Coggin Graduate and Executive Programs

The Coggin College of Business offers many programs that are designed with your strengths and unique interests in mind.

The Coggin College of Business, accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), holds the highest standard of achievement for business schools.Less than 5% of the world’s 13,000 programs have earned this distinction. Recognized by the Princeton Review as a Best Business School.


Starting Fall 2024: MS in FinTech at the University of North Florida at Coggin Graduate Programs

Dive into the future of finance and technology with cutting-edge courses, hands-on projects, and industry-leading faculty. This program is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the rapidly evolving world of financial technology.

Join us in the upcoming weeks to learn more about the program as we spotlight faculty, program specifics and steps to apply.

🔗 Learn more and apply today:


Congratulations to all of our Graduates this semester!


Happy Graduation week Coggin Graduate Ospreys!

Are you wondering how to wear your gown and hood? Follow these steps to make sure you are ready

1️⃣ Hold the fabric with the brown side up and pull some of the excess fabric though.

2️⃣Make sure the point in the front is in front of your neck with the string hanging down.

3️⃣Have someone connect the string to the button on the back of your hood.


Osprey Alumni on the Move:
Congratulations to Sam Ishee, MBA alum on his recent promotion to CFO of Florida Capital Bank.

Timeline photos 04/15/2024

📣 Spotlight: Meet Alexandra Lackard, Coggin Graduate Coordinator. Alexandra leads academic advising for our Coggin Graduate Programs, helping students Master their Careers.

Last week she was honored with 2 awards: the 2023 Academic Advisor of the Year and the Leadership Educator Award from the Taylor Leadership Institute.

These awards showcase her ongoing drive for excellence and support of student success.

Congratulations Alexandra!


We are excited to share that the University of North Florida - Coggin College of Business MBA and GlobalMBA programs have been ranked in Tier One among business school globally in the 2024 Global MBA Rankings by CEO Magazine.

CEO Magazine showcases the top business schools in their annual Global Rankings, profiling MBA, Executive MBA and Online MBA programs.


🌟 Elevate Your Career with a Master of Science in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (MSLSCM)!

Are you ready to thrive in the fast-paced world of logistics and supply chain management? Our MSLSCM program is designed to equip you with cutting-edge knowledge and skills, essential for navigating the complexities of global supply chains and logistics networks.

📚 This month, we're shining a spotlight on our students, alumni, and faculty in the program. Discover their journeys, gain insights from their experiences, and see how the MSLSCM program has propelled their careers forward.

👉 Learn more and explore how the MSLSCM program can advance your career:


📣Graduate Program Professor Spotlight

Dr. Dag Naslund, Professor of Operations Management .

☑️ How long have you been part of UNF? And, what courses are you currently teaching in the graduate program?

I have been at UNF for 21 years. I am currently teaching MAN6525 Process Management and Quality Improvements and MAN6536 Business Process Management. I have also recently taught MAN6501,

☑️ When it comes to being a professor at UNF, what aspect of the role brings you the most joy and fulfillment?

I became a professor to do research and to teach. I still love doing both. It is a true privilege to have the time and ability to explore an interesting idea, or a new phenomenon. I also like to do applied research where the goal is to contribute to both practice and academia.

☑️ What is your best UNF memory?

Given that I have been at UNF for 21 years, it is really hard to pick one best memory. Last year I was awarded the UNF Graduate Mentor of the Year Award. Being recognized for my research with a professorship was also a proud moment.

☑️ How do you engage with and support your students outside the classroom?

Providing feedback is a major part of my mentoring and one of my favorite tasks as a teacher. In this perspective, I try to develop assignments so that each assignment builds on the previous one – both in terms of content/context but also in terms of difficulty and complexity. My analogy is that the students walk up the stairs with me – one step at the time. It is really rewarding when students contact me long after they have graduated to discuss issues they are facing at work.

☑️ What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

Spending time with family, grocery shop and surf.

☑️ If you had to recommend one book to others, what would it be, and what makes it a must-read in your opinion?

The sun also rises by Ernest Hemingway. The language, the story, the message is what make it a must-read.


