of all - 🇺🇸 Happy Memorial Day! 🇺🇸

Florida rejects 41% of math textbooks for including CRT, most aimed at K-5 students: 'Impermissible' 04/21/2022

Is SCDOE taking appropriate steps to protect our students?

Florida rejects 41% of math textbooks for including CRT, most aimed at K-5 students: 'Impermissible'

Florida rejects 41% of math textbooks for including CRT, most aimed at K-5 students: 'Impermissible' Florida rejected 54 of the 132 submitted math textbooks to be taught in public schools


From our family to yours … Happy Easter 💛


PKF - ESAs Violate SC Constitution - Federal Court Rules Again!!!
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Dear Parents, School Officials & Friends,

Last week we issued a CALL TO ACTION to send your SC House Reps and members of the SC House Ways & Means Committee an email supporting P.A.C.E. and to "fix" the ESA.

YES ... keep writing / calling your legislators ... and here is a link to that email for more information, etc.:

However, that brought up the question among some as to what is the "problem" with the ESA?

First is simple ... we do not want the Government having 100% control over the purse strings of our private schools ... not our creative special needs schools ... nor our religious schools.

One would think that is enough ... but there is a big legal / UNCONSTITUTIONAL issue as well.

Last April 14th, 2021 ... after losing the $32 Million SAFE Grants lawsuit in the SC Supreme Court in late 2020 ... TWICE ... the "paid" advocates like Jim DeMint, Ellen Weaver, Palmetto Promise and that whole "cabal" got all excited as the Catholic Diocese took up the legal fight.

This time the case was filed in FEDERAL COURT ... and against "friendly" Defendants (i.e., Governor McMaster) ... so they all thought it would be a different outcome.

The problem ... THEY LOST IN COURT ... AGAIN!!!

The SC Federal Court out of Charleston said that the November 1972 statewide constitution vote to ban PUBLIC funds to private and religious schools was NOT "motivated by discriminatory intent". So ... ESAs are still illegal / UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!

A THOUSAND "LEGAL" EXCUSES!!!: We are sure the "paid" advocates and lawyers have 1,000 excuses ... but kids can't wait anymore. The "paid" advocates have been wrong time after time ... (not so) Exceptional SC has failed ... the PACE Scholarship Bill (S 903 / H 4772) is the ONLY private school choice structure allowed in South Carolina under our SC State Constitution.

DISCUSS that with your Legislators and School Leaders. Do we want to wait another year???

YOUR LEGISLATORS KNOW!!! They have to go the P.A.C.E. tax credit scholarship route ... run by INDEPENDENT NON-PROFITS ... or we will have ZERO school choice.

Ask Legislators to "end" their petty little war ... ask them to put parents & KIDS FIRST ...

FIX the ESA by "striking and replacing" the ESA Bill (S903) currently in the SC House Ways & Means Committee and making that bill the P.A.C.E. Scholarship Bill (S935 / H4772). It is past time!!!

PACE Scholarship Bill (S 903 / H 4772): The only solution ... the P.A.C.E. Scholarship Bill. We always have to sit in the wings and wait for the MONIED SPECIAL INTEREST attempts to fail ... and then our solution we will be up. Imagine if we had MILLIONS of dollars to push the PACE Scholarship ... kids would actually get help ... but the monied special interest & ClassWallet would be out of luck.

Email or call us with any questions. We will let you know how you can help make this a reality in the coming weeks. !!!

THANK YOU for your support of the program and our kids. Email or call with any questions, we are always here 24/7 to support our families and schools.

Jeff Davis, JD, MBA, CPA (GA)
Board Chairman
843-501-1842 (PKF Office)
843-901-8036 (cell)
[email protected]

Public Schools Disseminating Po*******hy; Gov. McMaster Demands Education Head to Investigate; Notifies State Law Enforcement 04/08/2022

“Public Schools Disseminating Po*******hy; Gov. Henry McMaster Demands Education Head to Investigate; Notifies State Law Enforcement”

Public Schools Disseminating Po*******hy; Gov. McMaster Demands Education Head to Investigate; Notifies State Law Enforcement The above is just one of the inappropriate book titles in SC p***c school libraries that show explicit pornographic material. This material is available for students as young as 12 years old to che…

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Videos (show all)

2021-03-16 - Teresa Middleton, Principal at Miracle Academy Testimony on H 3899
2020-10-14 - "School Choice" makes it to the A.C.B. Hearing.
2020-09-18 - SAFE Grants Hearing before the SC Supreme Court
Governor Henry McMaster announces: “Schools will remain closed for the rest of this school year”
We had the great honor to speak with President Donald J. Trump about school choice and the $5 BILLION Tax Credit Scholar...
Sen. Ted Cruz on Federal Tax Credit Scholarship Program
01/23/2020 - ZERO Fundraising Problems in ARIZONA - Same IRS Rules
01/28/2020 - Senator Davis on Failure of (not so) Exceptional SC
04/01/2019 - Sen. Jim DeMint on ESA Bill


2505 Wade Hampton Boulevard
Greenville, SC

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1622 E. North Street Ste 3 & 4
Greenville, 29604

Emrys builds a vibrant literary home in Greenville, SC for writers and readers to celebrate diverse voices and the power of words.

Wits End Poetry Wits End Poetry
1 East Coffee Street
Greenville, 29601

Wits End Poetry provides a platform to celebrate diverse artists and their stories.

Meals on Wheels of Greenville Meals on Wheels of Greenville
15 Oregon Street
Greenville, 29605

Meals on Wheels of Greenville enhances the quality of life of homebound individuals and seniors.

MentorLink International MentorLink International
PO Box 3613
Greenville, 29608

Developing leaders to lead like Jesus.

Relay For Life Clemson-Pickens SC Relay For Life Clemson-Pickens SC
154 Milestone Way
Greenville, 29615

Relay For Life of Clemson-Pickens

Speak for Animals Speak for Animals
PO Box 24185
Greenville, 29616

Dedicated to saving the lives of animals through low-cost spay/neuter programs.

Community Foundation of Greenville Community Foundation of Greenville
10 South Academy Street, Suite 350
Greenville, 29601

Bridging Philanthropy & Purpose

Greenville Summer Shakespeare Greenville Summer Shakespeare

Summer Shakespeare is a local theater company serving the Greenville, SC, community. The theater promotes a quality, affordable, family theater experience.

Project Hope Foundation, Inc. Project Hope Foundation, Inc.

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Goat Goat
110 S Pleasantburg Drive
Greenville, 29607

We exist to equip and elevate youth leaders in the way of Jesus from historically under-resourced communities through outdoor adventures.

Safe Haven & Educational Adventures, Inc. Safe Haven & Educational Adventures, Inc.
PO Box 14790
Greenville, 29640

A sanctuary for exotic animals that provides environmental awareness through education.

United Housing Connections United Housing Connections
135 Edinburgh Court Ste. 201
Greenville, 29607

To connect people at-risk for or currently experiencing homelessness with safe, sustainable and affordable homes.