Bernice - Fitness, Nutrition & Health

The Mango Tree Fitness & Muay Thai, Co-Owner&Coach, Master’s in Nutritional Sciences

Photos from Bernice - Fitness, Nutrition & Health's post 07/12/2024

Super excited to visit the HQ and have lunch with and ! Rented a car from LAX and drove about an hour & 15 min away and back to my hotel! (Been a while driving aggressive and fast in CA… compared to Hawaii 😅 !) They’ve been my long time mentors who I’ve learned a ton from throughout my years in fitness. Being part of the family has been life-changing! They’ve done SO MUCH to impact my life and the fitness industry. They’ve paved the path for trainers and fitness entrepreneurs, like me, everywhere. I’m grateful for the few hours I got to spend with them. Looking forward to the future in this long-time partnership with !

Photos from Bernice - Fitness, Nutrition & Health's post 07/11/2024

5th year here for Day 1 at the for the Studio and Club Summit! Thank you to our coaches and .co for many golden nuggets of wisdom! I know I’m in the right industry to make an impact in my community and the lives of many with what I’m most passionate about — fitness, nutrition, and health! Doing this for my family - my why. Leaving a legacy for them. Fixed my mindset and reignited a fire of reaching my personal goals because of my business goals. Jumping on that rocketship! 🚀 let’s go!!!

Photos from Bernice - Fitness, Nutrition & Health's post 07/10/2024

With the beautiful 2024 class of Mrs. Hawaii Contestants and the 2023 Mrs. Hawaii America + American

Mrs East Honolulu:
Mrs. Oahu and 2024 Mrs Hawaii American:
Mrs. Maui and :

Mrs. Honolulu:

Photos from Bernice - Fitness, Nutrition & Health's post 07/10/2024

Behind the scenes pics!
I am so grateful for my 2024 class and congrats again to our Mrs. Maui ( !) and Mrs. Oahu (Mrs Hawaii American!). Congrats our Mrs Aloha and Mrs Photogenic and Hospitality !! You’re all so beautiful inside and out! On this 2024-2025 (and beyond!) trek together to continue to better ourselves and our communities! ✨

So grateful to and who took care of us and so much behind the scenes for us to compete in the pageant! Your gifts and coordination with sponsors, event venues, and ALL THE THINGS made it a success!

Photos from Bernice - Fitness, Nutrition & Health's post 07/10/2024

It’s been over a week since the pageant! So many lessons learned with just a few weeks of preparing for this. This is what I call my “walk in faith.” I prayed about it and just knew I had to do it.

If you know me, I love a wholesome challenge! Haha. (Especially those that challenge me physically!) and boy, this did! A pageant to me, without even jumping into it yet, meant growth and a display of physical and mental beauty. From the outside looking in, I had a pre-conceived notion it was hair, makeup 💄, and smile 😁📸! Lemme tell you, there is SO MUCH MORE to it! I had to grow some extra BOLDNESS, especially in the area of interviewing/communicating, which I know some might think is one of my strengths. Speaking to people vs interviewing are so different! We did interview practices, hours of prep for walking and dancing in those mayjah high heels, getting sponsors, sending out lots of emails and texts, working out and dialing my nutrition in to get leaner. Then there’s being the mommy, wife, trainer, and business owner I still need to be. This stretched me!

Could I have practiced walking in my actual dress I wore on stage, fixed it, and practiced my swim suit more… yes! “Coulda, shoulda, woulda,” are the enemy’s favorite words to use against me in the time of reflection that turns into regret. “Oh, you didn’t win the titles…” aka the competitive side of me brought me feelings of insecurities and deflated my self-esteem a bit. Dwelling too long in the past led to feelings that I turned into sayings and beliefs of hope! SMASH those feelings and say, “I did my best!” “I am supported and loved. There’s purpose in this! There’s relationships, connections, and many fun memories that were made! I grew in experience and can share what I’ve been through to help and encourage other women.”
So, with all of this… I am grateful and give God the glory for giving me the opportunity and grace to do this ! 😁


Photos from Bernice - Fitness, Nutrition & Health's post 07/01/2024

Mrs. Congeniality award is voted on by the contestants, and that’s why I’m so proud of getting this one! So grateful for the ladies that were hand picked for me to experience this pageant journey with.
I may not have been chosen as the top 2 picks for the Mrs. Hawaii title, but have won in so many other ways!