📣Coggin Graduate Program Student Spotlight

Meet Alexandra Szilagyi in the Master of Science in Management (MsM) Program.

Why did you choose UNF?

As a recent UNF graduate in mechanical engineering, returning to the nest felt very gratifying. I decided to pursue a master's program with a focus in management to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the corporate world. The MSM program also easily accommodates my busy work schedule.

Goals after graduation? How does the program you are in help you in your current career?

I am excited about the prospect of utilizing all this accumulated knowledge to become a more 'extroverted' engineer, if such a thing truly exists. My goal is to effectively communicate my ideas across various functions and contribute to enhanced collaboration, and maybe one day lead a team.

Advice for future graduate students?

We all possess the ability to achieve greatness if we are willing to take risks. Allow yourself to learn something new and enjoy doing it at the same time.

Learn more about the MSM program:


We are excited for our Spring 2024 Coggin Graduate Mixer: The Power of Engagement, Lessons from Local Leaders on March 1st.

The evening will kick off with a welcome from Coggin College of Business Dean, Dr. Richard Buttimer.

The panel will include valuable insights from Coggin Graduate and Executive Program Alum and Jacksonville business leaders, Matt Berseth, Stacey King, Zehra Mesic, Sean Fortener.

We look forward to a night of learning and connection.


📣Coggin Graduate Program Student Spotlight

Meet Romina Sines in the Master of Science in Management Program.

Why did you choose UNF?
I chose UNF for its wonderful business college and the MSM program which offers me, a non-business undergraduate, the opportunity to learn and grow in business.

What is your favorite part about being a graduate student?
As a graduate student I am more focused and aware of my career path. So far, my business courses and professors have offered a more detailed path into what I want to do once I finish this program. I'm also enjoying working as a graduate assistant for the UNF Coggin College of Business.

Advice for future graduate students?
I know it can be consuming, especially for graduate students because of work and family life, to add graduate courses to your schedule, but I promise you that it's worth it. I'm halfway through my program and I feel more knowledgeable and empowered because of the experience I've amassed.

To learn more about the MSM program please follow this link:


🌟 Transform Your Career with the Master of Science in Management (MSM)!

🚀 Do you have a non-business undergraduate degree? Dive into the world of business with our MSM program! Gain essential business skills, expand your professional network, and open doors to new opportunities.

📅 This month, we’re shining a spotlight on the journeys of our MSM students, alumni, and faculty. Discover their stories, learn from their experiences, and see how the MSM program can catapult your career to new heights.

👉 Ready to embark on this transformative journey? Explore more here:


Meet Sebastian Olrog, one of our Graduate Assistants from Sweden! 🌍✨ Join us in learning about his unique Christmas celebration and cultural traditions



Are you a Coggin Graduate Program Alumni? We invite you to join the Coggin Graduate Alumni Network (CGAN):

Upcoming events include:
✔️January 2024: Coggin College of Business hosted Basketball game and pregame hospitality
✔️ February 2024 : Spring 2024 Coggin Graduate Program Mixer, Pre-Mixer Social
✔️February 2024: Lunch with Coggin College of Business Leadership
✔️August 2024: Fall 2024 Coggin Graduate Program Mixer, Pre-Mixer Social

Additional benefits include:
✔️Mentorship opportunities with the Coggin College of Business
✔️Priority Invitations to Coggin Executive Programs
✔️Exclusive invitations to Coggin Graduate Alumni Socials
✔️Access to the Coggin Graduate Alumni Network LinkedIn Group


Congratulations to all of our Graduates this semester!


Meet Ruhan, one of our Graduate Assistants from Rwanda! 🌍✨ Join us in learning about his unique Christmas celebration and cultural traditions



Happy Graduation week Coggin Graduate Ospreys!

Are you wondering how to wear your gown and hood? Follow these steps to make sure you are ready

1️⃣ Hold the fabric with the brown side up and pull some of the excess fabric though.

2️⃣Make sure the point in the front is in front of your neck with the string hanging down.

3️⃣Have someone connect the string to the button on the back of your hood.

