Gospel Fellowship Association Missions

In every case, our focus is getting the gospel light into needy, darkened lands.

As an international mission agency, we exist to recruit, equip, and uphold Great Commission laborers to spread the good news of Jesus Christ around the world and to establish and build up Bible-believing churches that send them. We purpose to enter with a strong, evangelistic ministry any door the Lord opens, whether to countries open to traditional missionaries or creative access nations. Our aim


The Medical Team is back in Zambia working with Todd and Kathy Beaman!

Todd shares some highlights from the July team:

"This team we are blessed with 3 team members who are focused on evangelism. (One of them is Tim Berrey from the GFA home office.) They have been assisted by Oswald, Emmanuel, and Edward.

During the day they look for an individual or small group to sit with and share the Gospel. Pray for them! Nixon, Tim, and Jonathan.

Malaria is the most common complaint we are seeing. Nearly half of the patients we saw on the medical side were positive for malaria. We were able to start a treatment program right away."

*30,400 Zambians are infected daily with malaria.

*4 people die per day from the disease.

*A malaria cure is typically 3 days of medicine.

" I am grateful that we can make a difference!" -- Todd Beaman

Please continue to pray as the team works with many different limitations and challenges each day.

"And of some having compassion, making a difference." Jude 22

Photos from Gospel Fellowship Association Missions's post 07/20/2024

Earlier this summer, Alan and Jan Patterson visited several GFA missionaries in Europe!

The trip started out in the Netherlands with Theo and Sarah van Reijn who have planted a church in the town Landgraaf.

Then the Pattersons flew to Germany to visit John and Maria Kenney (Piessenberg, Germany), Fred and Tabea Fost (Sinsheim), Bill and Glenda Davis (Heidelberg), and Matthias and Annette Mutzke (Heidelberg).

The last leg of the trip took them to Denmark to be with Daniel Piranian who is serving as a GFA intern there this summer.

Will you pray for the light of Gospel to shine brightly in Europe?

Gospel Fellowship Association Missions 07/19/2024

Our George Muller Experience

"We still had more than a week of January to go until our February support check came, and our refrigerator and cupboards were empty except for a few spices."

"When evening came, Glenda and I with our five children and their teacher sat down to eat what looked like would be our last meal for at least a week. Only Glenda and I knew about the shortage in the kitchen and pantry. "

Don't miss the story of God's provision for the Davis family!

Gospel Fellowship Association Missions George Müller was a German in England who experienced the grace and mercy of God firsthand. Anyone who has read a biography of Müller will remember the bread delivery experience at the orphanage. The Lord allowed our family to experience His provision in a similar way. On July 7, 1994, we flew to ...

It's Baffling Being Bilingual - Forever a Foreigner 07/12/2024

“I grew up with two languages, Khmer and English. My first word in Khmer was the word for “banana,” ចេក, and my first word in English was “cup. I think of being bilingual as having two language trees growing in my heart. One tree is English. It is a strong, large tree with many branches and deep roots. The other tree is Khmer. It is just as old, though it does not have as many branches, and the roots still go down into the soil of my heart.” — Savannah McPhail

Savannah McPhail grew up as a GFA MK in Cambodia and learned Khmer and English at the same time. We thought our readers would enjoy hearing her insights about language in her blog post “It’s Baffling Being Bilingual.”

Shared with permission from Savannah’s blog, “Forever A Foreigner.”

It's Baffling Being Bilingual - Forever a Foreigner I grew up with two languages, Khmer and English. My first word in Khmer was the word for "banana," ចេក, and my first word in English was "cup."


Atan and Rachel Taclob are rejoicing in seeing answers to prayer and fruit for their labors!

* Four people were baptized recently at their church in the Philippines, including their oldest daughter, Hannah!

*Several children in their church ministry have responded in faith to the Gospel.

*God recently blessed the VBS ministries in our church and we are seeing discipleship opportunities because of this outreach.

*Praise the Lord as well that several neighbor ladies are remaining faithful in the evangelistic Bible studies.

Thank you for praying!

Will you also pray for wisdom as Atan prepares for the start of the BJMBC school year on July 29?

"Now I beseech you . . . that ye strive together with me in your prayers to God for me." Romans 15:30

How to Make Our Requests Known to God :: Gospel Fellowship Association Missions 07/05/2024

"Missionaries must know how to make their requests known to God. Why? As one of my Filipino pastor friends says, 'Missions is not difficult; it’s impossible!' ”

"At the same time, our God has categorically commanded His children not to be anxious about anything (see Philippians 4:6). Is that even possible?"