Photos from Bernice - Fitness, Nutrition & Health's post 07/01/2024

🥰FEELING THE OVERWHELMING SUPPORT OF MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY. Thank you for those who helped to make this happen, especially my husband, parents, and my boys! Thank you for ALL the text messages and DM’s!! Pageant prep was definitely not easy, but I’m blessed with the best people God’s surrounded me with to cover me in prayer and love. 💕


Interviews done! Next up, the pageant on Sunday! FYI, there’s still more tickets available, so please let me know if you’d like to come!

I discovered from the process of pageant prep, how important it is to know who you are. I realized that I know myself much better than I initially thought. It’s sometimes rare that we are asked a question about, “Who are you?”
Here’s the quick snippet: My name in Greek means the “bringer of victory.” The victory bringer: physically, mentally, spiritually. I’m an encourager. I’m a passionate goal-getter that loves a new challenge and learning. I love empowering women to be their best and healthiest selves…. i could keep going!

Through this process, I am learning to be a better communicator, learned a lot of beauty tips (makeup, the face, clothing/style), and for the first time since 2019 when I used to compete in the bikini division of NPC competitions, have leaned up and lost weight and body fat to less than pre-baby weight! Woohoo! 🙌🏼

Feeling the love 🥰from my sponsors and family & friends who are so supportive of this journey!
Just to name a few businesses supporting this journey:

.hnl .photography . BIG MAHALOS!

SEE YOU SUNDAY JUNE 30th at the Blaisdell - Hawaii Suites! (Tickets not sold at door. Please DM if you’d like to come!)

Photos from Bernice - Fitness, Nutrition & Health's post 06/29/2024

Ladies night with the 2024 sisters! Entertainment by and !! We had so much fun! Thank you and for coordinating our fun night!

Photos from Bernice - Fitness, Nutrition & Health's post 06/23/2024

B.A.B.E.S= Beautiful, authentic, bold, encouraging , sistaz in Christ , the women’s ministry of church with our “FAITH, FIT, FUN FELLOWSHIP at Kapiolani Park today with !!!

Photos from Bernice - Fitness, Nutrition & Health's post 06/22/2024

WE DID IT! Love you and doing life with you ! 💕 … reward = massage!

Photos from Bernice - Fitness, Nutrition & Health's post 06/08/2024

“Not your average boring networking party!” 👑🌺This one was fun! Meeting new friends and reuniting with some (yay for our .ewoc.ywca.oahu Business Accelerator group!) , decorating our crowns, pictures, shopping, and more! Mahalo to for the invite!! And to and for putting on this awesome event!

Photos from Bernice - Fitness, Nutrition & Health's post 06/07/2024


My first ever pageant is coming quick on June 30th! Would love for you to come! Please DM me to order your tickets as tickets won’t be sold at the door.

How you could support: Sponsorships donations, good luck wishes in the pageant program, and ad pages!
DM me friends, family, or businesses if you’d like to support my journey! Anything helps!

THEME IS ✨SHINE ✨. So grateful for this opportunity!