Photos from Coggin Graduate and Executive Programs's post 12/06/2023

It is Exam week, and Ozzie certainly knows how to fuel up for his finals. Best of luck to everyone on their exams!

University of North Florida Coggin Graduate and Executive Programs


Happy Thanksgiving!

We are thankful for our Coggin Graduate Ospreys and the business community we interact with and help soar to new heights.

What are you thankful for this year?


📣 Graduate Program Director Spotlight:

Dr. Justin Zhang, Graduate Program Director for the MSBA

- What advice do you have for students, as they consider and/or start the MSBA?
My advice for students considering or starting an MSBA is to be curious and open-minded. The field of business analytics is dynamic and constantly evolving. It is important to remain curious, ask questions, and be willing to adapt to new technologies and methodologies. Also, be sure to network with peers and faculty; these connections can be invaluable in your future career.

- Where did you get your degrees?

I got my Ph.D. in Management Science and Information Systems from Pennsylvania State University. My educational background has been instrumental in shaping my career and understanding the intricacies of business analytics.

- What is your best UNF memory?

I have many good memories associated with UNF, but one that stands out is when our student team in the MSBA program won the best presentation award at the Southeast Decision Science Institute Conference in 2022. It was a memory I will always cherish, seeing the culmination of students’ months of hard work and dedication and their excitement and enthusiasm on that day.

- What is your favorite quote?
“In God we trust; all others bring data.” - W. Edwards Deming

- What book might you recommend to others and why?

I would recommend the book “Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman. This book delves into the fascinating world of human decision-making, exploring the two systems that drive the way we think. It provides valuable insights into cognitive biases, rational thinking, and how we can make better decisions in various aspects of life, including business analytics.


Coggin Graduate Program- Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Jay Coleman

- How long have you been part of UNF? and what courses are you currently teaching in the graduate program?

I’ve been at UNF for 35 years, since August of 1988. I’m currently teaching Data Visualization (ISM 6419), which is a required course in the MSBA program, as well as Modeling & Management of Operations (MAN 6501), which is an elective course in the program.

-When it comes to being a professor at UNF, what aspect of the role brings you the most joy and fulfillment?

I really enjoy being in front of a classroom of students. It’s energizing, and I hope I give that back to them. And seeing the light come on is very fulfilling, and I’m not talking about the one in the room. Seeing a student have that “aha” or “oh, I get it” kind of moment is a favorite of any professor.

-What is your best UNF memory?

As someone who grew up playing and following sports, and who has published a lot of academic research on sports analytics (including the selection process for the NCAA basketball tournament), and who attended the very first basketball game in the UNF Arena 30 years ago, it was being in attendance when our men’s team sealed a bid to the NCAA Tournament back in 2015, and attending our first (and still only) tournament game in Dayton, Ohio.

- How do you engage with and support your students outside the classroom, such as through mentorship, research opportunities, or involvement in student organizations?

As someone who has been around for as long as I have – read that: as an old guy! – I try to offer whatever career advice I can to my students. A great deal of their success will come not from the content they learn in their courses, but from navigating within and across the organizations in which they work.

-If you had to recommend one book to others, what would it be, and what makes it a must-read in your opinion?

The Bible. God’s Word > man’s words.


📣 Student Spotlight: Meet Ruhan Gagnani, MSBA Student.
Ruhan is also a GA working for our office.

-Why did you choose UNF?

I chose UNF primarily because they offered the Master of Science in Business Analytics program, which aligned perfectly with my career aspirations. The fact that a close friend had a great experience in the inaugural class of the MSBA program at UNF only solidified my decision. The program's reputation and the chance to be part of a supportive academic community were strong selling points for me.

- What is your favorite part about being a graduate student?

My favorite part about being a graduate student is the opportunity to delve deeper into my field of interest. I thrive on the challenges presented by advanced coursework and enjoy the intellectual growth that comes with it.

- What are your goals after graduation?

After graduation, my immediate goal is to gain industry experience in the field of business analytics. I believe that hands-on experience will further deepen my understanding and expertise. In the long term, I aspire to start my own business, utilizing the skills and knowledge I've acquired during my graduate studies. I'm excited about the opportunities that lie ahead and look forward to making a meaningful impact in the industry.