Tim Berrey's blog post, "How to Make Our Requests Known to God," gives practical prayer insights that will help each of us as we navigate our daily personal and ministry challenges.

You don't want to miss this encouragement for your prayer life on Commissioned!

How to Make Our Requests Known to God :: Gospel Fellowship Association Missions Missionaries must know how to make their requests known to God. All Christians must, but missionaries especially must. Why? As one of my Filipino pastor


Rachel Steffensmeier directs the music department at Bob Jones Memorial Bible College in the Philippines. She asks prayer about government policy changes that might make it difficult (if not impossible) for students from a restricted access nation to get visas.

Will you pray for wisdom as this situation is navigated and ask God to open the door for these students to return to school according to His will?

"Now I beseech you . . . that ye strive together with me in your prayers to God for me." Romans 15:30

Finding Open Doors in a Closed Country :: Gospel Fellowship Association Missions 06/27/2024

"How does one reach people for Christ in a country that issues no missionary visas, has officially declared itself to be atheistic, and seeks to “manage” religion?"

The author of today's blog post, "Finding Open Doors in a Closed Country," gives a testimony of how the Lord has opened doors that no man can shut. Revelation 3:7.

Don't miss this encouraging read on Commissioned!

Finding Open Doors in a Closed Country :: Gospel Fellowship Association Missions How does one reach people for Christ in a country that issues no missionary visas, has officially declared itself to be atheistic, and seeks to


Welcome to Micaiah Bixby!

Micaiah is from Paris, France, where his parents serve as missionaries. He recently completed a three-year apprenticeship in mechanical engineering in Paris.

This summer he will be an SIP intern in Aibai, Papua New Guinea (PNG) with Mike Berbin and the missionary team there. Ministry opportunities include helping with construction projects and assisting with church ministries.

Pray for . . .

1) physical strength as Micaiah assists with construction and maintenance projects

2) opportunities to minister to young men

3) spiritual growth in his life


Welcome to Joanna Smith!

Joanna grew up as an MK in Papua New Guinea until her family returned to the USA when she was in high school. Currently, she is studying nursing at Greenville Tech in Greenville, SC.

This summer Joanna is part of GFA's Strategic Internship Program serving with Anne Dreisbach in Suriname, South America. Joanna will be assisting Anne in women's and children's ministries, helping to organize clinic records, and joining Anne as a companion on excursions to villages up and down the river.

Joanna requests prayer that she will . . .

*Grow spiritually

*Not let inconveniences or changes in routine unsettle her

*Be able to jump into the ministry and get to know the people

*Be a blessing to Anne


When launching a church plant, where do you begin your preaching ministry?

In this episode of RE:CHURCH, Marshall Fant discusses this topic with Matthew Recker, who has planted three churches in New York City. He currently pastors Heritage Baptist Church in Manhattan, a church that began in 1996.

Pastor Recker chose to start in Matthew 5 with the Beatitudes, a passage that corrects skewed views of happiness. True happiness comes from knowing Jesus Christ the King, mourning over our sin, thirsting and hungering for the Word of God, and developing right relationships around us. Pastor Recker said if he planted another church, he would start with the same passage because “the wisdom of Jesus Christ shines very powerfully in the Beatitudes.”

Watch this podcast on YouTube or listen to it on Spotify, Apple, Google Podcasts, or gfamissions.org/rechurch


Welcome to Luke Boyer!

Luke is from Nevada and graduated from International Baptist College and Seminary (IBCS) in May.

This summer he will be an SIP intern in Aibai, Papua New Guinea (PNG) with Mike Berbin and the missionary team there. Ministry opportunities include a youth camp that will be held in June and construction projects that need extra hands.

The facet of Papua New Guinea that first caught Luke's attention is the need for a ministry among the deaf. He knows basic ASL (though ASL is not the sign language used in PNG).

The deaf in PNG comprise a relatively high percentage of the general population. The deaf people in and around Aibai lack not only someone to share the Gospel with them, but also the language skills to understand it. Standardized sign language is not taught, and communication with and among the deaf is extremely limited.

During this internship, Luke will have the opportunity to meet with deaf people, showing them videos of dramatized Bible stories and learning how they sign.

Will you pray for Luke this summer?

Pray for . . .

1) physical strength as he assists with construction and maintenance projects
2) wisdom as he helps with summer camp
3) wisdom and grace with ministries to the deaf

Christ's Love as Motivation for Missions :: Gospel Fellowship Association Missions 06/21/2024

"We often hear of ministry needs both foreign and domestic. The call goes out for laborers to answer the call to serve Christ in vocational ministry.

So, what best motivates a believer to answer the call for ministry, driving him or her forward in their ministry service?"