“Here’s another way to put it: You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭14‬-‭16‬ ‭MSG‬‬

📸: .photography

Photos from Bernice - Fitness, Nutrition & Health's post 06/03/2024

I love you my boys 💙🌊 MAVERICK JOHN💛🦁 LION-ALBERT. Best buddy bros for life! ♾️🫶🏼

Photos from Bernice - Fitness, Nutrition & Health's post 05/26/2024

It was AL🌼HA WEAR day on the last day of P2 for Lion and P3 for Maverick at ! Super thankful for their teachers who poured a lot of themselves into the boys (and in turn, me too! Love me a teacher I could pray with!!) Can’t believe how fast this school year felt. This was Lion’s first year in preschool (part time only, part time Mango Tree preschool), and Maverick’s 2nd yr… and one year to go in preschool! SO PROUD of Maverick for enduring a year and growing / improved his mind in all areas! Lion has always been a fast learner with completing potty training within weeks with very minimal accidents! Good job my boys! MOMMY IS SOOOO PROUD OF YOU! And thank you for giving me your leis without me asking. You both know means help shape me more than you know! 😘💙💛

Photos from Bernice - Fitness, Nutrition & Health's post 05/18/2024

I love surrounding myself with bright, bold, and passionate minds! I got A LOT of that with the Women’s Entrepreneur Conference at the on 05.27.24, an event I’ve been looking forward to attending for months now!!! Steve said there was close to 300 woman entrepreneur attendees from all around the islands!! Met SO MANY mana wahine, passionate about what they do (or if they werent, sparking that flame and trying to figure it out) enough to grow and learn from each other .
Keynote from CEO Denise Woodward and Owner of Chef were inspiring and learned a lot of nuggets about building a team and the reasons why they do what they do and the grit it takes to succeed.

Sat in the Mom-trepreneur talk with April, co-Founder , COO & President , Principal Attorney , and .808 ! YES, you CAN mamas!!

GRIT talk with , Co-Founder and Owner Jan, Co-Founder and CEO Mahina, Founder Rose Wang, and Moderator Mary.

Feeling empowered and more ready for what’s to come! Great to meet and see ladies on this warrior entrepreneur path that we were called to.

Photos from Bernice - Fitness, Nutrition & Health's post 05/03/2024

Had fun at the MIX & MINGLE EVENT WITH ! So great to meet and reconnect with other female business owners in Hawaii! Met and supported (inspiring entrepreneur of the year!) , (such beautiful clay jewelry!), and with her beautiful tropical bouquet I got to take home! Super grateful for this supportive group of women and events like this!

Photos from Bernice - Fitness, Nutrition & Health's post 04/29/2024

Love these mamas so much! Celebrating their birthdays together last week and made Koa Pancakes fancy shmancy with our outfits + leis! They were all pregnant at the same time and me + Jess + Alisa were too! .mrly . Prom pose to show off their nice dresses!

Photos from Bernice - Fitness, Nutrition & Health's post 04/28/2024

WE DID IT! Our first WHOLE & FIT WOMAN COLLECTIVE EVENT was a success! Thank you to the and Kelly for partnering with me in our event that brought together financial, physical, and emotional resources for busy women! This is just the beginning of some amazing workshops we are going to do together! Grateful for the donations to the and for the ladies who came to learn!

I brought the healthy food (yogurt, 🍓, 🍌, 🍉, 🍇) and of course had coffee and tea! Then did a talk about nutrition, mainly about protein, fiber, debunking some myths about diets, answering questions about supplements, and My Plate (replaced My Food Pyramid guide!) . I mentioned that my favorite muscles were my tongue and my heart. So, when I put those two together and talk, I could go on and on and on… then mix that with fitness, wooooo! Then its a real 🥳!!


I love doing life with these disciple warrior sisters!! Side note: surprised us 3 weeks ago, coming allllll the way from her missionary stay in Panama! We had a powerful time of prayer and “sending off” again for her. Love these sisters who pour into each other in our personal lives and in our work/careers! We’re 3 generations deep here (me, friends my age in their late 20s and 30s, theirs and my kids, and those kids grandmothers!) and from what I heard, this type of group is a rare fine. “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭18‬:‭20‬ ‭KJV FYI, we meet on Fridays at 9am-11ish in Hawaii Kai and Tuesdays at 8:15 for prayer . LMK if you’d love to come! FriYAYS (also why I call it friYAYS) We pray, praise and worship, pray, get a little teaching from the Word & hear testimonies, pray more, and usually eat.