- Advice for future graduate students?

For future graduate students, my advice is to fully embrace the experience. Make the most of your time by actively engaging in coursework and seeking opportunities to apply what you've learned in real-world settings, whether through research, internships, or assistantships. Networking is also crucial, so take advantage of the connections you can make in your program and within your university. Lastly, remember to strike a balance between academic and personal life, pursuing your passions and hobbies, just like my love for soccer, to maintain a healthy and fulfilling graduate journey.


📣 Student Spotlight

Meet Giorgio Colletti, MSBA Student.
Giorgio is also a GA and has been with our office since Spring 2023.

- Why did you choose UNF?

I chose UNF because of the flexibility of the programs offered. My goal was to obtain my degree in one calendar year, and thanks to this flexibility, I was able to do so.

- What is your favorite part about being a graduate student?

I love that I can contribute to the University’s success by offering my professional experience as Product Management and the Analytics skills that I am perfecting with my Master in Business Analytics. Discovering improvement opportunities for the Cogging Graduate and Executive Programs Office has been a great way to give back what I’m learning while keeping my Product Management mindset active.

- What are your goals after graduation?

After graduation, my goal is to become a Product Manager in a restaurant tech SaaS company. I am deeply fascinated by the power of food to unite people and believe that technology is the key to enhancing this connection on a large scale. With a Master's in Business Analytics and a background in Product Management, I'm well-prepared to identify industry challenges and discover growth opportunities. I'm passionate about making a meaningful impact in this field.

- What are your hobbies?

I live by the motto Mens sana in corpore sano (a healthy mind in a healthy body), so I like to explore and cook healthy but delicious recipes, work out, and surf.


📣 Alumni Spotlight

Meet Angel Perez Vila, - PhD Student in Operations at the University of Cincinnati. Master of Business Analytics, class of 2022.

- What advice would you give incoming students?

(1) Be proactive. The program goes by very fast. Talk to other students, professors, people in industry. The best opportunities are often found by talking to people.

(2) Be diligent with your work. You will be presented with numerous learning opportunities throughout the MSBA program - take advantage of them. Even if you are simply working on a class project, don't fall into the trap of just getting it done.

- What drew you to choose the UNF program for your graduate studies?

I did my undergrad at UNF and I had a great experience. When I graduated with my bachelor's degree, I knew that I wanted to continue learning, and in particular, I wanted to gain some more analytical skills that I could apply when solving problems. UNF started the MSBA program the following fall semester, so it was a perfect match.

- What have you been up to since graduation (Career, Life, Travels, etc)?:

After graduating, I started working as a Business Data Analyst at Crowley. A major part of my part of my role was to research new technologies and to determine how they could be best integrated into our operations. I left Crowley last July in order to pursue a PhD in Operations at the University of Cincinnati.

- What is it like being a PhD Student ? What do you love about your work?

I am now back to being a full-time student. I spend a large amount of my time learning new concepts and analytical techniques that I can apply in research through a variety of courses. I am also collaborating with professors in different research projects, which is something that I truly enjoy. What I love the most about my work is the constant learning, and how I get to work with many brilliant individuals.


This month, follow us as we soar through details about the UNF MSBA program.

We will feature the Master of Science in Business Analytics program details, benefits, features of our Graduate Program Director, professor, students, alumni and what will help you master your career.

Interested in learning more?


Coggin Graduate Program- Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Michelman

- How long have you been part of UNF? and what courses are you currently teaching in the graduate program?

I currently teach Accounting Fraud, Accounting Ethics, and Nonprofit Accounting. Previously I taught Advanced Accounting Information Systems and Advanced Managerial Accounting.

-What is your best UNF memory?

Watching the success of my students. Right now, I am particularly proud of City of Jacksonville CFO Anna Brosche and City of Jacksonville Council Auditor Time Taylor. They were best friends in the Undergraduate and MAcc programs and each took me for three classes. Both women are great role models for our students. Steve Moore who was a top student, came to work for me full-time in the Dean's office when I was Associate Dean. Steve now is CEO of Vestcor Companies Inc. and last year was appointed to the UNF Board of Trustees.