Today on Commissioned, Tony Cornelius shares his burden for the best motivation to share the Gospel in his blog post, "Christ's Love as Motivation for Missions."

Christ's Love as Motivation for Missions :: Gospel Fellowship Association Missions What motivates a believer to serve the Lord? We often hear of ministry needs both foreign and domestic. The call goes out for laborers to answer the call


Stan and Grace Shelton serve in Vienna, Austria, and this summer brings several ministry opportunities.

*A baptism is planned for the end of June.
*July will be the annual English Week outreach.
*August will bring children’s and youth camp opportunities.

Will you pray for the Lord to work in hearts and enable the Sheltons to have a profitable summer of ministry?

"Now I beseech you . . . that ye strive together with me in your prayers to God for me." Romans 15:30


Welcome to Daniel Piranian!

Daniel is from Alaska and is currently studying Missions at Maranatha Baptist University. This summer he is part of GFA's Strategic Internship Program (SIP) in Denmark, the Netherlands, and Sweden.

While he is in Denmark he will be helping a church plant in the city of Give. Then he will go to the Netherlands to serve with Theo and Sarah van Reijn at their church in the region of Limburg. At the end of his internship, he will travel to Sweden to work in a youth ministry.

Will you pray for Daniel this summer? He requests prayer . . .

*To make lasting connections with the Danish people especially in Give and Copenhagen

*To learn more about the culture and the people in each country

*To grow personally in his own life


Munros Join GFA's Interim Pastor Ministry!

David and Leslie Munro were accepted to serve with GFA’s Interim Pastor Ministry. The Munros' last ministry was at First Baptist Church of Lewes, DE. David served as senior pastor (2001–2013) and then transitioned to an assistant to the pastor (2019–2023).

We are happy to welcome them as a great addition to our Interim Pastor Ministry!

Trouble That Goes with Us to the Mission Field :: Gospel Fellowship Association Missions 06/13/2024

"What should I pack? Twelve bags later, my husband must have thought that we could and probably should revisit that question (though he graciously never voiced this)."

"There’s one thing I wish I could have left behind. It wasn’t on my packing list, but it managed to travel across the ocean with me . . ."

Wonder what that one thing was? Find out in today's blog post, "Trouble That Goes with Us to the Mission Field," on Commissioned!

Trouble That Goes with Us to the Mission Field :: Gospel Fellowship Association Missions What should I pack? Twelve bags later, my husband must have thought that we could and probably should revisit that question (though he graciously never


Anne Dreisbach returned to Suriname on June 4 after a lengthy furlough to care for medical needs.

Will you pray for grace and strength to accomplish all that must be done in settling back into her home on the field?

Joanna Smith will be joining Anne soon to begin a summer internship. Will you pray for Joanna as she prepares to go to Suriname?

"Now I beseech you . . . that ye strive together with me in your prayers to God for me." Romans 15:30


When you first take a church, how do you discern the current spiritual needs and where to begin preaching?

How do you prepare your own heart?

In this episode of RE:CHURCH, Marshall Fant discusses this topic with Caleb Phelps, who has been senior pastor of Faith Baptist Church in Taylors, SC, for one year. Before that, he served six years as a senior pastor of a church in Florida.

He says the groundwork laid by the GFA interim pastor who served at the church before him helped him tremendously in this new pastorate.

Pastor Caleb says his mantra is taken from the counsel Paul gave to young Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:13–16: “Strap yourself into the pulpit, and preach the Word.”

Watch this podcast on YouTube or listen to it on Spotify, Apple, Google Podcasts, or gfamissions.org/rechurch


Andrew and Meagan Minnick to serve full-time at BJMBC in Philippines!

Andrew and Meagan Minnick recently completed a short-term teaching assignment at Bob Jones Memorial Bible College in Quezon City, Philippines. The Lord used this time to direct them to return full-time to BJMBC, and on May 1 they were accepted as GFA career missionaries. They plan to begin deputation in early June and hope to return to the Philippines by July 2025.

Could you give them a Bible passage or a word of encouragement as they begin deputation? Leave it in the comments below!

What Religion? :: Gospel Fellowship Association Missions 06/06/2024

"One question that all visa applicants must answer is this: What is your religion? Then you have to choose: Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, etc."

"When I was filling out the form, my daughter was not quite 17 months old. What is her religion? Does she have a religion? According to the visa application form, she must have a religion. I chose Christian. Did I lie? That’s what I want her to be, but is my daughter really a Christian? Not yet."

So, what is a Christian? Find out in today's blog post, "What Religion?"