Lesson: Women warriors (because that’s what most of you are as one of my IG followers), find a group of women to stick with to pray together with and do life together with. Don’t keep jumping from different groups all the time and not show up. Life feels a lot more “doable” in a community that prays together consistently and for one another. I’ve been with this group for 2 yrs.

Action: If you haven’t found your group, maybe I can help to find you a group? Whether it’s for spiritual, emotional or physical self, I got you (only because God’s gotchu girllll) 👍🏼 DM ME

Photos from Bernice - Fitness, Nutrition & Health's post 04/15/2024

He knew mine with meeting these amazing ladies at the in Honolulu, Hawaii on April 12-13! One of my biggest joys is being around other Warrior Women for Jesus (the way, the TRUTH, and the LIFE). Also, being in an environment that me and these women could grow in the areas God has gifted us in. Really looking forward to learning more about , founded by Dr. ! Especially grateful to Pastor .di for the opportunity to be part of the team (greeting, prayer team, and social media).


YOU’RE INVITED 💌: WHOLE & FIT WOMAN COLLECTIVE EVENT on APRIL 27, 2024 from 8:30-12PM at the Hawaii Loa Ridge Clubhouse!

TO RSVP: Follow directions on the flyer! Link in my profile

Kelly, , and I are bringing financial physical and emotional fitness resources together to simplify life for the busy woman.

Kelly: Financial Fitness is foundational to overall wellness and fitness. Kelly plans comprehensively with the big picture in mind and strives to help you organize, prioritize, and simplify your financial life.

Bernice: Physical fitness is about extending your play span! By strength and cardio exercises, we can extend the length of time we “get to” play! We will move intentionally to music and enjoy our time working out together!

Renee: Emotional Fitness is a practice that includes your mind, heart (emotions) and spirit (breath). Renee will lead a Holy Yoga gentle class and teach you how to Breathe & Be.


Photos from Bernice - Fitness, Nutrition & Health's post 04/11/2024

IMPORTANCE OF DATE NIGHT ❤️ prioritize what’s most important, even before and above the boys. I love how our relationship over the past 12 yrs now continues to evolve and grow. From figuring out how to do life working at the same gym, to owning our own gym, to starting a family and going from being a parent of one boy, then to two … and then all of that still over the past 8 years of and slowing (maybe fast) taking in more roles like coaching for Rich… and for me getting more involved with Christian women’s events… when life gets so busy, none of it really matters to me if me and Rich aren’t on the same page and fully supportive of each others endeavors. Our life is literally a daily ADVENTURE. Definitely some more exciting and fun than others, but so happy to be doing this life with MY BEST FRIEND, LOVER, AND HUSBAND. I love you .

Side note: was the first place Rich brought me on a date to meet my parents and he made himself look reaaaaalllyyy good with the chef coming out and getting us a personalized menu. When we come here, it always feels so special! (One of the best places to watch the sunset and then fireworks from Waikiki… not to mention the really yummy food!

Photos from Bernice - Fitness, Nutrition & Health's post 03/26/2024

LOVE YOU 💗 … she was one of my inspirations to do the MDL! Also, she shared her story with my .12_03.31 group for our post workout POW WOW and just so inspired by her strength, resiliance, and determination after recently going through breast cancer treatment! So happy to see you, train you, and THANK YOU for sharing your story of strong faith and community (and what matters most!) with the ladies!!

Repost from

milestone day!! May 19th was the last day at and today March 19th i went back!! felt soo good!l ty for your encouragement ! (also funny, i wore the same outfit without even knowing it😆). Glad to be here on the other end of things getting back to activities i enjoy 🙏🏽

Photos from Bernice - Fitness, Nutrition & Health's post 03/22/2024

SIX years ago 😍 HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MY LOVE 03.21.18 “Let’s get ready to rumbleeeeee!”