- How do you engage with and support your students outside the classroom ?

Seven of my students have gone on to get PhDs in accounting and I was involved in mentoring them though the process and each one has gone on to become very successful (one is currently at the University of Florida). I have done over 70 directed independent study projects with students, 10 have been involved in consulting projects and 10 have led to published papers. While I was President of the Florida Chapter of the Healthcare Financial Management Association, I was able to get about 12 of them involved as either officers or committee chairs early in their careers. I worked with a key group of our top accounting student to launch the UNF Chapter of Beta Alpha Psi.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time? Spending time with me wife, cycling, walking and volunteering in the community.


📣 Student Spotlight: Marlene Olavarria, MACC Student

- Why did you choose UNF?

I grew up in Jacksonville, so I chose UNF to stay close to my family and friends, in addition to that I liked UNF's smaller classroom sizes and how at UNF I can go up to a professor and ask questions and get to know them one on one.
What is your favorite part about being a graduate student?
One of my favorite parts about the grad program is the opportunity to apply what I learned in undergrad. In most classes we read case studies and do research on relevant topics that interest the student. Additionally, working in groups allows me to prepare for my career where I will be working in teams and will have to collaborate with others.

- Goals After graduation?

My goals after graduation include obtaining my CPA license and working in tax for KPMG. My internship exposed me to a great group of people I look forward to working with in the coming year.

- What are your hobbies ?

During my free time, I love spending time outdoors with family and friends. Nature trails and the beach are two of my favorite places to be, and if I am indoors, I enjoy baking.

-Do you have any advice for future graduate students?

Being a graduate student is not what I thought it would be at all. I have gotten the opportunity to get to know my professors and classmates at a more personal level and I am able to get career advice from them as needed. Ultimately, being in a Masters program is what you make of it. You can be the student that sits in the back and leaves as soon as being dismissed, or you can take the time to meet both your classmates and your professors and gain insight on the career you are pursuing.


📣 Meet Coggin Graduate Ambassador: Grace Vu, MACC Student

Grace has been with our team since Fall 2022. Let's read about her story.

-Reasons for choosing UNF:

I completed my undergraduate degree at UNF in 2020 and was looking to pursue a MACC Degree at UNF to sit for my CPA Exam. Since I was already familiar with UNF and two of my roommates had earned their Master's degrees there, I decided to continue my education at UNF.

-How has your experience as a GA Ambassador contributed to your personal and professional growth?

Being a graduate ambassador has significantly contributed to my professional development. I've had the opportunity to connect with local business leaders and gain valuable insights from their experiences. Additionally, as a GA/SI, I genuinely enjoy helping students navigate through the class and achieve success. My biggest reward is seeing students earn an A in the class. Moreover, this role has allowed me to connect with UNF alumni, from whom I've received not only career advice but also valuable life advice

-What are the primary responsibilities and tasks that come with being a Coggin GA Ambassador?

I work on the marketing team, where I help Coggin Graduate Programs run their marketing campaign and manage their social media platforms. My other responsibilities include helping run various events such as executive workshops, mixers and recruiting potential students.

-What are some of your hobbies?

I play classical guitar and practice archery in my free time. Going out with my bow and arrows really helps me destress after a long day of studying or working. I'm also a member of the North FL Archery


📣 Student Spotlight

Meet Robert King, MACC Student

Why did you choose UNF?

I chose UNF because the campus was beautiful, class sizes were smaller than other universities, and Jacksonville is in a prime location for the accounting market. Further, UNF has one of the top-rated business colleges in the state of Florida (AACSB accreditation), and the accounting department is an extension of that top rating.

What is your favorite part about being a graduate student?

What I enjoy most about the graduate program is the range of material we cover. Undergraduate courses focus on the application of material, while the grad courses focus less on application and more on the theory and reasoning of that application.

What is your favorite part about being a graduate assistant?

As a grad assistant, I was a distance learning coach helping students learn accounting. I found this most rewarding because I was helping other students succeed. In my role as a coach, I provided supplemental material and sessions where we went over content and problems from the course. This provided a good review for me and helped students become more confident with the material.