What Religion? :: Gospel Fellowship Association Missions One number makes a big difference. Especially when that number is on a visa! 2023 is a lot different from 2027. It’s my daughter’s visa, and I


Alan and Jan Patterson will be visiting several GFA missionaries throughout Europe from June 7–22.

Will you pray for the Lord to give safety, wisdom, and the ability to encourage the workers in each area?

Will you also pray for wisdom as they survey ministry possibilities in Denmark?

"The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." James 5:16


What precious yet profound words were penned by Zephaniah when he wrote, “The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; He will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing” (Zephaniah 3:17). The Lord Himself represents His joy over us through singing, and His song is born out of His great love for us. If we could audibly hear His song, we know it would be pure. It would be truth; it would be beautiful; and it would draw us to Himself and no other.

As His image bearers, God’s people are a singing people. Scripture provides over 50 directives to sing, and singing itself is mentioned over 400 times. The power of music to minister to hearts, both saved and unsaved, is undeniable and from the Lord. Often, music can reach into the heart and move it more profoundly than mere prose. Most likely all Christians can recall struggling with a heavy burden in silence, yet at the first notes of a song of comfort, they were reduced to tears as they were called to remember God’s mercies and love.

Believing in the power of music to reach a hurting soul, GFA is preparing a music team to minister in Europe during May 2025. The theme of this team’s message will be “The Hope Within Us” and will present Christ as the only lasting answer to an aching and empty heart. The music sung will be biblically sound and doctrinally correct. It will have a simple beauty and be performed cleanly and correctly to prevent the message from being obscured by the messenger.

There is a threefold purpose to this ministry. First, the team members will seek to minister to the lost and hurting through songs and testimonies. Besides singing, each member will prepare a testimony sharing how Christ is the hope within them and how this hope guides their lives. We will spend time during each rehearsal praying as we dedicate this group to God’s use.

Second, this ministry team will seek to share the burdens of the pastors or missionaries we visit. We desire to encourage them in their work and remind them that though they are far from “home,” they are loved and not forgotten. The concert will also provide another opportunity for evangelism. I have found that while leading other choirs on tour in Europe, even the unchurched are interested in hearing sacred music presented by young Americans. Music will draw in many who would not consider hearing just a preacher, but these performances can open a door for future visits.

Last, it is my deepest desire as the music director to see the hearts of the team members drawn closer to God as they prepare beautiful, godly music and pray for the missionaries, pastors, church members, and lost. I earnestly desire that the team see souls saved and be able to rejoice with God as He rejoices over the newly redeemed with singing. I want the team to feel the sobering reality of a broken and dying world and present open hands and clean hearts that God can use in service.

I am praying even now that because of this ministry in May 2025, the team members’ hearts will be opened to the need for servants all over this world and will be moved one day to answer GFA’s poignant question, “Where will YOU go?” - Dr. Brenda Keen

• Team: 12–16 voice ensemble
• Where: Germany, Luxembourg, and France
• When: May 2025
• Cost: $4,000

Interested in going with the team? Find out more here: https://gfamissions.org/music-team/

Photos from Gospel Fellowship Association Missions's post 05/31/2024

Have you considered the needs of Suriname?

"Suriname, the smallest country on the continent of South America, is bordered on the north by the Atlantic Ocean, on the south by Brazil, on the west by Guyana, and on the east by French Guinea.

Settled by the Dutch around 1667, Suriname has experienced an eventful history, including years of slave trading, a coup establishing a dictatorship for a time, and a civil war.

Other nations have also influenced Suriname. People groups in the country include Indonesian, Chinese, Indian, Creole, Maroon, and others. An obvious outgrowth from this variety in the population provides a diverse religious setting.

The Joshua Project lists Christianity as the largest religious group in Suriname at 41.7%. This group includes Moravians, Catholics, Lutherans, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Baptists, among others. Other religions include Islam and Buddhism. Hinduism has also been gaining a growing number of adherents. Generally, this conglomeration of religions is more prevalent in the coastal regions, while the less populated inland holds on to traditional beliefs such as animism.

Compared to many other nations, genuine Surinamese believers do not suffer severe public persecution. Instead, the oppression they experience is more subtle. Often the family of individuals who accept the Lord will backbite them, exclude them, and mock them.

Would you prayerfully consider if God wants you to share the Gospel with the people of Suriname?"

By Joanna Smith from the Joshua Project.

Theological Traps That Hinder Evangelism :: Gospel Fellowship Association Missions 05/30/2024

“What does my verbal witness for Christ (or lack thereof) reveal about my theology?”

“Have I fallen into a theological trap?”

“If our theology is right (in both heart and mind), we will be active witnesses for Jesus Christ. Our theology is not merely our doctrinal statement or creed; it is how we think about God and His ways—today.”