Photos from Bernice - Fitness, Nutrition & Health's post 03/17/2024

Shout out to these two hardworking ladies Cori .kiiyana.storey and Chess for their MTAAC (Muay Thai Amateur Athletic Circuit) at performance!!! Seriously, so impressed by their strategic showcase and their supportive coaches that helped them along the way!

Photos from Bernice - Fitness, Nutrition & Health's post 03/16/2024

March 9, 2024: this was the end of WEEK 4 of 7 of my Women’s Empowerment Through Fitness and Muay Thai small group training program where we had help us to followup on our specific goals before we did our workout! On our first week, we had her GOAL-getHER WORKSHOP where she gave us tools to use (BIN-GOAL!) and SMART goals sheet. Really love that our (we’re coming for you and soon!) lady members empower one another to hit/smash goals!!! As your coach, it’s my ultimate goal to guide you to your fitness and muay thai goals!!! LET’S DO THIS! 🙌🏼🙌🏼

Photos from Bernice - Fitness, Nutrition & Health's post 03/16/2024

March 5, 2024 36th BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS (with amazing food and sunset at ) with my family and some gifts 🌻🌹🌸from my friends and my love and cake from my parents!

…. It was an amazing birthday with food, family, and friendship! (That’s all I wished for!) 🎂🎉🥳

Photos from Bernice - Fitness, Nutrition & Health's post 03/13/2024

Oh, ya know …just 2 weeks late on posting a bunch of HIGHLIGHTS aka some of my favorite times with some amazing people! These 2 , my Pledge Sisters and were the highlights of my Tues Feb 27th! Kmae was visiting from CA! I love when friends come and visit me! We had lunch at Candice’s family’s company ! We go almost 20 yrs back in at USF Pledge Class of 2006! We even picked up Candice’s new book she wrote with her dad, “What Day Are You?” Be sure to get her book out that donates book sale proceeds to Foundation, supporting the growth and empowerment of young women, and to nonprofit organizations dedicated to rising awareness for su***de prevention among young adults! Love these precious moments with my pledge sisters! ❤️♥️💜

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Business Owner & Coach, The Mango Tree Fitness and Martial Arts


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It was fun coordinating this for Taizha and seeing the fruit of the labor of love with the production of this video from...
It was fun coordinating this for Taizha and seeing the fruit of the labor of love with the production of this video from...
EMPOWERING WOMEN THROUGH FITNESS. The 6 Week Women’s Empowerment Through Fitness Training Program starts on May 23rd and...
How beautiful! My @c4_hawaii hula sisters! 🥰😍 MY 2022 EASTER THEME “Because He Lives” ✝️🙏🏼 THANK YOU JESUS!!!
A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY i had! (My bday is actually on March 5th, but I like to celebrate all month long!) Just from one o...
19 months old today! That means a year and a half + one month for our little Maverick John! With just a fierce 8 teeth, ...
TOMORROW, JULY 31st at 9AM Hawaii Time, we will be having our @alzassociation @alzhawaii Dance Fitness FUNdraiser both i...
#appreciationpost: My love Rich @oahusamurai is the simplest / easiest man to please, especially on his birthday. (JULY ...
💪🏼 OUR 6 WEEK WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT THROUGH FITNESS TRAINING PROGRAM starts this Monday the 12th of July! .This will be an...
💪🏼 OUR 6 WEEK WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT THROUGH FITNESS TRAINING PROGRAM starts this Monday the 12th of July! .This will be an...
Know how excited we are to get our 6 Week Women’s Empowerment Through Fitness Training Program going?! VERY! 😁😆 Coach @j...
A quick peek into our 10 Week Women’s Small Group for Foundations Muay Thai with @themangotree_kaimuki Coach @daytamano ...



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