What is your goal after graduation?

My goal after graduation is to become a CPA before I start working at KPMG. I have taken one of the four parts of the CPA exam and hope to be done by the time I start with KPMG in Fall 2024.

Do you have any advice for future graduate students?

Take advantage of the new perspectives you learn from. The graduate program takes a step away from application to educate students on different ways of thinking. The professors in the graduate programs are all professionals with their own unique experiences and perspectives; students should engage with their educators more to expand their ways of thinking and how to approach different scenarios and viewpoints.


📣 Alumni Spotlight
Meet Kristina Sidoti, CPA - Vice President of Global Accounting and Control at Clearsense
Kristina graduated with her MACC in 2012.

- As a working professional, what advice would you give incoming students?

Network and intern. Network with your classmates as much as possible. They will be your future colleagues in the workforce. Ten years from now, your group partner may be your tax advisor.

- What drew you to choose the UNF program for your graduate studies?

I loved my undergraduate experience and was not ready to leave UNF just yet. The accounting professors in the MACC program were great - they offered real-world experiences and were understanding with students balancing the MACC and studying for the CPA exam.

- What have you been up to since graduation (Career, Life, Travels, etc)?

After spending almost 10 years in public accounting in the auditing world, I transitioned into private accounting and have been the VP of Global Accounting and Control at a technology start-up in Jacksonville for over 2 years. My husband (another UNF grad) and I spent our first few years after graduation traveling to Europe and Australia on vacation. We have since settled down with our twin 16-month-old daughters, who keep us on our toes! We are having so much fun with our girls - they attended their first UNF basketball game this past fall.

-What impact did the MACC have on your career?

The MACC helped prepare me for the CPA exam and my career in accounting. I learned about case studies that I saw play out in real time over the course of my career. From fraud accounting to auditing to business law - each of these courses helped prepare me for situations that I never thought I would experience.

-What drives you?
My family. I want to raise confident, intelligent, happy daughters who believe they can do anything.

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Our Story

The Coggin College of Business offers many programs that are designed with your strengths and unique interests in mind. Recognized by the Princeton Review as a Best Business School for the past eleven years, our graduate degree programs in Accountancy, Business Administration, and Management will equip you with the business skills you need to succeed throughout your career. Our GlobalMBA program offered through the International Business Flagship provides the opportunity to combine your studies with an experience in four countries and four outstanding universities.

Praised for its small class sizes and individual attention to students, you are a name at UNF, not a number. Professors will not only teach you, but they will coach and mentor you, too. You’ll get a hands-on education that will prepare you for a career in which you can be successful from the very first day.

Videos (show all)

Happy Graduation week Coggin Graduate Ospreys! Are you wondering how to wear your gown and hood? Follow these steps to m...
Meet Sebastian Olrog, one of our Graduate Assistants from Sweden! 🌍✨ Join us in learning about his unique Christmas cele...
Meet Ruhan, one of our Graduate Assistants from Rwanda! 🌍✨ Join us in learning about his unique Christmas celebration an...
Happy Graduation week Coggin Graduate Ospreys! Are you wondering how to wear your gown and hood? Follow these steps to m...
Welcome Coggin Graduate Ospreys to Fall 2023. We hope you have a great semester.  Tag us in your first week of class pho...
As you get ready for graduation in a couple weeks we wanted to share how to put on the “hood” of your graduation gown in...
Happy New Year 🎉 🎆 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣3️⃣2022 was a year for connection and growth.  From mixers, launching the Coggin Graduate Al...
Continuing with our December Holidays and Traditions for the month we have Sebastian Olrog from Sweden.#unf #UNFTRADITIO...
Fall Mixer Flashback📣Last week students, alumni, faculty, and Jacksonville Business Leaders connected at our Fall 2022 C...
Good morning Osprey and happy first day of classes for the fall 2022 semester! We hope you have a great first day on cam...
Excited for our Executive Briefcase kick off last week.Learn more:
Wanting to increase your executive presence? Take a look at some behind the scenes from our executive presence workshop ...


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