Read Forrest McPhail’s article, “Theological Traps That Hinder Evangelism,” and prayerfully consider whether any of these “theological traps” could describe your own thinking.

Theological Traps That Hinder Evangelism :: Gospel Fellowship Association Missions A trap is something you fall into because you don’t realize it’s there. Theological traps are errors in thinking about God and His ways that


Special assignment missionaries Bill and Jocelyn Lovegrove plan to visit Uruguay July 10–30.

Would you pray for safety, excellent evangelistic opportunities, and practical wisdom as they adapt to the language and culture?

Also, would you ask God to supply good health, physical stamina, and material provisions?

“Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified. . .” 2 Thessalonians 3:1


What Scripture evaluates pastors and churches? How do we, as pastors, lead our churches to see ourselves accurately?

Revelation 1–3 speaks to the spiritual condition of churches. Christ’s “I know” in Revelation 2–3 magnifies His intimate, personal relationship with His people, followed by His loving warnings and promises.

In this episode of RE:CHURCH, GFA Executive Director Jon Crocker interviews Marshall Fant, GFA director of church planting and revitalization about Revelation 1–3.

Speaking of the impact of these three chapters on him personally, Marshall Fant says, “They have spiritually humbled me. How much time do I have as a pastor? Where have I not read right? Heard right? Been convicted? Then keep those words. The time is short.”

Watch this podcast on YouTube or listen to it on Spotify, Apple, Google Podcasts, or gfamissions.org/rechurch

Photos from Gospel Fellowship Association Missions's post 05/24/2024

And that's a wrap for the Zambia Medical Team 2024!

“Each day we are more efficient! The team is doing an amazing job! Gospel was presented and needs were met! Our Mission goal is being reached.” - Todd Beaman

And . . . a mission team would not be complete without a flat tire experience--right? This team had 4!

Todd Beaman said, “We plugged a tire 3 different times this team and blew 1 on the way home from clinic. I have my own trained pit crew now! We were fixed and on the road in 15 minutes!”

Please pray as the team members travel back over the next couple of days.

"And of some have compassion, making a difference." Jude 22

A Missionary Like Paul :: Gospel Fellowship Association Missions 05/23/2024

"God is still calling and gifting Pauls today. The spirit of Paul still exists in modern-day missions. My advice to those to whom God has given a similar calling: stir up the gift that is in you!" - Tim Berrey

Tim Berrey's blog post, "A Missionary Like Paul," is an excellent challenge for those interested in missions today.

At the end of the blog post, there is a recording of a session that Dr. Berrey gave on this topic at a GFA missions retreat. Give it a listen!

A Missionary Like Paul :: Gospel Fellowship Association Missions Not every missionary has the same kind of missionary calling as Paul. Both Timothy and Titus were missionary pastors—overseeing flocks in areas not


Steve and Marcia McLean serve in Wales and are endeavoring to disciple and lead their church biblically.

Will you pray for growth in spiritual maturity as the newer believers take more responsibility in the church and for continued contacts with the people in their village?

Please also pray for the Lord’s guidance for the McLeans' daughter Margaret as she prepares to leave for university in the fall.

"Now I beseech you . . . that ye strive together with me in your prayers to God for me." Romans 15:30

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Videos (show all)

When launching a church plant, where do you begin your preaching ministry?In this episode of RE:CHURCH, Marshall Fant di...
When you first take a church, how do you discern the current spiritual needs and where to begin preaching? How do you pr...
What Scripture evaluates pastors and churches? How do we, as pastors, lead our churches to see ourselves accurately? Rev...
Sometimes God works in people's lives from a young age. Such was the case with Anne Dreisbach, the daughter of medical m...
What is the main thing going on in the world today?Ephesians answers this question. The church is the main thing going o...
How does the theme of the book drive application through a series? In this episode of RE:CHURCH, Marshall Fant discusses...
Tandil, Argentina, is a city of 140,000 people. As far as we can tell, this city has one church that preaches the Gospel...
American Christians are accustomed to Christianity having cultural influence and being viewed positively. But when we fa...
"Every one of these people will live somewhere forever, and every one of these people needs to hear about Jesus Christ."...
GFA Music Team informational meeting tonight at 8 pm! This team will be going to Europe in May 2025. Go to https://gfami...
What comes to your mind when you think of the book of Psalms? Many people view it primarily as a book of comfort, but Ps...



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PO Box 3613
Greenville, 29608

Developing leaders to lead like Jesus.

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Greenville, 29615

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PO Box 24185
Greenville, 29616

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10 South Academy Street, Suite 350
Greenville, 29601

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Greenville, 29607

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